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9325 Discovery Boulevard

Manassas VA 20109

File Number 318B-WF-2919820

Requesting Official s and Office s SA Jamie Vera WFO

Task Number s and Date Completed

Name and Office of Transcriber OST Rebecca Nelson WFO

Name and Office of Reviewer

Source File Information

Name of Audio File or CD Andrew Powers Interview 121818 File 0008

Date Time Duration 12182018 04 45PM Pacific Time Duration 01 0414


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CD Andrew Powers Interview 121818
Session 0008


JV SA Jamie Vera
CM SA Cameron Mizell

AP Andrew Powers
UMI Unidentified Male I

UFI Unidentified Female I

U172 Unidentified Female 2


U1 Unintelligible

OV Overlapping voices

SC Simultaneous Conversation

PH Phonetic pronunciation
Italics in second
Spoken language

RC Recorded message

I I Exegesis or TranslatorTranscriber's Notes TN

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JV This is Special Agent Jamie Vera and Cameron Mizell It is Tuesday December
eighteenth at four-forty-five P-M Pacific Time Doing a subject interview with

Andrew Powers at the Westdrift PH Hotel in Manhattan Beach Address is

fourteen hundred Park View Avenue

Only background noise heard from 0022 until 0044

CM Can you pop the trunk real quick

Only background noise heard from 0046 until 0222

CM Hello

Only background noise heard from 0223 until 0233

AP Hey UI how are you

AP UI Andy

CM Hey Cameron

AP Cameron

CM UI nice to meet ya
AP OV How are ya

CM Good

JV Um wanna is there a place maybe like a table or something UI that

wanna grab

JV UI where we should Ul
AP Do you wanna just get a cup of coffee or something

JV IA yeah

Only background noise heard from 0254 until 0258


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CM Yeah


AP We do yeah we're working on UI

JV Okay

AP UI organize UI
JV Alright UI

JV Yeah Yeah

CM Is it like self-service here or

JV OV UI Okay we'll grab UI


UMI Hi how are you

AP Hi are we okay to grab a seat

UMI UI anywhere you'd like Ul

AP OV Thank you very much

JV OV Thank you

UMI UI be right over here

JV Okay thank you


UM2 How're we doing UI


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AP IA So you all came up from Virginia

CM We did yeah

AP Yep

CM Yep work out of Manassas

AP Okay

CM Got an office out there

AP 0 we can probably sit in the corner

JV Yeah Ul
AP OV UI when they come over I'll uh
JV Yeah

CM Please excuse me I'm getting over a sinus infection so I sound a little bit


AP What's that

CM I said you'll have to excuse me I'm coming over a sinus infection so I'm a little

clogged up UI
AP Oh yeah no worries

CM We have a flight today wasn't uh

AP The uh

AP Air travel-air travel will do that to ya Ul

CM OV Yeah-yeah

CM Yeah so anyway


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JV OV Yeah UI It's a long flight

AP Yeah

JV Did you guys um moved out here recently

AP We moved out here about four months ago

JV Okay

AP Um had to drove so we had the dogs and five kids

JV You drove

CM OVI lull

JV all the way out here

AP OV Uh somy dad and I took a week uh drove out and um it wasn't bad it

was you know was a fun way to spend some time at try to uh find enough to

UI hang with him whenever I can


JV Well that's good

AP Yeah uh we did


AP uh Nashville Oklahoma City New Mexico L-A four days

JV Okay

CM Nice

JV OV lull

AP OV Got the dogs out Ul

JV OV UI yeah

AP we were worried about the dogs in the uh pressurized cabin


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JV Oh yeah

JV that's true

AP OV There have been some issues lately My wife knows more about it


JV How are you



UFI Would you like a menu

AP Just a coffee please

UFI Just coffee Okay

AP Yes

UFI Yeah

AP Black

JV I'm good


JV I'm-I'm okay

UFI Oh you Ul
JV OV I'm okay yeah

CM I'm fine too thank you

UFI Okay Ul
CM OV Appreciate it

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AP OV lull

JV Thank you

CM Brought a water

JV Yeah I know I drank all my water on the way here

AP So uh yeah in UI the kids flew out uh with my wife So yeah

JV Okay

AP They uh they did the trip But 1-1 do it all the time so we have business back in

JV Yeah

AP New York and uh D-C Boston uh

CM OV Do you drive all the time or you fly

AP 4-1 make the trip all the No I don't drive UI

JV OV UI lotta driving

CM OV That's a long haul

AP I've only driven it once Uh we did that just for exploration but uh yeah

CM Okay

CM OV Yeah I've done the-the drive to Utah before

AP Okay

CM But never as far as California I've flown here a couple times but yeah My wife's

got family out in uh like Utah and Idaho


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AP Okay

CM So we've done that drive since getting married d-yeah it's

AP Yeah

CM Road trip

JV Yeah Virginia to Florida that's about as far as I drive

AP Okay

JV But

AP Yeah

JV Bout twelve-thirteen hours So yeah I can't imagine driving all the way out here

AP Four days of that So yeah it's the same thing

JV OV That's a lot

AP just for four straight days so

JV That's a lot

AP Yeah it was cool Uh it was s

JV OV Yeah

AP you know like I said it was uh good way to see the country Uh
JV OV Yeah

AP never done that before Ul

JV OV Yeah Pause Um Ull so generally before we go talk to anybody we

always you know run the address and make sure everything and I noticed that

um that your daughter she was actually at the I guess was at the-the shooting

AP She was

JV Ul T-was she


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AP She's okay

JV OV Okay

AP Yeah she's okay Thankfully

JV OV She was there nothing

AP She was standing right beside the uh the cop that was shot Yeah so she uh she

witnessed the uh the guy that ran in

JV Are you serious

AP Uh yeah

JV Oh boy

CM OV Jeez

AP Thank you very much

UFI No problem

JV OV How's she um How's she doing Is she okay

AP You know um she's nineteen and really fragile and

JV OV Yeah

AP so I um I can't tell you that she was doing great before it

happened Um just
because she's nineteen and yeah um kind of UI in a-in a crazy stage of life

JV Yeah

AP Um so we'll watch her closely uh it's

JV OV Yeah

AP just happened so like yeah

JV OV Yeah it's very recent

AP it was literally W-within a week uh you've been to my home so the-the last


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active fire in Malibu was

JV OV Yeah

AP about a half a mile away from my house

CM I didn't realize that


AP Um so within a week we had that and the fires

CM Jeez

AP And so yeah it's been uh it's been a hell of a month

JV Lot going on

AP OV Um yeah

JV Yeah

CM OV Now the F-B-I knocks on the door so

JV yeah-yeah well we didn't-we didn't

AP OV Uh thanks for asking thanks for asking but yeah-yeah she-she's

JV OV Yeah when I thought about it

AP unharmed um
JV OV Good

AP herShe had uh three friends with her and all of them harmed

JV Oh my gosh

CM That's good

AP Urn so yeah it was a

JV OV UI still traumatic to be there Ul

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AP OV Incredible yeah no it was incre Thank you for asking She's uh she's

