MGP9106 Starship Troopers Miniatures Rules PDF

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Contents & Credits

Contents & Credits 1
Introduction 3
The Road to Victory 5
Anatomy of a Game Turn 10
Basic Rules 15
Characteristics 22
Actions 29
Example of Play 47
Engagements 52
The Federation 65
MI Army List 78
Power Suit Platoons 82
Marauder Platoons 85
Mobile Infantry Roster 86
MI Weapons List 93
Fleet Roster 101
The Arachnids 106
Arachnid Army List 113
Arachnid Roster 117
The Skinny Hegemony 122
Skinny Army List 125
Skinny Roster 127
Skinny Weapons List 129
Air Unit & Flight Rules 132
Tunnelling Rules 136
Structures 139
Heroic Traits 142
Designer’s Notes 146
Glossary/Index 148
Templates & Reference Tables 158
Do You Want To Know More? 160

CREDITS Squad Leader
Capt A Chambers MI82-94
Auxiliary Support Squad Support Strategic Support
Capt A Hahn Lt Col M Sprange Lt I Belcher
MI28-49 [Designation Classified] MI40-81
External Propagandist
Sgt V Dutrait MI42-23

Internal Propagandists
Pte S Clark MI40-63, Pte A Dilly MI68-91, Sgt V Dutrait MI42-23,
Pte M Hanford MI57-18, Pte D Esbri Molinas MI48-20, Pte D Moretti MI54-06,
Pte J Netherland MI77-84, Pte R Nunley MI78-73, Pte T Parker MI88-47,
Pte C Sergesketter MI37-39, Pte S Shepherd MI55-25

Tactical Support Military Intelligence Liason

Sgt Maj R Neale MI20-27 3rd Lt I Barstow MI06-88

Data Analysts Military Intelligence Officer

Sgt R Bedison MI77-02, Lt Col A Fennell
Sgt A Fennell MI77-33 [Designation Classified]

Forward Reconnaissance
Sgt Maj C Allen MI62-31, 3rd Lt I Barstow MI06-88, Sgt Maj I Belcher MI40-81,
Pte M Billanie MI60-09, Pte J Cronin MI71-31, Pte S Dethan MI84-42,
Lt Col A Fennell [Designation Classified], Pte M Gregory MI56-51,
Pte D Haslam MI60-90, Pte R Hodgekinson MI91-95, Cpl M Howe MI68-94,
Pte K Johnson MI95-13, Pte A Moore MI97-40, Pte R Parker MI04-18,
Pte G Parsons MI41-20, Pte R Johnson MI10-66, Pte E Rusk MI11-64,
Pte T Schmidt MI90-20, Pte D Scothorne MI59-15, Pte L Shutt MI99-52,
Pte M Sizer MI69-25, Lt Col M Sprange [Designation Classified], Pte G Wallbridge MI67-58,
Pte N Wilkinson MI33-39, Pte A Wood MI45-01, Pte M J Young MI76-15

Priority Signals
Special thanks to the citizens and UCF agents of Sony Pictures, especially Citizens Cindy Irwin,
Lori Laius, Laetitia May, Eric Thomsen and Ian Wolfe. Special thanks are also extended to Citizens
Nathan Bishop, Ben Parkman, Adrian Walters and Matthew Keefe.

Continuing Support
Continuing support for Starship Troopers: The Miniatures Game can be found at and in the pages of Signs & Portents magazine.

Starship Troopers: The Miniatures Game TM & © 2005 TriStar Pictures, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Mongoose Publishing Ltd
Authorized User. Reproduction of any part of this work by any means without the written permission of the publisher is
expressly forbidden. Printed in China.


Welcome to the Starship Troopers miniatures game. If
you are new to tabletop wargaming, this introduction is here to
they were both a terrific source of imagery for the Arachnids
and the Federation. The excellent Chronicles integrated many
give you a summary of the what is in this book and an idea of new themes, including the classic ‘Ape’ Marauder armour.
where to start. If you are a wargaming grognard (veteran) you This wargame is based primarily on the Chronicles but it also
have probably skipped this section already and are looking at attempts to remain as faithful to the film as possible.
the Army Lists and Characteristics chapter by now.
What The Starship Troopers Miniatures
WHAT IS A WARGAME? Game Contains
Any game based on war is some sort of wargame and since Starship Troopers is a game played with miniatures representing
most games are based on conflict it means you have probably your forces and those of your opponent. Collecting, modelling
played a wargame in the past. Wargames like Starship Troopers and painting the miniatures with which the game is played is
are often called tabletop or miniatures games – because they a fun part of the hobby, and just as vital as the rules in this
are played using miniature models on a tabletop. The tabletop book.
is your battlefield or gaming board and the models are your
playing pieces. You and your opponent do battle using the rules The Starship Trooper miniatures range is vast, with exciting new
in this book and the winner is he who achieves more objectives releases being added all the time. On pages 57 to 64 you can
than the opposing force (usually by destroying said force!) and see examples of many of the models from the Starship Troopers
lives to tell the tale. miniatures range, painted and in action on the tabletop. You
can also visit our site at where
The joy of wargames like Starship Troopers is that they are flexible you can find information on the full range (including previews
(no two games will play out quite the same way), challenging of forthcoming releases). You’ll also find that many hobby
(with all the different models you can use there a lot of different stores (probably where you bought this book from!) also stock
tactics) and visually appealing (nothing beats the clash of two Starship Troopers miniatures.
painted forces over some nice model terrain). Wargaming is a
fascinating hobby that appeals to all ages and walks of life. If
these are your first steps into the hobby then you are doubly What This Book Contains
welcome – you have just found something that may well keep Following on from the descriptive Road to Victory chapter,
your interest for a long time. the Core Rules start with the Anatomy of a Game Turn, which
broadly describes how players’ forces interact – particularly
If you are new to wargaming your local hobby store can be a when things get close and deadly.
great resource for learning about the game. Many stores run
their own clubs, tournaments and ongoing campaigns, which The next Core Rules chapter is Basic Rules, which details our
offer a great chance to find opponents. The Internet hosts a playing pieces: The models of MI troopers and Arachnids.
cornucopia of sites and forums about wargaming in general This chapter also examines the use of dice and measurement
and Starship Troopers in particular. and how they are used on the tabletop battlefield.

STARSHIP TROOPERS The Characteristics chapter tells you how to measure the
different qualities of the combatants (and their weaponry) in
The modern Starship Troopers phenomenon was initiated by the
the Starship Troopers miniatures game.
release of the Starship Troopers movie in the late 90s came with
an attendant slew of games and toys based on it. The film was a
The Actions chapter describes what your forces can do in their
box office hit. Stunning visual graphics and an intensely violent
turn – move, shoot and attack in accordance with your overall
and realistic setting were combined with a story examining
politics, war, fear and the role of the individual. Concepts of
personal responsibility, ‘citizenship’ and the state were explored.
The Engagements chapter contains everything you need for
Staship Troopers is essentially an iconic tale with realistic soldiers
generating combat missions, handily distilled into the unique
fighting a futuristic war against alien bugs.
3X3 Mission Generator.
The film was followed by an award-winning CGI series,
The Known Races of the Galaxy section tells you more about
Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles. Though the film and
the major combatants in Starship Troopers: The Federation,
the series had quite a few differences for technical reasons
The Arachnids and The Skinnie Hegemony.
(there are no power suits shown in the film, for example!),

The first part in each race chapter tells you what they look like, The Structures chapter tells you about how buildings and
how they fight, why they fight, how they are organised and bug holes work in your games, how to destroy them and the
what weapons they use. characteristics for specific structures like Arachnid tunnel
entrances and MI weapon emplacements.
The next part in each race chapter is the Army List, which
details what units are available for that race to choose when The Heroic Traits chapter is about unique Qualities for leaders
picking out a tabletop army. and legends, psychic ‘Talents’ which are mental powers used by
humans and aliens alike, and Training to improve soldiers from
The last part in each race chapter deals with translating the raw recruits into hardened veterans.
combatants and weapons of that race into the Starship Troopers
miniatures game. Every unit and weapon type has its own There is also a Designer’s Notes chapter at the very end of this
statistics within these chapters. book, where the game’s essential design is discussed and some
frequently asked questions are answered.
The Advanced Rules section covers everything weird and
wonderful in the game. Two special chapters cover the combat Have fun. Enjoy the Starship Troopers miniatures game. Smash
areas above and below the normal playing surface. The Air some bugs.
Unit & Flight Rules chapter gives all the rules needed to
control air combat, while the Tunnelling Rules chapter details
the underground world of the Arachnids.

Mobile Infantry
Cap Trooper
Standard Issue
M-1A4 Power Suit

The Road to Victory

Overview of the Road to Victory were dated, based on strategies that had proved successful
Campaign in battles fought before the creation of the Federation.
– Excerpts from Dr Emil Vanderhuesen’s
A History of the Federation During this time the Federation was at peace. While
there were those who sought freedom from federal
Prior to the discovery of Arachnids on Pluto, the United control, most notably a number of religious separatist
Citizens’ Federation (UCF) had relaxed its guard against movements, the freedom to leave its holdings and fend for
the possibility of outside threats. The military forces of oneself precluded any form of civil unrest. Many SICON
the Strategically Integrated Coalition of Nations (SICON) soldiers retired from the military to take up positions of
were still extremely well trained and well equipped but responsibility and civil service as citizens. Things were
aside from a few skirmishes with so-called ‘Skinny’ forces quiet on the home front.
beyond the borders of Federation space, there had been
no true military action since the Federation’s inception. But this relative quiet allowed an alien threat to flourish in
SICON had its combat readiness maintained, often at the very heart of Federation territory. Initially discovered
the cost of public opinion, but their training and tactics after contact with a number of Federation mining interests

Circumference: 8,494 miles
Population: 10,000+ service personnel
Orbital Path: 4th
Primary Resource: Observatories, strip mining, noble gases,
hydrogen generation
Retention Index: 7.3
As both a listening post to monitor signals from all over
Federation territory and a mining world, Praxis was one of the
first planets seized on the Road to Victory. It was bombed clean
of a minor Arachnid presence and then settled. The planet has
been under putative SICON control for three months but recent
attacks have shown the Arachnids are far from extinct on Praxis.
Whether the bugs were dug in deeper than Military Intelligence
thought or have simply recolonised the planet undetected is
unknown. MI forces have been sent to retake and hold
Praxis, at all costs. The Road to Victory campaign cannot
allow a single infested world to remain unscoured.

on the surface of Pluto was mysteriously Eye On: The Praxis Engagements
lost, the Arachnids boiled up from their – From transcripts of FedNet’s Federation Today programme
underground spawning caverns, to move over
the planet’s surface, endangering everything Anchor: Thank you, Bob. But just what constitutes a military
with which they came into contact. Though campaign? How is Praxis any different to, for instance, the 2nd Pluto
considerably undermanned after decades of campaign? Are there different protocols to follow or will this military
peace, and almost universally untried in real action be more costly in lives and equipment? Laura Stevens has an
battle, Mobile Infantry troopers moved in exclusive interview with Sky Marshal Collins, which should shed some
and swiftly secured the planet, exterminating, light on these issues and more in tonight’s Eye On report.
within a few short weeks, these voracious
aliens. FedNet: First, thank you for granting this interview, Sky Marshal. It
is an honour to speak with you, especially with an engagement about
Or so the Federation and SICON thought. to take place.
Three months after the eradication of the
Arachnid swarm on Pluto, reports reached SM Collins: Not at all. One of my favourite duties is to speak to the
the transfer station in orbit around Charon, press. As for these upcoming Praxis engagements, it just makes it
Pluto’s only moon, of a new threat. When all the more important to make sure every civilian and citizen in the
SICON received word of renewed enemy Federation knows exactly what is going on.
activity on Pluto, the nearest transport cruiser
was immediately diverted there and its units FedNet: Then, if we might jump straight into the interview, what is
dropped to combat the Arachnid menace going on with Praxis?
once more. Their mission was clear: End the
infestation of Arachnids on Pluto at any cost. SM Collins: Absolutely. As your viewers are no doubt aware,
bugs have once again been sighted on Praxis. They have overrun a
Victory seemed assured. A full division of minor research station and seem to be massing on the surface for an
Mobile Infantry troopers, armed with the best undetermined reason.
weapons and armour human science could
devise, moved to intercept and annihilate these FedNet: Wasn’t it the official position of SICON just two weeks ago
bugs – Pluto’s deadly ‘indigenous’ species. that the bugs, and by bugs I assume you mean Arachnids, were all
exterminated from orbit during Operation Wet Slag?
The 2nd Pluto campaign was supposed to be
mankind’s final push to rid the Sol system of SM Collins: Yes, that is true. But as you no doubt know from
the Arachnids. Diplomatic efforts had gone reporting news in the UCF, things are not always as simple as they
‘poorly’ according to FedNet and a variety of first appear. We did destroy all of the Arachnids we could locate and
the SICON media and publicity office sources, even set off tailored respiratory arrest gas charges in their tunnels.
leaving only a military solution. With the eyes After three days of intensive searching, we did not find a single living
of the Federation carefully watching, a division Arachnid above or below ground.
of troopers and their relative orbital assets
began the campaign in a number of planetary FedNet: Fair enough. So how can SICON explain the renewed
engagement zones. SICON statisticians at presence of Arachnids on Praxis now? Could some underground egg
the time officially rated the chances of even chambers have been missed?
a single Arachnid surviving these assaults at
less than 0.1% (actually figures have recently SM Collins: That is precisely what our Intelligence division believes
been declassified to reveal Arachnid Survival occurred. RESP-X is not a persistent substance and because generations
Probability to be 0.023%). It is therefore of insects on Terra have shown an ability to mutate in response to
easy to see why, by the end of this series of whatever chemical killed their forebears, it is quite possible this new
engagements, SICON believed the Arachnids batch of Arachnids will be resistant to the gas in any case.
to be little more than a memory.
FedNet: Does that mean you will be opening with a ground drop as
opposed to gassing the planet’s surface again?

The Road to Victory

Eye On: The Praxis Engagements (cont.)

SM Collins: Not precisely, but an astute question. We will drop ‘Listen up, troopers! We
RESP-X gas on the largest concentration we can find during our have a world to clear
first orbital pass. However, since we want a complete response to down there. The bugs have
this new threat, we have no intention of just passively dealing with scattered all over the
Hercules Valley. Forces
the Arachnids. We will be simultaneously dropping Mobile Infantry
stationed at the Epsilon
divisions in another part of the infested area to act as ‘shepherds’.
Observation Base are not
responding to hails and
FedNet: Shepherds? I am afraid I don’t follow you there.
long-range scans show
Epsilon’s landing station
SM Collins: Allow me to explain: One of the possible reasons the to be completely in the
bugs were not eradicated during our first encounter with them may dark. We will be diverting
have been that partially poisoned individuals escaped the termination to sector 19/9 by 3/5.
zone and worked their way to the suspected egg chamber before Congratulations, apes!
expiring. We do not want that to happen this time. You’ll be cap dropping
within the hour. Suit up
FedNet: Of course. So the Mobile Infantry will be deployed as and look alive!’
border defence then? Their job will be to ensure the Arachnids stay – Sergeant Rama Beau
in their current area and get eliminated by the RESP-X gas?

SM Collins: Exactly right. This new formulation of gas, named

RESP-X A2, should have a three-second kill rate, substantially Paving the Way
reducing the amount of time it will take to wipe bugs off the face of The end of the 2nd Pluto campaign was marked
Pluto permanently. by a great deal of celebration throughout
Federation space. Even SICON relaxed a little
FedNet: Seems like a sound strategy, Sky Marshal. But if this is and congratulated itself on a campaign well
effectively only a two-part plan with the Infantry as line keepers and fought.
orbital gas bombardment, why is a full Mobile Infantry army being
dedicated? The observation posts on Charon did not
celebrate. Staying alert, the technicians
SM Collins: Another good question. There are several strategic discovered some anomalous spatial readings on
reasons for sending a full army to Praxis at this time. It’s mostly to the far side of Pluto. Something very, very large
do with the essence of the Road to Victory campaign: Wipe out and was moving near the ice planet. Stretching their
hold bug planets. We believe sending an army ensures we do our job sensors to the limit, they discovered a huge bug
properly. in space, appraently some kind of transporter
for the Arachnid race. The bugs had not been
FedNet: Would it be possible to let us know which MI regiments indigenous to Pluto – they had colonised it.
and Fleet ships have been selected for the Praxis engagements?
The Charon observatories’ reports to the UCF
SM Collins: Unfortunately not. That’s classified. Let me just say fell on deaf ears. Bugs in space? The UCF
that the ship, her crew and the platoons of Mobile Infantry involved regarded this as a ridiculous notion concocted
are among the finest SICON has to offer. by idle personnel. The reports were buried and
the celebrations continued.
FedNet: Thank you for your time, Sky Marshal.
Two weeks later, an asteroid roughly one
SM Collins: Thank you. kilometre across was detected moving at
phenomenal speed toward Earth. It had already
FedNet: For those viewers interested, the full interview and reaction passed the moon’s orbit and the Federation had
commentary by FedNet’s military advisor Paulo Reide can be accessed no time to react. It impacted in south Buenos
by pressing the red button on your remote control and selecting the Aires and the resulting devastation wiped the
Expanded Coverage option. Now, back to Tina in the studio.

city and its environs off the face of the
planet. Subsequent earthquakes and other The Praxis Engagements
repercussions left the human death toll in
the millions. ‘All right, apes! I’d better have your full and undivided attention for the
next five minutes. We are nearing the first drop site and our orders have
Shocked by the atrocity and under just come in. You have four hours of orbit time before we get to Capsule
overwhelming pressure from the UCF City, so I expect you to get some sack time as soon as I am finished. I’ll be
and the Earth populace, civil and military coming around to each bunk and if you aren’t asleep when I get to you, I
astrophysicists tried to piece together what promise you will be when I leave.
had happened. The Charon reports were
finally uncovered and the unbelievable ‘SICON will be watching this drop closely and everything else we do on
truth disseminated: The bugs had bombed Praxis even closer. This planet has a satellite network like you would not
Buenos Aires. The detected transport bug believe, so rest assured the brass back home can see every move you make
had somehow slung a rogue asteroid as if down there if they want to. I want this quick and by the numbers. All I
it were a discus. With uncanny accuracy, expect is everything you can give. I get any messages from Sanctuary about
that asteroid had eventually impacted with any of you and you’d best believe I will launch you and your corporal back
the Federation home planet. home without a ship. You get me!?!

There was one small consolation. The ‘The Sky Marshal wants this to be an Arthur Currie textbook operation.
Charon observatories had managed to Since we have no good Intel on the bug formations, occupied zones or
triangulate the transport bug’s exact enemy movement, that won’t be easy. I told SICON you all were the best.
departure vector. This vector was swiftly If you value your ape hides, do not make a liar out of me.
mapped and compared to any and all
deep probe reports in the mapped sectors ‘While you are sleeping, turn your subliminals to the Praxis Prelim
of space. Anomalous readings matching tape. Your first mission will have Third Squad cap dropping to a ruined
those recorded at Charon were found, landing base and getting it shuttle-ready within an hour, so you might as
recorded by sensor stations near L347-14 well know something about this miserable mudball before you get there.
and DM-36 13940. The researchers used
the additional information to approximate ‘One last thing. HQ says that every unit with even a single commendation
the transport bug’s destination: The Alpha after this campaign ends gets a full R&R cycle on Zegema Beach. Stay
Hydrae system, some 177 lightyears from alive long enough to enjoy it. Good luck, troopers. This is where service in
Earth. The origin of the Arachnid threat the Mobile Infantry gets ugly. Lock and load: We have bugs to kill!’
had been approximated and the vengeance
of Earth finally had a target – Mobile Infantry Lieutenant Elspeth Grey

SICON’s immediately proposed a campaign to track the The most recent development in the Road to Victory
bug to its originating system and destroy the source. UCF campaign is the resurgence of bug activity on Praxis, a
approval for the plan was total and limitless funds were planet in the DM-38 1128 system. Originally scoured
allocated to the mission. Codenamed ‘Road to Victory’, by Fleet orbital bombardment, the Arachnid presence on
the campaign was a knee-jerk reaction to the damage the Praxis was believed to have been utterly removed. Recent
Arachnids had caused and was supported 100%. events have shown this to be untrue – the bugs are back
on Praxis and are attacking the SICON installations that
Simply attacking the Alpha Hydrae system was infeasible, had been left to mine and monitor the planet.
however. The Road would need to be paved one system
at a time. The MI armies and Fleet assets dedicated to the SICON cannot afford to have an enemy-controlled
campaign are still moving system by system toward Alpha system in the path of victory. Praxis must be liberated.
Hydrae. Every system near the Road is being scoured The Arachnids must be destroyed! The Road to Victory
clean of Arachnid presence. Half a dozen systems have will be paved with dead bugs.
been cleansed so far and Fleet astrophysicists estimate a
further dozen before Alpha Hydrae is reached. But the Arachnids are not stupid. They are stronger, faster
and more lethal than any human. And they know it...

Everybody fights. Nobody quits.
You don’t do your job, I’ll kill you Move Action Summary
myself. 1. Nominate unit leader.
– Squad leaders throughout the
Mobile Infantry 2. Measure movement range for models.

3. Reduce movement by half if pushing through

During a game turn both players get an difficult terrain.
opportunity to move and fight using their models. First
one player takes a player turn, comprising two ‘actions’ 4. Move models, starting with the unit leader
with all of his units, and then the other player takes his model.
player turn and does the same. Aside from reactions due
to Alert Status, a player is allowed to take his entire turn
before another player is allowed to act in any way.

Actions Summary
A single action enables a unit to Move, Shoot, Charge or
Ready. In a single player’s turn a model could potentially
Move twice, Shoot twice, Move and Shoot, Shoot and
Move or any other combination of two actions. As long
as each action is legal and can be completed without
violating one of the conditions listed in the Actions
chapter, it is a valid action (though it may trigger reactions
from nearby models on Alert Status).

The following are summaries of possible actions. These

are explained fully in the Actions chapter.

We must meet this threat with our

courage, our valour, indeed with
our very lives to ensure that human
civilisation, not insect, dominates
this galaxy NOW AND ALWAYS!
– Sky Marshal Diennes

Anatomy of a Game Turn

Shoot Action Summary Artillery Fire Summary

1. Nominate target model and declare unit weapons 1. Nominate target point and declare weapon
firing. firing.

2. Check distance from individual firing models to 2. Check distance from the individual firing model
target model for range. to target point for range.

3. Check line of sight from individual firing models 3. Declare long/short and even/odds.
to target model.
4. Roll two six-sided dice and calculate deviation of
4. Determine Fire Zone around target model. target point.

5. Roll damage dice for all weapons in range and line 5. Determine Lethal Zone around final target point.
of sight of target model. Follow steps 6, 7, 8 and 9 for each individual
model within Lethal Zone.
6. Discard any dice that roll a natural 1 (and mark
models on low ammo if this is a Shoot reaction). 6. Roll weapon’s damage dice.

7. Compare remaining dice to the Kill characteristic 7. Discard any dice that roll a natural 1.
of models inside the Fire Zone. Each Kill result
makes one model in the Fire Zone make a dodge 8. Compare remaining dice to the Kill characteristic
save, starting with the models closest to the firing of the model. Each Kill result requires a dodge
unit. Models failing or incapable of this save are save. If the model fails or is incapable of this
removed. Multihit models lose two hits instead save, it is removed. Multihit models lose two
of being removed. Remove Kill dice results once hits instead of being removed. Remove Kill dice
used. results once used.

8. Compare remaining dice to the Target characteristic 9. Compare remaining dice to the Target
of models inside the Fire Zone. Each Target result characteristic of the model. Each Target result
requires one model in the Fire Zone to make a requires an armour or dodge save. If the model
save. Models failing this save are removed, starting fails this save, it is removed. Multihit models
with the models closest to the firing unit. Multihit lose one hit instead of being removed. Models
models lose one hit instead of being removed. that successfully make armour saves against hits
Models that successfully make armour saves against flinch away from the centre of the Lethal Zone.
hits flinch away from the firing unit. Remove Remove Target dice results once used.
Target dice results once used.
Artillery fire must be preceded by a Ready action.
Occasionally, a unit will fire with weapons that create
more than one size of Fire Zone. In this case, resolve Note that LZ (Stream) and Remote weapons skip
Steps 4 to 8 for the smallest Fire Zone first. Then Steps 2 to 4, instead placing their Lethal Zones
resolve Steps 4 to 8 for the next largest Fire Zone, and directly (see the Characteristcis chapter for details).
so on.
1”, 2” and 3” Lethal Zone templates and Stream
When a Fire Zone contains models of more than one
templates are contained within the Starship Troopers
unit within it, use the Allocation rules on page 36 to
miniatures game box.
determine the spread of firepower.

Naturally a player’s forces are not going to sit idly by and
Charge Action Summary allow an enemy to do whatever they wish without reacting.
1. Nominate unit leader. Whenever an opposing player is taking his turn, your
models are watching their surroundings carefully, ready
2. Measure movement range for models. Reduce to take action if enemy units get too close. To represent
movement by half if pushing through difficult this, during an opposing player’s turn all of your models
terrain. are considered to be on ‘Alert Status’.

3. Move models, starting with the unit leader model. Models (not whole units) on Alert Status can opt to react
Move as many models as possible within point if enemy models complete an action within 10” of them.
blank range of enemy models. The default reaction is Shoot but some races and models
have other reactions they can use, which will be listed
4. Allocate each charging model’s Close Combat in their descriptions. Reactions may be one of the four
damage dice against enemy models within its normal actions or they may have special effects.
point blank range. Follow Steps 5, 6, 7 and 8 for
each individual model. Reactions are taken once the enemy action that triggered
them has been finished, so models may not be able to
5. Roll Close Combat damage dice. react even when they would normally be entitled to do
so (possibly because they get removed as casualties first).
6. Discard any dice that roll a natural 1. Models can react any number of times during the enemy
player’s turn and still participate in up to two ‘unit’ actions
7. Compare remaining dice to the Kill characteristic during their own player turn.
of the attacked model. Each Kill result requires
a dodge save. If the attacked model fails or is Reactions
incapable of this save, it is removed. Multihit Shoot or Charge reactions must be targeted against
models lose two hits instead of being removed. the units that trigger them if possible. Move or Ready
Remove Kill dice results once used. reactions do not need to be targeted in any way.

8. Compare remaining dice to the Target characteristic For example, an MI model has a unit of warrior bugs
of the attacked model. Each Target result requires move within 10”. That model may use the default Shoot
an armour or dodge save. If the attacked model reaction, the MI Beat Feet Move reaction or the MI Stand
fails this save, it is removed. Multihit models lose By Ready reaction. Should the reacting model choose the
one hit instead of being removed. Models that Shoot reaction, it must target the warrior unit that caused
successfully make armour saves against hits flinch its reaction. Should the reacting model choose the Beat Feet
away from attacking model. Remove Target dice Move reaction, it may choose to run in any direction.
results once used.
Note that reactions are performed by model, not unit.
9. Once all damage dice for the charging unit have As such, individual models can make separate reactions
been resolved, each model within point blank within a given unit. This is one of the few situations where
range must flinch away from larger opponents. models can end their action (or in this case reaction) out
of command of their unit leader.

For example, an MI unit consisting of a sergeant, five

troopers and an M8 Ape Marauder has a tanker bug move
within 10”. Knowing that his poor troopers are likely to
Rule of Thumb get incinerated in the tanker’s next action, the MI player
has the sergeant and all five troopers perform the Beat Feet
Units act, models react. reaction. Despite being part of the same unit, the Marauder
takes the Shoot reaction, holding his ground and firing at
the approaching behemoth to give his squadmates time to

Anatomy of a Game Turn

Alert Status Reactions

The warrior bug triggers an Alert Status reaction from the MI cap trooper,
as its Move action concluded within 10” of the MI model.

get away. Should the Marauder survive to its player’s next any model taking a reaction will break the whole unit’s
turn, it may well suffer for being out of command of its unit readied status. Therefore, a single model taking a Shoot
leader. reaction can ruin the readied status of its entire unit.

Ready and Alert Status For example, a unit’s last action of their player’s turn was to
Units that took a Ready action as their last action in their take a Ready action. During the opponent player’s turn, a
player’s turn count as readied in the opponent player’s unit of warrior bugs moves within 10” of a single MI trooper
turn as well. This means they can potentially use special model belonging to that unit. The rest of the trooper’s unit
movement modes or weapons on Alert Status. However, is not within 10” of any of the warrior bugs. Should that
model react, by performing any reaction, the whole of his
unit lose their readied status. Models in the unit are still on
Alert Status and may react but they have lost the benefit their
Laying Low last Ready action gave them.
A unit does not have to react if it does not want
to. This will often happen to units within Alert
The Importance of Alert Status
Status range of the enemy who do not wish to
Remember that if a model completes an action within
call undue attention to themselves or are waiting
10” of enemy models, those enemy models are allowed
for the enemy to make a tactical mistake. In real
to react. Be warned: It can be easy to lose track of which
terms the unit might be hiding out as best it
units have taken actions or even whose turn it currently is
can while it awaits reinforcements or retrieval,
during Alert Status reactions. Pay close attention to what
or locked in an eyeball to eyeball confrontation
units have taken actions before resolving Alert Status
with an enemy…
reactions. A reaction never interrupts an action – wait
until the action is completed before making reactions.

To avoid confusion, a token or
other marker can be used to show
Out of Ammo whose turn it is during play. This
can be anything as long as it is large
enough to be obvious and players
remember to pass it back and forth
when a player turn ends. This is
especially useful when resolving
Alert Status reactions. Similar
tokens can be useful for showing
when a unit has acted twice in its
controlling player’s turn.

Who Goes First?

The force with the lowest Priority
The MI cap trooper’s reaction is to Shoot the warrior bug with his Morita, a Squad type Level has the choice of going first
weapon. As a 1 is rolled, the MI cap trooper is marked as being Out of Ammo. He may not or second – see page 52 for more
make Shoot reactions for the rest of the player turn. details about Priority Level and
what it means. If both players
have equal Priority Level, roll a
OUT OF AMMO D6 each and the highest roller has the choice of going
In normal circumstances, models do not have to concern first or second.
themselves with running low on ammunition. In a
typical Shoot action, some time is spent changing clips Your Player Turn
and using burst discipline to control ammo usage across In your player turn, nominate a unit and take one action
the unit. During Alert Status, things are far more chaotic with it. Once the first action is completed, the unit can
and individual troopers can run short of ammo at critical immediately take a second action. When the second
moments. action is completed, you can nominate another unit and
take two actions with it. Keep nominating units and
During a Shoot reaction, for every die that rolls a taking actions until all of your units have taken up to two
natural 1, mark a shooting model as temporarily out of actions each. Units do not have to take a second action or
ammunition. A handy way to keep track of this is to turn any action at all if you do not wish them to do so.
the model 180 degrees, so that it is no longer facing the
enemy. Models marked as low on ammunition cannot
make Shoot reactions – they are too busy trying to unjam The Enemy Player’s Turn
or reload their weapons! Models low on ammo may still The enemy player goes through the same process as
make non-Shoot reactions. Being low on ammo is only detailed in the text above and takes up to two actions
temporary – models affected return to normal again at with all of their units.
the beginning of their controlling player’s next turn.


One game turn in Starship Troopers is made up of two
player turns – yours and your opponent’s. A game will
typically last between four and six game turns, so you will
each get an equal number of player turns. A game is not
complete if one player has models left on the table and
has not been able to take the same number of turns as
any other player.

Basic Rules

There are a number can be purchased online or
at your local gaming store.
of common rules that are This is not hard, apes! All you
used throughout games of have to do is pay attention, listen The size or variety does not
Starship Troopers – the basic to what I tell you and stay alive. matter: They will suffice as
systems that lie behind the At the end of your training here, long as they are six-sided
more advanced rules of you will either be the most lethal (numbered 1 through 6)
movement and combat. fighting force in the galaxy or you and ten-sided (numbered 1
This section of Starship will be washed out and on your way through 10).
home as a disgrace.
Troopers serves as an – Sergeant Zim
introduction to these basic You will sometimes be
rules that will stand you in instructed to read the results
good stead as you learn how of dice rolls in different
to play this game. While ways. If you are simply told
there are complications and additions to this material to roll a die in the rules, roll it as normal and read the
later, this chapter provides all you need to know about number or pips on the top of the die. However, you will
tactical combat in Starship Troopers for now. sometimes see strange references telling you to roll 4xD6,
6xD6, 2xD10+1, etc. These are dice shorthand references
as explained below.
In addition to this rulebook, you will also need several A number before a ‘xD’ tells you how many dice you need
other items to begin playing battles with Arachnids and to roll. The number after a ‘D’ tells you whether to roll
Mobile Infantry. While additional materials such as D6s or D10s. For example, 4xD6 means roll four six-
terrain pieces and counters for various conditions are also sided dice (now you see why we shorten it to 4xD6). If
useful, they are optional and not required for the basic there is a ‘+’ after the dice add the number to each die
rules. rolled – so 4xD6+1 would let you roll four six-sided dice
and add one to the resulting score on each die.
* Two or more players (two is the preferred range)
* A playing surface, such as a tabletop or unobstructed Some rules in Starship Troopers ask you to add dice rolls
floor space together (such as D10+D6). Where multiple dice of the
* A selection of Starship Troopers miniatures. When
first learning to play the game, it is best to start simple,
so try just using warrior bugs and power suit squads
(these are described in the army lists starting on page Re-Rolls
78). As appealing as it may seem, don’t jump straight Some special situations may call for you to re-
in at the deep end with a huge tanker bug model or roll a die or number of dice. This simply means
something like that – there will be plenty of time for you ignore the first result rolled and roll the die
all that once you have mastered the rules! or dice again. All modifiers or conditions that
* A tape measure or ruler of a minimum 12 inches in affected the first roll are also present and must be
length accounted for on the re-roll. You must always
* Several six and ten-sided dice (at least two of each) accept the result of the second roll, even if it
was worse than the first – re-rolls can be used
ROLLING DICE to get you out of a tricky situation but they are
Starship Troopers uses just two kinds of dice – the ordinary, never guaranteed! Also, you may only ever re-
humble six-sided die and the chunky, exotic ten-sided roll a specific dice result once, even if you have
die. You will find it beneficial to have perhaps a dozen multiple opportunities to re-roll a dice result.
D6s on hand as it greatly speeds up play. D10s are used
more rarely and you should not need more than a couple
of these. Dice beyond what are included in this box set

same type are rolled and added together it will be noted find that without bases, it can be difficult to keep smaller
as the number of dice only, without the ‘x’ symbol – for figures (such as troopers) standing during the course
example, 2D6 (total 2 to 12), 3D6 (3 to 18) or 2D10 (2 of a game. Arachnid models will almost never require
to 20). A numerical addition (such as the 2 in ‘D10+2’) basing.
is added to the total value. If you were intended to roll
four six-sided dice, add their total together and then add Size Value and Base Diameter
a fixed value of 1, it would be written as 4D6+1. Size Value Base Diameter
1 20–25mm
2 40–50mm
Natural 1s 3 50–60mm
The Starship Troopers rules assume that an 4+ 60mm+
unmodified roll of ‘1’ on a D6 or D10 is
automatically a failure. Even if subsequent
bonuses raise the die result to above 1, it is still a MEASURING
failed roll. This is referred to as rolling a ‘natural In order to keep things clear whether bases are used or
1’. The natural 1 rule applies to all rolls in not, measurements are always made from the centre of a
Starship Troopers unless specifically mentioned model. Find a consistent spot to use on your models so
otherwise in a rules description. that all players know where it is (centre of the helmet for
an MI trooper or the centre of the carapace of Arachnids
are good examples and are the assumed measuring points
used in these rules).
Starship Troopers is a tabletop miniatures game. This means Zones
we use miniature models to represent our opposing forces Zone is the term used in Starship Troopers for the deadly
on a tabletop battlefield. One of the greatest pleasures of area involved with weapon’s fire, grenades, missiles or
a tabletop game is the sheer spectacle of superbly sculpted other dangerous effects. Zones only affect models that
and painted armies in combat. This section is here to help have their centre point inside their circumference. If a
mesh using the game rules with using models. model has its centre point on the very edge of a Zone,
it is assumed to have avoided the effect involved. There
Basing are two types of Zone in the Starship Troopers miniatures
Not all players like to base their models if they do not game: Fire Zones and Lethal Zones.
have to, whereas some will always base their models on
principle or for reasons of stability
during play. The rules given here
should allow either approach to be Lethal Zones
valid. If you are basing models it is
most useful to equate a model’s base
diameter to its Size value and therefore
its point blank range where possible.
However this is not always practical
as it can lead to excessively large bases
on the bigger models. For general use
we recommend circular or oval bases
following the guidelines in the Size
Value and Base Diameter table.

Again, bases can typically be found at

any gaming store that offers gaming
miniatures for sale. If such an outlet
is not available in your area, you The MI cap trooper model on the left is affected by the Lethal Zone.
can certainly find them online for
purchase. Bases are recommended
The warrior bug model on the right is not affected by the Lethal Zone.
for use with Mobile Infantry models
in Starship Troopers, as players will

Basic Rules
Point Blank Range
Models have a ‘sphere of influence’ extending from their
centre point and around them to a distance equal to their
Pre-Measuring Size value in inches.
In a tabletop game, a lot depends on the measured
distance between models and the merest fraction of an
inch can have critical significance. To simulate the ‘fog Point Blank Range
of war’ and the uncertainty real commanders must
suffer during battle, miniatures games traditionally
have tended not to allow pre-measuring (that is, to
measure a distance before a move is committed to by
a player).

We are not real commanders – we are playing a game.

From a purely historical angle, range-finding is an art
that was perfected in the early 20th century and there
is no reason to believe the Arachnids are not equally
This Size 1 MI power suit model has a point blank range of 1”.
adept at doing so. Because of this, there is no reason
to disallow finding the exact range to an opponent’s
figure(s) before deciding where and when to attack. If any part of another model (not just their centre point)
While this may seem ‘inappropriate’ to some players, is within this sphere it is considered within ‘point blank’
it is the standard measuring rule for Starship Troopers. range. The reason we do not use a centre point in this
case is to avoid having to cram models unrealistically
Being able to pre-measure ranges promotes confidence closer together – note that this is the only time we do not
about where things are and lets both players get along measure things from centre point to centre point.
more amicably as they do not have to worry about
‘wasting’ actions. Additionally, there is a lot of model
movement in Starship Troopers – pre-measuring Point Blank Range (cont.)
distances therefore means that everything tends to
move decisively and accurately.

However, if both players agree, you can decide not

to allow pre-measuring. It makes for a more intense
and uncertain game for both sides that some players
prefer. As a final note, pre-measuring is a great way
to help balance games between experienced and
inexperienced players. By allowing the inexperienced
player to pre-measure and the experienced one to rely Both the warrior bug and the MI cap trooper
more on guesswork it helps produce a more balanced are within point blank range of each other.
and enjoyable game for both sides. Again, this is
entirely optional.

Point Blank
Range Effects:
* A model can attack Fire
using its Close Combat
dice against enemy
models at point blank
range – very important
for Arachnids,
especially warrior
bugs! Shooting can
still be attempted at
point blank range.

* Models with the

Retaliate trait (see
page 24 for details)
apply their Close
Combat dice to any
models within point
blank range if they
are removed from play
due to a Kill result.

* Models must ‘flinch' (move back from the enemy, see TURNING AND FIRE ARCS
page 36) if an enemy model of larger Size is within Most models in Starship Troopers can fire in any direction
point blank range at the completion of any action or and turn freely. However some models have special
reaction. rules limiting them to represent great size, slow speed
or poor reaction times. A good example of this special
rule is the tanker bug: Its immense body simply cannot
move quickly enough to
manoeuvre easily.

Fixed The facings and fire arcs

are Front (F) and Rear
Fire (R), Left (Lt) and Right
Arcs (Rt). Each fire arc is a 180
degree arc centred on a
specific location consistent
with its description.

Some models or weapons

may have fixed arcs.
These are limited to only
90 degrees and are marked
with the extra designation
‘Fx’ (FxF, FxR. FxLt.
FxRt). These limited
fields of fire are commonly
due to the same factors
that reduce mobility.

Basic Rules
Units Just like in the real military,
Starship Troopers models do
not wander around freely
on their own. With very
few exceptions, each one is
organised into a unit with
a unit leader in control.
When the unit leader
takes an action all of the
models in his unit do so
as well. There are certain
instances where this is not
true but such instances will
be mentioned in the text
where appropriate.

Unit members that

find themselves out of
command (by being forced
to move outside command
range, for example) will
UNITS stay stationary, react only if provoked and wait for further
While the rules about individual models are important, orders. Out of command models can take no voluntary
just like any real commander, you are going to be ordering actions until their unit leader returns (or another is
your forces around in groups to be more efficient. A appointed, should the original leader have died) and as
‘unit’ is a group of models that must act together on the such are very vulnerable.
tabletop battlefield. The Army Lists detail what kinds of
units you can choose. Most common unit types comprise
a small group of similarly armed combatants with some When you graduate from this course,
options for weaponry, upgrades and unit size. IF you graduate from this course,
you will be assigned to a squad.
These troopers are your new family.
All the models in a unit have to remain within command You will rely on them to stay alive
range of their unit leader in order to take actions. While just as they will rely on you.
they do so they are an effective fighting force but models – Sergeant Zim
that get left behind or pushed away from their unit by
damage (see ‘flinching’ on page 36) will tend to remain
where they are and wait for orders.
When these rules refer to a ‘unit’ it means any and all Unit leaders in Starship Troopers are essential for co-
models that are a part of the unit. In these rules the ordinating their team members. Although communication
specification of ‘unit’ and ‘model’ is used very deliberately. equipment may allow models to talk to ships in orbit, they
A model is an individual combatant, while a unit is the always look to their unit leader for orders and direction in
tactical group that models form. The terms are not battle. Units are based around a unit leader and almost
interchangeable. For example, under the Alert Status always require one to form at all.
rules, individual models can react on Alert Status but a
unit cannot. See page 12 for more on Alert Status.

Whenever a unit takes an
action, all of its models
Unit Command must start and end the
action within 6” of the
leader. If they would
fall out of command
range at the end of the
Out of action, they cannot take
Out of said action at all. If the
Command model must move out
of command range to
perform an action but can
then return within range
Unit Leader before the action’s end, it
is permitted to do so.

Note that a unit can only

6” Command Radius ever have one unit leader
at a time. For instance,
even if an MI unit
contains a sergeant and a
corporal, only the sergeant
is unit leader. Should the
sergeant die, the corporal will immediately take over as
A unit with a leader can perform two actions in a player’s unit leader but will not do so before this eventuality.
turn and the available actions are Charge, Move, Ready
and Shoot. For example, they could Move and then Shoot, Who Can Be a Unit Leader?
or Move twice, or Shoot twice. See the Actions chapter This varies a great deal among different races depending
for more about actions. Without a unit leader, most on their psychology, culture and physical nature. In
models suffer from being out of command (see below). Arachnid units, for example, any model in the unit can
This reaction efficiency alone makes placing as many be nominated as unit leader and the exact model chosen
models as possible into units and keeping them there a can be changed freely from turn to turn. In the Mobile
top priority for players. Starship Troopers is a military Infantry, there is a distinct chain of command. The unit
game and in an effective military, soldiers function best leader is a specific individual and his loss in battle can
in unit formations. cause serious problems for the unit as a whole. This is
one of mankind’s greatest weaknesses when faced with
a threat like the Arachnids – focus and dependency on

Wounded Models and Command

A multihit model reduced to a single hit is
Being Out of Command
Starship Trooper models, even the seemingly chaotic
wounded and can perform only one action per
Arachnids, are disciplined. They do not go wandering
turn. Sometimes a multihit model is a unit
off if left on their own. Models that are not in a unit
leader, though – MI cap sergeants often pilot
leader’s command range at the start of the turn will
Marauder suits when commanding their units.
remain stationary on Alert Status (see page 12) and take
In this case, even though the wounded unit
no actions.
leader can only take one action itself, the unit
it is commanding may still perform two actions
per turn. The wounded unit leader must take
one of the actions his unit performs.

Basic Rules

Higher Command
Higher-ranking leaders have access to much
better command and communications and
are able to co-ordinate units from kilometres
One-Model Units and Independent away. This ability is represented by conferring
Models temporary ‘unit leader’ status to other models
Some units consist of just one model – typically large on the battlefield, effectively bestowing that
Arachnids like tanker or plasma bugs but Mobile model with their authority while it takes an
Infantry CHAS cybernauts also come in one-model action. Specific higher-command capabilities
units, as their artificial intelligence has been shown are detailed in the racial characteristics section.
to struggle when attempting to co-ordinate with See page 79 for more details on how the MI
group tactics. One-model units are no different to accomplish this.
multimodel units really, although they have few
concerns about losing their unit leader as by definition A typical example of this would be a Mobile
this will wipe them out. Infantry lieutenant who has lost one of his unit
leaders – most likely a sergeant – leaving the rest
‘Independent’ models are somewhat different as they of the sergeant’s unit stranded on Alert Status (see
can function as a one-model unit if they wish or join page 12). The lieutenant can rectify the situation
a friendly unit. Independent models all have the by nominating a temporary unit leader for the
Independent trait to differentiate themselves from leaderless squad.
other units. They can make these choices as they go,
so one could potentially join a unit and then leave
it later to join another unit or revert to operating
as a one-model unit again. Independent models are
typified by lieutenants and NCOs in the Mobile
Infantry, who are predicated to moving around and
lending their support where it is needed most.

