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The electrocardiogram Key points

Patrick Davey C The ability to interpret an electrocardiogram (ECG) accurately
David Sharman and objectively is an important skill in cardiology

C The recognition of well-defined patterns is the key to safe ECG

This article describes the features that should be looked at on a 12-
lead electrocardiogram to determine whether or not it is normal. It de-
scribes the abnormalities found in certain conditions, including atrial
 The QRS duration is 120 ms or less. A broad QRS usually
enlargement, ventricular hypertrophy, acute chest pain, ST elevation
reflects disease of the right, the left or both bundle
myocardial infarction and syncope, with many illustrations.
Keywords Atrial enlargement; Brugada syndrome; cardiovascular
disorders; diagnosis; ECG; MRCP; ST elevation myocardial infarction;
syncope; ventricular hypertrophy The R wave and S wave
The R wave exhibits normal progression in the chest leads. Its
height increases from lead V1 to about V5, and then declines.
The S wave increases (becomes deeper) from lead V1 to V2
(sometimes V3), and then declines. The ‘transition point’ (where
The normal electrocardiogram (ECG) the R wave equals the S wave) is usually seen in lead V3, and
It is important to determine confidently whether an ECG is reflects the position of the interventricular septum. The transition
normal, according to the following parameters (Figure 1): point can be moved towards lead V2 in health (clockwise rota-
 The P wave is 110 ms or less, and 0.25 mV or less; the first tion) or towards lead V4 in obesity (anticlockwise rotation).
two-thirds of the P wave come from right atrial depolari- ‘Poor R wave progression’ (little/no increase in R wave height
zation and the last two-thirds from left atrial depolariza- until lead V4) may indicate an old anterior wall myocardial
tion. In health, the P wave is upright in lead II and biphasic infarction.
in lead V1; the first, positive, deflection is larger than the
second, negative, one.
Non-pathological Q waves
 The PR interval is 140e210 ms. A short PR interval may
indicate an accessory pathway, which allows early ven- Small Q waves (two small squares or less in amplitude) are seen
tricular depolarization (pre-excitation). A long PR interval in lead III (varying with respiration) and laterally in the chest
reflects slow conduction through the atrioventricular (AV) leads, reflecting left-to-right septal depolarization. A large Q
node and bundle of His, and can indicate disease of the wave is seen in lead aVR (as aVR examines the endocardial
conduction tissue predisposing to bradyarrhythmia surface of the heart, it registers the endocardial-to-epicardial
through high-grade AV block. spread of depolarization as a Q wave).
 The QRS axis is normal from 30 to þ90 (Figure 2). The
QRS complexes in leads I and II are ‘positive’ (R wave > S The ST segment
wave), and the QRS in lead III is ‘negative’ (S wave > R
wave). Axis deviation implies either ventricular hypertro- The ST segment is isoelectric. ‘Physiological’ ST elevation is
phy or disease of one of the left bundle hemifascicles (left usually restricted to leads V1eV3/V4.
axis deviation indicates left anterior hemifascicular block, T wave polarity reflects whether the R or S wave is dominant;
right axis deviation indicates posterior hemifascicular if R is greater than S, the T wave is upright, and vice versa. Thus,
block). the T wave is normally inverted in leads III, aVF, aVR and V1,
 The QRS amplitude, when large, implies thin stature or and upright elsewhere.
ventricular hypertrophy. When small, it implies obesity,
hypothyroidism, pericardial effusion or diffuse loss of The QT interval
myocytes as a result of ischaemic heart disease or To determine whether the QT interval is abnormal, it is impor-
cardiomyopathy. tant to correct for heart rate, as the normal physiological
response to increasing heart rate is for the QT interval to shorten.
To remove the confounding factor of heart rate, some form of
Patrick Davey DM FRCP is a Consultant Cardiologist at Northampton heart rate correction formula is needed so that the dependence of
General Hospital, Northampton, UK and the John Radcliffe Hospital, the normal QT interval on heart rate is removed. Fridericia’s
Oxford, UK. His interests include heart failure and interventional and correction (QTc ¼ 3O(QT/RR interval)), where RR interval is the
nuclear cardiology. Competing interests: none declared. interval between QRS complexes measured in seconds (RR in-
David Sharman MB ChB BSc MRCP is a Consultant Cardiologist and terval relates to heart rate by the formula heart rate ¼ 60/RR
Lead for Cardiac Rhythm Management at Northampton General interval) is the ‘best’ heart rate correction formula. All such
Hospital, Northampton, UK. Competing interests: none declared. formulae are, however, scientifically unsound, because they fail

MEDICINE --:- 1 Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Davey P, Sharman D, The electrocardiogram, Medicine (2018),

Figure 1 Normal ECG. This is the typical printout with the 12 leads running sequentially in the top three lines. The bottom line is the rhythm strip in
this case lead II, But it can be changed to other leads as required.

Right and left ventricular hypertrophy

Determining the QRS axis
Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH)
Step 1 The ECG is poor at diagnosing RVH/pulmonary hypertension
Lead I (Figure 4).
Step 4
 The earliest sign is a rightwards shift in the QRS axis,
followed by an increase in the size of the V1 R wave.
 Subsequently, the V1 R wave becomes larger than the S
Step 2 Step 3 wave (i.e. dominant) (Table 1).
 The T waves in leads V1eV3 invert (‘RV strain’).
 Finally, right bundle branch block can occur, particularly
in acute right heart strain associated with pulmonary
Lead aVF
To determine the overall QRS vector, obtain the net Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH)
difference between the size of the lead R and S wave
 Initially, the R wave height increases in the left-sided
in I and aVF (i.e. R–S in mV); then plot this to obtain the
standard and chest leads (I, II, aVL and V4eV6), often
overall vector (step 3 – positive numbers plotted
rightwards and upwards, and vice versa) that can be with commensurate deepening of the S wave in leads V2
measured (step 4) to give the QRS axis. Other leads can and V3.
be used if these complexes are too small – it is best to  The small ‘septal’ Q waves in lead V5/V6 increase in size
choose leads at right angles to each other (e.g. lead aVL with increasing hypertrophy.
and lead II).  As LVH increases, the QRS axis shifts to the left, and the
lateral-lead T waves flatten and then invert (‘strain’,
Source: P Davey. ECG at a glance. Oxford Wiley-Blackwell,
associated with a worse prognosis in hypertension).
 Finally, the QRS broadens, with the development of com-
plete left bundle branch block.
Figure 2 It is not possible to define a QRS complex size that differentiates
normal from LVH. High limits are reliable, but miss most cases;
low limits catch many cases, but include many normal subjects.
to allow for individual QTeheart rate variation with day/night, Various scoring systems have been proposed (Table 2).
health/disease and many drugs.
Acute chest pain
Right and left atrial enlargement
Acute coronary syndromes (ACSs) result from partial or complete
The ECG is unreliable in the diagnosis of atrial enlargement. The thrombotic occlusion of a coronary artery. The distribution of
classic signs are as follows (Figure 3). In right atrial enlargement, ECG changes reflects which coronary artery is occluded (Table 3).
the P wave height in lead II increases to two and a half small These changes include:
squares or more. In left atrial enlargement, the P wave is domi-  T wave flattening
nated by the late, long, left atrial depolarization. This leads to a  T wave inversion (Figure 5)
late second peak in lead II, and a late negative deflection in lead  ST depression (Figure 6; associated with as poor an
V1 greater than the early positive deflection. V1 is more sensitive outlook as ST elevation)
than lead II to left atrial enlargement.  occasionally, episodes of dynamic ST elevation.

MEDICINE --:- 2 Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Davey P, Sharman D, The electrocardiogram, Medicine (2018),

electrically silent, i.e. it involves the circumflex artery and the

P wave changes in atrial enlargement posterior wall (often, the only sign of ischaemia here is an up-
right, instead of inverted, T wave in lead V1).
Lead II Lead VI ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is caused by
thrombotic coronary artery occlusion. There is a characteristic
sequence of ECG changes (Figure 7) in the distribution of the
affected artery. Posterior wall STEMI presents with ST depression
RAE in leads V1eV3 (these leads examine the posterior wall from its
endocardial surface). This can be difficult to distinguish acutely
from LAD-territory ischaemia (as, chronically, posterior wall
infarction produces a dominant R wave in lead V1); the presence
of inferior lead ST elevation suggests that the diagnosis is infero-
RAE + LAE posterior infarction (Figure 8). If this is not present, prolonged
pain with autonomic upset suggests posterior infarction rather
In right atrial enlargement (RAE), the P wave is dominated than LAD-territory ischaemia. Echocardiography can reliably
by the wave of depolarization passing through the enlarged differentiate these two conditions.
right atrium; this passes towards both lead I and V1 and, Pericarditis often produces no ECG changes. In a few cases, ST
elevation occurs as a consequence of subepicardial myocardial
two-thirds of the P wave, changes in RAE are inflammation (Figure 9). Pericarditis can be distinguished from
the P wave. In left atrial enlargement (LAE), the P wave  the shape of the ST elevation (concave upwards in peri-
is dominated by the wave of depolarization passing
carditis, convex upwards in STEMI)
through the enlarged left atrium; this is towards lead I
but away from lead V1. As the normal left atrium  the distribution of the ECG changes (in STEMI, changes are
depolarization occupies the latter two-thirds of the restricted to the territory of a coronary artery; they can be
P wave, abnormalities are found in this phase of the more extensive in pericarditis, but the patient remains
P wave. well)
Figure 3 Source: Marriot’s practical electrocardiography, 10th edn. Pulmonary embolism usually causes no ECG changes beyond
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001. sinus tachycardia. However, the ECG signs of acute right heart
strain may appear in patients with a large pulmonary embolism
(right axis deviation (S1Q3T3) and right bundle branch block).
Deep T wave inversion throughout the anterior chest leads
usually relates to a high-grade lesion in the proximal left anterior Syncope
descending (LAD) artery; this is termed a ‘proximal LAD pattern’
In the inter-attack evaluation of syncope (brief-duration loss of
or LAD syndrome ECG. Generally, the greater and more dynamic
consciousness with loss of postural tone), it is important to distin-
the ECG changes, the worse the prognosis; however, the ECG is
guish benign conditions from more dangerous forms that could lead
only one of several variables that determine the outcome. The so-
to premature death. The history (adverse family history, injury, no
called proximal LAD pattern ECG, like almost all ECGs, has a
warning) and examination (aortic stenosis, hypertrophic cardio-
differential diagnosis, and this includes Takotsubo cardiomyop-
myopathy, heart failure) can help, as can the ECG. Vasomotor
athy, and sometimes also pulmonary embolism.
syncope is usually associated with a normal inter-attack 12-lead
A normal ECG after many hours of continuous chest pain
ECG. Tilt-table testing may induce bradycardia/hypotension.
suggests that the pain is non-cardiac, or that the territory is

Figure 4 ECG of pulmonary hypertension. The P-wave is tall in lead II, The QRS axis is shifted to the right, The R-wave in Leeds V1 is dominant,
and there is T-wave inversion in Leeds V1 to V3.

MEDICINE --:- 3 Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Davey P, Sharman D, The electrocardiogram, Medicine (2018),

Causes of a dominant R wave in lead V1 ECG criteria for diagnosing left ventricular hypertrophy
Cause Incidence QRS Associated ECG features RomhilteEstes criteria
width C Voltage criterion: R or S in any limb lead 3 points
>0.20 mV or S in lead V1
Right bundle Very Broad Long PR interval; right or C Left ventricular strain: ST segment and T

branch block common left axis deviation wave in opposite direction to QRS complex
indicates e Without digitalis 3 points
disease also of the left e With digitalis 1 point
bundle C Left atrial enlargement: terminal negativity 3 points
Posterior wall Common Narrow Sometimes inferior lead of the P wave in lead V1 >0.10 mV in depth
myocardial Q waves and 40 ms in duration
infarction C Axis shift: left axis deviation greater than 2 points
RVH Rare Narrow Right axis deviation, 30
right C QRS duration: >90 ms 1 point
atrial enlargement C Intrinsicoid deflection in lead V5 or V6 1 point
WolffeParkinsone Rare Broad Short PR interval >50 ms
White syndrome Maximum possible score 13 points
Skeletal myopathy Very rare Narrow Diffusely abnormal ECG 4 points ¼ probable LVH
(e.g. Friedreich’s 5 points ¼ definite LVH
ataxia) SokoloweLyon criteria
C S wave in lead V1 þ R wave in lead V5 or V6 >3.50 mV, or R wave
Table 1
in lead V5 or V6 >2.60 mV
Cornell sex-specific voltage criteria
Syncope resulting from ventricular outflow C Women: R wave in lead aVL þ S wave in lead V3 >2.00 mV

obstruction C Men: R wave in lead aVL þ S wave in lead V3 >2.80 mV

The ECG shows LVH (aortic stenosis, hypertrophic cardiomy- Cornell voltageeQRS duration product criteria
opathy) or RVH (pulmonary hypertension). C See Buchner et al.,

Syncopal ventricular tachycardia (VT) GubnereUngerleider criteria
The diagnosis is straightforward if the patient arrives at hospital C R wave in lead I plus S wave in lead III >2.5 mV

in VT (see below). Problems arise if the VT stops before admis- Minnesota code 3e1
sion, or if the patient is seen some time after the event. C R wave in lead V5eV6 >2.6 mV or

The most common cause is ischaemic heart disease; VT usu- C R wave in leads II, III, aVF >2.0 mV or

ally occurs in patients who have an arrhythmic scar from an old C R wave in lead aVL >1.2 mV

myocardial infarction, so the ECG may show Q waves/loss of R Adapted from Romhilt et al., Sokolow and Lyon, and Casale et al.
wave height. In addition, any of the changes of an ACS (see
above) can be present. Table 2
Rarer causes are hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (prominent LV
voltages, often with bizarre T wave changes) and dilated car-
diomyopathy (reduced QRS height, T wave flattening and often Distribution of ECG changes in ACSs
left bundle branch block).
Distribution Name Artery affected
Even rarer are the long QT syndromes, which predispose to
polymorphic VT. Diagnosis is easy, provided the QT interval is
V1eV3, possibly I, II Antero-septal LAD or a major branch
measured (and corrected for heart rate). Prolongation is usually
I, II, aVL, V1eV4/V5 Antero-lateral LAD, probably proximal
significant if the QT interval is >450 ms in a man and 470 ms in a
I, II, aVL, V5/V6 Lateral Diagonal branch of LAD
woman. The most common long QT syndromes are acquired
or circumflex
(e.g. LV dysfunction with QT-prolonging drugs, such as macro- II, III, aVF Inferior Right coronary artery
lide antibiotics and non-sedating antihistamines). In the
(circumflex if ST elevation
extremely rare hereditary long QT syndrome, additional bizarre
in lead III is greater than
repolarization patterns are often seen.
that in lead II)
The autosomal dominant Brugada syndrome underlies some
V1eV3 Posterior Circumflex
cases of polymorphic VT and sudden cardiac death. Classically,
(ST depression)
the inter-attack ECG shows ST elevation in leads V1eV3, with a
Combinations of the above are common. ACS, acute coronary
hump on the downslope, sometimes misinterpreted as right
syndrome; LAD, left anterior descending.
bundle branch block. The ECG changes can be subtle, and can be
accentuated by class I drugs, most commonly intravenous Table 3

MEDICINE --:- 4 Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Davey P, Sharman D, The electrocardiogram, Medicine (2018),

Figure 5 Proximal LAD syndrome with deep anterior T-wave inversion. The differential diagnosis includes high grade stenosis at the start of the left
anterior descending coronary artery and takotsubo cardiomyopathy.

Figure 6 Severe ischaemia. Widespread deep down sloping ST segment depression in 8 ECG leads. Also atrial fibrillation and high heart rate

Syncopal atrial fibrillation (AF) and damage to it is of greater importance than damage to
This is rare, unless there is severe underlying structural heart the left hemifascicle.
disease or sinus node disease producing long pauses when the  It is of particular importance to decide whether the damage
AF stops, or the ventricular response to AF is very fast (>250/ to the conducting tissue affects more than one site, e.g. AV
minute e usually caused by pre-excitation in WolffeParkinson and ventricular conduction, which could be seen as a long PR
eWhite syndrome). interval and either left bundle branch block or right bundle
branch block, with or without QRS axis deviation (implying
Syncope from bradyarrhythmia damage to one of the left bundle’s hemifascicles). Damage to
Causes include: both the right bundle and one hemifascicle of the left bundle
 sinus node disease (often diagnosed from low heart rate is known as bifascicular block; the added presence of
variability on a 24-hour ECG) impaired AV conduction is known as trifascicular block.
 high-grade AV block.
In patients who are not in heart block on arrival in hospital, Diagnosis of VT
the clue that intermittent heart block underlies syncope is usually
the finding of extensive conducting tissue disease on an inter- There are two main forms of VT:
attack 12-lead ECG (Figure 10).  monomorphic VT, the more common form (below),
 Look for evidence of damage to the AV conduction system, defined as non-sustained (lasting <30 seconds) or sus-
which is apparent on the ECG as a long PR interval. tained (lasting >30 seconds), and terminating either
 Look for damage to the specialized conducting system of spontaneously or after treatment
the ventricle, which is seen as right or left bundle branch  polymorphic VT, the rarer kind, of which the most notable
block. form is torsade de pointes, and which has a very distinctive
 Look for partial damage to the left bundle. The left bundle pattern. The QRS complexes run one into the other, and
has two fascicles, one anterior and one posterior. Damage their amplitude is continually increasing then decreasing.
to these respectively results in QRS axis deviation left- VT is strongly associated with underlying structural heart dis-
wards or rightwards. The posterior hemifascicle is larger, ease or genetic channelopathies, and has a high risk of degenerating

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Please cite this article in press as: Davey P, Sharman D, The electrocardiogram, Medicine (2018),

into ventricular fibrillation. Reliable recognition is therefore

Sequential changes of acute myocardial infarction crucial. Clues that a tachyarrhythmia is VT are as follows:
in leads facing the infarct (‘primary’ changes)  A tachycardia is present (the heart rate is >120 beats per
minute). VT, contrary to expectation, does not have to be
a b c very fast; it can be as fast as 220 beats per minute but is
often around 160e180 beats per minute. However, in in-
dividuals with significant heart disease, VT with a heart
rate (QRS complex rate) of 120e140 beats per minute is
not unusual. Do not use the heart rate as the sole means of
d e
diagnosing VT.
 The patient is often known to have background structural
a The control, normal appearances are shown in the heart disease, such as a previous myocardial infarction or
lead, which, as can be seen by its QRS morphology, heart failure from any cause.
lies facing the left ventricle.  The ECG signs include a broad QRS complex (>120 ms),
b The typical, convex upwards S-T elevation is shown implying a broad-complex tachycardia. The differential
occurring within hours of the onset of symptoms of
diagnosis of such tachycardias lies between VT and a
infarction. At this stage, there is no change in the
QRS complex. supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) with an associated
c The appearances within days of the onset are shown. bundle branch block (termed ‘aberrancy’ in this situation).
There is loss of R wave height, abnormal Q waves (in Distinguishing features are:
this case in both depth and duration) have developed,  The broader the QRS, the more likely the rhythm is to be
and there is T wave inversion. The loss of R wave VT, especially if >160 ms.
height and the abnormal Q waves prove infarction.  An extreme QRS axis makes VT likely.
The S-T segment and T wave changes indicate that  If all the QRS complexes in the chest leads are positive,
the event is recent.
or negative (precordial concordance), this makes VT
d Resolution of the S-T segment change is shown. In highly likely.
other respects, the appearances are similar to c. The
loss of R wave height and the abnormal Q waves  In VT, the QRS complexes usually look quite unlike
prove infarction. The normal S-T segment indicates those of right or left bundle branch block.
that the event is not very recent (i.e. not within days)  In VT with a QRS complex that looks like right bundle
but T wave changes indicate that the event is branch block, the first deflection is larger than the sec-
relatively recent (within weeks). ond (RSr), unlike the situation in true right bundle
e Restoration of an upright T wave is shown, but this is branch block, where the R wave is smaller than the R0
otherwise similar to d. The loss of R wave height and deflection (rSR).
the abnormal Q waves prove infarction. The normal  The RR interval in most monomorphic VT is fairly
S-T segment indicates that the event is not very
(although not completely) regular; if there is very
recent (i.e. not within days) and the normal T wave
that the event is relatively old (not within weeks). marked irregularity, AF with aberrancy, or with Wolff
eParkinsoneWhite syndrome (pre-excited AF) is the
likely diagnosis.
Figure 7

