Section A Vocabulary

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Practice 1
Questions 1 – 4
Choose the best word to fill in the blanks.
1 Frogs and turtles can live on land and in water. They are ____.
A reptiles
B mammals
C amphibians

2 My father is making a ____ for my pet rabbits.

A coop C burrow
B hutch D kennel

3 Encik Dollah parks his car in the ____.

A garage C bedroom
B kitchen D living room

4 Freeda dropped the ____ bowl and it broke into pieces.

A wooden C glass
B plastic D metal

Questions 5 – 7
Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph.

The robber walked ____ (5) into the shop. He walked up to the

shopkeeper and ____ (6) he pulled out a knife. The shopkeeper turned

____ (7) .

5 A as hot as a chilli
B as sour as a lemon
C as cool as a cucumber

6 A as quick as thunder
B as quick as lightning
C as quick as a light

7 A as cold as snow
B as white as a ghost
C as pale as a ghost

© Pearson Malaysia Sdn Bhd 2006 -1- My World of English Year 6

Questions 8 – 10
Study the pictures carefully. Then choose the best answer.
8 A The woman is at the fruit stall.
B She wants to buy some orchids.
C Puan Aishah is holding a stalk of rose.

9 A They are fanning themselves.

B It is a cold day.
C Ravi and Guna are dressed smartly.

10 A The man is driving recklessly.

B There are many cars on the road.
C He drove into a tree.

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Practice 2
Questions 1 – 4
Choose the best word to fill in the blanks.
1 The ____ is a thorny plant.
A hibiscus C carnation
B alamanda D bougainvillea

2 I do not know where you live. Please give me your ____.

A pastime C ambition
B address D occupation

3 He cut his ____ with the knife.

A hand C wrist
B palm D finger

4 The goat has given birth to two ____.

A calves C cubs
B foals D kids

Questions 5 – 7
Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph.

There is ____ (5) in the jungle. They are carrying ____ (6)

each. They are going to ____ (7) .

5 A a troop of scouts
B an army of scouts
C a team of scouts

6 A a stack of planks
B a bunch of branches
C a bundle of sticks

7 A play with fire

B build a fire
C cook some food

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Questions 8 – 10
Study the pictures carefully. Then choose the best answer.
8 A The cat is climbing the tree.
B It has seen a bird eating.
C The bird is flying away.

9 A The workers are putting the goods on the

B The lorry is parked by the side of the road.
C The lorry is going to the factory.

10 A There is a horse in the playground.

B The horse is resting under the tree.
C The horse is jumping over the fence.

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Practice 3
Questions 1 – 4
Choose the best word to fill in the blanks.
1 Both the sisters are eleven years old because they are ____.
A relatives
B cousins
C twins

2 The plum, peach and grape are not local ____.

A vegetables
B flowers
C fruits

3 Cups, saucers, plates and bowls are called ____.

A food C furniture
B cutlery D crockery

4 She uses a ____ to drink the soup.

A ladle C spoon
B fork D chopstick

Questions 5 – 7
Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph.

First, open ____ (5) . Then, mash the sardines ____ (6) .

Next, add ____ (7) to the fish and mix well.

5 A a can of sardines
B a box of sardines
C a packet of sardines

6 A with a bowl
B with a fork
C with a spoon
D with a knife

7 A a pinch of salt
B a spoon of sugar
C a dash of pepper

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Questions 8 – 10
Study the pictures carefully. Then choose the best answer.
8 A All the pupils are in the class.
B Abu and his classmates are lining up.
C They are jumping and running about.

9 A The boys are riding on the elephant.

B They are feeding the elephant.
C Alan and Tim are at the circus.
D They are afraid of the elephant.

10 A Ramesh likes to paint.

B He is painting a portrait.
C He uses crayons to draw.

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Practice 4
Questions 1 – 4
Choose the best word to fill in the blanks.
1 He has a bow and arrows because he likes ____.
A athletics
B archery
C bowling

2 The ____ squirts out ink when it is threatened.

A prawn
B cockle
C octopus

3 The ____ is sharp and pointed and looks like a finger.

A okra C bitter gourd
B potato D aubergine

4 My grandparents have two children. They are my father and ____.

A brother C cousin
B mother D aunt
Questions 5 – 7
Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph.

Mother is busy. She is ____ (5) on a shirt. There is ____ (6)

and ____ (7) on the table.

5 A sewing a shirt C mending a shirt

B sewing a blouse D sewing buttons

6 A a reel of thread
B a stick of thread
C a skein of thread

7 A a pair of scissors
B a piece of scissors
C a pack of scissors

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Questions 8 – 10
Study the pictures carefully. Then choose the best answer.
8 A Siew Lan is folding some clothes.
B She is in the bedroom.
C Siew Lan likes to watch television.

9 A There are many types of flowers in the

B Gina is plucking some flowers.
C The garden is full of potted plants.

10 A It is Sam’s birthday today.

B Sam’s friends are at his house.
C They are singing and dancing.
D Sam is celebrating Christmas.

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Practice 5
Questions 1 – 4
Choose the best word to fill in the blanks.
1 A ____is an insect.
A beaver C crocodile
B pigeon D cockroach

2 Rats and mice ____.

A chirp
B squeak
C chatter

3 Amin stays in the ____ because his parents have passed away.
A estate C terminal
B hostel D orphanage

4 This school is twenty years old. They are celebrating their twentieth ____ today.
A centenary C anniversary
B decade D celebration

Questions 5 – 7
Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph.

Julie went to the grocer’s. She wanted to buy ____ (5) and

____(6) . She is going to ____ (7) .

5 A a packet of rice C a box of chocolate

B a packet of flour D a box of sugar

6 A some eggs C a lot of eggs

B many eggs

7 A bake some biscuits C bake a cake

B make some pancakes D bake a pie

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Questions 8 – 10
Study the pictures carefully. Then choose the best answer.
8 A The boy is hiding behind the door.
B Ali is standing at the door.
C He is knocking at the door.

9 A They are all holding hands.

B Tuti is introducing her friend to Ming.
C The girls do not know one another.

10 A The old man is resting on the bench.

B He is reading a newspaper.
C Mr Tan is waiting for the bus.
D The bus stop is crowded.

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Practice 6
Questions 1 – 4
Choose the best word to fill in the blanks.
1 She makes a ____ with the ribbon.
A bow C veil
B belt D turban

2 The prisoners escaped through a ____ in the wall.

A platform C tower
B tunnel D bridge

3 The ____ can mend the hole in your shoes.

A mechanic C carpenter
B plumber D cobbler

4 The beekeeper collects honey from the ____.

A hive C cage
B nest D store

Questions 5 – 7
Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph.

It is Teachers’ Day today. Lina is giving ____ (5) to her teacher, Puan

Ainun. She has also made ____ (6) . Puan Ainun is happy ____ (7) .

5 A a stalk of rose
B a bundle of flowers
C a bouquet of flowers

6 A a birthday card C a musical card

B a greeting card D a get-well card

7 A to keep the presents C to buy the things

B to receive the gifts

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Questions 8 – 10
Study the pictures carefully. Then choose the best answer.
8 A The cat is playing with its kittens.
B The cat has four kittens.
C The kittens are big and furry.

9 A Soon is cutting his hair.

B The barber is cutting Soon’s hair.
C Soon’s hair is very short.
D The barber has a pair of scissors.

10 A Mother is very busy.

B Mother is in the bedroom.
C She is making the bed.
D She is cleaning the room.

© Pearson Malaysia Sdn Bhd 2006 - 12 - My World of English Year 6

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