Independent models are more flexible in how they

take their actions. They can:

* Take an action independently as a one-model


* Join a unit's action if they are within its unit

leader’s command range.

* Form a new unit of all out of command models

within command range. The independent model
becomes the models’ unit leader for the remainder
of the game.

Note that Independent models are limited to a

maximum of two actions per turn as usual.

CHARACTERISTICS This chapter handles everything involved in playing a game
Pay attention, recruits! The
of Starship Troopers except for actions and engagements.
following information may save your The information given here is important to understand
lives someday. If I do not see eyes before moving on through the rulebook. Take the time to
front and ears open when I start, analyse these rules and how they fit with model types and
I will personally wash you out and unit structures. Once you fully grasp this chapter, the rest
make sure you spend the rest of
your lives packing soy patties at a
of the book will be much easier to follow.
workers’ mess on Hesperus. Do you
get me!?! In Starship Troopers games both players use models to
– Sergeant Zim represent their forces on and off the tabletop. Some things
do not need to be represented by proper units (minefields,
‘planet buster’ nuclear bombs launched from orbit or
Now that you understand the basic ideas of anything too massive or distant from the battlefield) but
movement, command ranges and unit structure, you are it is generally good practise to have something around to
ready to learn about the models that use them. It is one represent them, even if it is only a token that indicates to
thing to know how movement and command work; it is both players that an effect is in play.
quite another to put that together with unit types and
individual troops. By the time you finish this chapter you Value
will have a solid grasp on how models are defined, what Value represents the overall threat a given model represents
their game statistics mean and how to use them during in the game. The Value characteristic is the base cost of
play. the unit in standard engagements and also forms the
base number for that model’s net worth when calculating
victory in a straight fight.

All models have a set of unique characteristics that differentiate their abilities in the game. Each characteristic and
its standard game effect is explained below. These are further explained in the following game rules as they come
into play.
Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits

|MI Cap Trooper |Arachnid Warrior

|Value: 15
|Value: 30 |Size: 2
|Size: 1 |Move: 6”
|Move: 4” |Close
|Close Combat: 2xD6+1 or D10
Combat: D6 |Target: 5+
|Target: 4+ |Save: 4+
|Save: 4+ |Kill: 8+
|Kill: 7+ |Traits: Climb/6”
|Traits: Piercing/1
Jump/12” Tunnel/6”

Size dodge may attempt only one against each hit it takes.
Size tells you how big something is. A model’s ‘point Some attack types deny models armour saves, or dodge
blank range’ – the distance it can fight at in close combat, saves, or both. A successful save defeats a hit and allows
is dictated by its Size characteristic measured in inches the model to survive.
from its centre point. It also affects how the unit interacts
with terrain and line of sight. Any saves that roll a natural 1 are automatically failures.

Move Kill
Move indicates the distance in inches a unit can travel The damage dice result it takes to kill a model of this type
in one Move or Charge action. Most models are free outright with no chance of survival. No armour save is
to turn as much as desired while moving. Exceptions possible, though a dodge save is allowed to avoid the Kill
are stipulated by their special rules and are typically result. As should be evident, the Kill characteristic for a
dependent on a model’s Size or relative awkwardness. given model is always higher than its Target characteristic.
Models suffering Kill results are removed from play unless
Close Combat they are capable of and successfully make a dodge save
Close Combat determines the damage dice the model (but see the Hits/X trait for possible exceptions).
rolls against enemies at point blank range when taking
a Charge action. Some models (like Arachnid warriors) Traits
have a choice of what dice to roll to represent different Some abilities (special movement type, Retaliate, Hits/
forms of attack. An example of this would be the claw or X) are limited to particular models. These uncommon
bite options in the case of Arachnid warrior bugs. abilities are referred to as traits. This characteristic will be
left blank if no traits are possessed by a particular model.
Target Some of the more widely possessed special traits are listed
The Target characteristic is the damage result it takes below.
to potentially put a model of this type out of action for
the duration of the engagement. When damage dice are Independent
rolled against models of this type, any result that equals Independent models have a great deal of flexibility on the
or exceeds this number scores a ‘hit’. battlefield. They can act independently of all other units,
join in with another unit’s actions or even form a unit
of their own if the conditions are right. See page 21 for
Save more details on Independent models.
A model must roll this number or greater on a D6 in order
to survive a hit. If the model survives it must still flinch,
as detailed on page 36. A model that suffers a hit and fails
Models with this trait are often referred to as ‘multihit’
its save is removed from play as a casualty. It may or may
models. Each time a model with multiple hits fails its
not be dead but it is certainly not going to have any other
saving throw it loses one hit. If a multihit model suffers
impact on the current battle unless somehow revived.
a Kill result it takes two hits instead of one. There is no
way for a standard attack to instantly kill a model with
Two forms of save exist, ‘armour’ and ‘dodge’. These are
Hits/3 or more. Some weapons or effects may be able to
shown to either side of a slash if a model has both (for
inflict multiple hits but they are not a common sight on
example, 4+/6+). If only one number is shown it is always
the battlefields of Starship Troopers.
an armour save (as the ability to dodge is quite rare). In
the rare instance that a model has no armour and only a
A model with multiple hits is seriously affected by
dodge save, it will be shown as a dual value with a dash in
damage if it drops to a single hit, making it ‘wounded’.
place of the armour save (for example, –/4+).
A wounded model is limited to taking just one action
per turn for the rest of the battle. When all the model’s
Only models with a dodge save can attempt to dodge Kill
indicated hits have been lost it is removed from the battle
results. Either armour or dodge rolls may be attempted
as a casualty.
against hits. A model with saves for both armour and

Multihit Models The Retaliate trait represents volatile
ammunition, explosions, crashes,
eruptions, death throes and other
devastating effects accompanying the
models’ demise. If a model has the
Retaliate trait it must use the following
rules if it becomes a casualty due to a
Kill result (being taken out of play for
failing to successfully save against a hit
or hits will not cause retaliation).

Retaliate affects all models within point

blank range (as described on page 17)
of the retaliating model. Make separate
damage rolls against all models within
that range using the retaliating model’s
Close Combat dice. Retaliate is in no
For instance, the tanker bug in the Multihit Models diagram way guided or controlled – all models
has lost four of its six hits. The die next to it notes how many are attacked, friend or foe.
hits it has left (2). Should the bug take another hit, it will
be wounded. When rolling damage dice for model retaliation, the
Piercing/X trait is still applicable.
As an additional effect of their remarkable toughness
and durability, models with the Hits/X trait never flinch
(see page 36), even if the rules demand it. Even if the WEAPON CHARACTERISTICS
controlling player wishes the model to flinch, it cannot Weapons have a set of characteristics of their own. For
do so. example, a standard Mobile Infantry Morita rifle appears
like this in the MI Weapons List (page 93):
(Movement Type)/X”
Some models can perform special moves like hovering, Name Range Damage Type Traits
jumping or tunnelling as denoted in the trait. This shows TW-203-a Morita 20” 2xD6 Squad Auto
both the special movement type and distance, such as Assault Rifle
Jump/15”. If a special movement type is indicated the
model must use a Ready action before performing the A model can be armed with several different weapons and
special Move action. This trait’s effects are detailed on across a unit there will often be variation in weaponry.
page 30. In the MI, some troopers may be armed with special or
heavy weapons like flamethrowers or grenade launchers
No Flinch while the rest carry Morita rifles in the standard Mobile
This model never flinches (see page 36), even if the rules Infantry tradition.
demand it. Even if the controlling player wishes the
model to flinch, it cannot do so. Name
The given name or common name for a weapon is listed
Piercing/X here. It does not have any direct effect on play but the
The model’s Close Combat attacks are naturally lethal more common weapons will become easy to quote when
and can carve through even the heaviest armour with ease. it comes to their statistics. Unit lists may note weapons
The armour save roll of models struck by the model’s simply by their name, as their abilities are generally
Close Combat dice is reduced by the Piercing value. For understood or easy to determine from the Weapons
example an armour save of 6+ will be impossible to make Summary.
if struck by a Piercing/1 weapon.


Weapon range is shown in inches. Weapon range is Special – Damage bonus
sometimes different according to the ammunition type Some weapons have a damage bonus because they
used; in these cases more than one value may be listed. are extremely accurate, have a high rate of fire or
Note that range given is the effective range for the weapon possess exceptional penetration. If a damage bonus
and firing beyond this range is, by definition, ineffective. applies, you may need to roll different coloured dice
For instance, bullets may certainly be travelling farther for that weapon when firing. Each damage roll adds
than the listed range but they do not have enough the damage bonus before comparing its value to the
accuracy to be a threat any longer. Target and Kill characteristics of the attacked model.

Munition Delivery Modes For example, a 3xD6+1 damage weapon adds one to the
Munitions, including bombs, grenades and warheads, score on each of the three dice rolled for it.
may not have a set Range characteristic. Instead, one or
more delivery modes may be stated. The delivery modes Some attacks receive a random damage bonus by
are Dropped, Launched, Placed and Thrown. rolling an extra die (this being the differently coloured
die). Remember that this is not a damage die so does
Dropped munitions can be released by Air units. See not count as an extra hit on its own; the bonus die
page 134 for more details. is purely there to boost the weapon’s damage dice
Launched munitions can be fired by a specific launcher scores. On a high roll with this bonus die, this can
system (the munition’s description will specify which result in extremely lethal attacks, as they are far more
launch system must be used). A range in inches will also likely to meet or exceed a target’s Kill characteristic.
be given. If a model does not have the requisite launch
system, it may not launch this munition, though it may For example, a 2xD6+D6 damage weapon adds the
use an alternative delivery mode. result of the bonus D6 die to each of the two dice rolled
Placed munitions can be planted using the Remote rules for it. Remember that the bonus die is rolled only once.
(see page 28).
Thrown munitions can be manually hurled at the enemy.
A range in inches will also be given.
weapon can effectively harm a particular target. If a
weapon is not capable of penetrating a target’s defences,
firing it with any amount of accuracy is redundant.
Point Blank Range
When a model is attacking another model A weapon’s Damage characteristic is the damage dice
that is within a range in inches equal to its rolled by the weapon, almost invariably one or more D6
Size characteristic it is at ‘point blank’ range. or D10.
Close combat damage dice can be used instead
of weapon damage dice at point blank range Each damage die that scores equal to or beats a model’s
(although models can still shoot if they wish). Target characteristic will score a hit on the model and
See page 17 for more on point blank range. require that a save be made. If the save is failed, the
model is removed as a casualty or loses one hit (in the
case of multihit models).

Damage Damage dice that equal or beat a model’s Kill characteristic

In Starship Troopers, combat does not employ a separate roll slay the target outright or cost it two hits (in the case of
to hit and damage targets. It is assumed that with modern multihit models with three or more remaining hits). No
weapons and a modicum of training most soldiers can put armour saves are permitted against a Kill effect, though
accurate fire on their chosen target as long as ammunition dodge saves are allowed.
permits. The important issue becomes whether a given

Type Accurate
Type describes the standard doctrine for deployment of Accurate weapons receive a damage bonus equal to the
this kind of weapon and hence the most likely ammo Size characteristic of the target model they are aimed at.
loads carried. A weapon’s Type generally determines how The Accurate trait is ignored if the weapon is fired in
many times a weapon may be fired in a turn. Artillery fire mode.

Crew weapons take a long time to reload or chew their Auto

available ammo really quickly, so they need someone Units firing with any Auto weapons can hit models up to
to help ‘keep them fed’. As such, they count as Squad 6” away from their nominated target model (see Shoot
weapons if an additional friendly model is within point actions on page 28) instead of the normal 3”.
blank range to assist the firing model and does not use its
own weapon in the same action. An additional model can Fire Arc: X
assist only one weapon at a time. If no model is present Weapons with a reduced arc of fire will have that limitation
to assist, a Crew weapon counts as a Pack weapon. noted as a trait. Generally this is a trait only applied to
mechanised or extremely slow models. See page 18 for
Infinite weapons are rare in the Starship Troopers universe more details.
but not unknown. Due to unique construction methods
or a highly advanced power source, Infinite weapons Flame
ignore all ammo rules and may always fire during Shoot Flame weapons engulf their targets with a torrent of fire.
actions and reactions. They ignore any cover bonus the target may have and no
dodge save is possible against their effects.
Internal and Pack weapons can fire only once per turn
and may not fire during Shoot reactions. Killshot
Atomics and some other weapons are powerful enough to
One-Shot! weapons can fire only once per game. vaporise any target they hit, burning through armour as if
it was not even there. Killshot weapons count any damage
Squad weapons are common and benefit from everyone roll that equals or beats the model’s Target characteristic
in a squad carrying ammo for them. However, even a as a Kill instead.
well-maintained and fully loaded Squad weapon can
temporarily run out of ammunition or jam in a bad LZ (X”)
situation. Squad weapons may always fire unless they are LZ is short for Lethal Zone. When firing at targets in line
Out of Ammo (see page 14). of sight, this weapon may use either the Artillery fire rules
(see page 40) or the direct fire rules (see page 39). When
firing at targets not in line of sight, this weapon must use
Traits the Artillery fire rules. The weapon’s Lethal Zone has a
Weapons traits describe any unique features about a
radius of X”, as indicated in parentheses next to the trait.
weapon. A common example is ‘Ready’, which requires
the model using the weapon to take a Ready action
A Ready action must be performed before firing a Lethal
before it can be fired. This represents heavy or ponderous
Zone weapon in Artillery mode.
weapons needing to be set up, loaded and aimed properly.
Traits are summarised here for convenience but it is worth
reading up on the Shoot action as well if this is your first
LOS is short for Line of Sight. The LOS trait is only
time through the Starship Troopers rules.
ever possessed by LZ weapons (see above). This weapon
may not use Artillery fire to shoot at targets not in line
of sight. This trait is possessed by weapons incapable of
This is an anti-aircraft weapon. Only weapons with this
arcing their fire over intervening terrain.
trait are capable of affecting Air units moving at Loiter
speed or faster; all others are too slow moving or too
LZ (Stream)
limited in their ability to target such rapid enemies.
Stream weapons create a path of devastation that stretches
in a straight line from the weapon to its target. When
fired at targets in line of sight it may use either the Stream

rules or the direct fire rules (see below). These special Multihit
Stream rules supersede the usual direct and Artillery fire High penetration or massive firepower allows this weapon
rules for Lethal Zone weapons. to rip through multihit models like Marauder suits and
plasma bugs. Multihit weapons that equal or exceed the
Direct Fire: When using direct fire mode, Stream weapons Target characteristic of a multihit model score two hits
roll a number of dice equal to their damage dice multiplied instead of one. Multihit weapons that equal or exceed
by their damage bonus. This represents them being swept the Kill characteristic of a multihit model score four hits
across an area of ground; this does an immense amount instead of two.
of damage but also forfeits their damage bonus to the
damage dice rolls. They do not generate their Lethal Zone Parry
when firing directly, however; they only affect the target A model bearing a Parry weapon can force a single enemy
struck in the same manner as a normal weapon. model within point blank range to re-roll one of its close
combat damage dice during an enemy Charge action. A
For example, a Stream weapon with D10+2 damage would model may only Parry something up to twice its own Size
roll 2xD10 when used for direct fire. (that is, a Size 1 trooper can Parry a Size 2 warrior bug
but not a Size 6 tanker bug). Parry 2 or Parry 3 weapons
Stream Fire: When using Stream fire mode, place the allow the user to parry two or three Close Combat dice
Stream template so that one short end is touching the respectively against any opposing models within point
firing model – a Stream weapon’s Lethal Zone stretches in blank range.
a straight line from the firing model out to the weapon’s
maximum range or until line of sight is blocked by Persistent
impassable terrain (whichever comes first). Persistent weapons deal continuous damage through
burns, poison or other means. Persistent weapons
When using Stream fire mode, roll the damage dice continue to roll for damage against multihit models and
indicated against all models within the Lethal Zone. The any models that make successful armour saves against their
weapon’s damage bonus applies to every model struck. damage. Roll the Persistent weapon’s damage dice against
The Lethal Zone is 2” wide but remember: A model’s each affected model at the start of each subsequent player
centre point must be within this to be affected. turn, until the affected model either becomes a casualty
or the effect wears off.

If a Lethal Zone weapon has

the Persistent trait and is
Stream Weapons fired in Artillery mode, the
Persistent effect also stays in
Warrior effect in the Lethal Zone.
A Roll the Persistent weapon’s
damage dice against any
model that ends an action
Warrior within the Lethal Zone.
Any damage bonuses the
weapon normally has are
not applied to damage dice
Warrior rolls for Persistent effects
following the initial attack.
Persistent effects will die off
over time, so every time a
Persistent damage die rolls
a natural 1 or 2 it is lost
Warriors B and C are caught by the MI cap trooper’s Stream Lethal Zone. from the overall Persistent
The Stream Lethal Zone is blocked by the wall (impassable terrain). effect.

Unlike normal Lethal
Zones, there is no chance of
a Remote weapon’s Lethal
Zone scattering – it is always
centred on the marker.

Certain weapons are
dangerous to be around
due to their volatile fuel or
energy reserves. If a weapon
has the Retaliate trait it must
use the following rules if the
model carrying it becomes a
casualty due to a Kill result
(being taken out of play for
failing to successfully save
against a hit or hits will not
cause retaliation).

Retaliate affects all models

within point blank range
(as described on page 17)
Models being attacked by a Persistent effect can take of the model bearing the
their actions as normal – it is assumed they have plenty retaliating weapon. Make separate damage rolls against
of armour to protect them from being debilitated by all models within that range using the retaliating weapon’s
the effect, even if it is slowly trying to eat through said damage dice. Retaliate is in no way guided or controlled
armour… – all models are attacked, friend or foe.

Piercing/X When rolling damage dice for weapon retaliation, only

Piercing weapons or attacks are good at punching through the following traits are still applicable: Flame, Killshot,
armour. The armour save roll of models struck by the Multihit, Persistent and Piercing/X.
weapon is reduced by the Piercing value. For example,
an armour save of 6+ will be impossible to make if struck Note that it is possible that a model with the Retaliate
by a Piercing/1 weapon. trait will end up carrying a weapon with the Retaliate
trait too. If the model is removed due to a Kill result
Ready resolve both Retaliate effects separately.
A Ready weapon can only be fired by a unit whose
preceding action was a Ready action (see page 45). Underslung
In an action, an Underslung weapon can be fired in lieu
Remote of the main weapon it is attached to. If an Underslung
A Remote weapon is placed at the location of the model weapon is used, it uses its own characteristics and traits
carrying it by using a Ready action; use a marker to show rather than the main weapon’s. A model unable to fire
the weapon’s location once placed. It can then be triggered due to failing an ammo roll may not use either its main
with any subsequent Ready action taken by the model weapon or its Underslung weapon.
that placed it. If the model is removed as a casualty the
Remote weapon is lost as well. These two Ready actions
can be separated by any number of other actions – this
normally involves the placing model taking Move actions
to get out of the Remote weapon’s Lethal Zone!


ACTIONS Restrictions
The moving models have the following restrictions:
It’s all fun and games until someone
loses an eye… and then it’s just
fun! * They must end their movement within 6" of their
– Trooper ‘Red’ Kestrel designated unit leader.

* They may not move through impassable terrain unless

This chapter discusses actions in more detail it is of smaller Size (see page 30).
and provides the rules for their execution in a game. If
this is your first time playing Starship Troopers, you will * Difficult terrain will slow their intended progress as
find it useful to read through the Characteristics chapter noted below.
preceding this one if you have not already done so. While
characteristics define what a model or weapon is capable * A unit may move through any friendly units freely.
of doing, only actions allow them to occur at all. As
Sergeant Zim would say, ‘The best gun in the galaxy is * A unit may not move through an enemy unit unless all
worthless if you never pull the trigger, ape!’ models are of greater Size than the enemy models or
the moving unit is using a special movement mode.

Units can undertake up to two actions in their turn. Move Action Summary
Models out of command cannot take actions unless an 1. Nominate unit leader.
enemy unit disturbs their Alert Status. A wounded model
only gets to take one action. Regardless of a model’s 2. Measure movement range for models.
circumstances, any and all actions taken must be chosen
from the list below. 3. Reduce movement by half if pushing through
difficult terrain.
Shoot 4. Move models, starting with the unit leader
Charge model.

An action can be repeated if desired during a single turn

(for example, Move/Move or Shoot/Shoot), assuming a Terrain Rules
model is eligible to take two actions at all. In Starship Troopers, terrain is used to break up a battlefield
and to make combat more challenging than simply
MOVE ACTIONS standing on either side of a featureless area and shooting
Units taking a Move action may travel a distance in inches at the enemy before charging straight at them. Terrain
equal to their Move characteristic across the tabletop in can be as simple as pieces of paper labelled with the Size
any direction. and shape of what it is supposed to represent (trees, hills,
walls and so on) or as complex as three dimensional pieces
Procedure that look like miniature forests and buildings in their own
All the models in the unit move as part of the same Move right.
action. Measure the distance to be moved and then move
the models to their new location. A Move action does From scraps of blue cloth for water hazards to buildings
not have to be taken to its full possible length; a unit can made of foam and wooden slats, the rules for how terrain
travel any decided distance up to its maximum value. affects the play of Starship Troopers are identical.

Difficult Terrain dice and move that distance, ignoring the impassable
A model’s move distance is halved by any difficult terrain terrain. A model forcing its way forward in this manner
it moves through that is larger than its Size characteristic. cannot exceed its normal Move characteristic as a result of
This represents the difficulty a model has in picking the Close Combat die roll.
its way through that type of terrain. Difficult terrain
is not the same as impassable terrain which, as its name For example, a Size 2 warrior bug wants to climb over
indicates, cannot be moved through at all (see below). and past an impassable Size 1 wall, so it rolls a D10 for
its movement distance (note that its maximum possible
For example, a Size 2 boulder field would not slow down movement is still limited to 6”).
Size 2 warrior bugs moving through it but would limit Size
1 MI troopers in power suits. This effect reduces the MI Examples of impassable terrain include: Cliffs, walls,
unit’s move to 2”. barriers and sheer drops or elevations of any kind.

Note that in the Starship Troopers miniatures game, hills, Sizing Terrain
dunes and other non-sheer changes in terrain height do A piece of terrain has a nominal Size equal to its height
not count as difficult terrain in and of themselves. All (or depth in the case of crevasses or liquid sources) in
units in the Starship Troopers universe are assumed to be inches, rounding to the nearest whole number.
able to traverse up or down slopes without appreciably
reducing their speed. Hills and elevation are still very Special Movement Modes
important for determining line of sight and cover. Some models are able to use special movement modes
as specified in the Traits section of their statistics. This
Examples of difficult terrain include: Woods, forests, means they are able to drive, fly, jump or use some other
jungles, ponds, lakes, streams, mud-holes and swamps. special means of getting around the battlefield. A model
can use its special movement mode to get around but
Impassable Terrain it does not have to – for example, tracked and wheeled
Impassable terrain blocks all basic movement unless it is models have a lower ‘safe speed’ to grind along at more
of a smaller Size than the model moving. If the terrain or less walking pace and a hopper bug can crawl along on
is smaller, the moving unit can step, climb, roll or crush the ground. These basic movement rules are represented
its way over the barrier the terrain represents. A model by the model’s normal Move characteristic. The special
taking a Move or Charge action to cross impassable movement types are:
terrain smaller than it is can roll one of its Close Combat

Terrain Scale

Size 2 Size 4 Size 2 Size 1 Size 3

warrior difficult difficult impassable impassable
bug terrain terrain terrain terrain

Climb/X” Hover/X”
The model uses the special movement distance indicated, The model uses the special movement distance indicated
counting any impassable and difficult terrain as clear. and it can always move up to this distance, even if it moves
Models can climb over several actions if required. Simply from, over or into difficult or impassable terrain.
make a note of the height reached or place a die beside the
model as a reminder. Models that flinch while climbing Air (X): Some models capable of hover movement also
will fall (see page 38). possess the Air trait, most notably hopper bugs. This
means these models can become fully airborne and
Jump/X” count as Air units by taking a special hover Move action,
The model uses the special movement distance indicated forgoing their movement to represent the time it takes
and it can always move up to this distance, even if it moves for them to gain altitude. Once airborne, a model acts in
from, over or into difficult or impassable terrain, as long the Air phase of the game turn and no longer participates
as this terrain is not more than 6” tall. Jumping under in the usual player turns for as long as it remains an Air
fire is risky as it can cause tumbling and spectacularly unit. The model’s available flight speeds are given in the
poor landings. Jumping models also make very obvious parentheses. It may return to being a ground model by
targets. Add a +1 damage bonus to any damage dice rolls using the Move (Land) action – see the Air Unit & Flight
made against jumping models by reacting enemies. Rules chapter (page 132) for more about air combat.

Tracks/X” Using Special Movement Modes

The model uses the special movement distance indicated Special movement modes may only be used by models if
and it can always move up to this distance, even if it moves they take a Ready action first, which represents the model
from, over or into difficult terrain (but not impassable taking to the air, preparing its jump jets, moving into
terrain). All models with the Tracks trait have the No position to tunnel, revving engines and so forth. The
Flinch trait. special movement distances take the Ready action into
account, typically being higher than the model’s basic
Wheels/X” Move characteristic, even for ‘slow’ special moves like
While using this special movement mode a wheeled tunnelling or climbing.
model moves at much greater speed than normal but is
in danger of skidding and losing control if damaged. If Attacking When Using Special
a wheeled vehicle flinches during a turn in which it has Movement Modes
used its special movement, it flinches D6” from the source When making a special movement, a model can also
of damage instead of the customary 2” (see the flinching execute an attack as if it were using a Shoot or Charge
rules on page 36 for details).

The model ignores all terrain. Use a
Special Movement Attacks
Tunnelling Marker to represent where
units of tunnelling models are located
under the battlefield. A tunneller must
use a Ready action in order to emerge
onto the tabletop and remove the
Tunnelling Marker from the field. A
tunneller cannot use Charge or Shoot
actions while underground but neither
may it be attacked. A tunneller rolls
close combat damage against models
The hopper bug’s first action is to Ready.
within its point blank range as it The hopper bug’s second action is to Move using its Hover special movement. It hovers
emerges but may not move further or 12” towards the MI cap trooper and then makes a Charge attack, before completing
shoot in that action. See the Tunnelling its special movement (a further 12” hover). Because it did not finish an action within
chapter (page 136) for more details.
10” of an enemy model, an Alert Status reaction is not triggered.

action at any point in its movement if desired. Tunnelling Occasionally, a unit will fire with weapons that create
forms an exception to this rule as no Charge or Shoot more than one size of Fire Zone. In this case, resolve
actions can be attempted whilst a model is tunnelling. Steps 4 to 8 of the Shoot Action Summary on page 34 for
the smallest Fire Zone first. Then resolve Steps 4 to 8 for
For example, an MI cap trooper can use a Ready action to the next largest Fire Zone, and so on.
prepare to use his jump special movement mode and then
launches himself up to 12” using his Move action. During When a Fire Zone contains models of more than one unit
this movement, the trooper may Shoot his Morita rifle at any within it, use the Allocation rules on page 36 to determine
the spread of firepower.
As another example, a hopper bug can use a Ready action
to prepare to use its hover special movement mode and Pick a Target Model
then launch itself up to 24” using its Move action. During When you take a Shoot action, pick a target model on
this movement, the hopper may Charge an enemy model, the tabletop. Check to ensure that models participating
rolling Close Combat dice as normal. The hopper may even in the action are within weapon range of the target model
complete its hover movement, up to a maximum of travelled and have an unobstructed line of sight to it.
distance of 24”, after the Charge attack. It is quite possible
for a properly employed hopper bug to dart in and out of
an enemy unit, amassing casualties without triggering Alert Models in the unit that are unable to shoot at the target
Status reactions, as shown in the Special Movement Attacks model miss out on the Shoot action altogether.
diagram on page 31.
Line of Sight
Line of sight is how we describe what models can see and
SHOOT ACTIONS therefore fire at. Line of sight is drawn from the centre
A unit taking a Shoot action uses the ranged weapons it point of each firing model to the target model. If there is
has at its disposal to fire on the enemy. This enables the anything in the way, like terrain pieces or other models,
unit to roll to hit with its damage dice against all enemy the line of sight may be obscured or blocked altogether.
models within a ‘Fire Zone’ centred on a designated target Whether intervening terrain or models obscure or block
model. a target is determined by Size:

Procedure * Any intervening terrain or models will block line of

All the models in the unit shoot as part of the same sight to the target model if their Size is equal to or
action, rolling their damage dice and comparing them greater than the target model.
to the target’s characteristics to see how many damage
dice equal or beat the score needed to deal hits or Kills. * Any intervening terrain or models precisely one Size
Armour and dodge saves (if any) are rolled to attempt to smaller than the target model may provide the target
mitigate these hits and Kills. Any unsaved hits or Kills with a cover bonus to its armour save (see page 37).
cause models within the Fire Zone to be removed from
play. * Any intervening terrain or models of more than one
Size smaller than the target model has no effect.
In order to fire, individual models must have their unit’s * You may also ignore any terrain that is within point
target model: blank range of the firing model when drawing line
of sight. This represents the ability of a model to
* Within their line of sight (unless they are using find windows or gaps in walls to fire through or the
Artillery fire). possibility of swinging quickly around a corner and
peeling off a shot before ducking back in.
* Within range of the weapons they are using.
* IMPORTANT: Line of sight always works both ways.
In general, models can fire one weapon per Shoot action, If your unit draws line of sight to an enemy unit, that
though some models can fire multiple weapons as enemy unit may draw line of sight to your unit.
described in their special rules.

Remember that, as a guideline, terrain is considered equal Range
in Size to its height in inches (rounding to the nearest A weapon’s Range represents its ability to put fire onto
inch). Models in the firing unit never block each other's a target model with accuracy. The weapons in Starship
line of sight but friendly models in other units will do Troopers actually have the ability to deal injuries in Fire
so. If a model is on top of a piece of terrain, add the Size Zones that technically stretch beyond their range (see
of the terrain to that of the model for calculating line of page 34 for more on Fire Zones).
* Measure the distance between each firing model and
the target model.

Line of Sight
and Range
Warrior Warrior
M8 Marauder
Warrior Trooper Trooper
C 2 5

Warrior Trooper Trooper

E 3 4

The MI squad chooses Warrior C as its target model and performs a Shoot action. The MI player measures range and line of sight for all models in the squad.
The M8 Marauder Sergeant has clear line of sight to Warrior C and may add his weapons’ damage dice to the unit’s firepower.
Trooper 1 has Size 2 terrain intervening between him and Warrior C. As the Warrior C is also Size 2, Trooper 1’s line of sight is blocked and he may not add his
Morita rifle’s damage dice to the unit’s firepower.
Trooper 2 has the Size 3 M8 Marauder Sergeant intervening between him and Warrior C but may ignore this as the Sergeant is in his squad. Trooper 2 may
therefore add his Morita rifle’s damage dice to the unit’s firepower.
Trooper 3 has the Size 4 wall intervening between him and Warrior C but may ignore this as the wall is within 1” (the trooper’s point blank range). Trooper 3
may therefore add his Morita rifle’s damage dice to the unit’s firepower.
Trooper 4 has the Size 4 wall intervening between him and Warrior C. Trooper 3 may not add his Morita rifle’s damage dice to the unit’s firepower.
As the cap troopers are using Morita rifles, which have a Range characteristic of 20”, Trooper 5 is out of range of Warrior C and may not add his Morita rifle’s
damage dice to the unit’s firepower.

* Check the range of each firing weapon compared
to this distance. Any models firing a weapon that
is out of range is unable to shoot at the target.
Shoot Action Summary
1. Nominate target model and declare unit weapons Determine Fire Zone
firing. Damage dice represent not only the potency of a given
weapon’s hits but also the number of shots successfully
2. Check distance from individual firing models to put into the area surrounding a target model, where
target model for range. the concentration of firepower might cause additional
harm. The number of models firing will tell you how
3. Check line of sight from individual firing models many damage dice are rolled. Thus the size of the
to target model. Fire Zone, even for a single model firing, depends on
the traits of the weapons used. A Fire Zone covers an
4. Determine Fire Zone around target model. area of the following size:

5. Roll damage dice for all weapons in range and line * Up to 6" from the target model for Auto weapons
of sight of target model. or direct fire Lethal Zone weapons.

6. Discard any dice that roll a natural 1 (and mark * Up to 3" from the target model in all other cases.
models on low ammo if this is a Shoot reaction).
In effect, the Fire Zone rule indicates the killing power
7. Compare remaining dice to the Kill characteristic of an entire squad when they focus their attacks on a
of models inside the Fire Zone. Each Kill result single target and the area around it.
makes one model in the Fire Zone take a dodge
save, starting with the models closest to the firing Sometimes, a unit will be firing weapons that create
unit. Models failing or incapable of this save are both 3” and 6” Fire Zones on the target model. In
removed. Multihit models lose two hits instead this case, resolve the smaller Fire Zone’s effects first,
of being removed. Remove Kill dice results once and then resolve the larger Fire Zone’s effects.
Additional Fire Zones
8. Compare remaining dice to the Target characteristic A unit can opt to split fire by setting up extra target
of models inside the Fire Zone. Each Target result models (and therefore Fire Zones) if it wishes. In
requires one model in the Fire Zone to make a effect, this is the act of spreading an attacking unit’s
save. Models failing this save are removed, starting fire wider to catch more targets or shooting in different
with the models closest to the firing unit. Multihit directions. The downside to this tactic is that the unit’s
models lose one hit instead of being removed. firepower is weakened by being spread wider. Two
Models that successfully make armour saves against damage dice must be discarded for each extra target
hits flinch away from the firing unit. Remove
Target dice results once used.
Fire Zones
Note that there are several options available to models
performing the Shoot action. Additional Fire Zones
may be created (see the adjacent column). Lethal Zone
weapons may be fired in either direct fire mode (see
page 39) or Artillery fire mode (see page 40). – Target Model
3” Fire Zone

6” Fire Zone

model selected and the remaining damage dice must be target model but outside of the Fire Zone cannot take hits
divided between the two or more target models and their or be killed. Kills and hits are allocated in the following
Fire Zones before any of them are rolled. manner:

Roll Damage Dice 1. Remove all damage dice that rolled a natural 1.
Each damage die can score a hit and potentially take
down an enemy. The details and effects for how damage 2. Beginning with models closest to the firing unit,
dice work is explained in the Characteristics chapter; in allocate Kills. Any model allocated a Kill may make a
summary, each one has the potential to harm or kill an dodge save (if the model has one). A successful dodge
enemy model if it meets or exceeds the model’s Target save allows the model to ignore the Kill result. Should
characteristic. a model be incapable of or fail the dodge save, it is
removed from the game, though multihit models take
Out of Ammo two hits rather than be removed. Remove all dice that
If this Shoot action is a reaction , there is a chance that the inflict Kill results as soon as they have been applied.
firing models will temporarily run out of ammunition, No model can be allocated a second Kill result until
jam their guns or otherwise find their firepower stalled. every model in the Fire Zone has been allocated one.
See page 14 for more details on running out of ammo. No model may be allocated a third Kill result until
all models have been allocated a second Kill result.
This pattern repeats as often as necessary until all Kill
Allocate Hits and Kills results have been distributed.
Hits and Kills can only be allocated to models within a
Fire Zone. Enemy models within the same unit as the

Warrior Warrior Allocating Hits M8 Marauder

B Sergeant Trooper
A and Kills 2

C Trooper
Warrior E

The units from the Line of Sight and Range diagram on page 33 are reproduced above. It has already been determined that only the M8 Marauder Sergeant,
Trooper 2 and Trooper 3 may fire at Warrior C. Every warrior bug model is caught in the Fire Zone surrounding Warrior C. The MI player rolls his weapons’
damage dice and gets the following dice results: 8, 6, 6, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, and 1.
First, all the 1s are discarded.
Second, an 8 is a Kill result against warrior bugs. As they have no dodge save, the closest model in the Fire Zone (Warrior B) to the firing unit is allocated
the Kill and removed as a casualty.
Third, the two 6s and the 5 are hit results against warrior bugs. The Arachnid player rolls three armour saves but only one succeeds. The next two
closest models in the Fire Zone (Warriors E and C) are removed as casualties. Of the remaining two warrior bug models, the closest (Warrior B) flinches
back 2”, as this bug successfully made its armour save.

3. Beginning with models closest to the firing unit,
allocate hits. Any model allocated a hit may make
an armour save or dodge save (should the model have Damage Bonus
both, it must pick one save). A successful save allows If a weapon has a damage bonus termed as a die
the model to ignore the hit. Should a model fail to roll (for example, D10+D6), roll a different-
successfully save, it is removed from the game, though coloured die for it so that its effects can be
multihit models take a hit rather than be removed. worked out separately. Remember this is the
Remove all dice that inflict hit results as soon as they only time you might add dice together before
have been applied or saved. No model can be allocated comparing them to a victim’s Target and Kill
a second hit until every model in the Fire Zone has characteristics.
been allocated one. No model may be allocated a
third hit until all models have been allocated a second
hit. This pattern repeats as often as necessary until all
hits have been distributed. Flinching
In the Starship Troopers universe, giant bugs clash on a
4. Models that successfully make armour saves against sometimes daily basis with Mobile Infantry cap troopers
hits flinch away from the firing unit (see below). clad in power suits and toting high-tech weapon systems.
Models that successfully made dodge saves against It is a violent and brutal battlefield these titanic forces
hits may or may not flinch. wage their battles upon. Because heavy armour is
commonplace and powerful attacks are being constantly
Note that the hits and kills allocation rules mean that the thrown against it, these rules use the concept of ‘flinching’
actual target model will not get hit until all models closer to represent combatants being driven back by damage.
to the firing unit have either been removed or at least been Flinching is represented by the following guidelines.
allocated hits. It is important for the attacking player to
bear this in mind when choosing a target model. Flinching and Armour Saves
Models which make a successful armour save must ‘flinch’
back a short distance, either due to the physical impact or
the sudden remembrance of mortality. Any model that
flinches must move 2” away from the source of damage,
as directly as possible. This does not necessarily represent
Damage Dice Allocation running from the enemy; it can simply be the incredible
Fire Zones are dangerous places to be in. The nature force of a powerful blow staggering the target model
of the weaponry being used means anyone in the area backwards. Two notable exceptions apply when it comes
can become a casualty. This is the risk that troops to models flinching:
run when they unload a massive amount of heavy
firepower into a prescribed area. If models from * A model within or touching any kind of cover does
multiple units (friendly or otherwise) are within a not have to flinch but may if it chooses. Those merely
Fire Zone, these Allocation rules must be used: obscured by cover must still flinch as normal.

1. Starting with the model closest to the firing * A model that makes a successful dodge save does not
unit, allocate a single damage die to every model have to flinch, as it adroitly steps aside and avoids the
within the Fire Zone. attack rather than suffer any kind of impact or adverse
effect, but may flinch if it so chooses.
2. Allocate all remaining damage dice onto any one
unit that has a model within the Fire Zone. Some models, most notably multihit models, never
flinch. Note that flinching, regardless of reason, is one of
3. Resolve the damage for each unit separately, the few game instances that can force a model to leave the
using the normal process. command radius of its unit leader.


Cover can be described as any obscuring terrain (or obscuring models other than those in the firing unit) that
intersects a firing unit’s line of sight to a target. Models in or behind any area of terrain that obscures line of sight
add +1 to the die roll for any armour saves they have to make. Cover applies only if all of the firing models have
their line of sight to the target model intersected by cover. Just one model with an angle around cover can negate a
target’s cover bonus.

The armour save bonus is increased to +2 for units either inside or behind and touching ‘hard’ cover (that is,
something resistant to attack such as rocks, gullies, ruins, most buildings, walls and vehicles but not woods or
jungles). Proper fortifications such as trenches, gun towers and bunkers give their occupants an armour save bonus
of +3 (occasionally this bonus can rise even higher).

Note that the armour save bonus that cover grants applies even to models that do not normally have an armour save.
Hence a neodog model in fortified cover benefits from a 4+ armour save. This could prove exceptionally useful if it
is struck by a Flame weapon, which would negate its dodge save.


Warrior MI Squad


The MI Squad is caught in the midst of three warrior bug units. The MI player is considering shooting at one of these units and weighs his options:
Warrior Unit A is within a Size 2 boulder field. As warrior bugs are Size 2 , the boulder field counts as blocking cover. The MI Squad cannot see Warrior
Unit A and therefore cannot shoot them with their Morita rifles.
Warrior Unit B is behind a Size 1 wall. As warrior bugs are Size 2 , the wall counts as cover. The MI Squad can shoot them with their Morita rifles but
each warrior bug gains a bonus to its armour save (+2 for the top two bugs that are touching the wall and +1 for the other three).
Warrior Unit C appears to be in the same situation as Warrior Unit B. However, since the topmost trooper model has an unimpeded line of sight to the
topmost warrior bug model, the wall’s cover is cancelled for the entirety of Warrior Unit C (if this topmost warrior is designated the target model).

For example, an MI Power Suit Trooper (Size
1), an Arachnid warrior bug (Size 2) and
Flinching an M8 ‘Ape’ Marauder (Size 3) are within
point blank range of one another at the end
of an action. As the smallest model, the Power
Suit Trooper flicnhes away from the warrior
first. The warrior then flinches away from the

Falling From a Great Height

Plunging from a sufficient elevation can
be just as effective a way of dying as any
in the Starship Troopers miniatures game.
Any flinches that push models off high
Flinching when ending an action structures, cliffs or other promontories are
Flinching 2” following a within point blank range of larger treated as shown on the Falling table.
successful armour save. Size model .
Models with special movement traits of
A model will only ever flinch due to a failed armour save Climb, Jump or Hover reduce the distance
once during an action or reaction, no matter how many fallen by 3”, whether readied or not – their special
armour saves it is called to make. movement mode allows them to mitigate some or all of
the damage.
If a model flinches it must move directly away from its
Falling Table
attacker. If the flinch move takes it through other models
it cannot engage or affect them; it just moves back the Up to 3” fall Roll 1xD6 damage die against the
remaining flinch distance and ignores their existence. model.
Any model at the end of this flinch distance is moved Up to 6” fall Roll 1xD10 damage die against the
aside to make room if necessary. Enemy models get a model.
free strike using one of their Close Combat damage dice 7”+ fall Roll 1xD10 for every 6” fallen. Add
against models flinching into their point blank range – the model’s Size as a damage bonus.
but this attack will not cause further flinch results.
Flinching Into Impassable Terrain or
Lethal Zones and Flinching Off the Table
Models that flinch due to a successful save against a Lethal Being forced into a corner or out of a field of engagement
Zone effect will move directly away from the centre of is another way to lose models. Any flinches that push
the effect. In other words, a model that successfully models into impassable terrain or off the table edge result
saves against a Lethal Zone effect will move away from in the flinching model making an armour save.
the centre of the Lethal Zone rather than away from the
firing unit. The exceptions to this rule are Stream Lethal * If the armour save is successful, the model is pushed as
Zones, where the model may flinch away from either the far as possible toward the impassable terrain or table
centre of the Lethal Zone or the firing unit. edge but remains in play.

Flinching and Point Blank Range * If the armour save is unsuccessful, the model is
Flinching also occurs at the end of any action that leaves removed (regardless of the number of hits it has).
any model within the point blank range of a larger Size
enemy model. These flinches may move a model further
than 2”, as the smaller model is moved to the edge of
the larger model’s point blank range. These flinches occur
in Size order, from smallest Size model to largest Size

Lethal Zone Weapons – Direct Fire
Weapons with the LZ trait have a ‘Lethal Zone’. This
means the bearer has a choice of firing modes – direct Direct Fire
or Artillery (see page 40 for details of Artillery fire).
The importance of this trait and the two possible fire
modes form a key part of the combat system for Starship
Direct Fire
When using direct fire mode, the LZ weapon’s firepower
is added to the firepower already pouring into a Fire
Zone, adding a healthy boost to the number of damage
dice rolled.
Lethal Zone weapons multiply the number of damage
dice they roll by their Lethal Zone size (found in brackets For example, an MI cap trooper firing a Firecracker missile from a
next to the Damage characteristic) when firing directly. Javelin launcher (3xD6 damage and a 2” Lethal Zone) would roll
Direct attacks with Lethal Zone weapons do not scatter
and always strike where the firing model wishes them to, 6xD6 when using direct fire mode.
assuming that point is within its listed range. They do not
generate their Lethal Zone when firing directly, however;
they only affect the Fire Zone created in the same manner
as a normal weapon.The damage bonus for Lethal Zone Direct Fire (cont.)
weapons fired directly applies to every damage die rolled
as normal.

