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The threat Byery nation planning its alr detence for the decades ahead ip obliged to anatyse the shreat ‘my fave ten, fiteen or even twenty Years from now. Long-term sirategi planning ty necessitated by many factors, nor least the Ione verve Wife ‘expected from delence equipment imobing substantial investment. 1 reliable assessment ofthe tactseand equipment Tikely to be employed by an aggresior ste 1980s ‘and 1990s can be built up from ax informed Inowledge of aerospace systems currently under development, combined wlth anextension of technological trends and computerized scenario forecasting. Tite fliowing picuure emerges: (© Atrsupesbsty ran aguzesor’s primary goal ‘Auhanes, ground wider an ar conto cenies ‘sma pert targets © Large unprotected aitbases ate vulnerable © Defence faa is vulnerable #9 enemy ‘ua homing msies © Advances st aeeoyaies, engine improve- spent and high-precision havigation stems will permit long-distance strikes alow altitude 2nd hgh apeed in any weather and ight conditions (© The aggressor will use advanced ECM equip- (© Nov standoff weapons will be launched at ial cisanee fom te let CU ee aniairerali muna, sorfaceto~ So, eter sera au xcesve BOM fe Teeny a.sed ert and wenpone sale ated ‘by potential ageressors ithe | | | Defence strategy The basic treat picture outlined opposite apples to aerial hontlities Between technically advanced ‘countries anywhere inthe world, Threat analysis dererminesa country's choice of an air defence ‘pitem and guides the evolution ofa defence sategy. © Disporsil of STOL aircraft to many small secondary airfields, road airbases et. is the most casteffective way of surviving a pre- emptive attack and relsining retaliation capability (Combat aircraft must be capable of operation independent of any ground radar support © Combat aircraft must be capable of intercept- ing low fastying hostile aieraft any weather and light conditions. This requite: 1 all-weather operational capability, 6 radar lbok-down capability © high acceration and supersonic speed event low akitude © high manoeuvrability © Combat steraft must be highly resistant to ECM (© Combat aircratt must be capable of intercept: ing attacking aircraft well out from national ‘boundaries, This tequires: instantaneous aerate reaction ‘9 high acceleration and high speed © ong patrol endurance © long-range radar capability 6 alkweather radar homing missles for long-range defence ‘© For strike missions combat sireraft must possess © long range © good low-lying performance at high speed ‘with heavy loads 19a flexble high-precision navigation system ‘9 ground mapping tadar for longicange Target deteotion © heavy load capacity (© a high-precision weayin delivery systems offering freedom to choose tactes © stand-off missile and advanced ECM facilities ‘© Design flexibility permitting the incoxpo’ tion of future weapon systems Viggen the defender Viggen features vital for effective ar defence: (© operational take-off and landing in Tess than 500 metres (© tomaround between fighter missions only ten minutes ‘© immediate response, airborne ia under 30 seconds from order with fall fighter capability © recat systems capable of independent operation on missions (© allweather radar missle systems for long-range defence ‘© advanced infrared homing missles for medium and short ranges effec- tive even in frontal attacks Mara-nting cannon “Toe 0mm Oston ECA canon edt the Viggen a he het il proba by sca ennon ye evelopee Compared {otonventonal cannon thc nee Viggen canon 2 Sd tei poeta vere he ve age i che tmes te impaceoerey (@ ‘advanced radar for long range target detection with pulse dopplet ‘mode for full Iook-down capability ‘© high acceleration, supersonic in less than 60 seconds from order, (© High climb performance, 10 km altitude in les than 100 secs, ‘© supersonic performance even at low altitude with mises high manoeuvrability systems highly resistant to ECM © ong patrol endurance (© esign flexibility allowing introdue- tion of new weapons (Carries new missles Viggen cen sites ae ged accommlate te mo moat Sib ea ‘Excoped nese homing le oe Seah ‘39% for medion and sho ranges bees the ‘very ates yadar-homing mises fr Tong ‘age alent: use Elswoni a the Vige “readapabe at ow conn acset new We ‘time which may be avaaie ft ‘ae Vigséen the ground attacker ‘The three basic objectives of a ground stack aircraft ares ‘To reach and find the target_ ‘To destroy the target ‘The Viggen's radivs of detion ‘Target destriction is dependent Aitlow altitude exceeds 400 nm. on weapon load and hit pre Delta wing configuration pro- cision. The Viggen carries vides extremely smooth low. 