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My Experience Traveling And Abroad (2 Phase)

Ingles II
NRC: 340

Actividad No. 1
My Experience Traveling And Abroad (2 Phase)

Presentado por Grupo L:

Lenis Barrientos ID: 591107
Camila Valderrama ID: 435305

Presentado a:
Fredy Geovanny Escobar Fandiño

Corporación Universitaria Minuto De Dios - Uniminuto Uvd

Facultad De Ciencias Empresariales

Bogotá D.C.

My Experience Traveling And Abroad (2 Phase)

My Experience Traveling nd Abroad (2 Phase).

The objective of the project is making a dialogue about “your experience traveling
abroad”. This project is divided in three phases.

In this Second Phase (Script) you have to follow these steps:

Step 1: Download the file “Our Script” in your PC, complete the file by taking into
account the recommendations that you can find there.

Step 2: Participate in the forum “Getting to Know”, in this forum you can plan and
interact with your partners about the script.

Step 3: Start the creation of your script by taking into account the vocabulary and
grammar structure learnt. Do not use any translator tool during this process.

Step 4: Send the file “Our Script” in the link “Send my activity (Phase 2)”, only the
group leader sends the file.
My Experience Traveling And Abroad (2 Phase)

My Experience traveling abroad

In this file, you have to create the script or dialogue for your “experience traveling
abroad”. Example: one member of the group (the friend who traveled to USA) arrives at
the airport and two friends (the other two members of the group) are waiting for him
there. When he finally arrives, his friends start asking him some questions about his
experience. In parentheses write the location. Example:

(In the airport)

Friend who traveled to USA: ¡Hello guys! It’s been a long time.
Friend 2: Pablo, we can’t believe you are here.
Friend 3: We missed you a lot.
Friend who traveled to USA: Well, but I’m here again.
Friend 2: So, where have you been all this time?
Friend who traveled to USA: The last six months, I’ve been in different cities of USA.
Friend 3: ¡Really! And what did you do there?
Friend who traveled to USA: Well, first of all, I ………

Now, make your script or dialogue. The text must contain 250 words at least. Use past
simple and present perfect in most of the dialogue. Do not add pictures.

Friend who traveled to USA: Camila Valderrama

Friend 2: Lenis Barrientos

Start you script or dialogue from here…………………………………

My Experience Traveling And Abroad (2 Phase)

Friend who traveled to USA: Hello dear friend, how nice to see you good after a long

Friend 2: I am very happy for your return home.

Friend 2: ¿On your trip you met tell me?.

Friend who traveled to USA: Of course, if I knew many interesting places such as
museums, parks, but what caught my attention was the historical sites are very interesting.

Friend 2: excellent, we can’t believe you are here

Friend who traveled to USA: I also went to Los angeles. It was great!

Friend 2: How long did you stay there?

Friend who traveled to USA: I was there for 3th days, although there were few days there
are many places to meet.

Friend 2: Did you visit the Museum while you were there?

Friend who traveled to USA: If you can visit the downtown of Los Angeles,
and walk in the middle of its skyscrapers

Friend 2: Was it your first time in Los Angeles?

Friend who traveled to USA: Yes, it was.

Friend 2: ¿What did you like about los angeles?

Friend who traveled to USA: I really liked going to Manhattan beaches.

Friend 2: Where did you stay?

My Experience Traveling And Abroad (2 Phase)
Friend who traveled to USA: I stayed in a hotel in the Hollywood Roosevelt hotel.

Friend 2: How was the hotel?

Friend who traveled to USA: It was nice, but a little bit expensive.

Friend 2: Q: Who did you go with?

Friend who traveled to USA: I went with a couple of friends.

Friend 2: Were the people friendly?

Friend who traveled to USA: No, they weren’t. But sometimes people in big cities can be
a bit rude.

Friend 2: Did you like the food?

Friend who traveled to USA: We had good food.

Friend 2: Do you think you’ll go back someday?

Friend who traveled to USA: I’d like to go back. But there are so many other places to

Friend 2: We missed you a lot

Friend who traveled to USA: Well, but I’m here again

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