Designer’s Notes
Direct and Artillery Fire: It is usually a good idea to
use a mix of Artillery and direct fire on your chosen
target. One effective tactic is to employ direct fire
to ‘herd’ enemies into a killing field for Artillery fire
An M8 Marauder firing its Trip Hammer Mortar (D6+2 damage
Lethal Zones, something best achieved from flanking and a 2” Lethal Zone) would roll 2xD6+2 when using direct fire
positions. mode.
Flinching: Flinching will tend to disperse and drive
back enemies. Once this effect is combined with
command ranges it fulfils the mainstay of morale rules
in Starship Troopers, although racially specific rules may
also apply. Generally, it is assumed there is no lack of
individual bravery on the part of the combatants, so
they will always try to hold their ground… however,
this bravery cannot prevent them from being driven
back physically by blistering firepower or sheer weight
of numbers.

Lethal Zone Weapons – Artillery Fire
A model that decides to use its Lethal Zone weapon in 1. Mark a target point with a die, coin or something
Artillery mode is not joining in with the rest of its unit’s similar. This target point must be between half the
Fire Zone; instead it is electing to make one of its own. weapon’s Range characteristic and the weapon’s full
Artillery shots could be made with a missile, a mortar Range characteristic.
bomb or a thrown grenade, for example; the form does
not matter. The important trait of Artillery fire is that For example, an LZ weapon with a 20” range using Artillery
it explodes and it has to land somewhere! As such, the fire mode may place the target impact point anywhere between
model may designate its own target impact point (though 10” and 20” away from the firing model.
the final Lethal Zone may well deviate from this point).
Nevertheless, the model uses the same action as the 2. Declare whether you are shooting ‘long’ or ‘short’ and
rest of the unit to fire its weapon. Artillery fire may be whether you want to count ‘odds’ or ‘evens’ in your
determined either before or after direct fire in an action, favour.
at the firing player’s discretion.
3. Roll two six-sided dice. The natural 1 rule is not
Artillery shots are attacks where the firer is trying to use applied to this dice roll.
their own weapon individually to do the most harm
instead of joining the general unit firing at a target area. A double in your favour means the shot lands directly on
* Artillery fire can only be used by weaponry with the
LZ trait. For example, if you declare ‘long evens’ and roll a double 4,
this result is in your favour and is a direct hit.
* The model must spend the previous action
performing a Ready action before firing in Artillery A double against you moves the target point that many
mode, even if the weapon does not normally inches the opposite way to where you wanted it.
require readying. This represents the firing model
calculating trajectories and preparing the weapon For example, if you declare ‘long evens’ and roll a double 1,
for firing. this result is not your favour and is the hit is 2” short.

* Artillery fire does not need line of sight (unless the If no doubles are rolled, it means the target point has
weapon also has the LOS trait). shifted the distance indicated on the dice towards or away
from the firing model in inches. If you declared odds in
* The target point must be between the weapon’s your favour, odd numbers on either die alter the range in
maximum range and half that range. This means your desired direction, while even numbers move it in the
that Artillery fire can only target points in the latter opposite direction. If you declared evens in your favour,
half of a weapon’s range (though the scatter rules even numbers on either die alter the range in your desired
below may move this target point backwards or direction, while odd numbers move it in the opposite
forwards as normal). direction.

* Firing at targets that are not in line of sight means For example, if you declare ‘long evens’ and roll a 4 and a 1,
the ammunition must be launched upwards to the hit moves 3” long (4” long minus 1” short = 3” long).
some degree to get the right trajectory onto the
target. Therefore, Artillery fire at targets not in line Once a final impact point is determined, measure out
of sight may not be used in circumstances where the Lethal Zone from the final impact point using the
the ceiling height overhead is less than the range to template provided. A weapon’s Lethal Zone size (the
the target point. zone’s radius in inches) is found in brackets next to its
Damage characteristic. The weapon’s damage dice are
Artillery Fire Overview rolled separately against the Target and Kill characteristic
Lethal Zone weapons fired in Artillery mode scatter a of every model, friend or foe, whose centre point falls
short distance and then roll for damage against every within the Lethal Zone. The damage bonus for Lethal
model within range of their impact point. Artillery fire is Zone weapons fired in Artillery mode applies to every
assumed to be either short or long of its target with very damage die rolled as normal.
few exceptions. Landing the weapon at the right distance
is considerably harder than simply pointing it in the right
direction. The firing procedure for Artillery shots is as


Artillery Fire A Artillery Fire B

The MI cap trooper fires an M-291 Frag grenade from his
underslung grenade launcher. He designates his target
point and declares ‘long evens’.

A double 1 is a miss. The

A double 4 is a direct hit. target point is 2” short.

Artillery Fire C Artillery Fire D

A 2 and a 4 is a
A 3 and a 1 is a miss. The miss. The target
target point is 4” short. point is 6” long.

A unit making a Charge action is moving into close
quarters to enter melee combat with an enemy. In a
Artillery Fire Summary Charge action, the unit is allowed to move, then the
1. Nominate target point and declare weapon charging models roll their Close Combat dice against any
firing. enemy models within their point blank range. In Starship
Troopers there is no state of ‘ongoing melee’ after a charge
2. Check distance from the individual firing model – the unit moves up and attacks and its action ends there.
to target point for range. If you want a unit to keep attacking in close combat, keep
taking Charge actions with it each turn.
3. Declare long/short and even/odds.
4. Roll two six-sided dice and calculate deviation of
Move the unit into point blank range with one or more
target point.
enemy units using the rules for Move actions. Roll Close
Combat dice for all of the models that successfully reach
5. Determine Lethal Zone around final target point.
point blank range. A model can divide its total Close
Follow steps 6, 7, 8 and 9 for each individual
Combat dice between any enemy models within point
model within Lethal Zone.
blank range prior to rolling. Damage results are the same
as for normal Shoot actions but in this case saves are made
6. Roll weapon’s damage dice.
by individual models rather than as a unit.
7. Discard any dice that roll a natural 1.
8. Compare remaining dice to the Kill characteristic The charging models have the following restrictions:
of the model. Each Kill result requires a dodge
save. If the model fails or is incapable of this * They must end their movement within 6" of their
save, it is removed. Multihit models lose two designated unit leader.
hits instead of being removed. Remove Kill dice
results once used. * They may not move through impassable terrain unless
it is of smaller Size (see page 30).
9. Compare remaining dice to the Target
characteristic of the model. Each Target result * Difficult terrain will slow their intended progress as
requires an armour or dodge save. If the model noted in the Move action.
fails this save, it is removed. Multihit models
lose one hit instead of being removed. Models * They must move within point blank range of at least
that successfully made armour saves against hits one enemy model if possible.
flinch away from the centre of the Lethal Zone.
Remove Target dice results once used. Cover in Close Combat
Cover in close combat can be described as any obscuring
Artillery fire must be preceded by a Ready action. terrain between an attacking model and an attacked
model. The bonus to armour saves that the intervening
Note that LZ (Stream) and Remote weapons skip Steps terrain gives the attacked model is equal to those given on
2 to 4, instead placing their Lethal Zones directly (see page 37 (+1 for normal cover, +2 for touching cover or
the Characteristics chapter for details). hard cover, +3 or more for fortified cover).

1”, 2” and 3” Lethal Zone templates and Stream Flinch results caused by close combat damage cannot be
templates are contained within the Starship Troopers ignored by models in or touching cover the way normal
miniatures game box. flinches from range are normally discounted.

Charging and Alert Status
The Alert Status rules make it very hard to complete a
Charge action. Each time the attacking unit completes
Charge Action Summary an action within 10” of enemy models it can be shot
1. Nominate unit leader. at, so the consequences tend to be disastrous when a
successful Charge action does occur – a player can expect
2. Measure movement range for models. Reduce to see charged units torn apart with no immediate effect
movement by half if pushing through difficult against their charging opponents. To get return blows
terrain. the defenders must usually be willing to come back with
a Charge action in their own turn. See page 12 for full
3. Move models, starting with the unit leader model. details of Alert Status.
Move as many models as possible within point
blank range of enemy models. Flinching in Close Combat
Successful armour saves can cause flinching as normal
4. Allocate each charging model’s Close Combat in close combat. Flinching also occurs at the end of any
damage dice against enemy models within its action that leaves any model within the point blank range
point blank range. Follow Steps 5, 6, 7 and 8 for of a larger Size enemy model. These flinches may move a
each individual model. model further than 2”, as the smaller model is moved to
the edge of the larger model’s point blank range.
5. Roll Close Combat damage dice.
Ongoing Combats
6. Discard any dice that roll a natural 1. Units are not ‘locked’ in combat in any way in Starship
Troopers as the normal action and Alert Status systems are
7. Compare remaining dice to the Kill characteristic designed to recreate the fluidity and deadliness of a close
of the attacked model. Each Kill result requires quarters battle. If a unit wants to continue a combat, it
a dodge save. If the attacked model fails or is merely keeps taking Charge actions until it achieves its
incapable of this save, it is removed. Multihit goals, is defeated or chooses to disengage on its turn by
models lose two hits instead of being removed. moving elsewhere.
Remove Kill dice results once used.
In game play for Starship Troopers, once both sides are
8. Compare remaining dice to the Target characteristic within 10”, combat becomes very deadly. The Alert Status
of the attacked model. Each Target result requires rules mean that each time a unit completes an action, all
an armour or dodge save. If the attacked model the surviving enemy models within 10” will take an Alert
fails this save, it is removed. Multihit models lose Status reaction. In practise, the two sides will be quickly
one hit instead of being removed. Models that driven apart or annihilated by the interchange of actions
successfully made armour saves flinch away from and reactions. For more on Alert Status, see page 12.
attacking model. Remove Target dice results once

9. Once all damage dice for the charging unit have

been resolved, each model within point blank
range must flinch away from larger opponents.


Warrior Warrior
A B Warrior
B Trooper Trooper
Warrior 1 2
C Lt
Warrior Warrior
Trooper Trooper
3 4

The Warrior Bug unit chooses to Charge the MI squad.

Warrior A charges but cannot move within point blank range of an enemy model.
Warrior B charges and moves within point blank range of Trooper 1.
When Warrior C charges, it moves over Trooper 1. As warriors are Size 2 and therefore larger than the Size 1 cap troopers, this is allowed. Warrior C ends up within point
blank range of Trooper 1, the Lieutenant and Trooper 2.
Warrior D charges and moves within point blank range of Trooper 3.
Warrior E charges but cannot move within point blank range of an enemy model, as its movement is halved by the Size 3 forest (difficult terrain).

Warrior B rolls its Close Combat dice against Trooper 1 and gets 5 and 1. The 1 is discarded. The 5 is a hit result and Trooper 1 attempts an armour save to ignore it. The
save fails and Trooper 1 is removed as a casualty.

Warrior C chooses to roll one Close Combat die against the Lieutenant (getting a 7) and one against Trooper 2 (getting a 2). The 7 is a Kill result and the Lieutenant
attempts a dodge save to ignore it. Remarkably, the save succeeds and the Lieutenant is not removed. The 2 is simply a miss.

Warrior D rolls its Close Combat dice against Trooper 3 and gets 6 and 5. These are both hit results and Trooper 3 attempts two armour saves to ignore them. Both
saves succeed and Trooper 3 is not removed. He does flinch 2” away from Warrior D, however, as he successfully made an armour save.

At the end of the Charge action, the MI models within point blank range of the Arachnid models flinch away (as the warrior bugs are larger than the M-1A4 troopers).

With the Warrior Bug unit’s Charge action complete, all troopers in the MI squad may react if they wish.

READY ACTIONS point. When the unit takes its second action, the player must
A unit taking a Ready action is preparing either themselves decide whether to have the entire unit:
or an item of equipment for special use. Some heavy
or complicated weapon systems, for example, require a * Jump 12” (a special movement mode).
Ready action before they can be fired. Certain scenario
types may require Ready actions to complete their * Shoot. Each model can choose whether to shoot their
objectives. In effect, the Ready action is the ‘get ready to rifles or underslung grenade launchers. Models firing
do something’ action. their rifles can re-roll their damage dice – those firing
grenade launchers may not.
A unit performing a Ready action may neither move nor The MI unit cannot jump 12” and fire underslung grenade
shoot. It stands stationary, performing the Ready action launchers (as this would mean the previous Ready action was
until taking a different action completes it. powering two dependent effects, jumping and firing weapons
with the Ready trait). It can jump 12” and fire rifles as the
Morita does not have the Ready trait, though they cannot re-
Restrictions roll damage dice in this case.
The readying models have the following restrictions:

* They can do nothing else. Benefits of Readying

Weapons with the Ready trait can only be used in an
* A Ready action stays in effect until the unit takes action following a Ready action. A Shoot action taken
another action; if necessary, leave a marker in place after a Ready action gains a damage dice re-roll for Squad
to show that unit has just taken a Ready action. As type weapons (as long as they lack the Ready trait). Also,
soon as another action is taken, the previous Ready special movement modes can be used after taking a Ready
action is used up as part of it. Units may not remain action. This is the mechanic that allows, among other
Ready when they take another action (unless they things, hopper bugs to fly and Marauder suits to jump.
take another Ready action, which would typically be
a waste of time). Maintaining Ready Status
A unit can remain ready throughout an opposing player’s
* You do not have to state what the Ready action is for turn until its first action in its controlling player’s turn.
when the unit makes it. The purpose of the Ready Units whose models make a reaction on Alert Status gain
action will only become evident in the following all the usual benefits but end their whole unit’s Ready
action. action doing so – it is usually more advantageous to
ignore taking reactions if possible until the opportunity to
* A Ready action can only prepare one dependent complete a readied action with the entire squad occurs.

For example, an MI trooper unit takes a Ready action as its

first action of a turn. The player does not have to declare
what the unit is going to use the Ready action for at this

Warrior (Uropygi) Worker (Lasius Noir)
CDR*: 3 CDR*: 2
Weight: 550 kg Weight: 500 kg
IQ: 30 IQ: 18
Very aggressive. High agility in any combat Non-aggressive. Capable of lifting ten times
environment. Exoskeleton can withstand its own body weight. Ingests rock sediment
temperatures in excess of 500°c. Low and regurgitates cement-like substance for
intelligence, lethal in close combat. engineering purposes.
Weapons: Cutting/chewing mandibles. Jaws Load Speed: Cross-country – 35 kh/hr, 60%
exert in excess of 4,000 foot-pounds/kg. slope – 8 km/hr
Ground Speed: Cross-country – 64 km/hr. Weapons: Claws and mandibles dangerous at
Acceleration (0–50 km) – 7.2 seconds close range.

Hopper (Opiliones) Plasma (Solifugae)

CDR*: 4 CDR*: 5
Weight: 485 kg Weight: 7 metric tons
IQ: 30 IQ: 18
Very aggressive. Jumping and Aggressive. Generates accelerated
short-range flight capable. burst of high-energy plasma.
Weapons: See warrior The plasma bug is chemically
specifications. stable until moment of plasma
Ground Speed: See warrior expulsion. Can be fired
specifications. ballistically or aimed with
Jump Range: 50 m precision into high planetary
Glide Ratio: 1–3 orbit.
Air Speed: Up to 341 kh/hr Weapons: High-energy
Ground Speed: Less than
2 km/hr

Tanker (Amblypygi)
CDR*: 5
Weight: 3.5 metric tons
IQ: 35
Very aggressive. One metric tone bio-corrosive reservoir. Effective range of bio-
corrosive is unknown but thought to be under 50 metres.
Weapons: Sprays highly bio-corrosive fluid. Cutting/chewing mandibles.
Speed: Cross-country – 35 km/hr

Chariot (Schizopeltida)
CDR*: 1
Weight: 220 kg
IQ: 12
Brain (Cerebus Rex) Non-aggressive. In large
CDR*: Unknown numbers will stampede.
Weight: Unknown Weapons: Cutting/
IQ: Unknown chewing mandibles.
May be a very large Arachnid, one metric ton Ground Speed: Cross-
or more in weight. May be aggressive when country – 35 km/hr.
confronted. Believed to be capable of reason.
May have intuitive and psycho-kinetic
Weapons: Evidence of piercing mandibles
or palpus.
Ground Speed: Unknown
*CDR = Combat Danger Rating
Example of Play

This scenario pits two MI squads, each comprising five power
suited cap troopers, against three units of Arachnids, each
comprising five warrior bugs. MI Player Turn 1
Fujita’s squad 1st action: Ready.
Fujita’s squad 2nd action: Move – special movement mode
BATTLE REPORT (Jump/12”). In a special movement a unit can attack
Contact has been lost with Outpost 9. Officially, this is with a Shoot or Charge action. Fujita’s squad target
a rescue operation but everyone knows it’s the bugs at Arachnid warrior unit Charlie with a Shoot attack using
work and that means no survivors. That also means the their Morita rifles. Five MI power suit troopers are in
bugs were dug in deeper on Praxis than SICON thought the squad and each one rolls two damage dice (D6), for
– Fleet hadn’t succeeded in nuking their deepest nests. a total of ten dice. These are rolled against the warrior
Target characteristic of 5+, scoring 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4 , 4, 5, 6
Two squads of Mobile Infantry, one led by Sergeant and 6 – three hits in all. The warrior bugs’ natural armour
Fujita and the other by Corporal Bryant, are the only gives them a save of 4 or more on a D6 against hits, so the
troopers available on short call. They advance towards the Arachnid player rolls three saving throws. These come
outpost warily, each squad covering the other and moving up as 2, 3 and 5 – two fails (which remove Arachnid
by bounds. There are enough pressure ridges and rocky warriors) and one success. This one success still has an
outcrops in this region of Praxis for an entire army of effect on Charlie unit, as it forces one warrior to flinch 2”
Arachnid warriors to be hidden just out of sight. away from Fujita’s unit.

The enemy is here. In the modern military age orbital spy Bryant’s squad 1st action: Move.
satellites channel real-time feeds to the troopers’ inbuilt Bryant’s squad 2nd action: Ready. This squad is moved
comms displays, but Scipio or Rommel could have told and placed ready to meet any direct rush by the Arachnids
you just as fast from a flicker of movement reported here, with reaction fire.
a rock fall heard there. Three groups of foes, which the
MI swiftly dub Alpha, Bravo and Charlie units, are out
there, surrounding the MI and trying to get in closer.

Instead of waiting to be trapped, Sergeant Fujita acts first.

He and his squad fire up the jump jets on their power
suits and make a long leap towards the enemy contact
dubbed Charlie unit, landing in sight of them. Warrior
bugs sure enough – huge ugly beasts that look like they’re
made of knives. The sergeant’s squad light them up
with their Morita rifles, bringing down two and forcing
another back by sheer weight of fire. Corporal Bryant’s
squad moves up more cautiously on foot, ready for any
sudden advance by the other two contacts.

It’s easy to think that bugs are stupid, just big dumb Arachnid Player Turn 1
insects acting on instinct. But Arachnids can travel Charlie warrior unit’s 1st action: Move. This brings them
through space, build colonies on other worlds and wipe within Alert Status range (10”) of two of Fujita’s troopers.
out any opposition they encounter. In other words, bugs These two choose to make the default reaction of Shoot,
are dangerously smart. The bugs attacked by the sergeant’s rolling a total of four D6. This results in a 1, 3, 5 and 6
squad charge straight at them, hissing and snapping. As – two Arachnids are hit. One fails its armour save and is
Charlie unit thunders towards them, the sergeant and removed, the other makes the armour save and is driven
his men open fire once more. Their discipline is less back. One MI model is out of ammo because of the 1
noticeable now – the firing becomes ragged when Private rolled – he is selected by the MI player and may not make
Jaka runs low on ammo and cannot reload quickly enough further Shoot reactions this turn.
– but a warrior bug falls and the rest of Charlie unit are Charlie warrior unit’s 2nd action: Move. Unfortunately
temporarily held back by a hail of lead. The snapping for the Arachnid player, he cannot quite get to point
beaks of the warriors are held at bay only a few metres blank range of the troopers – otherwise this would be a
from the MI – one slip and the warriors will be among Charge action! However, every warrior model ends up
them, slashing and tearing. within Alert Status range (10”) of Fujita’s squad, though
only four models can fire (as one is out of ammo). Eight
Meanwhile Bryant’s squad is being menaced by Alpha damage dice come up 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5 and 5 – two more
and Bravo warrior units. These two units scuttle in more hits. The Arachnid player makes both armour saves by
warily, keeping behind rocky ridges to stay out of the rolling a 5 and a 6. The remaining two warrior bugs of
watchful gaze of Bryant’s men. Closer… closer… with Charlie unit are pushed back 2”.
iron discipline the MI hold their fire and quietly dare the
Arachnids to come closer still.

Example of Play
Alpha warrior unit’s 1st action: Move. Fujita’s squad 1st action: Shoot. Even though there are
Alpha warrior unit’s 2nd action: Move. This second move two unharmed warrior units approaching, the MI player
puts the unit within Alert Status range (10”) of Bryant’s is still concerned about the lone Charlie warrior, which is
squad – the MI player chooses not to react (Bryant’s men far too close to Fujita’s squad for his liking. All five MI
are ‘laying low’). fire at the bug but unfortunately not one damage die is a
hit. The Charlie warrior’s reaction is to Charge, though
Beta warrior unit’s 1st action: Move. he cannot get into point blank range.
Beta warrior unit’s 2nd action: Move. This second move Fujita’s squad 2nd action: Shoot. The MI player decides
puts the unit within Alert Status range (10”) of Bryant’s enough is enough and pours another action’s worth of
squad – the MI player again chooses not to react (Bryant’s firepower into the Charlie warrior – but disaster strikes!
men are still holding their fire). Not one hit is achieved and, finally, the lone warrior gets
to do what it does best and Charges into point blank
range of the MI squad as its reaction. Warriors have a
BATTLE REPORT choice of close combat damage dice – either 2xD6+1 or
At the last moment Bryant’s squad uses its jump jets to a D10. The Arachnid player opts to roll 2xD6+1 in order
power clear, relocating to support Fujita’s men and cutting to try and create maximum casualties. As Sergeant Fujita
down a threatening Charlie warrior with a blaze of fire. is in range, one attack is made on him and another on a
They ready themselves again, poised to react to the next standard trooper. The result against Sergeant Fujita is a 3,
Arachnid tactic. which with the Arachnids’ damage bonus of +1 increases
to a 4. This is a hit, which requires Fujita to make a
Fujita’s squad decide to concentrate their firepower on saving throw to survive. As a warrior bug’s close combat
the remaining Charlie warrior, leaving Bryant’s men to attacks are Piercing/1, the sergeant’s normal armour save
guard their flank. The remaining bug is nimbler than of 4+ is reduced to 5+ – which he makes (he rolls a 6).
expected, however, and evades the squad’s firepower as it He still flinches 2” away from the warrior, though. The
closes in. Fujita calmly orders his men to finish it off but result against the trooper is a 6, which with the Arachnids’
the alien creature powers into the squad and with spider- damage bonus of +1 increases to a 7. This is a Kill result
like quickness lashes out at Sergeant Fujita and Private against a power suited MI. As the unfortunate trooper
Jaka. The private is rent asunder in a sickening display of does not have a dodge save, he is removed without even
violence; the sergeant is hurled clear and saved only by his getting a saving throw! All MI models remaining within
power suit armour. Troopers scatter away from the blood- point blank range of the warrior flinch away from it now,
slicked monster even as its fellow Arachnids approach because it is a larger Size than they are. The warrior’s
from the other direction… reaction is complete.

IN-GAME MECHANICS By the end of the MI player’s second turn, the troopers
are a man down but they have reduced the Arachnids’
MI Player Turn 2 strength to 11 models. Can they kill the lone Charlie
Bryant’s squad 1st action: Move – special movement
warrior and defeat the next wave of attackers? Using
mode (Jump/12”). By having not reacted on Alert Status,
the Starship Troopers miniatures game rules, you can
Bryant’s squad have ‘kept’ their Ready action from last
determine the outcome for yourself!
turn, so their first action can be a special move. In a
special movement a unit can attack with a Shoot or
Charge action. Bryant’s squad target Arachnid warrior
unit Charlie with a Shoot attack using their Morita rifles.
One more Charlie warrior is killed in the attack and the
remaining warrior is forced back 2”. As it happens, this
means the surviving Charlie warrior is no longer within
10” of any of Bryant’s squad and therefore cannot make
an Alert Status reaction.
Bryant’s squad 2nd action: Ready.

You’ve now read all the rules you need to begin playing games
of Starship Troopers. The rest of this book describes different
types of engagement and scenarios, as well as the various
fighting forces at play in the galaxy – the Mobile Infantry of
the Federation, the Arachnids and the alien Skinny Raiders.
Each of the following sections adds additional options and
interest to the game but you might to like play a few games to
get used to the rules first.

Massacre at Paris Sector

Roscoe’s Raiders, outflanked and out
maneouvred by an underestimated Arachnid
swarm, are caught in a hellish last stand. Bereft
of reinforcements, the M.I. were forced to
abandon Paris Sector on Praxis after suffering
colossal losses.
ENGAGEMENTS * 500 to 1,000 points for small, skirmish games. These
small Force Values are often used early in Starship
Shoot a nuke down a bug hole, you
Troopers gaming to come to grips with the rules and
gotta lot of dead bugs!
– MI Trooper Motto systems.

* 1,500 points for a larger skirmish game with more

units available.
This chapter deals with creating battles for the
Starship Troopers miniatures game. An engagement is the * 2,000 points is the default Force Value – this produces
default type of battle in this wargame and consists of a large game with a variety of different units in play.
two forces on the battlefield, each with a mission. This Most players aim for a Force Value of this size when
mission is what gives a player his goals for an engagement constructing their forces.
and will therefore be of key importance to his strategy.
Both players will need to know the following information * More than 2,000 points makes for a highly involved
in order to generate an engagement: and varied engagement, usually involving multiple
platoons or huge, ravening bug armies.
* The agreed Force Value, which represents how large a
force you are using. Both you and your opponent will Priority Level
have the same Force Value in points to spend on your When you are selecting a force you will need to choose a
army. Priority Level (PL) for it as well. The priority of force you
choose will affect what options are available to you when
* What Priority Level (PL) your force is, with 1 being picking your force and will have a big effect on the kind
the lowest and 3 being the highest. of engagements your force will expect to see. The higher
the Priority Level of a force, the more likely it is that it
* What particular tactics you wish to use (Attacking will be seeking to act as the aggressor – that is why it has
tactics, Defending tactics or Probing tactics). access to all those extra resources. PLs are characterised
Force Value, Priority Levels and Tactics are explained
below and you will need to decide these when you choose * Priority Level One (PL1): Enemy known to be active
your forces before the battle begins. in area, combat ready.

Force Value * Priority Level Two (PL2): Moving to attack positions,

Force Value is used to ensure that both sides have an contact imminent.
equivalent strength in the battle. All units in the Starship
Troopers miniatures game are allotted a value to assist in * Priority Level Three (PL3): Enemy in contact,
constructing forces. It is customary for players to agree to combat operations underway.
a pre-arranged total points value for each force (referred
to as the Force Value). The totalled Value characteristics Lower PL forces are assumed to have been operating in
of all units in your army, including any optional benefits, an area for longer, while high PL forces will be changing
cannot exceed this Force Value. Common Force Values battlefields frequently. The ‘home ground’ advantages
are: of greater familiarity with the terrain being fought over
always lie with the lower PL force.

Tactical choices are covered in more detail in the
Deployment Areas section. For now, you must simply Scenarios
decide whether your force is Attacking, Defending or The 3X3 system generates generic engagements
Probing. Your tactics are part of your battle plan and you rather than scenarios. A scenario is a pre-
decide on them before you deploy, giving you a chance selected engagement that details the forces,
to look at the battlefield and the mission at hand before deployment areas and victory conditions for
committing to a course of action. both sides without using the 3X3 Mission
Generation Matrix. These are in effect ‘historical’
engagements with a known outcome that you are
3X3 MISSION GENERATOR recreating. Depending on your perspective, you
Once you have determined your Force Value, Priority are battling to either repeat or change history.
Level and Tactics, you are ready to create your mission
using the 3X3 Mission Generation Matrix. The Matrix
works by factoring in players’ desired strategies and forces
to create a battlefield engagement. Look up your Priority Delay
Level along the bottom and match it with your opponent’s It is short straw time for you and your command. You
down the side to find your mission. Each mission has an have been issued orders to delay the enemy at any cost.
entry describing exactly what the victory conditions are Your casualties are irrelevant; engage their attention and
for your force in the upcoming battle. inflict casualties wherever and whenever you can but do
not let them overrun your own positions in the process.
3X3 Mission Generation Matrix
A Delaying Force Scores Mission
3 Last Stand Delay Annihilate Points for:
Opponent’s PL

2 Delay Hold Overrun Kills: Full value of every enemy unit reduced below half
strength. Twice the full value of every enemy unit wiped
1 Hold Overrun Annihilate out.
1 2 3 Bonus: Game ends and you have units still alive; add
Your PL +25% to your mission points total.
Penalty: Deduct the full value of every enemy unit that
is within your deployment area at the end of the game
MISSIONS regardless of its remaining strength in models.

Your orders are for you to rack up the body count. You
We’re in this for the species,
have been commanded to eradicate everything you can. boys and girls. It’s simple
Anything you cannot kill, at least soften up so someone numbers. They have more.
else can come along behind you and finish the job. And every day I have to make
decisions that send hundreds
An Annihilating Force Scores of people like you to their
Mission Points for: deaths.
Kills: Twice the full value of every enemy unit wiped Didn’t they tell you, Colonel?
out. Full value of every enemy unit reduced below half That’s what the Mobile
strength in models. Infantry is good for.
Penalty: Lose the full value of any enemy unit above half
strength in models. – Reported Conversation
between Intel agent and MI

Hold An Overrunning Force Scores
Do not quit, it is as simple as that. Engage the enemy if Mission Points for:
you have to but do not give up an inch of ground doing Kills: Full value of every enemy unit wiped out.
it. Crush them if you can and do not get too badly hurt Bonus: Full value of every unit you have in the enemy
in the process. How hard can it be? deployment area at the end of the game regardless of its
remaining strength in models.
A Holding Force Scores Mission Penalty: Deduct the full value of every one of your units
Points for: that still has models within your deployment area at the
Kills: Full value of every enemy unit reduced below half end of the game.
Survival: Full value of every unit in your starting force
that survives above half strength.
The desired tactics of the two forces define deployment
Penalty: Deduct the full value of every enemy unit that areas. Each player notes a tactic they wish to pursue and
is within your deployment area at the end of the game compares them on the Deployment table. Note that
regardless of its remaining strength in models. tactics have nothing to do with Priority Level; a high
Priority Level force might opt to be defensive or a low
Last Stand Priority Level force can go on the attack. These are your
Just stay alive as long as you can. Reinforcements may command decisions to make. The tactical choices are:
or may not be coming but it does not matter either way.
The enemy is closing in and one way or another you are Attack: Throws the force into a thrust on a narrow
not going to make victory cheap for them. Fight, kill and frontage, sacrificing some mobility to put pressure on a
stay alive. critical point.
Special rules: Divide your force into two groups with at
least a third of your total number of units in one group. Defend: Aims to avoid close encounters and puts the
Randomly determine which part will be deployed at the emphasis on a wide or deep deployment area.
beginning of the game. The other force becomes available
as Reserves at the beginning of your 3rd player turn. Probe: Adopts a more mobile and flexible approach,
again emphasising a wide front but able to fight battles
A Last Stand Force Scores Mission on the spur of the moment.
Points for:
Survival: Twice the full value of every unit that survives Deployment Table
above half strength in models. Full value of every unit

that survives below half strength in models. Lose full Battle Line Battle Line Encounter
value of every unit wiped out.

Overrun Deep Deep


Battle Line
The enemy force are just screening a tactical advantage Defence Defence
behind their lines. They need to be knocked aside and
overrun to gain ground. Victory is just beyond that next

hill; unfortunately there are a lot of enemy troops between Encounter Battle Line
you and it.
Attack Defend Probe

Come on, you Apes! You wanna The Deployment table tells you what type of deployment
live forever?! area to use: Battle Line, Deep Defence or Encounter. In
– Squad leaders throughout all cases the deployment areas are defined by ‘centre lines’
the Mobile Infantry – these mark the tabletop halfway across its length in each
direction. This method ensures that any table size can be
used for Starship Troopers.

Deployment Restrictions Battle Line
Emplacement Assets must be deployed before any other Forces set up in opposite long edge halves.
models and can be placed anywhere outside the enemy
deployment area. All other models must be deployed
within your own table half or quarter. Each model must

* More than 6" from any centre line.

* Within command range of its unit leader.

Deployment Priority
To represent the advantages of terrain knowledge, if you
have the lower Priority Level force you get the following
options for deployment:

* Deploy first and take the first player turn.

Deep Defence
* Deploy second and take the second player turn. Forces set up in opposite short edge halves.

If both players have equal Priority Level, roll off to

determine who can decide the order of deployment.

In addition, units in a lower Priority Level force count

as Ready in their first action (or reaction) of the game. If
both players have equal Priority Level, no units count as
Ready in their first action (or reaction) of the game.

Each tactic has its own discrete advantage as well as
influencing deployment areas.

In all cases an Attacking force may hold up to half their

units in Reserve (see page 56).
In all cases a Defending force may choose which table Forces set up in opposite corner quarters.
half or quarter to deploy in. If neither force is defending
or if both are, roll off to see who has the choice.

In all cases a Probing force has the option of keeping

up to half their units off the board until their first player
turn, instead of deploying them at the start of the battle.
Units may move on from any table edges of the player’s
deployment area but they may not move on within 6” of
any centre line or 12” of any enemy unit.

Models with special moves may employ them to enter play,

counting as having readied prior to their first action.

Rolling Off Play for three game turns plus the higher PL of the two
Rolling off is the ultimate tie-breaker option. forces. Games can run longer or shorter if desired but
Any time players are in disagreement about a estimate 20 minutes per game turn. This time factor may
rule point or game issue, the matter should be vary if the forces involved have particularly high point
decided after an acceptable amount of time by values; the more models on a table, the longer it takes to
simple ‘rolling off ’ – each player rolling a D6 blow them to pieces.
– and the higher rolling player being considered
correct during game play. After the engagement
is over, the matter should be properly researched WINNING THE GAME
and a final answer decided upon. Online Players total their mission points at the end of the game,
resources for this game should be able to provide using the criteria given in their mission description. The
definitive help. player with the most mission points wins.

There are a few extra notes concerning the distribution of

Mission Points:
Reserves are forces held back from an initial advance. * One-Shot! weapons are deducted from the value of
Tactically speaking, they allow a commander to assess the the unit carrying them once they are deployed.
power of an enemy before committing his full force to
battle and also allow greater flexibility in unit placement. * Air unit payloads are deducted from the value of the
unit carrying them once deployed (the full payload is
Units using the Reserve rules can arrive on the table deducted even if only a single bomb, missile or other
during your second player turn. You may delay a reserved One-Shot! weapon is deployed).
unit’s arrival to a later turn if you wish.
* For the purposes of mission points, units that are
Reserves can move on from any table edge in your airborne or underground do not count as being within
deployment area (unless otherwise detailed), ignoring the a deployment area.
proximity of centre lines or enemy units.


GALLERY Mobile Infantry

M-1A4 Power Suit Squad

M8 ‘Ape’ Marauder Suit M9 ‘Chickenhawk’ Marauder Suit

Mobile Infantry Cap Trooper Construction & Painting Guide

What You Will Need:

1) Paint brush, preferably a size 0 or ‘fine detail’ brush
2) Hobby knife
3) Acrylic hobby paint (all from the excellent Testors range: Dragon Black, Dragon White, Orc Flesh, Ghoul Flesh, Angel Green,
Slime Green, Carrion Green, Djinni Grey, Gun Metal, Shiny Gold)
4) Cynoacrylate (superglue). You may also use plastic cement.
5) Tissue, Paper towels..
Choose the right arm that you want and superglue it onto the model’s weapon of choice. In most cases, this is the Morita rifle. Next, match
up the gun/arm assembly to the torso. The left arm comes next – offer it up to the torso and the weapon. Make sure it’s in the right position
and then add glue. Pose the helmet and fix in place. Then add the backpack (nozzles pointing downwards) and finally the shoulder pads.
The entire top half of the model is now done (except the faceplate).

Pose the top half assembly on the legs (assembling them if they are the kneeling pose legs) and fix in place. The thigh plates locate to the two
lugs moulded onto the torso and rest on the thighs. The crotch plate similarly locates to the recess in the middle of the torso bottom edge.
The backside plate should locate at the rear of the torso moulding. With all these elements attached, all it takes to complete the M.I. cap
trooper model is to paint it and attach the faceplate.

1 2 3

1. It is always best to remove all the 2. Paint the face completely in Orc Flesh. 3. On all the raised areas like the nose, top
moulding lines from your models, the Try to be as neat as possible, do not worry lip and cheeks use the lighter Ghoul Flesh.
finished results will look much better. The if you make a mistake; acrylic paint dries At this stage should you want to you can
lines are best removed using a hobby knife quickly and can easily be painted over to add some eyes. Paint the eye area Dragon
by gently scraping them away. The model cover any slips of the brush. Black first, put a line of Dragon White
is then primed with a black acrylic spray across the eyeball, then a spot of Dragon
undercoat. You’re now ready to paint. Black to simulate the pupil.

4 5 6

4. Paint all the areas you want in Angel 5. Now paint the parts already Angel 6. You can add a further layer of Carrion
Green. In this example all of the armour Green with Slime Green. However all Green now should you wish. This is known
plates and helmet have been painted Angel the creases, seams and gaps in the armour as highlighting. Add these to edges and to
Green but the undersuit has been left should be left Angel Green. Being very areas that logically would catch the light,
black. Don’t worry too much at this stage very neat at this point will give the best adding a further illusion of depth and
if you get paint over bits that you wanted results, the darker green left in the cracks picking out the details even more.
to be left black.
and creases will give the illusion of shading
to the model enhancing the details.

Mobile Infantry Cap Trooper Construction & Painting Guide

7 8 9

7. With Dragon Black pick out all the 8. Now highlight the black bits with a 9. Paint the gun and small details in Gun
parts you wish to be black. This will help Djinni Grey. Metal. Tip 1: Metallic paints always look
to neaten the edges of the green as well. better if the area is painted black first.
Tip 2: Thin some Dragon Black to a more
watery consistency than you have been
painting with and paint it over the gun.
The watery paint will run into the details
giving the illusion of shading. Don’t make
it too watery though!

10 11 12

10. Paint the visor/peak in Shiny Gold. 11. CAREFULLY glue the clear yellow 12. Basing. To finish off your model glue
visor in place, this is best done by applying some sand to the base using PVA glue. This
TINY specks of glue to each pointed edge. can then be painted in the colours of your
choice. We have gone for a brown ‘desert’
style. First the sand was painted in brown,
then when the brown was completely dry a
Some golden rules of figure painting lighter brown was very lightly brushed over
to give a highlight using the sand itself to
Neatness is the key word in painting your
bring out the texture. Job done!
figures, take your time.

Nearly all acrylic paints are too thick 12

straight from the pot or tube. Water should
be added so the paint flows from the brush
avoiding a lumpy finish, however by adding
too much it will make the paint too watery.
Experiment with the amount of water you add
to get the right consistency.

Two or three thin coats of paint always look

better than one thick one.

Mobile Infantry

XM-550 CHAS Unit

M-1A4 Power Suit Cap Troopers

using WASP Packs

M-1A4 Power SICON Military

Suit Cap Intelligence
Trooper Agent
(K9 Corps)
M-1A4 Power Suit
Cap Trooper using
K9 Neodog TW-201-l Morita
Sniper Rifle

M-1A4 Power Suit Squad

with M8 ‘Ape’ Marauder Suit NCO

Arachnid Empire

Warrior Bugs

Brain Bug Tanker Bug

Arachnid Warrior Construction & Painting Guide
What You Will Need:
1) Paint Brushes, preferably a size 1 or “Detail” Brush and a ½” Flat Bush or Large Drybrush.
2) Hobby Knife.
3) Acrylic Hobby Paint. (all from the excellent Testors range: Dragon Black, Hobgoblin Grey, Dinosaur Grey,
Djinni Grey, Lizard Brown, Bear Brown, Sol Yellow, Dragon Red, Bloode Red.
4) Cyanoacrylate glue (Superglue). You may also use plastic cement.
5) Tissue, Paper towels.

First, carefully remove all of the moulding lines from the model parts – the finished results will look much better this
way. The lines are best gently scraped away with a sharp hobby knife.

Assemble the model by first gluing the legs to the bottom of the torso, ensuring the legs are suitably positioned, then
glue on the top half of the torso. Next glue the top and bottom jaws to the head section and attach it to the leg assembly.
The palpus (the small claws that attach to the head) can be added now or later.

The entire model is now sprayed with an Acrylic Black undercoat.

Drybrushing 1
The first three stages of painting require a
technique called “Drybrushing”, don’t be
alarmed, it’s very simple: Using a Flat brush
or Drybrush, load it with paint (thick paint,
straight from the pot is best) then wipe most
of it off onto a tissue or paper towel. By
passing the brush over the model, any raised
areas will be picked out. The heavier you
press with the brush the more paint will be
applied. 1) Heavily drybrush the whole model with
Hobgoblin Grey.

2 3

2) Using Dinosaur Gray drybrush again, but this 3) Now use the lightest grey; Djinni Grey. Again
time not so heavily, leave some of the Hobgoblin drybrush even lighter. Concentrate just on the
Grey showing, concentrate on the joint areas. edges and upper parts of things. You now know
how to drybrush!

Arachnid Warrior Construction & Painting Guide

4 5

4) Using Lizard Brown paint on patches simulating 5) Using Bear Brown paint the raised areas that are
the yellow patterns. Lizard Brown. Be careful to leave Lizard Brown
in the deeper recesses this gives the illusion of

6 7

6) Highlight the highest of the raised areas (which 7) Add the bugs red markings now (the colour
are now Bear Brown…) with Sol Yellow. scheme used in the Starship Troopers film has been
used here). Paint these in Dragon Red.

8 More Golden Rules Of

Figure Painting
Always buy the best tools for
the job, cheap brushes are
NOT a good investment.

Be aware of ‘Colour Theory’

you will need to buy less
paint, your local Library will
8) Now paint the edges and raised areas of the Observe the real world,
Dragon Red in Bloode Red. comics, film etc for inspiration.

Arachnid Empire

Firefries Hopper Bugs

Blaster Bug Plasma Bug

Blister Bugs

The Federation

FEDERATION The martial attitudes of the founders might have been
sated by this victory but the corrupt and fascist European
Someone asked me once if I knew
the difference between a civilian Alliance viewed the Aberdeen militia as a dangerous
and a citizen. I can tell you now. and unlawful force. Determined to make an example
A citizen has the courage to make of them to any other population considering emulating
the safety of the human race their success, the people of Aberdeen were targeted by an
their personal responsibility! overwhelming military force that nearly wiped the city
Dizzy was my friend. She was a out. The Euro forces marched on the community and
soldier. But most important, she slaughtered men, women and children without regard
was a citizen of the Federation! for their lives beyond the message it would send. Only a
– Sergeant Johnny Rico handful of people, including two of the founders of the
Aberdeen militia, escaped the massacre.

ORIGIN OF THE UNITED CITIZENS’ The Outrage of the Treaty of New Delhi
There were many contributing factors to the founders’
FEDERATION ‘emergency measures’ declaration. While their outrage at
– Excerpts from Prof. Andrew Cooper’s the state of their society and the crime-infested streets of
The History of the Federation: Vol. IV – Into the Stars their homeland were major considerations, other events
It began in Aberdeen, Scotland with a group of war veterans had already set the world revolution into motion. Chief
caught in the middle of rising crime and governmental among these was the ineffectual Treaty of New Delhi, an
apathy. With local groups of ridiculously over-armed accord between the Chinese Hegemony and the Russo-
thugs and criminals terrorising the countryside, these Euro-American Concord designed to bring about an end
veterans decided to take matters into their own hands. to the Disorders.
Gathering their families and legacies of wars long past,
this coalition printed and distributed a document among Though it did succeed in quelling violence for a time, the
the populace of their city – a call to arms for anyone with treaty was only given lip service by both sides in other
the courage to fight for freedom. regards. The part that infuriated the veterans of the
Disorders, including those in Aberdeen, was the lack of
This documemt, called an ‘emergency measure’, drew concern shown to prisoners of war. Little more than a
out hundreds of their angry compatriots and neighbours. line item in the treaty, and completely overlooked by both
Even men and women with no combat experience joined the Alliance and the Hegemony, the captured compatriots
the fight to reclaim their city from those bent on looting of those who fought in the Disorders were forgotten by
and burning it. Over the course of weeks, their guerrilla the powers of the world in favour of using the temporary
tactics cut supply lines, seized weapons and gradually peace as a chance to rebuilt their militaries.
overwhelmed the thugs overrunning Aberdeen, until a
final push on October 19th (now referred to as Federation
Day) extinguished their threat and freed Aberdeen from Reaping the Whirlwind
criminal influence. A message was sent throughout Scotland, England,
Ireland and the rest of Europe but it was not the one
the Alliance wished to impart. The European Alliance’s
battered populace had become sick of violence and

warfare. The annihilation of citizens simply trying to Even with this state of affairs, the United Citizens’
find peace for themselves triggered a fury throughout the Federation as a governmental institution wields complete
population of Europe. Within days, emergency measures authority in all matters not directly or peripherally related
were being passed all over the Alliance. From Gloucester to the military. Control begins at city level with councillors
to Copenhagen, citizens rose up in arms and began taking and their administrative staff. While they have enough
back their lives. authority to appropriate funds to city projects and pass
judgement on purely internal matters, anything external
This wave of rebellion started against lawless thugs in must be passed up the executive hierarchy to national
small towns but it quickly spread. Occupying militaries governors.
found themselves greatly outnumbered by outraged
veterans and civilians. Law enforcement agencies Governors are allowed to handle the daily legal matters
fell to the press of normal citizens taking over official of a single country and vote in nation/bloc affairs such as
installations and services. City halls tumbled and local cross-country building projects and advisory actions sent
governments crumbled. Everything from military bases to the true power in the United Citizens’ Federation – the
to utility stations were seized by the wave of the common Federation Council.
The Federation Council is an executive body that forms
The tide of revolution swept past the borders of Europe an interstellar parliament with each recognised system
almost as quickly as it had begun. Neither the ocean nor under Terran control given a single voting share. All
the ideological divides of Asia and Africa were barriers matters, save those concerning Federation security, are
against the force of this need to overcome the oppression decided by 3/5th approval.
that had threatened them for so long. Even governments
ruling under the banner of ‘democracy’ were not immune. Federation Council members have jurisdiction over
Civil liberties, already little more than a lie told by officials the entire solar system they are responsible for. Where
to keep their populations in check, were swiftly set aside multiple governors exist in a star system (because more
in favour of wiping the world clean and starting over. All than one nation or colony is present within the system),
the while, the name of Aberdeen was on the lips of these one governer takes the Federation Council member role.
freedom fighters.
The Prime Councillor, a position with a five-year term
The world had gone mad, but it had already been insane decided by a vote of the Federation Council between
for many years. This new fervour had a name, a purpose, candidates receiving the endorsement of SICON, has first
and the support of billions. By the time the fires had died pass veto rights and the deciding vote in any deadlock or
down and the people of Earth emerged from the violence matter not receiving approval by normal vote. The Prime
of their transition, the former nations of the world were Councillor is also the last word in Federation security
united in common cause under a common flag. The issues; his opinions and decisions are almost always the
Federation was born. expressed preference of the military.

