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1 Determination of amygdalin in apple seeds, fresh apples and the
2 processed apple juices
3 Islamiyat F. Bolarinwaa,b,c, Caroline Orfilaa, Michael R.A. Morgana
4 School of Food Science & Nutrition, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, United Kingdom
5 Department of Food Science & Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, PMB 4000, Ogbomoso, Nigeria
6 Corresponding author : email,, phone no: +2348022526700

10 Abstract

11 Cyanogenic glycosides are natural plant toxicants. Action by endogenous plant enzymes

12 can release hydrogen cyanide causing potential toxicity issues for animals including

13 humans. We have quantified amygdalin in seeds from different apple varieties, determined

14 the effects of processing on the amygdalin content of apple juice and quantified amygdalin

15 in commercially-available apple juices. Amygdalin contents of seeds from fifteen varieties of

16 apples ranged from 1 mg g-1 to 4 mg g-1. The amygdalin content of commercially-available

17 apple juice was low, ranging from 0.01 to 0.04 mg ml-1 for pressed apple juice and 0.001 to

18 0.007 mg ml-1 for long-life apple juice. Processing led to juice with low amygdalin content,

19 ranging from 0.01 mg ml-1 to 0.08 mg ml-1. The results presented show that the amygdalin

20 contents of commercially-available apple juices are unlikely to present health problems to

21 consumers.


23 Keywords: Cyanogenic glycosides, amygdalin, apples, apple juice, pasteurization.




28 Introduction

29 Apple (Malus domestica) is a member of the Rosaceae family that also includes

30 apricots, cherry, peaches, pear and plum and is the most widely consumed fruit in the UK.

31 World apple production in 2011/12 was estimated to be 65.23 million metric tons, out of

32 which 12.2 million metric tons was used for the production of apple juice (Negro & Lojo,

33 2011). Although apple contains compounds which may confer significant health benefits to

34 humans, apple seeds contain amygdalin (Fig.1), a potentially toxigenic compound.

35 Commercial apple juice is usually made from a blend of apples to produce an

36 acceptable juice in terms of flavour. Apples are soaked in water to remove soil and other

37 foreign material. The cleaned apples are then inspected, and damaged or decayed fruit

38 should be removed to avoid patulin contamination from the final product. The sorted

39 apples are ground into mash or pulp for extraction, crushing or cutting the apples to

40 appropriate consistency. The mashed apples are pressed by applying pressure to obtain

41 the juice. In some cases, enzymatic mash treatment is used to improve the pressability of

42 the mash and increase juice yield, achieved by adding a pectinase enzyme such as

43 pectinol specifically developed for apple mash pre-treatment. The enzyme acts mainly by

44 breaking down the structure of the cell wall, thus freeing the juice.

45 Cyanogenic glycosides, including amygdalin, are naturally-occurring plant toxins.

46 They are widely distributed in the plant kingdom, being present in more than 2500 species

47 (Ganjewala, Kumar, Asha, & Ambika, 2010). Cyanogenic glycosides are stored in vacuoles

48 within plant cells. When tissues are disrupted, for example by crushing, the cyanogenic

49 glycosides come into contact with endogeneous enzymes ( -glucosidases and -

50 hydroxynitrile lyases) resulting in the release of hydrogen cyanide (Zagrobelny, Bak,

51 Rasmussen, Jørgensen, Naumann, & Møller, 2004). In plants, consequently, cyanogenic

52 glycosides serve as important chemical defence compounds against herbivores

53 (Zagrobelny et al., 2004; Ganjewala et al., 2010). In humans, consumption of cyanogenic

54 plants can cause sub-acute cyanide poisoning with symptoms including anxiety, headache,

55 dizziness and confusion. Acute poisoning results in decreased consciousness,

56 hypotension, paralysis, coma and even death. Acute cyanide poisoning has been reported

57 from the ingestion of apricot kernels (Sahin, 2011), almonds (Sanchez-Verlaan, 2011) and

58 cassava (Akintonwa & Tunwashe, 1992).

59 Cyanogenic glycosides are present in economically important food plants such as

60 apple, almond, various beans, cereals, cassava, taro and sorghum (Jones, 1998; Donald,

61 2009). Processing techniques such as pounding, crushing, grinding, soaking, fermentation,

62 boiling and drying have been used over the years to reduce the cyanide contents of foods.