JV Okay well glad to hear that


JV Ul Well we didn't wanna alert anybody knocking on your door but um

well hopefully your you know your wife is not too alarmed

AP UI yeah she-she

JV OVI lull

AP understands what's going on Uh

JV OV Okay

AP I think we both um You know she's been um um a part of uh you know

a lot of the relationships that we had

JV Yeah

AP A lot of the relationships that have stayed consistent so yeah she's not alarmed

JV OV Okay good

AP at all It's not anything that uh

JV OV We didn't mean to scare her or anything So

JV OV Good good

AP I appreciate the uh-uh position

JV OV Yeah we don't like to

AP Yeah

JV Scare anybody Um


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AP So how can I help you

JV So yeah so you mentioned um We just wanna be you know very clear make
sure everything's clear from the beginning Ul

JV this is voluntary You know we're not-we're not forcing you to talk to us you
know you can tell us you know what

AP OV Okay

JV I don't wanna talk to

you I don't wanna answer any questions um that is

AP OV Lill

JV one hundred percent your choice so you know even if we start talking right

now and you're like I'm done tell us

AP OV Thank you

JV um we will leave

AP Okay

JV Um but the reason we're here today is you know kind of as I mentioned on the

phone you know obviously you know there's a lot going on with Virginia

AP Mhm

JV Urn they've put a lot of information out there You know we are seeing that

information we're just getting kinda their side what-what they're saying um

JV so we're out here today to talk to you and just to kind of see-get your take on
that get your side

AP Yeah

JV Um cause you know what we do so we work financial crimes that's what we

look into


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AP OV Sure

JV if we
AP OV lull

JV see if there's anything going on um and a lot of times when we do

investigations they can get UI like very invasive UI people and we want to

see if there's UI that it's kind of UI quieter and


JV Um talk to
you and see if we can straighten things out and see what's going on


AP Okay

JV Urn so I know that you recently had made a blog post on your website and

AP Mhm

JV You know just us from the outside reading it it sounded kind of like there were

some things that you maybe felt a little I don't know if remorseful is the word or

if you felt like um I mean the title of it is I Screwed Up So we're kind of


AP OV Yeah

JV to get your take on that and kind of what-what did you mean

AP Sure

JV By that

AP Yeah um so 1-1-1 am Urn you know 1-1 think one of the-the mistakes that I

made I didn't trust investors enough to appreciate the fact that we were in a

position as a business and then we were pivoting to another place Um we started

this company um UI through a channel so I don't-I don't know how familiar

you are with technology so stop me if there's uh you know anything that I can


JV OV Yeah


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AP but um We started the business um going through integrators and resellers so

people would take our product and build on top of it and deliver it to a customer
Um we You know for the last I'd say thirty-six months have been in the process

of moving to a more direct model um and that's really for the um primary reason

of improving our gross margins So when people do valuations on companies in

our space they try to get it um uh they-they give it a valuation based on its ability

to produce gross margins Gross margins are severely depressed when you go
through a channel cause you gotta pay a partner to-to get to the customer right

CM Right

AP And so um what we did was we presented the story that we wanted to be and
and where we were going as opposed to where we were

JV Okay

AP And so when I said I screwed up that-that's what I screwed up 1-1 didn't trust

our you know investors Um now I also went after a less sophisticated investor

um and my understanding at least initially was that the give and take there was

that they would sign a subscription agreement essentially saying that they have all

the information that they need in order to make the investment they're a qualified

investor um and I had the ability as long as I retained control of the company
which I have to
go you know file know
forward and-and try to get you as

much make as much progress you know on the business as we have as I

possibly could Um well you know when um the state of Virginia

JV OV lull

AP investigated us initially um they sort of keyed in directly on our business model

and then immediately um started cold-calling all of my investors and saying did

you know that Andy's going to market this UI Um well tha-that first of all

wasn't part of our original discussion We-we were having a very friendly

discussion just like this and

CM OV With Virginia State Corpor-yeah

AP With the state of Virginia and then the next day they just you know I started

getting calls from my investors saying that the S-E-C is calling me UI C-C

CM OV Right right


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JV OV Right right right Yeah


AP they live in this ambiguous kind of universe right

CM OV Sure

AP And so 1-1 guess 1-1 screwed up in two ways 1-1 misled investors um we were
you know intending to get to a direct model but we went through a channel uh

we probably didn't uh present that as well as we could've Uh I also screwed up

cause I went after a less sophisticated investor uh that when you know initiated

when-when the state of Virginia initiated communication with them they just

panicked and said

JV OV Yeah

AP yeah screw Andy right And so You know my response to that has been just

to not contest the state of Virginia you know effect-effectively say hey if

investors don't wanna be here then I don't want them to be here Um and we're

working my family the company we're working to liquidate and buy investors


JV Yeah

AP So that's a UI our position

CM OV With Communiclique that is or

AP yeah Communiclique

JV OV lull

AP so we've shed cost we've you know 1-1 don't know you've ev Or how much
how closely you've been paying attention to my website but none of my
executives that were drawing huge salaries work for the company any longer

JV Yeah

AP I'm-I'm working to you know um try to create as much capital as I possibly can

to buy these investors out and-and move on um you know the-the order from the

state of Virginia was a little bit ambiguous as well and kinda like It
says that

you know that we have to provide offers of precision to nine million dollars


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worth of investors Well those investors don't all want to get out right So what
we're doing

CM OV Right

AP right now to try to figure out which ones do and which ones don't

JV Mhm

AP Um and so that's kind of the-the situation that we're in today

JV Yeah

AP Um I've got one particular indiv-uh investor he's suing me personally for three

million dollars

UF2 Yeah

AP Uh we've made an offer to him his name's Jason Padadeu PH

CM Okay

AP Um so if you don't know him I

JV OV Yeah

AP I don't know what you know so um he's you know we-we've made an offer

uh to settle with his attorney

JV Yeah

AP Uh we haven't gotten a lot of communication back from that We have a court

date set in the state of Virginia Um and um

CM OV Settle for a-a lesser dollar amount

JV Andy what's your plans to uh

AP It's for the exact amount that


AP he invested yeah


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AP it's literally recision PH to the letter Yeah so it's recision PH to uh to the

dollar amount I think the uh the court suggested a percentage over that what

we want to do is get investors their money back first and then start to make advan

payments on you know what would UI Urn you know we're not a profitable

company we never claimed to be I think that's one of our other challenges with

this proceeding is that we never claimed to be making a lot of money um at least

not in profit um you know the company's uh overall profile was based on its

impact on the market and that was through a channel and yeah UI so


AP That's kind of our position So that-that's the latest with us is you know we my
family and I have been-we've been planning this move to Los Angeles for uh a

number of years this summer um because of my oldest daughter's sort of move

into college and everything else kind of presented itself as an opportunity so

that's what we chose to do

JV Yeah

AP I-it worked out to be okay timing to get away from Virginia but I mean I
JV Yeah

