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GeoGebra and Graphing Calculator Integration

Alyssa K Migler

Arizona State University


Applicant Narrative

My name is Mrs. Migler, and this is my fifth-year teaching mathematics at Connolly

Middle School in Tempe, Arizona. Some background that I have accomplished previously

includes, tutoring and interning. I tutored in high school and while I was receiving my degree in

Secondary Education (Mathematics) at Arizona State University. Throughout my tutoring

experience, I realized I wanted to teach Honors Algebra, and that is what I teach currently.

My project I will focus on is integrating technology into math lessons in order for

students to visualize mathematical computations and figures. I will provide students with the app

GeoGebra and Graphing calculator in order for students to build graphs and moving objects by

only using mathematical equations. This gives students a hands-on experience in developing a

more conceptual view of how equations are represented and displayed on a graph and focuses

more on the in-depth knowledge of mathematics, rather than plugging in variables and solving

for a single number. Using this approach and technology can help students become empowered

learners, which is addressed in the ISTE standards for students. Using these specific

technological tools helps students dive deeper, build networking and use feedback to build

different objects and ideas they have. It helps them learn the fundamental process of getting to a

final answer and they have to be the ones to take their previous knowledge to create their own

pictures, graphs, etc. to build and explore these forms of technology. Having them engaging in

this makes project-based learning more accessible because they are actively engaging in these

tools themselves.

Project Based Learning is a teaching method in which students learn by actively engaging

in real-world projects. I believe Project Based learning is necessary to strengthen students’

knowledge and keep them engaged. Putting students into real life scenarios is beneficial because

it prepares them for the actual real-world. Considering PBL is student driven and addresses key

real-world concepts, I chose to have my students focus on the use of technology to communicate

their creativity and to their peers. In our society, the use of technology continues to rise, and

giving students the opportunity to take advantage of this growth and incorporate it into their

learning is important.

One way I want the students to use their knowledge of mathematics and incorporate

technology to further their exploration is using Graphing Calculator to build picture of their

choice only using mathematical equations. All of their computations and constructions will be

done with this driving question in mind, how can relationships of mathematical components

produce moving objects/shapes? How can mathematics be applied to the real world? This will

help to develop their understanding of the geometry lesson not only in the classroom, but in the

real world itself. This will also allow them to use their own creativity to construct these pictures,

while implementing the components of the lesson. Once completed, I want the students to

present these pictures to the class, explaining how their constructions led to their design so they

can act as the teacher as well. I think the presentation is key since teachers need to fully

understand the material they are teaching, so this will help the students learn from their peers and

from themselves.

Technological integration is a key aspect of classrooms in this society. My classroom

specifically contains a projector, smartboard and each student have a Chromebook. I utilize that

technology through Socrative and Quizziz, which I incorporate as a form of Bell work. I make a

small quiz at the beginning of the class period pertaining to the lesson I taught the class before.

The students know to come in, start the Socrative, and depending on what they get, can help me

reflect on how well I taught the lesson or how well they absorbed the information. This will help

me see how their progression levels vary during the year.

To me, the purpose of education is to provide a framework for students to learn and

absorb information to further their achievements in life. The role of a teacher is through guidance

and providing a comfortable and open classroom between the students and myself. As a teacher,

I aim to help students achieve their goals and help them grow in and out of the classroom. Before

I can help the students, though, I need to be able to help myself. My attitude towards the students

in the classroom can only be established if I have a positive attitude towards myself. Once I have

that mastered, the others will all fall into place. When it comes to the community and

environment, I want to also build those relationships with my fellow faculty and the students’

guardians as well. I think having a close faculty will help by making lesson plans together and

staying steady in our curriculum as a team. The role of a student is respecting the instructor,

staying engaged through lessons, and bettering themselves.

School Environment

Connolly Middle School is an A+ school of excellence. Our mission is to prepare

students for college readiness and success in a global society through rigorous coursework and

critical students. Connolly incorporated the Advancement via individual determination (AVID)

program, and me along with the other instructors had to attend training in order to successfully

teach AVID. This program is designed to prepare students for college eligibility. There are 1149

students enrolled at our school and our motto is “whatever it takes, we are college bound!”. The

majority of demographics of this school include 51% Hispanic, 21% white and 10% African

American. There exists many different cultures and a wide variety of nationalities to build a

diverse group of students. This helps the students have an integrated lifestyle and more

accurately resembles the real world. Also, 70% of the students are from low-income families and

we do offer free and reduced lunches. This setback for children in the home life can have a long-

term effect but making sure my classroom and school is a safe and giving environment for them

is what is important. Also, the AVID program eliminates that income and racial gap and makes

learning a level playing field for all the students.

