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Dear Business Partner:

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you. Please help us serve you better by taking a couple of
minutes to tell us about the service that you have received so far. We appreciate your business and want to
make sure we meet your expectations.

VIA aims to provide you the best service just as how you deserve it, our valued client.


VIA Support Team

To answer our survey, kindly mark the small box with letter [ X ] and send the form to with

A. Which Department have you recently contacted?

[X ] A. Domestic [ ] B. International [ ] C. Hotels & Holidays

1. In your most recent customer service experience, how did you contact our Support Team?

[ ] a) By calling the VIA Trunkline

[ X ] b) Using the “Email Us” option

2. You have contacted our Support team because:

[ ] a) My concern is not available in FAQ
[ ] b) I want my concern to be immediately addressed over the phone
[X ] c) I want my concern to be immediately addressed through Email
[X ] d) I want to reconfirm/clarify something
[X ] e) I am making a follow-up

3. About how long did you have to wait before getting a response from our representative?

[ X ] a) I was taken care of immediately

[ ] b) Within 3 minutes
[ ] c) 3-5 minutes
[ ] d) 5-10 minutes
[ ] e) More than 10 minutes

4. How many times did you have to contact customer service before the problem was resolved?

[ X ] a) Once
[ ] b) Twice
[ ] c) Three Times
[ ] d) More than Three times
5. Did our representative... (Select all that apply)

[ ] a) Quickly identify the problem

[ ] b) Seem knowledgeable and competent
[ ] c) Help you understand the cause and the solution to the problem
[ X ] d) Handle issues with courtesy and professionalism

Overall, how satisfied are you with the customer service experience?

[ ] a) Very dissatisfied
[ ] b) Somewhat dissatisfied
[ ] c) Average
[ ] d) Somewhat satisfied
[ X ] e) Very satisfied

Would you like to commend our representative?


If you were less than totally satisfied, what could have been done to serve you better?


Name of Customer Representative

or any Request ID (if applicable): 900611

FRAG ID and Name of Travel Agency:


Thank you for your feedback. We sincerely appreciate your honest opinion and will take your input into
consideration while providing products and services in the future.

VIA appreciates your unwavering support!

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