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Business Research Methods

Assignment #__04

Impact of Social Networking Websites

Submitted to: Sir Shafique

Submitted by: Usama Tariq
Date: 27-October-2019
In today’s fast moving world, everyone tries to be ahead of their competitors, friends and social circle.
Considering the fact, there are so many burning issues around us which we need to think upon and act,
it’s an alarm for us to be aware about the society and its issues. Current issues like violation of human
rights, girl’s education, adverse effects of global warming, wrong deeds of political leaders, crime against
women, corruption etc. need to be discussed openly with the society in an effort to do something about
it and bring a revolution. Social Networking sites provide a platform for discussion on such issues as it is
this media which majority mass rely on and extend warm support.



Social network sites are web-based services allowing individuals to construct a semi-public or public
profile in a bounded system as well as to articulate a list of others so as to share connections, views and
thoughts. However the type, classification and nature of these connections may differ from site to site.
Uniqueness of social networking sites not only allows individuals to meet strangers but enables users to
discuss and make visible their social networks. This results into connections between individuals which
otherwise is not possible through any other media already existing. Maximum of the time social
networking sites are used to communicate with people who are already their friends or acquaintances in
the social network sharing same mindset or same interests and views.


Estimated unique monthly users

1 Face book 55,0000000

2 Twitter 95800000

3 MySpace 80500000

4 LinkedIn 50000000
5 Tagged 30000000

6 Classmates 29000000

Social networking sites are not only popular for providing a platform for chatting, sharing scraps, videos,
pictures etc. but also for discussing social issues. However, certain issues yet require study and research
like impact of SNS on youth’s minds and loss of privacy as earlier people believed in keeping their data
private but now they enjoy going public and showing wall posts, status updates, tweets and infact every
thrill of their lives. In this way, we are ourselves breaching our privacy and personal space at the
compromise of publicizing intimate details so as to attract hundreds of online readers and even
strangers. There is a pool of social problems which requires attention of majority so that we can fight
against them as a united country and make the society more peaceful. Social awareness brings more
matureness, unity and thoughtfulness when it comes to making important decisions for them or for
society. When these social networking sites started, youths got immediately attracted towards them as
they found it very convenient to expand their social circle, chat with other fellow teenagers, share their
personal photos and see others data too.


Blog writing is a latest trend which serves as an online journal linking to varying news stories and sites.
It allows individual or group of users to record their opinions and information. Now every hit personality
or celebrity is maintain their blog logs and updating in a regular basis so as to enhance their popularity
rate and get open views and suggestions from mass. Maintaining blogs also enables strengthening
community ties and advancing key issues. People now don’t rely much on traditional means of
interaction instead they want to penetrate internet, social networking and derive the best output.


Social networking sites helps in integrating all the parts of the country including subcultures and
minority groups who otherwise never get the physical means and space to practice their views and
beliefs. Through social networking sites individuals can communicate with others irrespective of meeting
face to face or present at a specified time. As these individuals are not aware of things they can use
these websites and can raise their voices and can also participate.

Impact of Social networking websites on Youth

Social media has become a part of everyone’s life that it can’t be ignored. Social media has both positive
and negative impact not only on youth but also on elders and children. Let us see some of the positive
impacts of social media

Positive impacts:

Making friends has become easier with these social networking sites like facebook, google+ and twitter
etc. in olden days it was a bit tough to make friends unless and until one has personal interest of going
out and making friends. Later after in the decades of 70’s and 80’s mobile phones helped in connecting
and improving conversation with people. And now the exploration of social networking sites sprang up
and it has changed the whole idea of making friends once more and forever. We can make unlimited
friends worldwide and chat with them without any time limit and even at free of cost. Now a day’s even
we can have a video chat which is also available for free of cost. This can be considered as one of the
best advantages of having social networking sites. We can connect with friends whom we missed out in
out childhood.

• Empathy:

By connecting with friends through social networking sites we share all of our good and bad
experiences with friends. This will improve the relationship between friends and thus creating good
bonding. Thus by sharing both good and bad experiences with friends, we will be able to empathize with
each other. Sharing one’s experiences with friends will also give mental relaxation.

