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(063) 2214O)0 Loc, 130

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CE A162 - Design of Concrete Structures II

S.Y. 2018 - 2019, First Sernester

Midterm Sxam

Name:Jmel J.lhdtao Room: lla

IDNo: zott[-o1o5 Date :
DIRECTION: All answers must be reflected in the sheets provided. Only calculator, test questionnaire, sheets and pens are
allowed. Deposit other belongings in front of the classroom. Use NSCP 2010 Code.

Part 1: Concepts: Problem 2: For the wall system shown ia the figure, piol
the active earth pressure diagram and compute the
1.1 (Items 1-3) In the absence of elaborate tests, resultant R and its location y from the bottom. This
determine the coeffrcient of friction values given type of problem is often encountered in excavations
the types of soil. for large structures where there may be two or mor€
basement levels. The soil parameters 0, c may be
Soil F estimated or else be obtained from performing
sih #1 consolidated isotropicaliy undrained (CIU) tests on
Coarse-srained soil with silt TA good-quality tube samples. (25 pt$
Coarse-grained soil without silt +f -)

q : 100 kPa
1.2 (Items 4-8) General assumptions of lateral earth
pressure theories.
1.3 (Items 9-10) The value of the wall friction angle, 6 is c=0
between and Yuuur : 17.30 kN/m3

ry3!sr419 . v .,-.
1.4 {Items 11-13) Dif}'erentiate K", K,, and K, @:O";c:70kPa
Y.nt : 19.60 kN/m3
1.5 (Items 14-15) Differentiate Rankine's and Coulomb's

Part 2t Problem Solving

Problem 1: A gravity retaining wall is shown in the

figure. Use 6 : {213) 6. Determine the following:

a. Factor of safety against overturning (10 pts) @: a"

b. Factor ofsafety against sliding (10 pts) c: 40 kPa
c. Pressure on the toe and the heel ofsoil (10 pts) Ysat = 19'00 kN/m3

Yr * 18'5l*:tllm' @=20o
s: = 3:o Y..t : 18,00 kN/m3

Y: = 18 kli,/m3
cr - 3O kla
Tibmga" 9200 n;gm City, P.O. BoxNo.56{4 Tel- Nc. (63) 221{050 Loc.l30
Dkect line (063) 235lEoail:ftahgarr@yahoo,cm
Homepage: htF:/lwww-asuiite&.ph/coe

CE A162-Design of Concrete Structures II

S.Y. 2018* 2019. First Semester

Midterm Exam

Name: {un+lJ. lldla" Room: fiz

IDNo: ,?rlq-076r Date :

DIRECTION: All answers must be reflected in the sheets provided. Only calculator, test questionnaire, sheets and pens are
allowed. Deposit other belongings in fi'ont ofthe olassroom. Use NSCP 2010 Code.

Problem 3: A retaining wall shown in the figure supports

an inclined backfill. The ground surface also carries a
uniform surcharge q = 20 kPa. Allowable net soil
bearing pressure at thE base ofthe footing is 260 kPa.
Coefficient of fristion between the soil and the base
is p : 0.55. Assume drains are provided to prevent
the built-up of waler pressure behind the wall. Use
the following values: f'" = 2& MPa and f, :4W
MPa. Other data are given in the figure. Assume 75
mm as steel covering. Determine the following:

a. Factcir of safety against sliding and overturning.

(5 pts)
b. Effective depth of the base of the stem. (5 pts)
c. Vertical & horizontal reinforcernents ofthe stem
ofthe retaining wall. (10 pts)
d. Adequacy ofshear capacity ofthe stern (5 pts)
e. Adequacy ofbearing capacity ofthe soil (5 pts)
f. Steel reinforcemeflt at the toe and the heel oftha
base using 28 mm 6 as main bars and a 12 mm fi
tempersture bars ( 10 pts)

Q = ?OtPa

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