63 Processing allows contact between cyanogenic glycosides and endogeneous enzymes

64 which results in the hydrolytic breakdown of cyanogenic glycosides to hydrogen cyanide.

65 Because the boiling point of hydrogen cyanide is 26 oC, it easily volatilizes during food

66 processing (Montagnac, Davis, & Tanumihardjo, 2009). Quantification of cyanogenic

67 glycosides in plants is carried out either indirectly (by determining the amount of hydrogen

68 cyanide released after hydrolysis) or directly (by determining the intact form). The indirect

69 method is the most commonly used analytical method and usually involves enzymatic

70 hydrolysis followed by colorimetric determination of total cyanide (Bradbury, Egan, and

71 Lynch, 1991; Santamour, 1998). Methods for determination of intact cyanogenic glycosides

72 include liquid chromatography with refractive index detection (Sornyotha, Kyu, &

73 Ratanakhanokchai, 2007), gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Chassagne, Crouzet,

74 Bayonove, & Baumes, 1996), and HPLC with UV detection (Bolarinwa, Orfila & Morgan,

75 2014).

76 Although humans, generally, do not consume apple seeds, apple juice is generally

77 produced from whole apples including the seeds. Apple seeds disintegrate during juice

78 production and contaminate the juice. While there are extensive studies on the antioxidant

79 composition of apple juice (Spanos, Wrolstad, & Heatherbell, 1990; Miller, Diplock, & Rice-

80 Evans, 1995), microbial safety and preservation of apple juice (Evrendilek, Jin, Ruhlman,

81 Qui, Zhang, & Richter, 2000), there has been no study on the amygdalin content of apple

82 juice, and there is limited information on the amygdalin contents of apple seeds

83 (Holzbecher, Moss, & Ellenberger, 1984; Haque & Bradbury, 2002).


85 2. Materials and Methods

86 2.1. Reagents and standards

87 Amygdalin, ethanol, diethyl ether, and HPLC-grade methanol were all purchased

88 from Sigma-Aldrich (Dorset, UK). Water was prepared using a Millipore Milli-Q purification

89 system. All other reagents were of analytical grade.

90 2.2. Apples

91 Fifteen varieties of apples (Braeburn, Bramley, Cox, Elstar, Empire, Egremont

92 Russet, Fuji, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Jazz, Pink Lady, Red Delicious, Royal Gala,

93 Rubens and Spartan) were purchased from local supermarkets in Leeds (UK). The apples

94 were stored at 4 oC immediately after purchase prior to processing.

95 2.2.1. Extraction of amygdalin from apple seeds

96 Apples were each cut into four equal parts and apple seeds were separated from

97 other tissues with a knife and extracted immediately. Apple seeds (2 g) were disintegrated

98 with a mortar and pestle, and 1 g was weighed into a round-bottom flask (500 ml). Ethanol

99 (50 ml) was added, and the mixture was boiled under reflux for 100 min. The extract was

100 filtered (Whatman No. 1 filter paper) and transferred into plastic polypropylene tubes (50

101 ml). Ethanol was completely evaporated from the filtrate with a rotary evaporator (low BP,

102 35 oC, 7 mbar). Diethyl ether (10 ml) was added to the dried sample and the mixture was

103 vortexed (1 min) at room temperature (20o ± 2 oC) to precipitate amygdalin. The diethyl

104 ether was allowed to evaporate overnight and the extracted amygdalin was dissolved in

105 water (5 ml) and prepared for HPLC analysis (2.5).

107 2.2.2. Apple juice extraction

108 Apple juice from whole apple

109 Four samples of apple juice were produced from four apple cultivars (Braeburn,

110 Egremont Russet, Golden Delicious and Royal Gala). Whole apples (10) were each

111 washed, cut into 4 pieces and pressed in a commercial juice extractor (Kenwood JE 600).

112 The extracted juice from each apple variety was divided into portions, each of which was

113 subjected to different processing conditions. Apple juice was also produced from either the

114 flesh with skin or the core of the four apple varieties. The flesh with skin and core of the

115 apples were separated with a knife prior to juice extraction. The juice was stored at −20 oC

116 until extraction.

