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TEXT ( no.

1-2 )

Marwah is a midwifery student. She is a very hardworking student. Marwah always passes her
midwifery subject. However, she is very weak in English. She speaks English poorly and her spelling is
very bad. Her friends can barely understand her when she speaks. So, her lecturer advices her to improve
her English. Yesterday, she went to the bookshop and bought an English book. She find the book
interesting and could not wait for her first English lesson to start. Good luck Marwah!

1. Who is Marwah?
a. nursery student
b. midwifery student
c. lecture
d. driver
e. teacher

2. What did she do yesterday ?

a. she went to the library and borrowed an English book
b. she went to the market and brought an English book
c. she went to the campus and studied English
d. she went to the park and listened English song
e. she went to the bookshop and bought an English book

TEXT ( no. 3-4 )

Mrs. Siti is a 35 year old midwife, who was referred to a consultant neurologist by her family doctor. Of
late, Mrs Siti always experience dizziness when she walks for a long distance. Mrs Siti told the
neurologist that she is unable to run but is able to ride motorcycle.

3. What Mrs. Siti late experience ?

a. She always experience cold
b. She always experience dizziness
c. She always experience toothache
d. She always experience weakness
e. She always experience stomach disorder

4. What kind activity cannot she do ?

a. She cannot run
b. She cannot walk
c. She cannot sleep
d. She cannot sit
e. She cannot ride motorcycle

TEXT ( no. 5-7)

Mature breast milk appears between two and five days after birth. Babies find it easier to digest
breast milk because it contains a higher ration of whey to casein (botha milk). This is because it more
tolerated by an infant system. Lactose, the only type of carbohydrate in breast milk, also helps
digestion and provides energy to the babies. Its presence helps the infants to absorb essential nutrients
such as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. General perception claims that many Asian babies are
lactose-intolerant. Contrary to this claim, studies show that lactose-intolerance actually develops during
childhood and very few infants are allergic towards lac the main cause of allergies among babies. Breast-
fed babies sleep better compared to babies drinking cow milk due to the hormone melatonin, which is
found in human milk.

5. When does Mature breast milk appear ?

a. it appears between two and five days after birth
b. it appears between two and five days before birth
c. it appears between two and five month after birth
d. it appears between two and five month before birth
e. it appears only two and five days after birth

6. Why babies it easier to digest breast milk ?

a. Because it contains a higher ration of fat to casein
b. Because it contains a higher ration of carbohidrat to casein
c. Because it contains a higher ration of water to casein
d. Because it contains a higher ration of colesterol to casein
e. Because it contains a higher ration of whey to casein

7. What is synonym of baby ?

a. newborn
b. womb
c. mother
d. fetus
e. embryo

8. What is colostrums ?
a. the second milk that appears and which is yellowish in color.
b. the first milk that appears and which is whites in color
c. the first milk that appears and which is yellowish in color, is not to discarded
d. the first milk that appears and which is yellowish in color, is discarded
e. the second milk that appears and which is yellowish in color, is discarded

TEXT ( no. 9 – 12 )_

The admission interview was conducted by Midwife Eka on july 10th 2013. The patient was Mrs Fatima, 35
years old, muslim, married, a teacher, Javanes. The address is nakulo st 26, Medan, her problem is
contraction in uterus after working since 3 days ago. She has 1 son 3 years old, he was born on March, 5 th, ,
He was healthy, at independent midwife, normal, term. His weight was 3000 gram. Now, Mrs Fatima is
pregnant, her last menstrual period was on march 13th 2013. She had never used any contraceptive method.
Menarche when she was 13 years old, never had problem, regular every month, normal.

9. Who is Mrs. Fatima ?

a. a midwife
b. a nurse
c. a doctor
d. a surgeon
e. a patient

10. What is the patient occupational?

a. a midwife
b. a teacher
c. a surgeon
d. a nurse
e. a. doctor

11.When did the patient have her last menstrual period?

a. on july 10th 2013
b. on March, 5th 2013
c. on March, 3th 2013
d. on March 13th 2013
e. on July 13th 2013

12. When was her baby born?

a. on July 13th 2013
b. on july 10th 2013
c. on March, 15th 2013
d. on March, 25th 2013
e. on March, 5th 2013

TEXT ( no. 13- 17 )

Midwife : Have you ever been seriously ill before ?

