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Assessment Cover Sheet


BSBMGT502 Manage people performance

BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Student Name:
(Please write in block letters)
Student ID Number:
(Please write in block letters)
Assessors Name:

Assessment Due: Week 5
Assessment Tasks
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory Did Not Submit
(Cross out rows not required)

Assessment 1 □ □ □
Feedback to Students:

BSBMGT502 Manage people performance V2.2019


I hereby certify that the above student has been assessed by myself and all assessments are carried out as
per the Academy’s Assessment Policy & Procedure.I declare that the student’s work evidence is current,
authentic, valid and sufficient

ASSESSOR SIGNATURE ____________________________ Date: ______________

Student’s signature

Assessment Submission rules and conditions

Read all the instructions below before attempting the assessment task. Assessment tasks are tools used to
determine if you have the knowledge and skills to complete tasks to industry standards within the workplace.
Your trainer/assessor will help you throughout this task and it is your responsibility to provide enough evidence
to justify a competent decision by the trainer/assessor. If you do not understand the questions or what is
required, ask your trainer/assessor for assistance.

 For group assessments, all students are to contribute to the assessment tasks. You must work in
groups when the assessment is required and when that is the case you will be allocated in to groups
by your trainer in the class; hence your active presence is necessary
 Role play/presentation if part of the assessment must be done by all students. Photos or video may be
taken as part of the evidence.

You are to complete all tasks by the due date and assessments must have a coversheet attached. Online
submission opens one week prior to the due week and cut-off date is set on Sunday at 11:55pm in the week of
due date. If you think you do not have enough time to complete the tasks by the due date, discuss with the
trainer/assessor the reasons of why you cannot submit on time. Assessment tasks submitted late may not be
accepted by your trainer/assessor, leaving the learner with a Did Not Submit (DNS) result.

Writing your responses

When answering questions, ensure that your answers are detailed enough so the assessor can draw a
conclusion that you have the knowledge and/or skills to demonstrate competency. When producing reports,
please make sure that your project has the following complete information:

A Title Page, Table of Contents, Page Numbers, Reference List, ensuring that your answers thoroughly match
the questions asked.

Answer all questions in your own words to avoid plagiarism.

Plagiarism/ Academic Misconduct

Plagiarism by a student will result in an automatic ‘NYS’, and as well as being recorded, may result in further
disciplinary action such as a student’s exclusion from a course. Plagiarism is presenting and using someone
else’s work, writings or ideas as your own with or without their consent.
Some examples of plagiarism as follows

 Presenting work by another individual as one’s own unintentionally

 Handing in assessments markedly similar to or copied from another student
 Handing in assessments without the sufficient acknowledgement of sources used, including
assessments taken totally or in part from the Internet

Academic misconduct is a serious matter and any breach of misconduct will be treated seriously as per the
Policy of the organisation. Impersonating or allowing another individual to impersonate you, for the purpose of
completing an assessment or presentation is considered a fraud.
Marking of Assessments

On submission of your assessment it will be marked for a result of either Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory
(NYS). If you receive a NYS result, you will be asked to redo the tasks again. To achieve a competent result with
this unit, all tasks need to be completed and marked as satisfactory. Your trainer/assessor will provide feedback
to you on each task, outlining where you must improve to achieve a Satisfactory (S) result. When all tasks are
marked as Satisfactory (S), you will receive a result of Competent (C) for this unit otherwise, you will be marked
Not Yet Competent (NYC). Assessments submitted to the trainer/assessor after the due date may not be
accepted, and you may have to a resubmission fee.

Submission requirements

If an assessment is not submitted in accordance with the submission requirements, then it will be deemed as
being non-compliant. Non-compliant submissions result in pending on being marked and /or recorded NYS.

 All submissions must be done by PDF file. The Student is required to convert word file assessments,
PowerPoint presentation and other attachments to PDF before submitting.
 The first page in the file must be cover page. It must contain student name and student number.
 The Student is allowed by default to upload up to five documents on each submission. You must
upload each file separately. You must not upload zip file.
 Submissions from overseas are not allowed as students are required to be in Australia to attend their
regular classes.