Organisation of the United Citizens’ Every position in the government, from the lowest
office position on a councillor’s staff to the seat of the
Federation Prime Councillor himself, can only be filled by a citizen.
In truth if not in recognised fact, the Federation
Civilians (broadly defined as those in the Federation who
has two branches – the Administration and SICON
have not performed military service of any sort or have
(Strategically Integrated Coalition of Nations). The
failed to serve a single tour of duty for any dishonourable
latter is an ‘unofficial’ partner of the Administration in
reason) cannot apply for a government role; they have not
setting policy, effectively forming the enforcement to the
proven themselves to have the interests of the Federation at
Administration’s legislative and executive duties. While
heart and cannot therefore be trusted to have a leadership
SICON is technically subject to the authority of the UCF
position within it.
Administration, the reverse is true most of the time.

The Federation
As noted above, Prime Councillors serve five-year terms
with the continuous option for renewal if they retain
the approval of SICON and win a majority rule vote by
the Federation Council. All other positions of authority
News & Media in the UCF
The media of the UCF, FedNet, reports continuously
(councillors, governors and Federation Council members)
on the peace and prosperity to be found under the
serve for life or until the mandatory government officials’
banner of the Federation. News reports focus mainly
retirement age of 80. When a position below Prime
on the level of civil security within the Federation,
Councillor becomes available due to death, retirement
showing citizens and civilians that they live in a
or other incident, the position directly above it appoints
stable, crime-free society with no significant threats
someone to fill the now vacant spot.
to their safety. These broadcasts show the worlds
of the Federation as lands of boundless promise and
For example, the city of New Angeles loses its councillor
fortune for anyone willing to take active part in
and a large part of his staff to an earthquake. It is the
federal service.
responsibility of the West Union Governor to choose from
the fallen councillor’s surviving staff who will serve as the
deceased’s replacement. If the entire staff were slain, the
governor would have his work cut out for him as, the Industries of the Federation
selection of a new councillor and entire administrative The number of star systems and therefore resources under
office would have to be undertaken. the UCF’s far-reaching control means that the industrial
needs of its citizens can be met quickly and efficiently.
By Federation law, no post in the UCF can go vacant Mineral resources and other commodities are never
longer than one Earth solar month. If it does, filling the more than a day or two of interstellar travel away. From
position(s) involved becomes the sole responsibility of the advanced polymers to massive military machines, there
Prime Councillor. If at the end of another solar month is nothing the people of the Federation cannot make or
the vacancies are not dealt with, the Prime Councillor find.
will be removed from office under a declaration of No
Confidence and the Federation Council will be required This climate makes it very easy for even civilians to make
to handle the matter personally. money in business. All it takes is capital and the support
of either a citizen with Fleet connections or a patron
The Cultural Divide corporation to set up facilities on a colony world. Once
It is no secret in the Federation that there is a wide rift contracts for supply and provision are secured (a simple
between civilians and citizens on most UCF planets. On process for a business-minded citizen or a well-supported
Earth, this divide is somewhat mitigated by the amount civilian), the rest is a matter of diligent work and
of space available for both sides to inhabit. On smaller perseverance, until commerce inevitably picks up. One
colony worlds, the tensions between those with a franchise would assume that any company that founders in such a
to participate in the Federation’s politics and those without mercantile environment does so because of incompetent
can become quite severe. These hostile sentiments grow management or careless market research.
worse when employment is brought into the argument.
While any civilian can hold down menial labour jobs and Though it is officially denied, it is persistently rumored on
other forms of basic work, only citizens can serve as police the remote colony worlds that the Federation manipulates
or civil authorities, instruct certain classes or have direct planetary and interplanetary economies to stifle civilian
Federal support for a business license. businesses in favour of competing citizen enterprises.

Citizens have every opportunity in the galaxy to be Interaction With Other Races
successful and prosperous. Civilians on the other hand There are only two documented races with which
are either very rich (due to previous wealth from past the United Citizens’ Federation has contact with and
generations, good fortune in their own businesses or both) acknowledges publicly. Reports of more than a dozen
or live on the federally supported edge of poverty. None of other forms of intelligent life remain unverified and
this is publicised over Federation news programmes but it are openly denied by the Federation Council and the
is the truth for billions of the Federation’s ‘disenfranchised’ Exploration division of the SICON Fleet.

The official policy on the Skinnies – extremely lithe
humanoids with strange weapons and powered armour
Briefing 9-28-CIV, Military
of their own that have recently been plaguing the border
worlds of the Trio (Xi Bootis, Lalande and Vendis) – is
It should come as no surprise to you that enlistment
that all attempts at a peaceful, diplomatic solution to
numbers had been dropping rapidly until the Arachnids
their raids have failed. While SICON is hesitant to
were ‘discovered’. While this incident slowed that
escalate hostilities with this relatively unknown race, the
decline and in certain places even increased enlistment
Federation will not tolerate any further attacks by the
in the military, our research has indicated that more
Skinnies. It has been reported that several warships and
can be done to spur interest and raise the badly needed
troop transports have been diverted to the edge of the
recruitment of SICON troops. A memorandum
Skinny Quarantine Zone but SICON will not comment.
will follow this briefing explaining the proposal; we
Inside sources have verified this to be true and further add
estimate it will increase our military base by more than
that at least two of the warships involved are armed with
100% in the first six months of implementation.
bombardment-grade nuclear munitions.
It may seem radical and that would be a fair description
for the plan. We should point out its side benefits
There is no confusion or possible misunderstanding about
before you begin examining it. If this proposal is
the Arachnids and the United Citizens’ Federation stance
ratified and allowed to proceed, its chosen event
regarding their entire species. According to a recent speech
location will also liberate several important civilian-
given by Sky Marshal Diennes, the Arachnids are a true
owned businesses directly into government control.
menace and threat to humanity. As such they cannot be
The physical and financial assets received are also
suffered to live. A full military deployment is underway
detailed in the proposal.
to determine the extent of their galactic infestation and
eradicate them no matter what the cost.
SICON’s leadership have seen and support this
proposal. Now all that remains is your approval before
we can proceed. We have the technology, media and
materials necessary; we await your confirmation.
Briefing 8-8-56-SKN, Military
In regards to Operation Clean Sweep, currently in
its organisation and deployment phase, we must
suggest that you ask SICON High Command
to limit its scope for the immediate future. The
Arachnids currently pose a greater threat according
to our agents; their alarming reports leave us little
room for doubt in this matter. The Skinnies are in
no way related to the Arachnids and any thought of
an alliance between them has been dismissed. They
are currently the least of our concerns.

We recommend that they be given a very low priority

for the present time. Their raids always end in limited
property damage and the abduction of civilians;
neither of these is important enough to divert more
than a token force towards the Skinny Quarantine
Zone. Once the Arachnids are completely crushed,
we will happily support and endorse Operation
Clean Sweep.

The Federation
The Milky Way galaxy consists of about 200 billion
Briefing 10-30-ARA, Military stars, with Earth’s sun (Sol) being a typical specimen
Intelligence for its type. It is a fairly large spiral galaxy and it has
The Sky Marshal-in-Chief handled himself expertly three main components: A disk in which the solar system
during the speech this evening. Even after refining it resides, a central bulge at the core and an all encompassing
for more than two weeks in Linguistics and Motivation, halo. These components are of varying ages, but the
we were not certain it would have the desired effect determining factor for any galaxy’s age is the composite
on the populace. After reviewing the numbers from age of its halo stars. In the Milky Way, halo stars have a
recruitment centres Federation-wide, we believe the rough age estimate of 15 billion years.
speech can be considered a success. Pass along our
compliments to the Sky Marshal and his support * Disk: The disk of the Milky Way has four spiral arms
team. and it is approximately 300pc thick and 30kpc in
diameter. It is made up predominantly of Population I
stars, which tend to be blue and are reasonably young,
spanning an age range between one million and 10
‘Make no mistake’ to quote the Sky Marshal, ‘this is a war billion years.
for the survival of the human race. When the dust clears
on these bug worlds, there will be nothing left. We cannot * Bulge: The bulge, at the centre of the galaxy, is a
afford to leave any world infested with their kind. If we flattened spheroid of dimension 1kpc by 6kpc. This
have to slag a dozen planets to ensure peace for mankind, is a high density region where Population II stars
that is exactly what we are prepared to do. The Fleet predominate – stars that tend toward red and are very
and the Mobile Infantry will not rest until this becomes old, about 10 billion years. There is almost certainly a
a unified galaxy, a human galaxy, under the uncontested massive black hole at its centre.
control of the United Citizens’ Federation.’

Target Acquired in Sector 3:0

* Halo: The halo, which is a diffuse spherical region,
surrounds the disk. It has a low density of old stars
mainly in globular clusters (each cluster consisting Briefing 10-1-FED, Military
of between 10,000 to one million stars). The halo is Intelligence
believed to be composed mainly of dark matter, which Threat Response <re: Operation
may extend well beyond the edge of the Milky Way’s Circled Wagons>
disk. We must request that your office reconsider the
current border of the ‘New Federation Territory’. We
still believe it to be too wide. While we understand
your office’s hesitance to exclude any colony worlds,
SICON is only capable of providing the level of
A Note on Astronomical defence outlined in your proposal if the attached
Abbreviations stellar cartography is adhered to exactly. This is a
A parsec (pc) is a distance used in interstellar travel; difficult decision but one that must be made if future
it equals roughly 3.262 lightyears. plans are to succeed.

A kiloparsec (kpc) is 1,000 parsecs. To understand On a more positive note, your approval of Operation
of just how far a single kiloparsec really is, consider Rain of Fire has allowed us to move all of the required
the following: Earth is 8.6 kpc from the centre of assets into position. This timing could not be better.
the Milky Way. While we request that you move the currently
planned border back as seen on the holomap we have
The rimward direction is towards of the edge of provided, you should delay that decision until just
the galaxy. after Rain of Fire is complete. The support you will
receive from the populace will be immense, allowing
The coreward direction is towards the core of the you to push Circled Wagons through the Council
galaxy. with little to no resistance.

Spinward is towards the direction of the galaxy’s

gravitational revolution.
– can take a starship nearly a four parsecs through space,
Anti-spinward is against the direction of the galaxy’s though this rate can be reduced considerably if the flight
gravitational revolution. path passes through the gravity wells of celestial objects.

In order to maintain this rate of speed, a starship requires

the use of hydrogen fuel. While this is stored in large tanks
that run along the armoured underside of most vessels, a
Sailing the Sea of Stars starship’s primary means of fuelling itself for any transit is
The incredible star spanning power of the Cherenkov the atomic scoop mounted to all ships that are expected
drive relies on a form of magnetic phase shift that to make voyages between stars (as opposed to intersystem
protects a vessel and insulates it from the mass-increasing ships that never leave the orbital rings of a given star).
effects of relativistic speeds in physical space. In effect, This induction device takes in stray elements in the form
Cherenkov-equipped vessels travel through space without of gas and manufactures hydrogen. In this way, starships
actually being physically in it. Only gravity can affect a in motion generate some of their own required fuel.
United Citizens’ Federation ship travelling interstellar, as
discussed below. Even with such incredible speed, travelling between star
systems takes a long time. At less than four parsecs a
The fastest vessels of the Fleet, with the most modern and day, a nearby star like Alpha Centauri takes more than 30
efficient Cherenkov drives ever made, still cannot break hours to reach. This is a vast improvement over previous
what has been dubbed as the Four Parsec Barrier. A full methods of transportation but it would take roughly
burn-day – 20 hours of active use of the Cherenkov drive two years to reach the centre of the galaxy and that is
with four hours spent in power cycling and diagnostics not counting the impassable gravity wall that would still
occur 6.6 kiloparsecs into the journey.

The Federation
The Federation’s Corner of the
In general, Federation space is limited to roughly a six FEDERATION
parsec distance in all directions. The bulk of important – Excerpt from ‘Join the Fight!’, a SICON approved
human-controlled worlds are less than 14 lightyears recruitment brochure
from Earth, making Federation space considerably less The military arm of the United Citizens’ Federation,
galaxy spanning than current FedNet reports would lead SICON, is effectively divided into two halves – the Fleet
civilians to believe. Most citizens know the limited size of and the Mobile Infantry. It is a long-standing tradition
the Federation, having patrolled it during their military that Fleet officers and Mobile Infantry troopers do not
service. Even knowing the slightly less than dominant get along well at all, something that becomes all too
presence mankind might have in the universe, the size of evident when they meet in the galley or recreation decks
Federation territory is still quite impressive. of a starship.

There are a number of worlds within a 10 lightyear region The Fleet handles all aerospace matters, from fighter
that have served the Federation well for centuries. Even craft with no ability to leave the atmosphere, to mile-
with current military actions limiting expansion, there is long orbital platforms with the ability to repair and
still a drive among civilians and citizens alike to broaden construct the mighty vessels that patrol and defend entire
the domain of the UCF as far as it can safely go. As star systems. The personnel of the Fleet are all officers
the galaxy is proving itself more hostile with each passing and all elite in their fields. The Fleet upholds that they
year, the push for exploration has become less emphatic. have the best engineers, the best system controllers and
the best technology the Federation has to offer. In their
This is due to the risk of overreaching the power of estimation, the Fleet is the best and brightest form of
SICON and its ability to defend new territory while military service.
keeping up the level of protection extant worlds of the
Federation have come to expect. Loss of any colony The Mobile Infantry enters hostile territory, ascertains
or outpost world will have serious ramifications for the an appropriate response to any threat encountered and
safety and security of the Federation – consequences that applies just enough force to neutralise it for good. The
may do more damage to the UCF than what might be job of the Mobile Infantry is to make peace by being ready
lost during the defence of every new world under contest and willing to go to war. Equipped with top-of-the-line
or presumed to be a future target. firepower and defensive armour, there is no place too
dangerous and no foe too tough for the Mobile Infantry
This leaves SICON and the Federal government in to take out. In its long and glorious history, the Mobile
the untenable position of deciding between trying to Infantry has never lost a war – a record they are not about
provide equal protection to every world currently held to break anytime soon.
and abandoning outer colonies at risk, thereby reducing
the size of the Federation to a smaller but more easily The Mobile Infantry
defendable area. For now, the official position of Troopers
SICON is that a forceful offence will counter any threat Every effective military in mankind’s history has possessed
to humanity. If they are right, the United Citizens’ a rigid organisational structure at the troop level. The
Federation will be able to return to its previous rate of Mobile Infantry is no exception. Troopers form larger
growth. If the Sky Marshals are wrong, there may not be groups, which are gathered into still larger groups and so
enough ships or troops left to defend the Federation from on, all the way up to army level. This form of regimented
the Arachnids’ inevitable counterattack. While SICON and incremental organisation allows for forces of the
Military Intelligence understands this risk, the current appropriate size to be assigned to missions in an orderly
directive for the UCF and its powerful military is to and efficient way. If a situation calls for only a hundred
continue the Road to Victory, a campaign driven by the men to handle it, it is vastly easier to assign a company to
populace’s desire for revenge. Buenos Aires lies in ruins, the issue than to try and piece together enough squads.
Pluto has been violated and all humanity wants now is
to wipe the alien scourge that committed these atrocities
from the face of the galaxy.

Mobile Infantry Force Organisation
There are 32 armies at the time of the Road to Victory campaign, plus the Sky Marshal-in-Chief and the panel
of 5 Generals forming the Mobile Infantry Advisory Board. All told, the Mobile Infantry consists of over 4
million troopers and commissioned officers.

An army consists of 4 brigades (including 1 Sky Marshal).

A brigade (also called a ‘corps’ when combined with Fleet assets) consists of 4 divisions (including 1

A division consists of 4 regiments (including 1 Colonel).

A regiment consists of 4 battalions (including 1 Lieutenant Colonel).

A battalion consists of 4 companies (including 1 Major).

A company consists of 4 platoons (including 1 Captain).

A platoon consists of 4 squads (including 1 or 2 NCOs and 1 Lieutenant).

A power suit squad consists of 8 cap troopers (including 1 Corporal and 1 Sergeant).

While the organisation is very stratified, the truth of the with a wide base of knowledge and the experience to put
Mobile Infantry where its troop roster is concerned is a it to good use. Because they are supreme commanding
different story altogether. Attrition, personnel shifts and officers, nothing less would be acceptable or reflect the
other internal issues keep all but the most fortunate units unity of purpose and perfection for which the United
from being fully staffed. In general, the listings above are Citizens’ Federation stands.
accurate only on paper. Beyond that, the organisation can
vary greatly. No two regiments in SICON are necessarily SICON Ranks (Mobile Infantry)
the same strength, though these values can be taken as a
general guideline. Private
Automatic rank increase given upon graduation from boot
The Rank Structure of the Mobile camp and initial assignment to a duty station or unit.
This hierarchy of ranks is used in every division of Corporal
SICON except the Fleet (which has a differing structure This rank is indicative of leadership roles at a squad
inherited from naval and aerospace military ranks of the level.
past). There comes a point where both orders merge at
the very height of power in the Strategically Initiative Sergeant
Coalition of Nations. This merger is epitmoised by the Sgt: Rank provided to soldiers placed directly in charge
rank of Sky Marshal; only officers with training in both of MI squads.
the Mobile Infantry and the Fleet become eligible for this
vaunted position. Sgt 1st Class: Rank given to sergeants receiving
commendations for service and promoted to assignments
As can be assumed, this is a difficult feat to accomplish; of leadership within platoons or training positions (such
Sky Marshals are typically extraordinary military leaders as instructors in SICON boot camps).

The Federation
Senior Sergeant
Senior sergeants are given authority at a platoon level
and held directly accountable for the performance
of soldiers in the field. Senior sergeant is the highest
non-commissioned rank a trooper can hold and is
usually a brevet rank given to sergeants either in lieu
of Officer Candidacy School or because battlefield
conditions require the promotion. Senior sergeants
are also referred to generically as NCOs or
traditionally as sergeant-majors.

Lt 3rd Class: A rank that exists solely to differentiate
members of Officer Candidacy School on their
proving mission. Lieutenants 3rd class have no
authority under most circumstances but are
considered officers during times of emergency.

Lt 2st Class: Passing a proving mission successfully

completes Officer Candidacy School and improves
a lieutenant’s rank to 2nd class. This rank allows
lieutenants to be placed in full command of

Lt 1st Class: A promotion based on merit and

service, it does not change or elevate a lieutenant’s
duties in SICON. It does indicate an officer’s
eligibility for a captain’s rank and command of a
full company.
Captain These officers are placed in direct command of brigades
The captain’s rank indicates command status at a and occasionally accompany troops into the field during
company level. Captain is considered by SICON to be missions of serious import to SICON. Generals are often
the first ‘true’ command rank and great status is afforded called upon to form an advisory panel for Sky Marshals
accordingly. and the Sky Marshal-in-Chief. This is the highest rank
an officer can achieve without Fleet service.
This command rank places an officer in charge of a Sky Marshal
battalion (four companies) and indicates senior command There are a variable number of Sky Marshals, fluctuating
potential. with the current size of the Federation. Each Sky Marshal
leads an army and is the absolute authority over the star
Lieutenant Colonel system that army is assigned to unless overruled by the
This rank brings with it command of a regiment and the Sky Marshall-in-Chief.
right to directly confer with Sky Marshals on military
matters and current or proposed orders. Sky Marshal-in-Chief
The highest rank in SICON, this singular position is filled
Colonel by a Sky Marshal appointed to the role from the pool of
These officers provide leadership at the division level and Sky Marshals by the government of the United Citizens’
are eligible for service on the infrequent military boards Federation. Only the Sky Marshal-in-Chief can declare
of inquiry called by SICON. or end a state of war and all deployments involving one or
more armies or fleets must be approved at this level.

Mobile Infantry troopers from
the front lines, these soldiers
are the epitome of what it
means to be a member of the
SICON military. Educated
on techniques of motivation
and command, lieutenants are
the link between soldiers and
the command structure of the
Mobile Infantry.

While a lieutenant might be in
command of a unit, it is the
sergeant’s place to make all of
the immediate decisions in
combat while being available
as a consultant whenever the
lieutenant wants his opinion.
Most Mobile Infantry troopers
look to the sergeant first in
battle and this attention is
returned. Generally a combat
Mobile Infantry Overview
veteran with months or years of experience, this rank is
The Mobile Infantry is mankind’s strongest fighting
almost always held by the most capable soldier in a unit.
force. The sum of the United Citizens’ Federation ground
military, these brave troopers are the best fighting men
and women humanity can produce. Trained in every
The bridging rank between privates and sergeants, these
known form of weaponry and given the equipment they
troopers are usually specialists or team leaders that keep
need to assure victory under any conditions, there is no
other soldiers on task while following their sergeant’s orders.
challenge the Mobile Infantry cannot overcome. With
Well trained and incredibly capable in his individual role,
a strict military hierarchy and the full support of a vast
a corporal is usually destined to become a sergeant and is
space fleet at their command, the Mobile Infantry can
merely waiting for an opportunity to assume the mantle.
stay together in the most frantic engagements and call
While corporals are fully able to take command of a unit,
down fire from the heavens to reduce their enemies to
they usually defer to their sergeant until circumstances of
battle thrust them into the position.
The highest rank likely to take the battlefield in command Squad Formations
of a unit is a captain. This rank is one step above that A full cap trooper squad is eight troopers strong and has
of lieutenant and has absolute authority over all ranks six privates, one corporal and one sergeant. Each has
beneath his own. Captains are not typically in charge of his own duties to perform in the squad and is given the
platoon level actions and rarely have the time or military training and materials needed to excel while doing so.
freedom to lead individual squads. When they do, they Most squads have a communications trooper, at least one
are a force to be reckoned with. Captains are always Marauder driver and a field medic; these are vital assets
armed and armoured with the best SICON has to offer. on the increasingly hostile battlefields of the galaxy.

Lieutenant Platoons
A much more common sight on the battlefield, A platoon is made up of four squads and is usually
lieutenants are the default commanding officers in the transported in this size to drop zones where their combined
Mobile Infantry. Capable of leading a full platoon of strength can do the most good for the Federation.

The Federation
Platoons often form rivalries with others, even naming (with the exception of mobile gunbases), their crews are
themselves after their commanding officer and taking the constantly cycled in part or in whole.
name of some fierce animal or object as their unofficial
callsign. Attrition and rotation of vessels to new ports of call keep
any formation in the Fleet from growing stagnant. While
When Mobile Infantry troopers are arranged at the platoon troopers work best when allowed to keep within the same
level, each squad within is given a reference consisting squad structure for long periods of time, Fleet assets are
of a Greek character for the purpose of receiving orders more efficient when they are changed out periodically.
(Alpha Squad, Delta Squad and so forth). Using this No ship in the Fleet is ever assigned to the same duty for
designation, a unit on the battlefield might refer to itself more than two years; they are exchanged for a fresh ship
as ‘Kel’s Kestrels’ but would take orders as ‘Beta Squad’ and moved to a new location to prevent complacency and
when in contact with SICON Command. lapses in combat readiness.

Higher Organisation Fleet Organisation and Available Forces

The Mobile Infantry Force Organisation list on page 72 Exact numbers for the Fleet in terms of personnel are
shows the structure of the ground military all the way from nearly impossible to obtain. The nature of the Fleet
squad to army. Each level on the list is organised under makes it impossible to quantify it in the same manner as
a higher ranking officer then the one below it, until at its the Mobile Infantry. It is estimated that at any given time
highest level (army) it is under the direct control of a Sky more than a million officers of varying rank are assigned
Marshal. Together, the Sky Marshal council and the Sky to ships and installations. Combined with the millions of
Marshal-in-Chief control the entirety of the Strategically contract citizens and civilians that serve as operation staff
Integrated Coalition of Nations. This authority group is for bases and outposts, the number of Fleet personnel and
also known as High Command. related employees exceeds the technical size of the Mobile
Infantry, a figure the Fleet is quite proud of and another
While platoons are often the largest command level assigned bone of contention between the two branches.
to any given battlefield, more dangerous situations call for
something more. Serious assault missions occasionally As for vessels, a disposition chart is also difficult to
require a company, while planetary occupations may create with any accuracy. It is generally known that
require a battalion or regiment to accomplish. It is very there are enough troop transports to mobilise every
rare to see anything higher than regiment level fielded at existing company of Mobile Infantry (the maximum a
once but it can and has happened. With the increasing single transport can currently handle) twice over, enough
numbers of Arachnids becoming active in the galaxy, it is warships to provide full two-ship escorts for each of these
not inconceivable that one of SICON’s full armies may transports and enough orbital facilities for repair and
have to deploy to finally put an end to their menace. rearming every Fleet satarship at any major star system in
the Federation.
THE FLEET The Rank Structure of the SICON
Excerpt from ‘Air and Space Superiority’, a SICON
approved recruitment brochure:
While as many parallels between the ranks of the Fleet and
Because the conditions in space throughout the
the Mobile Infantry exist as possible, the circumstances
Federation are constantly in flux, the organisation of the
of the Fleet’s creation (as an emergency act taken during
Fleet is equally fluid. There are certain basic patterns to
the space exploration era of the Federation) and its
the deployment of SICON’s ships but for the most part
origins have necessitated certain differences. These are
the Fleet go wherever they are most needed in whatever
substantial enough to warrant a separate rank chart for
form best suits their needs at the time. Unlike the
Fleet personnel. It should also be kept in mind that
Mobile Infantry, the Fleet treats each ship and outpost as
every rank in the Fleet is technically a commissioned
a singular entity and does not usually draw them together
officer’s position and brings with it a level of command
into permanent units. Even system defence groups
seldom consist of the same ships from year to year. While
installations do not have the capability of being reassigned

For instance, a given Fleet officer might
be a sub-lieutenant – Deck 12. Sub-
lieutenants in charge of multiple related
decks hold a position of authority (but
not a full increment of rank) above the
sub-lieutenants of the decks in question.
A sub-lieutenant might, for example, be
assigned to oversee the Engineering decks
of a starship.

Not all vessels have a master aboard as
part of the command structure. Generally
a rank reserved for warships and other
craft with a contingent of Mobile Infantry
aboard, masters act as liaisons to these
troops and handle all interactions between
soldiers and Fleet officers not specifically
dealt with by the ship’s captain.

Lieutenant is the lowest rank normally
held by bridge crew and denotes flight
crew and those with a place in the upper
ranks of a vessels or installation’s chain of
command. This rank is often held by a
captain’s first mate or the command staff of
an installation not large enough to warrant
SICON Ranks (Fleet) the presence of a captain.

Cadet Wing Commander: A special rank awarded to lieutenants

Only used as a brevet rank for recruits during basic who command a wing of fighters. This rank only really
training in the Fleet. carries any additional authority or responsibility when
actually operating within the squadron; otherwise the
Ensign wing commander is no more or less important than a
Automatic rank increase given upon graduation from lieutenant.
Fleet Academy and initial assignment to a duty station
aboard a ship or installation. Lieutenant Commander
This rank is bestowed upon officers who earn promotions
Mate but do not wish to leave their current assignments.
This rank is indicative of leadership roles within areas of Lieutenant commanders are often assigned to important
a Fleet vessel. Mates are a unique rank and are given parts of a vessel or installation that a captain wants
authority over ensigns assigned to them while answering managed with the level of expertise and experience this
directly to their commanders, a rank far exceeding their rank represents.
Sub-Lieutenant Commanders are technically superior to any officer on
Rank provided to Fleet officers placed directly in charge a vessel other than its captain and often have the unique
of ship and installation decks. This rank is usually flexibility of being placed in any command role or as a
appended in notation by adding the deck in question. liaison between mates and captain.

The Federation
Captain defers to the ship’s captain in all matters that do not
Captains exist to be the commanding officer of a ship or specifically involve his role in the Fleet.
large Fleet complex. Captain is also the honorific given
to any officer placed in charge of such a facility by means Rear Admiral
of losses in battle or other fortunes of war. Captains are These officers are in charge of all the commodores in a
the highest rank allowed to permanently command an single star system or sector of the Federation. While they
individual vessel in the Fleet. wield great authority, rear admirals are usually forced to
administrate from a permanent base and are unable to
Commodore personally command the vessels and installations their
Captains promoted to serve the Fleet in an administrative commodores control.
capacity take this rank. They are expected to turn over
their previous command to the commanding officer Admiral
with the most time served aboard the ship or installation Just as generals in the Mobile Infantry form an advisory
in question. Occasionally a commodore will choose a board for the Sky Marshals, admirals fulfil the exact same
capable officer farther down the chain of command. role within the Fleet. When SICON orders a combined
This rank also places an officer in charge of a fleet, the operation between both branches of the military, it is the
designation for any collective of ships assigned to a given responsibility of Fleet admirals to see that their forces
mission for SICON. Commodores are usually given the operate with maximum efficiency.
responsibility of system defence or massed assault; fleets
brought together for other purposes are usually under the Sky Marshal
command of an admiral. There are a variable number of Sky Marshals, fluctuating
with the current size of the Federation. Each Sky Marshal
The rank of commodore is also a title given temporarily leads a battle group, often incorporating Fleet and Mobile
to any officer with a rank equal to or higher than captain Infantry assets, and is the absolute authority over the star
who comes aboard a Fleet vessel with a captain already in system that group is assigned to unless overruled by the
charge. The higher-ranking officer retains his authority, Sky Marshall-in-Chief.
uses the title commodore to avoid confusion and typically

MI ARMY LIST smashing, nuke toting Marauders. The Army List is here
to guide you through the choices and options you can
Ladies and gentlemen! You all know
what to do and you have the tools to An MI player can choose to field two kinds of platoon;
do it! Now get moving! On the bounce! power suit or Marauder. Each has its own strengths and
– Sergeant Shujiko weaknesses which make them better for certain tasks.
Power suit platoons are main line units able to fulfill a
number of other roles such as scouting or rear security.
Marauder platoons are heavy hitters reserved for special
targets and key roles in offensives and counterattacks. The
realities of war mean that all platoons can expect to see
different kinds of action at some point. The non-power
suited infantry platoon has seen little frontline service in
recent MI history, the hostile nature of worlds such as
Pluto being eminently unsuitable for lightly armoured

Everyone fights, no one quits. This is one of the mottos
of the MI and they mean it. From the top to the bottom
the MI are trained to understand and respect the chain
of command as if their lives depend on it, from Camp
Arthur Currie all the way to Klendathu. The following
special command rules apply to MI forces.

MI Unit Leaders
In the Mobile Infantry every unit has a designated unit
leader, typically a sergeant or corporal. They command
the unit until they are removed as a casualty. It is quite
possible for a squad to contain both a sergeant model and
a corporal model. In this case, the sergeant is the unit

Cap Troopers
PLATOON LEVEL FORCES The troopers described in the MI Army List are
This section of the book tells you all the all cap troopers, whether they pilot Marauder
vital information you need in order to recruit your own suits or simply wear powered armour suit. The
platoons for the war against the Bug Menace. You will ‘cap’ is short for ‘capsule’ and indicates that the
have a great deal of flexibility in terms of the forces you trooper is an experienced trooper who has made
can commit to battle – everything from power suit cap at least one combat drop. Such troopers are
troopers through heavily armed Marauder battle suits up trusted with the best the Mobile Infantry can
to air strikes and nuclear weapons. It is up to you what afford and as such all power and Marauder suits
kind of force you choose to field; it could be anything are piloted by cap troopers.
from a lightly armed recon force to a full drop of bug-

MI Army List
leader – but should he die, the corporal immediately steps command range when appointed, the promotion lasts for
up and becomes unit leader. An MI squad that loses its the duration of the player turn only.
sergeant and has no corporal to command them falls into
Alert Status until an officer takes command or a new unit Retrieval Point (special MI Ready
leader is promoted by a lieutenant. action – Lieutenants only)
This action must be undertaken by a lieutenant model.
Within the Starship Troopers miniatures game, Mobile The MI player places a marker anywhere on the tabletop
Infantry have five ranks of note – private, corporal, representing the retrieval point being set. The retrieval
sergeant, NCO (occasionally referred to as Senior marker counts as a unit leader with a command range
Sergeant) and lieutenant. affecting the whole tabletop. Any out of command MI
model on the tabletop is allowed to act as if the marker
* Sergeants are unit leaders. were its unit leader, as long as any actions or reactions
made are Move actions directly towards the retrieval
* Corporals are unit leaders if there is no sergeant marker. Models already under control of a unit leader
present in a squad. ignore Retrieval Points.

* NCOs and lieutenants can be unit leaders in Loss of Higher Command

certain circumstances (see page 21 and Independent MI command structure is designed to take a few knocks
Models). in combats but losing officers means that the mission is
failing fast. At platoon level, the only officers available
* NCOs, lieutenants and SICON Military Intelligence are lieutenants, NCOs and SICON Military Intelligence
Agents are considered officers. Agents. If an MI force loses all of its officers, the overall
force loses a great deal of cohesion, co-ordination,
MI Command Range communications and resolution. This is represented by
MI command range is the standard 6” unless all officers in the MI command range being cut to 3” for the rest of
the MI force have been killed, in which case it is 3”. the game.


In the MI, lieutenants and other officers are credited with The well-drilled regiments of the MI have little room
almost god-like powers by their men. On the battlefield for individualists. Innovation is frowned on unless first
the steadying presence of a trusted officer can keep men proven in combat. As such, most MI will use the default
in the fight for longer or make them give up hope if he Shoot reaction when on Alert Status. However, real bug
falls. Officers have powers to help maintain the chain of hunters everywhere know that there is a time to fight and
command, keeping men moving and fighting when they a time to die – but they are not always the same time. MI
become scattered or unit leaders are lost. Lieutenants models on Alert Status can use the Beat Feet or Stand By
have access to the special Ready actions of Promote and reactions in addition to the default Shoot reaction.
Retrieval Point.
Beat Feet (special MI Move reaction)
Promote (special MI Ready action – Any MI model on Alert Status can take a single Move
Lieutenants only) reaction when an enemy unit completes an action within
This action must be undertaken by a lieutenant model. 10”. Turn the model around after moving to signify that
The MI officer can nominate a single out of command it cannot make any further reactions for the rest of the
model in his force to be ‘promoted’ to become a unit player turn. Models that are readied can use a special
leader. The new unit leader can take control of any out movement mode when making a Beat Feet reaction if
of command models within its command range (6”) desired.
and form them into a new unit. If the new unit leader
was within the lieutenant’s command range when Stand By (special MI Ready reaction)
appointed, the promotion lasts for the rest of the game. If an enemy model completes an action within 10” of
If the promoted unit leader was outside the lieutenant’s every MI model in a unit, the whole MI unit may Ready

as a reaction. Note that if even single model in the MI because of the unfortunate statistics involved in their
unit is not within the Alert Status range of an acting chances of ever returning again. Even non-human
enemy model, this reaction cannot be performed. advisors can be requested.

Atomics: Regulated and heavily controlled for obvious

HEROES reasons, any deployment of atomic munitions is strictly
Go Career prohibited by SICON High Command unless requested
MI lieutenants, NCOs and sergeants can be upgraded to by a SICON Military Intelligence Agent. Even then, the
‘Go Career’. Career lieutenants, NCOs and sergeants can munition’s use is carefully monitored. While the casing
increase their value by purchasing heroic traits as detailed and inner working of a nuclear device are cheap and
in the Heroic Traits chapter. The number of points you easy to manufacture, its atomic core is very costly; these
can spend on the model’s heroic traits increases according munitions cannot be carelessly expended.
to its rank. Career lieutenants, NCOs and sergeants may
purchase Qualities, Talents or Training. Drop Shields: Chaff and other munitions dropped at the
same time as capsule troopers to defend them on their
At higher Priority Levels, troopers and corporals may also way towards a battlefield, these items are extremely costly
be upgraded for with special Qualities or Training. in that literally hundreds have to be used to have any
protective effect.
SUPPORT Chemical Weapons: Chemical weapons are controlled
Mobile Infantry cap troopers are extremely efficient and
extraordinarily effective on the ground but there are because using them is almost always a gamble. Even with
limits to what they can accomplish alone. For battles the super-science of the far future, chemical and biological
more complicated than a simple shooting match, it often weapons are not always stable and using them always runs
becomes necessary to deploy cap troopers in Marauder the risk, however slim, that they may get out of control
suits or even heavier levels of ordnance. The Mobile and do more harm than good.
Infantry has access to three kinds of asset: Command,
Emplacement and Fleet. The availability and flexibility Fleet Assets
of these assets fluctuates according to the Priority Level of The support of the Fleet is a valuable commodity and can
the MI force. certainly turn the tide of battle when applied correctly.
From retrieval boats used for emergency evacuations to
Regardless of tactics, overall points or Priority Level, TAC fighter air strikes using missiles capable of ripping
no MI force can spend more than 50% of its points on hundreds of enemies to shreds in a heartbeat, any force
assets. with the ability to call on the Fleet is usually well served
by doing so.
Command Assets
Some assets can be requested by a Corporal or Sergeant Heavenly Mercy Rescue Tender: A form of landing
but others are far too costly or have serious implications. craft, these vessels are based on the Slingshot design but
These valuable battlefield resources must be obtained with are laid out as field hospitals inside and allow a trained
an officer’s authorisation and cannot always be counted medic to render desperately needed assistance to injured
on to be available. When they are provided to a unit, the or dying troopers. Completely outfitted for surgery and
amount of trust and oversight inherent in their nature trauma work, a Heavenly Mercy rescue tender has been
means that wasting them is often the end of someone’s the saving grace for thousands of Mobile Infantry troopers
military career. since their commission by SICON.

Advisors: Advisors and observers from SICON can be Remote Missile Salvo: Launched from aerial-based
requested but they are rarely authorised to join a unit. bombers or low-orbit craft far from the planned field
These individuals are as highly trained as a Mobile of engagement, missile salvos are accurate but have the
Infantry soldier can be and always carry some form of disadvantage of being costly to field. Because of their
rank. SICON is loathe to send them into battle, mostly penetration ability, missiles are often deployed to take

MI Army List
down hardened targets. Their expense weighed against
their tactical flexibility mean commanders must carefully
consider a missile’s target. Sometimes nuclear warheads
are used. This type of missile attack is utterly devastating Emplacement Assets List
but so completely indiscriminate that it may simply be While not as expensive and rare as Command assets or
as directly effective as Fleet resources, Emplacement
too powerful to wield in certain engagements. There is
assets are nonetheless a serious advantage for those
no escaping the destructive capability of a nuclear strike;
forces willing to commit part of their combat budget
if one is called it is prudent to completely evacuate the
to them. Also, Emplacements are universally available
targeted area first.
to MI forces – they do not fluctuate according to
Priority Level. With the many benefits troops gain by
Skyhook Retrieval Boats: The most welcome sight a occupying an emplacement, structures can become a
group of combat-weary troopers can see is a Skyhook valuable or even indispensable asset for the Mobile
descending from orbit to pick them up. Used when there Infantry, especially during Hold engagements.
is no clear path to a safe location and a battle has turned
for the worse, Skyhooks also carry just enough weaponry If a Mobile Infantry force chooses Emplacement
to clear their landing area. In this way, a Skyhook can be assets it may only deploy them if using defend tactics
used tactically by designating its landing point in an area for the engagement. See the Structures chapter for
with otherwise hard-to-reach enemies. more details and information on Emplacements and
their use.
Slingshot Drop Ship: Serving the same purposes as a
Skyhook but packing much greater firepower, Slingshots 0-4 Reliant Emplacements per platoon, armed with
are costly air assets but are often the only option for a MW-5050 Twin .50 Autocannon for 60 points
unit that needs to be picked up in extremely hostile areas. each. See page 141 for more details on Reliant
Slingshots can certainly take care of themselves as they are
designed to handle nearly any aerial need from rescue to * Replace MW-5050 Twin .50 Autocannon with
bombardment. SW-219-f Inferno Support Flamer at no extra
TAC Air Strike: TAC fighters are a popular form of * Replace MW-5050 Twin .50 Autocannon with
air support for Mobile Infantry platoons. TAC fighters SW-404 Javelin Missile Launcher at +30 points.
cannot linger over battlefields but their swift delivery * Replace MW-5050 Twin .50 Autocannon with
of a variety of payloads can spell the difference between SW-414 Rapier AA Missile Launcher at +30
victory and defeat for the MI on the ground. They are points.
expensive to use, but this rarely stops an MI commander * Replace MW-5050 Twin .50 Autocannon with
from calling on them as favoured air support, as they SW-X28 Bugbroom Support Laser at +80
are almost always worth the price. TAC fighters are also points.
capable of carrying nuclear munitions and dropping them * Replace MW-5050 Twin .50 Autocannon with
with pinpoint accuracy. With all the same advantages as a MW-X29 Scythe Laser Cannon at +80 points.
regular TAC strike with a much greater killing zone, this
asset must be carefully planned to avoid atomising one’s A Reliant Emplacement’s weapons are always
own troops needlessly. considered Crew weapons.

Viking Class Landing Boat: Built around a similar 0-4 Ammo Dumps per platoon, for 50 points
hull as a Skyhook retrieval boat, these craft are specially each. See page 141 for more details on Ammo
modified to be more useful the first time a unit enters the Dumps.
battlefield. Viking aircraft are designed to carry a double 0-2 Bunkers per platoon, for 100 points each. See
transport container. These ships can bring numerous page 141 for more details on Bunkers.
vital assets to the field with them, including parts for
fortifications or reinforcements.

Far and away the most common form of Mobile
Infantry deployment, a power suit platoon consists of cap
Basic Units
Lieutenant 120 points
troopers in powered armour wielding Morita rifles and 0-1 per platoon
other tactical weapons. They are very flexible and can
handle virtually any engagement type as well (or better) NCOs 105 points
than Marauder platoons. Their advantages in versatility 1-2 per platoon
and numbers allow them to be in several different places at
once and attack with a far more diverse pool of weapons. M-1A4 Power Suit Squad 220 points
If tactical freedom is your goal, you cannot do better than 0-2 per officer
fielding a full power suit platoon. (minimum 2 per platoon)
A power suit platoon in the Starship Troopers miniatures
game is two or more M-1A4 Power Suit Squads and a
commanding M-1A4 Power Suit NCO, though they POWER SUIT PLATOON SUPPORT AT
can swell to include another NCO, a Lieutenant and a PRIORITY LEVEL ONE
further four units.
0-1 SW-404 Javelin Missile Launcher +0 points
Remember, you must decide which platoons to use before
choosing any forces. You cannot choose more than one can be replaced with a SW-414
platoon per 1,000 points value being chosen – so, for Rapier AA Missile Launcher.
example, a force for a 2,000 point game could include
two platoons of MI. A platoon is made up of several units Fleet
each with a value, each unit chosen counts against the Skyhook Retrieval Boat 125 points
total points value of your force. Units often have options 0-1 per platoon
you can take, such as adding extra models or equipping
special weapons: These will increase the unit’s overall Viking Landing Boat 195 points
value and therefore how much of the total Force Value 0-1 per platoon
points they represent.

