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Annexure ‘A’

Mid-Term Progress Report

(To be submitted by the Intern in Duplicate)

Name: Alma Toppo

Reg. No.:

1. Requirements which have been fully completed as given in Detailed Work Plan:
This project is designed to make an in-depth study and critical analysis of HR aspects in Digi
InfoTech. At this point in the project, it reports about the progress we have made in analyzing
the training aspects and the progress it made towards its goals; describe obstacles faced, detail
work accomplished and actions to be taken in the future. During the process of project, we got
to know and notice lot many interesting facts and points which are really important for the
growth and success of the organization.
At the end of the project, all parties of the organization Management, employees are eager to
know more about the findings and improvements that we make to the organization from the
HRD prospect which can bring an edge to the company.

2. Progress on requirements not completed indicating the exact amount of work which has been
done and which is still to be done:
Below pages of this report offers a brief description about the analysis and work we have done
so far in this project.
Within every organization, there is a need to manage learning in accordance with business
requirements. A systematic approach in training and development always adds an edge to the
performance of the organization in all means.
Objective of this project is to do complete analysis on the below training aspects, their
performance impact and recommendations for betterment of the organization.
a) Human Resource Planning, Training Policy, Training Budget.
b) Training Needs Assessment System.
c) Training and other Development Programmes and their evaluation.
d) Strategies for improving HRD activities in the Organization.
With our analysis, findings and recommendations our attempt is to provide viable
propositions for betterment in the applicable areas of organization. In this process, we have
collected all recorded data like policies, questionnaires, process followed etc. and live data
like interviews and one on one discussion with various employees of different departments.
Project Design:
We have designed the project into four aspects.
1. Collecting basic data information related to all training aspects.
2. Analyzing data, processes and drawing findings for their evaluation procedure.
3. Evaluating the information and processes various data analyzed.
4. Recommending strategies for the improvement of HRD activities with the help of above
in the organization.
We started implementing the project by collecting data available from all sources.
Simultaneously we started working with people as well as circulating questionnaires and by
conducting one on one discussion.
As Digi InfoTech is a mid-sized company they do not really have a fixed annual budget for
training. The budget varies as per the requirement and situation of the company although
getting approved prior by management. But, within the limitation HR department tried to
encompass the training programs which align the company’s goals and objectives of
employee development.
 Analysis on Training Needs Identification and Assessment process: Up on detailed
analysis and review Training Identification and Assessment process at Digi InfoTech
usually happens by following the below steps:
a) Data gathering: One on One discussion with Managers/Supervisors /employees,
performance Management software, knowledge/skill test to the employees,
questionnaires etc.
b) Post assessing the need, HR department designs a module defining the purpose
of the need, target group, resource person and the deliverables.
c) Defining the deliverables and methodology to measure the deliverables are very
critical while identifying the need.
d) Training need Validation: After identifying the list of trainings needed the same
will be discussed and listed with the functional heads of all departments.
e) Training need Prioritization
 Analysis of T&D evaluation techniques upon which the organization is relying in
terms of measuring the outcomes of the T&D programs implemented and planned.

3. Plan of work for remaining work to be done:

All the above points are in progress and should be completed by 3rd week of October, 2019. I
have started working on the Final Project Report and it should be completed by end of October
for submission.

4. Remarks by the Guide:

The work is in progress as stated above. She is doing her work as per plan and will complete it
well in time. She regularly contacts me and takes all the necessary guidance.

Alma Toppo

Name of Guide:
Signature of Guide:

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