Assessment appeals

Appeal process – You can appeal your results in writing to the Director of Studies within 2 weeks of the
assessment outcome; if you feel the decision made by your assessor was incorrect. Please refer to your student
handbook for information on assessment appeals for the required steps to appeal this decision.

Students have to complete all questions.
Part 1: Case Study - MyHome2

Read the case study, MyHome2, below and follow the instructions that follow.

You have been employed by Hans and Anchara Fisher, founders of Myhome2, as
the human resource manager. The business is in its third year of operation. The business
started in the study of Hans and Anchara’s home in Marrickville, an inner-western suburb
of Sydney. Hans and Anchara had met on a Contiki Tour in Europe. They love travel and
meeting people. After moving to Sydney, they decided to open their home to a student
studying at a nearby university. They were happy when their guest told them that she felt
as safe and happy as if she were at home with her family. The idea for Myhome2 was
Myhome2 is a web service that find students studying in New South Wales with a host-
family home within 20 kilometres of their educational institution. The ‘guest’ is
guaranteed their own bedroom, bathroom and study area. Meals are provided five nights
per week. The host families are pre-screened by completing police checks and various
other security checks. Typically, the host-family has children (often in high school or
university) who are studying in the local area.
The families of the Myhome2 guests, whether they are interstate in Australia or overseas,
can be assured that their young person is in a safe, family environment where they have
privacy and the guarantee of at least five home-cooked meals every week.
The business did very well last year; exceeding its targets, and have decided to expand this
year. They have fifty employees, many of them are customer experience assistants.
You have been asked by the CEOs to develop a work plan to recruit and onboard twenty
five additional customer service team members to support the roll-out of the business in
Queensland. The team will be accommodated in the Sydney office. There is space for the
new team members on the floor; they will need furniture, technology and various
resources. You have been told that ideally the new team members will be in place in
twelve weeks.
You have been given the following information about costs:

Item Cost

Customer service assistant $55,000 per annum

Computer & 2 monitors $4,200
Desk $900
Desk chair $650
Headset $220

1. Since joining Myhome2, you have discovered that the business’ Human resource
manual does not include policies or procedures for managing performance, you believe
it is critical to fill this gap in the manual ahead of the recruitment and onboarding
project that you will be launching next month.

Design a performance management system for MyHome2.

The system you design must have a policy, relevant procedures that can be added to
the MyHome2 Human resource manual. You should also develop any tools that
employees will need to implement the system.

Performance management system

Policy Refer to relevant legislation and regulations

Summarise any relevant aspects of the relevant Award

Summarise the relevant Award and any certified agreement

Procedure Responsible parties

Monitoring (methods, timeline, feedback)

Performance appraisal

Managing performance issues

Developing performance improvement plans

Terminating employees for poor performance

Tools Checklists, forms or templates (optional)

Submit the policy, procedure and any tools you have developed in your assessment.

2. Complete the table below by identifying three internal and three external stakeholders.
In column B you must summarise each stakeholder’s impact on the work plan. In
column C, you must identify the resource/s that each stakeholder influences or inputs to
implementation of the work plan.

Internal stakeholder Impact on work plan Resource implications

External stakeholder Impact on work plan Resource implications

Submit the completed table in your assessment.

3. Use the template at Appendix A to write an email to the CEOs seeking advice that will
assist you to prepare a work plan for the project. Include an analysis of the breakdown
of the various work activities that are required and your assumptions about the
resources required for implementation. You will need their confirmation of the
performance standards and performance indicators that will be applied to the work
plan and deliverables.

Submit the email in your assessment.

4. Consider the various job roles that will be needed to fulfil the work plan. Use the
template at Appendix B to prepare a position description for one key role that you have
identified for the project. You must include three key performance indicators in the
position description.

Submit the position description in your assessment.

5. Undertake research to identify the various pieces of legislation that are relevant to the
work. Complete the table below by identifying five pieces of legislation that your team will
need to comply with while working on this project. In column B, summarise (in dot points) the
key obligations that team members will need to comply with for each piece of legislation.

Legislation Summary key obligations

Submit the completed table for assessment.

