November 27 Announcements

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Parshat Vayeshev November 27, 2010 20 Kislev, 5771

Rabbi Frand on Parshat Vayeshev

Yosef's Playing With His Yaakov. He is referred to as Yosef like a monarch and began to
ARTSCROLL, 198 Hair Was Not A Juvenile the righteous (haTzadik) by virtue fix his hair. G-d commented,
HERTZ, 141
Fixation of the restraint that he exhibited in "Your father is in mourning
HAFTORAH this week's parsha. He did not lose over you, and you are playing
HERTZ, 152 The Torah says regarding himself to temptation, despite all with your hair!"
Yosef, "v'hu naar" and “he the years that he was separated from
was a young lad” [Bereshis his family. Yosef had a sterling Yosef was already a grown
37:2]. At the beginning of character and every single action adult. What is this fixation
Times the parsha, Rashi cites the that he took was for the sake of with his hair that the Medrash
Candle Lighting 4:12 pm Medrash on these words. Heaven. How could we attribute to again accuses him of? This is
The Medrash says that him -- even at the age of 17 -- the righteous Yosef. What is
Friday Mincha 4:15 pm
Yosef acted immaturely, behavior like preening himself to really happening here?
Haskhama 8:00 am
like a young lad. He used to look handsome?
Youth 8:30 am
fix his hair and touch up his Rav Schwab (in his sefer)
Parsha Shiur 8:30 am Even if we were inclined to write
eyes so that he would look provides a very interesting
Main Minyan 9:00 am handsome. off Yosef's practice of preening insight. The Torah calls Yosef
Beit Midrash 9:15 am himself as the foolish behavior of a a 'naar' [young lad]. The
Gemorah Shiur 3:30 pm Yosef was 17 years old at teenager, behavior that he would Torah uses this term in last
the time, and this is not soon outgrow, we would still have a week's parsha (VaYishlach)
Mincha 4:05 pm
unusual behavior for a 17 problem. The Torah later in the in reference to Shechem, son
Shabbat Ends 5:19 pm
year old. But, on the other Parsha [Bereshis 39:6] says, "And of Chamor. "And the 'naar'
Sunday Nov. 28 7:30/8:30 am
hand, it is highly unusual to Yosef was beautiful of form and did not delay to carry out the
Mon, Thurs. 6:35/7:45 am beautiful of appearance" (yefei toar
be told that a person of matter (of circumcision)
Tues, Wed, Fri. 6:45/7:45 am Yosef's caliber would v'yefei mar-eh). There too, the because he desired Yaakov's
Late Maariv 8:15 pm engage in this type of Medrash Tanchuma comments that daughter." At this point in
activity. Our Sages say that once Yosef saw that he was in a time Shechem son of Chamor
Mincha Sun./Fri. 4:10 pm
Yosef was almost like a position of command (in Potiphar's was not a young lad. He was
Latest times for
Shema/Shmoneh Esrei replica of our patriarch, house) he began to eat and drink in fact one of the most

November 27 9:18/10:06 am
December 4 9:23/10:10 am IS SPONORED BY
Mincha 4:10 pm
26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100 Shabbat Announcements Parshat Vayeshev 5771
himself in a position of leadership in Potiphar's house, he
prestigious people in the city. So why does the pasuk refer to him
again went back to fixing his hair. Why? Again, Yosef
as a 'naar'?
thought that this was the time to act like the King, which he
knew he was destined to become. Again, he was premature.
This teaches us that the definition of a 'naar' has nothing to do with
This premature behavior, rather than any juvenile concern
one's age. Rather, 'naar' is symbolic of the impetuousness of youth.
with his hair, was the "maseh na-arus" ('immature' actions)
When people become older, they learn to take life slower and more
that the Medrash attributes to Yosef.
deliberately. They do not rush into decisions. Often, a young person
does not merely need to have something 'Now'. He must have it
'yesterday'. As we grow older, we learn that we need to think things
over and wait things out. We cannot always grab and take things SAVE THE DATE

