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Smart Electric Vehicle Charging System

Pranav Khullar (101803067) Ishaan Tandon (101853027)
Yash Kumar (101803064) 
Computer Engineering  Computer Engineering 
Computer Engineering 
Thapar Institute of Engineering and  Thapar Institute of Engineering and 
Thapar Institute of Engineering and 
Technology Technology
Patiala, India Patiala, India
Patiala, India

Vaibhav Vij (101853011) Computer 
Shubham Garg (101853036) 
Engineering Thapar Institute of Engi
Computer Engineering 
neering and Technology Patiala, Indi
Thapar Institute of Engineering and 
Patiala, India 

Abstract ced in excess, and selling electricity at higher prices when t
In this report we have proposed the design to create and h he demand for energy is superior to the offer in the electri
andle Electric Vehicles charging system, based on intelligent cal network. Smart Grids with measuring devices and a com
 and smart process. Due to the electrical power distribution, munication infrastructure, among other devices, is part of a
 network limitation and absence of multiple smart meter dev  solution for this problem in a near future, and therefore,
ices, Electric Vehicles charging should be performed in a di the proposal here presented could facilitate the creation of 
fferent balanced way, taking into account various past exper SG (because it is possible to perform some functions related
ience, weather information which is based on data mining,   with the control of power available in the electrical networ
and simulation approaches. In order to allow information ex k based on historical data), and later, the proposed system, 
change and also to help user mobility, it was also used for  integrated on a SG, also could execute tasks related with E
creating a mobile application to assist the EV driver for the M (finding the hours with best prices for charging or disch
se processes. This proposed Smart Electric Vehicle Charging arging the EV batteries, and other home personalized functi
 System uses Vehicle-to- ons). 
Grid (V2G) system and technology, in order to connect Elec
tric Vehicles and also many renewable energy sources to S
mart Grids (SG). This system also explores the new methods
 of Electrical Markets (EM), with deregulation of electricity 
production and also use, in order to obtain the best conditio
ns for commercializing and using electrical energy. 


EW paradigms are emerging and new methods, like the Ele
ctric Vehicle (EV), the Vehicle-to-
Grid (V2G), the Smart Grids (SG) and the Electrical Market
s (EM). EM is the result of the deregulation of electricity p
roduction and use, and in reality, power suppliers and cons
umers are free to negotiate the terms of contracts. Also EVs  
 integration on current electrical distribution network, witho
ut violating the system’s technical restrictions, requires electr Fig. 1. Main system goals.
ical data consumption analysis and smart charging approach
es, where EV batteries charging or discharging processes ne  In this paper is proposed a smart charging system to achie
ed to be coordinated among the several users. In this compl ve the goals identified in Fig 1, i.e. taking in account home
ex scenario, information knowledge related with charging pe  consumption, distribution network limitations identify a sma
riods, prices, decision of charging or discharging EV batteri rt charging strategy. This system is based on a central infor
es, needs the assistance from data mining processes. Several mation repository can store and manage historical data on e
 issues have to be considered and analyzed before taking ac lectricity consumption and production. From this central rep
tion. Although enormous data volumes related with this proc ository it is possible the development of tools to extract kno
esses are stored day by day, and hour by hour, it is imposs wledge from past electricity exchange log files, EM prices, r
ible (through human analysis or with traditional technology) enewable energy availability, home energy consumption (if E
 to obtain knowledge from this data, in order to take wise  V is connected at home) and electrical distribution network 
decisions. This topic already catches a lot of attention of th constraints. Also, the weather information can be used for t
e scientific community under the topic of EM [1, 2, 3], and he forecast of energy production from renewable energy sou
 in this paper it is proposed a similar approach for the cha rces, and the EV users arrival and departure times from ho
rging or discharging process of the batteries in an EV. This me (obtained from a tracking device) can be used for consu
 new reality brings additional problems, such as: (1) overloa mption timing optimization (e.g., users can change their beh
d of electrical energy distribution network, if there is a cons avior, and thus historical data needs to be fitted). This cent
iderable amount of EVs charging at the same time; (2) ho ral repository will be later, in a Smart Grid environment, a
me consumption and contractual power limitation; (3) buyin  fundamental module to store all kind of SG data and to s
g electricity at lower prices when renewable energy is produ olve the problems of different data format diversity. 