Remember, in the MI Army List, only the
following are considered officers:

* NCOs

* Lieutenants

* SICON Military Intelligence Agents

MI Army List
POWER SUIT PLATOON SUPPORT AT 0-1 model per platoon may be +300 points
equipped with an M-998A1 per model
PRIORITY LEVEL TWO Atomic Pee-Wee munition (only
if model with Atomic Protocols is
Command in platoon).
SICON Military 80 points
Intelligence Agent 0-1 model (may not be an officer) up to
0-1 per platoon per platoon may purchase up to +25 points
per model
25 points worth of Qualities or
XM-550A2 CHAS Unit 175 points Training heroic traits.
0-2 per platoon
0-1 M-1A4 Power Suit Squad can +10 points
Any M-1A4 Power Suit Squad or +50 points replace their Morita underslung per model
M-1A4 officer may be mounted per model
XW-110-G1 G/Ls with XW-
on LA-50 Sprite Reconnaissance 137-A3 Trench Sweeper Laser.
Skimmers. Units mounted on Sprites
cannot include Marauder suits.
+10 points AGM-716 Flamberge 50 points
Any M-1A4 Power Suit Squad
or officer may be deployed in per M-1A4 model
+25 points
Heavy Ground Attack
M2 Drop Capsules. per M8/M9 model Missile
0-1 per platoon
Any officer may be equipped with +10 points
M-904C Chem grenades. per officer Slingshot Drop Boat 300 points
0-2 per platoon
Any lieutenant or NCO may be +105 points
upgraded to an M8 ‘Ape’ Marauder per Lt/NCO
suit or M9 ‘Chickenhawk’ Marauder
suit. Any lieutenant or NCO so
upgraded becomes a Marauder model
of the appropriate type (M8 Marauder
Suit Lieutenant, M8 Marauder Suit
NCO, M9 Marauder Suit Lieutenant
or M9 Marauder Suit NCO).

Any SW-404 Javelin Missile +0 points Atomic Protocols

Launchers can be replaced with SW- In order to choose any Atomic weapons, a model
414 Rapier AA Missile Launchers. with access to Atomic Protocols must be present
in the platoon.
0-2 models per M-1A4 Power Suit +165 points
Squad may be upgraded to an per model The presence of a lieutenant with SICON Military
M8 ‘Ape’ Marauder suit or M9 Intelligence Training (see page 145) fulfils the
‘Chickenhawk’ Marauder suit. Atomic Protocols requirement.
Any sergeant, corporal or cap
trooper so upgraded becomes The presence of a SICON Military Intelligence
a Marauder model of the Agent (see page 92) fulfils the Atomic Protocols
appropriate type (M8 Marauder requirement.
Suit Sergeant, M8 Marauder
Suit Corporal, M8 Marauder
Suit Cap Trooper, M9 Marauder
Suit Sergeant, M9 Marauder Suit
Corporal or M9 Marauder Suit
Cap Trooper).

POWER SUIT PLATOON SUPPORT AT 0-2 models per M-1A4 Power Suit +165 points
Squad may be upgraded to an per model
PRIORITY LEVEL THREE M8 ‘Ape’ Marauder suit or M9
‘Chickenhawk’ Marauder suit.
Command Any sergeant, corporal or cap
SICON Military 80 points
trooper so upgraded becomes
Intelligence Agent a Marauder model of the
0-1 per platoon appropriate type (M8 Marauder
Suit Sergeant, M8 Marauder
Skinny ‘Advisor’ 100 points Suit Corporal, M8 Marauder
0-1 per platoon 100 Suit Cap Trooper, M9 Marauder
Suit Sergeant, M9 Marauder Suit
XM-550A2 CHAS Unit 175 points Corporal or M9 Marauder Suit
0-4 per platoon Cap Trooper).

Any M-1A4 Power Suit Squad or +50 points 0-1 model (may not be an officer) per up to
M-1A4 officer may be mounted per model M-1A4 Power Suit Squad may +25 points
per model
on LA-50 Sprite Reconnaissance purchase up to 25 points worth
Skimmers. Units mounted on Sprites of Qualities or Training heroic
cannot include Marauder suits. traits.

Any M-1A4 Power Suit +10 points Fleet

Squad or officer may be per M-1A4 model
+25 points AGM-716 Flamberge 50 points
deployed in M2 Drop per M8 or M9 model
Heavy Ground Attack
Any officer may be equipped with +10 points 0-1 per platoon
M-904C Chem grenades. per officer
EOM-1A1 ‘Sarissa’ Space 100 points
Any lieutenant or NCO may be +105 points Combat Missile
upgraded to an M8 ‘Ape’ Marauder per Lt/NCO 0-1 per platoon
suit or M9 ‘Chickenhawk’ Marauder
suit. Any lieutenant or NCO so Slingshot Drop Boat 300 points
upgraded becomes a Marauder model 0-3 per platoon
of the appropriate type (M8 Marauder
Suit Lieutenant, M8 Marauder Suit F-76 Thunderbolt TAC 250 points
NCO, M9 Marauder Suit Lieutenant Fighter
or M9 Marauder Suit NCO). 0-4 per platoon

Any TW-404 SW-404 Javelin Missile +0 points

Launchers can be replaced with SW-
414 Rapier AA Missile Launchers.

Any M-1A4 Power Suit Squad can +10 points

replace their Morita underslung per model
XW-110-G1 G/Ls with XW-137-A3
Trench Sweeper Laser. MOVE! MOVE! MOVE! Come on
you ladies! This is WAR!
0-3 models per platoon may be +300 points – Sergeant Zim
equipped with an M-998A1 per model
Atomic Pee-Wee munition (only
if model with Atomic Protocols is
in platoon).

MI Army List

Marauder platoons are only dropped when
the tactical situation demands the highest level of response
Basic Units
225 points
M8 Marauder Lieutenant
the Mobile Infantry can offer. With each suit representing 0-1 per platoon
a massive allocation of resources from SICON, Marauder
platoons are extremely expensive to field and maintain. M8 Marauder NCOs 210 points
When the battlefield literally crawls with enemy forces 1-2 per platoon
and nothing else will do, there is no substitute for the
combat prowess and sheer firepower of half a dozen metal M8 Marauder Squad 400 points
terrors charging across the battlefield with guns blazing. 0-1 per officer (minimum 1 per platoon)

Marauder platoons are never intentionally deployed

in Priority Level One engagements – they are just too MARAUDER PLATOON SUPPORT
valuable. Sometimes they do get caught up in low priority Command
fights while in transit, particularly rescues, delaying actions Any Marauder Suit Squads or +25 points
and ambushes, but in terms of picking a Priority Level, per model
Marauder officers may be deployed in
Marauder platoons are Priority Level Two by default. M2 Drop Capsules.

A Marauder platoon in the Starship Troopers miniatures 0-1 model per Marauder Suit Squad up to
game is one or more Marauder Suit Squads and a +25 points
may purchase up to 25 points per model
commanding Marauder Suit NCO, though they can swell worth of Quality or Training
to include another NCO, a Marauder Suit Lieutenant heroic traits.
and a further two units.
0-1 model per platoon may be +300 points
Remember, you must decide which platoons to use before equipped with an M-998A1 per model
choosing any forces. You cannot choose more than one Atomic Pee-Wee munition
platoon per 1,000 points value being chosen – so, for (only if model with Atomic
example, a force for a 2,000 point game could include Protocols is in platoon).
two platoons of MI. A platoon is made up of several units
each with a value, each unit chosen counts against the Fleet
total points value of your force. Units often have options AGM-716 Flamberge Heavy 100 points
you can take, such as adding extra models or equipping Ground Attack Missile
special weapons: These will increase the unit’s overall 0-2 per platoon
value and therefore how much of the total Force Value
points they represent. Slingshot Drop Boat 225 points
0-2 per platoon

F-76 Thunderbolt TAC 200 points

0-1 per platoon

The classic picture of a Mobile Infantry unit, these power suit clad soldiers can go anywhere and fight anything. They are
well defended, have enhanced strength and at the highest levels of training are fast enough to dodge even the most well-
placed blow. Their armour is famous throughout the Federation and is becoming equally well known among its enemies.

Every M-1A4 power suit squad consists of one sergeant (unit leader) and four cap troopers (220 points total). Up to three
extra cap troopers may be added to the squad at +30 points each.

TW-203-a Morita Assault Rifle with XW-110-G1 underslung G/L.

Unit Options
Corporal: One cap trooper may be
promoted to corporal for +50 points.

Equipment Options: An M-1A4 Power

Suit Squad can be equipped with any of
the equipment listed below:
* Lizard Lines for +5 points per model.
* WASP packs for +10 points per

Go Career: The squad sergeant may be

bought heroic traits up to a total value of
+25 points.

Weapon Options: An M-1A4 Power Suit Squad can be equipped with any of the weapons listed below, in addition to their
basic armament:
* CC-176-ER Shock Sticks for +5 points per model.
* M-902F Frag grenades for +5 points per model.

Up to two M-1A4 models may replace their TW-203-a Morita Assault Rifle with XW-110-G1 underslung G/L with one of
the weapon choices below:
* TW-201-l Morita Sniper Rifle with XW-110-G1 underslung G/L for +5 points.
* SW-226-f Hel Infantry Flamer for +10 points.
* TW-402 Triple Thud Grenade Launcher for +20 points.
* SW-404 Javelin Missile Launcher for +40 points.
M-1A4 Power Suit Squad
Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
M-1A4 Cap Trooper 30 1 4” D6 4+ 4+ 7+ Jump/12”
M-1A4 Corporal 80 1 4” D6 4+ 4+ 7+ Jump/12”
M-1A4 Sergeant 100 1 4” D6 4+ 4+/6+ 7+ Jump/12”

Mobile Infantry Roster


TW-203-a Morita Assault Rifle with XW-110-G1 underslung G/L.

Unit Options
Equipment Options: An NCO can be equipped with any of the equipment listed below:
* Lizard Line for +5 points.
* WASP pack for +10 points.

Go Career: An NCO may be bought heroic traits up to a total value of +100 points.

Weapon Options: An NCO can be equipped with any of the weapons listed below:
* CC-176-ER Shock Stick for +5 points.
* M-902F Frag grenades for +5 points.
* One M-908P Plasma munition for +20 points.

An NCO may replace his XW-110-G1 underslung G/L with an XW-137-A3 Trench Sweeper Laser for +10 points.

M-1A4 Power Suit NCO

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
M-1A4 NCO 105 1 4” D6 4+ 4+/6+ 7+


TW-203-a Morita Assault Rifle with XW-110-G1 underslung G/L.

Unit Options
Equipment Options: The lieutenant can be equipped with any of the equipment listed below:
* Lizard Line for +5 points.
* WASP pack for +10 points.

Go Career: The lieutenant may be bought heroic traits up to a total value of +100 points.

Weapon Options: The lieutenant can be equipped with any of the weapons listed below:
* CC-176-ER Shock Stick for +5 points.
* M-902F Frag grenades for +5 points.
* One M-908P Plasma munition for +20 points.

The lieutenant may replace his XW-110-G1 underslung G/L with an XW-137-A3 Trench Sweeper Laser for +10

M-1A4 Power Suit Lieutenant

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
M-1A4 Lieutenant 120 1 4” D6+1 4+ 4+/6+ 7+

The only piece of military ordnance more famous than the power suits worn by the Mobile Infantry is the Marauder
armour. The Marauder classification covers two different suits – the Ape and the Chickenhawk. Called the Ape
because of its elongated arms and slightly hunched posture, this suit and the highly trained cap trooper inside it can
cause incredible devastation on the battlefield.

Every M8 Marauder Suit Squad consists of one sergeant (unit leader) and one M8 cap trooper (400 points total). Up
to three extra M8 cap troopers may be added to the squad at +195 points each.

Four hard points:
1. IW-203-a Morita Ape Special
2. IW-422 Hellseed Y-Rack
3. MW-206 Derringer Light Rotary
4. MW-209 Trip Hammer Mortar

Special Rules
Autoloaders: All weapons (other than
One-Shot!) mounted on a Marauder suit
count as Infinite weapons.
Lock and Load: Models in Marauder
suits can fire two weapons in a Shoot

Unit Options
Corporal: One M8 cap trooper may be
promoted to corporal for +5 points.

Equipment Options: An M8 Marauder

Suit Squad can be equipped with Lizard
Lines for +10 points per model.

Go Career: The squad sergeant may be

bought heroic traits up to a total value of
+25 points.

Any models may be transferred to an M9

‘Chickenhawk’ Marauder suit at no cost.
Any sergeant, corporal or cap trooper so transferred becomes an M9 Marauder model of the appropriate type (M9
Marauder Suit Sergeant, M9 Marauder Suit Corporal or M9 Marauder Suit Cap Trooper).

M8 ‘Ape’ Marauder Suit Squad

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
M8 Cap Trooper 195 3 4” 2xD10 7+ 3+ 10+ Jump/8”
M8 Corporal 200 3 4” 2xD10 7+ 3+ 10+ Jump/8”
M8 Sergeant 205 3 4” 2xD10 7+ 3+ 10+ Jump/8”

Mobile Infantry Roster
Four hard points:
1. IW-203-a Morita Ape Special
2. IW-422 Hellseed Y-Rack
3. MW-206 Derringer Light Rotary Cannon
4. MW-209 Trip Hammer Mortar

Special Rules
Autoloaders: All weapons (other than One-Shot!) mounted on a Marauder suit count as Infinite weapons.
Lock and Load: Models in Marauder suits can fire two weapons in a Shoot action.

Unit Options
Equipment Options: An M8 NCO can be equipped with a Lizard Line for +10 points.

Go Career: An M8 NCO may be bought heroic traits up to a total value of +50 points.

An M8 NCO may be transferred to an M9 ‘Chickenhawk’ Marauder suit at no cost. An NCO so transferred becomes
an M9 Marauder Suit NCO.

M8 ‘Ape’ Marauder Suit NCO

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
M8 NCO 210 3 4” 2xD10 7+ 3+ 10+


Four hard points:
1. IW-203-a Morita Ape Special
2. IW-422 Hellseed Y-Rack
3. MW-206 Derringer Light Rotary Cannon
4. MW-209 Trip Hammer Mortar

Special Rules
Autoloaders: All weapons (other than One-Shot!) mounted on a Marauder suit count as Infinite weapons.
Lock and Load: Models in Marauder suits can fire two weapons in a Shoot action.

Unit Options
Equipment Options: The M8 lieutenant can be equipped with a Lizard Line for +10 points.

Go Career: The M8 lieutenant may be bought heroic traits up to a total value of +100 points.

The M8 lieutenant may be transferred to an M9 ‘Chickenhawk’ Marauder suit at no cost. Any lieutenant so transferred
becomes an M9 Marauder Suit Lieutenant.

M8 ‘Ape’ Marauder Suit Lieutenant

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
M8 Lieutenant 225 3 4” 2xD10+1 7+ 3+ 10+

‘Chickenhawk’ Marauder suits have a different chassis to the ‘Ape’ Marauder suit and a faster land speed. Their true
difference comes in their weapon loadouts, however. Designed as mobile fire bases, M9 Marauders have more versatile
hard points and can mount a variety of weapons – consequently, they have an easier time smashing through hordes of
common troops. The M9 is also notable for its relatively light armour in comparison to other Marauder models.

Four hard points:
1. SW-404 Javelin Missile Launcher
2. MW-265 Sixgun Rotary Cannon
3. <Empty>
4. <Empty>

Special Rules
Autoloaders: All weapons (other than One-
Shot!) mounted on a Marauder suit count
as Infinite weapons.
Lock and Load: Models in Marauder suits
can fire two weapons in a Shoot action.
Poor Balance: Models in M9 armour
cannot fire any weapons when using their
jump movement mode.

Equipment Options: Any M9 model can

be equipped with Lizard Lines for +10
points per model.

Weapon Options: Any M9 model can be

equipped with any of the weapons listed

* SW-490 Blizzard Missile Pack in Hard Point 3 for +30 points.

* SW-219-f Inferno Support Flamer in Hard Point 4 for +20 points.

* MW-5050 Twin .50 Autocannon in Hard Point 4 plus IW-228 Utility Claws for +20 points.

M9 ‘Chickenhawk’ Marauder Suit

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
M9 Cap Trooper 195 3 5” D6 6+ 3+ 9+
M9 Corporal 200 3 5” D6 6+ 3+ 9+
M9 Sergeant 205 3 5” D6 6+ 3+ 9+
M9 NCO 210 3 5” D6 6+ 3+ 9+ Independent
M9 Lieutenant 225 3 5” D6+1 6+ 3+ 9+ Independent

Mobile Infantry Roster


A recent development by SICON, the CHAS robot is a heavily armed combat machine with the firepower of a squad
of normal troopers and enough armour to shrug off blows that would tear though even Mobile Infantry power suits.
While not without their faults, CHAS models are centred around a learning computer ‘brain’ and can eventually make
up for their deficiencies if they survive long enough.

Every XM-550 CHAS unit consists of one CHAS robot (it is a one-model unit).
Four hard points:
1. IW-203-a Morita Ape Special
2. SW-226-f Hel Infantry Flamer
3. SW-404 Javelin Missile Launcher
4. MW-209 Trip Hammer Mortar
Special Rules
Autoloaders: All weapons (other than One-Shot!) mounted on a CHAS count as Infinite weapons.
Alpha Strike: CHAS may fire all its weapons in one Shoot action if their previous action was Ready.
Deathwish Circuit: CHAS may voluntarily self destruct with a Ready action. This removes the CHAS model from the
game and inflicts Retaliate damage upon all models within point blank range.

XM-550 CHAS Unit

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
XM-550 CHAS 175 2 8” D10+D6 8+ 6+ 10+ Jump/12”

These men and women serve SICON directly and seem to fall outside the chain of
command, while representing it in its purest form. Exceptionally well trained for combat,
agents rarely take part in battles but when they do show up, it typically means that the
engagement on hand is a very important one. SICON Military Intelligence agents are easy
to distinguish on the battlefield; their uniforms are black and consist of an armoured body
suit and a ballistic cloth longcoat.

Special Rules
Officer: A SICON Military Intelligence agent is an officer and may be bought heroic traits
up to a total value of +100 points.
Atomic Protocols: Only MI forces including a model with Atomic Protocols gain access
to atomic munitions.
Vital Mission: An MI force including a SICON Military Intelligence agent can try to
make the game last one turn longer than normal at the option of the MI player. Roll a D6
at the end of the last game turn if a further turn is desired. On a roll of 4 or more, one
additional game turn is played, on a 3 or less the game ends as normal.

TW-201-s Morita Carbine

SICON Military Intelligence Agent

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
SICON Military Independent
80 1 5” D6 3+ 6+/4+ 6+
Intelligence Agent No Flinch

Special Rules
Ambush: This ability can be used by MI forces including a Skinny Advisor. One M-1A4
Power Suit Squad can be concealed in an area of terrain within the MI deployment area.
Write down the location of the unit ambushing before any other models are deployed on
the tabletop. The MI player can reveal the ambush and place the unit on the tabletop at
any time.
Attached: A Skinny Advisor must be attached to an MI unit at the beginning of the game.
The Advisor counts as part of the unit but MI prejudice means it may never become unit
Partially Exothermic: The Skinnie Advisor is subject to the Partially Exothermic special
rule, as detailed on page 127.

Constrictor Rifle

Weapon Options: The Skinny Advisor may replace his constrictor rifle with a TW-203-a Morita Assault Rifle with
XW-110-G1 Grenade Launcher at no cost.

Skinny ‘Advisor’
Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Skinny Advisor 100 1 5” D6+1 4+ 4+/5+ 6+ Jump/12”

MI Weapons List

SW-226-f Hel Infantry Flamer: A deadly upgrade in
size, fuel capacity and range on the hand flamer, the
SW-226-f Hel Infantry flamer is a heavy weapon carried
by special troopers trained to use its ‘swath of death’ to
great effect. With an internal fuel core, the Hel flamer is TW-201-l Morita Sniper Rifle: Also called the Morita
capable of generating bolts of super-heated plasma with Long, this is a longer ranged version of the standard
tactical precision. Morita 203-a Assault Rifle and has most of the same
ballistic qualities. Chambered for a slightly larger round
and generating more power behind its shots for better
range, the 202-l sacrifices some ammunition capacity in
exchange for a harder punch and better penetration. The
TW-202l comes with an underslung XW-110 grenade
launcher as standard.
TW-201-s Morita Carbine: The Morita Carbine is
favoured by SICON Military Intelligence agents. This
is a fully automatic assault weapon capable of blowing
through any armour with enough concentrated firepower.
The Carbine breaks down in under a minute and stores in
an included steel case for transport.

Squad Weapons
Name Range Damage Type Traits
SW-226-f Hel Infantry Flamer 10” D10+2 Squad LZ (Stream)
TW-201-s Morita Carbine 15” 2xD6 Squad Auto
TW-201-1 Morita Sniper Rifle 30” D6 Squad Accurate
TW-203-a Morita Assault Rifle 20” 2xD6 Squad Auto
XW-110-G1 G/L — — — —
~ M-290 Flechette Grenade 8” D6+1 Pack Underslung
LZ (2”)
~ M-291 Frag Grenade 15” D6 Pack
~ M-295 Bugshot Grenade 10” D6+2 Pack
LZ (Stream)
XW-137-A3 Trench Sweeper Laser 6” D10+1 Pack
IW-203-a Morita Ape Special 20” 2xD6+1 Squad Auto

TW-203-a Morita Assault Rifle: A field tested and * M-295 Bugshot: A specialised form of grenade that
combat ready improvement to the 201-s, this version of fires several hundred steel pellets at an incredible rate,
the weapon is a more precise killing machine. Capable of these rounds have been shown to have great effect
a three round burst that does not waste ammunition, the against the chitinous carapaces of Arachnid targets.
203-a has been designed in response to Skinny activity in The multiple impacts in a confined space effectively
the galaxy. The aliens do not require mass firepower to punch through an enemy, leaving behind a crater or
kill, making it more efficient to use three round bursts to hole. These rounds are slower to chamber, making
penetrate their powered armour. Against bugs, the 203-a them less useful in a close-in firefight than some other
is just as effective as any other rifle; cap troopers swear by grenades.
the new weapon’s burst fire feature as it allows them to
accurately gauge how many rounds they are using against XW-137-A3 Trench Sweeper Laser: A marvel of modern
each target. The TW-203-a comes with an underslung technology, the Trench Sweeper laser is only the size of
XW-110-G1 Grenade Launcher as standard. an underslung grenade launcher yet it packs an immense
amount of lethal power. Capable of slicing through
material armour through the intense molecular disruption
caused by its high powered beam, Trench Sweepers are
rare but greatly prized additions to the Morita rifle.

IW-203-a Morita Ape Special: This special adaptation

of the Morita assault rifle takes the operative parts of
two 203-a weapons and builds them into the arms of
an M8 Marauder suit (though they are also compatible
XW-110-G1 Grenade Launcher: An underslung option with CHAS units). These weapons are typically used in
for the Morita that attaches to the bottom of the rifle’s tandem against single targets. Few targets can withstand
barrel and is operated with one hand, the XW-110-G1 such a barrage, making Ape Specials one of the most
grenade launcher can chamber several different forms effective Morita variants in the Mobile Infantry.
of ordnance. This makes the addition very tactically
diverse and allows the Mobile Infantry to tailor their
Morita assault rifles to the mission at hand. While CLOSE COMBAT WEAPONS
rarely as powerful as a normal squad weapon, the XW- CC-176-ER Shock Stick: The Wyman Arms CC-176-
110-G1 underslung launcher is the perfect complement ER Electrokinetic Combat Prod, colloquially known as
to an already excellent firearm. A XW-110-G1 grenade the shock stick, is a herding weapon used during capture
launcher can use any of the following three ammunition or containment missions. Although of frying targets with
types: electricity when set on full power, the shock stick is rarely
used at anything more than a non-lethal setting in battle.
* M-290 Flechette: Flechette rounds are narrow slivers The CC-176-ER prod is also capable of being wielded as
of hardened steel bound in a grenade casing. When a staff in combat, making it both versatile and deadly.
fired, the casing is discarded while the rounds travel at
ballistic speeds towards a target. They have excellent
penetration and can slice through chitin and armour
plate with very little effort.

* M-291 Frag: Fragmentation grenades work on much

the same principles as flechette rounds. The only real
difference is that fragmentation rounds travel to the
target before exploding into deadly shards. This forms
a lethal area around the point of impact and can take
out a number of enemies instead of concentrating
on one target. This spread of effect does make them
somewhat less effective than a flechette round; the
area of effect is usually worth the loss.

MI Weapons List
Close Combat Weapons
Name Range Damage Type Traits
CC-176-ER Shock Stick Close combat As user —
IW-228 Utility Claws Close combat 2x as user — —

IW-228 Utility Claws: These are a close combat

option for the M9 Marauder suit, as it is otherwise
not very effective at close range. They are also used for
engineering, fine manipulation and cargo loading, as the
Chickenhawk is an efficient hauler during combat drops.
Even if a Marauder driver never intends to use them in
battle, virtually every M9 operator in the Mobile Infantry
requires a set of utility claws for utilitarian use between
Y-Rack Special Rules
The Hellseed Y-Rack
generates a 4” Lethal Zone
centred on the M8’s centre
point when fired. There is no deviation. The Y-Rack
may not be fired in direct fire mode. The M8 need not
be readied to fire the Hellseed Y-Rack (unlike regular
Artillery fire weapons).

MW-209 Trip Hammer Mortar: A twin barrelled mortar,

this weapon is extremely effective at targeting distant
mission objectives with a normally short-ranged attack.
The Trip Hammer generally fires two minirockets at once
which fly towards the target with remarkable speed and
force, though it is capable of firing true shells too.

IW-422 Hellseed Y-Rack: These weapons are built into
an Ape suit, using sliding doors to conceal themselves
when not in use. Hellseed Y-racks are normally used
during a jump action, making them a fatal surprise for any
foe assuming the Ape to be vulnerable while in midair.

Support Weapons
Name Range Damage Type Traits
IW-422 Hellseed Y-Rack Special D6 Pack See Description
LZ (2”)
MW-209 Trip Hammer Mortar 36” D6+2 Pack
MW-558 Spitball R/L 12” 2xD10 Pack Piercing/1
SW-402 Triple Thud G/L 15” 3xD10 Pack Piercing/1
SW-219-f Inferno Support Flamer 12” 2xD10+2 Pack LZ (Stream)

MW-558 Spitball Rocket Launcher: Spitballs are
SW-404 Javelin Missile Launcher: When nothing else
mounted within the front carapace of the LA-50 Sprite
will do the job, a missile is a trooper’s last and best option.
Reconnaissance Skimmer. The Spitball fires minirockets
The SW-404 is a heavy weapon system with a top-feeding
from two launch tubes and despite their restricted ranges
magazine and an integral targeting computer that links to
have proved remarkably effective against a variety of non-
the tactical display in a trooper’s helmet. The Javelin is a
fortified targets.
powerful weapon but its blasts are not precise and it cannot
be used on crowded battlefields where a stray explosive
SW-402 Triple Thud Grenade Launcher: The SW-
round could spell the end of a misplaced trooper’s career.
402 is a tactical weapon designed to take out targets that
Casual use of a Javelin launcher is punishable by court
Morita rifles just cannot touch. Like many of the ‘grenade
martial; heavy weapons troopers should always remain
launchers’ employed by the MI, the Triple Thud does not
conscious of where their ammunition goes. An SW-404
generally fire true ‘grenades’ (though it is capable of doing
Javelin comes with Firecracker and Holepunch missiles
so). The SW-402 is usually loaded with minirockets
as standard.
– these have far greater penetration than grenades and
a much more concentrated killing zone, increasing the
tactical flexibility of the Triple Thud tremendously.

SW-219-f Inferno Support Flamer: This weapon is a

major upgrade of the Hel Infantry flamer and generates
the same width of blast but extends it quite a bit farther
in length. A powerful offensive option, it tends to be
used on Chickenhawks expected to see a great deal of
infighting and close ranged combat. It is not popular * M-714A2 Firecracker HE Missile: Both simpler in
with MI troopers outside of Marauder suits because of its design yet more powerful in its way, the M-714A2
tendency to torch allies accidentally. high explosive missile is also used by the Javelin launch
system. Meant specifically to be used against ground
targets, its blast radius and killing power makes the
M-714A2 the bane of all troop types. Very few targets
can withstand an attack from this missile; even power
suits can be swiftly dispatched by a direct hit.

* M-766A1 Holepunch HEAP Missile: This high

explosive armour piercing missile type is launched
is designed as a tank buster. Its special warhead is
made to tear open heavy armour and provide a breach
for its secondary shaped charge to detonate inside.
Extremely effective against fortifications and massive
Arachnids, the M-766A1 HEAP is a valuable asset on
any battlefield.

MI Weapons List
Missiles and Rockets
Name Range Damage Type Traits
SW-404 Javelin Missile Launcher — — — —
~ M-714A2 Firecracker HE Missile 60” 3xD6 Pack LZ (2”)
~ M-766A1 Holepunch HEAP
60” D10 Pack LZ (1”)
SW-414 Rapier AA Missile Launcher — — — —
~ M-780A5 AA ‘Birdbolt’ Missile 60” D10 Pack LZ (2”)
LZ (3”)
SW-490 Blizzard Missile Pack 60” 2xD10 One-Shot!

SW-414 Rapier AA Missile Launcher: The Rapier AA SW-490 Blizzard Missile Pack: The Blizzard missile
missile launch system is an air asset’s worst nightmare. pack comes with nine primed missiles which are fired
These missile launchers are specifically designed to fire together as a single attack. These missiles have their
the M-780A5 ‘Birdbolt’ missile, though rumours of other own guidance software and cannot be directed from the
warheads shortly to be distributed are commonplace. launching station once fired. It is a superb area saturation
device, capable of halting an entire swarm of Arachnids..

* M-780A5 ‘Birdbolt’ Missile: The Birdbolt is the

primary armament of the Rapier. It is specifically
designed for a high in-flight speed and carries a
penetrating nose charge to bring down even the
toughest air assets. While not especially effective
against ground targets, Birdbolts can be used against
such in an emergency.

AUTOCANNON MW-5050 Twin .50 Autocannon: Usually encountered
as a wall defence weapon, these guns are belt fed and have
MW-206 Derringer Light Rotary Cannon: A
an operator’s chair or standing mount. A massive weapon,
refinement of rotary machinegun technology, the MW-
the Twin .50 requires a crew to operate effectively. Despite
206 is a light version of the Sixgun weapon that graces
its cost in manpower, the rain of fire it can unleash against
the Marauder suit, among other chassis. It sacrifices a
enemy models makes the MW-5050 well worth investing
limited range and punch for a much greater rate of fire,
in during a heated battle.
allowing the Marauder to engage multiple targets at a
shorter distance.

MW-265 Sixgun Rotary Cannon: A rotary cannon

with multiple spinning barrels and massive ammunition
SW-X28 Bugbroom Support Laser: A refinement in
feed, capable of supplying the weapon for what seems like
laser technology that allows a coherent light cannon to
forever, the Sixgun is a common Marauder suit weapon
be mounted on Reliant emplacement. The Bugbroom
because of its tactical flexibility and high kill rates. Its
requires a special power pack and time to set up properly
ammunition is vast but not infinite, though this seldom
before each shot. Fully capable of showering an area with
becomes a problem in protracted fighting as a Marauder
laser fire, the Bugbroom is notoriously consumptive of
unit will invariably be re-supplied before running dry.
energy and has been known to run out of power at the
worse possible times during battle.

MW-X29 Scythe Laser Cannon: A highly experimental

weapon, the MW-X29 laser cannon is a mounted weapon.
Consisting of a charging coil and a focusing barrel,
the Scythe expends massive amounts of energy from a
dedicated power core to generate a destructive beam of
coherent light. This powerful pulse can beam straight
through the hardest physical armour with consummate

Name Range Damage Type Traits
MW-206 Derringer Light Rotary AA
20” 4xD6 Squad
Cannon Auto
MW-265 Sixgun Rotary Cannon 30” 3xD6+1 Squad Auto
MW-5050 Twin .50 Autocannon 30” 4xD6+1 Crew Auto

MI Weapons List
Name Range Damage Type Traits
LZ (Stream)
SW-X28 Bugbroom Support Laser 40” 3xD6+2 Pack Piercing/1
LZ (Stream)
MW-X29 Scythe Laser Cannon 36” D10+3 Pack Piercing/2

HAND GRENADES M-908P Plasma Munition: An M-908P plasma

munition is one of the most versatile munitions in the
M-902F Frag Grenade: Intended as a defensive weapon
MI armoury, as it can be thrown as a grenade, placed as a
with a great deal of killing potential, the fragmentation
bomb or launched from a Javelin missile launcher. It does
grenade operates perfectly in that role. A munition that
not erupt in mid-air when launched or thrown but does
bursts into a dense shower of edged metal, these grenades
so spectacularly on the ground. The core of the munition
not only assault any model in their area of effect but also
is superheated plasma within magnetic
make it difficult to see because of the gas charge that
compression. When these munitions
ignites along with its small payload. For a few brief but
explode, their plasma rages out
critical seconds, the M-902F Frag gives a unit the chance
of control and consumes
to retreat from close quarters combat in relative cover.
several yards of
battlefield with
M-904C Chem Grenade: A chemical grenade super-
its voracious
saturates an area with its payload. Any chemical can
technically be placed in a chem grenade; the characteristics
given are for a potent acidic compound capable of burning
through most materials.
M-997 Firestorm Bomb: The Firestorm is an adaptation
to the M-908P. Both larger and more powerful
than the plasma ‘grenade’, a Firestorm
consumes its plasma core within
moments. This creates a
much hotter kill zone
but does not have the
MUNITIONS persistent nature
of its smaller
M-918 Scatter Bomb: An impressive weapon, the one
shot M-918 is typically delivered via an air strike and
detonates in mid-air to scatter its deadly cargo of high
M-998A1 Atomic Pee-Wee Munition and M-999A2
explosive charges over a relatively wide area. Dangerous
Atomic Ajax Munition: In the universe of Starship
if it lands accurately into a unit of enemy
Troopers, nuclear weapons are still used during combat
models, it causes an incredibly
but their implementation has changed significantly.
powerful explosion all but
Conventional nukes, warheads that leave clouds of deadly
guaranteed to damage
fallout and massive radiation, have given way to short-term
anything in its
radioactive reactions and massive initial damage with few
blast radius.
side-effects or lingering traces other than massive areas of

Hand Grenades
Name Range Damage Type Traits
M-902F Frag Grenade 8” D10 Pack LZ (1”)
LZ (2”)
M-904C Chem Grenade 8” 3xD6 Pack

Name Range Damage Type Traits
M-918 Scatter Bomb Dropped 3xD6 One-Shot! LZ (3”)
Launched 60” Killshot
M-908P Plasma Munition Placed 2xD10 One-Shot! LZ (3”)
Thrown 6” Persistent
(Remote if Placed)
M-997 Firestorm Bomb Dropped 2xD10+2 One-Shot!
LZ (4”)
Dropped Killshot
M-998A1 Atomic Pee-Wee Munition
Launched 60” 3xD10+4 One-Shot! LZ (5”)
Placed Multihit
(Remote if Placed)
M-999A2 Atomic Ajax Munition Dropped
3xD10+4 One-Shot! LZ (7”)
(Remote if Placed)

planetary ruin. SICON currently uses two main grades The Sprite is armed with an MW-558 Spitball Rocket
of nuclear weapon – the fairly small Pee-Wee munition Launcher. The rider may shoot a Squad weapon instead
and the Ajax heavy tactical bomb. The latter is usually of the Spitball if desired.
dropped from orbit or placed as a devastating remote
bomb, while the former is capable of being fired from a Lizard Line: One of the most ubiquitous pieces of
Javelin missile launcher. Mobile Infantry equipment, lizard lines are a common
upgrade to all kinds of unit. Consisting of 20 metres of
compound polymer rope, a shock-deployed grapnel and a
GENERAL ISSUE EQUIPMENT firing unit, the common lizard line has been produced as a
LA-50 Sprite Reconnaissance Skimmer: Few Mobile grapnel gun, a belt device and an underslung attachment
Infantry troopers fail to appreciate the speed and to the Morita rifle.
manoeuvrability of a Sprite skimmer, a ground-effect
Lizard lines are an upgrade to an M-1A4, M8 or M9
vehicle with a set of three thrusters that maintain a height
model which add the Climb/6” trait.
of two feet over the terrain below at all times. While many
officers dream of mounting their entire squad on these WASP Pack: Halfway between an ordinary cap trooper’s
incredibly quick and well-armed vehicles, their cost does jump jets and the Sprite skimmer’s hover thrusters is the
not make this feasible for any but the most decorated or WASP pack. Replacing the normal combat backpack of
deserving. an M-1A4 cap trooper, these packs contain an extra jump
jet and expanded fuel reservoir, as well as a pair of flip-
A Sprite is an upgrade to an M-1A4 model and modifies out stabilisation wings. These provide the cap trooper
their characteristics as on the profile. Models that wearing the pack with up to 50% more time airborne
upgrade remain mounted for the whole game and may between jumps and much greater control and precision
not dismount. Models mounted on Sprites may not use while jumping.
any form of special movement mode other than hover.
WASP packs are an upgrade to an M-1A4 model which
increase the model’s Jump/12” trait to Jump/18”.
LA-50 Sprite Personal Skimmer
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
LA-50 Sprite
Reconnaissance As rider +50 2 6” As rider +1 6+ As rider/5+ 8+

Fleet Roster


The Thunderbolt, the standard SICON Tactical Airspace Control (TAC) fighter, is a dual-purpose craft capable of
conducting ground support strike operations and air-superiority missions. Thunderbolts are designed for operations in
an atmosphere, though they can undertake limited space combat at need.

The F-76 can be armed with a range of stores on external pylons and has a small internal weapons bay in addition to
an integral Sixgun Rotary Cannon aimed by the pilot.

Special Rules
Linked Ordnance Deployment: A TAC fighter may deploy up to four ordnance munitions in a single Shoot (Bomb)
Linked Rapier Launchers: A TAC fighter equipped with two SW-414 Rapier AA Missile Launchers may fire both in
a single Shoot (Dogfight) action.

Choose Payload:
Air Superiority (+0 points) Atomic (+500 points)
Ordnance A model with Atomic Protocols must be present in the
None force in order to purchase the Atomic Payload.
One M-999A2 Atomic Ajax munition
MW-265 Sixgun Rotary Cannon
Two SW-414 Rapier AA Missile Launchers Weapons
MW-265 Sixgun Rotary Cannon
Ground Support (+100 points)
Two SW-414 Rapier AA Missile Launchers
Three M-997 Firestorm bombs
Four M-918 Scatter bombs
MW-265 Sixgun Rotary Cannon
Two SW-414 Rapier AA Missile Launchers
Tactical (+100 points)
Two M-918 Scatter bombs
MW-265 Sixgun Rotary Cannon
Two SW-404 Javelin Missile Launchers
Two SW-490 Blizzard Missile Packs
Modular Drop Tanks
These allow the TAC fighter to use the Loiter flight
F-76 Thunderbolt TAC Fighter
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
F-76 Thunderbolt Burn
250 5 3xD10 7+ 5+/4+ 10+ Hits/5
TAC Fighter Cruise

Normally referred to as a Drop Ship, the Slingshot class is more correctly a boat, since it is a subordinate craft carried
by a larger vessel. The Slingshot is a medium-sized craft capable of delivering a platoon of Mobile Infantry troopers
and their equipment by direct landing or orbital drop. The Slingshot class was developed as a response to the risk of
losing starships to ground fire as they manoeuvred in to drop their troop complements. Using the Drop Boats as an
intermediate stage allows the capital ships to remain outside the danger area.

The Slingshot is lightly armed and requires a crew of two pilots. It is incredibly robust for its size and can take smallarms
and light support weapon fire without harm but is vulnerable to heavier weapons. As a result, Slingshot-class Drop
Boats are preferred for direct ground assault or retrieval operations in hot landing zones.

A variant of the Slingshot is the Heavenly Mercy rescue tender, which is equipped to drop first-response medical and
rescue personnel into a disaster-struck area, then land and act as a field hospital or control centre. Originally developed
for non-military relief operations, the Heavenly Mercy class has now been adopted by the Fleet. It is sometimes assigned
to Mobile Infantry operations to provide a mobile trauma-aid centre close to the battle area.

Special Rules
Air Transport: A Slingshot can carry up to 20 Size points of models (maximum individual model Size 4). Due to
extensive stocks of ammunition, any MI models within the point blank range of a Slingshot may ignore the ammo
Countermeasures: A Slingshot’s dodge save against all missile weapons is 4+ rather than the usual 5+.
Linked Ordnance Deployment: A Slingshot may deploy up to two ordnance munitions in a single Shoot (Bomb)

Choose Payload:
Standard Air Transport (+0 points) D6+6 M-1A4 models of his choosing. Heavenly Mercy
Ordnance variants lose the Air Transport special rule.
Ground Support (+100 points)
Weapons Ordnance
MW-206 Derringer Light Rotary Cannon Six M-997 Firestorm bombs
Three M-918 Scatter bombs
Heavenly Mercy (+0 points)
Ordnance Weapons
None MW-206 Derringer Light Rotary Cannon

Weapons Tactical (+100 points)

MASH: These variants of the Slingshot strip out all Five M-918 Scatter bombs
offensive armament and replace it with cots, trauma tanks
and medical facilities to care for up to 12 patients at a Weapons
time. If the MI player has a functional Heavenly Mercy Two SW-490 Blizzard Missile Packs
Rescue Tender in his force at the end of a game where it has MW-206 Derringer Light Rotary Cannon
landed on the battlefield, he reduces his total casualties by

Slingshot Drop Boat

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Slingshot Drop Boat 300 6 Loiter 4xD10 8+ 4+/5+ 12+ Hits/8

Fleet Roster


The standard small interface craft carried aboard SICON vessels is the Retrieval Boat. It has a crew of two pilots,
though it can be operated by one person at need. The Retrieval Boat is armoured to withstand light anti-vehicle
weapons, though it cannot as much punishment as the Slingshot or Viking.

The cargo compartment aboard a retrieval boat can carry 12 combat-equipped troopers or an equivalent amount of
cargo. An unarmoured version is used as a light shuttle for inter-ship duties, and many boats are converted for other
operations including search and rescue, salvage and exploration.

Two MW-5050 Twin .50 Autocannon

Special Rules
Air Transport: A Skyhook can carry up to 12 Size points of models (maximum individual model Size 1).

Skyhook Retrieval Boat

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Skyhook Retrieval Boat 125 5 2xD10 6+ 5+ 9+ Hits/6


The heavily-armoured ‘shed on jets’ used by the Mobile Infantry to get from orbit to the drop zone is correctly termed
a Landing Boat. Landing Boats do not have the capability to drop cap troopers, whereas Drop Boats can deliver their
complement of troops by either orbital drop or direct landing.

The standard Viking Landing Boat requires a crew of two pilots and can deliver a whole platoon of 30 troopers to a
planetary surface, plus mission stores, spare ammunition and a contingent of security and logistic personnel. Landing
Boats are heavily armoured and feature multiply-redundant control systems.

Landing Boats are extremely robust but are rather slow. This is not a problem on the approach, since a gravity-assisted
descent is by definition rapid since Vikings drop like bricks. However, they are not the best choice for in-and-out
missions since their climb to altitude is both slow and predictable. Fast, manoeuvrable Slingshots are favoured for ‘hot
extractions’ of this type.
Two MW-5050 Twin .50 Autocannon
Special Rules
Air Transport: A Viking can carry up to 30 Size points of models (maximum individual model Size 2). Due to extensive
stocks of ammunition, any MI models within the point blank range of a Viking may ignore the ammo rules.
Viking Landing Boat
Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Viking Landing Boat 195 7 4xD10 7+ 5+ 10+ Hits/8

The AGM-716 Flamberge is a large missile normally carried on a heavy centreline pylon by gunships. It has a standoff attack
range of 75 kilometres but is more accurate if delivered closer to the target.

Guidance is a combination of inertial, terrain-recognition and remote updates from the launching craft or satellite. The
Flamberge is capable of ‘smart’ homing and can even abort an attack run and come back from a different angle if its operator
or onboard tactical computer decides this will give a better chance of a successful attack.

The Flamberge is normally used to deliver a standard Scatter bomb but Firestorm warheads are available. The Flamberge can
also deliver air-scattered mines, cluster munitions or carry a reconnaissance pod. Nuclear warheads are also available but are
subject to the usual special ‘nuclear release’ protocols.

Warhead Options
M-918 Scatter bomb for +0 points.
M-997 Firestorm bomb for +50 points.
M-998A1 Atomic Pee-Wee munition for +300 points. A model with Atomic
Protocols must be present in the force in order to purchase this warhead.

Special Rules
Missile: As a missile unit, the Flamberge may only perform the Move (Fly) and Charge
(Crash) actions.

AGM-716 Flamberge Heavy Ground Attack Missile

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
AGM-716 Flamberge Missile 50 3 2xD10 6+ 5+ 8+ Hits/2


The Sarissa is a large anti-shipping missile launched from starships, orbital defence installations and ground platforms.
The weapon consists of a main bus and final approach module. The main bus contains a simple rocket motor to provide
rapid acceleration in the early stages of an engagement, allowing the missile to reach the target vicinity. Once close, the
module detaches and fires its high-power motor to make the final attack. This module contains all the guidance, sensor and
communications systems used by the missile, plus the warhead.

When launched from ground installations, the Sarissa is normally boosted to orbit by a third stage which is discarded once
its fuel has been expended. Whatever the launch system, the weapon is designed for engagements at a variety of ranges.
Theoretically, the Sarissa can coast towards the target area for days before making final engagement, though obviously large
vector changes on the part of the target during this time will take the target out of the final engagement envelope.