This philosophy has provided me with a layout of my goals to be an effective teacher for

my classroom. Things do not always go as planned but adaptation is important for myself to

grow as a teacher, and that is the best way to guide my students and help them grow.

Summary of Project

My project consists of students using the technological tool Graphing Calculator to build

a picture/word/object of their choice only using mathematical equations. This will help to

develop their understanding of the geometry lesson not only in the classroom, but in the real

world itself. This will also allow them to use their own creativity to construct these pictures,

while implementing the components of the lesson. When learning the basic information and

constructions of equations, the students will be able to discuss their ideas and inputs to come to a

deeper understanding of these concepts in groups.

In the beginning of my project, I will display a finished version of the project with an

engaging image/design/word and ask the students divergent questions regarding how

mathematics can be applied to the real world and how these relationships of variables can turn

into this object. The main questions I will ask the students are “how can relationships of

mathematical components produce moving objects/shapes? How can mathematics be applied to

the real world?” I want to focus on the basics of defining variables and the relationships between

those variables. Those concepts need to be developed in order for students to become successful

when completing their project. The students will get into their groups and work to formulate

answers to the guided questions given in the beginning of the lesson. More convergent questions

and smaller lessons will be given in the beginning of the year in order to spark the student’s

thoughts regarding those variables needed to construct an equation. I will give the students key

vocabulary associated with the project and in their groups, and they will be responsible for

coming up with their own definitions and coming to a consensus. At the end of the project,

students will turn in a screenshot of their picture/object/word they created with an explanation of

the steps they took to create the object and the equations that built the model.

Need for Project

I believe this project is necessary in my school since most students are from low-income

areas and have no interest to further their education. Having them work with their peers and form

connections between the real-world and math can highlight student achievement. Also using

project-based learning can form a stronger connection between myself and the students. Finally,

by getting to build this project, it can increase student’s involvement and communication to

make them excited and engaged in the classroom which in turn will aid them in their future


Student Impact

I believe roughly 240 students will be directly impacted during the initial implementing

of my project and 720 in the next three years. My project aims to help students solve real world

problems while also learning mathematical concepts. These students will be able to use the

problem-solving skills and deductive reasoning from building their objects/pictures and use that

to become successful in their future careers and in the real world. The biggest impact this project

will have on the students is allowing them to become creative and active thinkers. In order to

complete the project, students need to work together and develop new ideas for solving problems

and interpersonal relations with their peers, which are new skillsets that can help them in their

future lives.

Teacher Impact

I think this project will help me grow as a teacher by learning the best ways that my

students retain information. Having myself become more of a facilitator during this project will

allow me to have more time to reflect and guide the students individually through their work.

Being able to properly reflect is key to teaching, and during this project, considering I will give

students the tools they need and then let them loose to experiment and create their own work

gives me more time to observe and reflect on how well the project is peaking their interest and

any changes that would need to be made.

Community Impact

I hope that my project causes other teachers and classes in the district to implement more

lessons, activities, or PBL units to keep students engaged and working in a collaborative

environment. By empowering the students and helping them accomplish their goals, I believe

can help the community grow, especially in low income areas. The school I intern at now is a

Title I school and many students that I interact with mention that they have no intention to learn

the material because they are not going to college. The students need a facilitator to guide them

through their education and the importance of continuing their education. By implementing these

new ways of learning it has the potential to change student’s mindset, promote student

achievement and have interest in continuing their education, which in turn can benefit the

community if more students become successful.


Project Narrative

Learning Goals and Outcomes

Please refer to Table 1 in the Appendix in regard to further descriptions of standards,

learning goals and outcomes of the project. The goals for the project are addressed in the ISTE

standards 6c). and 7b which emphasizes that students communicate their ideas clearly and

effectively by creating digital objects and students using collaborative technologies to work

together with their peers, community members etc. to solve problems incorporating multiple

different viewpoints and opinions. Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively

by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations. The

goals for the project are also addressed in the Arizona Career and College Ready Standards

expressions and equations 6.EE.B.6 and 6.EE.C.9. Both of these standards focus on using

variables and writing expressions to solve mathematical and real-world problems. They also

emphasize using variables to represent a change in relationship of two quantities and analyzing

those relationships using graphs and tables and relate it to the equation.

