Radiologic Imaging of Facet Joints Final PDF

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 imaging  of  facet  joints  

Faure  M  (1)  
Huyskens  J  (1)  
Van  Goethem  JWM  (1)  
Venstermans  C  (1)  
Van  Den  Hauwe  L  (1)  
De  Belder  F  (1)  
Parizel  PM  (1)  

(1) Antwerp  University  Hospital  &  University  of  Antwerp  

Department  of  Radiology  
Wilrijkstraat  10  
2650  Edegem  


Radiologic  imaging  of  facet  joints  

Faure  M,  Huyskens  J,  Van  Goethem  JWM,  Venstermans  C,  Van  Den  Hauwe  L,  De  Belder  F,  
Parizel  PM;  Antwerp  University  Hospital  &  University  of  Antwerp,  Belgium  

1.   Table  of  contents  

Radiologic  imaging  of  facet  joints ...................................................................................................................... 1  
1   Table  of  contents .................................................................................................................................... 2  
2   Introduction.............................................................................................................................................. 2  
3   Facet  Joint  disease ................................................................................................................................. 3  
4   Radiography ............................................................................................................................................. 4  
5   Computed  Tomography....................................................................................................................... 4  
6   Magnetic  Resonance  imaging............................................................................................................ 5  
7   SPECT-­‐CT ................................................................................................................................................... 5  
8.   Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................. 6  
9.   Figures  and  tables  ................................................................................................................................. 6  
10.   References...............................................................................................................................................11  

