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InLine Pressure Jig - An Exciting, Low Cost Technology with

Significant Operational Benefits in Gravity Separation
of Minerals

A H Gray1

The InLine Pressure Jig represents a breakthrough in jigging technology.
Its design incorporates a unique combination of features previously
utilised in conventional jig design. In particular, a moveable screen and
circular bed are used to excellent effect. However, a major design
innovation is the encapsulation of the circular bed within a vessel —
allowing the equipment to operate under pressure. This innovation
eliminates free water surface, improves the dynamics within the
separation layer (crossflow) and provides significant cost savings in the
handling of slurries. Recent research results have indicated its capacity to
achieve high recoveries and upgrade ratios in the gravity separation of


With the worldwide emphasis on lower grade deposits the use of

low cost pre-concentration will play a greater part in mineral
processing technology. In order to achieve optimum metallurgical
efficiency you must recover the valuable mineral at the coarsest
size possible and reject tailings at the coarsest size possible.
The InLine Pressure Jig (IPJ) was developed for the recovery
of free gold in low-grade ores at low operating cost. The IPJ is
designed so that several units can operate in series. For example,
primary and scavenger concentrators can be run on the same
pump line and at the same level, with different operating
FIG 1 - Cross-section of Inline Pressure Jig.
parameters, for enhanced overall recoveries. The IPJ has the
ability to accept a large range of feed sizes and can produce a
clean concentrate at extremely low cost for further treatment. It
has application as a gravity separator in both alluvial and PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION
grinding circuits and across a wide range of minerals.
The feed is pumped through the feed pipe into the distributor
DESIGN where its direction is reversed and the velocity drops. The slurry
then flows out over the top of the distributor and radiates out
The IPJ is a true single hutch circular jig with a moveable screen. across the bed. The vessel is completely filled with water and
The complete unit is encapsulated and runs at greater than slurry, creating a semi-static column through which the bed is
atmospheric pressure (Figure 1). The internal screen is driven mechanically pulsed. During the dilation phase of the stroke,
with a hydraulic drive through the central shaft that protrudes separation occurs owing to the relative density of the different
through the lower diaphragm. The screen support frame is sealed materials and segregation because of size and shape. During the
to the hutch with a flexible rubber diaphragm and is held in suction phase of the stroke the concentrate is drawn down through
position by three flexible rubber blocks that oscillate to allow for the ragging and into the hutch. The gangue is discharged to the
vertical movement of the frame. The drive shaft is sealed at the tail board of the jig and drops down into the void between the two
base of the hutch with a flexible rubber diaphragm. cones and out through the discharge. The concentrate passes out
The unit is fed under pressure with the total tailings discharge of the hutch continuously.
head governing the internal operating pressure. The feed is split
into two continuous product streams, concentrate and tailing, UNIQUE COMBINATION OF FEATURES
with no middling.
The unit is constructed in mild steel. Rubber linings are used Pressurisation
where appropriate to reduce wear. The only internal parts that
move are the rubber diaphragms and the screen support blocks. The pressurisation of the IPJ allows for several benefits:
The hydraulic drive is external and can be located remotely to the
unit. It is possible to run multiple units with a single hydraulic 1. The creation of an area above the bed which is filled with
drive. slurry (deceleration chamber). Owing to the volume of this
area the velocity of the slurry and hence the crossflow is
reduced this creates a passive environment for settling to
1. Technical Director, Ground Developments Pty Ltd. * occur (Figure 2). The residence time for a given area of jig
2 Faraday Street, Avoca Vic 3467. screen is increased thereby increasing throughput
* Now trading as Gekko Systems Pty. Ltd.
321 Learmonth Rd., Ballarat, Vic., 3350

The AusIMM Annual Conference Ballarat, 12 - 15 March 1997 259


FIG 2 - Slurry flow across the screen of an IPJ.

Owing to the introduction of large volumes of hutch water

the velocity of the slurry flowing across most conventional
jigs increases to the tail board (Figure 3). But because of low
hutch water addition, high bed volume and circular design
FIG 4 - Bed of a conventional jig versus the bed of an IPJ.
the velocity of the slurry in the IPJ continues to decrease to
the tail board (Figure 2). This creates a continually changing
environment within the separating layer.
(Mitin, 1993). However because the interstitial spaces
between the larger particles create natural orifices the
velocity of the initial water flow through these spaces is
high. The fine mineral particles are accelerated up through
the bed and into the crossflow and possibly onto the water
surface tension from which they may not be recovered.