Our investigation proposal is to bring computer science wor
k on software development, Web 2.0, geographic information
 systems, mobile computation and wireless communication, t
o a new growing area of Smart Grids (SG) and EV (Electri
c Vehicle). Due to the increasing complexity and diversity of
 options, users in Electrical Markets (EM), when performing
 an EV charging process, will need the help from software 
application, mainly to mobile devices. So our proposals, pres Fig. 3. Electricity demand in the CalISO area as functio
ented in this paper, are the conception and the creation of  n of average daily temperatures: 2004 [5]. 
a mobile application and surrounding system, to help users 
on EV charging or discharging process, and also on EM pa A Web crawler (Web Content Extractor) was configured to t
rticipation.  ake information from the main Portuguese weather site (ww From the Web pages extracted with predefined f
orms we take information related with temperature, wind (di
rection and speed), rain and solar conditions (e.g, sunny, cl
oudy, etc). This crawler runs in a pre-
defined periodicity and the information is stored on a datab
ase. In a near future we intend to add more information fr
om different web sites and merge this information on the pr
oposed database. When a failure occurs the previous availab
le values are stored in the DataBase (DB). Temperature dat
a is related with electricity consumption, and the other para
  meters are associated with renewable energy production: win
d to Eolic, temperature and solar radiation to Photovoltaic, 
Fig. 2. Main modules of the Smart EV Charging System and rain to Hydropower production. 
The weather data is geo-
 The main modules of the proposed system, called Smart E referenced (several locations were considered) and is stored 
V Charging System, and which is illustrated on Figure 2, a in an information repository correlated with:
re: (1) Central Repository, with information about user ener
gy consumption (amount and time), energy production with   Temperature with average consumption. We apply KMeans 
available information of power, energy supplier and source ( algorithm to identify main groups. The first groups are: (1)
e.g., hydropower, wind power, photovoltaic, etc), energy price  bellow 0ºC; (2) from 0ºCto 8ºC; (3) from 8ºC to 18ºC; (4)
s and weather information (temperature, wind direction and   from 18ºC to 26ºC; (5) from 26ºC to 31ºC; (6) from 31ºC 
speed, rain amount, solar radiation, etc), user profile inform to 35ºC; and (7) above 35ºC. From this centroids data (aver
ation; (2) Weather module, based on a web robot to pick w age consumption) we calculate the percentage of consumptio
eather information from pre- n change due to group change; 
defined sites; (3) Movements Tracking application, developed
 for a mobile device with GPS functionality; (4) Simulation Wind speed and direction with Eolic production;
 Tool, based on Netlog; (5) Charging Device; responsible fo
r charging or discharging the EV batteries; and (6) Mobile  Temperature and weather conditions with Solar Photovoltaic
Application, an   production; 

