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Same sex marriage should be legalized and recognized nationwide. It is human civil

rights, two people of the same sex who love each other should allowed to celebrate their

commitment and receive the same benefits of marriage as opposite sex couples. I believe that

the only thing that matters in marriage is love, whether that love is between a man and a

woman, a man and man, a woman and a woman. The benefits that apply in a man-woman

marriage should apply to the same sex marriage because marriage is an inalienable right of

humans. Maybe today, same-sex marriage is still not accepted in the Philippine context but I

hope that someday same-sex couples are allowed to have marriage and they are happy to live

in a society that same-sex marriage is accepted and free from discrimination. As of now, in able

to lessen gender inequality, we must respect the homosexual couples and accept that they are

also human and they have feelings, feelings that are being discriminated, hurt and violated.

Respect and accept, two words that would changes our society for a better future. However, in

respect in different religions that

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