2.   Introduction  
Low  back  pain  has  a  high  prevalence  and  has  substantial  socioeconomic  implications.    
Imaging  is  frequently  used  to  examine  patients  with  aspecific  back  pain  with  or  without  
irradiating  pain.  The  correlation  between  anatomic  abnormalities  seen  on  imaging,  
clinical  history  and  outcome  remains  controversial.  In  some  cases  the  source  of  back  
pain  cannot  be  determined  with  certainty  on  imaging  studies.  
The  diagnosis  and  treatment  of  back  pain  remains  problematic  due  to  the  large  number  
and  diversity  of  potential  pain  generators  in  the  lumbar  spine.  Most  literature  focuses  
on  the  intervertebral  discs,  however  it  is  increasingly  apparent  that  the  zygapophysial  
joint  aka  “facet”  joints  also  play  a  major  role  in  low  back  pain.    
Diagnosis  of  facet-­‐mediated  spinal  pain  is  difficult.  History  and  physical  examination  
may  suggest,  but  cannot  confirm,  the  facet  joint  as  the  source  of  pain  (Hancock  et  al.  
Although  radiologists  are  commonly  asked  by  clinicians  to  determine  the  degree  of  facet  
joint  osteoarthritis,  the  published  radiological  investigations  report  no  correlation  
between  the  clinical  symptoms  of  low  back  pain  and  degenerative  spinal  changes  
observed  on  radiologic  imaging  studies  (Schwarzer  et  al.  1995).    
Specifically,  the  association  between  degenerative  changes  in  the  lumbar  facet  joints  
and  symptomatic  low  back  pain  remains  unclear  and  is  a  subject  of  ongoing  debate.    
Facet  joint  osteoarthritis  is  intimately  linked  to  the  distinct  but  functionally  related  
condition  of  degenerative  disc  disease  (figure  1),  which  affect  structures  in  the  anterior  
aspect  of  the  vertebral  column  (Gellhorn    et  al  2012).  
3.   Facet  joint  disease  
The  facet  joints  are  the  articulations  of  the  posterior  arch  of  the  vertebrae.  They  are  an  
important  part  of  the  posterior  column  and  provide  structural  stability  to  the  vertebral  
column.  These  joints  are  surrounded  with  a  fibrous  capsule  and  connect  the  superior  
and  interior  articular  facets  of  the  vertebrae.    
The  posterior  ligamentous  complex  (facet  joint  capsule,  ligamentum  flavum,  
interspinous  ligament  and  suprapinous  ligament)  keeps  the  facet  joints  and  the  
vertebrae  in  a  fixed  position  with  each  other.  Injury  of  this  complex  can  result  in  
subluxation  or  dislocation  of  the  facet.      
The  facet  joints  are  composed  of  two  articular  surfaces.  Unlike  the  intervertebral  disc,  
they  are  true  synovial  joints.  The  joint  produces  synovial  fluid,  the  prime  lubricant  for  
the  joint  and  the  nutritional  source  for  the  joint  surface  cartilage.  
Like  in  all  synovial  lined  joints,  arthrosis  is  a  continuum  between  loss  of  joint  space  
narrowing,  loss  of  synovial  fluid  and  cartilage  and  bony  overgrowth.  High  grade  
cartilage  necrosis  arises  quite  rapidly  in  facets.    
Facet  arthrosis  or  degenerative  facet  disease  is  the  most  frequent  form  of  facet  
pathology.  It  is  mainly  a  disease  affecting  the  elderly  population,  present  in  virtually  
everyone  after  the  each  of  60  and  in  varying  degrees  affecting  the  majority  of  adults,  
suggesting  that  facet  arthrosis  has  a  major  role  in  neck  pain  and  back  pain  in  the  elderly  
Degenerative  facet  disease  in  many  cases  already  begins  before  the  age  of  20.  There  is  
no  gender  preference.  It  is  probably  related  to  mechanical  loading,  minor  repetitive  
trauma  and/or  a  form  of  predisposition.  
Symptoms  and  signs  are  very  aspecific  and  can  be  variably  progressive.    Most  
commonly  it  gives  rise  to  a  mechanical  type  of  neck  or  back  pain,  but  it  can  also  be  
asyptomatic.  Studies  have  shown  that  facet  joints  are  clinically  important  spinal  pain  
generators  and  patients  with  symptomatic  facet  joints  can  benefit  from  specific  
interventions  .    The  symptoms  are  frequently  aggrevated  by  extension  and  alleviated  by  
flexion,    with  pain  not  irradiating  below  the  knee.  There  is  a  poor  correlation  between  
pain  and  the  extent  of  degeneration.  
Mechanical  stress  is  exacerbated  in  facets  that  are  more  horizontal  in  a  sagittal  plane,  
typically  at  the  L4-­‐L5  level  (figure  2).  
In  imaging  studies  more  and  more  the  emphasis  lies  on  the  visualization  of  
inflammation  of  the  facet  joint  and  the  surrounding  soft  tissues.  It  is  believed  that  this  
inflammation  is  the  cause  of  local,  i.e.  non-­‐irradiating,    pain.  Not  all  changes  are  
inflammatory,  especially  bony  overgrowth  is  a  protective  reaction  to  inflammation,  
diminishing  inflammatory  response.  However  bony  overgrowth  can  be  an  important  
cause  of  neuroforaminal  narrowing,  giving  rise  to  irradiating  pain.    
Degenerative  spondylolisthesis  is  a  displacement  of  one  vertebra  relative  to  another  in  
the  sagittal  plane.  In  many  cases  it  is  related  to  facet  joint  arthrosis  and  failure  of  the  
motion  segment.  Listhesis  occurs  as  a  result  of  subluxation  of  the  facet  joint,  related  to  
important  and  progressive  loss  of  cartilage  and  articular  remodeling  (figure  2).  
A  more  sagittal  joint  orientation  might  lessen  the  amount  of  anterior  restraint  that  the  
facet  joints  are  able  to  supply  to  the  vertebral  column  simply  because  there  is  less  of  a  
bony  barrier  in  the  sagittal  plane.  This  lack  of  restraint  can  result  in  anterior  slippage  of  
the  superior  vertebra  in  the  motion  segment.  Spondylolisthesis  therefore  most  often  
occurs  at  L4–L5,  the  same  level  that  is  most  often  affected  by  arthrosis.  This  can  narrow  
the  spinal  canal  and  the  neuroforamina  (Gellhorn  et  al.  2012).  
Septic  facet  arthritis  or  pyogenic  facet  arthritis  is  a  completely  different  and  rare  entity.  
It  can  give  rise  to  similar  imaging  findings  as  degenerative  disease,  usually  with  more  
inflammation  and  a  more  aggressive  course.    The  isolated  form  should  always  arise  
suspicion  of  tuberculosis  or  an  iatrogenic  cause  (figure  3).  In  some  cases  it  is  secondary  
to  infection  of  the  discs  and/or  vertebrae  (spondylodiscitis).  