application to run on a mobile device (like PDA or IPp Rain in month’s periods with Hydropower production capaci
hone) to receive and send control information for charging  ty. We propose in a near future to try to identify which is t
the EV batteries. These modules are described in the next s he best time period to collect rain data.
ections. A. Weather Module In the residential and commerci
 B. Tracking Drive Distances and Times 
al sectors, heating and cooling account for more than 40 pe
rcent of end-
We have developed a tracking application to run in an offli
use energy demand. As a result, energy consumption in thos
ne mode (to avoid communication costs) in a mobile device 
e sectors can vary significantly from year to year, depending
with a GPS device. Our project is described at [7], and its 
 on yearly average temperatures ( Seve
high level vision is showed in Fig. 4. This tracking applicat
ral studies prove a relation between electricity consumption 
ion mainly stores time, GPS coordinates and user identificati
and temperature, especially for higher temperatures (most pe
on. From the GPS coordinates it is easy to calculate travel 
ak power consumption were reached on very hot days [4]). 
distances. Using Google Maps API we can represent the dri
Cooling is related with air conditioners (electricity powered) 
ve route and obtain the travel distance. 
and heating with central heating (gas powered), so peak ele
ctricity consumption occurs in hot summer days [4]. As indi
cated in Figure 3, there is a high correlation between the s
imple average daily temperature from the four sites selected
 and daily electricity demand in the CalISO region, which c
omprises most of the state of California, in the USA [5]. T
his relation has been observed by several authors [5, 6], an
d there is more or less 1% of electricity demand increase b
y 2ºC of temperature rising. Once this Weather Module appl
ication is running, it will be possible to estimate this relatio
Fig. 4. Main module of driver’s tracking system in a mo define the number and type of electrical appliances from a 
bile device with GPS, and information created from Drivers  pre-
Movements database.  defined list; and (3) They define also their usual routine (a
rrival time, departure time). Tracking system data can tune 
From the travelled distance and EV efficiency we can estim arrival and departure times. Every consumer has its own be
ate the remaining energy stored in the batteries of each EV havior and changes or unexpected behavior are randomly ge
 (SOC – nerated at the beginning of the experiment, using an array 
 State of Charge level), as well as the community SOC leve of integers. Each consumer is represented by an agent who 
l (sum of all individual community SOC levels). The studied knows contractual power limitation and also the distribution.
 population (from the city of Lisbon area), with 50 cases, c  
ontains a mixture of university students and their parents, a
nd takes into account the first EV introduced in Portugal, t On the simulation tool (Netlog) we follow a bottom-
he Nissan Leaf, with a battery pack of 24 kWh and autono up approach where we estimate consumption based on cons
my of 160 km (obtained with a careful driving). umer profile and historical consumption data. Weather infor
mation (temperature) is used as a percentage increase factor
C. Home Consumption Simulation   on usual consumption. Each consumer is represented by a
n agent that is based on historical data, profile and tempera
An agent based simulation attempts to simulate an abstract  ture information, based on a random function for energy co
model of a particular system. Computer simulations have be nsumption, which is estimated at every 15 minutes (this time
come a useful part of mathematical modeling of many natu  interval is configurable). Each agent has a utility function,
ral systems in physics, chemistry and biology, and of human  but the agent is not optimizing it because this process is t
 systems in economics, psychology, social science, and engin oo expensive under many aspects: in terms of information r
eering. Simulations can be used to explore and gain new in etrieval cost, in terms of information processing costs from 
sights into new technology, and to estimate the performance a computational point of view, and in terms of cognitive eff
 of systems too complex for analytical solutions. This appro ort in searching alternatives. We decide to model each cons
ach already has been applied for EM [8, 9, 10], creating a  umer as a node on a network distribution graph. Simulation
simulation environment for market prices determination base  takes into account house power limitation contract and elec
d on consumers demand, and for production capacity of pro trical energy distribution limitations. 
ducers. Our main idea is to simulate consumers consumptio
n taking also into account unexpected user behavior, using 
past experience (consumption log files), and then, represent 
the information in an electrical network distribution graph (
see Fig. 5). 

There are several tools that can be used for this purpose, fr  
om which NetLogo tool has been chosen. NetLogo is a free
 agent- Fig. 6. Simulation application on Netlog. Red color show
based simulation environment that uses a modified version o s that power limitation is reached with EV charging, so a s
f the Logo programming language, providing a graphical en mart charging approach is need. 
vironment to create programs that control graphic “turtles” 
Main Output information is the visualization of electrical dis
that reside in a world of “patches,” which is monitored by 
tribution network on a graph with the indication of power l
an “observer”. NetLogo also includes an innovative feature 
imits. Red color means above power capacity, which indicate
called HubNet, which allows groups of people to interactivel
s that EV charging should be processed in intelligent intera
y engage in simulation runs alongside of computational age
ctive process; green color means that we can charge EV ba
tteries on full power. We can estimate consumption and use
 this information for a smart EV charging, without measuri
ng devices and real time information. The main application 
screen of the consumption simulation is illustrated on Fig. 
6. The first step was to estimate the energy consumed per h
ousehold and given the power to contract determine the free
 energy for charging. The join this factor limiting the distri
bution system in which one branch of a transformer is depe
ndent on average limited to 80% of this potential extension 
of established contracts. So depending on the percentage of 
existing VE, we may have additional limitations. Table 1 pr
esents data used and taken from the simulation of families, 
as well as the type of VE that have (we assume one per fa
mily), and the average distance traveled daily. Main results 
Fig. 5. Electrical network distribution, transformed in a  in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8, for more details of results see [11]. T
graph.  hese studies were oriented to simulate domestic consumption
 and distances traveled determine the most appropriate form
The area with the distribution of the electrical network is m s of loading. Regarding the time of day where there is a gr
anually transformed in a graph, where we add geographic i eater amount of energy to use, have compiled the values of
nformation and power limitation between the nodes. This is   consumption per hour and it was found that intervals duri
a slow process where we expect in a near future to introdu ng the week ideal for charging electric vehicle would be bet
ce some automation. Assumptions on consumer’s behavior a ween one and six o'clock in the morning range (A) or betw
re considered: (1) Consumers define their house and family een nine and the sixteen hours (range B), see Figure 7. Si
 (number of house divisions, number of persons); (2) They  nce the end-to-
week, the ideal the electric vehicle would be loaded between are considerable (in this case we will use Wimax); and (2) 
 one and eight hours (range A) or between fourteen and si Individual houses, where distance to the home computer is s
xteen hours (range B), see Figure 8.  mall. 