My project focuses on students using their creativity to use technological graphing tools

to combine mathematical equations and to see the relationship between their creation

(picture/object/word) to those equations. In order for the students to be successful, they have to

work together to form a deeper understanding of the material and strengthen their collaboration

and communication skills. Since our society is becoming reliant on technology, having our youth

learn to adapt to it will aid in developing communication, leadership, time-management skills

etc. Most students are not exposed to these skills in early education and it would be extremely

beneficial to focus and develop those skills early in life so the students can become even more

successful in their future ahead.

Description of Learning Activities

Please refer to Table 2 in the Appendix for further description of learning activities. The chart

below gives a day to day description of the activities contained throughout the project. Students

will be split into groups and each given a specific role to make the group successful and promote


Some differentiation strategies that I will incorporate in my PBL involve repeating or

clarifying any difficult concepts and modeling the use of the materials and steps of the process.

Also providing separate step by step problems or a separate activity for more practice for the

students that cannot grasp the material and for those who are excelling, they can work on a

separate worksheet with more difficult problems. In placing the students in groups, they each

would have a different set of points to graph and then they go to each group and explain how

they attempted the problem and their explanation of why they chose their steps during the

process. I will provide extra practice worksheets and activity cards so when the students are done

with the homework, they have the opportunity to develop more skills and this also helps to assess

where the students are in their progression of learning. Students that need additional challenge

can make more than one object or try to create a moving graph. Students that require

accommodations can do their project in pairs, since it can provide them with collaboration and

combining their ideas with one another.

Also promoting students teaching students will help them gain more knowledge on the

subject. This is also a type of cooperative learning as students are responsible for their work and

have the opportunity to showcase that to the class.



The students will keep a journal in which they sketch out and form certain equations that

they will use to create their picture. This will be checked throughout the project and will be

turned in as a portfolio to form their progression and personal growth and will be a graded

component summative assessment. Also having a checklist each day that I will have posted on

the board as tasks/objectives that each student needs to complete by the end of the class period.

An example of this rubric and checklist is located in the Appendix. I would use this as a

formative assessment to measure their progress and make sure everyone is on task and complete

the desired workload for the day.

Sustaining the Project and Innovation


Throughout the project, I will be using a projector for notes and basic skills needed to

complete the project. The student will also have laptops in which they will be following along

and using online graphing tools to build their creations. The use of modeling will come in handy

where the students can follow along when learning how to graph and experiment with different

graphing tools such as GeoGebra, Graphing Calculator, and Desmos. This also is a great

opportunity for students to collaborate, since they will all be working in groups, they can assist

each other in the formation of their designs and learn from each other. The Tempe Elementary

District Educational Technology Department will support the technology that is being utilized

for my PBL. Their mission states “TD3 Ed Tech empowers 21st Century Learners and Leaders

to use effective and innovative technology to provide ALL students the skills to be collaborative,

risk-takers, who think critically”. Some of their visions and goals include giving the students the

opportunity to access authentic or inquiry-based learning activities appropriate to their


development. Ed Tech will support teachers in providing students with appropriate strategies and

technology to collaborate, construct knowledge, and develop solutions to real-world problems.

All learners will have engaging and empowering learning experiences both in and out of school

that prepare them to be active, creative, knowledgeable, and ethical participants in our globally

connected society (Ed Tech, 2017).

After the Proposal Period

Since the students have developed their understanding of variables, equations and

relationships of graphs with these other components, they can apply that knowledge in the real

world and their future math courses. With the technology, students can always refer back to their

creations and can continue to build new ones using different mathematical equations. For the

years to come, I plan to still focus on using these graphing tools in order for students to

strengthen their knowledge and experiment. A way I can expand on this idea for the future is

having students do group creations in which they will all connect with one another, or have

students building words on graphs and having conversations through them. I believe that is a

great way to incorporate collaboration, creativity and their knowledge as a group. Having a math

team and being able to share our ideas and collaborate, I can hopefully share my ideas with them,

and we can form new ways that students can incorporate technology into their learning and make

connections with the real world. Also, having faculty meetings with all the teachers in the school

and finding ways to incorporate PBL in their content areas as well, and soon be able to mash our

content together and have students doing one project for two content areas to help make the

students well rounded learners.