413,200 Ib (6 tonnes) of exter» level flying performance and nal Weapons, Including stand- pllovemfort even at high speed off missles, delivered with ‘witha heavy load, A precision exteeme precision. Wespon havigaton system, head-up ‘Systeme provide a choise of Gisplay and ground mapping tactics radar for long-range farget detection are other Viggen feature fciitating target acquisition 3 —_ ™] The command ied San 84 srosrlac mie deed Phe Sd HE te fine ie pny de Te sl ges wey wes coon “To survive and retorn Four basie methods of survival te open {0 the Visaen pilot He may fvat highspeed and ow atid engage i close combat with hostile BRIS Uulizing Viggen manoeuseab ing oe electron counter- eases against enemy air defences, 0 employ ng ange andoff mikes aginst Srongly delended tages. ‘The Viggen airframes scong enough teary heavy stand Gf weapons suc as three Baye Su HE irtstin Viggen avionics The Viggen’sergonometrically designed cockpit isthe result of ‘unique R&D programme to reduce plot workload, elimi nate all unnecessary pilot strain And provide absolute mastery ‘Ofer controls and instruments ‘Bie spacious cockpit in the ‘Vigaen is logically and neatly artangel, the numberof instru- mients has been kept to @ mini ‘um ard the instrument pane! 1 dose othe pilot for easy read-out, Features like these ‘cde the isue during super Sonic fight at tree-top level in adverse visibility Electronic equipment presents ‘ight data, nay'gation informa: tion, tajgét location and acqui- sition dha, weapon aiming and delivers information. These data are channelled to three diferent displays Head-ap display for low-level ‘light and close-in air combat ‘Radar dsplay for all-weather intereeption and ground map- ping ‘Tactical splay features the combat situation and an elee trabie nap, Viggen avionies incorporate the latest aveilable components land methods inclading highly Teliable digital technology with programmable processors, se ial binary signal cqmmunica- tion and synthetié electronic displays. The Viggen central computer is combined with a Tunigue display system to pre- Sent only the information required in each mission phase ‘This reduces workload inthe {form of instrument reading, Interpretation and switching, and increases pilot capacity, ‘significant factor for survival ‘The inertial navigation system, digital airdata computer and multimode pulse doppler radar supply the central digital com- puter with data from the air Graft anc the outside world including airy land and sea targets. The central computer ‘ses tess data for fire 69 01 Calculations in which pre-pr: rammed weapon information, aireraft éypamic behaviour in ‘elation 1 pilot capability and timerlag, and other available data are tan jnto account. Computerized processing of ‘this information results in opti- mized weapon aiming and delivery. Future weapons or tactics can jn most cases be accommodated simply by reprogramming the central computer. Key radar tnd electronic display system parameters are also under softwarecontrol. TOL for survival ‘The Saab Viggen is designed to Viggen’s short take-otl is a Shorted landing sa result of Thrust-everser take off and land in distances result of high thrustto-veight low approach and lending Avtar and automate as short at $00 metres. STOL ratio with engine afterburner, speed with good stability and {Ein cect cae tn Vag Performance enables the Vig- and good take-off stability control, an aatomatic throttle, ft. The we-esed thrust reverse fen to operate from damaged provided by Viggen ui rugged undeveariage and use eer src ro ches Funways, small secondary twin deta wing design. of thrust reversing after touch- Bisfilds and stretches of road down TU this wile dispersal capabi- ity that makes it dtl for the Viger on the ground alo wi phate sre pe an ae avon oS eas Weapons for every mission ‘The Viggen has the capacity surface targets and bulky ECM Fighter mission and performance carry most equipment. Six tonnes of exter- Radar homing missiles external aircraft weapon fal weapons and full intemal rated homing mistiles currently in use or foreseen, fuel can be carried on combat OerliKon 30 mm cannon. including long-range stani-off missions. missiles for strongly deferded Altack mission Stard off missiles Bombs Rockets Cannon Elestronie countermessure equipment Reconraissance mission Infrate line seanner equipment High aed low altitude ecomnais Photoflah pods Electronic countermensure equipment Fast turnaround—high availability | Maintenance savings Fast wrmaround enables the ‘The overall cost of Viggen ‘with limited personnel and basic Viggen to fy up to 11 sorties ‘operation is very favourably facilities. The eeatvely small pets nour