4.     Radiography  
Osteoarthritis  of  the  facet  joints  is  a  frequent  radiographic  finding,  particularly  among  
the  elderly.    Standard  frontal  and  lateral  radiographs  are  of  limited  value.  Oblique  
radiographs  are  the  best  projections  to  demonstrate  the  facet  joints  of  the  lower  lumbar  
spine  because  of  their  oblique  position  and  curved  configuration.  Even  on  oblique  
views,  however,  only  the  portion  of  each  joint  that  is  oriented  parallel  to  the  X-­‐ray  beam  
is    clearly  visible.    
Degeneration  is  characterized  by  joint  space  narrowing,  sclerosis,  bone  hypertrophy  
and  osteophytes.  Intraarticular  gas  (“vacuum  phenomenon”)  (figure  4)  may  be  present  
and  spondylolisthesis  is  not  uncommon.    
Conventional  radiography  is  insensitive  in  the  detection  of  mild  facet  joint  disease  and  
becomes  slightly  more  sensitive  for  detecting  severe  disease.  Also,  with  this  technique  
the  degree  of  involvement  tends  to  be  underestimated.    
Therefore,  standard  radiographs  can  best  be  used  for  screening  for  facet  joint  
osteoarthritis  and  grading  spondylolisthesis  according  to  the  Meyerding  classification  
(table  1)  (Meyerding  HW.  1932).    It  is  particulary  useful  for  evaluating  motion  related  
abnormalities  in  flexion  or  extension.  This  can  be  very  important  for  assessing  
instability  in  case  of  spondylolisthesis.    As  mentioned  before,  the  clinical  relevance  of  
detecting  osteoarthritis  of  the  facet  joints  remains  unclear  and  controversial  (Pathria  M,  
Sartoris  DJ,  Resnick  D.  1987,  Weishaupt  D  et  al.  1999).  