Using technology when teaching is an innovative way of learning within itself. This

project will transform students learning by allowing them to become creative and active thinkers.

In order to complete the project, students need to work together and develop new ideas for

solving problems and interpersonal relations with their peers, which are new skillsets that can

help them in their future lives. It also gives me, as a teacher, the opportunity to seek the best

ways that students retain information and have time to reflect and guide the students. Since PBL

focuses on a teacher as a facilitator, this changes the dynamic of how I would usually teach as in

lectures or notes, but instead I will have the opportunity to focus on the students learning and

constructions and I can reflect on the best ways that the students learn and become successful



Please refer to Table 3 in the Appendix in regard to expenditures needed for my

classroom. The most necessary item is the subscription to Graphic Calculator, since the students

will be doing their PBL on their Chromebooks using this specific app. Each activity will involve

pens/pencils and notebooks in which they will take notes and practice constructions. Also, the

students do not come into class with their own folders, so my goal is to supply each student with

their own, which also benefits them for their portfolio where they can keep their work all in one

place. The application of Graphic Calculator is a larger purchase for the classroom, so finding

the necessary funding is important in order for the students to reach their goals throughout the

project and experiment with different constructions to see a true result.



Connolly Middle School. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Educational Technology. (2017, January 5). Retrieved November 17, 2019, from

Search for Public Schools - School Detail for Connolly Middle School. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Table 1

Day Standards Learning Goal Outcome Essential

Day 1 Content: Students will be able Students How can
Defining and 6.EE.B.6 and to define and completed relationships of
Identifying 6.EE.C.9. identify variables notes, mathematical
Variables within an equation homework components
ISTE: and have detailed assignments, produce
6c notes regarding the and entry in moving
7b content. their journal. objects/shapes?
How can
mathematics be
applied to the
real world?
Day 2 Content: Students will Students How can
Relationship 6.EE.B.6 and understand the completed relationships of
between Variables 6.EE.C.9. relationship notes, mathematical
between two homework components
ISTE: variables assignments, produce
6c and entry in moving
7b their journal. objects/shapes?
How can
mathematics be
applied to the
real world?
Day 3 Content: Students will be able Students How can
Writing 6.EE.B.6 and to use their completed relationships of
formulas/equations 6.EE.C.9. knowledge of notes, mathematical
variables to write homework components
ISTE: equations and place assignments, produce
6c variables in the and entry in moving
7b correct location. their journal. objects/shapes?
How can
mathematics be
applied to the
real world?
Day 4 Content: Students will learn Students How can
Guide through 6.EE.B.6 and how to navigate completed relationships of
technology 6.EE.C.9. through graphing notes, mathematical
graphing tools tools online and homework components
ISTE: input their assignments, produce

6c equations into the and entry in moving

7b program to see their their journal. objects/shapes?
corresponding How can
graph. mathematics be
applied to the
real world?
Day 5 Content: Students will be able Students will How can
Graphing 6.EE.B.6 and to create different have explored relationships of
6.EE.C.9. types of graphs from different mathematical
their knowledge of graphing components
ISTE: variables and techniques and produce
6c equations. can describe moving
7b types of objects/shapes?
graphs. How can
mathematics be
applied to the
real world?
Day 6 Content: Students understand Students will How can
Relationship 6.EE.B.6 and the relationship have explored relationships of
between graphing 6.EE.C.9. between graphing different mathematical
and equations and equations and graphing components
ISTE: can explain how techniques and produce
6c their equation can describe moving
7b created the types of objects/shapes?
corresponding graph graphs. They How can
with detailed steps can explain the mathematics be
in their journal. relationship applied to the
between their real world?
Day 7 Content: Students work in Students will How can
Understanding 6.EE.B.6 and groups to learn to have explored relationships of
Constructions 6.EE.C.9. build constructions different mathematical
and compare each graphing components
ISTE: ones to give techniques and produce
6c feedback to one can describe moving
7b another and learn to types of objects/shapes?
work as a team with graphs. They How can
specific roles. can explain the mathematics be
relationship applied to the
between their real world?

