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Whool get the last laugh (modified treasure hunt):

Suitable for 2 or more warbands

You, information-brokering, round buying leader of a Warband have recently heard tell of the
death of Dread Necromancer Mavarkian Whool. This is of course a great bit of news, for the
foul magician had claimed several square city blocks of the poor district as his domain, a claim
he backed up with the real threat of a veritable army of zombies. With the death of Mavarkian,
you guess that the sizable riches he had amassed, both wyrdstone and the gear of warbands
who tried to breach the sanctity of his turf, are now easy pickings for you. You know though
that this information is hardly secret, so you expect some competition for the treasure

The terrain is set up with a few buildings in a middle courtyard. The rest of the buildings are set up so
that there is only one exit on the small side and d2 exits on each large side. The streets are rather thin,
and if at all possible, mildly to severely crooked, and sized so that not more than four men can walk
abreast (no more than five inches wide maximum)

In one of the several buildings in the center is contained the treasure of a recently dead dread
necromancer. Finding the treasure is achieved in the same manner as the treasure hunt, with the same
rules for carrying the chest, except for the fact that the treasure is found on a 10+, with the last
unsearched building containing the treasure as usual. The goal is to get the chest off any side of the

The rub lies within the fact that Whool was a rather vengeful fellow, and so set a trap on his
belongings. When the chest full of loot is picked up (at the end of the warbands turn who picked up the
chest) the turn order is temporarily suspended, and a new turn is added: the zombies turn.

On the zombies turn, and every zombie turn thereafter, zombies begin to shuffle in for the table edges.
From every exit there appears one zombie per warband fighting. Also Roll a d6 for each exit: on a 4+ d4
zombies enter from that exit.

The zombies cannot charge, and always move toward the nearest non-zombie target (counting as
charging if they intersect them), unless they are within 12” of the chest, in which case they go towards
the bearers of the chest.

EXP: 1 for surviving

1: for enemy put out of action

1 for winning leader

2 for hero that takes chest off (1 each if two are carrying)


Auto: 2d6x5

4+: d6 wyrdstone

4+: d6x10 worth of gems

6+: Ithilimar Spear.

Auto: d6 garlic

5+: lucky charm

5+: Mordheim Map

6+: Tome of magic

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