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1. Fill in the blanks

a. Heat always travels from a _____ body to a _____ body.

b. The degree of hotness or coldness of a body is called _______.

c. ______, _____ and ________ are poor conductors of heat.

d. Three modes of transfer of heat are_____, _____ and __________.

2. Give two points of difference between the following :

a. Conduction of heat and convection

b. Conductors and insulators

c. Clinical thermometer and laboratory thermometer

1. Explain why

a. It is better to wear lighter shades in summers

b. Two thin sweaters feel warmer than one thick sweater

c. Stainless steel pans are usually provided with copper bottoms

2. Explain how land and sea breeze originate.

3. Can laboratory thermometers be used by doctors in clinics? Why or why not?

4. At a campus site, there are tents of two shades- one made with black fabric and another made

with white fabric. Which one will you prefer for resting on a hot summer afternoon? Why?
5. Why can you not keep your hand above a burning candle, but can do so on the sides of the


6. Why do metallic pans have plastic handles?

8. Name the mode of heat transfer in each of the following case

a. A spoon kept in a hot cup becomes warm

b. Heat energy reaching us from the sun

c. In a vessel of boiling water

9. Write down the precautions that should be kept in mind while using clinical thermometer and

laboratory thermometer.

10. In fluids, heat transfer takes place primarily due to

a. Conduction

b. Convection

c. Radiation

d. None
11. Which one of these is a good conductor of heat

a. Wood

b. Straw

c. Rubber

d. Copper

12. Which of these is a bad conductor of heat

a. Wool

b. Gold

c. Copper

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