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The Champion

The Champion

ou are a mighty reaver on an epic quest, a chain- The Champion’s deed die determines the Deed’s success.
blade weilding bounty hunter who never brings This is the same die used for the Champion’s attack and
quarry back still breathing, a hulking behemoth damage modifier each round. If the deed die is a 3 or higher,
dealing wanton destruction, or a sinister and the attack lands (e.g., the total attack roll exceeds the
swordsman fighting for whoever carries the target’s AC), the Deed succeeds. If the deed die is a 2 or less,
fattest purse. or the overall attack fails, the Deed fails as well. Refer to the
Champions are some of the greatest combatants the galaxy Combat section (DCC RPG, pg 88) for additional information
is able to conjure up. on Mighty Deeds of Arms.
Hit Points Signature Move
A Champion gains 1d12 hit points at each level. Champions will often use one specific deed often in combat
and claim it as their signature move. Should they score a 3 or
Weapon training higher on the deed die without previously calling what kind of
deed they were attempting, they may use their signature
Champions use the best equipment available on hand. As move, if they choose.
such, they may use any weapon; they may also use armor and
shields. Critical Hits
Alignment In combat, a Champion is most likely to score a critical hit
and tends to get the most destructive effects when they do so.
Any and every cause is in need of a Champion. Lawmen and In addition, a Champion scores critical hits more often. At 1st
noble knights, employed by nobility, would be lawful, for through 4th level, a Champion scores a crit on any natural roll
example. A space pirate or wandering barbarian might be of 19-20. The threat range increases to natural rolls of 18-20
chaotic. A monk or a keeper of the peace would identify as at 5th level and 17- 20 at 9th level. See the Combat section
neutral. Mercenaries and bounty hunters follow their own (DCC RPG, pg 79) for more information on crits.
code of conduct, allowing them to follow any path of
alignment. Initiative
Attack Modifier A Champion adds their class level to their initiative rolls
Champions do not receive a fixed attack modifier at each Luck
level. Instead they receive a deed die, like the warrior (DCC,
pg 42). The deed die is rolled each round to generate the A Champion may apply their Luck modifier to either their
attack modifier. Consult Table 1-1 below to see the deed die base armor class or to one specific type of weapon. If a
advancement. The bonus of the deed die is also a modifier for weapon is chosen, it must be chosen at 1st level and remains
damage. When the Champion has multiple attacks at higher fixed after that point. Once armor class or a weapon is
levels, the same deed die applies to all attacks in the same chosen, it may not be changed (unless otherwise discerned
combat round. by the Judge).
Mighty Deeds Action Dice
Champions earn their keen reputation by performing brazen A Champion always uses their action dice for attacks.
acts and bold stunts. They swing across suspension bridges
on loose cables, bash through armored glass windows, and
leap over gaping chasms in pursuit of their foes. When locked
in mortal melee, their mighty deeds of arms turn the course
of battle: a brash leap from one landspeeder to another, a
mighty blow to cleave a robot's gunner arm clean off, or a
wild and well-timed slash to hamstring their opponent. Prior
to any attack roll, a Champion can declare a Mighty Deed of
Arms, or for short, a Deed. This Deed is a dramatic combat
maneuver within the scope of the current combat. The Deed
does not automatically increase damage but could have some
other combat effect: pushing back an enemy, tripping or
entangling him, temporarily blinding him, and so on.

The Champion
Level Attack (Deed Die) Crit Die/Table Threat Range Action Dice Ref Fort Will
1st d3 1d12/III 19-20 1d20 +1 +1 +0
2nd d4 1d14/III 19-20 1d20 +1 +1 +0
3rd d5 1d16/IV 19-20 1d20 +1 +2 +1
4th d6 1d20/IV 19-20 1d20 +2 +2 +1
5th d7 1d24/V 18-20 1d20+1d14 +2 +3 +1
6th d8 1d30/V 18-20 1d20+1d16 +2 +4 +2
7th d10+1 1d30/V 18-20 1d20+1d20 +3 +4 +2
8th d10+2 2d20/V 18-20 1d20+1d20 +3 +5 +2
9th d10+3 2d20/V 17-20 1d20+1d20 +3 +5 +3
10th d10+4 2d20/V 17-20 1d20+1d20+1d14 +4 +6 +3

A Champion’s attack modifier is rolled anew, according to the appropriate die, with each attack. The result modifies both attack
and damage rolls. At higher levels, the Champion adds both a die and a fixed value.

DCC by Goodman Games; The Umerican Survival Guide by
Shield of Faith Studios
Created with Homebrewery by Austin Winningham

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