The main functionalities of the Mobile application are: (
1) Registration: registration page for new users; (2) Passwor
d Recover: form for password recovery; (3) Login: home pa
ge of the application -
 the user is redirected to this page after login; (4) Profile 
Creation: page created for user profile by entering informati
on on the EV; (5) Personalized Charge Profile: page load p
rofiling, through the introduction of information regarding t
he date / time of travel, number of Km you intend to acco
mplish, and minimum SOC (State of Charge) allowed for th
e EV batteries; (6) Statistics: home energy consumptions, we
ekly, monthly and annual energy expenses, price variation o
f electricity, charging periods, among others. 
 Fig. 7. Week days power distribution. 
The present application on the server is subdivided into five
 main modules: (1) Interpreter of Downloaded Files -
 this module will be responsible for reading and interpreting
 the files loading, giving the system a layer of abstraction o
ver the file format of text issued by the loading system; (2)
 Smart Grid Interface -
 this module will be responsible for the interaction with the
 electrical network, i.e., it controls the flow of energy from 
or to the electrical network, with the objectives of helping n
etwork stability, and also, managing information on the vari
Fig. 8. Week-ends power distribution. ation of electricity prices, to optimize the profits obtained wi
th the selling of energy to the electrical network; (3) User 
 Relatively to Electrical Market (EM) functions, we can agg Manager -
regate energy production and consumption data, and based   module responsible for registering the users and their EVs,
on this simulation estimate prices and then determinate the   allowing the recording and editing of users data, as well a
best charging or discharging periods. s the removal of users (if defined rules are not accomplishe
d by specific users) -
D. Mobile V2G Management System   this module is also responsible for verification of user iden
tity and ownership of registered vehicles (through the trans
Vehicle-to- mission of data received from the user to the authorities), a
Grid (V2G) technology utilizes the stored energy in Electric  nd for performing regular cleaning from the database of us
Vehicle (EV) batteries to deliver electricity back to the electr ers categorized as "spam"; (4) Manager Profiles -
ical network, when the network operators request it. Revenu  a user can set one or more load profiles for each of the v
e from V2G will reduce the customer cost of EVs. Besides,  ehicles registered by him. A common practice is, for exampl
V2G technology will also increase the efficiency and reliabil e, the definition of profiles and needs of different charging 
ity of the existing electrical networks, decreasing fossil fuel  to be carried out during the week (weekdays) over the week
use, and making possible a much larger share of intermitte end; and (5) Manager Central –
nt renewable energy sources, like wind power and solar pho  consists in the main module of the V2G Smart System (see
tovoltaic. EV charging will benefit from past data analysis a  Fig 9), interacting with various modules mentioned above, 
nd remote interaction. Mobile applications are a raising busi and managing the distribution of system information (from 
ness area in Computer Science, with the widespread utilizati other modules and database). 
on of small mobile devices (e.g., PDA, IPhones), and the in
crease of bandwidth and availability of wireless communicati
ons. Our proposal is to implement communication devices to
 take data from charging devices and to send commands to
 them. This communication is performed from the Charging
 System to a user home PC or to a remote server. We shal
l differentiate communication devices and communication pr
otocols to the following cases (see Table II): (1) Apartments
, where distances to home computers or to the local server 
Fig. 9. V2G Smart System Mobile Application: (1) Main s of selling or buying electrical energy, to or from the elect
 menu with information of user definition, statistics, and vir rical network.
tual account; (2) User profile; (3) EM prices -
 simulated with base on renewable energy production, based In the proposed Smart EV Charging System, the introductio
 on installed capacity and weather information (wind directi n of mobile applications will facilitate connectivity user’s int
on and speed, rain percentage, temperature, solar radiation); eraction. The Central Information Repository, with Data Mi
 (4) User account related with the EM; (5) Personalized me ning approaches, can be used to program and assist smart 
nu links for user’s fast access; (6) Application default menu EV charging, taking into account the electrical network distr
s; (7) EV and EM related news, created from personalized  ibution limitation. A simulation tool helps on this smart cha
web search robot.  rging process, and can be used to identify overloaded electri
cal distribution lines, and also to simulate behavior and ope
In relation to technologies to be used in the development of rating conditions under different assumptions. Electrical ener
 these applications, it was decided that, the management sys gy producers can also benefit from this data collection and 