Special Rules
One Chance: The Sarissa may not return to the battlefield if it leaves it.
Missile: As a missile unit, the Sarissa may only perform the Move (Fly) and Charge (Crash) actions.

Warhead Options
M-918 Scatter bomb for +0 points.
M-997 Firestorm bomb for +50 points.
M-998A1 Atomic Pee-Wee munition for +300 points. A model with Atomic Protocols
must be present in the force in order to purchase this warhead
M-999A2 Atomic Ajax munition for +500 points. A model with Atomic Protocols
must be present in the force in order to purchase this warhead

EOM-1A1 ‘Sarissa’ Space Combat Missile

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
EOM-1A1 ‘Sarissa’ Missile 100 4 Burn 4xD10 8+ 4+ 10+ Hits/4

Fleet Roster
Dropping from high altitude through even the thinnest atmosphere is an extremely hazardous occupation. Atmospheric
heating, radiation and the chance of being hit by ground fire would put many cap troopers out of action before they
hit the ground, were it not for the M2 drop capsule.

The drop capsule resembles a larger version of

the power suit and incorporates a deceleration/
evasion pack in addition to heavy-duty gyros
and thick armour plate. It surrounds the cap
trooper during the initial stages of a drop,
when he is most vulnerable.

While the drop capsule is proof against many

attacks, evasion rather than thick armour is the
key to successful defence. Thus a falling cap
trooper is flung all over the sky by the shield’s
evasion pack at the slightest hint of ground
fire. Computer control not only prevents cap
trooper collisions but also ensures that despite
the wildest evasions, the ‘stick’ of dropped cap
troopers will arrive over the target area together
and at the right time.

Once the initial stage of the drop is over the shield breaks away, providing further protection by confusing enemy
radar and other sensors with a mass of targets, all falling at the same rate as the real cap troopers. The casing gradually
disperses, ensuring that the drop zone is clear, though hostile forces nearby might be ‘attacked’ by falling drop capsule
plates, adding further confusion and mayhem to the situation. Final descent to landing is conducted by the cap
trooper’s power suit using its integral jump system.

Special Rules
Aero-Braking: Drop capsule units can opt to delay their entry onto the battlefield by firing early brake thrusters or
requesting over-delays in their drop patterns. This is not without its problems – altering drop ratios and orbital passes
can severely delay the arrival of drop capsule units if this option is taken. As such, every drop capsule unit may use
either of the two entry times stated below:
1. Appear as Reserves in the first Air phase.
2. Appear as Reserves in the third or later Air phase. Roll D6 however; on a 1 the unit is delayed and does not arrive
this turn. The unit can try again at the beginning of each subsequent Air phase.

Quick Delivery: Drop capsule models must Move (Fly) onto the battlefield as their first action. Their second action
must be a Move (Land) action. Should the drop capsule be destroyed before the end of the Air phase, the model inside
is automatically a casualty and removed from the table.

Unit Upgrade: Drop capsules can be used by M-1A4 power suits and M8 or M9 Marauder suits. The whole unit must
upgrade and are Air units until the end of the Air phase in which they appear.

M2 Drop Capsule
Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
+10 (M-1A4)
M2 Drop Capsule +1 Burn — 6+ 3+/5+ 9+ No Flinch
+25 (M8 or M9)

The Bug Menace
– Excerpts from Military Intelligence Briefing How they could survive on a
GEN-ARA-6b; Officers Only desolate world with no apparent
A strange race of questionable sentience but prey species is unknown but
unmistakable ferocity, the Arachnids were recently Federation scientists believe
discovered on the planet Pluto in Sol, the primary they may be in the active part
star system of the United Citizens’ Federation. Insects of a hibernation cycle. If this
possessed of phenomenal strength, Arachnids (or bugs is true, the alien insects will
as they are referred to by most in SICON) appear to be likely re-enter that state when
hostile to all forms of life not their own. they discover the utter lack of
food that exists on the surface.
Since these creatures appear to
Neither SICON nor the general public of the Federation be very efficient at tunnelling
learned the truth of the Arachnids and where they came through soil and porous rock,
from until after the second appearance of bugs on Pluto. they may have a subterranean
Even the most gifted scientists and xenobiologists in the source of nourishment.
United Citizens’ Federation had not guessed that the – Intel Agent Murphy
Arachnids were actually an invading alien race from far
outside Earth’s solar system. The discovery of a species
capable of crossing vast distances aboard a gigantic living
Arachnid Culture
organism seemingly bred for that purpose was so totally
Arachnids are believed to share a common trait with
outside the human sphere of experience that its revelation
many insect species – distributed intelligence. While this
still threatens to rewrite everything mankind knows about
cannot be substantiated and is not even a matter of full
alien life and the nature of the universe.
agreement in the scientific community, many researchers
have posited the idea of Arachnid psychology modelled on
Humanity’s first protracted contact with Arachnid life
Eciton burchelli, the common Earth army ant. There are
was militant. Faced with another species, the colonists
many similarities between the known types of Arachnids
and personnel of the Pluto stations chose to shoot first,
and the army ant, both physical and behavioural.
call in the Mobile Infantry and shoot again. While the
Federation claims that there was a diplomatic breakdown
If the correlation between the two species can be taken to
with the Arachnids the first time they were encountered,
its logical conclusion, the Arachnids must have a higher
the truth behind this initial meeting was that the
order of mentality to explain their behaviour during
Federation shot first.
engagement. Just like Eciton burchelli, Arachnid warriors
swarm enemies and react with almost preternatural
In any case, it is not likely that any meeting of humans
teamwork and co-ordination in battle. As the biological
and Arachnids could result in anything but violence.
study of a warrior Arachnid cadaver does not indicate a
Built to kill and feed on other forms of organic life, the
large enough cerebrum to allow for higher order thought,
odds of a warrior bug responding to diplomacy are nil. It
an outside force must be enforcing such disciplined and
is likely that even if the Federation had acted peacefully
effective behaviour upon them.
during its first contact with the Arachnids on Pluto, the
outcome would have been any no deadly or tragic.

The Arachnids
However, from this point onward the theories become
increasingly speculative. The prevailing belief is that
the brain bugs on a given world can telepathically
Briefing 10-28-ARA, Military
communicate with one another and thereby organise
themselves on a planetary basis.
There has been no sighting or direct physical evidence
to support the hypothesis of an Arachnid Queen or
Far more tenuous is the suggestion that brain bugs can
suggest what one might look like. Given the sheer
stay in communication with each other across interstellar
size of Arachnid transport ships, a Queen would be
distances, thus forming an inter-system communication
truly immense; she might be the largest land creature
network. This ‘Galactic Web’ theory is generally ridiculed
in the galaxy. All of this is pure supposition, of course.
because brain bugs would therefore have to be able to
We do not believe that such an Arachnid exists and
compartmentalise their minds to handle the massive input
efforts spent trying to locate it are therefore a waste
such powerful abilities would suggest. Such multitasking
of men and resources. Intel recommends that our
would be all but unheard of and would contravene many
focus remain on stalling the Arachnid offensive and
established mores in cranial biology, insect or otherwise.
on forward assaults into their territory rather than
chasing this fantasy.
Nevertheless, the Galactic Web theory does take some of
the information-dissemination burden off transport bugs,
the gigantic spacefaring insects that ferry other Arachnid
Arachnid sentience is a key issue in both public debate species between worlds. Without the Galactic Web
and military research. Since distributed intelligence theory, transport bugs (and the bugs they carry) would be
over long distances has no recorded precedent on Earth responsible for all interplanetary communications in the
and would logically require intermediaries to act as Arachnid Empire.
messengers or conduits of important information, SICON
researchers have dedicated vast resources to delineating The Galactic Web theory has given rise to entirely
the communicative species of Arachnid. unsubstantiated speculations that there may also be
a governing Arachnid entity involved – a spider at the
Experts in the fledgling field of Arachnid science postulate centre of the web. The brain bugs, in this theory, send
that the so-called chariot bugs – a small Arachnid species their information and thoughts to a single Queen on
occasionally recovered by MI forces – function as low- some distant undisclosed planet. This Queen then makes
level intelligence distribution nodes for the hive mind. the major command decisions for the race by interpreting
The generally accepted theory subsequently suggests information from countless brain bugs connected to the
that there is a network of brain bugs on every world Galactic Web.
the Arachnids inhabit and that they form the second-
level intelligence. Unlike any other encountered species Industries of the Arachnid Race
of Arachnid, the brain bugs seem to be capable of true There is no apparent technology base or industrial
cogitation as well as information dissemination. endeavour within the ‘culture’ of Arachnids. They are
insects in every sense and as such do not use equipment,
weapons or armour (other than their formidable
natural advantages). They do not create fortifications or
installations, though they are capable of modifying or
even creating cavern systems for use in spreading across a
landmass or housing their eggs.

While it is tempting to tag the race of Arachnids as

technologically inert, an examination of the few species
encountered by the Mobile Infantry and the many
variations theorised by Military Intelligence indicates
otherwise. What bugs lack in mechanical and electronic
engineering they more than make up for in instinctive

genetic manipulation. Federation scientists even suggest
that the Arachnids’ impressive array of subtypes is a
defensive mechanism intended to combat anything Briefing 9-88-ARA/SKN, Military
proving itself a threat to the race. Intelligence
There is no indication that the Arachnids and the
Interaction With Other Races Skinnies have in any way formed an alliance. While
There is no evidence to suggest that the Arachnids have the timing of Skinny raids into Federation territory is
relations of any kind with other species except possibly as unfortunate, neither SICON nor behavioural experts
a predator/prey symbiosis. Arachnids can exist on even the working on behalf of the UCF believe it possible the
harshest, most unforgiving planets. They are extremely Arachnids and the Skinnies could have any form of
adaptable and can easily align their needs and physiology agreement. Communication issues aside, there is no
to whatever favours their continued survival. reason to believe the Skinnies would work on behalf
of a race that is just as likely to turn on them after
Humans rampaging through human space.
Arachnids attack humans on sight – even those with no
reason to suspect hostility, much less how deadly one Our recommendation is to treat the Skinnies as a
can be. Noted reactions to weaponry that they have separate threat and deal with them when the time
never seen before and, indeed, should not even recognise comes or they force our hand. A handful of captured
as weaponry lends new credence to the theory that the civilians on frontier worlds is not enough reason to
Arachnid hive mind is capable of communicating on an dedicate more than a token force towards border
interplanetary scale. defence; it will appear as if we are taking the threat
seriously wihout noticeably draining our military on
Skinnies the Arachnid front.
In nearly all observed encounters, Arachnids attack
Skinnies on sight, much as they attack humans. Yet in one We do recommend that as soon as the Arachnid
documented recording available only to high-clearance threat is dealt with, we proceed with the planned
SICON personnel, a Skinny militia unit was notably operation to eradicate the Skinny race. They are a
ignored by a wave of Arachnid warrior bugs. nuisance and eventually their raids will become bold
enough that we will no longer be able to conceal
It is not known whether this single recorded incident is how many civilians have been taken to date. Since
merely an anomaly or has a wide-reaching explanation we believe (see 8-54-SKN) the Skinnies would make
behind it. poor allies, it is best to remove them entirely.

An Arachnid Empire?
The revelation that Arachnids are not indigenous to our
solar system during the 2nd Pluto campaign first raised
the possibility that they may have a homeworld or worlds
dominated solely by themselves. As the Road to Victory Fortunately for humanity, it is the purpose of the Road to
campaign progresses, this possibility has become proven Victory campaign to seek out all bug worlds and eradicate
fact, as system after system has been discovered that is the Arachnids wherever they try to hide. As the Road is
entirely infested by Arachnids. paved towards the Arachnid homeworld, the bugs will be
cleansed from the galaxy.
It has been suggested that the resistance against Arachnid
infestation in the Sol system might have given rise to the
retaliatory meteor strike that devastated Buenos Aires
shortly after the 2nd Pluto Campaign. Unless a mitigating
factor (such as the fearless men and women of SICON)
somehow keeps their numbers in check, the bugs may
strike again in vicious retribution for humanity’s stalwart
refusal to suffer bug existence on Pluto.

The Arachnids
Bug Spaceflight
Humanity has learned to
Few citizens and government personnel accept take to the stars through
the idea of a ‘Bug Empire’ existing anywhere in complex scientific
the galaxy. The prevailing official theory on the application and the
Arachnids is that the species is an evolutionary manipulation of both
dead end and while there might be a great deal gravity and magnetic
more of them somewhere among the stars, they
lack the means or the sophistication to threaten wavelengths in the form of
Earth itself. the Cherenkov drive. The
Arachnids, on the other
Colonies, however, may be at risk, especially hand, travel between the
dissenter camps like the multiple religious stars in massive insects,
secessionist movements that have established
seemingly no more
illegal occupations on inadequately explored
planets along the edge of UCF space. SICON complex than a beetle the
urges these unlawful assemblies to return to size of a SICON troop
the Federation, at least until the Arachnid crisis transport. How such an
has concluded. It must be stressed that because apparently basic species
these worlds are outside the jurisdiction of the manages this feat is beyond
Fleet, no aid can be rendered to any unapproved any explanation that can
colony and SICON will not be held responsible if be supported by modern
this warning goes unheeded. Federation science.
– Colonel Hulce, Military Intelligence Public
Liaison [Excerpt from public statement made two The only hypothesis offered
days before the devastation of Buenos Aires] so far is that somehow
transport bugs (as these
massive, chamber-riddled
Arachnids are called)
biologically generate the
same phasing effect that a
human Cherenkov drive
creates. The stress of
travelling at parsec speeds
has been known to tear
apart the hulls of poorly
maintained Federation
vessels. How an insect
could be structurally
perfect enough to survive
such a journey uninjured is
a mystery for which UCF
researchers do not even
have a working theory.

The important things to

remember about transport
bugs is what SICON does
not know about them:

1. SICON does not know

how many transport bugs

2. While it is probably safe to assume that transport bugs
must obey the accepted Four Parsec Limit, there is no
proof to support this assumption.
Briefing 10-09-ARA, Military
Intelligence It is probable that these insects generate the power for
On the matter of transport bugs and other forms of their interstellar journeys by consuming massive amounts
Arachnids, an intriguing and alarming possibility has of water, minerals and organic matter. This raw fuel is
been raised within our psychic corps. Each Arachnid then hyper-digested through some kind of internal fission.
seems to be perfectly adapted for its role and exhibits This fission would have to be so advanced that it consumes
traits that are almost impossible to explain through virtually all of the matter present and turns it into usable
human scientific understanding. Warrior bugs, for energy. This energy is then processed, somehow, to form
example, should not be able to support their own the Cherenkov effect around a transport bug.
weight given their size (as detailed in 7-17-ARA).
This also suggests both a weakness in the transport bug
This leads us to posit a supposition, much against our and an explanation for why Arachnids aggressively move
normal policy of reporting only factual information into other systems. If transport bugs do generate the
to your office. The perfect environmental suitability energy for their space travels internally, it is doubtful they
of every new form of Arachnid discovered strongly possess any form of scoop for the gathering of additional
suggests that they are indeed tailored to perform fuel during spaceflight. This would in turn limit the
unique actions during battle. It is possible that the maximum flight range of transport bugs and require a
Arachnids are nothing more than a created military period of foraging before another interstellar trip would
force designed by a second, previously unknown be possible. As yet, no data has been gathered to either
race. It is doubtful that the Skinnies are behind the confirm or disprove this hypothesis.
Arachnid menace; if they were, they would certainly
use them during their raids.
We will continue to devote a portion of our resources
to discovering the origins of the Arachnids. If it
While many members of SICON would like to consider
transpires they are indeed a form of biological weapon
the Arachnid swarms just that – undisciplined hordes
system (as we suspect), SICON may be fighting the
with no pattern or forethought – nothing could be
wrong opponent. We will report any progress on this
further from the truth. There are numerous formations
front using the suffix BIO.
and sub-formations practised by the Arachnids during
battle that no Mobile Infantry trooper can see and no
tactical analyst can discern from what otherwise looks
like random movement.

The key to this special form of military finesse comes

from the one thing a modern ground trooper is unable
to emulate. Arachnids are effectively an insect colony
and base their attack and defence patterns on senses
most humans cannot comprehend, much less use during
combat. Only a full unit of well-trained telepaths with
a strong foundation in clairsentience could possibly do
what even the most basic Arachnid is instinctively capable
of in battle. Even if enough such human psychics existed,
they would be far too valuable to SICON to risk putting
in such a squad.

The continued underestimation of Arachnid abilities

and tactical competence has caused the needless death

The Arachnids
of thousands of MI troopers in every
major offensive against the bugs since
their first appearance on Pluto. While
SICON, with the aid of Military Briefing 8-21-ARA/SIC, Military Intelligence
Intelligence and their force of trained Arachnids seem to have no subtlety on the battlefield aside from
Talents, may eventually learn how to rudimentary trap-making in the form of nearly completed tunnels they
neutralise or compensate for the bugs’ come out of when opponents move overhead. This may simply be a
natural advantages, no revolutionary hunting reflex adapted to the battlefield, especially as the Arachnids may
theories have yet been forthcoming. not even consider engagements like the incidents on Pluto to be anything
more than stalking particularly dangerous prey. They are not a tactical
Tactics and Training species but their brutal full-forward attack style and swarming behaviour
It was originally assumed that maximise their considerable physical prowess to the point of where they
Arachnids did not understand the need little else.
concept of ranged combat or aerial
attacks. It was therefore determined With the Arachnids accepted as a non-intelligent opposing force, we can
that they simply had natural attributes think of no justification for the limited and in many cases non-existent
that diminished the effectiveness of adherence to our tactical recommendations. Intelligence remains resolute
both. Ships in the Fleet were told that in its stance on the matter of current losses suffered by the Mobile
the impressive blasts of a plasma bug Infantry and the Fleet. If troopers and flight crews would follow our well-
firing into space were just harmless researched outlines and battle strategies, far fewer casualties and losses of
pyrotechnics, too inaccurate to be of vital equipment would occur.
any threat. The inaccuracies behind
these assumptions were learned early We strongly recommend that your office initiate an immediate review of
in the Road to Victory campaign and officers in direct leadership positions and remove those found to be guilty
proved very costly to SICON forces. of dereliction of duty. Ignoring an Intelligence directive is a violation of

In the case of aerial attacks,

Arachnids seek shelter after only a
few casualties, showing that they
can understand potential threats and
take steps to avoid them. If they are
caught in the open, Arachnids will
even burrow (assuming they are in
terrain that allows this) to remove
themselves as targets.

Ranged attacks are dealt with

through the same seemingly
inadvertent tactics that army ants
use – overwhelming numbers and
unceasing assault. The advantage
ranged weapons provide the Mobile
Infantry dwindles quickly when
it takes a few seconds to kill one
warrior bug and there are 20 more
moving in behind that target at full
speed. This technique, along with

Invasion Meteors
The primary purpose of a bug
meteor is as a form of first strike
transport. This type of bug
meteor is made from a hardened
but porous stone that carries
hundreds of Arachnids (typically
warrior bugs because of their
remarkable resilience) down
with it onto a planet’s surface.
Those warriors that survive
this impact then crawl out and
burrow straight into the walls
of the crater left by the meteor’s
fiery landing. As this all occurs
within minutes of the crash and
takes place along the underside
of the crater, the chances of any
such activity being observed,
even by witnesses to the strike,
are very slim.

In truth, many Arachnids are

the inclusion of Arachnid forms capable of ranged attacks killed during this manoeuvre
of their own, makes fighting the bugs on any battlefield a but if enough survive to dig out a lair and fill it with
challenge even for the Mobile Infantry. eggs stored in the heart of the meteor, they can quickly
multiply into much greater numbers over the course of a
Arachnids are deadly; this cannot be overemphasised. few weeks. One impact crater can rapidly become the hive
They are perfectly capable of slicing the limbs off a of an Arachnid invasion force, making this a primitive yet
trooper or even biting through his armoured torso in a incredibly effective tactic.
single attack. Ignoring their potential for violence and
slaughter is a foolish mistake. Troopers should always Devastation Meteors
keep in mind that while Arachnids have no true grasp A far more straightforward form of attack, devastation
of modern warfare or tactical thinking, their primitive meteors are the Arachnid equivalent of nuclear
reactions in battle are still very effective when multiplied bombardment from orbit. These are usually harvested
by the hundreds of thousands that may appear during any from an asteroid field in one of the systems in bug-
protracted engagement. controlled space. The density of the meteor allows a large
percentage of its mass to survive the heat of re-entry and
Arachnid Bombardment make a far greater impact when it finally does smash into
The so-called ‘bug meteor’ is a special tactic possible the surface.
only through the capabilities of transport bugs and their
genetic understanding of astronavigation and advanced Transport bugs have an amazing sense of geometry and
special geometry. Essentially a massive rock carried by a navigation; they are fully capable of unleashing a meteor
transport bug to the periphery horizon of a target world from beyond the orbits of a planet’s satellites and hitting
and then released to finish the rest of its journey at high a populated area (a city, an outpost, a habitation dome)
velocity, a bug meteor can have one of two purposes. with incredible accuracy. While it is not likely that a
Either way, it causes massive damage when it impacts. Transport bug making an asteroid bombing run has any
real awareness of the significance of its targets outside
of population mass, the effect of having a rock from the
heavens smash down and erase a populated area (like the
devastation of Buenos Aires) can be quite effective all on
its own.

Arachnid Army List

ARMY LIST Higher Command (Brain Bugs)
A million bugs, ten thousand The Arachnid higher command structure comprises brain
troopers: Vegas odds! It’ll be a bugs and the hypothesised Arachnid queen bug. SICON
walk in the park. scientists are still unsure exactly how Arachnid commands
– Trooper Higgins are transmitted but suspect a telepathic connection of
some kind supplemented by pheromone discharges.
Brain bugs have one very special rule associated with
Arachnid forces can appear anarchic and them: Co-ordinate.
uncoordinated to human eyes, stampeding around
without purpose or pointlessly indulging in threat Co-ordinate: Each brain bug in a force generates a bonus
displays. But the atavistic nature of the bugs conceals action for the Arachnid player during his turn. This action
an undercurrent of sinister intelligence in their actions, can be used by any one Arachnid unit on the tabletop
doubly so under the hidden influence of an Arachnid during the turn, enabling that unit to complete a total of
brain bug lurking nearby. Even veteran infantrymen three actions in one player turn. The brain does not need
can be surprised by sudden Arachnid counterattacks and to do anything special to generate the action; its mere
flanking manoeuvres brought down on them through a presence is sufficient. Once the brain bug is wounded
single tactical mistake. (reduced to one hit) or removed as a casualty, Co-ordinate
no longer applies. Each unit may only benefit from one
Arachnid Unit Leaders bonus action per turn.
Bugs do not have ranks and medals; they have a caste
system and a hive hierarchy that
dominates entire planets. They have
no angst or ego and can be relied on
to act with selfless determination to the
last fibre of their being. They have no
leaders as humans understand them,
yet they act in co-ordinated, logical
patterns on the battlefield.

To represent this insect brand of perfect

communism, the Arachnid player is
free to designate which model acts as
unit leader each time an Arachnid unit
takes an action. This means command
range is seldom an issue for Arachnid

Arachnid Command Range

Arachnid command range is 6”.

Loss of Brain Bugs 1. A swarm is formed at the start of an action when the
If a brain bug is removed as a casualty, all Arachnid units Arachnid player declares his unit leader. Any Arachnid
are thrown into confusion. Until the end of the Arachnid model of the same species within point blank range
player’s next turn: of that model can join the swarm, even if they are
originally from different units. Every model within
* No Arachnid units are considered to be on Alert point blank range of any model within the swarm
Status. may also join the swarm (up to a maximum of 15
models in a single swarm).
* All Arachnid units may only perform one action,
rather than the usual two. 2. Models in the swarm are considered a single unit,
ignoring the normal command range rules, for the
duration of the action. There is nothing to prevent
ARACHNID ALERT STATUS REACTIONS keeping a swarm operating as one body in the next
The hive consciousness of the bugs means they can react action or even for the entire game if the Arachnid
very quickly to changing circumstances. As they seldom player wishes, but its constituent models are still
use ranged combat, Arachnids on Alert Status rarely considered a part of their starting units
Shoot (though they may if they have the Ranged Attack
trait or Talents). Arachnid models on Alert Status can use Arachnid swarms do a great job of replicating the mass
the Alarm Screech or Countercharge reactions instead of bug attacks these creatures are famous for but can cause
shooting. difficulties in identifying which models belong to which
units when the swarm breaks up or for calculating
Alarm Screech (special Arachnid Ready reaction) mission points. It is suggested players paint a dot of
Any Arachnid model on Alert Status can use a Ready colour on the underside of Arachnid models to assist in
reaction to warn other bugs if enemy models complete an unit identification when it is needed. The more aesthetic
action within 10”. Alarm screech enables any Arachnid alternative is to subtly differentiate carapace markings.
models (regardless of species) within 6” of the screeching
bug to count it as their unit leader and make an immediate
Move action. The screeching bug may join in with this WARRIOR BUGS
Move action Warrior bugs are the core of every Arachnid army. They
are cannon fodder, elite assassins and fast-attack troopers
Countercharge (special Arachnid Charge reaction) all rolled into one lethal package. To make matters worse
Any Arachnid model on Alert Status can use a Charge for the MI, warriors have a couple of special options that
reaction to Countercharge when enemy models complete can come into play during battles, which affect all Warrior
an action within 10” of them.
Countercharges are dealt with in
exactly the same manner as normal
Charge actions.

Command effectiveness for
Arachnids is greatly enhanced when
they are amassed together in swarms;
the whole swarm will act as a single
unit and can overrun even the
most heavily defended fortification.
Swarms are resolved in the following

Arachnid Army List
Bug Units within an Arachnid player’s force. These are When choosing a force the Arachnid player is limited in
the Workers & Warriors and Endless Tide options. what units he is permitted by his Priority Level, to a far
greater degree than the MI. For Arachnids, Priority Level
Workers & Warriors is tightly linked to the Force Value for the game. To the
These two Arachnid species are almost impossible to tell bugs, if something is important, you send more bugs.
apart in battlefield conditions, a fact often exploited by
Arachnid tactics. There is always a high ratio of workers Arachnid Priority Levels
to warriors but workers rarely engage in combat unless Force Value Maximum Priority Level
the need is dire. 0 to 999 points 1
1,000 to 1,999 points 2
The Arachnid player can exploit the worker-to-warrior 2,000 or more points 3
ratio, bulking out the apparent size of his Warrior Bug
Units by including more worker decoys than normal.
Using this option, the warrior models are cheaper in SUPPORT
points but their Target characteristic is reduced to 4+ Just like the MI, Arachnid armies are more than just a
represent the vulnerability of workers. If this option is collection of models on the tabletop. Bugs have resources
used it must be applied to all of the Warrior Bug Units in too and even limitations on their use, the primary
the Arachnid force. ones being the distribution of their brain bugs and the
extensiveness of their tunnel network in a given area. The
For example, an Arachnid force has chosen to use the Workers Arachnids therefore have access to two kinds of asset:
& Warriors rule, making its warrior bug models cost only 10 Command and Tunnel. The availability and flexibility of
points each. The downside is that all warrior models now these assets fluctuates according to the Priority Level of
have a Target characteristic of 4+ instead of 5+. the Arachnid force.

Endless Tide Command Assets

Bugs just keep coming, it is as simple as that. To represent There is only one real command asset for an Arachnid
this, PL 3 Warrior Bug Units can be upgraded so that any force – brain bugs. The importance of these bugs to
warrior model removed from the tabletop as a casualty Arachnid tactics cannot be underestimated. While
becomes available as Reserve in the next Arachnid player Arachnids do not appear to become demoralised when
turn (see page 56 for details of Reserves). Warrior bugs their brain bugs are neutralised, they do appear to suffer
can keep recycling like this throughout the game. Mission at least temporary disorientation. Clever enemies exploit
points are scored for recycled warriors as if they were new this fact and make brain bugs a top priority in combat.
units (which in fact they are). If Endless Tide is used it
must be applied to all of the Warrior Bug Units in the Tunnel Assets
Arachnid force. Endless Tide may be combined with the If the sky is ruled by the Fleet on behalf of the MI, the
Workers & Warriors option. underground is ruled by the bugs. Virtually all bug
engagements will include tunnels, traps and ambushes. The
Tunnel assets available to an Arachnid force are dependent
FORCE VALUE & PRIORITY LEVELS upon Priority Level and the full rules for tunnelling can be
Arachnid forces cannot be as tidily defined in military found in the Tunnelling chapter. The Tunnel assets listed
nomenclature as the MI. Intelligence reports tend represent the amount of time an Arachnid force has put
to persist in classifying bug movements in terms of into expanding its subterranean hold. Purchasing a few
‘battalion’ or ‘regiment’ strength (all too commonly they Tunnelling Markers and Entrances represents relatively
are ‘division’ strength) but the observers seldom know virgin bug territory with few tunnels created as yet. As
what they are looking at. A movement of hundreds of more and more Tunnel Assets are purchased, the tunnel
warriors heading away from a combat zone might indicate network becomes increasingly extensive.
a fresh counterattack forming, a nest being re-established
in a new region or a general rout from the area.

Basic Units Basic Units Basic Units
Warrior Bug 75 points Warrior Bug 75 points Warrior Bug 75 points
Unit Unit Unit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Blaster Bug 90 points Blaster Bug 90 points Blaster Bug 90 points

Unit Unit Unit
0-1 per force 0-2 per force Unlimited

Blister Bug 90 points Blister Bug 90 points Blister Bug 90 points

Unit Unit Unit
0-1 per force 0-2 per force Unlimited

Hopper Bug 150 points Firefry Unit 60 points Firefry Unit 60 points
Unit 0-2 per force Unlimited
0-1 per force
Hopper Bug 150 points Hopper Bug 150 points
Command Assets Unit Unit
Add Workers & –5 points 0-2 per force Unlimited
per warrior
Warriors option bug model
Plasma Bug 300 points Plasma Bug 300 points
0-1 per force 0-3 per force
Tunnel Assets
0-3 Tunnelling 50 points 250 points 250 points
each Tanker Bug Tanker Bug
0-1 per force 0-3 per force
0-2 Tunnel 50 points
Entrances each Command Assets Command Assets
Brain Bug 300 points Brain Bug 300 points
0-1 per force 0-3 per force

Add Workers & –5 points Add Endless +10 points

per warrior Tide option per warrior
Warriors option bug model bug model
Add Workers & –5 points
Tunnel Assets Warriors option per warrior
0-1 Camouflaged 75 points bug model
Tunnel Entrance Tunnel Assets
0-1 Bug Central 300 points
0-1 Nest Entrance 75 points
0-2 Camouflaged 75 points
0-3 Tunnel 50 points Tunnel Entrances each
0-2 Nest 75 points
Entrances each
0-4 Tunnelling 50 points
Markers each
0-4 Tunnel 50 points
Entrances each

Any number of 50 points

Tunnelling Markers each

Arachnid Roster

Blister bugs are a low-level ranged troop type for the Arachnid army and are treated as even more expendable than other
‘soldiers’ by brain bugs. They are easily produced as eggs, making them less valuable than other hive types; this places
them firmly in the line of fire whenever a hive or bug outpost is attacked. In large numbers, they can be incredibly
deadly but their fragile (when compared with warriors) exoskeletons make them easy to take down with concerted
firepower. With an oversized, bulbous upper body and spindly legs underneath, blister bugs are very distinctive on the
battlefield and readily identified.

Every Blister Bug Unit consists of three blister bugs (90 points total). Up to seven extra blister bugs may be added to
the unit at +30 points each.

Blister Bug Ranged Attack

Name Range Damage Type Traits
Blister Bug Acid 12” D10 Internal Piercing/1

Blister Bug Unit

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Blister 30 2 6” 2xD6 5+ 4+ 7+ Ranged Attack

Brain bugs are at the visible top of the Arachnid hierarchy, though it is theorised that there may be one level above them
(some form of Queen) that has never been seen by humans. Massive and bizarrely shaped, brain bugs almost look like
greatly deformed brains with the vaguest of insectoid features. Any trooper who assumes these powerfully psychic creatures
are defenceless may not live to realise his error. Brain bugs act as communication and tactical centres for Arachnid hives,
connected to every insect in the colony through their impressive but utterly alien telepathic mind.

Big, Fat, Smart Bug: Brain bugs allow the Arachnid player to Co-ordinate his forces (see page 113). As Independent
models, they may also take command of out of command Arachnid models within their command range. When doing so,
the species of Arachnid does not matter – a brain bug can command tanker and plasma bugs as easily as it can warriors.

Brain Suck: Brains have a highly adapted proboscis capable of piercing a victim’s skull and sucking the contents out. It
is believed that brain bugs somehow ‘learn’ what the victim knew as they digest their grisly meal, making this a potent, if
appalling, intelligence gathering tool.

To represent this ability, when a brain bug is in the force the Arachnid player can see if any enemy models that have been
removed as close combat casualties (for any reason) are in fact prisoners at the end of the game. Roll D6 for every casualty
removed in close combat. On a roll of 6, that casualty is a prisoner and will get his brain sucked. The Arachnid player scores
a bonus 10 mission points for every prisoner brain-sucked. Obviously non-organic units – missiles and CHAS cybernauts,
for example – cannot be brain-sucked.

Entourage: Brain bugs are physically weak and are attended at all times by smaller servants known as chariot bugs. Chariot
bugs themselves are small, concave-disc shaped bugs. While they are not overly dangerous in their own right, the mobility and
flexibility an Entourage gives a brain bug is disconcerting. However, as the brain bug is hit, more and more of its Entourage
die until the brain bug is left crawling along completely alone. Every hit the brain bug takes affects its characteristics in the
following manner:

* -1" Move (to a minimum Move of 1”).

* -1 Close Combat (to a minimum Close Combat

of D6+0).

Flinch: Brain bugs, for all their formidable

presence and powers, are very conscious of their
own vulnerability. As such, unlike other models
with the Hits/X trait, brain bugs do not ignore the
flinching rules.

Special Talents: The brain bug’s Value includes up

to 150 points of Talents (see page 143). A brain
bug cannot use special talents against models on the
surface while it is underground and vice versa.

Subterranean: Brain bugs are primarily subterranean but do not dig their own tunnels. However, though they lack a
tunnelling movement speed, they may move toward other Tunnelling Markers, Tunnel Entrances, Camouflaged Tunnel
Entrances, Nest Entrances and Bug Central when underground (they do not randomly determine their direction when
moving underground). Brain bugs can only enter or exit the tunnel network at an existing tunnel entrance; they cannot
create their own.
Brain Bug
Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Brain 300 3 6” D6+3 4+ 4+ 8+

Arachnid Roster
Firefries are a specialist form of the blister bug and likely come from the
same hive as their external appearance is quite similar. These terrifying
bugs can spew streams of extremely volatile chemicals that ignite on
contact with oxygen to create sweeping sheets of torrential flame. This
chemical reaction renders the firefries useless for fire support outside of
an oxygen-rich atmosphere but the hive has other breed-forms for such
instances. The firefries are extremely difficult to generate as eggs and
most brain bugs conserve their numbers whenever possible.

Every Firefry Unit consists of three firefry bugs (60 points total). Up to
seven extra firefry bugs may be added to the unit at +20 points each.

Firefry Ranged Attack

Name Range Damage Type Traits
Firefry Flame 9” D10 Internal Flame

Firefry Unit
Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Firefry 20 2 6” D10 5+ 5+ 6+
Ranged Attack


Hopper bugs are a deadly part of the Arachnid army,
both for their sheer speed and mobility and the lethal
nature of their sudden attacks. A flight of them sweeping
down out of the sky towards a platoon of troopers can be
the swift and violent end of an entire military campaign.
While there are ways to detect the motion of hopper
bugs in flight before they become visible, it is incredibly
difficult and most units are not equipped with the right
instruments to do so. The best most squads can do with
hopper bugs is to remain alert, be ready to dive for cover,
and keep looking to the sky.

Every Hopper Bug Unit consists of three hopper bugs

(150 points total). Up to seven extra hopper bugs may be
added to the unit at +50 points each.

Hopper Bug Unit

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Air (Loiter, V/STOL)
Hopper 50 2 6” D10+1 6+ 5+/5+ 8+

Plasma bugs are the Arachnid version of a planetary defence system and despite their utter lack of targeting skills or
specialised hardware, they fulfil their original mission objectives quite admirably. Plasma bugs are ponderously large,
almost unable to move on the ground and incapable of burrowing. How the Arachnids handle moving plasma bugs
from underground hives to their ‘stations’ on the surface for attack is yet another mystery surrounding these incredibly
powerful insects.

Focused Fire: A plasma bug can go on to Alert Status but it may only react against Air units finishing an action within
36” (note that this an extension of the usual 20” Alert Status range for AA weapons). This reaction must be a Shoot
reaction. Plasma bugs cannot make any kind of reaction against ground units.

Plasma Strikes: When firing at ground units, the plasma bug must use Artillery fire. When firing against Air units,
the plasma bug must use direct fire.

Plasma Bug Ranged Attack

Name Range Damage Type Traits
Fire Arc: FxR
LZ (3”)
Plasma Discharge 72” 2xD10+3 Internal

Plasma Bug
Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Plasma 300 5 4” 2xD10 5+ 5+ 9+ Ranged Attack


Almost physically identical to blister bugs, these bugs spit a bolt of intense heat so powerful it ignites the air as it travels.
Extremely dangerous, especially in packs that can cover a wide area with searing flame, they are deployed and used in
the same way as blister bugs. They seem to have no function in Arachnid ‘society’ except to turn the colony’s enemies
into piles of ash.

Every Blaster Bug Unit consists of three blaster bugs (90 points total). Up to seven extra blaster bugs may be added to
the unit at +30 points each.

Blaster Bug Ranged Attack

Name Range Damage Type Traits
Blaster Bug Heat 18” D6+1 Internal Flame

Blaster Bug Unit

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Ranged Attack
Blaster 30 2 6” 2xD6 5+ 4+ 7+

Arachnid Roster
Tanker bugs often rest just under the surface of battlefields
on bug worlds, waiting for a command to rise up, shatter the
earth above them and unleash their vile venom. This bug is
particularly feared because even though it is large enough to
be easily hit, a single well-placed blast of its flame can burn
down an entire squad of troopers. The heat from its caustic
flame is so hot it can slag the cockpit cowling of a Marauder
suit within moments. It is understandable that standard
Mobile Infantry protocol when encountering tanker bugs is
to scatter the squad, move immediately to a safe distance and
then hammer the bug with heavy firepower.

Lumbering: A tanker bug is lumbering and does not go on

Alert Status.

Tanker Bug Ranged Attack

Name Range Damage Type Traits
Fire Arc: F
Tanker Spit 18” D10+D6 Internal
LZ (Stream)
Tanker Bug
Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Tanker 250 4 5” 3xD6+D10 7+ 3+ 12+ Retaliate


Warrior bugs are the primary fighting force for the Arachnid
Empire. Adaptable for virtually any climate, Warriors are easily
bred, tremendously strong and incredibly resilient. They are
capable of both tearing an armoured man in half and entering
hibernation for long periods of time, traits that create Arachnid
nests with instant defences that are only functional when they
are needed. Warriors are generally found in swarms or small

Every Warrior Bug Unit consists of five warrior bugs (75 points
total). Up to 10 extra warrior bugs may be added to the unit
at +15 points each.

Warrior Bug Unit

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Warrior 15 2 6” 5+ 4+ 8+ Piercing/1
or D10

An enigmatic race encountered on the edges of
Federation territory, the Skinnies are focused and deadly
have been deployed in limited numbers to defend worlds
along the apparent shared border and systematic strikes
raiders who have encroached upon United Citizens’ have been launched against nearby Skinny holdings to
Federation space on several occasions. Intelligent, create an exclusion zone.
advanced and aggressive, the Skinny Hegemony is a real
threat to humankind, even if it is more quiescient than The UCF cannot and will not tolerate violence directed
the Arachnid Empire. against its territories. There are several worlds under
Skinny control that the Federation has avoided attacking
When first encountered, the Skinnies were thought to in the hopes of showing the alien race that humanity
be peaceful, even pacifistic. Yet a recent spate of savage is not a barbaric race. There are limits to SICON’s
attacks against Federation interests close to the border patience, however. If the Skinnies do not cease and desist
planets of Ventis, Lalande and Xi Bootis have proven their attacks, the Federation will be left with no choice
otherwise. While casualties from Skinny raids have been but to classify them as a threat to humanity and dedicate
few, losses have been troubling. With the exception of SICON’s forces to the eradication of their kind.
those trooper deaths caused by misadventure in battle,
the Skinnies have as yet not been documented as killing The coalition of Sky Marshals has already worked out
anyone. Though they do appear to have weapons of lethal a plan of attack called Operation Clean Sweep, a staged
capability, they favour the incapacitation and capture of program of assault so overwhelming and large scale, it
their enemies. Survivors of such raids report that being is considered an infallible method of dealing with the
struck by a Skinny weapon is painful, disorienting and Skinny menace once and for all. Clean Sweep has not yet
can cause unconsciousness but is almost never fatal. been put into effect, largely in the interest of peace but
also because of the pre-eminence of the Arachnid threat.
Unfortunately for both Mobile Infantry and colonist Bowing to the ancient wisdom of not fighting battles
victims of Skinny raids, whose unconscious bodies are on two fronts, Clean Sweep and the forces tentatively
dragged away and never seen again, SICON has so far assigned to it have been placed on standby until the Road
been unable to locate any captives claimed by the Skinny to Victory campaign is finished.
raiders. Military Intelligence suspects that whatever their
fate, it is anything but pleasant.
In return, SICON has managed to capture a number of The little that is known about the Skinnies and their
Skinny assets and militia (living and dead). The results culture has been derived from observations of their
of autopsies and telepathic interrogations lead SICON raiders in battle and what can be inferred from that data.
to suspect that Skinnies can understand and may even The Skinnies seem to have a defined social structure,
be able to speak Standard English, though to date no perhaps even a form of caste or clan system. They have
meaningful communication has been achieved. been seen transferring prisoners and ‘choice’ captures to
certain members of their battle groups. This may be a
With the lack of an identifiable homeworld or command form of cultural privilege or merely a benefit of high rank
structure, all attempts at diplomacy with the Skinnies in whatever passes for the Skinny military.
have failed, leaving the Federation with only one choice.
Unwilling to commit major resources to an all-out war
against a race of unknown capabilities, SICON forces

The Skinny Hegemony
TERRITORY throughout the Skinny lifecycle or is a sign of racial
variation, similar in nature to the skin tones of humanity.
It is known that the Skinnies occupy more than one world
Their leathery epidermis is pierced in places by protrusions
and leading researchers within SICON believe their
of bone, most commonly on the shoulders, elbows and
raiders may be the vanguard of a much larger military
the length of the spine. Skinnies are completely hairless
– the defence force of a multiple-planet hegemony. This
and do not appear to require surface respiration. Skinnies
suspected territory might be massive; this possibility
have a much higher body temperature (45°C/113°F), a
has forced the United Citizens’ Federation to set up a
temperature that can be fatal to humans (36°C/96.8°F).
Quarantine Zone beyond the planets of Vendis, Lalande
This higher body temperature causes a naked Skinny to
and Xi Bootis as a buffer. This Quarantine Zone is aimed
show up on a pair of snoopers like a neon sign.
at isolating the Skinnies and allowing SICON forces to
focus on a finite area for potential retaliation.
Skinnies have a four joints in every one of their three
fingers, improving their manual dexterity by an estimated
Unfortunately, there is little hope for the human colony
12% when compared to that of a human. The most
on Ptolemy, which, despite being only 23 lightyears from
prominent feature of the Skinny hand is the sweeping
Vendis, still lies inside the Skinny Quarantine Zone. Out
talon on the back of the palm, which appears to be
of contact now for more than a year with the Federation,
similar to the dew claw of a neodog. This fearsome spike
the three million or so lives on Ptolec, the system’s only
is typically between six and eight inches in length.
inhabitable world, are presumed lost to the Skinnies.
The unusual traits of the Skinny hand are mirrored in
What few transmissions have been intercepted and
the pedicular array of this race. While each ‘foot’ has five
translated during Skinny raids have caused SICON to
toes, these are jointed in three places. Skinny toes splay
speculate as to the existence of both a hidden homeworld
out in a wide fan with the third or central toe being the
and a heavier form of trooper capable of withstanding
longest, at almost 12 inches in length. This fan of toes
much more punishment.
elevates the ankle joint, as the Skinnies appear to lack any
form of heel. As with skinny fingers, each toe is tipped
PHYSIOLOGY with a sharp cuticle.
Skinnies are tall, grey-skinned bipeds with thin limbs.
Ranging from seven to nine feet in height, these wiry Skinnies have the same sensory organs as humans; they
humanoids are covered in a grey hide with occasional smell, see, hear, touch and taste, with the tongue appearing
greenish blotches; this coloration seemingly either shifts to aid both consumption and communication. Scientists
have so far been unable to attribute any
function to the mandibles that lie to
either side of the Skinny mouth, filled
with a wide row of large incisors.

