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Script for 2nd Academic Fair

Duchess: Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the 2nd Academic Fair. I am Duchess
Nicole E. Atabelo

Erikka: And I am Erikka A. Yee and we will be your emcees for today.

Duchess: May we request everyone to please tone down your voice now as we begin the program.

Erikka: May we request everyone to please stand for the Opening Prayer to be led to us by the
Kinder 1 and Kinder 2 pupils and please remain standing for the Philippine National Anthem and Sakya

-------------------- After the PNA and SAKYA HYMN ------------------------

Duchess: You may have your seat. (start of Audio Visual Presentation)

-------------------------------------- after AVP -----------------------------------

Erikka: What a glamorous at the same time, magnificent presentation as the students showcase
their skills and talents last year.

Duchess: You’re right Erikka! On behalf of the school, we are pleased to welcome all of you our dear
parents and visitors to our 2 nd Academic Fair. Since it is going to be a long day ahead, are
you well prepared?

Erikka: Well, I am really excited, and I heard it’s going to be fun since we will be showcasing again
the Excellence of students in Academics.

Duchess: Yes Erikka! It is indeed the time for every students to express themselves whether its
dancing, singing, drama, or etc. And to show to their parents and visitors also their outputs
they’ve made on different subjects.

Erikka: At this point, let us hear an opening remarks from Kael Alfonzo S.L. Rafael a grade 1
student. Let’s give him a warm round of applause please.

-------------------- After the Opening Remarks --------------------

Duchess: Thank you Kael for that opening remarks. All the talents and creativity of students will not
be honed without the help of their teachers.
Erikka: That’s right Duchess! One of the highlights we have for today is the Opening Salvo of the

Duchess: Ladies and Gentlemen, let us witness an opening salvo by the Elementary and Junior High
School Teachers. Let’s give them a warm round of applause.

------------------------------ After Opening Salvo ---------------------------------

Erikka: Wow! What an extravagant performance by the Teachers. Truly, they are the example of
how the students got those talents and how the students enhance those talents.

Duchess: At this moment, as we begin showcasing the students’ excellence, Let’s witness a Chinese
Dance to be given to us by the Kinder 1 and 2 pupils. Let’s give them a warm round of

----------------------------- After Chinese Dance ----------------------------

Erikka: What a gracious performance by the kinder 1 and 2 pupils. Their teachers truly indeed
share their talents to the pupils as seen on their gracious performance.

Duchess: Yes, Indeed, Erikka! At this point, let’s witness now the performances of the Elementary
and Junior High Students. As we begin, let’s all welcome the Grades 1, 2, 3, and 4 for their
stage play entitled Hope for the Earth.

Erikka: Let’s give them a round of applause.

--------------------------------- After Stage Play ----------------------------------

Duchess: What a lovely presentation from the Grades 1 to 4 pupils.

Erikka: Truly, its a remarkable presentation given by students.

Duchess: At this point, a song will be sing to us by the grade 5 students.

Erikka: A song that talks about our history. How we all started and who discovered this small
archipelago in the east.

Duchess: Indeed! Let’s welcome the grade 5 students as they sing the song “Philippine History” as
composed and popularized by the late Yoyoy Villame.
Erikka: Let’s give them a warm round of applause.

--------------------------- After the presentation of Grade 5 ------------------------------

Duchess: WOW! What a wonderful performance by the grade 5.

Erikka: That song really talks about how the Philippines was discovered by Magellan and how
christianity started in our country.

Duchess: At this point, let’s witness another presentation from the grade 6 as they perform their
Retro Dance. Let’s give them a warmth round of applause.

------------------------------------ After presentation of Grade 6 -------------------------------


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