AP We've seen a couple of bloggers that have written you know that uh we're uh

somehow evading you know the state of Virginia but we're not really doing

that we're-we just happened to be moving Ul

JV OV Yeah you planned to move out here anyway

AP We planned the move Ul

JV OV Yeah that's fair Um so when you I know you chose not to contest the

state of Virginia I mean do you feel that there's UI what their-their order is

UI on point or are they completely wrong

AP Um no I think they're completely wrong

JV Okay

AP But I'm okay with it I mean 1-1-1-we-we want to be away from investors that


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want to be away from us And you know the-the state of Virginia um is a

commonwealth and i-there's two of those And so I've-I've

JV OV Yeah

AP learned more about this than I ever wanted to know but like the-there's some

pageantry associated with commonwealth law um and you know sort of like

pursuing people UI part of that sort of like um I think that uh that mantra that

they follow we just don't want anything to do with it So at the end of the day
like we see that you know UI to you know get o-get through this is just to

break buy investors out um you know at some point we'll establish a-a new
corp um move all the old shares into the new corp and then all the investors'll um
you know sign agreements saying that they're happy the way that we're-we're

moving forward It-we-you know the truth is is that a majority of our investors

are happy with you know what we're doing

JV Yeah

AP There's a handful that are not and we're working to-to satisfy the decision UI
so yeah

JV Yeah so 1-1 mean again so you know we just have what's been relayed

through Virginia Um so I know one of their biggest issues was the whole

revenue thing right


JV That's kinda one of the biggest things that they talk about in there is that you

know you have claimed to make a hundred and sixty some million dollars in

revenue and they're saying that's not true so I mean

AP OV Right

JV What do you say to that

AP Well so we work through a channel um and you know the-the channel claim a

majority of that revenue um

JV What do you I'm Ul
AP OV W-we-we


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JV What do you mean a-a channel Are you saying

AP OV We work through channel partners So we go with a partner who then goes

to a customer the channel gets a majority of the credit for that revenue and then

we get the margin on top of that

JV Okay

AP What we were trying to present was our impact on the market

JV Okay

AP Um and so our ability to generate revenue with channel partners right So like at

the end of the day 1-1 think it-it probably sounded like a lot of revenue to

JV OV Yeah

AP the state of Virginia cause they usually investigate uh real estate you know
other sort of small you know uh scenarios um we-we felt like it sounded like a

small amount of revenue relative to the impact when you look at our competitors

So if you look at Twillio PH and all the other folks that are generating billions

of dollars

JV OV Yeah

AP of revenue we were just trying to make ourselves like stand out by comparison

JV Okay

AP Um so yeah i-it was never our intent to make our investors think that we were
bigger than you know maybe we were necessarily We just wanted to show that

we were compared uh we compared well to our um uh partners in our

JV OV Yeah

AP in our-in our sector Um so I-and I-and I get it but like Regard A-a million

dollars a hundred million dollars two hundred million dollars that's a lot of

money Um but

AP OVI lull

AP comparatively speaking a-all we were trying to do is show the impact that we

had on the market right And if we pivoted to a direct model that would be our


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revenue so when we pivot that will be-you will contract directly with customers

And that process is working it just hasn't I mean it definitely been slowed by a

lot of the information that's available out there Uh as I said we're just trying to

reorganize um yeah get rid of investors that want to be you know um that

want to move on

JV Yeah

AP And rebuild our company so

JV Yeah so does or did Communiclique have any revenue

AP Communiclique had about a hundred million dollars worth of revenue in two

thousand and seventeen

JV Okay and so just to make sure that when we say So when I say revenue so

I'm a

JV C-P-A okay So I have an accounting

AP OV Sure

JV background so um very familiar with emails balance sheets all that So umm
just want to make sure that our definition of revenue is the same

AP OV Sure

JV Uh so when you say that Communiclique has one hundred million dollars of

revenue or had in 2017 what does that mean to you

AP So that means both uh the combined margin that we received from our resellers

and the revenue that we booked directly to customers So that's not counting I

recognize the mistake now in counting all our partners revenue


AP That's not counting our partners revenue that's recognizing the margin that we
made so what we received directly as profit

JV Okay


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AP from the engagements and the direct relationships we had with clients in 2017 As
far as 2018 1 don't know what to expect yet

JV OV Right UI

AP we're still waiting for uh

JV OV So so you're saying in 2017 Communiclique had one hundred million in

revenue that's including the partners that you were

AP OV Not including

JV Not including

AP Not including So we removed that

CM What was uh represented to investors at the time though

AP One-sixty-five

CM Okay So sixty-five was

AP OV That was including partner revenue UI

CM So sixty-five was all partner revenue

JV I've got some other And who like what like what kind of partners are we
talking about

AP So everybody from IBM So big integrators to little boutique shops like The

Nerdery PH and people that have developers a lot of times out of India uh that

build on top of our platform uh that

engage with uh our clients on our

behalf uh so

JV So did these like IBM let's use IBM for example

AP OV Sure

JV So are they using like your product Is that how you're assuming this revenue that

they're generating

AP Yeah so more IBM is more famous for reselling products like UIcom or SAP
or in a small they'd resell our product too So they take our product and they


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engage with clients and they build uh multi-party calling phone systems
So uh conference calling on top of our solutions So UI

JV Okay So so that's the sixty-five coming from all those other companies So the

million let's talk about the million that UI like on your own not through other

companies Is that do I have that right

AP Yeah

JV Okay So
CM OV Is it a hundred million or

JV A hundred million

AP OV A hundred million

JV Okay So umm how how do you come up with that hundred million

AP Umm so it's either direct So it's either us going directly going to customers

JV OV Okay

AP and billing them directly and usually working with an integrator to sort of build

on top of that or it's margin that's paid to us by an IBM or somebody like that

JV Okay

CM It's exclusive of equity though there's no

AP I'm sorry

CM You don't include equity in that like uh investor money coming in

AP No no no no Yeah we don't include that

JV So that hundred million is just straight like revenue like you

AP OV that's right

JV So you sell your product and you get paid for it

AP That's right


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JV That's right Umm okay cause I know UI the thing that Virginia is saying of

course is where's the revenue So I mean that would be our question is where like

where is this revenue

AP OV Yeah

JV This hundred million dollars where did that go

AP Yeah I mean we we've spent more than that in order to make that So we

raised we we've never cut hidden from the fact that we've burnt capital

JV OV Yeah

AP In order to get to you know where we wanted to get to Uh so yeah it's

UI employees umm I mean you name it like hosting charges Like hosting

is one of the bigger uh charges associated with our uh the two big costs

associated with our service are either A-W-S or one of the other big hosting

providers or uh Sip UI So umm the phone system that we build has a

termination charge associated with it So when you and I make a call to each


JV OV Yeah

AP There's a termination charge uh associated with that Uh those two account for

you know sixty seventy percent of our calls

JV OV Right

AP Overall So that's where a big portion of our uh costs go

JV So those

AP OV and so if I
JV OV Yeah

AP I this is kind of where the conversation umm took a turn with the State of

Virginia because I started to tell them about our partners and our customers

JV Yeah

AP And then immediately the next day I got calls from everyone saying like I don't

want anything to do with this Like why is the State of Virginia why is the S-E-C


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calling me I don't want anything you know like yeah I'm not telling them

anything but like

JV OV Right

AP Yeah leave me out of it

JV OV Yeah

AP Is effectively what I got immediately and so you know when we did sort of a cost

benefit analysis of like proceeding versus just letting it

you know play out

JV Yeah

AP We chose to just let it

play out because it
was you know it was more

JV Expensive

AP It was expensive yeah


AP And we were already burning money Right

JV Right

AP Like we're it's not a you know at the end of the day the ironic component of

this is I get called uh not a very good steward of capital Uh but I I'm actually

being a really good steward of capital by not fighting you know lawsuits


JV OV Right

AP I'll never win Right like we're not gonna you know umm Yeah So

JV Yeah Yeah and I mean Umm we want to uh clear that up because if what

Virginia is saying is true If there's like absolutely no revenue and you're

claiming all this revenue that's obviously a problem Right

AP Okay

JV I mean do you recognize how that is like an issue if you are telling investors you

have a hundred million dollars in revenue and you don't I mean


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AP OV I do Umm especially in a publicly traded scenario