The pressurised nature of the IPJ and consequently the large

volume of slurry in the chamber above the bed, eliminates
the high velocity crossflow and reduces loss of fines.

The chamber also aids in the reduction of overall water

consumption through the increased throughput of solids per
m2 of screen area. (Cubic metres of hutch water/ton of ore
treated.) Water consumption is directly related to screen area
and throughput (tph solids). The hutch water flow does not
necessarily increase with increased solids throughput.
Accordingly, new water addition per ton of solids treated is
reduced with increased throughput.

2. Elimination of water surface tension. Free water surface

does not exist because the deceleration chamber is always
FIG 3 - Slurry flow across the screen of a UBBA jig. full. Water surface tension is recognised as contributing to
the loss of hydrophobic particles.

3. Extremely flexible slurry handling capabilities. The slurry is

pumped through the unit with both products coming out
The crossflow zone is the critical area of a jig for the
under pressure and passing to the next stage of treatment
recovery of fines. It is in this area that separation of the fines
without re-pumping. The IPJ can be used in series to achieve
is affected. The crossflow zone can be defined as that area in
higher recoveries without the construction of extra
which the slurry rises above the level of the tail board or the
superstructures, in this manner the primary unit can produce
depth of free flowing fines on top of the bed. The depth of
a high grade concentrate with the subsequent jigs being run
the zone is dictated by flow rate and maximum particle size.
under different parameters to produce a middling or
Most of the water introduced in the feed or through the hutch
secondary concentrate (negligible pressure drop is
passes through the bed and runs in the crossflow. In the case
experienced across the IPJ).
of a conventional jig this creates a zone of high velocity at
the top of the bed (Figure 4).
Moveable screen
During the initial stages of the dilation stroke of a
conventional jig with a sinusoidal pulse the initial The use of a moveable screen rather than a fixed screen allows for
acceleration is not great enough to dilate the entire bed two unique functions to occur:

260 Ballarat, 12 - 15 March 1997 The AusIMM Annual Conference


1. The ability of the operator to dictate the height to which the

bed will rise and fall. Each particle in the bed is raised
during the suction stroke to a pre-determined level at which
point the screen is rapidly accelerated downwards leaving
the particles momentarily suspended, from this point the
particles are free to settle at a rate commensurate with their
relative density.

2. The particles are lifted to the same height during each cycle
regardless of their relative density. At the top of the stroke
the ‘rug is pulled out’ from underneath the particles. This
ensures that the bed porosity remains even and no boil holes

Drive — pulse

The drive mechanism is oil-actuated hydraulic with electronic

control this allows for accurate control of both up-stroke and
down-stroke velocities independently of each other. In addition,
the length of stroke can be adjusted.

Circular bed

The IPJ has a true circular bed design. The bed overlies a single
hutch. Because no radial partitioning exists in the hutch, walling
effects are eliminated resulting in increased overall performance
of the screen area.
Walling effect in conventional jigs is caused by drag from the
slurry running along the wall of the jig. Eddy currents and
turbulence are created which reduce the relative density of the
bed. This in turn allows excess hutch water flow to pass up along
the wall of the jig. The inverse can also occur with the drag
created by the wall decreasing the flow to such an extent that
settling occurs and solids deposit against the wall. These two
situations reduce effective screen area and overall efficiencies.
In the IPJ, slurry radiates across the radius of the circular bed.
Accordingly, slurry velocity declines as it passes across the
screen from the feed distributor creating a changing environment
for enhanced mineral recovery. FIG 5 - Typical pulse plot for the IPJ.