5.   Computed  tomography  (CT)  

In  comparison  with  standard  radiographs,  CT  improves  delineation  of  the  facet  joints  
due  to  its  capability  to  image  the  joint  in  multiple  planes  and  the  high  contrast  between    
bony  structures  and  the  surrounding  soft  tissue.    
On  CT-­‐scan  we  can  see  articular  joint  space  narrowing  with  subchondral  sclerosis  and  
erosions,  osseous  overgrowth  and/or  hypertrophy  of  the  ligamentum  flavum,  causing  
impingement  of  the  foramina.  Secondary  signs  include  intraarticular  gas,  joint  effusion  
and  spondylolisthesis  (figure  2).    Synovial  cysts  can  arise,  extending  posterior  of  the  
facet  joint,  but  also  anterior  in  the  spinal  canal  or  neuroforamen  (figure  5).  Joint  
traction  during  subluxation  may  produce  intraarticular  gas  (vacuum).    
These  abnormalities  associated  with  osteoarthritis  can  be  demonstrated  and  
categorized  by  CT  (Carrera  GF  et  al.  1980).  Four  grades  of  osteoarthritis  of  the  facet  
joints  were  defined  by  Weishaupt,  adapting  the  criteria  published  by  Pathria:  grade  0,  
normal;  grade  1,  mild  degenerative  disease;  grade  2,  moderate  degenerative  disease;  
and  grade  3,  severe  degenerative  disease  (table  2)(Pathria  M,  1987;  Weishaupt  D,  
1998).  In  the  presence  of  an  MR  examination  CT  is  not  required  for  the  assessment  of  
facet  joint  degeneration  due  to  relative  good  interobserver  agreement  (Weishaupt  D  et  
al.  1999).  But  once  again,  abnormal  morphology  may  not  necessarily  reflect  underlying  
6.   Magnetic  Resonance  Imaging  (MRI)  
CT  has  largely  been  replaced  by  MR  imaging  for  the  diagnosis  of  degenerative  disc  
disease,  spinal  stenosis,  infection,  and  neoplasia  of  the  lumbar  spine.  MRI  is  a  non-­‐
invasive  investigation  that  is  not  associated  with  exposure  to  ionizing  radiation  and  
provides  excellent  soft-­‐tissue  resolution.  The  role  of  MR  imaging  in  the  evaluation  of  
facet  joint  degeneration  is  less  clear.  Osteoarthritis  of  these  joints  may  be  demonstrated  
in  patients  who  present  with  back  pain  with  or  without  pain  irradiating  into  the  legs  
(Resnick  D,  Niwayama  G.  1995),  but  is  also  a  frequent  observation  in  a  large  percentage  
of  asymptomatic  patients.  As  mentioned  before  CT  and  MR  are  consistent  in  
demonstrating  morphological  aberrances  of  the  facet  joint,  but  MRI  is  better  to  
demonstrate  compression  of  the  thecal  sac  and  the  fat-­‐filled  neuroforamen,  
compressing  the  nerve  roots  (figure  6).  MRI  also  clearly  demonstrates  the  surrounding  
inflammatory  soft  tissues  (figure  7).  (Weishaupt  D  et  al.  1999,  Carrino  et  al.  2008).  
Recent  studies  suggest  that  the  facet  joint  (in  contrast  to  the  intervertebral  disc),  is  
perhaps  better  examined  in  the  context  of  the  scientific  literature  on  other  synovial  
joints,  unlike  the  intervertebral  disc.  Chronic  degenerative  osteoarthritic  processes  in  
these  structures  involve  active  synovial  inflammation,  which  can  be  detected  using  MRI  
with  a  fat-­‐saturation  technique.  Facet  synovitis  can  be  graded,  using  a  grading  system  
(table  3).  Facet  synovitis  appears  to  correlate  with  the  patient’s  pain  (Czervionke  LF  
and  Fenton  S.  2008).  Moreover  synovial  abnormalities  seem  to  correlate  with  SPECT  
findings  (Kim  KY,  Wang  MY.  2006).  

7.   Single  photon  emission  tomography  (SPECT)/CT  

As  mentioned  before  the  detection  of  inflammation  in  the  facet  joint  may  be  more  useful  
than  imaging  of  joint  morphology.  Radionuclide  bone  scintigraphy  can  depict  bone  
areas  with  increased  osteoblastic  activity,  and  it  can  depict  synovial  changes  caused  by  
inflammation  or  hyperemia.  Bone  scintigraphy  also  can  depict  degenerative  changes,  
particularly  those  that  demonstrate  a  high  degree  of  remodeling.  The  induced  
radiopharmaceutical  uptake  can  vary  from  subtle  to  pronounced,  depending  on  the  
metabolic  activity  and  size  of  the  lesions.  Osteophytes  that  are  in  the  process  of  growing  
exhibit  a  high  uptake,  whereas  mature  osteophytes  tend  to  have  a  normal  or  slightly  
increased  uptake.  
Abnormalities  can  be  detected  sooner  with  bone  scintigraphy  than  they  can  be  with  
radiographic  methods,  and  joints  observed  as  abnormal  at  scintigraphy  eventually  show  
the  most  progressive  radiographic  changes.  Joints  that  are  radiographically  abnormal  
but  normal  at  bone  scintigraphy  do  not  show  additional  deterioration  (figure  8).    
In  addition,  with  SPECT,  the  sensitivity  of  the  scan  for  depiction  of  bone  lesions  is  
It  appears  that  patients  with  positive  scans  have  an  excellent  response  to  facet  joint  
injections.  In  contrast,  patients  with  negative  scans  and  patients  who  undergo  injection  
without  having  undergone  bone  scanning  are  less  likely  to  have  a  beneficial  response  to  
the  injections  (Pneumaticos  SG.  2006).  This  means  that  patients  with  a  negative  bone  
scan  could  be  spared  from  an  invasive  procedure  such  as  facet  joint  injection.  
8.   Conclusion  
CT-­‐scan  is  the  most  sensitive  technique  in  detecting  and  grading  degenerative  facet  
disease.  MRI,  on  the  other  hand,  is  best  to  demonstrate  compression  of  the  thecal  sac  
and  the  fat-­‐filled  neuroforamen,  compression  of  the  nerve  roots,  and  inflammation  of  
the    surrounding  soft  tissues.  Conventional  radiography  gives  us  the  possibility  to  see  
motion  related  abnormalities  in  flexion  or  extension,  suggesting  instability.    
Although  imaging  of  joint  morphology  has  not  been  proven  helpful,  the  detection  of  
inflammation  may  be  more  useful.  Single  photon  emission  tomography  (SPECT)  has  
shown  a  correlation  between  radionuclide  uptake  in  the  facet  joints  and  response  to  
intra-­‐articular  injections  (Dolan  et  al.  1996,  Pneumaticos  et  al.  2006).  
Recent  studies  showed  a  correlation  between  facet  joint  synovitis  seen  on  MRI  and  the  
clinical  pain  syndrome  (Czervionke  LF  and  Fenton  S.  2008).  Moreover  synovial  
abnormalities  on  MRI  seem  to  correlate  with  SPECT  findings  (Kim  KY,  Wang  MY.  2006).  

