Money Rapido

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I have been a little down lately, so I decided to cheer myself up by

creating a simple method that even newbies can use. This method will
involve the automotive section of popular classified sites.

As stated on the sales page this is strictly step-by-step guide so let we

start with the steps.

1. Find as many auto auctions as possible using Google and any other

2. Put together a list of the numbers you found using open office

3. Export to PDF and save it

4. Create a website in the "Automotive" niche.

5. Find pictures of nice cars and put them on the "Home Page"

6. Create an account with "wufoo" or any other form building site

7. Create a detailed contact form (Name, Email, Phone, Address, and
whatever else you want on the form) You can even call it something
like a "Pre Approval Form" to make it legit.
8. Place the form on the second page that you created along with a
description above, of the list that you are offering.

9. Go back to the Home Page, and create a button that will send
viewers to the second page.

10. Then make all images clickable and link them to the second page

11. Make a "Thank You" page then follow the next 2 steps (make sure
the thank you page is hidden from public)
12. Go back to your form and edit it. Make sure that it will send your
viewers to the thank you page when they click submit.

13. Then find an insurance quote offer or anything that has to do with
the auto industry.

14. Then go back to your Thank You page and place your offers on
that page.

15. Then create another hidden page which will be your order page

16. Create another form (this one will be where they buy the auction
list, so you need payment options on this form)

17. Place that form on the order page

18. Post ads in the automotive for sale sections of popular classified
sites either linking to your website, or you can just have them email
you and set your auto responder

19. After a few people fill out your contact form, just download the
list of emails and offer the auction list to them at whatever your set
price is, and include a link to the order page.

Now you are done. So this is how it will work for the people that go to
your website:

1. They go to the classified site, see your ad, and click on it

2. They follow the link to your website
3. They click on an image, or the button and go to the contact page
4. They fill in the form, then get sent to the thank you page
5. Maybe they click on an offer and you make a few dollars off the
6. They wait for your reply
7. Once they get you reply, if they like the offer, they will go to the
order page and order
8. Then they just wait for you to send them the auctions list

PS. If you purchased premium package of my guide, all landing pages

required for this method have already been sent to your email.

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