JV Yeah

AP Right Like we're not publicly traded company

JV Right Right

AP We give investors uh about ninety nine percent more information than any other

private company you know has ever given

JV OV Yeah

AP Right And so I own sixty-eight percent of the company along with another


JV Okay

AP Uh 1-1 do agree with you Umm So yeah I mean 1-1-1 do agree you but I don't

think that it's umm you know we're the one thing that's never been

proposed here is that we're doing anything criminal

JV OV Yeah

AP Uh with the-the money Like right I don't even own a home I rent a house

JV Yeah

AP I you know we've got my wife and I don't live lavishly but we're you know
trying to build a you know an honest business here Uh albeit with you know
uh some some outside factors that have happened with the State of Virginia and

you know other places but uh we're not like uh

AP Yeah 1-1
guess let me ask you guys Like is that what's being proposed Is that

JV OV Well

AP Are some way in some way shape or form I mean do we probably have paid

other executives not me but other executives


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JV OV Yeah

AP More money than we should have but we were just trying to grow up as a


JV Yeah Yeah yeah No I don't think anybody is you know going to have an

issue with you know if you're trying to truly operate your business you got to

do what you got to do right

AP Right

JV You got to pay business expenses that's normal I think in any company
business small large Umm
AP Sure

JV But I guess what the issue that we are trying to understand here

AP Mm-hmmm

JV is the revenue thing So earlier when I asked you the hundred million dollars

where did that go

AP Yeah

JV You know you told me all the expenses which I'm sure there are tons of

expenses that you have pay in this kind of company but when I say where did it

go I mean like like what bank account did it

go to Like it-like we can clear this

up right now

CM OV Yeah like did they did they ever ask you in part of the investigation with

the Virginia State Corporation Commission did they ask you it seemed like they

would've been kind of put away if they'd ask you to produce

JV OV Yeah

CM Statements Saying can you show us

AP OV lull

JV OV lull

CM The revenue and then did they ask you do that Or did they leave it out


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AP So they asked us where we had banking relationships with

JV Yeah

AP Umm two of the three immediately called and canceled our credit lines there

CM Okay

AP Umm and Yeah So that kind of ended my interest in umm pursuing that Right
So I mean 1-1-1 guess I hear I see the little UI perspective but like

we're we're working to make this umm we're working to get true our ex
investors Umm you know I think uh at the end of the day umm that's going to be

what we're going to have a hard time especially based on umm where that
ended up almost immediately with our other banking relationships

JV Yeah


JV Who do you bank with

AP Yeah I mean that like that that was the question that I answered the last time

JV OV Yeah

AP And then Like I said UI

JV Yeah Bank of America that's obviously one that they talk about Umm I mean is

there somewhere else that the is coming through


AP Yeah We have other banking relationships So every small company goes to

every bank that it can go to to get uh

JV Yeah

AP A line of credit

JV Right

AP Or you know a better uh percentage on payroll or you know whatever right

JV OV Yeah Right


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AP So yeah we have a handful of banking relationships

JV Okay

AP Umm and they're all they're getting to a point where they're actually healthy

again Uh the ones that have been you know engaged with by the State of

Virginia So

JV Yeah

CM Were you able to produce uh documentation without you know obviously us

having to
go through any kind of like a proceeding civilly or anything like that Or

not civilly but uh

you know going through like a grand jury or whatever

JV OV Right UI

CM Could you produce statements and documents that would basically back up the

AP With this point you know seeing as how we're looking to reset the business

CM OV I know you're going forward yeah

AP With separate investors why would we have to go down that path

JV OV Yeah

CM OV Just to put this piece to bed it's it's an issue obviously on on our side is

looking at that If the revenue is in question

AP Right

CM One of the things we have to look at obviously is is there backup for it

JV OV Right

AP OV Right

CM And obviously short of it sounds like you had problems once this investigation

went the route to the banks

JV OV Right


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CM The banks shut you down So I guess in in you know to try to get around

that I was wondering if you'd add documentation or statements that you could

provide that we could basically look at and figure out you know this revenue

exist is it there

AP OV Yeah

CM You know Without us having to go to banks and then causing additional issues

JV OV Yeah

AP Right So let let me ask you this So like assuming the fact assuming that we get

to a place where we get back to zero with investors

JV Mm-hmm

AP Umm we get all of my existing investors of which you know again still a

minority ownership stake in the business umm to a place where they UI we

understand the business we understand what we're engaging UI umm we're

happy with that And then I get you on the same page with that

JV OV Mm-hmm

AP Umm like why would we need to go back in time to to-to figure any of that out

JV OV Right

AP Is that a scenario that we can that we can discuss


AP As opposed to going back into into the last Uh cause what what I want is to move
forward Uh it sounds like that's what you're here on a mission to do as well Uh
we want to get everybody on the same page and then just move forward Our
business is going to do a lot less revenue uh than we had historically in 2018 So
here's the other challenge that I had is now I go from reporting one-sixty-five to

actually doing a hundred to doing less in 2018 then everybody bails once they
hear that you know the F-B-I is involved

JV Yeah



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CM That's why we've done this as a courtesy to you I know it's kind of weird we
show up at your wife at your house there

AP OV I appreciate that

JV OV Yeah

CM We just did it to kind of keep it

you know as low-key as we can to kind of see

how guage you kind of get a feel for

AP We have a business that's looking to reorganize I have investors that are open to

that right now

JV Yeah

AP Umm I want to get UI with investors My plan is to do that within the next six

months so I have invested my own personal assets that are being liquidated

Things that are being sort of like umm you know effectively put in a place so

they can be moved to our investors uh if they want to take advantage of that and

then we just want to move on Uh is that uh something I can ask for Is there

opportunity to do that

JV Yeah

AP So that we get to a place where everybody's just happy and we're moving

JV Well yeah let's hope Let's talk about that Okay

AP How do we do it

JV Umm so the situation that we're in now is that you know we have we have an

obligation right so you know we have to figure out what happened and the

reason for that is you're saying one thing UI so when the UI when people are

giving you money based on material UI right So you're counting someone to

have a hundred million dollars in revenue and someone's investing based on that

information we have to determine was that information accurate at the time


AP OV Right

JV So if it
was great we can we can end this right now I
mean we can just please


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look here's revenue You could say Jamie here's the revenue Here's a hundred

million dollars This is where it is Cameron and I will go back we'll check it out
we'll be like case closed nothing else to do here right we're good Umm and
that would be the end of it You know the problem is if that's not the case So