Client : Yes. I had typhoid when I was teenager
Midwife : How long were you hospitalized then ?
Client : For three weeks.
Midwife : Have you ever been operated before ?
Client : No, never
Midwife : How about your meal’s appetite?
Client : Do you mean nowadays?
Midwife : Yes, I do
Client : I don’t think it is a problem.
Midwife : Okay. Are there any problems about passing urine and having a motion ?
Client : Yes. Recently I often pass urine. It doesn’t make me comfortable
Midwife : Frequently passing urine is caused by the pressure of baby’s head to the bladder but it
is physiological effect. So you do not need to worry about that. Just take it easy.
Client : Oh I see, I did not know it .Now I understand that I do not need to worry about that.
Thank you for your explanation.
Midwife : By the way, have you read the short article I gave you about healthy foods?
Client : Yes, I have. Please give me the second part to read
Midwife : Here it is
Client : Thank you very much

12. What question did the midwife ask first ?

a. How long were client hospitalized then ?
b. Have client ever been seriously ill before ?
c. Have client ever been operated before ?
d. How about client meal’s appetite ?
e. have client read the short article I gave you about healthy foods?

13. How long did the patient stay in the hospital ?

a. she had typhoid when she was teenager
b. for three weeks
c. recently , she often pass urine
d. she ever been seriously ill before
e. she ever been operated before

14. Does she have any problems with the appetite?

a. I don’t think it is a problem
b. she don’t think it is a problem
c. she doesn’t think it is a problem
d. we don’t think it is a problem
e. they don’t think it is a problem

15. How does frequently passing urine happen?

a. she often passes urine
b. she often pass urine
c. she often passing urine
d. she never passes urine
e. she rarely passes urine

16. What is the woman probably going to do after she arrive at home ?
a. she is going to read 1st short article
b. she is going to read 2nd short article
c. she is going to take a rest
d. she is going to eat some nutrition foods
e. she is going to take some vitamins

17. What is the synonym of gestation ?

a. removal
b. pregnancy
c. descent
d. through
e. stage

18. What is the synonym of removal ?

a. descent
b. stage
c. expulsion
d. through
e. pregnancy
TEXT ( no. 19- 21 )


The contraceptive injection is a shot that contains hormones, either a progestin alone, or a progestin
and an estrogen together, that stop your body from releasing eggs and thickens the mucus at the cervix. You
need one shot either once every month or once every three months from a healthcare provider. However once
injected, it is not reversible, i.e. in case of side effects it cannot be stopped. The way it works is similar to
the pill, or the ring, except you don’t have to remember to take it every day or week, but it probably isn’t the
best choice for those scared of needles.

19. What is the contraceptive injection ?

a. a thin rubber sheath worn on a man's penis during sexual intercourse as a contraceptive or as a
protection against infection.
b. It is a shot that contains hormones, either a progestin alone, or a progestin and an estrogen together,
that stop your body from releasing eggs and thickens the mucus at the cervix.
c. a contraceptive device made of thin rubber, inserted into a woman's vagina before sexual intercourse.
d. a shallow, bendable sillicone cup that you put inside your vagina. It covers your cervix during sex to
prevent pregnancy.
e. a flexible plastic rod about the size of a matchstick that is placed under the skin of the upper arm. It
releases a low, steady dose of a progestational hormone to thicken cervical mucus and thin the lining
of the uterus (endometrium)

20. When you need the shot ?

a. You need one shot either once every day or once every three days
b. You need one shot either once every week or once every three weeks
c. You need one shot either once every month or once every three months
d. You need one shot either once every year or once every three years
e. You need one shot either once every age or once every three ages

21. The way it works is similar to the pill, or the ring, except you don’t have to remember to take it every
day or week, but it probably isn’t the best choice for those scared of needles. It means ?
a. a healthcare provider
b. cervix
c. needles
d. injection
e. the pill

22. What are the best source of calcium as they enhance calcium absorption within the body?
a. Natural milk product
b. The cough syrup
c. a toothbrush paste
d. Honey lemon
e. Skin care

text no. 23-24

Cesarean Section

A Cesarean section (C-section) is surgery to deliver a baby. The baby is taken out through the mother's
abdomen. In the United States, almost one in three women has their babies this way. Some C-sections are
planned, but many are done when unexpected problems happen during delivery. Reasons for a C-section may
 Health problems in the mother
 The mother carrying more than one baby
 The size or position of the baby
 The baby's health is in danger
 Labor is not moving along as it should
The surgery is relatively safe for mother and baby. Still, it is major surgery and carries risks. It also takes
longer to recover from a C-section than from vaginal birth. It can raise the risk of having difficulties with
future pregnancies. Some women may have problems attempting a vaginal birth later. Still, many women are
able to have a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC).