9.   Figures  and  tables  

Table  1:  Meyerding  classification  for  spondylolisthesis  
1   <  25%  displacement  of  vertebral  body  
2   25-­‐50%  displacement  of  vertebral  body  
3   50-­‐75%  displacement  of  vertebral  body  
4   >75%  displacement  of  vertebral  body  
5   Spondyloptosis  (Vertebral  body  displaced  completely  anteriorly,  with  inferior  
displacement  to  level  of  vertebral  body  below)  
Table  2:  Grade  criteria  for  facet  degeneration  (Pathria,  adapted  by  Weishaupt)  
0   Normal  facet  joint  space  (2±4  mm  width)  
1   Narrowing  of  the  facet  joint  space  (<  2  mm)  and/or  small  
osteophytes  and/or  mild  hypertrophy  of  the  articular  process  
2   Narrowing  of  the  facet  joint  space  and/or  moderate  
osteophytes  and/or  moderate  hypertrophy  of  the  articular  
process  and/or  mild  subarticular  bone  erosions  
3   Narrowing  of  the  facet  joint  space  and/or  large  osteophytes  
and/or  severe  hypertrophy  of  the  articular  process  and/or  
severe  subarticular  bone  erosions  and/or  subchondral  cysts  
Table  3:  Grade  criteria  facet  joint  synovitis  
0     No  signal  abnormality  
1     Signal  abnormality  confined  to  joint  capsule  
2     Periarticular  signal  abnormality  involving  less  than  50%  of  the  perimeter  of  the  
3     Periarticular  signal  abnormality  involving  more  than  50%  of  the  perimeter  of  the  
4     Grade  3  with  extension  of  signal  abnormality  into  the  intervertebral  foramen,  
ligamentum  flavum,  pedicle,  transverse  process,  or  vertebral  body  
*Signal  abnormality  may  extend  into  the  articular  pillar  or  lamina,  but  does  not  contribute  to  the  
definition  of  the  grade.  
Figure  1:  MRI  of  the  lumbar  spine.  Sagittal  T2  (A)  and  axial  T2  (B)  weighted  images:  a  
33-­‐year-­‐old  woman  with  low  back  pain:  disc  degeneration  at  the  L5-­‐S1  level  with  disc  
protrusion  and  hypertrophic  degenerative  facet  joints  at  both  sides.  