118 Processing of apple juice and determination of amygdalin content

119 Apple juice was divided into 20 ml portions and treated as follows, (i) extracted for

120 determination of amygdalin content immediately, (ii) boiled immediately, frozen, thawed and

121 then extracted for determination of amygdalin content, (iii) frozen immediately, thawed then

122 extracted for determination of amygdalin content, (iv) held at room temperature (20 ± 2 oC)

123 for 10, 30, 60 or 120 min then frozen, thawed and extracted for determination of amygdalin

124 content, (v) pasteurized at 75 oC for 30 min then held for 10, 30, 60 or 120 min at room

125 temperature (20 ± 2 oC), then frozen, thawed and extracted for determination of amygdalin
126 content, (vi) held for 10, 30, 60 or 120 min at room temperature (20 ± 2 C) then

127 pasteurized at 75 oC for 30 min then frozen, thawed and extracted for determination of

128 amygdalin content.

130 2.3. Commercially-available apple juice

131 The amygdalin contents of apple juices from supermarkets in Leeds (UK) were

132 determined. The following juices were purchased locally: Appletiser (100% concentrate),

133 Aspall Apple juice (100% pressed English apple), Copella Apple juice (hand - picked

134 English apples), Del Monte Quality Long Life Apple Juice (100% concentrate), Innocent

135 Juicy Drink (75% pressed apple) and 100% pressed apple Apple Juice, Jucee Long Life

136 Apple Juice (100% concentrate), Juice Tree Long Life Apple Juice (100% concentrate),

137 Morrisons own-brand Cloudy Apple Juice (100% squeezed apple; Jonagold, Elstar, Golden

138 Delicious) and English Pressed Apple juice (100% fruit), Robinsons Long Life Apple Fruit

139 Shoot Juice Drink (8% concentrate), Sainsbury’s own-brand Pressed Apple Juice (100%

140 pressed & squeezed fruit) and Long Life Apple Juice (from concentrate), Sun Grown

141 Cloudy Apple Juice (pure fruit juice) and Long Life Apple Juice (from concentrate), Sun Sip

142 Long Life Apple High Juice (50% fruit juice, 50% concentrate), Tesco own-brand; Fruit

143 Splash Long Life Apple Juice Drink (31% concentrate), Long Life Apple Juice (100%

144 concentrate), Organic Long Life Apple Juice (from concentrate), Long Life Apple Juice

145 (10% concentrate), Pure Apple Juice (100% concentrate; Long Life), Value Apple Juice

146 (100% concentrate; Long Life), Pressed Cloudy Apple Juice, Light Choices Long Life Apple

147 Juice Drink (10% concentrate), Long Life Apple Squash (double strength) and Long Life

148 Apple High Juice (50% fruit juice, 50% concentrate) and Tropicana Pressed Apple Juice

149 (100% pure squeezed apple fruit). All the apple juice was stored at 4 oC after purchase

150 prior to extraction and analysis.

152 2.4. Extraction of amygdalin from apple juice

153 The pH of all the apple juices analysed were determined and range from 3.86 to

154 3.95. Amygdalin solubility at this pH was tested at room temperature and boiling

155 temperature in our preliminary study. The results obtained showed that amygdalin is

156 soluble at the pH range and at both temperature.

157 Apple juice (10 ml) was weighed into a round-bottom flask (500 ml) and extracted as

158 for the apple seeds as described above (2.2.1). The extract was prepared for HPLC

159 analysis (2.5). In order to achieve complete extraction of amygdalin from the apple juices,

160 extraction was carried out three times using the same sample. Each extracts were

161 analysed separately. Summation of the amount of amygdalin in the three extracts gives the

162 amount of amygdalin in each sample.

163 2.5. Preparation of extracts for HPLC analysis

164 Aliquots of the extract was dispensed into eppendorf tubes (1.5 ml), centrifuged (10

165 min, 22 oC, 14000 rpm, using a micro centrifuge) and filtered with 0.45 µm PTFE filters

166 (Chromacol, UK).

167 2.6. HPLC determination of amygdalin

168 Amygdalin contents of desiccated apple seeds, commercial apple juice and

169 experimentally processed apple juice were determined by RP-HPLC, using a Shimadzu

170 HPLC consisting of a 20ADXR pump, SIL-20ACXR autosampler and degasser (Bolarinwa

171 et al., 2014). The column was a Phenomenex C18, Type Nucleosile 3, 120 A (150 mm

172 4.60 mm, 3 µm) placed in a column oven set at 40 oC. The mobile phase was an isocratic

173 elution that consisted of methanol and water (25:75, v:v) and the flow rate was 1 ml/min.