6. You have identified that your team members are going to have to develop their
knowledge and skills in the following areas to be competent to implement the work
plan. Research the staff development options that are suitable and record the details on
the table below.

Submit the completed table for assessment.

Knowledge and skill Staff development options Details

(duration, cost, delivery
Project management

Interviewing job

7. Explain unlawful dismissal rules and what employers must do to follow due process.

Part 2: Short answer questions

1. Read the scenario and answer the questions that follows.

Cade joined the business as IT Help Desk team member last week. This is his first
full-time job since completing his Certificate IV training. He has spent this week
checking he has the equipment he needs, becoming familiar with the business and
completing on-boarding training.
His role is to assist internal team members with computer hardware and software
issues. Next week he will start to take his first ‘tickets’ from the IT Helpline email to
attend to user issues.

a. What feedback could you give to Cade at the end of week 1?

Scenario continued:

Cade has been with the business for 10 weeks. His probation will conclude in two
You have generally been happy with his performance. Several team leaders in other
parts of the business have passed on good feedback to you about his pleasant and
helpful manner. He attends to ‘tickets’ promptly and is often able to resolve the
issue during the first call.
You are concerned, however, with his use of social media at work. On several
occasions you have noticed him quickly closing Facebook and Instagram when you
passed by his desk.

b. When is the appropriate time to give feedback to Cade about his performance?
Give reasons for your answer.

c. List the key points that you would include in a feedback session to Cade.

2. Read the scenario and answer the questions that follows.


You have conducted a feedback session with Brad. He is the warehouse manager
with a two-year track record for excellent performance.
In the last six weeks, he has not been achieving the required work standard. His
team are complaining that he is giving them unrealistic timelines and incorrect
information about procedures and orders. This has resulted in incorrect orders
being dispatched, leading to poor customer feedback and significant rework.
Brad has always been late to work at least once per week over the last six weeks.
He has also used all of his personal leave; if he takes any more leave it will have to
be leave-without-pay.
In the meeting with Brad, he told you that his wife has a serious medical condition.
As a result, Brad has assumed more caring responsibilities; he is taking his young
daughter to day care in the mornings and has had to take leave to attend medical
appointments with his wife. He had hoped to keep this information confidential but
he realises that the stress and caring duties are impacting his performance.


a. What support services could you offer to Brad that help him address the
performance issue?

b. How would you go about assisting Brad to access the support services if he
decided they would be useful to him?

3. Read the scenario and complete the activities that follows.

April is a contact centre team member. Her primary duties involve answering inbound
customer calls within strict timelines and providing advice about insurance products.
Each contact centre team member has targets to reach for referrals to the sales team,
call answering, time absent from the call queue and customer feedback.
You had a one-on-one meeting with April last month where you gave her feedback
about issues with her performance. She seems to be taking frequent breaks of at
least 10 minutes during the day. On two occasions she logged on 30 minutes late after
lunch. There are no customer complaints; however, she also hasn’t received any
particularly positive feedback from customers either. Her sales referrals and call
answering times are within limits. April told you in this meeting that her father was
recently diagnosed with dementia and she is finding it hard to concentrate at work.
Since that meeting, April’s performance has deteriorated. She has returned late from
lunch on five occasions. Her call answering times are 10% slower than required in her
KPIs. Her referrals to the sales team have decreased and are currently 12% below her
KPIs. There has been one customer complaint about her ‘off-hand manner’. She has
taken leave on three separate occasions to accompany her father to his various
specialists. She has only one day paid-leaving remaining.


a. Write a short report (approximately 150 words) that summarises the key issues
and your potential solution.

b. Write a covering letter to the Human Resources Manager that requests their
advice and support.