A    B    
Figure  2:  CT-­‐scan  of  the  lumbar  spine.  Sagittal  (A)  and  axial  (B)  reconstructions  show  
degenerative  facet  joints  with  an  anterolisthesis  of  L4  due  to  degeneration  of  the  facet  
joints.  We  see  hypertrophic  bone  osteofytes,  loss  of  the  articular  space  and  subchondral  

A    B  
Figure  3:  MRI  of  the  lumbar  spine.  Sagittal  T2-­‐  (A),  STIR  (short  TI  inversion  recovery)  
(B),  T1-­‐(C)  and  CE  (contrast  enhanced)  T1-­‐weighted  (D)  images.  Axial  T2-­‐  (E),  T1-­‐  and  
CE  T1-­‐  weighted  images.  58-­‐year-­‐old  woman  with  erysipelas  of  the  right  leg  with  back  
pain.  Important  synovitis  of  the  right  facet  joint  L4-­‐L5  with  inflammation  in  the  
surrounding  soft-­‐tissue,  especially  on  the  fluid  sensitive  sequence  (STIR),  with  
enhancement  of  the  subchondral  bone  after  intravenous  gadolinium.  
A      B      C    D      

E    F    G  
Figure  4:  Conventional  radiography  of  the  lumbar  spine.  Anteroposterior  (A),  lateral  
(B),  left  (C)  and  right  (D)  oblique  images.  56-­‐year-­‐old  woman  with  back  pain.  
Degenerative  discs  at  the  L3-­‐L4,  L4-­‐L5  and  L5-­‐S1  level  with  associated  facet  arthrosis,  
especially  at  the  L2-­‐L3  level  on  the  right  side,  best  seen  on  the  right  oblique  (D).  

A    B    C      D    
Figure  5:  MRI  of  the  lumbar  spine.  Axial  T2-­‐weighted  image  showing  an  intraspinal  cyst  
of  the  left  L4-­‐L5  facet  joint.  Compression  of  the  dural  sac  and  displacements  of  nerve  
roots  of  the  cauda  equina.  
Figure  6:  MRI  of  the  lumbar  spine.  58-­‐year-­‐old  man  with  radiculating  back  pain  and  
claudicatio.  Sagittal  T2-­‐weighted  (A),  T1-­‐weighted  (B)  and  STIR  images.  Axial  T2-­‐
weighted  (D),  T1-­‐weighted  (E)  images.  Disc  degeneration  with  bulging  of  the  contours  
and  hypertrophic  facet  arthrosis  with  spinal  stenosis  at  the  L4-­‐L5  level  and  
neuroforaminal  stenosis  at  the  L3-­‐L4,  L4-­‐L5  and  L5-­‐S1  level  at  the  left  side.  Note  also  
subchondral  bone  edema  in  the  left  facet  joint  L4-­‐L5  with  intra-­‐articular  fluid,  signs  of  
A   B    C    

D    E    
Figure  7:  MRI  of  the  lumbar  spine.  61-­‐year-­‐old  man  with  radiculating  back  pain.  Sagittal  
T2-­‐  weighted  (right  A,  left  B),  T1-­‐weighted  (right  C,  left  D)  and  STIR  (right  E,  left  F)  
images.  Axial  T2-­‐  (G)  and  T2-­‐  weighted  (H)  images.  Degenerative  anterolisthesis  of  L5  
with  hypertrophic  facet  arthrosis  at  the  L3-­‐L4,  L4-­‐L5  and  L5-­‐S1  level  on  both  sides.  Note  
the  radicular  compression  of  the  left  L5  root  (D)  due  to  foraminal  stenosis.  The  axial  
images  clearly  show  fluid  in  the  degenerative  facet  joints  at  the  L4-­‐L5  level  with  an  
arthrosynovial  cyst  (ganglion)  at  the  left  side  (G).  

A    B  C    D      
E    F      

G    H    
Figure  8:  Single  photon  emission  tomography  (SPECT)  of  the  lumbar  spine.  56-­‐year-­‐old  
man  with  radicular  back  pain.  Bone  scintigraphy  (A)  and  axial  SPECT-­‐CT-­‐fused  (B  and  
C)  and  axial  CT  (D)  images  at  the  L2-­‐L3  level  show  increased  Technetium  uptake  in  the  
facet  joint  on  the  left  side.  The  other  foci  of  increased  uptake  where  due  to  disc  

A    B      
C    D    

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