Lack of Transport

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Some of the employees of MCM requires some form of transport to get them from point A, their homes to point

B, the workplace. This transport can be either public or

private but would still require a motor vehicle such as a car or bus. If an employee does not have adequate access to such an asset. Consider an employee who lives in a
rural area who depends on the public transportation to travel to and from work. If this employee encounters any problem with the service or the transportation service
encounters a problem it can negatively impact on the employee’s absenteeism.

Define the Problem: Workload very high and increases

Why is it happening?

Why is
Multitasking and doing many task

One person do the jobs of two or more people due Why is

to turnover without replacement that?

Ineffective superior/subordinate relationship Why is


Pressure on subordinates to perform and deliver

Why is

Mismatch of employee skills versus job description given

Action:Review and revise job description to be detailed and specific to the job rather than having generic job description for all job level.
Specific requirements must be included so that all departments/sections will hire similar capabilities of employees for similar positions. Also
the just in time talent shall consider. It means that management shall have people in just when they are needed. When business performance
calls for managers and employees to accelerate output, lower costs, raise quality and improve customer service; having the right talent is

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