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Bottled water is drinking water (e.g., well water, distilled
water, mineral water, or spring water) packaged in plastic or glass water
bottles. Bottled water may be carbonated or not. Sizes range from small
single serving bottles to large carboys for water coolers.

Bottled mineral water contains up to four times as much calcium and

magnesium as regular tap water. One study found that people whose
drinking water was low in magnesium were able to lower their blood
pressure by drinking a liter of mineral water every day. Of course, there
are other ways to get magnesium.
The first bottled water was actually sold at springs and spas not as
refreshment but for health reasons. These bottles of water were sold
beginning in the late 1767. In 1856, Saratoga Springs in New York was
bottling over 7 million bottles of mineral waters for medicinal purposes.
Wyeth's original water bottle patent.

About 55 percent of bottled water in the United States is spring water,

including Crystal Geyser and Arrowhead. The other 45 percent comes
from the municipal water supply, meaning that companies, including
Aquafina and Dasani, simply treat tap water—the same stuff that comes
out of your faucet at home—and bottle it up.
Although vessels to bottle and transport water were part of the earliest
human civilizations,[1] bottling water began in the United Kingdom with
the first water bottling at the Holy Well in 1621.[2] The demand for
bottled water was fueled in large part by the resurgence in spa-
going and water therapy among Europeans and American colonists in
the 17th and 18th centuries.[3] The first commercially distributed water
in America was bottled and sold by Jackson’s Spa in Boston in
1767.[4] Early drinkers of bottled spa waters believed that the water at
these mineral springs had therapeutic properties and that bathing in or
drinking the water could help treat many common ailments. [3]
The popularity of bottled mineral waters quickly led to a market for
imitation products. Carbonated waters developed as means for
approximating the natural effervescence of spring-bottled water, and in
1809 Joseph Hawkins was issued the first U.S. patent for “imitation”
mineral water.[5] As technological innovation in nineteenth century
lowered the cost of making glass and improved production speed for
bottling, bottled water was able to be produced on a larger scale and the
beverage grew in popularity.[4] Bottled water was seen by many as a
safer alternative to 19th century municipal water supplies that could be
contaminated with pathogens like cholera and typhoid.[6] By the middle
of the century, one of America’s most popular bottlers, Saratoga
Springs, was producing more than 7 million bottles of water annually. [4]
In the United States, the popularity of bottled water declined in the early
20th century, when the advent of water chlorination reduced public
concerns about water-borne diseases in municipal water
supplies.[4] However, it remained popular in Europe, where it spread to
cafes and grocery stores in the second half of the century. [6] In
1977, Perrier launched a successful advertisement campaign in the
United States, heralding a rebirth in popularity for bottled
water.[4] Today, bottled water is the second most popular commercial
beverage in the United States, with about half the domestic consumption
as soft drinks.[7]


PRODUCT: Mineral Water Bottles



1. Do you drink bottled mineral water?

0 Yes 0 No
2. How many bottles of mineral water to do you consume on an average day?
0 2-3 0 4-5 0 5 and above
3. Where do you get your bottled water from?
0 Vending machines 0 Shops/Stores 0 Employers 0 Other
4. How do you source drinking water for your house?
0 Tap water 0 5 Gallon refillable tank 0 1 Litre/500ml bottles
5. Do you get refillable water bottles with you?
0 Yes 0 No
6. How important to you is the brand of the bottled mineral water you buy?
0 Very important 0 Quite Important 0 Unimportant
7. What do you think is the best feature in the brand of mineral water you buy?
0 Loyalty 0 Health concerns 0 Taste 0 Others
8. How informed were you of the environmental impact of plastic bottles before taking this
0 Very informed 0 Quite informed 0 Uninformed
9. What size of bottled mineral water you buy normally?
0 500ml 0 1 litre 0 1 gallon
10. I am satisfied with the mineral water products that are available in the market.
0 Strongly agree 0 Disagree 0 Neutral 0 Agree
11. How do you perceive the existing mineral water bottle brands in terms of satisfaction?
0 Very Satisfactory 0 Satisfactory 0 Less Satisfactory 0 Not at all
12. Which factor would you like to be changed among mineral water bottles?
0 Bottle size 0 Water quality 0 Packaging 0 Availability
13. What will you prefer in your mineral water brand between 2 if offered for same price?
0 Quality 0 Quantity
14. Of which size do you find the most useful?
0 500ml 0 1 liter 0 5 gallon
15. Drinking water is essential for the human body. If attaching a timer of hourly intervals is put
up, which is indicated by a small flag popping out, how useful is it?
0 Very useful 0 Not so useful 0 Not useful at all


1. Oo you drink bottled water?

Out of the 25 people I surveyed, all of them responded with yes.

Do you drink bottled mineral


Yes No

2. How many bottles of mineral water do you consume on an average day?


1 to 3 4 to 5 6 and above

Among the 25 people, 17 people consume 1-3 bottles, 7 people 4-5 bottles and 1 consume 6 and above
per day.

3. Where do you get your bottled water from?

Chart Title




Vending Machines Shops/Stores Employers Others

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

Among the 25 people surveyed, 22 people use Shops/Stores, 1 use Employers and 2 use other sources.
4. How do you source drinking water for your house?

Chart Title

Water Purifier 5 Gallon Refiallble 1 Litre/500ML

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

Among the 25 people surveyed, 19 use 5 gallon refillable tank, 4 use water purifiers and 2 use 1

5. Do you get refillable water bottles with you?


Yes No

Out of 25 people, 18 use refillable water bottles and 7 don’t use.

6. How important to you is the brand of the bottled mineral water you buy?

Very Important Quite Important Unimportant

Among the 25 people, 14 people find it quite important, 10 people find it very important and 1
find it unimportant.

7. What to do you think is the best feature of the bottled mineral water you buy?

Chart Title




Loyalty Health concerns Taste Others

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

Among 25 people, 1 find loyalty as the best feature, 14 find health concerns, 8 people find taste
and 2 people find others as the best feature.
8. How informed were you of the environmental impact of plastic bottles before taking this

Chart Title



Very Informed Quite Informed Uninformed

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

Among 25 people, 8 people are very informed, 13 people are quite informed and 4 people are

9. What size of bottled mineral water you buy normally?

500ML 1 litre 1 gallon

Among 25 people, 12 people buy 500ml bottles, 5 people buy 1 litre and 8 people buy 1 gallon
10. I am satisfied with the mineral water products that are available in the market.


Stongly agree Disagree Neutral Agree

Among 25 people, 11 people strongly agree, 6 people are neutral and 8 people agree.

11. How do you perceive the existing mineral water bottle brands in terms of satisfaction?

Very Satisfactory Satisfacotory Less Satisfactory Not at all

Among 25 people, 3 people find it very satisfactory and the remaining find it satisfactory.

12. Which factor would you like to be changed among mineral water bottles?

Bottle size water quality Packaging Availablity

Among 25 people, 6 prefer to change bottle size, 9 people prefer to change water quality, 9 people like
to change the packaging and 1 wants more availability.

13. What will you prefer in your mineral water brand between 2 if offered for same price?

Chart Title




Quality Quantity

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

Among 25 people, 22 opt quality and the remaining goes for quantity.
14. Which size do you find the most useful?


500ml 1 litre 5 gallon

Among 25, 13 people find 500ml the most useful, followed by 5 people for 1 litre and 7 for 5

15. Drinking water is essential for the human body. If attaching a timer of hourly intervals is put
up, which is indicated by a small flag popping out, how useful is it?





Very Useful Not so useful Not useful at all

Among 25 people, 16 find it very useful, 8 people not so much and 1 not at all useful.

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