Career Guidance

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Hi everyone! I’m Mizuki Chikata from the Career Support Office.

This session, I would like to talk about your career first and then, you will
take the PROG test after that.
Before starting the session, I would like you to answer the survey. I will give

you 3 minutes, so please answer it. (アンケート配る)3 分後を目処に回収

We support students’ Job Hunting activities and career development.

According to the survey you just answered, ●% of you are planning to work
in Japan.

Our goal today for the first part is for you to understand three key points for
successful job hunting in Japan. These are three key points.
No 1. Improve Japanese skills
No 2. Start Job Hunting activities before graduation
No 3. Lead a fulfilling student life
Let’s see the details.

First of all, No 1. Improve your Japanese skills.

Most of companies in Japan expect international students to utilize English
and Japanese. (plus your native language)
At Toyo university, you don’t have to take classes in Japanese, but you do
need to pick up Japanese in order to work in Japan.
Most of Japanese companies require your Japanese language skills to be
equal level of Japanese students.
Because their clients and customers are mainly Japanese. And also, their
colleagues are Japanese, that means internal communication is Japanese.
In order to improve your Japanese skills, Toyo university provides various
Japanese training programs, so no worries.

Next, No.2 Start Job Hunting activities before graduation

In Japan, it starts around the summer break when you are a third year.
If you don’t know about this, you will miss lots of opportunities.
This schedule may be subject to change

Finally,No.3 Lead a fulfiliing student life

In Japan, companies hire students based on personality while other
countries focus on knowledge and expertise.
They want to see your potential. What you want to be is more important
than what you are.
Since you are a student, your priority is studying for sure, but even if your
GPA is high, it doesn’t mean you can get a job.
That’s why it’s important for you to have a wide-ranging experience,
studying in Toyo university is important and also in volunteer, internship
activities, Club activity and part-time jobs.
After my explanation, you will take the PROG test, and the result will show
you what your strengths and weaknesses are. It helps to understand

Today, we share three key points.
1. Improve Japanese skills
2. Start Job Hunting activities before graduation
3. Lead a fulfilling student life
If you have any questions regarding career development, please feel free to
drop by the Career Support Office for International Students on the 2nd
floor of Building 8.
Now, we will move on to the PROG test, so let me introduce Ms Risa
Hasegawa who are in charge of PROG test.
Do you have any questions?
Thank you for listening.

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