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neg. No.: [1 Ente Question Paper Code : 40822 M.C.A. DEGRER EXAMINATION, APRIL/MAY 2015. Fourth Semester MC 7401 — RESOURCE MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES (Regulation 2013) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions. PART A — (10 x 2 = 20 marks) What is Operations Management? What do you mean by Saddle point? What is meant by Degeneracy in Transportation problem? Distinguish between CPM and PERT: Explain two person zero- sum game. Explain Primal-Dual relationship, Briefly explain Decision tree. What are the Operating characteristics of Queuing system? Define Unbalanced Assignment problem. Give the assumptions of Flow Shop Scheduling. PART B — (6 x 16 = 80 marks) (a) Solve the ‘fllo¢ing LP problem using Simplex Method. (16) Maximize Z=3X,-X, Subject to constrains @ 2X+X% <2 Gi) X+3X> 3 (ii) X<4 and Xi, X, > 0. Or ) 12, (a) ) 13. (a) Use Dual Simplex method to solve the following LP problem. Minimize Z=2 Xi+2 X2+4 Xs Subject to constraints @) 2Xi+8 Xe+5 Xs22 (i) 3 Xi+ Xx7 Xx 3 Git) Xit4 X-6 Xs5 & Xi Xz, Xs20 Goods has to be transported from sources 1, Sz and Ss destinations Di, Do and Ds. The transportation cost per unit, capacities of the sources and requirements of the destinations are given in the following table: D: Dez Ds Supply Si 8 5-6-2120: S2 15 10 12 80 Ss 3 9 10 150 Demand 150 80 50 Determine a transportation schedule so that cost is minimized. Or A Company has one surplus truck in each of the cities A,B,C,D&E anc one deficit truck in each of the cities 1,2,3,4,5&6.The distance betweer the cities (in km) is shown in below matrix. Tocities Deficit) ia wh 85 4s Fromcities A 1210 15 22 18 (Supla)((BSyo 18 25 15 16 12 OF 1110 <3: eS gabe, D. .6~ 14° 10~-13..513 212 Bos 8.912 A 12 136-10 Find the assignment of trucks from cities in surplus to cities in deficit s that the distance covered vehicles is minimum. Supposethe owner of the readymade garments decide to mak X:Zee- shirts and X2 Button- down shirts. Then the availability of time t tailors has the following restrictions: ; @ — 2Xi#4X2<7 Gi) 5Xi+3X250 and Xi,X2 > 0 and integers. (a) A small project consists of jobs as given in the table below. Each job is listed with its noymal time and a minimum or crash time (in days). The cost (in Rs. per day) for each job is also given: Job (i-j) Normal Duration Minimum (crash) Cost of Crashing (in days) Duration (in days) (Rs. per day) 1-2 9 5 (ey 18a 8 5 (Cty Ae 1-4 15 10 = 2-4 5 8 € >) 10 34 10 6 ois 45 2 1 SF 40 @) What is the normal project length and the minimum project length? (a) Determine the minimum crashing ¢o of schedules ranging from normal length down to, and including, the minimum length schedule. That is, if L = Length of the schedule, find the costs of schedules which are L, L-1, L-2 and so on. (iii) Overhead costs total Rep Heel day. What is the optimum length schedule in terms of both crashing and overhead cost? List the schedule duration of eS yb for your solution. (b) The following information is available: Activity (Na days No. of men reqd. Te 15. (a) ) A supermarket has two sales girls at the sales counters, if the serv time for each customer is exponential with a mean of 4 minutes and people arrive in Poisson fashion at the rate of 10 an hour, then calcul: the: G@) Probability of having to wait for service. (i) Expected percentage of idle time for each sales girl. (ii) If a customer has to wait, what is the expected length of his waiti line? Or An airport emergency medical facility has a single paramedic and roc for a total of three patients, including the one being treated. Patier arrive with an exponentially distributed inter arrival time with a mean one hour. Service time is exponentially distributed with a mean of | minutes. (i) | What percentage of the time is the paramedic busy? Gi) How many patients on average are refused entry in a 24 hour day Gii) What is the average number of patients in the facility at any give time? 4 40822

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