174 The mobile phase was sonicated (20 min, 22o ± 2 oC) to remove gas bubbles before use.

175 The sample injection volume was 5 µl. Amygdalin was detected using a photodiode array

176 detector at 214 nm. Results were expressed as the amount of amygdalin in mg per gram or

177 mg per milliliter of extracted samples.

178 2.7. Statistical analysis

180 The data obtained in this study were assessed statistically by analysis of variance

181 (ANOVA) using LSD at 5% significant level. The IBM SPSS statistics version 20 software

182 was used for the analysis.

187 3. Results and discussion

188 3.1. HPLC analysis of amygdalin

189 Amygdalin detection was achieved by UV detection in an isocratic elution with an

190 excellent linearity (correlation R2 = 0.9999) between the peak area and the concentration of

191 amygdalin (Fig. 2). The amygdalin peak was completely separated from other materials

192 without any pre-treatment. The recovery of amygdalin was greater than 98% (results not

193 shown).

194 3.2. Amygdalin content of apple seeds

195 The amygdalin contents of seeds from different varieties of apple are given in Table

196 1. The amygdalin content of apple seeds ranged from 1 to 3.9 mg g-1. Among the fifteen

197 apple varieties analyzed in this study, Golden Delicious seeds had the highest amygdalin

198 content (3.9 mg g-1) followed by Royal Gala (3 mg g-1), Red Delicious (2.8 mg g-1), Spartan

199 (2.6 mg g-1) and Pink Lady (2.6 mg g-1). The amygdalin contents of Rubens, Elstar, Empire

200 and Jazz apple seeds were 2.4, 2.4, 2.3 and 2.2 mg g-1 respectively. Lower amygdalin

201 contents were determined in Fuji (1.9 mg g-1), Cox (1.6 mg g-1), Granny Smith (1.6 mg g-1),

202 Bramley (1.3 mg g-1) and Braeburn (1.2 mg g-1) with Russet having the lowest value at 1

203 mg g-1. The amygdalin contents of the apple seeds could generate between 0.06 and 0.2

204 mg cyanide equivalents per gram of apple seeds; these values are relatively high. Acute

205 cyanide toxicity can occur in humans at doses between 0.5-3.5 mg kg-1 body weight

206 (Speijers, 1993). In a previous study, Haque & Bradbury (2002) reported the amygdalin

207 contents of Fuji apple seeds to be 5.4 mg g-1. This value is slightly higher than the

208 amygdalin content of Fuji apple seeds (1.89 mg g-1) reported in this study. The variation in

209 the amygdalin content of apple seeds could be due to cultivation practices (e.g. different

210 levels of fertilization, irrigation and use of pesticides) or environmental factors such as

211 drought or infection by pathogens during fruit formation. Application of fertilizer to a field

212 before planting has been reported to decrease cyanogenic glycoside levels in cassava

213 tubers (Omar, Hassan, Yusoff, Abdullah, Wahab, & Sinniah, 2012). An amygdalin content

214 of 4.7 mg g-1 was reported for apple seeds from an unknown variety (Holzbecher et al.,

215 1984). This value is closer to the value reported for Golden Delicious apple seed (3.9 mg g-
216 ) in this study.

217 3.3. Amygdalin contents of apple juices made from apple flesh with skin, apple core and
218 whole apple

219 Amygdalin was not detected in juice made from apple flesh with skin. This is almost

220 certainly because apple flesh does not contain amygdalin. The flesh of rosaceous fruit is

221 acynogenic (Swain, Li, & Poulton, 1992). Although Voldrich and Kylink (1992) reported that

222 fruits with higher concentration of glycosides in their seeds would contain higher amounts in

223 their pulp, this statement does not appear to be true for apple. The amygdalin content of

224 apple juice made from whole apple fruit was compared with that of juice made from apple

225 core. In all the juices analysed, the results showed that the amygdalin contents of juices

226 made from core were the highest compared with apple juice made from whole apple (Fig.