period (mean affected by the low mainte- maintenance effet requited by ‘alue) under operational con. nance elfort required. Ease of the Viggen and other Saab Sitions, an outstanding figure ‘maintenance was an essential __aireraftis confirmed by Swe- for an aircraft ofthis class, Gesign goal in view of Sweden's den's high ratio of combat techncien, is ‘own wartime policy of sieraft’ _aireaft to persornel. ‘Sioperal 9 small field Bases The right concept for today and tomorrow Continuous product improve ‘ment and incorporation ofthe Tatest advances in propulsion, electronics and weapons will ensure that the Viggen is as advanced in the furor as itis today. Production ofthe Viggen for the Swedish Air Force is planned to continue beyond the ‘id 19808, Viggen versions Attack AI37 ‘The all-weather attack version of the Viggen has been in Service with the Swedish Air Force since 1972, Several squadrons are now fully equip- ped with this version which is powered by one Swedish RMA furbofan engine developing 11,800 kp thrust with after- Dbumer. Main weapons consist ‘of Saab O4E and OSA tactical ‘missiles, air-to-surface rockets, bombs and cannon [Reconnaissance SH37 & SE37 ‘Two all-weather reconnaissance versions of the Viggen are now in quantity production. The SH37 is designed for combined sea surveillance and attack eoles, while the SF37 is ‘equipped for day and night pphoto-reconnaissance. Ait frames, engine and equipment are similar to the attack version, the main external dliference is the camera ose ofthe SF37. ‘Trainer SK37 Basie plot conversion and supersonic training are provid ed by a two-seat dual-control version of the Viggen also [quipped for combat missions. ‘The Viggen trainer carries a yanent external fuel tank linder the belly. epi of sen Via pots we Sate le Po Vgen rtm 10 Sed it Force Fighter 3A37 "This i the latest version to be developed for the Swedish Air Force, An improved engine, the [RMB developing with after ‘burner 12,750 kp thrust, has ‘boosted fighter version per formance. Other major £ghter version features are supetior target search and acquistion pulse doppler radar, a new ‘entral computer with five times the capacity ofthe Viggen attack version, ard new weapons such as long-range ‘missiles and an advancec (erlikon 30 mm cannon, Development and growth potential Saab 37 Viggen basic data Experience and resources ‘Atle and rcomainance versions: Ope Vol pany was founded in 1937 tothe company among Europe's. modern in the world. An : ey 7780-29) turotan eagle wth « Swed ‘designed aireraft under licence bat aircraft. Besides jets, Saab-_Viggeanecessitated the covering. Slept shermer Mat sete i forthe Smith AirForce Tae Scan as manutaced over” arely new ground in SR ANDTs tos Gist Sab-dssigned scat few 100 pitonengined scale. such fields a serodymamics, = Fier yrsn: An ingore ven of the RMA in i040, and over te years” former andl eusomer biouchnology and contol dy- cabs deed BME te tres wh StabSeinn ha produced more round the word amc. Tand other research ear e than 30 diferent arerat StabSeana Aefopace Dist has ldo advances in aera Sods Sice 1949 Saab-Scania sion facies forbade reteareh, constriction, mater and Pimento cansin | ata otc Sie on eli ogbaisrmechy coms, ca Etat! pa en S85) miltryjersteratto thet Sray misses and apace Viggen Hig overall ai i dod 000m (13 10) ele eer vein se etsy anal aamect 17,000 kg Saab military jets ea) Performance (ihe veron) Sintoetyese S eee Mach 2 Send ca pic" ee wane as fom bres eft igs tan 100 £5 spe Se ei Landing ro approx. stom (lean ae. Saab 248 Saab 32 Lancon Saab 108 ‘hi the ist of Sea's miltry TheLansonws the fist tran- 190 Stab 105 twins rein Fetaicrafy was an tnconven.” doniallveaherfighterbomber service withthe ai forces of coal cometsion ofa pstowr —foenterserce a wetter Sweden and Austin for ned pusher propeller Europe. A totalof 450 Langns tiinng tac, eecontaieance fighter Say aia were tere builtin thts verone for” andlaion due ‘lived infigher and aiack tacky sonnalosance ‘and servons. Hater rie Saab 29 Saub 35 Draken ‘The Saab 29 was thefirst Euro- A deita-wing supersonic air- pean swept-wing fighter to ‘raft for fighter, attack and enter service, and atthe time reconnaissance missions. More Saab 37 Viggen femained the most modern than 600 Drakens have been 350-400 Viggen aircraft in European fighter for several _ delivered tothe air forces of five versions will be produced Years, A total of 661 aircraft Sweden, Renmark and Finland. for the Swedish Air Force. In five versions were produced for fighter, attack and recon: Seat Sei AB, Ase Sat Loko po, Swed Telepoe: gt 46 13129020 "lex 30040 sasbgs

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