Day 8 Content: Students use their Students will How can
Building 6.EE.B.6 and previous have explored relationships of
picture/object/word 6.EE.C.9. knowledge and different mathematical
specific graphing components
ISTE: constructions to techniques and produce
6c decide their can describe moving
7b picture/word/object types of objects/shapes?
and begin to create graphs. They How can
their project on the can explain the mathematics be
online tool. relationship applied to the
between their real world?
Day 9 Content: Students Students will How can
Presentations 6.EE.B.6 and effectively present have a relationships of
6.EE.C.9. their creation with completed mathematical
clear explanations creation and be components
ISTE: and reasoning able to explain produce
6c behind their their moving
7b constructions. constructions objects/shapes?
to the class How can
with the mathematics be
corresponding applied to the
graph. real world?
Day 10 Content: Students have a Students will How can
Portfolio 6.EE.B.6 and detailed portfolio to have a relationships of
submission and 6.EE.C.9. turn in on time with complete mathematical
reflection all of their organized components
ISTE: constructions, notes portfolio with produce
6c and resources used their work moving
7b to create their final from the whole objects/shapes?
product. project and How can
have a written mathematics be
self/peer applied to the
reflection to real world?

Table 2

Description Relation to Contact Time

Learning Goals and
Day 1: The beginning of the The activity allows 30 min completing
Defining and project will focus on students to focus on homework related to
Identifying developing basic using variables and variables
Variables skills of defining writing expressions to
variables. Discussing solve mathematical
key vocabulary and and real-world
having students come problems.
up with their own
Day 2: Students will use The lesson allows 30 min completing
Relationship their knowledge of students to emphasize homework related to
between variables variables in order to using variables to variables
place them in correct represent a change in
spots within the relationship of two
equations. quantities and
I will display analyzing those
examples to show the relationships using
relationship between graphs and tables and
variables. relate it to the

Day 3: Teacher led lesson The lesson allows 30 min completing

Writing using the previous students to focus on homework related to
formulas/equations knowledge of using variables and variables
variables and their writing expressions to
relationships in order solve mathematical
to form correct and real-world
equations that would problems.
yield a corresponding
Day 4: Students will get into The activity allows N/A students can
Guide through groups of 2-3 students students work on experiment on their
technology graphing investigating problems, communication and own with the steps
tools presenting solutions to collaboration skills given in class.
homework questions within their groups.
within the groups
discussing multiple
solutions to a given
Day 5: Students will follow This activity will 30 min
Graphing along on their allow students to Students will be
Chromebooks and become creative given coordinates and
open up GeoGebra and thinkers and digital equations to graph
Graphing citizens. and bring back to
Calculator/Desmos in class the next day.
which they experiment
with different equations
to see what affects they
have on a graph.
Day 6: This will be teacher This activity 30 min (worksheet)
Relationship led, modeling the emphasizes that
between graphing steps to take when students
and equations creating graphs on communicate their
the technology tools. ideas clearly and
I will Use the effectively by
projector and creating digital
Graphing objects and students
Calculator/Desmos to using collaborative
focus on technologies to work
mathematical together with their
investigations and peers,
discussing student
Day 7: Students will be This activity helps 30 min (worksheet)
Understanding given a set of points students use
constructions and equations and progression of
have to graph them knowledge in
and determine the distinguishing parts
slope and what the of an equation and
graph will look like how the graph will
before graphing it on look based off that
the online tool. information. This
makes them
constructers and
digital citizens.
Day 8: Students will write up This activity 2 hours
Building their explanation of emphasizes that Finalizing their
object/picture/word their steps, and include students presentations and
a step by step process communicate their processes.
on problem-solving and ideas clearly and
reason why they made effectively by
their decisions creating digital
throughout the project objects.
Day 9: Students will present Students 1 hour
Presentations these pictures to the communicate
class, explaining how complex ideas clearly
their constructions led and effectively by
to their design so they creating or using a

can act as the teacher variety of digital

as well. objects such as
models or simulations
Day 10: Students will submit a This final submission 2 hours
Portfolio submission screenshot of their allows students to Organizing their
and reflection work and explanation. reflect on their work portfolio and step by
Students can try to and progress which is step solutions and
guess what their peers’ necessary for reflection for final
pictures are. improvement not grade.
only in education but
in the real-world.