tem database, using MySQL Server, will be weighting the c manipulation, because they can tune their production accord
hoice that it is open source. The development of web applic ing to users’ consumption needs. The application of Artificia
ation will be held in Java, and all graphical development wi l Intelligent approaches has a great potential, once we are 
ll be carried out using the ZK Framework, which facilitates able to store consumption and production data and the kno
 the development of Web applications with Ajax, and has th wledge information created, which can help both consumers
e advantage of being open source. The development of the   and producers. Mobile devices and applications will help o
environment, using the Eclipse Project, will be integrated wi n the access to information. A conclusion section is not req
th the ZK plugin, with main modules: (1) ZK Loader - uired. Although a conclusion may review the main points of
 consists of a servlet (server side component that generates   the paper, do not replicate the abstract as the conclusion. 
HTML and XML data to the presentation layer of a Web a A conclusion might elaborate on the importance of the wor
pplication) that processes the requests for resources zk; (2)  k or suggest applications and extensions.
ZK Client Engine -
 is processed on the client's browser and is responsible for  REFERENCES
monitoring the events page and realization of their requests 
to the server by Ajax technique. This engine is generated by [1] C. Farmer , P. Hines , J. Dowds and S. Blumsack, 201
 ZK Loader when processing HTTP requests, and is sent in 0. Modeling the Impact of Increasing PHEV Loads on the 
 response to the client in the form of JavaScript code; (3)  Distribution Infrastructure. 43rd Hawaii International Confer
ZK Asynchronous Update - ence on System Sciences 2010. [2] Zhou, Z.; Chan, W.; and
 another servlet that serves asynchronously requests made b  Chow, J. 2007. Agent-
y the ZK Client Engine. These requests are caused by inter based simulation of electricity markets: a survey of tools. Ar
action of the user with the various components of the page. tificial Intelligence Review 28(4):305–
 The ZK Asynchronous processes the events triggered by the 342. [3] A. Ugedo and E. Lobato, 2007. Generator Load Pr
 user, sending the response to the ZK Client Engine, encod ofiles Estimation Using Artificial Intelligence. Intelligent Syst
ed according to a protocol's own framework, which typically ems Applications to Power Systems, 2007. ISAP 2007. Intern
 consists of changes to the page content; and (4) Index - ational Conference on, vol., no., pp.1-6, 5-
 home page of the application, from which the user can pe 8 Nov. 2007. [4] Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. F
rform the login in the application or access the registration orm 714, California Independent System Operator, Washingt
 page if it is your first access. Fig. 10 shown the main app on, DC: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 2004. See 
lication functionalities menu.  also:
14/data/2004/ [5] C. Crowley and F. Joutz, 2003. 
Hourly electricity loads: Temperature elasticities and climate
 change. In 23rd U.S. Association of Energy Economics No
rth American Conference. [6] G. Franco and A. Sanstad, 20
08. “Climate change and electricity demand in California.” 
Climatic Change 87:139–
  151. [7] P. Sousa. Visualização de Percursos em Dispositivos
 Móveis, Master Project of ISEL, Available at:
Fig. 10. Main application functionalities menu: (1) Track\matematica\jf\psousa.pdf [8] V. Figueiredo, F. Rodrig
ing of electricity charging and discharging process; (2) Crea ues, Z. Vale, J.B. Gouveia. 2010. An Electric Energy Consu
tion of a profile (pre- mer Characterization Framework based on Data Mining Tec
defined information, like EV type, helps the user on this pr hniques; IEEE Transactions on Power Systems; Vol. 20, n.2
ocess; (3) User profile with the identification of travel perio , pp. 596-
ds and electricity prices to sell and buy; (4) Report with all 602. [9] J.H.Zhao, Z.Y.Dong, X.Li, and K.P.Wong, 2007. A 
 user profile information.  framework for electricity price spike analysis with advanced 
data mining methods, Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on
III. CONCLUSION  Issue Date, vol 22, Issue 1, Feb. 2007, pp: 376 –
 385. [10] B. D. Pitt and D. S. Kitschen, 1999. Application 
This paper describes work that has been developed in order of data mining techniques to load profiling. IEEE Internatio
 to provide a conceptual system to assist and manage Electr nal Conference on Power Industry Computer Applications, p
ical Vehicles (EV) charging process. This proposed Smart E p. 131-136, May 1999. [11] Rita Gonçalves Ramada. “V2G -
V Charging System uses Vehicle-to-  Modelo de simulação”. End Year Project at ISEL, 2010. 
Grid (V2G) technology, in order to connect not only Electri
c Vehicles, but also renewable energy sources, to Smart Gri
ds (SG). The new paradigm of Electrical Markets (EM), wit
h deregulation of electricity production and use, is also expl
ored in this developed system, in order to optimize the price

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