• Rapid communication:

Everybody is becoming so busy with their lives that they don’t even have time to communicate with
their family members. Our time is getting thinner and thinner with busy work schedule and family
commitments. Social networking sites give us a chance to communicate in a speedy and effective
manner. Writing in face book, Google+ and twitter will reach as many people as we want just in a span
of seconds and with no cost. These sites will allow us to live a life which is unhindered with a small talk.

• Be in touch with the world:

Not only communicating with friends within the circle but we can also make friends worldwide easily.
We can build a network of friends and we can share our ideas, photos and videos through these sites.
Through this we can have updated news of friends and family members. We can emphasize our location
by using location based services like foursquare and gowalla.

• Building relationship and finding a common ground in an open society:

We can make a strong relationship with friends and relatives through these sites. This can help foster
friendship and more besides strengthen us. Because friend is the only person with whom we can share
everything related to our life. Connecting with groups will help in improving one’s own business, thus
creating profits. Professional sites like LinkedIn will have many groups based on different criteria.
Through LinkedIn people get jobs and some promote their business.

Negative impacts:

Social media, now a day’s is leaving a negative impact rather being positive. Most of the youth spend lot
of time on the internet to visit and check their single or multiple accounts. This will affect students,
youth and productivity of work because of the extreme use of technology. The risks of using social
media may also include mental health, cyber bulling, texting and revelation to problematical and
unlawful content and privacy violations.

• Cyber bulling:

Usage of social media may create a chance for emotional distress in getting frightening, irritating and
degrading communication from another teenager which is called cyber bulling. It’s been proved that
cyber bulling will build advanced levels of depression and anxiety for victims and also resulted in youth
suicide. Most of the females become victims of this cyber bulling.

• Texting:

Texting is used to harass people. Using cell phones and social networking sites for instant messaging to
threaten, and hassle relationship partners is increasing day by day. One in three teens in relationships
has been text messaged up to 30times an hour by a partner to know where they are, what they are
doing, or who they are with.

• Privacy:

Most of the teenagers are not aware of the website policies when setting their profiles and they may
not be even aware of disclosing the information to the third parties like the advertisers. Most of the
teenagers like to post their information publicly which will affect them when the hackers or people with
cruel intension may use their information for wrong purposes.
Lot of literature is available now days on the social networking sites and their impact on the youth of
any nation, children, adolescence and families as during the last 5 years, usage of such sites has
increased among preadolescents and adolescents. According to a latest poll, 22% of teenagers log in
more than 10 times a day on to their favorite social media site, and more than half percentage of
adolescents log more than once a day (Steyer James, 2009). Infact research also states that parents need
to be aware of the type; content and nature of social media sites as maximum of them are not suitable
for children and adolescents. So, Pediatricians are now playing a vital role to help families understand
these sites and their usage so as to monitor for potential problems with sexting, cyberbullying, Facebook
depression, and exposure to inappropriate content’ (Keeffe, G.S. 2012). Social media sites allow many
tasks that were not possible offline as making new friends, staying connected with friends and family,
exchanging ideas and sharing pictures. Participation in social media offers adolescents deeper benefits
that extend into their view of community, self, and the world. (Boyd, D. 2007) Today many parents are
IT literate and use technology suitably well, comfortably and feel capable with the online sites that their
children and adolescents are using. But some parents find it problematic to relate to their techno-savvy
youngsters online. Such parents gradually lack an idea and connectivity with these new forms of
socialization that play a vital role in their kid's lives.(Palfrey J & Gasser U, 2010). Out of 75% of
teenagers owning cell phones, 25% use them for social media, 24% use them for instant messaging and
54% use them for texting (Hinduja S. & Patchin J., 2007). Youths and adolescents are at some risk as they
navigate and experiment with social media because of their limited capacity for self-regulation and
susceptibility to peer pressure. There are frequent online expressions of offline behaviors, as clique-
forming, bullying, and sexual experimentation according to a recent research (Lenheart A., 2009). James
Bennett in 2010 examined the link between organizational culture and social networking so as to predict
whether social networking tools are capable of reshaping and revitalizing and the brand and culture of
an organization, which in turn can lead to enhanced levels of employee productivity and satisfaction. As
the adoption of these SNS such as Facebook is increasing by diverse populations, the benefits provided
by them have made us better off as a society and as individuals, and that, as they continue to be, we will
see an increase in their utility. Positive outcomes from these technologies as jobs found through
LinkedIn or political activities organized via Facebook is well-known, but now a growing corpus of
research on social networks sites supports this view too.(Sumiti Sehgal, 2010). Social networking sites
have both negative and positive impact on the education of the youth. (S. Kuppuswammy, 2010).