Despite their odd structure, Skinny

ears (the five jointed appendages that
crest the elongated skull), are not in
any way extraordinary nor do they
allow the Skinny to perceive any
particularly high or low frequency

A few recovered Skinny cadavers have

a number of microscopic lacerations
on the back of the neck. These
lacerations are the only known sign of
surgical marks upon Skinnies, perhaps
the result of a cosmetic alteration or
ritualistic scarification.

SICON. They are an example of form over function, as
they appear almost organic and their inner workings are
enclosed in the same polymer as used in their armour.
Often bulbous and unwieldy to humans, these devices
use chemical ammunition or energy generation to deal

Vehicles & Starships

Skinnies seem to prefer fast, manoeuvrable ships and
vehicles over heavy armament or defensive plating. A
typical Skinny conveyance consists of a gravitational
generator of a size far smaller than SICON scientists are
able to build. An oval or circular transport platform rests
over this generator and takes advantage of its inverted
field to hover. While not all Skinny vehicles are gravitic,
TECHNOLOGY all use the same form of motive power.
The primary material used by Skinnies in the construction
of their devices, dwellings and vehicles is a resilient Although Skinny starship capabilities are not truly
and energy-resistant polymer (the MI have dubbed the understood, they do seem to have ships of similar
material ‘Skinnysteel’). This gives the race’s equipment designations to the SICON Fleet. Both escort warships
a distinctive look and an almost antique quality; this and troop transports have been observed, though never
appearance belies the highly advanced nature of their engaged. On the rare instances when the Fleet has
technology. Skinnies seem to have mastered exotic attempted to give chase to these vessels, Skinny ships have
energies, their storage and their efficient application. proven considerably faster and more manoeuvrable. No
While much of the technological base of the Skinnies ship of Skinny design has yet been caught by Federation
is not yet fully understood, the Federation has learned a vessels.
certain amount from the devices and gear that remained
on their corpses. TACTICS
From what little intelligence has been gathered regarding
It should be remembered that all of this information Skinny holdings, their standing military force is a volunteer
represents what can be determined from captured items organisation much like SICON itself. Each population
after a Skinny raid. This equipment and power technology cluster on their worlds designates a number of its people
may only be a small subset of the sophistication of the to form a type of militia charged with defence of, or an
Skinnies as a whole. Raiders may carry the least advanced attack, on a nearby target. As most Skinnies seem eager
or the most advanced of their race’s scientific developments. to do their duty and participate in these endeavours, a
The actual level of technological development on Skinny- large group of soldiers can be gathered very quickly. It
held worlds may vary widely. does not appear as if the Skinnies place as much stock in
a thorough training regimen for their troops. Militias are
Armour & Weapons formed in a matter of days, issued basic equipment and
All Skinnies encountered in Federation space have dressed divided into units.
in fully enclosed suits of powered armour. These suits
appear to serve the same purpose as those of the Mobile What the militias of the Skinnies lack in formal training
Infantry, providing physical augmentation, environmental they make up for in technological support and tactical
protection and armour to the wearer. leadership. Certain Skinnies have a strong grasp of small
unit tactical deployment; these gifted commanders can
It is suspected that Skinnies must have some forms of lethal take a tiny force and effectively use it to raid a large
weaponry but every encounter to date has demonstrated installation or even a SICON military depot and escape
the incapacitation and capture technology. Their weapons with minimal casualties while presumably achieving their
are highly sophisticated and cannot yet be reproduced by objectives.

Skinny Army List

Skinny forces seem less structured to human
eyes than those of the Arachnids. In the limited conflicts
elsewhere. Very little is known about the tactics employed
by raiding forces due to the lack of any protracted or well-
fought against the Skinnies so far, they appeared to rely documented encounters to examine.
on a loose system of locally raised militias to protect their
colonies. The bulk of their active presence in Terran The People’s Army (Skinny Unit
space centres on raids undertaken by power suited units Leaders)
believed to be a form of warrior sub-class that function Skinny units appear to have very loose groupings, usually
independently. small in size and carrying little in the way of heavy
weaponry. Skinny unit leaders are designated at the
Although individual Skinnies are by no means cowardly, beginning of the game but any member of the unit can
Skinny tactics commonly revolve around ambush and take over if the unit leader becomes a casualty.
concealment rather than direct confrontation with an
opponent, possibly due to the incredible co-ordination
Skinny Command Range
of their small units. Skinny militiamen will fight a
Skinny command range is 6”.
dogged guerilla war against invaders but can expect
little or no help from the outside. Each settlement fights
independently with no apparent higher command in Higher Command (Skinny Officers)
overall control. If the militia is unable to hold a colony Named skinny officers of a rank translated as equivalent to
then the Skinnies will often simply abandon it and relocate both colonel and major have been encountered, although

‘What astounds me is that their cities, from what we have seen

of them, are breathtaking and almost seem to have been ‘grown’
from that plastic they use for everything. Yet we have never seen
anything among their buildings that could pass for a military
base or weapon tower. Then there’s their military leadership,
which is apparently decided by lottery. And Military Intelligence
is sure the Skinnies must have a powerful fleet and air assets
hidden somewhere in their territory, but while we occasionally get
glimpses, we can never track them back home and they’ve never
been known to engage an MI unit with air assets.’

‘So why did your force fail to repulse the raiders from the Raxa

‘Because… well, sir, we think they don’t have all those support
assets because they don’t need them. Sir. Which is why they’re
still on the Raxa peninsula. Sir.’

– Conversation between Military Intelligence and Lieutenant Edward

‘Doghouse’ Miller, shortly before his court martial

SICON believes this simply to be the designation of the
military leader of a large or small settlement militia rather I will resign before I ever call
than an indication of a strict chain of command. Skinny the Skinnies an army. They
officers have two special rules associated with them: are nothing more than bands
Ambush and Infiltrate. of thieves – just raiders in
the night. They have some
Ambush: If a force including Skinny officers is using interesting toys, I’ll give them
defensive tactics in an engagement, one unit of Skinnies that, but under their armour
per officer can be concealed in an area of terrain within
they squash like anything else.
I know that from personal
the Skinny deployment area. Write down the location of experience.
the ambushing unit before any other models are deployed – Sky Marashal McLaren,
on the tabletop. The Skinny player can reveal the ambush commanding officer of the
and place the unit on the tabletop at any time during one Trio Sector
of his player turns.

Infiltrate: If a force including Skinny officers is using

Probing tactics in an engagement, Skinny units do not
trigger Alert Status reactions during the first game turn.
Loss of Skinny Officers Skinny forces are always Priority Level One.
There is no additional penalty for the loss of Skinny
officers during the game. The benefits they give to the
Skinny player apply during deployment and throughout
The Skinny forces do not have support assets of any
the battle, regardless of whether any original officers kind other than Command. Even then, their Command
remain. assets appear to comprise only the mid-ranking Skinny
Skinnies can choose the default Shoot reaction when on
Alert Status as usual – however, they also may alos use the
Beat Feet and Hide special reactions.
Basic Units
Skinny Militia Unit 40 points
Beat Feet (special Skinny Move reaction)
Any Skinny model on Alert Status can take a single Move Unlimited
reaction when an enemy unit completes an action within
10”. Turn the model around after moving to signify that Skinny Raider Unit 60 points
it cannot make any further reactions for the rest of the Unlimited
player turn. Models that are readied can use a special
movement mode when making a Beat Feet reaction if Command Assets
desired. Skinny Officer 100 points
0-3 per force
Hide (special Skinny Ready reaction)
Any Skinny model on Alert Status can take a Hide
reaction when enemy models complete an action within
10”. The model gains a +1 save bonus until the end of
the player turn. This save bonus applies to any kind of
dodge or armour save the model is called upon to make.
It is cumulative with any other save bonus, such as that
provided by cover.

Skinny Roster

When encountered on one of their planets, Skinnies are typically unarmoured and rarely armed with anything more
than a basic constrictor rifle. This status can change almost instantly as every member of their race seems capable of
appropriating a weapon and rallying to a single point extremely quickly. This level of discipline is a powerful asset for
the Skinny militia; it allows them to react almost instantly to any threat within their territory.

Every Skinny Militia Unit consists of two Skinny militia (40 points total). Up to three extra Skinny militia may be
added to the squad at +20 points each. Nominate one Skinny militia in each squad to be the unit leader.

Constrictor Rifle

Special Rules
Partially Exothermic: Skinnies thrive in high temperatures but suffer badly in cooler climes. Skinny units do not lose
their dodge save when targeted by weapons with the Flame trait.

Skinny Militia Unit

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Skinny Militia 20 1 6” D6 3+ –/6+ 6+ Climb/6”

The most commonly seen form of Skinny soldier on the battlefields of Starship Troopers, these power suited troops
carry heavier weapons than their militia counterparts. They attack with the general intention of capturing targets and
retreating from the contested area and back to their ships before serious retaliation occurs. Tactically, Skinny forces are
very well organised and seem to have an innate understanding of complex engagements.

Every Skinny Raider Unit consists of two Skinny raiders (60 points total). Up to three extra Skinny raiders may be
added to the squad at +30 points each. Nominate one Skinny militia in each squad to be the unit leader.

Constrictor Rifle

Unit Options
Weapon Options: A Skinny Raider Unit can be
equipped with Skinny Shock Sticks for +5 points
per model.

One Skinny raider may replace its Constrictor

Rifle with a Nerve Beam for +40 points.

One Skinny raider may be equipped with a

Skinny Bomb for +20 points.

Special Rules
Partially Exothermic: Skinnies thrive in high temperatures but suffer badly in cooler climes. Skinny units do not lose
their dodge save when targeted by weapons with the Flame trait.

Skinny Raider Unit

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Skinny Raider 30 1 5” D6 4+ 4+/6+ 6+ Climb/5”

Constrictor Rifle

Unit Options
Experienced: Skinny officers are generally the most experienced of their fellows. They may buy Qualities up to a total
value of +100 points.

Weapon Options: A Skinny officer can be equipped with a Skinny Shock Stick for +5 points.

Special Rules
Partially Exothermic: Skinnies thrive in high temperatures but suffer badly in cooler climes. Skinny units do not lose
their dodge save when targeted by weapons with the Flame trait.

Skinny Officer
Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Officer 100 1 5” D6+1 4+ 4+/5+ 6+

Skinny Weapons List

WEAPONS LIST RANGED WEAPONS These weapons have subdual settings as well but the
Skinnies rarely use these deadly devices for anything but
Constrictor Rifle: The most common raid weapon
a lethal response when in direct military action.
used by the Skinnies, constrictor rifles are also the most
effective device ever encountered for live capture, as
they simultaneously incapacitate and prepare a target CLOSE COMBAT WEAPONS
for capture all in the same strike. Constrictors work by Skinny Shock Stick: A variant of the MI shock stick,
hurling a mass of plasmic coils at a target. The subject the Skinny shock stick is typically used during capture
of the attack must be Size 3 or smaller; anything larger missions. Although capable of frying targets with
cannot be successfully attacked and the mass simply electricity when set on full power, the shock stick is rarely
dries and breaks away ineffectually. Constrictor rifles are used at a lethal setting in battle.
usually used to capture without killing but they are able
to crush a target to death given enough time. MUNITIONS
Skinny Bomb: This ovoid metal weapon is far too large
Nerve Beam: An energy amplification and redirection to be thrown and must be handled by Skinnies trained
weapon, the nerve beam uses energy in an unknown in its use at all times. Its purpose is to deliver a payload
process. The transfer coils at the end of the weapon into a given area and detonate with extreme heat and
collect energy and project it in a stream. These weapons physical force. As a Remote weapon, it must be placed
are amazingly accurate even out to a very long range. A at a location and then detonated from a distance. If a
direct hit from a nerve beam is so intense and agonising Skinny force is in danger of being captured or killed, it
that most targets cannot survive the experience unscathed. typically readies and detonates this munition as a last
response to its enemies.

Ranged Weapons
Name Range Damage Type Traits
Constrictor Rifle 18” D6 Infinite Piercing/2
Nerve Beam 36” D6+1 Infinite
LZ (Stream)

Close Combat Weapons

Name Range Damage Type Traits
Skinny Shock Stick Close Combat As user —
Name Range Damage Type Traits
Skinny Bomb Placed 2xD10+2 One-Shot! LZ (4”)

The following sections describe such additional
options as tunnelling, air units and aircraft and
structures, such as outposts and other buildings
that might be found on the battlefield. These are
known as advanced rules, and rightly so, since
they add a degree of complexity to the game.
In due course, tunnelling, air units and all the
other advanced rules will make fun, interesting
additions for your games but if your new to
Starship Troopers you might like to ignore
them for your first few games and instead fight
out battles using just the rules and army lists
presented so far.
Showdown at ‘Wet Slag’
So called due to the slick gore that covered the
battleground after the fight, the Showdown at
Wet Slag marked the first major repulsion of an
Arachnid horde by front-line Mobile Infantry
units on Praxis. Lt. Remy Smith attributed the
victory to valour ‘above and beyond’ the call
of duty and the timely arrival of a supporting
Marauder platoon at 2300 hours.
FLIGHT RULES Both players act in the Air phase, taking turns to move
and fight with their Air units. Each Air unit gets two
We all know where we stand. The actions in the Air phase, just like ground units.
galaxy belongs to the Fleet. We
just die in it. Entering the Battlefield
– Trooper [Classified] of the Mobile All Air units use the Reserves rule (see page 56) – as
Infantry such they will enter the battlefield in the second turn
or later from off-table. An Air unit that is moving onto
the battlefield is placed at any edge of the board at the
beginning of the Air phase. This placement indicates its
The Road to Victory is a system-spanning entry point and heading.
campaign – and that means it is an air war as well as a
ground war. MI dropping on to a planet are armed with
the best weapons SICON can provide but there is a limit, Returning to the Battlefield
even with power suits, to what one man can carry. When Air units can pass completely over the battlefield during
Bug Central needs closing down or that warrior battalion their Air phases and will almost certainly fly off a table
needs thinning out, the pilots of the Fleet are on hand edge. If an Air unit leaves the tabletop, it may try to turn
to take them down with some seriously heavy ordnance. about and head back to the battlefield.
If the Fleet retrieval boats cannot get through when the
MI need to get home, those cap troopers are faced with Unfortunately events in the wider world can prevent this
certain death when their suits’ air and power run out. – it might run into anti-aircraft fire or enemy aircraft,
The air war is not entirely one-sided, though. Fleet have get called on to help elsewhere or decide it is too badly
learned to their cost that there are several Arachnid species damaged to continue the mission. To represent these
capable of flight and although Arachnid air tactics are as conditions an Air unit may roll a D6 at the beginning
unsubtle as their ground offensives, their sheer numbers of each subsequent Air phase – a 4, 5 or 6 allows it to re-
make them exceedingly dangerous. enter the battlefield. If the roll is failed, it can try again
at the beginning of each subsequent Air phase. When
returning to the battlefield, Air units can come on from
AIR COMBAT any table edge with any initial heading. A player can
Air combat is an important part of the Starship Troopers choose to forgo this roll in order to bring the Air unit
game. To ensure we do it justice, air combat forms a game back in a later action.
in its own right over the Starship Troopers battlefield. If
either player is using air power, the game turn gains an If several Air units are entering or re-entering the
additional ‘Air phase’ after both players have taken their battlefield in the same Air phase, players alternate placing
actions, as shown below: their models at the beginning of the phase.
Game Turn Start
Players do not have to declare flight speed at the start of
Player A’s turn
the Air phase – that decision is made when an Air unit
Player B’s turn
takes its first action.
> Air Phase <
Game Turn End

Air Unit & Flight Rules
Who Goes First * If a ground unit is firing at another ground unit, any
If both players have Air units on the tabletop in an Air Air units apparently caught within a Lethal or Fire
phase, roll off to decide which player has the choice of Zone are ignored.
going first or second. After the first Air unit has taken
its two actions, the opposing player may take two actions * If an Air unit is firing at another Air unit, any ground
with one of his Air units. Both players alternate units in units apparently caught within a Lethal or Fire Zone
this way until all Air units have taken two actions. are ignored.

Air/Ground Interaction Alert Status

There are a number of key rules that govern the interaction Air units do not go into Alert Status at the end of the Air
of Air units and ground units: phase or, should they have landed, at the end of a player’s
* Air units can attack ground units with any weapons
(though special rules govern the use of close combat FLIGHT SPEEDS
damage). Air units do not have a Move characteristic rated in inches
like other models. Instead, the Move characteristic details
* Air units that land during the Air phase become the flight speeds that the particular unit is capable of.
ground units until such time as they take off again.
An Air unit decides what flight speed it will use at the
* Ground units can only attack Air units with AA start of the its first action in the Air phase. It may not
weapons, unless the Air unit is at V/STOL speed. alter its flight speed during the rest of its actions. An Air
unit may not use a flight speed that is not listed in its
* Ground units on Alert Status can attack Air units with Move characteristic – it simply cannot fly in a manner
AA weapons that finish an action within 20” of them contrary to its design.
(rather than the usual 10” Alert Status range).
Burn: Full power, pedal to the metal, roaring along with
* When determining line of sight to or from Air units, every ounce of power shoving the Air unit forward. Not
add 10 to their Size (as if they were on top of Size 10 very manoeuvrable but really, really fast.
Cruise: Medium speed forward flight, balanced against
* Some ground units, notably hopper bugs, are capable good manoeuvring ability. Most aircraft capable of long-
of hover movement and also possess the Air trait, distance flight use the Cruise flight speed for this purpose
which means they can take off and join air combat but faster aircraft can throttle back to this speed too.
rather than simply hover. A ground unit with the Air
trait can use the Move (Take Off ) action to forego Loiter: A highly manoeuvrable flight state where the Air
its tabletop movement and become an Air unit. It unit is being kept aloft primarily by its motive power
will remain an Air unit until such time as it performs source rather than its lift surfaces (wings). Helicopters
a Move (Land) action, on completion of which it (and hopper bugs) regularly fly at Loiter speed.
reverts to being a ground unit once more.
V/STOL: V/STOL (Vertical/Short Take Off Landing) is
only available to helicopters and other aircraft capable of
staying aloft without horizontal movement.

Flight Speeds
Minimum Movement Maximum Movement Maximum Crash
Flight Speed per Move Action per Move Action Turn Angle Target Distance
V/STOL 0” 10” 180 degrees 5+ D6”
Loiter 10” 20” 90 degrees 6+ D10”
Cruise 20” 40” 45 degrees 7+ 2D10”
Burn 30” 60” 45 degrees 8+ 3D10”

dice may not be substituted). Results are calculated
simultaneously. If the charging Air unit is still airborne,
Ground units firing non-AA it continues its Charge (Flyby) action, possibly hitting
weapons at V/STOL flight speed
Air units another enemy’s point blank range and causing further
While non-AA weapons fired by ground units simultaneous damage rolls.
lack the special capabilities of anti-aircraft
Move (Land)
weapons, they may still be able to hit slow-
This action may not be performed if the Air unit is using
moving (V/STOL speed) Air units. In the case the Burn flight speed. The Air unit moves directly forward
of Lethal Zone weapons, only direct fire may be any distance up to its Minimum Movement. If, at the end
used. of this movement, there is any impassable terrain within
the Air unit’s point blank range, it remains an Air unit. If
not, the unit lands and is now treated as a ground unit.

Air Target Characteristic Move (Fly)

An Air unit has a listed Target characteristic to represent The Air unit moves forward any distance between its
its size and sturdiness like any other model. Fast moving Minimum and Maximum Movement according to its
targets are harder to hit, however, so an Air unit always flight speed. At the end of this movement it may turn up
uses the highest of its own Target characteristic and its to its Maximum Turn Angle.
flight speed’s Target characteristic.
Shoot (X)
AIR ACTIONS Having deliberately slowed its movement to stabilise
its attack run, the Air unit unloads its firepower upon
All Air units are one-model units. During the Air phase,
players alternate taking two actions with their Air units, the enemy, whether this is through bombing, strafing or
until all Air units have taken two actions and the Air dogfighting. Note that all weapons fired or deployed by
phase finishes. an Air unit gain the Fire Arc: FxF trait, unless specifically
stated otherwise in the Air unit’s description.
First Action: Move (Fly). All Air units must take a Move
(Fly) action as their first action. * Shoot (Bomb): The individual unit description will
determine how many ordnance munitions may
Second Action: An Air unit’s second action is entirely up be deployed in a single Shoot (Bomb) action. All
to its controlling player. ordnance dropped must use Artillery fire mode and
must have the same target point, though Artillery
deviation is worked out separately for each ordnance
Air Action Types munition. The target point must be placed within
Charge (Crash) the FxF fire arc, anywhere between the Minimum and
Only missile units may choose this action. The Air Maximum Movement distances of the Air unit’s flight
unit must move directly forward any distance up to speed in inches away from the unit.
its Maximum Movement. It immediately generates
its munition warhead’s Lethal Zone at the end of this Or
movement, centred on the unit’s centre point. Only
ground units are affected by this Lethal Zone. The * Shoot (Dogfight): The Air unit may fire any weaponry
missile unit is removed as a casualty; it does not cause other than ordnance at another Air unit within its FxF
Close Combat damage itself. fire arc. The weapons’ usual Range characteristics
are used for these attacks. Any Lethal Zone weapons
Charge (Flyby) employed during a Shoot (Dogfight) action may be
The Air unit moves directly forward any distance up to used in either direct or Artillery fire mode but must
its Maximum Movement. If the Air unit passes through target the same point as all other fire. All weapons
the point blank ranges of another Air unit, both units must target the same enemy model and will create a
roll Close Combat dice simultaneously (weapon damage Fire Zone as normal.

Air Unit & Flight Rules
Wounded Air Units
Multihit Air units that are reduced to a single hit must
exit the tabletop or land by the end of the Air phase.
Airborne Units If they do not, they automatically lose their remaining
Units that become airborne through a special trait, hit and are destroyed. Models that succeed in landing
such as hopper bugs, act as a whole unit as normal. may not take off again and become ground units for the
They do not become individual one-model units and rest of the battle. Models exiting the table with one hit
must still abide by the rules of command range and remaining may not return.
so forth.
Destroyed Air Units
Landed Units Destroyed Air units are those that have lost all of their
Air units, with the exception of those that become hits. Unlike normal models, Air units are not simply
airborne through a special trait (such as hopper bugs) removed from play – first, it must be seen where they
are significantly impaired when they have landed. crash to earth.
Landed Air units count as ground units and no longer
take actions in the Air phase. Any dodge save they may Consult the crashing Air unit’s most recent flight speed
possess is suspended whilst they are ground units. The and roll the Crash Distance dice listed – the crashing Air
only actions they may perform are Move (Take Off ) or unit must move directly forwards precisely this distance.
Shoot. Ordnance may not be used while landed. It immediately generates a Lethal Zone at the end of
this movement, centred on the unit’s centre point. The
Move (Take Off ): This action requires that the unit’s crashing Air unit inflicts its Close Combat damage upon
previous action was Ready. Choose a flight speed your all ground units within this Lethal Zone, which is equal
unit is capable of and check to see if any impassable in size to the crashing Air unit’s point blank range. The
terrain is blocking the unit (within its Minimum crashing Air unit is now removed as a casualty.
Movement for that flight speed). If it is blocked,
the unit may not take off. If it is not blocked, the Air units that have landed and are subsequently destroyed
unit moves precisely its Minimum Movement directly while on the ground do not crash.
forwards and is now considered an Air unit. It does
not perform any actions in the Air phase at the end
of this game turn, however (not even the usual Move AIR TRANSPORT
(Fly) action). Some Air units are capable of carrying ground units for
deployment on the battlefield. In order to do so, the Air
unit must land on the battlefield during the Air phase
using the rules given above. Units within an air transport
Or that has landed must use a Move action (or Charge action,
if there are any enemies close enough) to disembark This
* Shoot (Strafe): The Air unit may fire any weaponry places them anywhere within the air transport’s point
other than ordnance at any ground unit within its FxF blank range and in following actions they act normally.
fire arc. The weapons’ usual Range characteristics Units that do not disembark with a Move or Charge
are used for these attacks. Any Lethal Zone weapons action sit in the transport and do nothing.
employed during a Shoot (Strafe) action may be used
in either direct or Artillery fire mode. All weapons To enter an air transport, a ground unit must move
must target the same enemy model. onboard, using a Move action to get within the transport’s
point blank range. The unit models may then be removed,
representing the unit boarding the aircraft. Models
TAKING DAMAGE removed in this manner do not count as casualties; they
Air units are often big, impressively armed and surprisingly are assumed to be within the Air unit.
well armoured. This is because they have to be. Taking
damage and flying do not work well together. Any Air Any ground units that are within an air transport that is
unit taking enough damage will be forced to land and destroyed are instantly counted as casualties.
heavy hits can literally knock an Air unit out of the sky.

Arachnid tunnel complexes routinely extend
for kilometres around their nest sites, and reach below the
ground to unknown depths. On a completely Arachnid- Tunnel Entry Points
infested world, the entire planet’s crust is riddled with There are four kinds of Tunnel Entry Points: Tunnel
excavations. It is frightening to think that the millions Entrances, Camouflaged Tunnel Entrances, Nest
of Arachnids seen on the surface seldom represent more Entrances and Bug Central. Of these, the latter two
than fraction of those below ground. must be placed at the beginning of the game. Should
a Nest Entrance or Bug Central be destroyed, is not
Many Arachnids can tunnel, most notably the warriors returned to the Tunnel Entrance pool. When a
and workers, and tunnelling forms another important unit creates a Tunnel Entrance, they cannot create
weapon in their arsenal. It is impossible to hold positions a Camouflaged Tunnel Entrance, Nest Entrance
for long if the Arachnids can simply tunnel underneath or Bug Central – they can only create a Tunnel
them! Defensively, being underground is even better than Entrance.
being entrenched. Only the most powerful nukes stand
much chance of hurting units underground.

In order to use tunnelling tactics as an Arachnid player

you have to purchase Tunnelling Markers and Tunnel any remaining Tunnel Entrances form a ‘pool’ in much
Entrances as part of your forces. Units that are tunnelling the same way as Tunnelling Markers do. Tunnelling units
have to be represented by Tunnelling Markers and existing can also create new Tunnel Entrances, so it is advisable to
exit points from the underlying network are marked by have a number of extra Tunnel Entrances left in your pool
Tunnel Entrances. How much investment you put into to place during the game.
tunnelling represents many factors, such as how many
workers are available, how tough the local materials are Destroyed Tunnel Entrances
and how long the Arachnids have been around. The Tunnel Entrances that are destroyed are not lost
choice is yours. permanently – they are returned to the Arachnid player’s
pool. The Arachnid player is allowed to close off his own
Tunnelling units can be deployed at the beginning of the Tunnel Entry Points if desired, by having a tunnelling
game as Tunnelling Markers if desired, or when entering unit touching or on that Tunnel Entry Point and taking
as Reserves. If a unit on the surface starts tunnelling it a Ready action. A Tunnel Entry Point destroyed by the
will also need Tunnelling Marker, so it is advisable to bug player will give the opposing player a number of VPs
purchase enough Tunnelling Markers to form a ‘pool’ for equal to its value but this amount is not doubled.
your entire force.
The Tunnel Network
The Arachnid player will need to keep track of which Tunnel assets must be deployed within the Arachnid
Marker represents which unit moving under the player’s deployment area at beginning of the game (with
battlefield. the exception of Tunnel Entrances and Camouflaged
Tunnel Entrances, which may be deployed anywhere on
Tunnel Entrances the board). Arachnids may always deploy Tunnel assets
Tunnel Entrances may be deployed along with other regardless of their tactics and Arachnid Tunnel assets are
Tunnel Entry Points at the beginning of the game but worth double their value in mission points if destroyed.

Tunnelling Rules
BECOMING A TUNNELLING MARKER Entry Point or Tunnelling Marker can be nominated
each time a move is made.
A ground unit can become a Tunnelling Marker in one
of three ways:
* A unit with the Tunnel/X” trait may start the game as A Tunnelling Marker emerges as a ground unit in one of
a Tunnelling Marker. two ways:
Or * Place the emerging models touching the Tunnel Entry
* If a unit’s movement leaves it touching a Tunnel Point. A model only needs to be touching the template,
Entry Point, it may immediately become a Tunnelling so placing a bug so that only the tip of its leg touches
Marker. Note that only a certain number of models the edge of the template is fine. However, placing
may enter or leave a Tunnel Entry Point per turn (see bugs counts as movement through the template and
the Entry Point’s description in the Structures chapter to their new position, so any persistent weapons or
for more details). An entire unit must be able to similar effects which target the template will affect
touch a Tunnel Entry Point in order for it to become them, as will any effects targeting their final position
a Tunnelling Marker in this manner. when placed.
Or Remember that only a certain number of models
* A unit with the Tunnel/X” trait may use a Ready may enter or leave a Tunnel Entry Point per turn
action followed by a tunnelling special movement (see the Entry Point’s description in the Structures
to dig down. At the beginning of the unit’s special chapter for more details). If some models cannot exit
movement a new Tunnel Entrance is placed. The unit the Tunnel Entry Point due to this rule, leave the
is replaced with a Tunnelling Marker and then moves Tunnelling Marker in place to show that more are
its special movement distance. emerging in subsequent actions. If a Tunnel Entry
Point is destroyed before the unit fully emerges, the
Note: If a swarm digs down, they must remain as a swarm remaining models in that unit suffer D10 damage in
until they resurface. They cannot split into separate the collapse.
tunnelling markers while underground.

TUNNELLING ALONG * The Tunnelling Marker moves onto an existing Tunnel

Entry Point.
Tunnelling markers do not need to determine a unit leader
– it is assumed that a leader is present in amongst the In either case, emerging is resolved in the following
unit represented by the marker. However, since they do manner:
not have a unit leader per se, tunnelling markers cannot
swarm. Tunnelling Markers ignore everything that is on 1. Place the emerging models touching the Tunnel Entry
the surface, whether it is difficult terrain, impassable Point. Note that only a certain number of models
terrain or enemy models. Tunnelling Markers that end may enter or leave a Tunnel Entry Point per turn
up within the Alert Status range of ground units do not (see the Entry Point’s description in the Structures
cause reactions. A Tunnelling Marker can move in one chapter for more details). If some models cannot exit
of two ways: the Tunnel Entry Point due to this rule, leave the
Tunnelling Marker in place to show that more are
* Units with the Tunnel/X” trait may take a Ready emerging in subsequent actions. If a Tunnel Entry
action followed by a special tunnelling movement Point is destroyed before the unit fully emerges, the
action. Move the Tunnel Marker in any direction. remaining models in that unit suffer D10 damage in
Or the collapse.

* Tunnelling Markers can take a normal Move action 2. Remove the Tunnelling Marker.
directly towards or away from a nominated Tunnel
Entry Point or Tunnelling Marker, representing 3. Execute close combat attacks with any models that are
movement via existing tunnels. A different Tunnel within point blank range of the enemy.

A non-tunnelling unit (one without the Tunnel/X” trait) A Tunnelling Marker can be attacked by units on the
can touch a Tunnel Entry Point and enter the tunnel surface but it takes seriously powerful weapons, such as
network – create a temporary Tunnelling Marker for the atomics, to affect it. A Tunnelling Marker is attacked in
non-tunnelling unit. This tempoaray marker does not much the same way as a structure but is considered to
come out of the Arachnid player’s pool. This temporary have a Target characteristic of 8+ and a Kill characteristic
Tunnelling Marker will disappear when removed. of 13+. Note that as Tunnelling Markers have no Size
characteristic, the Accurate trait is of no benefit when
Non-tunnellers are poorly equipped to navigate targeting them.
underground. Each time a non-tunneller takes a Move
action underground, it moves its maximum Move * Target: Each damage die that equals or exceeds
distance towards a randomly selected Tunnel Entry Point the Target characteristic of a Tunnelling Marker
or Tunnelling Marker (count the number of entrances and causes a D6 damage die to be rolled against one of
tunnelling markers on the table, assign numbers to them the tunnelling models represented by the Marker.
and then roll). If this movement takes them through a Multihit weapons that succeed in hitting the Target
Tunnel Entry Point, the unit may choose to emerge in number cause a D6 damage die to be rolled for every
the usual manner. tunnelling model represented by the Marker. Neither
dodge nor armour saves may be made to ignore this
Underground Combat damage.
If opposing Tunnelling Markers end up within point
blank range underground, resolve this as a simultaneous * Kill: If the Kill characteristic is equalled or exceeded,
Charge or Shoot action by both units. All models may use the tunnel has been breached. The Tunnelling
either Close Combat dice or weapons as they wish. The Marker is replaced with a Tunnel Entrance (a new
fighting is close and furious so no more actions take place Tunnel Entrance is created if none are available in
until the combat is completely resolved – there are no the Arachnid player’s pool). Every tunnelling model
flinching rules. Keep rolling for close combat or shooting represented by the Marker causes a D10 damage die
damage until one unit or the other has been wiped out. to be rolled. Neither dodge nor armour saves may be
made to ignore this damage. Any surviving tunnelling
models must then emerge.


The battles of mankind’s past have often been Hits
dictated by key structures – castles, bridges, cities, A structure’s starting number of hits is generally equal
factories, harbours and the like. The wars of the MI are to its Size, unless it is a fortified or part-subterranean
no different. Their prime targets are Arachnid nests, structure, in which case it normally has +50% of this.
the underground cities where bugs breed and multiply.
Although the brood chambers may be safely hidden below
ground, control of the surface can be won if the Arachnid STRUCTURE RULES
tunnel entrances can be blocked. MI forces also use Entering or Leaving a Structure
defensive emplacements to help secure rear areas against An undamaged structure can only be entered and exited
the Arachnid threat. Skinnies build wherever they go; the by openings already in it – doors, windows, ramps and
biotechnical construction of their dwellings means that a so on. A model cannot fit through an entryway that is
settlement can appear almost overnight. smaller in inches (across its longest diagonal) than its Size
characteristic. Any number of models can use the same
STRUCTURE CHARACTERISTICS the entryway providing they can fit through it and have
sufficient movement to do so.

Size A damaged structure has got plenty of new entryways

This is the Size of the structure for the purposes of blown in it! The number of hits a structure has taken will
movement rules. tell you what Size of model can move through the holes.

Target and Kill Characteristics For example, a section of the MI Outpost Wall has taken four
The Target characteristic measures how hard the structure hits, meaning up to Size 4 models can move through it.
is to damage. Damage dice that equal or exceed the Target
characteristic inflict one hit on the structure. Damage Moving Inside a Structure
dice that equal or exceed the Kill score inflict two hits. Movement inside a structure is considered to be difficult
Killshot and Multihit weapons will work as normal on terrain for all models within it, so the distance models
structures. may move is halved. Place models on top of the structure,

Example Structures
Name Material Size Target Kill Hits
Arachnid Tunnel Entrance Rock 4 8+ 13+ 6
Arachnid Camouflaged Tunnel Entrance Rock 4 8+ 13+ 6
Arachnid Nest Entrance Rock 4 8+ 13+ 6
Arachnid Bug Central Rock 6 8+ 13+ 9
MI Ammo Dump Steel 4 6+ 10+ 4
MI Bunker Heavy Steel 4 9+ 12+ 6
MI Outpost Wall Section Heavy Steel 4 9+ 12+ 6
MI Outpost Platform Heavy Steel 6 9+ 12+ 9
MI Reliant Weapon Emplacement Steel 2 6+ 10+ 3
Skinny Dwelling (Small) Skinnysteel 4 8+ 10+ 4
Skinny Dwelling (Large) Skinnysteel 6 8+ 10+ 6
UCF Building (Small) Reinforced Concrete 4 7+ 10+ 4
UCF Building (Large) Reinforced Concrete 8 7+ 10+ 8

to show where they are within it. Of course, if you have
beautifully multilayered terrain so that you can place
models inside structures that is fine too…

Fighting Inside a Structure

All models inside a structure gain a +2 cover bonus to
their armour save and do not have to flinch unless they
want to. Line of sight range inside a structure is limited to
D6”. Roll the die each time a unit takes an action inside
the structure to represent models sneaking around and
moving to different positions from moment to moment.
The normal rules for close combat in cover apply to close
combat fights within a structure (see page 37).
For example, a model standing on an MI Outpost Platform
(Size 6) when it collapses takes 3D10 damage in the
Targeting a Structure collapse.
Direct fire and close combat will not significantly harm a
structure unless it is specifically nominated as the target Stand Well Back…
– otherwise, models are assumed to be trying to shoot Collapsing structures do not neatly keel over; they scatter
through openings at what is inside rather than blast the debris and shrapnel over a wide area and collateral damage
structure itself. is almost certain. Determine the structure’s centre point
and then roll a single D10 damage die against every
Lethal Zone Weapons model within the structure’s point blank range. Arachnid
Lethal Zone weapons have the choice of firing direct or Tunnel Entry Points (Bug Holes) simply collapse in on
in artillery mode when targetting buildings, just as if they themselves and do not cause this spread of damage.
were shooting at a unit. Having a Lethal Zone is a big
help in hurting a structure; Lethal Zones gain a re-roll to
their damage dice against structures. DEPLOYING STRUCTURES
In a science fiction environment, some structures will
often be present just as part of the scenery (depending on
Tunnelling Under a Structure what scenery you have in your collection of course). Set
It is possible to tunnel up inside a structure, causing it
them up with your other terrain however you see fit.
considerable damage in the process. Tunnelling models
that want to emerge inside a structure roll their Close
Some Army Lists include the option to purchase
Combat dice against it. If hits are scored, the tunnel
Emplacement assets, defensive structures built by their
entrance is created within the structure, though enough
force to aid the control of their territory. Emplacement
damage may be done to collapse the structure altogether.
assets are deployed with the rest of the force within
the appropriate deployment area, as detailed in the
STRUCTURE COLLAPSE Engagements chapter.
If a structure’s hits reach zero, it collapses. Anything inside
or on a structure when it collapses is in deep trouble. The The Arachnids have the option of purchasing Tunnel
collapsing structure rolls a number of D10 damage dice assets, which mostly comprise of Tunnel Entry Points of
equal to half its Size characteristic against every model various sizes. These are deployed with the rest of the force
inside or on top of it at the time. within the appropriate deployment area, as detailed in the
Engagements chapter. Tunnel Entrances, camouflaged or
You can replace the structure with a ruined version or otherwise, form an exception to this rule – they may be
otherwise scatter some rubble around it. Arachnid Tunnel placed after all other deployments are made and may be
Entry Points (Bug Holes) simply collapse in on themselves placed in the enemy’s deployment area if the Arachnid
and are removed. player wishes.



All Tunnel Entry Points give a +2 cover bonus to all models Ammo Dump
touching the template and count as difficult terrain (all Forward supply has become a serious challenge in the
Arachnids always treat them as clear terrain, however). fast-moving battles on Arachnid and Federation worlds.
The troopers on the ground are usually fighting far from
Tunnel Entrances what might remotely be called civilisation, or any form of
These are 4” diameter terrain pieces which represent exits infrastructure, so they frequently rely on drops of stores at
for an interconnecting web of tunnels deeper below the pre-designated locations for supply. Any MI unit which
surface, enabling Arachnids to move around quickly and has a model in contact with an Ammo Dump treats all
efficiently below the battlefield, protected under tons of of its weapons (other than One-Shot! weapons) as Squad
dirt and rocks. Tunnel entrances can be gigantic mounds weapons and ignores the ammo rules. Models with One-
of displaced stone and dirt or innocuous sink holes, Shot! weapons can replenish them when in contact with
depending on local geology. an Ammo Dump by taking a Ready action (Atomics may
not be replenished). An Ammo Dump that is destroyed
No more than 10 Size points of models can enter or exit rolls 2xD10 damage when it collapses and its point blank
from a Tunnel Entrance in a single action. range is considered to be 6”.

Camouflaged Tunnel Entrances Bunker

Well hidden among weakened strata and detritus, Bunkers offer environment-sealed protection for personnel
camouflaged entrances are a hidden peril. Write down the in the field. The ‘bunker’ itself could be anything from
location point of a camouflaged tunnel entrance before storage, to workshop facilities, to a vehicle garage or a
deployment begins. Arachnids can use tunnel movement command post depending on its internal configuration.
as if an entrance were present at that spot but do not Hardened structures like these are an indispensable asset
have to reveal its location. Once revealed, by Arachnids in extreme hostile environments.
emerging from or entering it, it is treated as a normal
Tunnel Entrance. No more than 10 Size points of models can occupy a
bunker (maximum individual model Size of 2), gaining
+3 cover bonus to their armour save.
Nest Entrances
These look identical to Tunnel Entrances on the surface.
Weapon Emplacement
In fact, they are exits from a nearby nest complex that
Pre-fabricated and air transportable, Weapon
can bring additional forces into the fight and are marked
Emplacements have proven to be a key asset in the fight
by powerful pheromone traces to assist easy navigation.
against the bug. Trained engineers can emplace weapons
Arachnid units emerging from a Nest Entrance can be in under 20 minutes, allowing the MI to quickly
placed up to 3” from the edge of the template, to represent establish a fortified perimeter around landing fields, base
them using the nexus of tunnels surrounding it. Reserves facilities or potential breakthrough zones. The Weapon
may enter the battlefield from a Nest Entrance. Emplacements themselves are considered disposable and
will usually be stripped of armament and abandoned
No more than 15 Size points of models can enter or exit
when the fighting moves on.
from a Nest Entrance in a single action.
The typical MI Weapon Emplacement is the Reliant
Bug Central Emplacement, armed with an MW-5050 Twin .50
Bug central is a main entrance, 6” in diameter, to a Autocannon, an SW-219-f Inferno Support Flamer, a
nearby massing point or brood chamber, obvious even SW-404 Javelin Missile Launcher, an SW-414 Rapier
from the surface and a primary target. These places crawl AA Missile Launcher, an SW-X28 Bugbroom Support
big time! Arachnid units emerging from a Bug Central Laser or an MW-X29 Scythe Laser Cannon. Any
can be placed up to 5” from the edge of the template, to weapon mounted on a Reliant Emplacement has the Fire
represent them using the nexus of tunnels surrounding it. Arc: F trait added. Note that Reliant Emplacements do
Reserves may enter the battlefield from Bug Central. not fire themselves – an MI model must be touching the
emplacement in its Rear arc. A model doing this may
No more than 20 Size points of models can enter or exit
shoot the weapon instead of his personal weaponry.
from Bug Central in a single action.

Most troopers will fight with their customary
trained discipline but few actively seek to distinguish
themselves in battle. They will serve out their term for
Dirty Fighter (+15 points)
Whether skilled in martial arts or just mean as hell, the
the Federation and pray they keep their heads down low
model is a fiend in close combat, skilfully avoiding the
enough to survive any combat they face. A tiny minority,
attacks of his enemies to launch his own lethal counters.
however, have an indefinable quality that sets them apart
The model gains the Parry trait.
from their comrades. Whether owning abilities that make
them near superhuman in wartime or simply selected by
fate for greatness, these individuals possess incredible Fast Mover (+15 points)
traits that can inspire the soldiers they lead. Part of being a hero is getting to the right place at the
right time. The hero gains +1” to his Move characteristic
Most armies in Starship Troopers have the option to take and any special movement mode he is capable of.
one or more models with heroic traits in their Army Lists.
The Army List entry for a hero will specify how many Fire King* (+100 points)
points his player may spend on heroic traits and, just as The model excels in fast, accurate direction of fire. Any
importantly, what kind of heroic traits he can take. The member of the model’s unit (including the model) within
descriptions for the effects of heroic traits are detailed in command range can re-roll their damage dice during a
this chapter. There are three kinds of heroic trait: Shoot action.

Qualities: This is the realm of natural aptitude, the kind Heroic Surge!* (+30 points)
of raw talent a soldier is born with and perhaps only The model can draw on superhuman reserves of
discovers when he is up to his waist in blood and guts. determination, giving his all when it would seem
impossible he has any more to give. Once per game, the
Talents: Capabilities of the mind, psychic manipulation model can take one extra action in its player’s turn (for a
or preternatural senses. Although humans have some total of three actions). Other models do not join him in
ability in this area, it is more commonly associated with taking this extra action.
Arachnid brain bugs.
Jumpball Player!* (+20 points)
Training: These are aptitudes that can be learned but are A popular sport won by speed, aggression and agility,
in addition to the normal training expected of combatants jumpball makes good training for any soldier. Once per
– many of these abilities form part of the training regime game the model can add +2 to any dodge saves he has to
of elite units. make for the duration of any turn.
Any heroic trait marked with an asterisk (*) may not be
taken by models in Marauder suits.
Protagonist! (+20 points)
The model has enough good sense to save his best until
it’s needed the most. Once per game, the model can
make any action or reaction as if he had taken a ready
action, allowing special move modes or ready weapons to
be used, for example.
Some ability titles have an exclamation point! As Rallying Cry (+10 points)
the name implies, One-Shot! abilities can only The model has a tremendous presence on the battlefield.
be used once per game. His men will not give an inch in combat and would
rather die where they stand. All models within his

Heroic Traits
command range may choose to ignore flinch results, at Ego War (+50 points)
the controlling player’s option. The model induces feelings of unreasoning fear and panic
in an area. The model must use a Shoot action to engage
Stay Frosty (+25 points) this Talent. Ego War is treated as an Artillery fire attack.
The model has an uncanny sense of when and where the
enemy will strike next. The hero can react on Alert Status Ego War
if an enemy unit completes an action within 12” of him Name Range Damage Type Traits
rather than the usual 10”. LZ (4”)
Ego War 36” Special Internal
True Grit* (+50 points)
The model is as tough as nails. Increase the model’s Target An Ego War attack does no damage but renders all models
and Kill values by one (so a model with Target 4+ and Kill within the Lethal Zone incapable of making reactions or
7+ would become Target 5+ and Kill 8+). actions for the rest of the player turn.