Shechem may have been an older person. He may have been a
respected individual, but he still acted like a 'naar' because he
rushed into the agreement proposed by Shimeon and Levi without
thinking it through. That is the definition of a 'naar'. 59TH ANNUAL
Our Sages say that Yosef was the King of his brothers. Yosef
foresaw this in his dreams. He envisioned that they would bow
down to him and that he would be the King. One of the laws of
monarchy is that the King has to be physically prominent. "A King
in his glory your eyes shall behold..."[Isaiah 33:17]. The Talmud SHARON GOLDWYN
states [Sanhedrin 22b] that a King must groom his hair daily. He AND
represents the people and he must have the type of handsome MICHAEL & MINDY
appearance that people can respect. LEVENTHAL
When our Sages say that Yosef acted as a 'naar,' they mean that his
mistake was that he already saw himself as being the monarch at
age 17. It was not an adolescent fixation with hair. The problem PHYLLIS WEINBERG
was that he saw himself as the ruler of his brothers before the
proper time for that relationship to develop. This, too, is the SATURDAY EVENING,
meaning of the Medrash later in the parsha. When Yosef saw JANUARY 15TH, 2011
Great Neck Synagogue
Shabbat Activities Program

Dale Polakoff, Rabbi

Ian Lichter, Assistant Rabbi
Dr. Ephraim Wolf ,z”l, Rabbi Emeritus
Michael Bleicher, Daniel Schwechter, Rabbinic Interns
Zeev Kron, Cantor
Eleazer Schulman, z”l, Cantor Emeritus
Mark Twersky, Executive Director
Joseph Hecht, President
Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board
Family Ticket $36 (reserved by Nov. 30)
$40 at the door
Single Ticket $18
Elementary & High School Students $10

For preferred seating prices please see Rabbi Lichter.

To reserve your tickets
please call the synagogue
office 516-487-6100
Thanks to everyone who made our collection of medical equip-
Within Our Family
ment and supplies so extraordinarily successful. Due to your Mazal Tov to Carol & David Goddard on the upcoming mar-
efforts and thoughtfulness, we were able to collect and ship riage of their son Jonathan to Lisa Forer daughter of Melanie
dozens of walkers, canes, crutches and commodes, and hundreds & Martin Forer of Sydney, Australia.
of diapers and other supplies to places in need in Haiti, Africa, and Mazal Tov to Janet & Iraj Kashani on the engagement of
Israel. We were even able to make a connection for a hospital their son Robert to Esther Lalezar.
bed to be shipped to Israel. Thanks to Dario and Eliezer for their
Mazal Tov to Mindy & Charles Hercman on the upcoming
help. Thanks to our friends at and
marriage of their son Bradley to Rachel Haar. and to high school senior Danielle Polland for
her inspiration and help. If you still have supplies at home
that you would like to donate, contact Nechama at , or call at 773-3572.
PS: Also, We are amazed and grateful to announce that we LUNCH & LEARN FOR WOMEN ONLY
cannot accept any additional volunteers for this Thanksgiving; Wednesday, Dec. 8, from noon to 1pm at the home of Dr. Laura
however, we are still accepting donations for meals. Danoff, 4 Vista Drive, GN Estates. There will be a lecture “For
Yasher Koach to EVERYONE!!! the Woman on the Go with a Desire to Know”, How the parsha of
the week will influence one’s life. RSVP by Dec. 3 to open-
Women’s Tuesday learning is starting Tuesdays at 10 am in
The Braun Youth Center. Amit Yaghoubi will be teaching the SNOW BIRDS
Shemoneh Esrei from start to finish with commentaries. Please sign Please notify the synagogue office BEFORE you leave Great
up for 5 weeks in the shul office for $50.00. You may also attend Neck so we can change our records and forward your mail.
individual classes at a cost of $12.00 per class.