227 3). Apple juice made from Golden Delicious core had the highest (0.43 mg ml-1) amygdalin

228 content followed by Royal Gala core (0.25 mg ml-1), Braeburn core (0.20 mg ml-1) and

229 Egremont Russet core (0.13 mg ml-1). Amygdalin content of juice made from Golden

230 Delicious core was significantly different (p<0.05) from the amygdalin content of juice made

231 from Royal Gala, Braeburn and Egremont Russet core. However, juice made from Royal

232 Gala, Braeburn and Egremont Russet core were not significantly different (p>0.05) in terms

233 of their amygdalin contents. The amygdalin content of juice made from whole fruit also

234 followed the same trend, with Golden Delicious apple juice having the highest level (0.09

235 mg ml-1) of amygdalin, followed by Royal Gala juice (0.06 mg ml-1), Braeburn juice (0.06 mg

236 ml-1) and Egremont Russet juice (0.04 mg ml-1). The levels of amygdalin in apple juices

237 made from whole fruits were not significantly different (p>0.05) in all the apple varieties

238 tested. Amygdalin contents of apple juice from the core of all the 4 apple varieties was

239 about 75% higher than that of juice from whole apple. Higher amygdalin contents were

240 detected in juice from apple core because apple seeds disintegrated during juice extraction

241 and were diluted with the juice from the limited flesh surrounding the core. Amygdalin

242 content of apple juice from whole apple consists of amygdalin content of apple flesh and

243 disintegrated apple seeds. This study shows that the amygdalin contents of apple juice

244 would depend on the amygdalin content of the seeds (which depends on apple variety), the

245 quantity of seeds that disintegrated during juice extraction and the amount of juice in the

246 fruit (i.e. how juicy is the fruit).

247 3.4. Effect of processing on amygdalin content of apple juice made from whole apple

248 We sought to determine effects of processing on the enzymatic degradation of

249 amygdalin in apple juice in order to examine the possibility that certain processing

250 conditions might mitigate against enzymatic breakdown of amygdalin. The amygdalin

251 content of freshly-made apple juice ranged from 0.035 mg ml-1 for juice from Egremont

252 Russet apples to 0.088 mg ml-1 for juice from Golden Delicious apples (Fig. 4). Freezing of

253 the juice prior to amygdalin analysis did not significantly affect the amygdalin content of any

254 sample, even without prior boiling (data not shown). This indicates that the endogenous -

255 glycosidase enzyme activity was not affected by freezing. Thus all the processed apple

256 juice samples were frozen immediately after collection.

257 All processing conditions used in this study followed the same trend in that there

258 were no significant differences (p>0.05) between the varieties tested (Fig. 4). It can be

259 observed that holding the juice at room temperature for 120 min either before freezing,

260 before pasteurization, or after pasteurizing decreased the amygdalin content by 11-19%

261 compared to the original juice. For example, the amygdalin content of juice from Egremont

262 Russet apple reduced by 2% by holding at room temperature for 10 min and by 13% by

263 holding for 120 min prior to freezing (hold-freeze). In the case of pasteurized-hold and hold-

264 pasteurized, the reductions were 7% in 10 min and 18% and 19% in 120 min respectively.

265 The pasteurized-hold and hold-pasteurized results were close to the hold-freeze at room

266 temperature, thus an indication that endogenous -glucosidase in Egremont Russet apples

267 has limited activity at both 20 ± 2 oC and 75 oC (the pasteurization temperature). Moreover,

268 pasteurization does appear to reduce the activity of -glucosidse, as the enzyme is not very

269 active after pasteurization. A previous study by Nout, Tunçel and Brimer (1995) reported

270 that endogenous -glucosidase activity causes a significant degradation of amygdalin in

271 ground apricot seeds soaked at 20 oC. Although plant enzymes are generally believed to

272 be active at about 20-40 oC (Tunçel, Nout, Brimer, & Göktan, 1990), there could be

273 variation depending on the optimum conditions required by specific enzymes.

274 In line with what was observed in Egremont Russet apple juice, there was no

275 significant reduction in the amygdalin contents of juices from the other three varieties

276 (Braeburn, Golden Delicious and Royal Gala) irrespective of the processing conditions and

277 the holding time (Fig. 4). Amygdalin contents of apple juices from Braeburn, Golden

278 Delicious and Royal Gala reduced from 3 to 11%, 3 to 15%, and 2 to 12%, respectively, in

279 10-120 min hold-freeze at room temperature, 4 to 12%, 4 to 16%, and 2 to 13%,

280 respectively, in 10-120 min pasteurized-hold and hold-pasteurized. This indicates that the

281 endogenous enzyme in these apple juices have limited impact on the degradation of

282 amygdalin, possibly because of low levels of enzyme in the juice. Although -glucosidase

283 from apple seeds has been reported to have higher thermal stability, with maximum activity

284 temperature at 70 oC, it is, however, inactivated at temperatures slightly higher than 70 oC

285 (Yu, Xu, Lu, & Lin, 2007).

