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2. Ingrese al objeto de aprendizaje The Market Thing: “KNOWING
MY TEAM”, ubicado en la actividad de Proyecto 21 Supervisar el
equipo de trabajo”. Observe el video tutorial contenido en la
sección “Let’s listen”, y escriba un párrafo de mínimo 10 líneas,
expresando las ideas principales contenidas en él.

Currently, the exponential evolution of technological advances in global

environments is generating disruption and continuous paradigm
changes. The impact that these changes generate in the organizations,
can be glimpsed in the decisions and strategies that the Managers,
Executives and employees. As the years go by we will see more and
more changes, there will come a time when everything will be handled
through the Internet and social networks and communications will be
even easier because we find platforms through which we communicate
in real time and from any part of the world. With this new way of working,
costs are reduced and many more clients can be reached, unlike when
we were in the industrial era in which workers felt slaves to a job.

3. Descargue y lea los textos contenidos en la sección “Let’s read”.

Realice la actividad de comprensión lectora de la sección y tome
capturas de pantalla en cada pregunta, incluyendo el resultado
final. Agregue las capturas en el documento.
4. Basado en la administración de recursos humanos, escriba una
presentación donde señale las políticas para su propio proyecto,
con el objetivo de promover un ambiente laboral adecuado en su

HOME MADE is a company that invests and strengthens its

management system (occupational health) with a single purpose to
implement a work environment and organizational culture to attract new
talents, to form a very professional work team. For this reason, the
company must provide the best conditions for employees to feel worried
about them, that their opinion is valid and that they can count on the
support of their bosses and colleagues.

 promote the labor and personal growth of our employees by

instilling organizational values, well-being and labor standards for
each team member.
 Make use of technology to advance the company and facilitate
the work of employees by improving everything that has to do
with safety and health at work worrying about them and that they
feel it that way.
 Our company will promote good relationships, good treatment,
values and tolerance among employees through the
implementation of occupational health programs.
 quarterly meetings will be planned in order to listen to the ideas,
proposals all for the benefit of obtaining better results for the
company and the workers.
 Motivate workers with positive messages and personal rewards
for the benefit of themselves and their families
 promote security policies that go against the company such as
public actions which give the working environment and the image
of the company

5. En la sección “Vocabulary”, arrastre cada palabra con el

concepto que corresponda. Tome capturas de pantalla en cada
grupo de palabras y agréguelas al documento.

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