if if there isn't a hundred million dollars in revenue coming in umm we would

hope that you would know what guys I made a mistake

tell us right now and you

you know my this is what I wanted my business to be You know I I had these
dreams of having a great business You know You're a family man you have a

wife and kids and you just wanted to have a you know successful business and

make a good life for your family I get that and I respect that And you know
what if that was the situation that you were just trying to make this great business

and do good for your family then we respect that You know we see anybody

would do that Right But if the situation is here that you were lying to investors

just to get all this money just to go blow it and just to be rich That's that's a

different story

AP So if I may

JV Yeah

AP 1-1 don't think anyone invested in because of the revenue number I think they

may say they did now but the fact of the matter is is that our company whether it

is a hundred and sixty million or zero million right now

JV OV Yeah

AP Is not valuable until it's billions of dollars and every one of our investors knew
that going into it and so I would you know if 1-1 had the opportunity to fight

this situation

JV OV Yeah

AP With the State of Virginia that's the position I would have taken Is that people

that are standing beside us right now don't care What they know is that the

upside of what we're building is huge and they know that I'm not stealing from

the company they know that none of the employees are stealing from the

company that we're just trying to create a very valuable asset here

JV Right

AP Uh based on a compounding revenue Uh so 1-1-1 guess that's the only thing that I

would say to you is that no-one invested in the company or at least they


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JV Yeah

AP Have invested in the company based on some nominal amount of revenue

JV Well Right Well okay let's let's let's go along UI did your company have

a hundred million dollars in revenue

AP Then they should get their money back if that's all that they cared about then they
should and they are

JV OV But but can can you answer me questions if

AP OV Yeah We absolutely did

JV OV Is that revenue UI at the time

AP OV We absolutely did

JV Okay

AP Yeah I mean one hundred percent

JV So if we go and we try to find where that revenue is are we going to find it

AP Yeah

JV Okay where can we find it

AP We have a handful of banking relationships

JV But can you tell us where we can look Cause I am telling you we can we can

sweep the floor we can UI real quick if

you just tell us you know what Bank of

America that's where all the revenue is We will find it and we'll close it

CM We have to independently verify it or at least get something from you to like to

that we can basically look at and say

AP But I
guess here here's my challenge is that I don't know why we're going back

in time

JV OV lull


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AP When I'm closing relationships based on like if I wanted to fight this I would've

fought it

JV Yeah

CM Right

AP You see what I'm saying

JV OV Yeah

AP Like if I wanted to fight this I would've

CM What's the likelihood that you could be made completely whole with the investors

you got that that want to be out at this point I know you
AP Six months a hundred percent UI I'm going to liquidate real estate assets The

company's like I said shedding uh a lot of costs associated with the business Uh
so between those two things uh the culmination of those two things will make
that happen and then all investors will be uh
CM That's just initial principal like basically their initial investment there's no
additional on top of that just flat out whatever they put in

AP If I'm not mistaken I don't know off the top of my head but I think the State of

Virginia has asked for another ten percent on top of that

CM OV Okay

AP We can do the ten percent

CM OV Are you factoring that in as well yourself

AP I'm factoring that in for the ten percent

CM OV What do you what do you look

AP OV Six months

CM What are you looking at that you ballpark figure to make yourself whole


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AP Six million

CM Okay Have you done any paybacks yet to anybody to kind of

AP We've started that process

CM You have okay

AP So we've initiated paperwork umm and we haven't actually executed on the

payments yet but we've initiated paperwork

CM Okay

AP Uh with a thirty day grace period to make payments Uh which we're at the end of

that UI so we're we're we're about to make those payments

CM Is that paperwork just basically uh

AP Stock purchase agreement

CM Yeah okay So you're basically saying hey here's your chance to get out more or

AP That's right

CM Here's a Okay Is that uh is the dollar amount listed there with the ten percent

on top of it or it

AP The dollar amount initially for the stock purchase agreement just what they paid

CM Initialed yeah

AP We're going to go back afterwards and make the ten percent payments which

which I think is fair to get everybody their money back first that wants to get it

JV Yeah

CM Right

AP Uh So

CM Where's that going to leave you and your business going forward financially I

mean will you be able to operate effectively like


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AP Like I said UI It's up here Right

JV Right

AP I mean there's no doubt about it we're bouncing back from a you know a

challenging situation So uh we're not uh we're not proposing to any of the

existing investors that none of this is happening We're being very upfront with

everyone about the process that we're going through Uh yeah We want to we
just want to reset and move on

JV Is there current revenue flow coming in that can use to pay the investors back

AP There is and that's what I'm using So between that and liquidating existing

assets like that's what we're using to pay them back Uh but we can't sell

securities uh under you know the State of Virginia so

JV Okay


JV Okay Umm so what about the the whole Virginia thing about the UI the

customers I know FedEx is a big one that they're saying they're obviously

saying that FedEx is one of your largest customers and they're saying FedEx is

not UI Umm so is FedEx one of your revenue generators

AP FedEx through a channel partner is one of our revenue generators

JV Okay

AP Umm FedEx is one of the companies that called me the day after the S-E-C

called them Wilmer Hales PH is another one of the companies that called me
the day after the S-E-C called them and said I don't know why you're

representing us don't mention UI we work for partners UI

JV Yeah

AP That's debatable Umm so what we do is is a new tech UI TN

BACKGROUND NOISE I'm not going to lie to you this has been incredible

painful to us we've had to reset a lot of relationships We have a lot of customers

and partners and UI

CM OVI lull


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AP So Yeah it's not been something easy to process alone

JV Yeah

AP Uh but I think we can get it right I think we can definitely UI I think that uh
the investors that are in are happy to be in and happy to give us a chance to uh

turn things around I think everybody could adjust into the idea of the company of

what it could become apparently some folks want to use this as an opportunity to

get out happy to give them that

JV OV Yeah

AP Uh and I think you referenced my blog post earlier like that's what I meant was
like I counsel a lot of early stage entrepreneurs uh and historically I've said go
get money where you can get money I don't believe that anymore I believe we
should get money directly from sources that are willing to you know go along

on you know early stage tech ventures and not individuals that probably don't

have money to risk anyway

JV OV Yeah

AP That's not a shot at them Like 1-1-1 don't want uh anybody to not get what they

want out of this There has been a pile on effect though I'll tell you it's very
convenient that UI
CM As the opportunity to get out basically you're saying