Hutch water addition
Water addition to the jig occurs through the hutch. Hutch water is
The pulse is varied by adjusting the hydraulic drive unit. The essential for three reasons:
pulse plot (Figure 5) shows a typical stroke curve for the IPJ and
the direction changes of the stroke and illustrates the rapid 1. Positive water flow through bed to enhance the bed dilation.
acceleration phase. The curve represents the motion of the screen.
The upward movement is the suction stroke, while the downward 2. Reduce the total suction created during the up stroke.
movement is the dilation (separation) stroke. These two (Suction = Velocity of rising screen - Velocity of rising
movements are variable to about 1.5 x 102 mm/sec maximum water.)
velocity. The acceleration rate is also variable up to 8.3 x 103
mm/sec/sec (Figure 5). 3. Addition of water for concentrate water flow.
The drive will allow for varying load conditions within the jig
bed and maintain a constant cycle rate (pulse). The total balance of the water added through the hutch is: (Tail
Water Dilution = Total hutch water addition - Concentrate water
In order to loosen the bed fully and stratify the bed flow.)
according to density, the following conditions must be This water flow is typically 0.2 m3 water/t/h treated to tail.
met: Control of this flow provides control of the recovery curve
(Figure 6). High water flow to tail increases concentrate grades
• time conditions: the speed and acceleration of the but decreases recovery and causes a loss of fine particles.
moveable screen must be greater than that of the The minimum water addition is balanced to compensate for the
particles in the bed; and excess suction created during the period of the suction stroke
through which the bed is fully compacted. The balance can be
• space conditions: particles must have enough space to achieved through observation of the load gauge on the pulse
move in the period that the particle bed loosens. mechanism and can be set with consideration of concentrate grade
and mass flow. Low water flows will cause excessive load on the
drive mechanism and produce a low grade, dirty concentrate.
It is because the sine wave jig cycle cannot satisfy the two
conditions simultaneously that the separation with the sin
wave jig cycle is very poor (Sun and Sun, 1993).

The AusIMM Annual Conference Ballarat, 12 - 15 March 1997 261


FIG 7 - Bed layers in the IPJ.

This enables far less floor space to be taken up as well as the

FIG 6 - Hutch water versus recoveries for the IPJl500sI at SGM. removal of secondary jigs from the circuit with installation
costs being reduced significantly.
Screen and ragging
DML Resources Limited NZ (DML) carried out extensive
The screen aperture is set slightly greater than maximum required surveys, (Foote, 1996) on the performance of the
particle size to the concentrate flow. The IPJ normally V’s YUBA Jigs in an operational environment on board its
incorporates a wedgewire screen for its inherent strength and non- Arahura no 2 dredge plant. Results indicated that the IPJ
blinding characteristics. achieved consistently higher recoveries at far greater
The typical configuration allows for a layer of spherical lead concentration ratios with significantly lower water
shot ragging to be placed on top of the screen. This lead shot has consumption. (Table 1) The screen area of an IPJ1500 is
several benefits: It reduces concentrate flow for greater upgrade 1.27 m2 compared with the screen area of a double hutch
ratios especially on start-up. It inhibits coarse angular particles 42” YUBA of approximately 2.2 m2 (one x flowline).
from blinding the screen and it becomes a second screen which
dictates the size of the screen aperture. As a result of the research, DML are replacing: five primary
The interstitial spaces of the lead shot become the active YUBA 42” x 42” x two cell jigs, one secondary YUBA 42”
aperture provided they are smaller than the fixed screen aperture. x 42” x two cell jig, one con pump and sump, one cyclone,
The greater the dilation of the lead shot the greater the effective with two x jigs.
aperture. The larger the lead shot, the larger the effective aperture.
The lead shot creates a live rolling screen which reduces blinding. Another advantage will be to increase the tails discharge
In general, the best upper ragging is a natural ragging such as distance behind the dredge into the coarse reject pile without
coarse pyrite. Artificial ragging can be introduced for finer further pumping. The space savings on board could be up to
specific gravity separation however greater attention to feed 80 per cent of the current concentrator area with an increase
preparation must be paid to ensure the minimisation of ragging in recovery.
losses to tail.
2. Reduced operating cost. The overall reduction of equipment,
high availability, low wear, low labour input and low power
Bed depth consumption of the IPJ means reduced initial capital
Bed depth can be altered to give greater retention time. In the IPJ expenditure and lower operating costs.
there are three separate bed layers:
3. High recoveries. These are highlighted in the work carried
1. Restricted ragging layers (Figure 7). In this layer the lead out by Thomson (1995) show size by size recoveries for the
ragging can be restricted from moving. IPJ600 running on alluvial gold ore. The unit was run at
between 2 - 3 t/h with a feed density of 30 per cent Cw into
2. Separation layer where coarser material can flow a concentrate: feed mass ratio of 1:27 (Figure 8). Hutch
unrestricted to the tail board. water addition ranged from 0.06 to 0.1 m3 water/ton solids
3. Crossflow layer. treated.
All of these layers can be varied to achieve differing results.
For instance, in the case of low grade gold recovery there is no GRINDING CIRCUITS
separation layer, just the restricted layer.
Work to-date indicates the ability of the IPJ to recover a high
OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCIES grade concentrate of both gold and sulphides from grinding
circuits for further treatment.
The efficiencies gained in alluvial operations are:
Research studies carried out at Stawell Gold Mines (SGM)
1. Reduced capital: the IPI achieves upgrade ratios to 300:1 — showed combined upgrades from mill feed @ 4 gAu/t to an IPJ
relative to conventional jigs which achieve upgrade ratios concentrate grade as high as 0.8 tph @ 1600 gAu/t. In this survey,
between 10:1 and 20:1 (Fricker 1984) — and treats up to the 26” cyclone underflow was fed over a 4 mm DSM screen and
five times more throughput for the same screen area. the DSM underflow was then fed under gravity to the IPJ.

