Unit 1 Model Question Paper

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Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry II
Practice Question Paper (Unit-01)
Metabolic Pathways in Higher Plants and their Determination
B.Pharmacy- 5th Semester (New PCI Syllabus)

Note- All these questions are made by “Solution-Pharmacy” which are based on
our video lecture. Our objective for making these practice questions is to prepare
students for their examination. Total marks is- 75

Section 01- Multiple choice questions. (Attempt all 20 questions) 01marks each

1. Shikimic acid pathway is the biosynthetic pathway for

A. Phenylalanine
B. Tyrosine
C. Tryptophan
D. All of the above
2. Steroidal saponins are biosynthesized by
A. Shikimic acid pathway Contact- solutionpharmacy@gmail.com
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B. Calvin cycle
C. Amino acid pathway
D. Mevalonate pathway
3. Precursor of Indole alkaloid is
A. Ornithine
B. Tryptophan Solution-Pharmacy
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C. Phenylalanine Available on- YouTube-Facebook-Instagram
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D. Tyrosine
4. Mevalonic acid pathway biosynthesizes
A. Isoprenoids
B. Tannin
C. Alkaloids
D. Lipid

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5. Which of the following is known as active isoprene unit (universal precursor of

isoprenoids compounds)
C. Bothe a & b
D. Mevalonic acid
6. Alkaloid derived from ornithine
A. Tropane alkaloid
B. Indole alkaloid Contact- solutionpharmacy@gmail.com
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C. Quininoline alkaloid
D. Phenanthrene alkaloid
7. Which of the following detection methods is not commonly used to detect
isotopically labelled drug metabolites?
B. Scintillation counting
C. Mass spectrometry
D. Infra red Spectroscopy
8. Which of the following isotopes is not a radioisotope?
A. Carbon-13
B. Carbon-14
C. Tritium
D. Sulphur-35
9. Number of isoprene unit present in Diterpenoids
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 6

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10. Which of the following is NOT the class of secondary metabolite.

A. Amino Acids
B. Terpenes
C. Phenolics
D. Alkaloids
11. In shikimic acid pahway, oxidative product of the 3-dehydroshikmic acid is
A. Gallic acid
B. 3-dehydroquininic acid
C. Cinnamic acid
D. Chorismic acid
12. PEP and Erythrose 4 phosphate on aldol condensation gives
A. 3 dehydroquininic acid
B. 3- deoxy-D arabino- heptulosonic acid- 7- Phosphate (DAHP)
C. Enolpyruvyl shikimate phosphate (EPSP)
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D. Shikimic acid Available on- YouTube-Facebook-Instagram
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13. Amino acid precursor for morphine

A. Tryptophan
B. Ornithine
C. Lysine
D. Tyrosine
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14. Carotenoid is an example of Available on- YouTube-Facebook-Instagram
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A. Monoterpene
B. Diterepene
C. Triterpene
D. Tetraterpene
15. Which of the following is not Monoterpene
A. Eugenol
B. Linalool
C. Farnesol
D. Citral

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16. Direct Precursor for the synthesis of Sesquiterpenes in Isoprenoid pathway

A. Geranyl pyrophosphate
B. Farnesyl pyrophosphate Solution-Pharmacy
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C. Sqalene You can download all of our uploaded study materials by joing our "Solution-Pharamcy" facebook group and tehn go to file section

D. Isopentanylpyrophosphate
17. Detector used in Radiotracer technique for biogenetic study
A. Geiger- Muller counter
B. Liquid Scintillation counter
C. Gas Ionization chamber
D. All above
18. Acetyl CoA through acetate mevalonate pathway synthesizes
A. Terpenoids Solution-Pharmacy
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B. Steroids
C. Carotenoids
D. All above
19. Amino acids produced from the product of glycolysis. (Pyruvate)
A. Alanine
B. Phenyl alanine
C. Asparagine
D. Proline
20. Biosynthesis of aglycone part of cyanogenetic glycosides derived from amino acids
takes place through
A. Shikimic acid pathway
B. Acetate malonate pathway
C. Acetate mevalonate pathway
D. Both B and C

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Section 2- Long answer type questions (Answer any 02) 10 marks each
1. Define radio tracer technique. Explain the steps and utilization of radio tracer technique
for biogenetic studies.
2. Explain in detail about shikimic acid pathway with its role.
3. Explain in detail about the formation of different secondary metabolite by acetate
pathway. Solution-Pharmacy
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Section 3- Short answer type questions (Any 07) 05 marks each

1. Explain the application of tracer technique.
2. Briefly explain the Isoprenoid pathway with flowchart.
3. Explain in detail about amino acid pathway.
4. Write brief note of basic metabolic pathway leading to the formation of secondary
5. Briefly explain the methods of tracer technique in biogenetic studies.
6. Explain the role of radioisotopes in the identification of biogenetic studies.
7. What are primary and secondary metabolites?
8. Briefly explain the different types of detectors used for identification of radiolabelled
compound in biogenetic study.
9. Write brief note on radioisotopes used in biogenetic study.

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