AP Yeah

CM Yeah

AP Uh you know you-you-you invest in companies like mine to get none of your

money back or to get a hundred times your money back

JV Yeah

AP That's why you engage in in-in ventures like ours

JV Yeah

AP And whether we have you know whatever our revenue number is that's not

why you get engaged and our investors UI Some of them are using this as as a

way to get out and that's fine Like I want to give them that opportunity


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JV Yeah So if revenue UI What would be the main driver for someone who UI
AP Usage Usage Engagement Uh yeah the amount of UI usage consumption
that we have uh you know again I UI the big deals that we have sort of like

that we're that we're working on umm that's how you invest in a real estate

business Is the upside

JV When you say usage um like what do you mean by that

AP Consumption Yeah so our platform umm is a voice platform that people engage

using multi-party UI
JV Mm-hmm

AP Uh you know we're we're on a pace right now uh where we're consuming two
hundred fifty to three hundred million minutes a month we were up as high as a

half a billion minutes on a monthly basis uh about a year ago and so that's why
you engage with what we're up to I mean if
you read anything about our

industry um UI it's all about consumption So like UI is a good example

They do uh they do a metered consumption model we do a subscription based

consumption model uh but they do a metered consumption so every time you dig

into one of their investor calls they'll tell you how much you know people how

many times people are getting UI Uh and that is what is interesting about our

model is that UI turned upward people are going to pay more for it and they're

going to become more uh addicted to you know the uh the app

JV So what kind of people are using like using your product Is it

regular just

consumers like Cameron and 1 just using it as individuals or is it more like


AP Businesses So yeah it's what we define as knowledge workers So knowledge

workers are uh people that work in an industry with a specific strategy uh UI to

distribute to another knowledge worker Uh the Economist says there's like seven

hundred and fifty million of those worldwide And they spend a lot of their time

on conference calls Um and so what we've built is a platform that you can

consume through the apps that

you uh work with on a daily basis So like office

salesforce UI like any of those apps that people use your email we can push

our multi-party UI through it you can just press a button and be on the phone

with like a handful of people So think about like Skype but integrated in the app

that you use UI Like that's what we do Uh in a nutshell

JV Okay And is that like how you generate the revenue


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AP OV It is

JV Based on people so like what would it costs for I

guess maybe UI

AP Anywhere from three dollars a month to thirty dollars a month depending on how
much you're willing to commit to Umm so yeah It can be as little as three if

you've got thousands and thousands and thousands of seats uh or it can be as

much as thirty you know UI has got fifty to a hundred you know seats

JV Yeah Okay So so about how many customers do you have currently

UI because that hundred million dollars

AP Three thousand

JV Three thousand customers

AP Three thousand yeah customers So actual like enterprises using the uh using

the service

JV How does that get you a hundred million in revenue

AP Uh so yeah between three and thirty dollars a month per subscription uh a couple

hundred people per uh

CM Customer

AP Per customer yeah

CM Per customer

AP Per customer two hundred people on the average

JV Umm well so I guess I'm really I'm stuck on this whole revenue thing I don't

know if you feel good with the revenue but umm I mean you have to realize is

that a problem and why are we going back in time you know and UI it doesn't

really make the problem go away you know if the revenue doesn't exist So

you're telling me it exists and I want to believe you I want to believe you and I

want to believe that the revenue is there but I'm having a hurdle just getting over

that because I don't feel like

AP What if none of the investors exists I mean what if we just wipe all the investors

out would that be UI


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JV But yeah but yeah but that's not Ull so we have to deal with we have to deal

with what happened right So you can't just make it

go away right Well what
happened happened with UI and we have to figure out you know what the truth

is right now I'm really struggling with that and you know again I want to I

want to believe there was really this revenue but you're not really helping me get

to that point

AP You telling me that you want to believe it is like you telling me with all due

respect You don't need to do that like it-it's okay


AP Again I mean I understand the position that you're in Uh I guess the question

that I had

JV OV Right

AP Was like if-if none of those investors exists

JV Mm-hmm

AP Which is something we talked about we talked about just wiping everybody out

buying them all out and then starting from the beginning where does that leave

you in UI

JV UI You know what we're looking at is

you know and let's just let's just talk

frank here because umm let's just say that there was UI right Say that a

hundred million dollar revenue didn't exist and you have no way to prove it we
can't find Let's say we dig and dig and dig and we can't find this hundred million

dollar revenue We can't find it anywhere Well then we have a problem because
now we have potential wire fraud okay UI I don't want to be too loud here but

then you have potential wire fraud are you familiar with what wire fraud is

when you were making this material misrepresentation UI in order to obtain

money and that's the material UI whether you think it is or not there are going to

be investors that say yes it mattered to me that this company UI a hundred

million dollars in revenue that's why I invested UI

AP Yeah

JV We do this every day we know what they're going to say they're going to say it

mattered to me so the investors are going to say If Andy had told me zero dollars

in revenue I wouldn't have given him the money


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AP OV Sure

JV If we then prove there is not revenue Well now we have an issue right

AP Yeah

JV Umm so that's why if that's the case just you know we would appreciate it if

you would just say you know what that's the case and let's do what we need to

do But you're telling us there is this revenue

AP Mm-hmm

JV So all we are asking you to do is tell us where we can find it and we can wrap it


AP Right

JV Or you can tell us you know what Jamie Cameron I screwed up and UI What
we cannot have is we can't have you sitting here telling us yes there was revenue

yes there was revenue UI I want to make that a hundred percent clear that we
are federal agents

AP Sure

JV And lying to a federal agent is a crime okay And we want that to be perfectly


AP Yeah

JV So that
you you got that you're on board with that Can you tell us where we
can find this revenue

AP Okay I'm not comfortable engaging in this part of the conversation any further

JV Okay

AP Because like I said with the State of Virginia like this ended up like opening up

a whole can of worms I can tell you with the State of Virginia we're looking to

settle all those claims We want to make investors whole that want to be made
whole and then we want to move forward with investors that want to move
forward umm if that's the position that we're in

JV Okay


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AP Umm I hope that that would satisfy you as well

JV Yeah well

AP And that we get to a place where we meet in the middle and you say you know
what no harm no foul nobody's upset nobody's uh
CM So here's the only concern there is like let's say let's say that this that this

could actually happen even if

you could make people whole

JV Yeah

CM I mean that does obviously make the situation better umm the issue is if you've
done it
once what's going to stop you from going out in
your new business

venture that's why we we I realize going forward we look at that yes but if it

happened it
happened and we have to kind of verify whether it did or didn't you
know what I'm saying and if uh even if
you clean it
up because this happens all

the time and we do this you know for a living

AP Sure

CM And we look at a variety of different scenarios and it's not that the intent was

nasty most of the time it's that I mean I couldn't tell you what UI I have no

idea I would not even begin to know what it's like to sit in your shoes

AP Yeah no I UI

CM And deal with the kind of like

AP UI The new version of me has no intent of ever raising money again I plan to

hire a C-F-O and have them come in and manage all of UI

CM Sounds like you're you're

AP UI That's my goal right

CM Sounds like you're quite gifted at actually raising capital cause 1-1 don't you
sound like you're really gifted at raising capital

AP But here's the challenge that I have and this is a similar position that the State of

Virginia put me in umm I'm actually not Our-our competitors have raised

hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars I've only raised tens

of millions right


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CM Right

AP And so UI

CM Still I mean it's still impressive it's own right


AP It's actually not like for our UI

JV Ull

CM Yeah okay I gotcha but

AP To To uh To look at it from your perspective and to

say potentially for it to be

upon in a criminal way I
agree It's a lot of money right But as far as

companies like ours raising money we've struggled with that historically which is

why we've gone to some of these call it an angel investor types of sources uh

which are fine with respect to getting quick capital but they're not great for long

term investors UI but long story short I think you're actually paying me a

compliment it's actually not accurate what I'm good at is selling

AP And getting in front of customers and closing deals uh our plan was to bring a C
F-0 so once we get back to even with all of these folks hopefully we get there
before you get to wherever you're going to wherever you're trying to get to umm
and then I can come to
you and I can say hey I don't want to sell securities

anymore I don't want anything to do with this Right What I want to do is run a

business that allows me to execute on the vision execute on the strategy

CM Right let someone else do the uh

AP OV Hire a C-F-0 to come in and like deal with UI So that's my goal


AP I don't know how quickly you get to where you're going

JV OV Well

AP I can tell you I gave you the timeline for where I'm getting to where I'm going


