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Committee of the Whole Tuesday, November 23, 2010 6:00 p.m.

Community Development 305 SW “A” Street
Planning Commission Meeting Room

Regular City Council Meeting Tuesday, November 23, 2010 6:00 p.m.
Community Development 305 SW “A” Street
Planning Commission Meeting Room

Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence – For our Military Forces
Invocation: Rex Dickey of First United Methodist Church
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes: November 9, 2010


1. Planning:

1a. Tom and Donna Rife: Lot Split, Lot 15 Huffman’s Addition,
301 Huffman Street, Zoned R-1, Single Family Residential.

The planning commission voted 7-0 recommending approval.

The applicant has submitted a lot split for part of Lot 3 Huffman’s
Addition. The portion of Lot 3 currently platted will be known as Lot 15
Huffman’s Addition. This lot split is required due to the applicants
request for an addition to the existing dwelling. All necessary right of way
and easements are being dedicated with this plat.

1b. Ordinance: On-Street Parking & RV Parking

The planning commission voted 7-0 recommending approval.

There have been documented cases, of vehicles, particularly larger

commercial vehicles, parked continuously in residential areas. Such
activity can reduce travel safety and impact the appearance and value of a
residential neighborhood.
1c. Ordinance: Code Amendments

The planning commission voted 7-0 recommending approval.

Bentonville periodically reviews the zoning and subdivision codes for

revisions to correct errors or to clarify intent. The ordinance proposed is
part of that periodic review.

1d. Ordinance: Accessory Dwelling Units

The planning commission voted 7-0 recommending approval.

The City of Bentonville General Plan encourages affordable housing and a

variety of housing types. The makeup of Bentonville households includes
25% of householders living alone, 7.5% of head of household are single
mothers, and almost 6% of households are person of age 65 or older living
alone. The nation as a whole is experiencing a historical economic
downturn with unemployment around 9% and 10.2% of the Bentonville
population lives below the poverty level. Accessory dwelling units offer an
alternative housing type that can increase the supply of affordable
housing without government subsidies; increases the housing supply
while increasing the tax base and does not require additional
infrastructure; and provides practical for housing the elderly, disabled,
and younger workers. The existing regulations are vague and do not
provide adequate guidance on the development of accessory dwelling

1e. Public Hearing & Ordinance: Alley Vacation, Tana Schlessman,

et, al., Between lots 10, 11 and 11a Block 6 of Deming’s Subdi-

1f. Public Hearing & Ordinance: Drainage Easement Vacation,

Colony-West Subdivision.

2. Approval of a contract with FTN & Associates to complete a detailed flood

study for a portion of tributaries within the northeast portion of town. The
study completed for Tributary 1 to the McKissic Creek and Tributary 1C to
the McKissic Creek will include completing a Letter of Map Revision
(LOMR) through the FEMA process.

3. The State of Arkansas will be enforcing the 2010 Arkansas Mechanical

Code effective January 1, 2011. The City Council of Bentonville needs to
adopt the 2010 Arkansas Mechanical Code (replacing the 2003 A.M.C.)
which will go into effect January 1, 2011.

4. Council approval of Change Order #1 and Final Reconciliation for the

Runway Overlay Project for an increase of $19,519.68. Original contract
amount was $687,860.87 and final amount based on field measurements
is $707,452.55. This project is funded by a combination of Arkansas
Department of Aeronautics grant and City bond program.
5. Council approval of Change Order #1 & Final for reconciliation to the
contract with Crowder Construction on the Moberly Right Turn Lane
Project in the amount of plus $8,090.87.

6. Council approval of Change Order #1 for the Trail at the Park on Waverly
Way in the amount of $10,457.00.

7. Council approval of an ordinance approving a bid waiver to the

Trailblazers in the amount of $73,418.00 for the construction of the trail
that will link Northwest Arkansas Community College and the Moberly
Trail / ISD Offices.

8. Approve Resolution setting public hearing regarding the placement and

amount of liens to be placed on certain properties for mowing and
remediating unsanitary and unsightly conditions. This process is
mandated by State law. The city has been forced to take action to
remediate weeds and tall grass at the subject properties. Code
Enforcement advised the property owners of the violation and requested
that they take action prior to the City stepping in to mow. Property
owners have also been advised of the costs and that a lien would be placed
on the properties if the costs were not paid. All property owners have been
invoiced and failed to pay as of the date this item is submitted.

9. December Meeting Schedule.

10. Budget Discussion.

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