1. To study the awareness level of usage of different social networking sites Among Students.
2. To find out level of trust over the information received from social networking sites.

3. To study the type of social issues discussed over social networking sites.

(e.g Abortion, Child Labor, Pornography, Unemployment, Global Warming etc )

Research Design and Technique

Universe : University of Central Punjab

Sample : The sample was taken from University of central Punjab's students, whose age ranged
between 18 - 26years. On total, 100 students were taken Randomly

 50 Male
 50 Female

Sampling techniques:

For this survey, convenient sampling strategy was used. Convenience sampling is a type of non-
probability sampling which involves the sample being drawn from that part of the population
which is close to hand. That is, a population is selected because it is readily available and

Procedure and Tool:

In order to obtain the data a questionnaire was designed to measure the attitude of youth
towards Social networking websites. This questionnaire was carefully prepared, 12 questions
were set with two options given with each. The data was collected individually. The subject was
asked to read the questions carefully and then mark the option which appealed to them the

It was a exploratory study and tools used were tables and pie charts.
They were instructed that all the given information will be confidential. The results are
informed on the basis of raw data obtained.


1- Do you have the access to the internet or not ?

Yes No

Male 100% 0%

Female 100% 0%

In response to the query whether you have the access to the internet or not following table is obtained. All of
the respondents have easy internet access.

2- Do you have account on different Social Websites or blogs ?

Yes No

Male 100 % 0%

Female 95% 5%

In response to the query whether Do you have account on different Social Websites or blogs following table
is obtained. All of the respondents have accounts and they do visit different social websites and blog except

3- Do you think Surfing these Social networking websites are constructive ?

Yes No

Male 85% 15%

Female 80% 20%

In response to the query Do you think Surfing these Social networking websites are constructive following
table is obtained. Most of the respondents have a Positive views towards Social websites except few

4- Do you agree that most of the students waste their time using Social websites ?
Yes No

Male 5% 95%

Female 30% 70%

In response to the query Do you agree that most of the students waste their time using Social
websites following table is obtained. Very Few of Respondents feel that surfing on these websites waste
their time. As a matter fact Mostly like to surf them and spend lot of time on internet using Face book,
twitter etc.

5- Have you ever felt that websites like facebook, twitter youtube etc is becoming a
distraction in your studies?

Yes No

Male 20% 80%

Female 40% 60%

In response to the query Have you ever felt that websites like facebook, twitter youtube etc is
becoming a distraction in your studies following table is obtained. very few agree on the distraction
factor from studies. Mostly they feel Social websites are informative and full of knowledge.

6- Which networking website Do you use mostly ?

Websites Male Female

Facebook 100% 95 %
Twitter 79% 78%
Flicker 30% 10%
Youtube 90% 85%
Orkut 5% 2%
My space 15% 2%
Blogspot 35% 3%
Google Plus 45% 40%

In response to the query Which networking website Do you use mostly following table is obtained. Face book
Twitter YouTube are the most common websites used among students.

7- Do you think Social websites helps you in increasing your knowledge?

Agree Disagree

Male 95% 15%

Female 90% 10%

In response to the query Do you think Social websites helps you in increasing your knowledge
following table is obtained. Very few of the student felt that it's less informative, other agreed that social
networking helps in increasing knowledge .