286 3.5. Commercially-available apple juice

287 3.5.1 Apple juice from pressed/squeezed fruit

288 The amygdalin contents of commercially-available apple juice from pressed or

289 squeezed fruit are shown in Table 2. Sun-grown cloudy apple juice had the highest

290 amygdalin content (0.039 mg ml-1), followed by Morrison’s 100% juice (0.037 mg ml-1),

291 Sainsbury’s juice (0.035 mg ml-1), Copella juice (0.032 mg ml-1), Morrison’s English apple

292 juice (0.030 mg ml-1) and Tropicana juice (0.030 mg ml-1). The amygdalin contents of

293 Innocent apple juice, Aspall juice, Tesco juice and Innocent juicy drink were 0.027, 0.026,

294 0.011 and 0.010 mg ml-1 respectively. Amygdalin contents of commercially-available apple

295 juice from pressed or squeezed fruit (0.01 - 0.04 mg ml-1) were within the range obtained in

296 our laboratory processed apple juice (0.01 - 0.08 mg ml-1).

297 3.5.2 Long-life apple juice

298 Table 3 shows the amygdalin contents of Long-life apple juice. Among the

299 seventeen commercially-available long-life apple juices analyzed, Sun-sip Apple High Juice

300 had the highest amygdalin content (0.007 mg ml-1), followed by Tesco Apple High Juice

301 (0.005 mg ml-1), Appetizer (0.004 mg ml-1), Tesco Apple Squash (0.003 mg ml-1) and Juice

302 Tree Apple Juice (0.003 mg ml-1). Amygdalin contents of Del Monte Juice, Tesco Value

303 Juice, Sainsbury’s Juice and Sun-grown Juice were 0.002, 0.002, 0.001 and 0.001 mg ml-1

304 respectively. Amygdalin was not detected in Jucee Apple Juice, Robinson Fruit shoot,

305 Tesco Apple Juice, Tesco Drink, Tesco Everyday Value, Tesco Light Choices, Tesco

306 Organic and Tesco Fruit Splash. Low levels of amygdalin in long-life apple juice when

307 compared with apple juice from pressed or squeezed fruit could be as a result of

308 degradation and loss due to high thermal treatment during processing or very low content

309 of apple (replaced by other fruits or water) in some drinks.

310 A glass of pure apple juice and long-life apple juice would liberate 0.26 – 1.03 and 0.026 –

311 0.18 mg equivalent cyanide per gram, respectively. Since the toxic dose of cyanide

312 depends on body weight, to reach the lethal dose an adult man would have to drink 10 L to

313 40 L of pure apple juice, while a child would have to drink around 8 L at once. Ingestion of

314 such a large volume of apple juice at once is unlikely.

316 4. Conclusion

317 Serious health problems could occur as a result of intentional or unintentional

318 ingestion of amygdalin from foods, including apple seeds. While amygdalin is toxic at high

319 concentration, no work has been done on its effect on health at low level. The results
320 presented in this study clearly showed that the amygdalin contents of pure apple juice and

321 long-life apple juice are relatively low, and would be unlikely to pose health problems to

322 consumers. It is recommended that apple seeds should be removed before consumption or

323 processing because of the high content of amygdalin in apple seeds. Although processing

324 conditions employed in this study resulted in slight reduction in amygdalin content of apple

325 juice, the reduction is counter-balanced by a loss of juice quality as a result of increased

326 enzymatic browning.












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428 Figure Legend
430 Figure 1: Structure of amygdalin.

431 Figure 2: Extraction yield of amygdalin from juice made from apple flesh with skin, apple

432 core and whole apple . Juice from apple core was made from apple fruit with most of

433 the flesh removed (i.e core with limited flesh). Juice from whole apple was made

434 from whole apple fruit (i.e all apple flesh including the core). Each vertical rectange

435 represent the average value of triplicate determinations. Error bars indicate the

436 standard deviation.

437 Figure 3: Effects of processing on whole apple juice produced from different apple

438 varieties. OJ – Original Juice, PH – Pasteurized Hold, HP – Hold Pasteurized, HF –

439 Hold Freeze. Freshly produced apple juices were held for 10 to 120min either before

440 freezing, before pasteurizing or after pasteurizing. Each point represents

441 the average of three determinations. Error bars indicate standard deviation.


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