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CM Yeah

JV Yeah

AP And that's kind of my path

JV Well as far as our end and how quickly we're going to get from A to B You
know I'll tell you I've looked at the bank records and it kind of looks like what

Virginia said and that's why you know and that's why UI time here umm you

AP Yeah from that account I

agree with you Yeah

JV OV Yeah

AP I mean a hundred percent Yeah from that from that particular institution with

that relationship

JV OV Yeah I mean you know what it

you know what the bank UI look like

AP OVI lull

JV I mean you know they're your they're your accounts right obviously

CM And we and we could get to where we need to be a lot quicker if we knew from
you like if
you provided us the UI you know what I'm saying that's

JV OV That's the thing like or just all you have to I mean is UI

you don't if
you don't have it that's one thing that's that's

JV OV lull

CM it is what is is And again I mean like I know you're I get where you're at

you want to this is it would be nice to have this all behind you and we just

have to do our job our part of it and uh our issue is always a balance between a

couple things One is you know what did happen and also as I mentioned is

like you know a lot of times you know we're not looking to send people to-to-to

jail for life for things that don't make sense to send people to jail for life for

anything like that or even to send people to jail for things they didn't really do

that were criminal you know But we do have concerns sometimes about the
future as well you know what happened So a lot of times when we're looking at

things you know we are concerned is this going to be a pattern cause that's what


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happens a lot of time we see with people is they they close shop and I

mean they open up shop and kind of do the same model with a different brand

you know what I'm saying and and

JV OVI lull

AP Not my intention like I said I don't intend to sell securities a-again I intend to

liquidate assets UI and I intend to shed profits from this company to pay

investors back Hire a C-F-0 and raise money if that's what we need to do in the


JV OV Yeah

AP So that's not my that's not really uh and I'm not like running from you I was
excited to uh to meet with you when I realized

JV OV Yeah no we appreciate that

AP I'm not in
any way shape or and I'm not running from any of our investors

JV OV No Yeah UI

AP 1-1 return calls to everyone that calls me uh yeah we-we uh we have only shut

down communication with the State of Virginia because we felt like I can say I

know for certain that I was being bullied there uh my customers were being cold

called like I

JV OV Yeah

AP We we literally uh we had a handful of very large deals with FedEx and the

Hartford PH and other folks that didn't happen because these guys just like cold

called and didn't uh

JV OV Yeah

AP Didn't give us any warning didn't give them any warning uhjust called straight

through so uh
JV OV Right

AP That's my challenge with the situation UI I've tried to be you know anything

other than proactive like it hasn't played well for me so I want to be proactive

UI get these investors happy and whole sign a piece of paper that says they're


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happy and whole and then move on And then what I'd love to do is come back
and present to you and again I I'll meet with you everyday but UI but what

I'd like to do is make these investors happy and whole then meet with you and

develop a plan going forward uh where you get comfortable with exactly where

we are

JV OV Yeah

AP Uh cause it's a challenging business model right like I mean it's we've had a

challenge explaining it it was a challenge explaining it to the-the State of

Virginia we had a challenge explaining it to some of our uh investors when

pushed to so umm that that I'm willing to be you know incredibly open and

yeah I it-it would actually make my life easier if you participated in that


JV OV Yeah

AP Umm I've got some work to do in advance of that uh I appreciate the latitude to

get that done but I you got a job to do too

JV Yeah I know and I mean we appreciate that you know We appreciate you
meeting with us and we-we definitely take that into account you know and 1-1
I'll tell
you what's probably going to happen umm is
you know we we're the F
B-1 we investigate this that's what we do We don't have any power to filing

charges or doing anything like that that's the U-S Attorney's Office right the

Department of Justice

AP Mm-hmm Yeah

JV So you know what we're going to have to do is we're going to have to go back

to the UI and talk to the prosecutor and we're going to have to tell him this is

what happened You know we met with Andy and this is what he told us this is

where we're at is what we have found in our investigation and then

this that

prosecutor is going to make their decision on if they want to actually move

forward with charges or not

AP Yeah

JV Okay UI

CM OV That's not really our position we basically just fax


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JV OV lull

AP OV lull

CM And the fact that

AP OV I get UI and I appreciate the clarity but I think I UI

JV OV UI So you know umm there is going to be probably more that we're going

to do on our end So I'm telling you that right now umm as a courtesy I know

you said you didn't get much notice from the state you know There will be

people getting calls we have to do that You know if we can't get to a point

where we need to be just through you we're going to have to what we have to do

AP Sure

JV Umm so head's up that's going to happen Umm and then you know we may
have to meet again under different circumstances You know just depending on
how things go you know with our case and and with the prosecutor and how they

feel If they feel you were being forthcoming with us

AP OV Yeah

JV Umm but you know I'm telling you I don't think you think it's that important

about this revenue but I'm telling you it is it is key

AP OV Okay

JV Umm you know especially having the accounting background like I revenueis

revenue you know What you can have you can run a tech business you can run
a vet clinic you can run whatever But revenue is revenue and it's either there or

it's not So if it's not there and you're saying it was there and you we have
financial statements that you were giving to investors that I can tell you right

now is it is a problem

AP OV Okay

JV Umm you know what I was hoping my hope for today was to more not

whether or not the revenue exists or not because you know I have my thoughts on
if it does or not umm it's more of a why you know You know why why did
you say it did if it didn't that kind of thing


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AP Mm-hmm

JV Umm and that's kind of what I wanted to understand because you know when we
look at these types of things we're trying to understand more like what kind of

person are we dealing with You know Is it someone that is just a bad person and

is out to just to screw people over and steal their money and live a lavish lifestyle

or are we dealing with someone that is actually just trying to start a legitimate

business and you know maybe lied a little bit and made some mistakes and trying
to make good for the family and you know that's kind of how I envision you with
someone that is a family man UI You have five kids wife beautiful family and

I kind of pictured you as someone that just wanted to be a great father and a great

husband and you know screwed up screwed up you said you had a hundred

million dollars of revenue when you didn't You screwed up You know and it

happens well people screw up all the time you know And it's just about you
know why you did that and how we can overcome it now So that's kind of

AP Yeah

JV So that's my thought going into this umm

AP Okay

JV And you know

AP Well that's not the case

JV OV Okay

AP So yeah we have a good business Umm it's not you know as I said we've stated

the best version of what we believed our business to be just in hopes in showing

people the impact that it could have Umm But as far as uh proving that UI
I'm in a position where the State of Virginia has kind of ruined me uh

