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SELECTED STUDIES AND EXERCISES ~@ FOR PIANO. %@»: BERTINI, H. 49 fzercus, ptiinary 04. B. Cran op. 18 a0 92, Book = = 18 Ray and Kasroctie Brees op 10, Nou. — = 5 pany Beards witoa octave, op. 10 Yow 3 BIEHL, ALB. New Sehol of Vecty, op. 6%. Book = "tow 80, a, Books CLEMENTI, M. Graton ad Parnas, rer by C Tose wid Boglih nd Geran wnottns 8. CRAMER, J.B. 10 selected states, rerd by Hane von Baio, with English and German annotations bd in eile cover. — — Theme divided ito 4 Boks yo cede = e seh CLERNT €. 100 Progranve Rereios, Book 1... ae =~ 100 Bagy Stale, op 10. Book hyve hers a vee = Sebo ot Yet, op. 28 Book, — a ck = ao daty stating op 87 Book 1.0 Been snncneseee ee CI ay a, — deny a, DOLL, CL. table of Pano Technics, : DUVERNOY, J. B. school of Mechaniom, « preliminary o Ceomy's Sehoa! of Velotiy, op. 120. Book, KOEHLER, LOUIS. Primary Sted op ©, = = Preparatory Lesen, op 51. * = = Daly Seale Sides op 152 = = twee Hay Studi, op. 157, = = he very art Beers on tho Piano, of. 180 — seales and Chord KRAUSE, A. Trit Bren op. 2 Book teense = — Twere Staies im Broken Chords op. 8 Booka = — zal States for Farming and Cltaing the Touch on the Plan, op 35 one YEON, HM. Son nny Te Prt Cau with gh a Cran atti nd pee by Hine von Bim ‘boand Sa ena cove. LEMOINR, M. riny devenle States, wtbont sotiver op. St. Book 1, YOESCHHORK, A.” stta or Adwoced Pier op Bek 1 SCHMITT, A. ‘Five Finger Beereiey.--- — — Staley op 1,» propane fad ‘atin op 18 Book : SCHMITT, FACQUES, ‘Scheel of Veo, 28 Medios Sree of modante diealy. Bos Mew York: EDWARD SCHUBERTH & CO. No. 28 UNION SQUARE. 100 PROGRESSIVE RECREATIONS. Edited and Revised by BOOK 1. C, CZERNY. HW. NICHOLE, 1 3 $ g2 1 2 $ 3 é Ni1. B.8ace.579 Copyright 1880 by E. Schuderth a Co. E.S&00.579 eI te = = = t AIR BOHEME, ss. ye —= _ (313-5 ga3 2 Aaga vis Gogo Fee, g we E.saco.s79 Allegretto, + + +3 me 2 s + E.S&00.579 N°10. 5 VAISE AUTRICHIENNE,

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