262 Ballarat, 12 - 15 March 1997 The AusIMM Annual Conference


DML Resources Limited comparative testwork IPJ 1500 versus YUBA jigs.

Test Number Feed Conditions Jig Parameters Grades Performance


Feed Rate Pulp Hutchwater Stroke Stroke Rate Head Grade Tails Grade Overall Conc Rate Recovery
t/h Density (m3/h) per Length (cyc/min) (mg/t) (mg/t) Head Grade (%)
(% sol) t/h of feed (mm) (mg/t)
Test 1
YUBA 4 41.2 31.1 3.4 20 146 419 2.6 08:01 99
IPJ 1 10.9 31.8 1.7 10 120 1461 15 637 36:1 99
Test 2
YUBA 1 39 33.1 2.7 20 146 336 48 11:01 87
IPJ 1 17.6 41.9 1.1 10 120 527 23 395 59:1 96
Test 3
YUBA 1 30.1 29.7 2.3 20 146 375 47 12:01 88
IPJ 1 20.1 32.7 0.9 10 120 592 41 462 106:1 93
Test 5
IPJ 1 83 49 0.2 10 150 68 27 68 307:1 91

Note: 1 YUBA flowline = 1 x 42” x 42” x 2 cell double hutch jig.

1 IPJ flowline = 1 IPJ 15OOs 1 single hutch jig. Source: DML Resources

The IPJ concentrate was fed to a 30” Knelson and the IPJ tail was
fed to the Mill discharge sump. The Knelson feed was
approximately 0.8 t/hr of high grade concentrate only. Samples
were taken from IPJ feed, concentrate, tail and Knelson tail
(Table 3).
The table reveals the ability of the IPJ to consistently recover
gold to a high grade concentrate. It also demonstrates the ability
of the IPJ to recover a high proportion of gold which the Knelson
Concentrator is unable to recover to concentrate.
The work at SGM was carried out with a single IPJ -
running on 30 tph feed. The re-circulating load of the mill circuit
is up to 600 per cent (Figure 9). Further work carried out on
Pyrite recoveries showed the average mill feed of 3800 ppm
Arsenic (As) with the average IPJ concentrate grade running at
77000 ppm As.
Preliminary results from research work carried out at
Pasminco’s Rosebery Plant (Tasmania), indicate similar results
(Table 3). The object of the program was to split as much gold as
possible from the recirculating load to the Knelson feed. The
IPJ1500sl. was installed in the primary ball mill circuit and
FIG 8 - Ballarat University size by size recoveries (S Thomson, 1995). received unscreened feed directly from the mill discharge pump.
The IPJ was fed from one of the two parallel ball mills and so had
access to only half of the mill feed (Figure 9).
(*Note: The Pasminco results are derived from an average of
the optimisation work carried out. The unit was not running at
optimum for a large proportion of the period.)


FIG 9 - Flowsheets at SGM and Rosebery.

The AusIMM Annual Conference Ballarat, 12 - 15 March 1997 263

Water consumption for various devices in a grinding circuit.