JV OV Okay

AP For opening up uh you know that side uh

AP We're working to we're working to make right with investors that want to be

made whole


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JV Yeah

AP Umm and then you know I'd love to work with you in the plan going forward
but I understand that you have a job to do Uh yeah let's see what uh what

comes out of that UI It's not that I don't believe that it's a big deal

JV Yeah

AP It's a huge deal Uh there's just a lot at stake here relative to uh the big

opportunity for all of us to take advantage of this uh sort of business that

is that has a lot of momentum moving in the right direction So

CM So is there revenue that came into accounts that state did not look at

AP Yeah

CM Okay

AP Oh yeah

CM So the banks that are shut down your credit lines have they shut down your
accounts as well


CM You said when they when they started doing some inquiries

AP OV Not all those UI

CM You had credit lines Okay so you still have so they just shut credit lines down
but they kept banking relationships open

AP Some did

CM Some did some didn't Okay So you had other accounts Now why did you not

provide those accounts to the state to kind of just appease the scenario you know
with them

AP Because I have credit relationships with those other accounts too right Like I

mean I I live on credit I'm a

CM You can still give the statements not even telling them you can provide
whatever documents you have you know as a

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JV OVI lull

AP But they would call that bank and they would tell them that I'm under

investigation and then that bank would call me and shut down my line of credit


JV But would that be worth it to you than just to have this all go away You know
cause I mean you know if you if the revenue is there and you can just show me
UI everything we wouldn't be here we wouldn't even be here today right So

you know I'm just like why


JV Why is it
important to you to have your

AP Well the opportunity for me is UI back from our existing investors So

JV Yeah

AP We have investors that don't see you know 1-1 you can you can roll your

eyes but it
is it's very cheap equity for us to engage in precision agreements and

then investors can either decide if

they want to invest when we go public or you

know never invest in us again Umm but for me personally what's about to

happen with this business and all the momentum that we have uh if they want to

get out I want them to get out And so when I looked at that as the only at least

initial downside from the State of Virginia that plus a percentage that to me is

the path of least resistance is buying that equity back and you know owning
more of my company Umm so

JV Well what I don't want to see happen is you start raising money from new
investors just to pay back these old investors because then that's going to open up

a whole other UI so you know that's we don't want to see that happen

AP We yeah we we're not allow to sell equity in our business so

JV Yeah but even if you're getting loans from people you know and then just using

money to
pay back investors just to get these investors away Then you're

going to get yourself into a bigger hole and you're going to have an issue with

these new investors so I'm hoping that's not what you're you're getting

yourself into


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AP No I think our yeah existing relationships are solid So

JV Okay

CM Well

JV Alright

CM Well anymore questions at all

JV No No Umm we're good

CM Any questions for us at all

JV Yeah I mean anything you want to know

AP OV No 1-1 don't think so Umm I uh no appreciate it uh

CM Well thanks for your time

AP OV UI Got to sit down with you Yeah no thank you And again 1-1-1 have not

dodged and or

JV OV Yeah

AP Missed an opportunity to engage with anyone other than the State of Virginia

when I said hey I'm just not going to participate in this you know any longer Uh
you know we we sort of disengaged umm but yeah I'm excited to talk about

our business I'm excited about the future

JV OV lull

AP Umm and what I would love to do is have an open dialogue with you about how

we disengage with investors so that we're doing it

properly right Like

when currently the State of Virginia you've seen the order it's pretty

ambiguous uh you know we have made a couple calls into the State of Virginia

to say hey is this S-P-A uh agreeable with you Do you have an issue with the

way UI Umm they've kind of been ambiguous umm my gut tells me that they

don't really deal with that they probably hand that to somebody like you Uh if

that's the case then we would love to you know engage with you and or you
know the prosecutor because UI I don't want to make this problem worse

JV OV lull


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AP I do want to disengage from our UI investors We want to reset we want to

present a story that everybody agrees with uh

JV Yeah And you know that probably will be the next step

AP Okay

JV That it
probably will get to the point where we have a prosecutor on board and

UI you may want to get an attorney

CM I guess not a just civil one I assume right what you have right now is a civil

attorney that's been

AP That's right

JV Yeah UI So

CM They're not usually the best well the most suited for what we do You know

what I'm saying everyone have their different specialties but

JV Yeah

CM Civil attorneys aren't always the most I mean unless you unless yours feel

competent to work through criminal matters as well

JV I don't Yeah I don't know that they even technically can represent you so

CM I don't think they can

AP No UI The inquiries that I've made is that if it escalated to this point that we
would need criminal representation

JV Yeah

CM Okay


CM That's when I was asking earlier if

you had I didn't know

AP We-we've not gone that far but I recognize that that's the uh
JV Yeah Umm I think it
really is probably the best thing to do at this point just

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because you know once you're getting involved with a prosecutor they're

probably going to ask you that and it

may be you know so that's why we wanted
to talk to you today cause once we get past this point umm once you are

represented we're not going to really be able to talk to you anymore at that point

AP OV Okay

JV It's going to be more of your attorney talking to the prosecutor type of thing

CM OV Yeah we don't

JV UI Doing their thing at that point You know we don't communicate with you

any further Umm unless you initiated it we wouldn't be talking to


CM Yeah usually your attorney is present when we talk to you that ways

JV Yeah yeah I know be more of a probably like a situation where you would

come out toumm UI if it

got to that point so you would want to look for

somebody that can actually ummpractice law criminally in Virginia

AP OV Okay

JV They would they would have to be able to do that in order to represent you out

there Umm and then we would just go from there so umm that's it You know
we if anything else comes of this you know we'll move forward at that time
You know we may contact you and

AP I'll hear from you or I'll hear from someone else OV UI

JV Probably what would happen if you if you do end up retaining a lawyer

CM OV Yeah Let us know

JV Let us know

CM I think do you have your wife has her business card I believe but I don't

JV Yeah I can give you one

AP I have your card she said UI

CM Oh okay


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JV UI Yeah so umm my cell's on the back The number that you called me on
Umm you do retain
if an attorney umm let me know just give me their contact

information and I'll

pass it along to the prosecutor and then they'll probably just

be in touch that way

AP Okay

JV umm I think that's probably best

CM Yeah

JV Best way to
go about it Umm yeah

AP Alright

JV Let us know Alright

Only background noise heard from 0102 34 until 01 02 41 1

JV Thank you for meeting with us Umm UI

AP Hey yeah thank you I appreciate it

CM UI Thank you for your time

AP I appreciate it You're welcome

Only background noise heard from 0 1 0246 until 0 1 025 1


CM UI use the restroom here UI


Only background noise heard from 0 1 025 5 until 0 1 0303

AP When's your flights out to Virginia

CM Tomorrow afternoon

JV OV Tomorrow


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AP Okay

CM Gives a little bit of time with

AP Right on

CM Not too much

AP Doing anything fun in L-A

CM Uh we have some dinner tonight but it's getting to be about uh

AP It's late for you yeah UI

CM Nine o'clock and I've got four children myself including a three year old little

guy at home


CM So I tire out around nine nine-thirty myself So

AP Have a safe trip okay UI

CM Alright yeah Take care


CM Yeah is it
right here UI

Only background noise heard from 0103 50 until 01 04 14

End of call recording


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