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Faculty of Computer Science & IT

Final Year Project




Project ID:[FYP-BSCS-S18-001]

Project Team
Student Name Student ID Program Contact Number Email Address
Noorulain Tariq BCSM-S15-056 BSCS +92-3336544266
Zeeshan Shafi BCSM-S15-022 BSCS +92-3238427121
MerozeJaved BCSM-S15-001 BSCS +92-3314026806
Project Report: Online Counselling System

[Project Supervisor]

Project Report
[Title of Project]

Change Record
Author(s) Version Date Notes Supervisor’s Signature
Noorulain Tariq 1.0 7/1/2019 <Original Draft>
<Changes Based on
Feedback from
Zeeshan 2.0 <Changes Based on
Shafi&Merozejaved Feedback From Faculty>
<Added Project Plan>
<Changes Based on
Feedback from

Faculty of CS&IT, Superior University Lahore, Pakistan ii

Project Report: Online Counselling System


Comments: ___________________________________________________________________

Date:_______________________________ Signature:__________________________

Comments: ___________________________________________________________________

Date:_______________________________ Signature:__________________________


Comments: ___________________________________________________________________

Date:_______________________________ Signature:__________________________

Faculty of CS&IT, Superior University Lahore, Pakistan iii

Project Report: Online Counselling System


To all those who have supported, encouraged, challenged, and inspired us and specially to
our Beloved Parents, honorable teachers and friends for all their guidance, love and attention
which has made it possible for us to make it up to this point and as well as the Supervisor
who bestowed us with the courage the commitment and the awareness to follow the best
possible route, by their unmatchable style and by best possible training.

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

We are thankful to Allah Almighty who gave us health, thoughts and the opportunity to complete
this work. We feel great pleasure in expressing our deep and sincere gratitude to our
knowledgeable and dedicated supervisor, Mr. Mumtaz Ali, Professor of Computer
Science & IT Department who supervised our project lightheartedly and proficiently made the
dispatch of intimidating workload possible by persistent guidance communicated to us. We are
also thankful to have such a supporting project group Noorulain Tariq, Mr. Zeeshan Shafi,
and Mr. Meroze Javed. Our coordination helped us a lot in our project work. May ALLAH
Almighty grant great rewards to all of the above-mentioned personalities here and hereafter who
played their significant roles in enabling us to dispatch our humble efforts in form of this project.

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

Executive Summary

Our current system of educational institutes has no concern to solve student issues personally,
financially and during admission process. Our project is about to student counselling system
which solve student issues regarding admission. They can share their problems personally and
financially as they are facing and discuss through an application. Students add their personal
data and search many universities/educational institutes according to their, grades and
interests. They can search how many institutes have available vacancies in different

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

Table of Contents
Dedication .......................................................................................................................................iv
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................... vii
List of Figures .................................................................................................................................ix
List of Tables ...................................................................................................................................x
Chapter 1......................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background....................................................................................................................... 2
1.2. Motivations and Challenges ............................................................................................. 3
1.3. Goals and Objectives ........................................................................................................ 3
1.4. Literature Review/Existing Solutions ............................................................................... 3
1.5. Gap Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 3
1.6. Proposed Solution ............................................................................................................ 4
1.7. Project Plan ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.7.1. Work Breakdown Structure .......................................................................................... 5
1.7.2. Roles & Responsibility Matrix ....................................................................................... 5
1.7.3. Gantt Chart ................................................................................................................... 6
1.8. Report Outline .................................................................................................................. 7
Chapter 2......................................................................................................................................... 8
Software Requirement Specifications ............................................................................................ 8
2.1. Introduction...................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.1. Purpose ......................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.2. Document Conventions ................................................................................................ 9
2.1.3. Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions ............................................................ 10
2.1.4. Product Scope ............................................................................................................. 10
2.1.5. References ..................................................................................................................10
2.2. Overall Description ......................................................................................................... 11
2.2.1. Product Perspective.................................................................................................... 11
2.2.2. Product Functions ....................................................................................................... 11
2.2.3. User Classes and Characteristics ................................................................................ 11
2.2.4. Operating Environment .............................................................................................. 12
2.2.5. Design and Implementation Constraints .................................................................... 12
2.2.6. User Documentation .................................................................................................. 13
2.2.7. Assumptions and Dependencies ................................................................................ 13
2.3. External Interface Requirements ................................................................................... 13
2.3.1. User Interfaces............................................................................................................ 13
2.3.2. Hardware Interfaces ...................................................................................................14
2.3.3. Software Interfaces .................................................................................................... 15
2.3.4. Communications Interfaces ........................................................................................ 16
2.4. System Features ............................................................................................................. 16

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

2.4.1. System Feature 1 ........................................................................................................17. Description and Priority .......................................................................................... 17 Stimulus/Response Sequences ...............................................................................17. Functional Requirements ........................................................................................ 17
2.4.2. System Feature 2 ........................................................................................................17 Description and Priority .......................................................................................... 17 Stimulus/Response Sequences ...............................................................................17 Functional Requirements ........................................................................................ 17
2.4.3. System Feature 3 (and so on) .....................................................................................18
2.5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements .............................................................................. 18
2.5.1. Performance Requirements ....................................................................................... 18
2.5.2. Safety Requirements .................................................................................................. 18
2.5.3. