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Sylvester Andrei Nodalo 8/28/19

X – Generosity

Long Test no.2

A. Minimum of 3 sentences

1. Why is that, Human beings are the main agent of goodness

We Human beings are the main agent of goodness. We are the main agents because God
is our source of love and goodness and we are all created to love each other, so as human
beings we should partake in our role and our purpose.

2. What is the importance of Human Dignity

Human Dignity is very important. Human Dignity plays a big role because all humans
have dignity.we all have worth and even though we are all differently unique we should
embrace each others differences.

3. Why did God created humans with human dignity?

God created us with human dignity to make us all feel our worth. And, to make us feel
loved and actually realise the value or worth of each human life, That’s why God created
us with Human Dignity.
4. What is the meaning of this “Jesus Christ reveals to us the fullness of our dignity” ?
“Jesus Christ reveals to us the fullness of our dignity” simply means jesus is revealing
himself to us. So by this revealing God shows us our true worth. How loved we are and
are value as Human beings
5. Define the purpose of the Soul, Body and Spirit?
The body is physical being of a persons it reveals its identity. The Spirit gives us the
capacity to think and to do. And the Soul is what makes as alive.


1. We are Historical Beings

We are Historical Beings for we have the capacity “to be”. We have the capacity “to be”
because we are time bounded and we have a choice to live the lives we choose.

2. We are Embodied Spirits

We are Embodied Spirits because we are composed of the Soul, Body and Spirit.
Each serves a purpose, and because of that if makes us all embodied spirits.
3. We are Conscious Beings
As Embodied Spirits, it gives us the capacity to be conscious. To be conscious, is to be
aware of everything around us, and us Conscious beings it is in our nature to be aware.

4. We are Relational Beings

As Relational Beings, it is in our nature to have relationship with others. It is our role as
human beings to socialise and build relationships with our brothers in sisters.

5. We are Unique, though Fundamentally Equal

We are all uniquely different but we are fundamentally equal because we all have the
capacity to be whatever we want to be because we are all made equally by God.

Illustrate (3 points)

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