NIH: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

23. What is A Cesarean section ?
a. surgery to deliver a baby
b. a surgery to remove blockage from carotid arteries.
c. surgery to remove the gallbladder
d. a minor surgery where the cervix is expanded (dilated)
e. surgery to remove a woman's uterus

24. Reasons for a C-section may include, except

a. Health problems in the mother
b. The size or position of the baby
c. The baby's health isn’t in danger
d. The mother carrying more than one baby
e. Labor is not moving along as it should

25. Vaginal birth also we know as ?

a. caesarean births
c. c-section
e. childbirth

26. The ambulance rushed fast along the highway to take the patient to the hospital. What is synonym of
fast ?
a. slowly
b. frequently
c. neatly
d. speedily
e. clumsily

27. The doctor advised me to take my medication routinely. What is synonym of routinely ?
a. neatly
b. frequently
c. regularly
d. lazy
e. speedily

28. The midwife gingerly spilled some disinfectant on the bed linen . What is synonym of gingerly ?
a. lazy
b. neatly
c. speedily
d. clumsily
e. carefully

29. The mother of the newborn baby is happy to see the baby sleeping relaxed in his crib. What is antonym
of relaxed ?
a. restlessly
b. neatly
c. speedily
d. clumsily
e. carefully

30. We can’t go along here because the road is …………

a. been repaired
b. being repaired
c. repair
d. repaired
e. reparing

31. I can remember ………….voices in the middle of the night

a. Hear
b. Heard
c. hearing
d. to hear
e. hears
32. Susan has to work very hard, I …………….do her job. I’m sure
a. can’t
b. couldn’t
c. don’t
d. shouldn’t
e. didn’t

33. He wants to be a specialist in ear, nose, and throat. What does he have to study ?
a. orthopedics
b. pediatrics
c. otolaryngology
d. obstetrics
e. gynecology

34. He suffer from serious toothache, so it is wise for him to be taken to a/an ….
a. pediatrician
b. obstetrician
c. orthopedician
d. dentist
e. surgeon

An infant (from the Latin word infans, meaning "unable to speak" or "speechless") is the more formal or
specialised synonym for "baby", the very young offspring of a human. The term may also be used to refer to
juveniles of other organisms.
A newborn is, in colloquial use, an infant who is only hours, days, or up to one month old. In medical
contexts, newborn or neonate (from Latin, neonatus, newborn) refers to an infant in the first 28 days after
birth the term applies to premature, full term, and postmature infants; before birth, the term "fetus" is used.
The term "infant" is typically applied to young children under one year of age; however, definitions may vary
and may include children up to two years of age. When a human child learns to walk, the term "toddler" may
be used instead.
In British English, an infant school is for children aged between four and seven. As a legal term, "infancy"
continues from birth until age 18.

35. What is the synonym of neonatus ?

a. infant
b. fetus
c. maternal
d. child
e. children

36. What is newborn or neonate refers to ?

a. an infant in 1st 30 days after birth
b. an infant in 2nd 28 days after birth
c. an infant in 1st 29 days after birth
d. an infant in 1st 28 days after birth
e. an infant in 3rd 29 days after birth

37. What is the meaning of an infant school ?

a. for children aged between four and seven
b. for children aged between five and seven
c. for children aged between four and six
d. for children aged between five and six
e. for children aged between four and eight

38. What is the meaning of toddler ?

a. a human child learns to speak
b. a human child learns to crawl
c. a human child learns to stand
d. a human child learns to walk
e. a human child learns to run

39. Look , my daughter is …… the doll now.

a. holds
b. hold
c. held
d. holder
e. holding

40. Whati is the synonym of prenatal care?

a. Antenatal care
b. medical center
c. antenatal visit
d. skillful
e. gestational age

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