Table 3

Item # and Cost Where to Purchase Possible Funding

Notebooks 100 @ $0.59 = Target Adopt A Classroom
Chromebooks Supplied by School Supplied by School Supplied by School

Pens 14 for $12.00 Amazon Adopt a Classroom

Pencils 150 for $12.49 Amazon Adopt a Classroom

Folders 100 @ 0.48 = $48.00 Wholesale Sock Adopt a Classroom

Calculators Supplied by School Supplied by School Supplied by School

Graphing 40 @ $20 each= Pacific Tech Adopt a Classroom

Calculator App $800.00

Checklists and Rating Scales

Application of formula
 Know the definition of variables
 The student identifies specific variables in the formula
 Students will understand and be able to explain the relationship between the variables
 Written the formula correctly
 Put all variables in the correct areas of the formula
 Displayed the correct graph based off the formula

Rating scale (graded on a scale from 1-5, 5 being exemplary)

 Professionalism
 Content knowledge
 Eye contact
 Defined correct variables
 Explained the relationship
 Desired, acceptable, undesirable


Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement

Defining Variables Students defined all Students defined Students did not
variables correctly some variables define any variables
and assigned them correctly and but placed some in
to their assigned them to the corresponding
corresponding place some of the place in the formula.
in the formula. corresponding place
in the formula.
Finding the The relationship The relationship The relationship was
relationship was specifically was someone not defined nor
between variables defined and correct defined and correct correct.
Graph type is The graph directly The graph someone The graph does not
appropriate for correlates with the correlates with the correlate with the
formula formula formula. formula.

Inquiry (5E) Lesson Plan Template

Teachers: Subject:
Alyssa Migler Mathematics
Common Core State Standards:
For students:
 6c). Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital
objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.
 7b) Students use collaborative technologies to work with others, including peers, experts or community
members, to examine issues and problems from multiple viewpoints.

For Teachers:
 6c). Create learning opportunities that challenge students to use a design process and computational
thinking to innovate and solve problems.
 6d). Model and nurture creativity and creative expression to communicate ideas, knowledge or connections.

Objective (Explicit):

By the end of the 2019 school year, 80% of students will use the technological graphing tools GeoGebra and
Graphing Calculator in order to produce objects on a graph.

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

 Include a copy of the lesson assessment.
 Provide exemplar student responses with the level of detail you expect to see.
 Assign value to each portion of the response.

Students will turn in a screenshot of their picture/object/word they created with an explanation of the steps they
took to create the object and the equations that built the model.

(contained on bottom of lesson plan)

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):

 How will you review past learning and make connections to previous lessons?
 What skills and content are needed to ultimately master this lesson objective?
 How is this objective relevant to students, their lives, and/or the real world?

Some sub-objectives will involve…

Being able to define variables and relationship between two variables.
Using slope to build mathematical equations.
Key vocabulary: variables, relationships, equations, slope Materials: Chromebook, GeoGebra, Graphing Calculator,
pen/pencil, notebook
 How will you activate student interest?
 How will you hook student attention?
 What questions will you pose, based on your objective, that students will seek to answer in Explore?

Teacher Will: Student Will:

Ask the guiding questions: how can relationships of
mathematical components produce moving Work in small groups trying to formulate answers to
objects/shapes? How can mathematics be applied to the guided question.
the real world?
Brainstorming methods to complete the “task”
Create an engaging/funny image/design/word on
Graphing Calculator and present that to the class

Explain to the students that their task is to create some

type of picture/object/word that the students can
guess, or they can be able to have a conversation
through the words on the graphs.

 How will model your performance expectations? Remember, you are not modeling what you want students to discover but need to
model expected behavior or required procedures.
 How will students take the lead and actively use materials to discover information that will help them answer the question posed in
 What questions or prompts will you be prepared to use with students while they are “exploring”?

Teacher Will: Student Will:

Discussing key vocabulary and having students come Follow along on their Chromebooks
up with their own definitions. Open up GeoGebra and Graphing Calculator in which
Displaying examples to show the relationship between they experiment with different equations to see what
variables. affects they have on a graph.
Use a projector to model the steps taken in building
Co-Teaching Strategy
 What co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

One teach, One observe

One teacher has primary responsibility while the other gathers specific observational information on students or
the lead teacher. The key to this strategy is to focus the observation- where the teacher doing the observation Is
observing specific behaviors.