Please join the Combined Sisterhood meeting on Monday morning, Did you know that over 300 million children worldwide are with-
December 13th at 10:00am at Temple Israel (Blue Room) to start out shoes? Join us in helping Soles4Souls, a non-profit charity
planning the Annual Combined Sisterhood Event which is being that collects new and gently-used shoes for distribution to people
hosted by Temple Israel this year. We welcome your ideas and in over 125 countries that have experienced natural disasters or
help! extreme poverty. Your extra pair of shoes could be someone’s
first. From now until December 5, bring your new or gently-used
shoes, sandals, sneakers or boots to the Soles4Souls bin outside
Please join us on Wednesday evening, December 15th at 8:00 pm
in the Braun Youth center to discuss and plan upcoming Sister-
the synagogue office (please be sure to attach each pair
hood Events! We welcome your participation! together). Questions? Please contact Jordan Rosman
( or Micah Spielman
THANK YOU VERY MUCH (, or visit the Soles4Souls website
The Sisterhood of Great Neck Synagogue would like to thank co-
chairs Susan Sheena and Ina Greszes for organizing a wonderful,
fun and inspiring Shalom Bayit lecture and delicious dinner at
Colbeh this week where approximately 100 people greatly en-
joyed listening to Rabbi Polakoff and Rabbi Lichter speak about
Shalom Bayit. Their words of Torah were dedicated in memory of Saturday, 20 Kislev
Judy Sokol z”l. Thank you also to Vivian Kron for all her time and Debbie Furst for Dora Kaminer
help with this event. Raymond Sandler for Abraham Sandler
Rose Weiss for Kalman Fajg
YOUTH NEWS Sunday, 21 Kislev
Saturday, Dec. 4, will be the annual Chanukah Bash Martin Brownstein for Samuel Brownstein
Luncheon. Please bring your signed Raffle tickets with you for Pearl Ginsburg for Isaiah Ginsburg
the Grand raffle. David Greenwald for Samuel Greenwald
Norman Seif for Mayer Seif
DOS YIDDISH VORT celebrates Chanukah on Wednesday, Monday, 22 Kislev
Dec. 1, at 1:30. Enjoy a potpourri of Yiddish melodies with Judy Y Mahin Aryeh for Morad Aryeh
Hirsch, a Chanukah mayse and sufganiot. All welcome. For more
information, call Roz Wagner at 516 487-9795.
A Lloyd Bayme for Rachel Bayme
Hillel Milun for Reuben Milun
H Fred Pomerantz for David Pomerantz
HUNGER INITIATIVE Regular Food drop off’s continue Friday’s R Irvin Spira for Abraham Spira
at 18 Birchwood Lane. Drop off hours are between 10 am and
1 pm. Kindly place your food in the cooler. Also, soup containers Z Tuesday, 23 Kislev
Al Leiderman for Leo Leiderman
are available in the Shul office for those wishing to make soup for E Karen Wydra for Evelyn Stein
the Hunger Initiative for Friday delivery to 18 Birchwood Lane. For
those wishing to provide food on Sundays, call Jackie Nissan
I Wednesday, 24 Kislev
482-2697. T Henry Dicker for Blanche Dicker
If you have any Chanukah goodies such as jelly donuts, latkes, Susan Goldman for Malia Ring
extra baked goods or applesauce that you wish to donate, please Ernest Herman for Ray Herman
place them next to the cooler on Friday, Dec. 3. Thank you. Michal Malen for Emanuel Hoschander
Chanukah Sameach! Thursday, 25 Kislev
Ebrahim Gabbaizadeh for Yehudit Chaya
Friday, 26 Kislev
Mahin Aryeh for Marilyn Schwadron
Coat Drive on Monday evening Deccember 13th, 6-8 pm.
Eliezer Noy for Yosef Zargaryan
Gently used coats and wedding gowns.

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