Device Process Dilution Water Feed Dilution Water Feed Density Max Particle Size Possible % Recirc Load Treated
(cum water/t treated) (cum water/t treated) (% Cw) (mm) (%)

IPJ 0.3 - 0.5 0 0 - 80 12 40 - 67

Reichert cone 0.3 - 0.5 0.45 - 0.32 60 - 65 1 20 - 27
MD Spiral 0 2.1 - 0.75 30 - 50 2 9 - 27
Knelson 1.1 - 2.0 0 0 - 80 1.7 10 - 18

IPJ recoveries at Stawell and Rosebery.

IPJ 1500 Knelson Concentrator 30

Ore Days Mill Feed Mill Feed Feed Tail Con Con Recovery Mill Feed Feed Tail Recovery
Type Operation ppm Au gAu/hr ppm Au ppm Au ppm Au gAu/hr % to ppm Au ppm Au %
Con Ratio
central 4 4 400 70 13.85 156 125 53 39:1 156 96 38
basalt 3 4 400 124 31 681 545 69 170:1 681 331 51
Rosebery 7 1 40 6.16 4.2 31 64 36 31:1 - - -

Metallurgical and operational advantages

One of the major operational advantages of the IPJ in the grinding

circuit is the low water consumption for tonnage throughput
relative to other devices (Table 2).
Additional advantages include: the reduction of overgrinding
liberated minerals, the recovery of coarse gold to reduce high
grade recirculating loads and the recovery of a high grade gold
concentrate with low grades of solution robbing carbons.
Furthermore, depending on the size of the scats circulating in the
cyclone feed, the IPJ call be fed directly from the mill discharge
pump and hence requires no pre-screening.

Galena recoveries

Work carried out by Reilly (1995) indicates the ability of the IPJ
to recover galena. The work was carried out with an IPJ600 Pilot
scale jig at a feed rate of between 1.5 and 2.2 t/h. and slurry feed
density of 30 per cent by weight. High recoveries were achieved,
and the potential to optimise jig recoveries through the adjustment FIG 10 - Recovery versus Cyc/Min for the 1PJ600 (P Reilley, 1995)
of various operating parameters was illustrated (Figures 10 and
It is expected that the IPJ will have positive benefits in the
removal of galena and other soft heavy minerals from the grinding
circuit before overgrmnding occurs.


The IPJ is a pre-concentrator suited to recovering coarse to

medium heavy minerals at high tonnages per unit area. It has
unique slurry handling capabilities for reduced installation costs
and complexity. Low water consumption and the units ability to
accept a wide range of particle sizes in the feed makes it an
extremely flexible unit (Figure 12).
Potential applications include:
1. Pre-concentration of new mill feed prior to milling to
recover liberated mineral and reduce overgrinding.
2. Recovery of diamonds on off-shore floating plants with the
advantage of low area/ton throughput.

FIG 11 - Recovery versus hutch water flow 1PJ600, (P Reilley, 1995).

264 Ballarat, 12 - 15 March 1997 The AusIMM Annual Conference


3. Cleaning of iron ore fines.

4. Alluvial mining of all kinds especially in arid climates.

5. Removal of minerals from grinding circuits.

6. Cleaning coal and reducing water usage in coal mines.


Foote, P C, 1996. InLine Pressure Jig, Operational and Metallurgical

Evaluation (Primary Jigging Application), DML Resources Limited,
Fricker, A G, 1984. Metallurgical Efficiency in the Recovery of
AlluvialGold, Proc Aust Inst Mm Metall 289:64.
Mitin,L A, 1993. The Round Diaphragm Jig ‘TRUD-12’ with a
Moveable Sieve - an Advance in the Gravity Concentration of Ores, in
Proceedings XVIII International Mineral Prncessing Congress,
p 1333 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy:
Reilly, P, 1995. Evaluation of an InLine Pressure Jig, Project and
Thesis (unpublished), University of Ballarat, School of Metallurgy,
FIG 12 - Possible flowsheets. Sun, C and Sun, Y, 1993. A Study on the Cycle of Moveable Screen
Jigs, in Proceedings XVIII International Mining Prncessing
Congress,(The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy:
Thomson, S, 1995. An Investigation into the recovery of fine sized
goldusing an InLine Pressure Jig, Project & Thesis (unpublished),
University of Ballarat, Ballarat.

The AusIMM Annual Conference Ballarat, 12 - 15 March 1997 265

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