8 -Do you think use of the social networking sites as a tool for mass mobilization and rapid
information dissemination of information through internet is useful ?

Agree Disagree

Male 85% 15%

Female 90% 10%

In response to the query, whether use of the social networking sites as a tool for mass mobilisation and rapid
information dissemination of information through internet is useful, Table describes that the respondents
think that it is useful and it is one the biggest tool for mass communication.
9- Do you trust the Data transferred over these webistes ?

Agree Disagree

Male 85% 15%

Female 70% 30%

In response to the query Do you trust the Data transferred over these webistes Table describes that the
respondents pretty much agree that information is valid. However 15% of male and 30% disagree on that.

10- How Often you come across Blogs on Different Social Issues ?
Male Female
Daily 70% 50%
Weekly 20 % 30%
Monthly 10% 20%

In response to the query How Often you come across Blogs on Different Social Issues following table is
obtained. Around 30% of males and 10 % of females said they come with issues on daily basis. others said
weekly and monthly.


Agree it Helps Disagree It Don't

Male 60% 40%

Female 40% 60%

OF USER FROM THESE SITES, many of the student s said that they try to deal with the issues it was an average
poll. Some said they come with the issues but they just read and pass by others were vice versa.
12- Do you think Students have the power now to raise their voices against different social
issues ?

Agree Disagree

Male 90% 10%

Female 90% 10%

In response to the query Students have the power now to raise their voices against different social issues,
Most of the students felt that they have a the power now to share their feeling. Internet is the only way
where they can talk freely and these social websites are their channel.


After gathering up all the survey results, it was concluded that student of University of Central
Punjab have accounts on different Social networking websites and use it on regular basis.
It was found that these social networking sites are acting as great medium for view mobilization. People are
feeling free in sharing their thoughts on any issue and even youth is raising their voice against social acts like
violation of Human Rights, corruption, Pornography, child labor etc. These social networking sites are proving
themselves a boon at least in bringing thoughts of people on these social issues. It is also being generated
from the information so obtained that people are getting more aware about the social issues mainly from
Face book. But instead of getting this knowledge the people generally don’t discuss them and if they do, they
just sign off the sites after discussion and the issue just remains focused on web only.
It was found that women’s are spending less time on these sites yet they are sensitive towards these social
issues. Most of them think that youth can play a positive role in changing our society which is represent in
most of the responses to different queries.

Suggestions & recommendations:

The below recommendations can be helpful for better use of Social Media:

• For parents and caretakers: Parents and the caretakers have to alert themselves regarding social
media and the means which their teens may use. And they should be aware of the risks to understand
and navigate technology. Family discussions are also one of the recommendations which will help
teenagers in avoiding using internet. Parents should be concerned about the online protection and
sharing of individual information and photos of their teens, as less sharing of personal information will
prevent the risk. Most of the information should be kept private so as to avoid spammers.

• For community:

Better resources should be owed to schools, libraries and community organizations, to help them in
taking on risk management strategies and to offer education about online security matter. Resources
are required for social services and mental health professionals, who job with minors and their families
in extending their skill, to online spaces and also work with other members of the society, for identifying
at-risk youth and interfere prior to risky performance results in unenthusiastic endings.
• Technological solutions:

Internet providers like Google and Yahoo, and social networking sites, like Face book and YouTube, must
continue in working with parents and policymakers for creating alertness and chances for privacy
defense of youth and to expand technologies which will help teenagers in getting secured.

• Health providers:

Medicinal and psychological health suppliers should comprise regular broadcasting to evaluate the risk
for depression which considers teenagers social media use. For instance, assessing the time spent in
using media as well as online activities or inquisitive about online contacts .Tools must be developed for
helping providers engage in these conversations.

• Research Evaluation:

continuous research is required on the achievement of social media based involvements, especially
those focusing on metropolitan and countryside teenagers from lower middle class families and those
with deprived home locations.

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