Differentiation Strategy
 What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?
 How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?

Repeating or clarifying any difficult concepts

Modeling the use of the materials and steps of the process
Providing separate step by step problems on a separate activity for more practice for the students that cannot
grasp the material and for those who are excelling, they can work on a separate worksheet with more difficult
 How will all students have an opportunity to share what they discovered?
 How will you connect student discoveries to correct content terms/explanations?
 How will all students articulate/demonstrate a clear and correct understanding of the sub-objectives by answering the question from
Engage before moving on?

Teacher Will: Student Will:

Use the projector and Graphing Calculator to focus on Students will get into groups of 2-3 students
mathematical investigations and discussing student investigating problems,
thinking presenting solutions to homework questions within the
Assign each group members different roles (ex. groups
Facilitator, time-keeper, elaborator) discussing multiple solutions to a given problem

Co-Teaching Strategy
 What co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

One teach, one assist

An extension of One teach, one observe. One teacher has primary instructional responsibility while the other
circulates to heck for understanding, assists students with their work, or monitors behaviors.
Differentiation Strategy
 What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?
 How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?

In placing them in groups, they each would have a different set of points to graph and then they go to each group
and explain how they attempted the problem and their explanation of why they chose their steps during the
process. Promoting students teaching students will help them gain more knowledge on the subject. This is also a
type of cooperative learning as students are responsible for their work and have the opportunity to showcase
that to the class.
 How will students take the learning from Explore and Explain and apply it to a new circumstance or explore a particular aspect of this
learning at a deep level?
 How will students use higher order thinking at this stage? (e.g. A common practice in this section is to pose a “what If question”)
 How will all students articulate how their understanding has changed or been solidified?

Teacher Will: Student Will:

Call on groups who have not gotten as far as others or Write up their explanation of their steps,
even who had incorrect answers. Include a step by step process on problem-solving and
Ask them to describe their thinking and to stimulate reason why they made their decisions throughout the
whole class discussion. project

Co-Teaching Strategy
 What co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

Parallel teaching

Each teacher instructs half the students/ The two teachers are addressing the same instructional material and
presenting the material using the same teaching strategy. The greatest benefit to this approach is the reduced
student to teacher ratio.
Differentiation Strategy
 What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?
 How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?

I will provide extra practice worksheets and activity cards in which when done with the homework to assess
where the students are in their progression of learning.

 How will all students demonstrate mastery of the lesson objective (though perhaps not mastery of the Elaborate content)?
 How will students have an opportunity to summarize the big concepts they learned (separate from the assessment)?

Teacher Will: Student Will:

Facilitate the end of discussions to make sure students Students will present these pictures to the class,
are understanding everything before they present their explaining how their constructions led to their design
material so they can act as the teacher as well.
Also submit a screenshot of their work and explanation
Guess what their peers’ pictures are
Co-Teaching Strategy
 What co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

Team teaching
Well planned, team taught lessons, exhibit an invisible flow of instruction with no prescribed division of authority.
Using a team-teaching strategy, both teachers are actively involved in the lesson. From a student’s perspective,
there is no clearly defined leader- as both teachers share the instruction, are free to interject information and
available to assist students and answer questions.
Differentiation Strategy
 What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?
 How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?

Students that need additional challenge can make more than one object, or try to create a moving graph
Students that require accommodations can do their project in pairs, since it can provide them with collaboration
and combining their ideas with one another
Exemplar for student mastery

My picture that I chose to create was a kite flying over water with a sun. In order to create the
water, I restricted the y value from 0 to sin(x)+1 since just sin(x) starts at the y-value of 0, I
wanted the graph to begin at a y value of one.

To form the line that is holding the kite, I chose to use the linear equation y=3/2x+3 so the
graph intersects the y axis at 3 and has a slope of 3/2.

I knew since I made the line for the kite intersect at 3 on the y-axis, that my kite had to have 3
as its center. So, the way I constructed the kite was creating two linear lines with the y value
restricted between the two lines, therefore the kite becomes filled in only the area in between
the two lines chosen.

For the sun, I know the equation for a circle is x^2+y^2=1, but I chose the circles to be at the
location of (2,5) with one circle expanded 2 times the smaller circle. This is why I have the two
circles, both having a radius one, and centered at (2,5) and one being 2x the size of the inner

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