4. Read the scenario and complete the activity that follows.


You have been Phillipe’s manager since he transferred to your team nine months ago.
Phillipe is responsible for assisting with routine human resource matters. Employees
contact Phillipe by phone and/or email with inquiries about leave, bonuses, training
and employment conditions.
Several managers have contacted you with negative feedback about Phillipe. The
managers have reported that Phillipe is not helpful: he often doesn’t return calls or
reply to emails. Their biggest complaint is that Phillipe is very inflexible: he responds
to employee inquiries from quoting strictly from procedures without considering an
employee’s personal situation. One manager told you: “Phillipe has no empathy!”
Another colleague remarked: “Talking to Phillipe is like ‘computer says no’!”


a. Use the template at Appendix C to prepare a performance improvement plan

for Phillipe.
Part 3: Role play (Meeting)
You are the Human resource manager and you are organising a meeting with two of the
team members who have been doing a good job.(You as the manager and your two
team members).

Refer to Appendix D for the Observation Checklist that details the criteria your
trainer/assessor will use when assessing you.
You must read the scenario below and plan the feedback that you will give to your team. Your
goal is to promote continuing or improved work standards.


The team have started implementing the work plan to recruit and onboard twenty five
additional customer service assistants within twelve weeks. The team had some
challenges in getting started: establishing an account with to post jobs was
tricky, getting stakeholders to finalise the position description, organising a space
where the team could work together took a fair amount of negotiation.
In the last two weeks, things have started to come together. Interview panels have
been held and references are being conducted for the first batch of candidates, a
number of CVs are with the customer service manager for review, importantly,
development of the onboarding pack and training is ahead of schedule.
You have had great feedback from the CEOs, Finance Manager, Human Resources
Manager and Customer Service manager about the team’s performance. You are
particularly pleased with two team members who have gone above-and-beyond to tap
into their networks to find quality candidates, You have organised a meeting where you
plan to give them feedback.
Appendix A: Email template



Appendix B: Position description

Position Description
Position title: Date:

Service Line: Level:

Reports to:

Position summary:
[This is a snapshot of the role. In approximately 100 words, you should summarise the purpose of
the role and including key objectives. The purpose and objectives should be written in sufficient
detail to differentiate the role from other roles in Myhome2]


[Create a dot point summary of the key result areas of the role. Do not include activities that
require less than 5% of the colleague’s time/effort.

Use specific, objective, factual language that focuses on the activities that are performed by the
colleague. Note: do not use abbreviations or jargon. Avoid technical terms as much as possible.]

Key performance indicators

Experience and skills

Essential Desirable

Essential Desirable
Appendix C

Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

Staff Member Details
Performance improvement
Staff Name Manager’s Name conversation date:

Date that performance will next

Staff Position Title Manager’s Position Title be reviewed:

Actions to Improve Performance

Following discussion at the formal Managing for Performance Improvement meeting, the following is a summary of the performance area(s) that continue to be below the expected levels and
provide details of what the expected performance standards are, and how these standards will be achieved within the allocated timeframe

Performance area(s) that are below Expected standards of performance Action Support Timeframe
What will it look like when done really How will you do it? What support is required to lift When is it going to
well? your performance? be done by?
Appendix D

Observation Checklist


Description of what the assessor expects to see the student Yes/No Comment (Comments need
during the formal structured feedback session to have examples)

Thanked team members for making themselves available

Explains the purpose of the meeting

Summarised the work plan and challenges

Summarised achievements against KPIs

Identified excellent performance

Explained indicators of excellent performance

Collaborates with team members to agree on goals, work

standards and challenges
Uses verbal and non-verbal communication to demonstrate trust
and empathy
Expressed confidence in the team member’s future performance

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Assessment 1
Feedback Evaluation Sheet


UNIT NAME: BSBMGT502 Manage people performance

In this assessment, the student demonstrated: Comments

1. Design a policy and procedure for My Home 2 performance

management system
2. Submitted the completed table identifying the internal/external
stakeholders, impact on work plan & resources implications
3. Email seeking advice-Appendix A

4. Created a position description using Appendix B

5. Identified 5 pieces of legislation

6. Identified the staff development options and the resources required

7. Explained unlawful dismissal rules & the process to be followed

Part 2
1. A)Feedback given to Cade?
1. B) Reasons for the time performance feedback was given

1 C) Listed the key points

2 a)Support services given

2b) Information on accessing the support services

3 a) Report summarising the key issues and solutions

3 b) Covering letter requesting advice and support

4 a) Performance improvement plan


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