Id Sending (+20 points)

TALENTS The model can use his psychic power to make an attack at
SICON is still exploring the full potential of ‘special a distance. The model must use a Shoot action to engage
talents’, those rare humans with the ability to perform this Talent. The Id Sending is treated as a ranged attack
astounding feats of mental skill such as remote viewing, that does not require line of sight.
telepathy and precognition. Many other Talents have
been reported but few have been satisfactorily studied Id Sending
and fewer have been harnessed. Authorities contend
Name Range Damage Type Traits
that the Arachnids are a telepathic race, although some
Id Sending 36” D6+1 Infinite Accurate
conservative scientists remain skeptical.
Rupture (+40 points)
Unless noted otherwise, Talents work automatically,
The model can initiate a battle of wills with a single
require no line of sight and do not take an action to use.
enemy model anywhere on the tabletop and try to
No Talent can be used by or against tunnelling creatures.
burst its brain. This talent is dangerous and has a strong
possibility of harming the user. The model must use a
Enhanced Talents
Ready action to make the attempt. Both players roll a
Some individuals show greater capability than others.
D10. The difference between the rolls is deducted from
Certain Talents can be enhanced for an additional cost
the hits of the model scoring the lowest.
to represent this. Models paying the extra cost gain the
Enhanced (+20 points): Re-roll your D10 if desired.
option to use the Enhanced version of the Talent.

Conceal (+30 points) Sense Presence (+40 points)

The model can attempt to lull the senses and distract The model can react on Alert Status if an enemy unit
enemies so that they miss the obvious. The model and completes an action within 10+D6” of him. Make a roll
the unit he is with only trigger Alert Status reactions if for the model’s sensing distance each time a reaction could
they complete an action within 8” of an enemy model be triggered (for example, an enemy completes an action
instead of 10”. within 16”). If the model can react, any friendly models
within its command range can react too.
Enhanced (+20 points): Re-roll the D6 if desired.

Shield! (+50 points)

As a Ready action, the model puts up a mental barrier to
protect itself and those around it. The barrier has a radius
of 6” and is centred on the model’s centre point. The
shield absorbs the first four hits scored on models within
that area before collapsing. The shield absorbs hits before

any saves are made against hits. If the shield collapses, the
psychic model must make an armour save or take a hit.
Enhanced (+20 points): Increase the shield’s strength Armourer (+25 points)
to six hits if desired. Dull hours spent learning about weapons,
ammunition and how to make sure they all work
Suggestion (+60 points) properly mean that the model and his unit ignore
The model can implant a suggestion in the members of the ammo rules when on Alert Status.
a unit, causing them to take a desired action as a special
bonus action. The model must use a Ready action to Artillery Corps
implant the suggestion and may never use this Talent (+30 points)
as a reaction. Roll a D6 for the Suggestion attempt Days spent learning about trajectories, muzzle
– a roll of 4+ indicates the attempt was successful. velocities and wind effects can pay off surprisingly
Modify this roll by –1 if the target unit is not in on the battlefield. The model and any models
line of sight and –1 if the target unit is an enemy from the unit he is with can re-roll one of the
(thus out of sight enemy units are only affected deviation D6 for scatter when using Artillery
on a die roll of 6). fire.
A friendly unit successfully targeted by Suggestion
takes the desired action immediately, even if they have
Close Combat Expert
already completed two actions in the player turn. (+15 points)
Having drilled long and hard in combat training,
An enemy unit successfully targeted by the model is a force to be reckoned with when
Suggestion takes the desired action immediately. fighting at close quarters. He may re-roll his
It is still controlled by the opposing player, even Close Combat damage dice when he initiates
though it is acting out of sequence. In the case a Charge action.
of a Move action the unit must move its maximum
possible movement (though its player may choose the Engineer* (+25 points)
direction). With the technical advancement of modern
Enhanced (+20 points): Re-roll the D6 if desired. weaponry and armour, some basic training in
engineering principles is essential for even the
Tremor (+40 points) lowliest grunt. Even more specialised training
The model creates a resonant harmonic in the is often a prerequisite for command. By taking
ground, dislodging opponents and potentially a Ready action, a model with Engineer Training
damaging tunnelling creatures. The model must can repair one hit of damage on a multihit model
take a Ready action to release the Tremor. Any model within his point blank range on a D6 roll of 4+.
within 6” must flinch away from the model using this
talent. Any models represented by Tunnel Markers
Demolitions* (+20 points)
within 12” suffer D6 damage (as if the Marker itself
It is all about knowing the right spots to hit. A
had suffered a hit).
model with Demolitions Training who plants
Enhanced (+20 points): Re-roll one or more
a Remote weapon may re-roll any damage dice
D6 if desired.
rolled when it is triggered.
Warning (+40 points)
Add +1 to any saves (armour or dodge) that are made Fleet Liaison (+20 points)
by the model. The model has undergone some level of training with
Enhanced (+10 points): The model may apply this Fleet. He knows how to speak their language and talk
bonus to any friendly models within his command them accurately on to a target. During the Air phase,
range if desired. Every time the model uses this if there is a hero with Fleet Liaison Training on
option he must roll a D6. On a 4+ the psychic the tabletop, he can assist Air units. Instead of
model takes a hit, representing the additional rolling off to determine who selects a unit to
risk and mental strain the model is undertaking use first at the beginning of the Air phase, you
when trying to protect others. can always choose to go first or second.

Heroic Traits
K9 Corps Neodog
Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
K9 Neodog 50 1 6” D6+1 2+ –/2+ 3+ —

K9 Corps* (+50 points) 2 to 5: The patient needs more care and may not take
The model has undergone training and bonding with actions. If the game ends with a model in this state and
a K9 neodog, enabling him to use its superior senses the medic still in contact with it, the model does not
to scout at a distance. The model gains a K9 count as a casualty. If the medic takes any actions the
Neodog model as a companion. patient is removed as a casualty.

Caleb Bond: The neodog can function at 1: Despite the medic’s best efforts, the model is removed
up to twice the K9 Corps model’s usual as a casualty.
command range. The K9 Corps model
can make an Alert Status reaction if enemy Pathfinder (+20 points)*
units complete an action within 10” of the Surveying the battlefield properly with reliable
neodog. If the neodog is removed a casualty reconnaissance can give a force the advantage
roll a D6 – on a 6 the K9 Corps model is so traumatised of surprise and avoid an early massacre.
by the loss he is removed as a casualty too. If the hero is The model and the unit it is with do not
removed as casualty the neodog is removed as well. trigger Alert Status reactions in the first
game turn. The presence of any Marauder
Forward Reconnaissance: The presence of a neodog suits in the unit will cancel this special rule.
enables the MI player to apply the Pathfinder rule to any
one MI unit (as long as that unit does not contain any Sniper (+20 points)
Marauder suits). K9 Corps models and their neodogs There is nothing deadlier than this model
may not enter play in M2 Drop Capsules. and a loaded weapon. His accuracy with a
ranged weapon is phenomenal and there
Medic* (+15 points) is no enemy safe from his sights. The
Medical science has reached a point where almost any model may re-roll any one of his damage
patient can survive if he can be brought to a dice in a Shoot action (but not when using
suitable facility. A battlefield medic has the Artillery fire).
skills if not the resources of these facilities
at his fingertips and this can be enough to SICON Military Intelligence (+50
get a wounded soldier back on his feet points, MI Lieutenant only)
and fighting. If a friendly model within The lieutenant is a fully trained Mobile Infantryman but is
the medic’s command range is about to also an expert in another area considered vital to SICON
be removed as a casualty for failing a save strategy: Military Intelligence. The presence of a Military
or suffering a Kill result, you may move the Intelligence officer means the force will have access to
medic into contact with the downed model immediately special equipment not ordinarily available to them. Count
to keep it in play. The medic and his ‘patient’ may not the force the Military Intelligence officer accompanies as
move or take actions. Roll a D6 at the beginning of each one Priority Level higher than it really is for choosing
subsequent player turn. Army List options. The force still counts as its original
Priority Level for all other purposes. The presence of a
6: The medic stabilizes the patient to the point where Military Intelligence officer fulfils the Atomic Protocols
he can function fully (for game purposes anyway). Both requirement for choosing Atomic munitions.
models can take actions again.

So this is it, the first man-to-monster, science The rules aren’t clear or don’t
fiction, tabletop miniatures wargame I designed from cover this!
scratch instead of developing from an established This first question is the most frequent of all but
ruleset. I, for one, really like the movement towards it comes in a million guises. The rules are written
more dynamic tabletop rules over the years and I’ve to try and cover all the angles but miniatures games
tried to include all kinds of things in this game that are extremely prone to throwing up weird events. As
I wanted to try in other places. At its heart, Starship an analogy, if you take your chessboard away and
Troopers is meant to be a simple game: Move around start moving pieces by one-inch increments, odd
a lot, roll a lot of dice, blow things up or tear them situations soon arise. In a game of Starship Troopers
asunder and above all else, have a good time. you’ll have dozens of ‘pieces’ with unique abilities
interacting across a varied battlefield; we should be
Starship Troopers has been a fascinating exercise in pleased with ourselves that it makes any sense at all! If
balancing two of the most extreme army types I’ve you run into a situation where the rules seem unclear
ever come across. Arachnids are the ultimate knife start by checking them again. It’s easy to be slightly
fighters – limited ranged weaponry but deadly at mistaken or rely on knowledge that was passed on
close quarters. Opposing them are the MI, who Chinese whispers-style. If that doesn’t resolve things,
have more firepower than they know what to do agree on an outcome with your opponent that will
with. Two players learning the tactics of this game accrue the minimum advantage to either side if it
are a joy to behold as they each learn how to apply happens again. If the issue is still deadlocked, roll off
their advantages in more and more effective ways. to settle the issue temporarily. After the game, come
to a solid agreement so that you never, ever have to
roll off about it again.
There are many times a Games Designer gets asked
Why use centre points for
questions about the details of the rules when what
measuring instead of base edges or
lies at the heart of the query is: ‘Why did you do
other parts of the model? It seems
things like that?’ I’ve included some notes in the rules
very fussy.
themselves but in many places it can be confusing to
Nine times out of ten you can just measure from
go into long explanations about why things are done
anywhere you like and it won’t make a jot of
a certain way. For the vast majority of players, just
difference. Please feel free to do so. Occasionally,
getting the rules across succinctly is more important.
though, typically at some of the most critical
Here we can deal with any questions we like and these
junctures in the game, knowing exactly where
are the kind of questions I enjoy. It’s a bit bold to
models are supposed to be is important. After years
say all of these questions are frequently asked. Most
of playing and writing rules for miniatures games,
of them just came up when playtesters first read the
I’ve found there’s nothing more precise than either
rules and some of them I’ve just made up. But they
centre points or standardised base sizes. Consider
seem like reasonable questions for anyone to ask, so
that most of the Arachnid models don’t come on
I’m answering them here.
bases and...

Designer's Notes
Why are there no separate hit and The MI get nukes! How can the
damage rolls? bugs win?
The Target characteristic is really a damage value – Expensive nukes, always remember that. If the MI
it’s assumed you generally have little trouble hitting fires a nuke and kills a dozen warriors, the Arachnid
a target; it is a question of whether you can damage player is still up on the deal points-wise. In a tactical
it. Smaller, harder to hit targets generally get dodge sense, follow the route of all good communists when
saves to try and avoid taking the damage instead. confronted with superior firepower: Dig deep and
when you do fight, close with the enemy so that they
I’ve done it this way because Starship Trooopers has cannot use nukes without killing their own people.
an emphasis on big weapons and big power suits and
big bugs. The fact is, you can fire assault rifles at a Why are MI corporals so expensive
tanker bug all day, hit it and not kill it – to do that, when they aren’t any different
you need well placed (that is, high rolling) grenades from normal troopers?
or Accurate weapons like sniper rifles. Or a nuke, of In the MI Army List, I’ve charged a premium in
course. points to be a unit leader. Corporals are the lowest-
rung leader, so they get whacked for the full cost first
The rules for indirect fire make and don’t get any statistical improvements to show
my head hurt. Can’t we just use for it. I’ve done it this way because I want unit leaders
scatter dice or something? to be very important for the MI and having cheap
Yep, the indirect fire is rather fiendish, but it’s cool corporals would undermine this by allowing low cost
if you can wrap your head around it. That’s exactly spare leaders in every squad. And yes, Arachnids pay
what I want. I really want people to use direct nothing for unit leaders. I felt this was an excellent
fire 80% of the time, and indirect only when it’s way of showing the advantages of their command
tactically ‘right’ to do so. With this nasty arcane rule structure.
it becomes a skill you have to learn, a bit like the old
‘guessing the range’ mechanic, but thankfully more Tunnelling seems unstoppable
random as you can only try to influence the odds. – the bugs chase me around under
Feel free to use an alternative method for scatter if the ground!
that floats your boat – there’s plenty out there. Tunnelling is very powerful and it can’t be ignored. It
is costly for the Arachnid player to perform – every
Why are there no morale rules? Tunnelling Marker and Tunnel Entry Point is another
Mainly because they wouldn’t apply to the bugs parcel of warriors you don’t have to face – and it has
at all and the MI are so thoroughly motivated and limitations. Get to know how tunnelling works. The
indoctrinated that it is not unreasonable to expect Arachnids need to use existing Tunnel Entry Points
them to fight to the death (almost) every time. to move around quickly. If you can destroy these or
Instead, I’ve opted to use the brain space saved for block them with Persistent weapons, the options for
unit command limits, leader losses and ‘flinching’ to tunnelling units become a lot more limited. Also,
physically push apart units so that they get scattered remember to stay flexible in where you fight – it’s the
and become less effective in combat. This achieves Mobile Infantry. If you stand on a hill and wait, the
most of the point of morale rules (stopping every last bugs will knock you off it. The only question is how
survivor of a unit from becoming a one-man army) long it will take them and how many warriors they
without the need for random dicing and the negative will lose doing it.
impact that adverse morale results usually entail (for
example, near-intact units running away).

A Atomic Protocols: In order to be eligible to select Atomic
munitions in his force, an MI player must fulfil Atomic
AA: (Weapon Trait) Abbreviation of Anti-Air. This
Protocols. Page 83.
weapon may attack Air units as well as ground units.
Attack: (Tactic) Aggressive tactic; affects deployment
Page 26.
areas and allows half of your army to be held as Reserves.
Accurate: (Weapon Trait) This weapon is exceptionally
Page 54.
precise and adds the target model’s Size as a damage
bonus. Page 26.
Air: (Model Trait) Possessed only in conjunction with the
Base: Some models may benefit from being put on a
Hover/X” trait, this trait allows the model to become an
miniatures base but it is not required for play. Page 16.
Air unit. Page 31.
Battle Line: (Deployment Area) Deployment type where
Air Phase: The phase at the end of a game turn when Air
both forces set up in opposite long edge halves of the
units’ actions are resolved. Page 132.
playing surface. Page 55.
Air Unit: These units fly far above the terrain and have
Beat Feet: (Special MI & Skinny Reaction) MI or Skinny
special rules detailing how they interact with the ground
models may Move as a reaction. Page 79.
and each other. Page 132.
Blaster Bug: An Arachnid species with a vicious heat-
Air Transport: Ground units may board and disembark
based ranged attack.
from an air transport if it has landed. Page 135.
Blister Bug: An Arachnid species with a vicious acid-
Alarm Screech: (Special Arachnid Reaction) Arachnid
based ranged attack.
models initiating this reaction Move themselves and any
Brain Bug: An Arachnid species, the controllers and co-
other Arachnid models within 6”. Page 114.
ordinators of their kind.
Alert Status: Models fall into Alert Status once their
Bug: Slang term for Arachnid.
player’s turn has ended. Any enemy model finishing
Burn: (Flight Speed) The fastest flight speed; full throttle.
an action within 10” of an Alert Status model causes a
Page 133.
reaction. Page 12.
Ambush: (Skinny Officer Special Rule) Forces including
a Skinny officer may use this rule to hide units in terrain
Caleb: Another term for a neodog.
before the deployment phase. Page 126.
Cap Trooper: ‘Cap’ is short for capsule; the term ‘cap
Ammo Rules: Abbreviation of Out of Ammo Rules.
trooper’ means an MI has made at least one combat drop
Annihilate: (Mission) A mission where your force’s goal
and is qualified to use power suits. All troopers given
is to eradicate the opposition. Page 53.
statistics in this book are cap troopers.
Ape: Slang term for a Mobile Infantryman. Also a
Characteristics: All models, weapons and significant
nickname for the M8 Marauder suit.
elements in Starship Troopers possess characteristics. Model
Arachnid: A member of the galaxy-spanning Arachnid
characteristics are Value, Size, Move, Close Combat,
Target, Save, Kill and Traits. Weapon characteristics are
Armour Save: The lower a model’s armour save, the more
Range, Damage, Type and Traits.
heavily armoured and protected it is. Page 23.
Charge: (Action) An action that combines movement
Army List: Every force in the Starship Troopers miniatures
with a point blank range attack upon an enemy model.
game is chosen from that race’s Army List, representing
Page 42.
the units and models available to a commander.
Charge (Crash): An Air unit action usable only by
Artillery Fire: A fire mode for Lethal Zone weapons,
missiles which causes them to crash and detonate their
where a target point rather than target model is designated
warhead. Page 134.
and the Lethal Zone generated will probably scatter. Page
Charge (Flyby): An Air unit Charge action; a high speed
flyby that causes simultaneous Close Combat damage.
Assets: Types of support available to a Starship Troopers
Page 134.
CHAS: Abbreviation of Cybernetic Humanoid Assault
Auto: (Weapon Trait) These weapons generate a 6” Fire
Zone rather than the usual 3”. Page 26.
Cherenkov Drive: The engine system that allows UCF
spacecraft to travel at faster-than-light speeds.

Chickenhawk: Nickname for the M9 Marauder suit. Delay: (Mission) A mission where your force’s goal is to
Climb/X”: (Model Trait) A model with this trait may use hold up the opposition’s advance. Page 53.
a Move action to make a special climbing movement, up Deployment: The process where forces are placed on the
to the distance indicated, following a Ready action. Page tabletop before the first game turn begins. Page 54.
31. Deployment Area: The particular section of the tabletop
Close Combat: (Model Characteristic) A model may use that you may deploy your force within. Page 54.
his Close Combat dice as damage dice when within point Difficult Terrain: Typified by woods, water hazards and
blank range, usually after a Charge action. Page 23. swamps, this will halve your movement if you cross it,
Command Assets: All Army Lists have Command unless you are larger than it. Page 30.
assets, representing the support received from superiors Direct Fire: A fire mode for Lethal Zone weapons, where
in a force’s organisation. they do not generate a Lethal Zone but instead fire directly
Command Range: The default command range is 6”; at a target model, creating a Fire Zone (or joining in with
models must stay within the command range of their unit their squad’s Fire Zone). Page 39.
leader to avoid falling out of command. Page 19. Dodge Save: The lower a model’s dodge save, the nimbler
Co-ordinate: (Brain Bug Special Rule) Forces including and more likely to entirely avoid an attack it is. Not as
a brain bug may nominate an Arachnid unit to perform common as armour saves but only dodge saves may be
one extra action per Arachnid player turn. Page 113. attempted against Kill results. Page 23.
Corporal: The lowest command rank in the MI; unit Drop Capsule: The M2 Drop Capsule is a delivery
corporals immediately become unit leaders should the system for MI cap troopers and marauder suits that
squad sergeant be removed. drops them through the atmosphere of a planet for swift
Countercharge: (Special Arachnid Reaction) Arachnid deployment.
models may Charge as a reaction. Page 114. Dropped: (Munitions Delivery Mode) Dropped
Cover: Objects that obscure line of sight without blocking munitions are released from Air units using Shoot (Bomb)
it may provide cover for a targeted unit, which gives a actions. Page 25.
bonus to armour saves and can prevent flinching. Page
37. E
Cpl: Abbreviation of Corporal. Emplacement Assets: The MI Army List has
Crew: (Weapon Type) Weapons of this type usually count Emplacement assets, representing entrenched structures
as Pack weapons but count as Squad weapons if nearby in place for defensive purposes. Page 81.
models help. Page 26. Encounter: (Deployment Area) Deployment type where
Cruise: (Flight Speed) Medium flight speed; half throttle. both forces set up in opposite corner quarters of the
Page 133. playing surface. Page 55.
Cybernetic Humanoid Assault System: A robot combat Engagement: A generic confrontation between two
unit available to MI forces in heavier engagements. forces, as generated by the 3X3 Mission Generator. Page
Damage: (Weapon Characteristic) This characteristic F
shows the dice rolled when this weapon is used in an FedNet: The official war broadcasters of SICON.
attack. Page 25. Fire Arc (X): (Weapon Trait) Weapons with this trait
Damage Bonus: Weapons with a damage bonus, may fire only in a certain direction. Page 26.
represented by a ‘+X’ next to the damage dice, are Firefry: An Arachnid species with a vicious fire-based
particularly penetrating or easy to fire. Page 25. ranged attack.
Damage Dice: These are rolled and compared to a Fire Zone: A 3” radius circle created when weapons
target’s Target and Kill characteristics to see how effective are fired at a target model, representing the tendency of
an attack has been. Page 35. firepower to spread over a limited areas. Page 34.
Damage Dice Allocation: Special rules that separate Flame: (Weapon Trait) Weapons with this trait ignore
damage dice before they are rolled, only used when cover bonuses and dodge saves. Page 26.
models from multiple units are covered by a Fire Zone. Fleet: The Fleet are the transport and aerial support arm
Page 26. of SICON.
Deep Defence: (Deployment Area) Deployment type Fleet Assets: The MI Army List has Fleet assets,
where both forces set up in opposite short edge halves of representing the air support the MI may call upon.
the playing surface. Page 55. Flight Speed: An Air unit must declare whether it is
Defend: (Tactic) Stalwart tactic; affects deployment areas moving at Burn, Cruise, Loiter or V/STOL flight speed
and allows you to choose which table half or quarter to before it makes any actions in the Air phase. Page 133.
deploy in. Page 54.

Flinch: A model flinches after making a successful armour Infiltrate: (Skinny Officer Special Rule) Forces including
save or when too close to a larger enemy unit at the end of a Skinny officer may use this rule in conjunction with
an action. Flinching represents being forced backwards Probing tactics to not trigger Alert Status reactions for
by firepower or a sudden remembrance of mortality. This their first player turn. Page 126.
normally consists of a 2” move away from the reason for Infinite: (Weapon Type) Extremely well resourced and
the flinch. Page 36. supplied, Infinite weapons may always be fired. Page 26.
Force Value: All forces involved in a game of Starship Internal: (Weapon Type) Owing to a slow rate of
Troopers will have the same Force Value, representing the ammunition regeneration, weapons with this trait may
sheer amount of units and resources a force has available only be fired once per player turn and may not be fire on
to fight with. Page 52. Alert Status. Page 26.

Galactic Web Theory: The speculative theory that Jump/X”: (Model Trait) A model with this trait may use
Arachnid brain bugs may communicate telepathically a Move action to make a special jumping movement, up
over stellar distances. to the distance indicated, following a Ready action. Page
Game Length: A game of Starship Troopers lasts a variable 31.
number of turns, dependent on the highest Priority Level
of the forces involved. Page 56. K
Game Turn: One game turn consists of each player Kill: (Model Characteristic) Rolled damage dice that
taking a single player turn, followed by an Air phase. equal or exceed a model’s Kill characteristic remove that
Go Career: Some MI models, notably lieutenants and model from play, unless it possesses the Hits/X trait or
NCOs, may Go Career and purchase heroic traits. Page succeeds a dodge save. Page 23.
80. Killshot: (Weapon Trait) Killshot weapons treat all Target
results as Kill results. Page 26.
Heroic Traits: Special traits, split into Qualities, Talents L
and Training, which represent models with abilities above Last Stand: (Mission) A mission where your force’s goal
and beyond the norm for their type. Page 142. is to stay alive until reinforcements arrive. Page 54.
Hide: (Special Skinny Reaction) Skinny models may Launched X”: (Munitions Delivery Mode) Launched
Hide as a reaction, which improves their saves by +1 until munitions follow the usual rules given for its launcher
the end of the player turn. Page 126. type and have a Range of X”. Page 25.
Hold: (Mission) A mission where your force’s goal is to Lethal Zone: An area of damage created when Lethal
deny the opposition’s advance into your territory. Page Zone weapons are fired in Artillery mode; all models
54. whose centre point falls within a Lethal Zone are affected
Hopper Bug: An Arachnid species, one of the few that is by the weapon’s damage dice. Page 40.
capable of flight. Lieutenant: Officers and platoon leaders of the MI.
Hover/X”: (Model Trait) A model with this trait may Line of Sight: One of the criteria for a successful Shoot
use a Move action to make a special hover movement, attack is being able to see the target model. Page 32.
up to the distance indicated, following a Ready action. Loiter: (Flight Speed) Slow flight speed; minimum
Page 31. throttle. Page 133.
Hits/X: (Model Trait) Models with this trait can take LOS: Abbreviation of Line of Sight.
more than a single hit before being removed and do not Lt: Abbreviation of Lieutenant.
flinch. Page 23. LZ: Abbreviation of Lethal Zone.
LZ (X”): (Weapon Trait) The weapon is capable of firing
I either in direct fire or Artillery fire mode – when used in
Impassable Terrain: Typified by walls, cliffs and sheer the latter mode it will generate a Lethal Zone of X” radius
drops, this terrain may not be moved through unless you that may scatter from the target point. Page 26.
are of a larger Size than it. Page 30. LZ (X”/LOS): (Weapon Trait) As above, save that the
Independent: (Model Trait) These models can act Artillery mode may no longer be used to target points not
independently of other units, join in with them or even in line of sight. Page 26.
form a unit of their own if the conditions are right. Page LZ (Stream): (Weapon Trait) When fired in Artillery
23. mode, the Lethal Zone created by this weapon is a 2”
wide path that stretches from the firing model outwards.
Page 26.

M One-Shot!: (Weapon Type) One-Shot! weapons may be
used only once per game. Page 26.
Marauder Suit: A powered exoskeleton and armoured suit
Open Terrain: Terrain that in no way impedes or hinders
that mounts tremendously powerful and modular weapon
models is sometimes referred to as open terrain.
systems whilst remaining mobile. Two models are in
Out of Ammo Rules: The out of ammo rules are used by
common use: The M8 ‘Ape’ and the M9 ‘Chickenhawk’.
models firing as a reaction. Natural 1s rolled on damage
MI: Abbreviation of Mobile Infantry.
dice render models unable to perform Shoot reactions for
Mission: The particular goals and imperatives a force has
the remainder of the player turn. Page 14.
in a given engagement. Page 53.
Out of Command: Unit models that are not within
Mission Points: The player with the most mission points
command range of their unit leader are out of command
at the end of a game is the winner. Mission points are
and will no longer take actions, instead remaining on
gained in different ways depending on your specific
Alert Status and reacting only, for the remainder of the
mission. Page 56.
game. Page 20.
Mobile Infantry: The Mobile Infantry are the military
Overrun: (Mission) A mission where your force’s goal is
arm of SICON.
to bypass or steamroll over the opposition. Page 54.
Move: (Action) An action that moves a unit their Move
characteristic in inches; if taken following a Ready action,
the Move action may be a special movement mode. Page
Pack: (Weapon Type) Owing to a slow rate of fire or
reload time, weapons with this trait may only be fired
Move: (Model Characteristic) Whenever a model is
once per player turn and may not be fired on Alert Status.
involved in a Move action, it may move up to its Move
Page 26.
characteristic in inches (before modifiers such as difficult
Parry: (Weapon Trait) Models with this trait force an
terrain are taken into account). Page 23.
enemy model attacking them with Close Combat dice to
Move (Fly): A special Air unit action. All Air units must
re-roll one of the damage results. Page 27.
perform this as their first action in an Air phase turn.
Persistent: (Weapon Trait) Persistent weapons continue
Page 134.
to inflict damage through burns, poison or other means
Move (Take Off ): An action only performable by landed
long after they were originally fired. Page 27.
Air units that allows them to take off during a player’s
Piercing/X: (Model Trait) The model’s natural attacks
turn. Page 134.
rend armour with ease; any enemy hit by this model’s
Munition Delivery Modes: Every kind of munition has
Close Combat dice has its armour save reduced by X.
one or more ways to be employed, whether it may be
Page 24.
Dropped, Launched, Placed or Thrown. Page 25.
Piercing/X: (Weapon Trait) Piercing weapons reduce a
Multihit: (Weapon Trait) Multihit weapons inflict two
hit model’s armour save by X, as they rend the armour
hits on Target results and four hits on Kill results. Page
material with ease. Page 28.
PL: Abbreviation of Priority Level.
Multihit: Multihit models is another term for models
Placed: (Munitions Delivery Mode) Placed munitions
with the Hits/X trait.
use the Remote rules to determine when and how they
N detonate. Page 25.
Natural 1: A die that rolls a natural 1 is always considered Plasma Bug: An Arachnid species, capable of firing
failure unless otherwise specified. Page 16. deadly plasma strikes that can devastate ground units or
NCO: Abbreviation of Non-Commissioned Officer. The take out aircraft or spacecraft.
second-highest rank commonly available to MI forces, Platoon: An organisation of MI troopers greater than
NCOs are officers and occasionally platoon leaders. squad level, commanded by a lieutenant.
Neodog: Also called a K9 neodog or caleb, the neodog Player Turn: Each player has one player turn within the
is a genetically engineered creature that bonds with an game turn. A player turn consists of every unit in your
MI handler and provides superior reconnaissance for the force taking two actions.
Mobile Infantry. Point Blank Range: A model’s point blank range
No Flinch: (Model Trait) Models with this trait ignore stretches for its Size in inches around its centre point and
the flinching rules. Page 24. is primarily used for determining how close a model needs
to be in order to use its Close Combat damage. Page 17.
O Power Suit: The power suit is the key to the Mobile
Officer: All lieutenants, NCOs and SICON Military Infantry’s effectiveness. By greatly increasing the strength
Intelligence agents are officers. and manoeuvrability of a trooper, power suits are the
One-Model Unit: A one-model unit operates alone but ultimate form of tactical armour.
is not as flexible as an Independent unit. Page 21.

Priority Level: The higher a force’s Priority Level, the Rolling Off: The temporary way of deciding a rules issue
greater importance a commander has placed on the during a game, where both players roll a D6 and the
mission’s success and the more alternatives are available. highest roller is assumed to be correct. Page 56.
Page 52.
Private: Privates are the rank and file troopers of the MI. S
Probe: (Tactic) Cautious tactic; affects deployment areas Save: (Model Characteristic) Models may have up to two
and allows half of your army to move onto the board in save types, dodge or armour, represented in the following
your first player turn rather than being deployed normally. manner – dodge/armour. A model that equals or exceeds
Page 54. the save number ignores a hit or Kill result. Page 23.
Promote: (Special MI Lieutenant Ready Action) Scenario: A specific confrontation, usually historical,
Promotion allows lieutenants to nominate temporary or where Force Value, Priority Level and sometimes tactics
permanent replacements for lost unit leaders in his force. and unit choices are pre-set. Page 53.
Page 79. Senior Sergeant: Another term for NCO.
Pte: Abbreviation of Private. Sergeant: These are the default unit leaders for MI
Q Shoot: (Action) This action allows a unit to fire one
Quality: (Heroic Trait) Heroic traits that represent weapon per model at a target model, though unit models
personal aptitude or excellence, rather than intensive with LZ weaponry may fire at separate target points. Page
Training or psychic Talents. Page 142. 32.
Shoot (Bomb): A special Air unit action that drops
R ordnance upon ground targets. Page 134.
Range: (Weapon Characteristic) One of the criteria for a Shoot (Dogfight): A special Air unit action that targets
successful Shoot attack for the target model to be within another Air unit with ranged weaponry. Page 134.
the firing weapon’s Range characteristic. Page 25. Shoot (Strafe): A special Air unit action that strafes
Reaction: An action performed when on Alert Status. ground targets with non-ordnance weaponry. Page 135.
The default reaction is Shoot. Page 12. SICON: Abbreviation of Strategically Integrated Coalition
Readied Model: A model whose previous action (or of Nations.
reaction) was to Ready. Size: (Model Characteristic) A rough representation of
Ready: (Action) This action covers a range of options but the model’s stature, mass and impact in relation to other
the purpose need not be stated until the following action models – the higher this characteristic, the larger the
is stated. Page 45. model is. Page 23.
Ready: (Weapon Trait) Ready weapons require a model Skinny: Skinnies are tall, slim aliens known for their
to be readied in order to fire. Page 28. odd mannerisms and inscrutable nature, at least as far as
Remote: (Weapon Trait) These weapons must be placed humans are concerned.
with a Ready action – a subsequent Ready action will Skinnysteel: MI term for the strange biotechnological
detonate them and trigger the weapon’s Lethal Zone. resinous metal that Skinnies seem to use for everything
Page 28. from power suit design to dwelling construction.
Reserves: Units using the Reserves rule can appear onto Special Movement Mode: A readied model may use
the table from any table edge from your second player a special movement mode. The most common special
turn. Page 56. movement modes are climbing, jumping, hovering,
Retaliate: (Model Trait) Models with this trait inflict tracked, tunnelling and wheeled. Page 30.
their Close Combat damage upon any models within Species: Arachnid tactics often depend upon whether a
point blank range when they are removed as a casualty. given Arachnid is the same species as another.
Page 24. Squad: (Weapon Type) Squad weapons may fire in any
Retaliate: (Weapon Trait) Weapons with this trait inflict action but use the ammo rules when firing as a reaction.
their damage dice upon any models within point blank Page 26.
range when their model is removed as a casualty. Page Stand By: (Special MI Reaction) MI models may Ready
28. as a reaction. Page 79.
Retrieval Point: (Special MI Lieutenant Ready Action). Strategically Integrated Coalition of Nations: The
Nominating a Retrieval Point allows out of command overall armed forces co-ordinating body, encompassing
models to treat it as their unit leader, no matter where the Mobile Infantry and Fleet.
they are on the board, though only Move actions may be Swarm: Any Arachnid model can link with another
made. Page 79. Arachnid model of the same species within 3” and form a
swarm, a temporary unit of up to 15 models. Page 114.

T Tunnel Marker: These Markers represent units tunnelling
Tactics: The tactical choices of attack, defend and probe underground. Page 137.
help delineate deployment areas and special rules for an Type: (Weapon Characteristic) Different types of weapon
engagement. Page 53. operate in different ways. The most common weapon
Talent: (Heroic Trait) Heroic traits that represent peculiar types are Squad, Crew, Pack, Internal, One-Shot! and
psychic Talents, rather than personal Qualities or extensive Infinite. Page 26.
Training. Page 143.
Tanker Bug: An Arachnid species, particularly large and U
dangerous, capable of spitting a corrosive stream. UCF: Abbreviation of United Citizens’ Federation.
Target: (Model Characteristic) Rolled damage dice that Underslung: (Weapon Trait) An underslung weapon
equal or exceed a model’s Target characteristic remove may be fired instead of the weapon it is attached to in a
that model from play, unless it possesses the Hits/X trait Shoot action. Page 28.
or succeessfully makes a save. Page 23. United Citizens’ Federation: The body politic of
Target Model: All weapons except those using the Artillery humankind, technically in command of SICON and its
fire rules require a target model; firing unit models who resources.
are not in range or LOS of that model cannot fire. Page Unit Leader: A unit leader generates a command range,
32. which his unit must remain within in order to remain
Target Point: Weapons using the Artillery fire rules fully effective. The loss of a unit leader ranges from
designate a target point, which may deviate. Page 40. insignificant for Arachnids to devastating for MI. Page
Terrain: There are three kinds of terrain: Open, difficult 19.
and impassable. Page 29.
Thrown X”: (Munitions Delivery Mode) Thrown V
munitions follow the usual rules for Artillery fire and Value: (Model Characteristic) A game mechanic
have a Range of X”. Page 25. representing the relative ‘worth’ of a model. The totalled
Tracks/X”: (Model Trait) A model with this trait may Values of a player’s force may not exceed the agreed Force
use a Move action to make a special tracked movement, Value. Page 22.
up to the distance indicated, following a Ready action. V/STOL: (Flight Speed) Slowest flight speed; maintaining
Page 31. rough position over a given area. Page 133.
Training: (Heroic Trait) Heroic traits that represent
extensive Training above and beyond that normally given
to a unit of this type, rather than personal Qualities or W
psychic Talents. Page 144. Warrior Bug: The Arachnid species encountered most
Traits: Both models and weapons may have traits. Traits frequently by humankind, devastatingly fast and strong
define additional rules that apply to that model or weapon, combatants that are capable of rending an entire MI
beyond the normal rules attached to characteristics. platoon to shreds should they be able to close range.
Transport Bug: An Arachnid species, the largest ever Worker Bug: An Arachnid species, virtually identical to
encountered, the transport bug is capable of interstellar the warrior bug, but lacking its aggression or offensive
flight and carries vast numbers of Arachnids from world effectiveness.
to world. Wheels/X”: (Model Trait) A model with this trait may
Tunnel/X”: (Model Trait) A model with this trait may use use a Move action to make a special wheeled movement,
a Move action to make a special tunnelling movement, up to the distance indicated, following a Ready action.
creating a Tunnel Entrance and converting the model Page 31.
into a Tunnel Marker, which is moved up to the distance Winning: The player with the most mission points by
indicated, following a Ready action. Page 31. the end of the game is considered the winner. Page 56.
Tunnel Assets: The Arachnid Army List has Tunnel Wounded Units: Multihit units reduced to a single hit
assets, representing the extensiveness and flexibility of the are considered wounded and may only take one action
existing tunnel network in a given engagement. per player turn. Page 20.
Tunnel Entrance: The most plentiful type of Tunnel
Entry Point; these templates form a pool for the Arachnid Z
player’s use throughout the game. Page 136. Zone: Any model that has its centre point within a zone
Tunnel Entry Point: Tunnel Entrances, Camouflaged can be affected by that zone. Models outside of a zone
Tunnel Entrances, Nest Entrances and Bug Central are all may not be affected by it. Page 16.
Tunnel Entry Points, established holes to the underground
Arachnid tunnel network. Page 136.

Over the next few pages you’ll find
all the templates needed to play
the game - templates for lethal
zone weapons, tunnelling markers
and templates
representing Arachnid
2” radius tunnel entrances,
Lethal Zone nests and bug central.
We recommend that
you photocopy these
pages and glue them
onto thick card before
cutting them out.
Plastic templates are
also available - check
out the Mongoose

website for details.

3” radius
Lethal Zone


For reasons of space, the

stream template is 10” long. If
you are using a weapon which
requires a longer stream than
this, simply measure out the

1” radius stream to its full distance

(usually 12”) and move the
Lethal Zone stream template forward to
this point. Any models passed
over are affected, just as
though the template was one
continuous stream
Tunnelling Tunnelling
Marker Marker

Tunnelling Tunnelling
Entrance Marker Marker

Tunnelling Tunnelling
Marker Marker





Tunnelling Tunnelling Tunnelling
Marker Marker Marker





Tunnelling Tunnelling Tunnelling

Marker Marker Marker
Squad Weapons Range Damage Type Traits
SW-226-f Hel Infantry Flamer 10” D10+2 Squad LZ (Stream)
TW-201-s Morita Carbine 15” 2xD6 Squad Auto
TW-201-1 Morita Sniper Rifle 30” D6 Squad Accurate
TW-203-a Morita Assault Rifle 20” 2xD6 Squad Auto
XW-110-G1 G/L — — — —
~ M-290 Flechette Grenade 8” D6+1 Pack Underslung
LZ (2”)
~ M-291 Frag Grenade 15” D6 Pack
~ M-295 Bugshot Grenade 10” D6+2 Pack
LZ (Stream)
XW-137-A3 Trench Sweeper Laser 6” D10+1 Pack
IW-203-a Morita Ape Special 20” 2xD6+1 Squad Auto
Close Combat Weapons Range Damage Type Traits
CC-176-ER Shock Stick Close Combat As user —
IW-228 Utility Claws Close Combat 2x as user — —
Support Weapons Range Damage Type Traits
IW-422 Hellseed Y-Rack Special D6 Pack See Page 95
LZ (2”)
MW-209 Trip Hammer Mortar 36” D6+2 Pack
MW-558 Spitball R/L 12” 2xD10 Pack Piercing/1
SW-402 Triple Thud G/L 15” 3xD10 Pack Piercing/1
SW-219-f Inferno Support Flamer 12” 2xD10+2 Pack LZ (Stream)
Missiles and Rockets Range Damage Type Traits
SW-404 Javelin Missile Launcher — — — —
~ M-714A2 Firecracker HE Missile 60” 3xD6 Pack LZ (2”)
~ M-766A1 Holepunch HEAP Missile 60” D10 Pack LZ (1”)
SW-414 Rapier AA Missile Launcher — — — —
~ M-780A5 AA Birdbolt Missile 60” D10 Pack LZ (2”)
LZ (3”)
SW-490 Blizzard Missile Pack 60” 2xD10 One-Shot!
Autocannon Range Damage Type Traits
MW-206 Derringer Light Rotary Cannon 20” 4xD6 Squad
MW-265 Sixgun Rotary Cannon 30” 3xD6+1 Squad Auto
MW-5050 Twin .50 Autocannon 30” 4xD6+1 Crew Auto

Templates & Reference Tables
Lasers Range Damage Type Traits
LZ (Stream)
SW-X28 Bugbroom Support Laser 40” 3xD6+2 Pack Piercing/1
LZ (Stream)
MW-X29 Scythe Laser Cannon 36” D10+3 Pack Piercing/2
Hand Grenades Range Damage Type Traits
M-902F Frag Grenade 8” D10 Pack LZ (1”)
LZ (2”)
M-904C Chem Grenade 8” 3xD6 Pack
Munitions Range Damage Type Traits
M-918 Scatter Bomb Dropped 3xD6 One-Shot! LZ (3”)
Launched 60” Killshot
M-908P Plasma Munition Placed 2xD10 One-Shot! LZ (3”)
Thrown 6” Persistent
(Remote if Placed)
M-997 Firestorm Bomb Dropped 2xD10+2 One-Shot!
LZ (4”)
Dropped Killshot
M-998A1 Atomic Pee-Wee Munition
Launched 60” 3xD10+4 One-Shot! LZ (5”)
Placed Multihit
(Remote if Placed)
M-999A2 Atomic Ajax Munition Dropped
3xD10+4 One-Shot! LZ (7”)
(Remote if Placed)


Name Range Damage Type Traits
Blaster Bug Heat 18” D6+1 Internal Flame
Blister Bug Acid 12” D10 Internal Piercing/1
Firefry Flame 9” D10 Internal Flame
Fire Arc: FxR
LZ (3”)
Plasma Discharge 72” 2xD10+3 Internal
Fire Arc: F Flame
Tanker Spit 18” D10+D6 Internal LZ (Stream)


Name Range Damage Type Traits
Constrictor Rifle 18” D6 Infinite Piercing/2
Nerve Beam 36” D6+1 Infinite
LZ (Stream)
Skinny Shock Stick Close Combat As user —
Skinny Bomb Placed 2xD10+2 One-Shot! LZ (4”)

The Starship Troopers Miniatures Game
This book is merely the starting point for the Starship Troopers Miniatures Game and just
part of the large range of miniatures and supplements available. New releases for the game are
being made available all the time – check them out on the Mongoose Publishing website:
The Mongoose Publishing website also includes an archive of downloads for Starship
Troopers, such as quick references sheets, painting articles and other useful information.

The Klendathu Invasion

This first supplement for the Starship Troopers Miniatures Game details the Klendathu Invasion
– the largest combined Fleet and Mobile Infantry operation of the Arachnid War to date.

Inside the Klendathu Invasion:

Invasion: The story of Starship Troopers continues, from the initial preparations for invasion to
the final retreat.

Army Lists: The Mobile Infantry gains the use of the huge Invasion Companies, while Arachnids
fight back with cunning traps and tunnel systems.

Fighting on Klendathu: Determine the fate of your own Mobile Infantry company during the
invasion in a complete camapign.

Signs & Portents

Mongoose Publishing’s monthly magazine, Signs & Portents includes regular articles for Starship
Troopers, details of all the latest releases and more. Signs & Portenrs regularly includes rules for
new units for the Starship Troopers game, painting and modelling advice, tactical insight and battle
reports. Signs & Portents is essential reading for all players of the Starship Troopers Miniatures

Starship Troopers: The Roleplaying Game

Join the fight on a whole new battlefield with the Starship
Troopers Roleplaying Game. Take on the role of a Mobile
Infantry Trooper, a member of humanity’s most advanced
armed force.
Battling across space in a desperate struggle for the control of
a galaxy you will not just be fighting for your life – but for
the survival of your species. Arrayed against you stand the
Arachnids, the Skinnies ans countless other alien terrors!
Never forget that you are fighting for the very survival of the
human race. Show your enemies no mercy for you can expect
none in return.


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