Figure 8 Substantial ST segment infarction with gross ST elevation in the inferior leads (II, III, aVF), lateral leads (aVL, V4 to V6), and posterior leads
where it is seen as ST depression (V1 to 3). Occlusion of a very large coronary artery probably a very dominant right or circumflex.

MEDICINE --:- 6 Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Davey P, Sharman D, The electrocardiogram, Medicine (2018),

Figure 9 ST elevation leads V1 through to V4. Pericarditis with the typical concave upwards ST elevation. Also old Q-wave inferior wall myocardial

Anterior/posterior hemifascicular block

Mechanism of the
a b c
ECG appearance of
(a) normal function, and
of partial block of the
(b) left anterior fascicles I I I
and (c) left posterior
fascicles. When partial
block of the left bundle
occurs there is no III II III II III II
broadening of the QRS
complex, as the left
anterior and posterior
fascicles connect via
small branches over
their entire length, so
depolarization is not –90% –90%
prolonged. Instead, a –45%
shift in the QRS axis 180%
0% 0% 0%
occurs as shown,
caused by the
predominant early +110%
depolarization, which is
determined by which
fascicle remains viable.

Figure 10

 AV dissociation (P waves marching through the tracing Pitfalls of the automated ECG report
independent of QRS activity) clinches the diagnosis of VT.
Modern ECG machines, as well as acquiring a standard 12-lead
 If one has a tracing of the patient’s usual rhythm (sinus
ECG, often provide a computerized interpretation of the
rhythm or AF), the diagnosis is usually very easy. If the
tracing. This has many advantages:
tachycardia looks similar to this ECG, the rhythm is
 It alerts non-cardiologists and those untrained in ECG
usually an SVT with aberrancy. Conversely, a marked
analysis to potentially life-threatening diagnoses, such as
difference (particularly a large axis shift) makes VT
acute myocardial infarction or LVH; this is undeniably
much more likely.
important and saves lives.
It is sometimes not possible to be certain whether one is  It can alert clinicians to the presence of important ar-
dealing with VT, or SVT with aberrancy. The safest approach in rhythmias, such as AF; this is particularly important in
this situation is to always treat the patient as if the rhythm is VT. primary care, where these important arrhythmias can be
If the arrhythmia is sustained, DC cardioversion is unlikely to be missed. Early anticoagulation in AF prevents strokes and is
the wrong approach. clearly valuable.

MEDICINE --:- 7 Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Davey P, Sharman D, The electrocardiogram, Medicine (2018),

