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Today I've got a tremendous opportunity to express my feelings towards my

mother .Today the topic of my speech is Mother. What comes to your mind when
you listen to the word affection, kindness, love, care? Without a second I know
your answer will be Mother. Words will be less to praise this beautiful creature by

Starting from the pregnancy to the delivery, from your childhood to make you an
adult all is done by mother. This word is all associated with emotions and
feelings. She cannot see her child in pain and always face difficulties and problems
to keep their children happy and safe.

She is your safe-house. She keeps you protected under wings like a bird. The most
lovable person on this planet is known as Mother. She is the most adorable
human. No one can ever match the love of a mother for her child. Her love is like
nothing else in this world. She gave a lot of sacrifices to raise her children.

Sure no words can describe our gratitude or thanks for our mothers. She is the most
precious gift to us from the Almighty.
As God couldn't have been present every where in the world, he must have created
mothers to make up this loss. Every where in our life, mother's role is supreme.
Behind the success of every great person, there is the inspiration of his mother. She
is our first teacher, first guide and first friend.

She does everything to please each and every member of the family. In lieu of that,
she doesn't want anything. We also take her and all efforts for us for granted. In a
way, she does a thankless job for us. No wages, no holidays. Non-stop work for
365 days a year.

She is the only creature of the world before whom even the God bows. She is the
epitome of love, affection, sacrifice and generosity. Her presence in the world
provides solace to the suffering humanity. Her smiling face removes all sorrows
and frets of the world. Mothers are a constant source of strength for fathers as well.

Fathers seek them in forming opinions and making all important decisions of life.
Without mothers, fathers are incomplete. So in a way, she is the nucleus of the
family. No mother, no family. No family, no society. And no Society, no country,
no world and no existence of human beings. I can't say more beyond that. Thanks
for listening with such a great patience.

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