 It can point the most experienced clinicians to a diagnosis to serious problems if the computer report is used to deter-
that they might miss on quick assessment of the ECG. mine the role of out-of-hospital reperfusion therapy, with the
 Finally, although not really part of the automated report, potential for inappropriate administration of thrombolytic
the automatic data analysis provides useful information on therapy.
QRS duration and QTc interval. Finally, a noisy baseline, often resulting from muscle artefact,
For these reasons, computerized systems are useful, and all can be interpreted as AF. Again, this can lead to the incorrect
clinicians should take heed of the automated report. administration of a therapy such as warfarin. Thus, while the
However, there are several associated problems including the computer report should always be read, one should approach it
following. First, computers tend to overcall abnormalities and with a degree of objectivity, and be prepared to overrule it if
fail to recognize variants of normal. In other words, computer- appropriate. A
ized systems have difficulty in reliably identifying a normal ECG.
On one level, this is appropriate, as it is best to overcall rather
than undercall abnormalities. However, it can lead to unnec-
Davey P. ECG at a glance. 1st edn. Wiley-Blackwell, 5 Sep 2008.
essary anxiety, unnecessary further investigations (some of
ISBN-10: 0632054050, ISBN-13: 978e0632054053.
which can be expensive) and potentially high-risk treatments.
A second, frequent, problem is the overcalling of a normal ECG
Guidelines for recording a clinical ECG. Guidelines by consensus. British
as one showing a previous myocardial infarction. For example,
Cardiovascular Society.
poor anterior R wave progression caused by obesity is frequently
overcalled as a previous antero-septal infarct. Similarly, a physi-
Houghton A, Gray A. Making sense of the ECG. 4th edn. CRC Press,
ological deep S wave, or even an isolated Q wave, in lead III is
2014. ISBN-10: 1444181823 ISBN-13: 978e1444181821.
often overcalled as a previous inferior wall myocardial infarction.
Marriot’s practical electrocardiography. 10th edn. Philadelphia: Lip-
All ST elevation tends to be diagnosed as acute STEMI,
pincott Williams and Wilkins, 2001.
even when caused by pericarditis, or, even more disturbingly,
when physiological (high ST segment take-off). This can lead

To test your knowledge based on the article you have just read, please complete the questions below. The answers can be found at the
end of the issue or online here.

Question 1 Investigations
A 27-year-old man presented with a 2-day history of central chest  Chest X-ray showed a normal-sized heart and clear lung
pains radiating to the neck and left shoulder. They were worse on fields
lying flat. He had recently been bed-bound with a flu-like illness.  ECG showed sinus rhythm of 120 beats/minute, wide-
He was usually well, and there was no past history of note. spread saddled ST segment elevation that was concave
On clinical examination, his temperature was 38.4 C, heart rate upwards, and PR segment depression in lead ll
120 beats/minute and regular, blood pressure 128/79 mmHg,
and respiratory rate 18/minute. Oxygen saturation was 98%.
Auscultation of the heart and lungs was normal.

MEDICINE --:- 8 Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Davey P, Sharman D, The electrocardiogram, Medicine (2018),

What is the most likely diagnosis? On clinical examination, his temperature was 36.8 C, heart rate
A. Acute myocardial infarction 130 beats/minute, blood pressure 88/54 mmHg, and respiratory
B. Pericarditis rate 34/minute. Oxygen saturation was 82% on 15 litres of ox-
C. Pulmonary embolus ygen. On auscultation, lung fields were clear, and there was a
D. Myocarditis loud second sound but no murmurs.
E. Hyperkalaemia
Question 2  ECG showed sinus rhythm of 130 beats/minute, with deep
A 67-year-old man presented as an emergency with collapse and S waves in lead 1, T wave inversion and Q waves in lead
severe breathlessness. He was not in pain. He had been dis- III. A chest X-ray demonstrated clear lungs.
charged 2 days previously after uncomplicated repair of a right
inguinal hernia.

MEDICINE --:- 9 Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Davey P, Sharman D, The electrocardiogram, Medicine (2018),

What is the most likely diagnosis? tation, heart sounds were normal, and there were bi-basal
A. Anterior myocardial infarction crackles in the lungs.
B. Acute pericarditis
C. Posterior myocardial infarction Investigations
D. Massive pulmonary embolus  ECG showed a broad-based tachycardia at 180 beats/
E. Postoperative hospital-acquired pneumonia minute.

Question 3
An 81-year-old woman presented with sudden collapse and What is the most likely primary diagnosis?
breathlessness. She had a history of a myocardial infarction 11 A. Monomorphic ventricular tachycardia
years previously. An echocardiogram last year had demonstrated B. Acute myocardial infarction
severe left ventricular dysfunction. C. Pulmonary oedema
On clinical examination, her temperature was 37.0 C, heart rate D. Massive pulmonary embolus
180 beats/minute, blood pressure 94/56 mmHg, and respiratory E. Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia
rate 24/minute. Oxygen saturation was 92% on air. On auscul-

MEDICINE --:- 10 Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Davey P, Sharman D, The electrocardiogram, Medicine (2018),

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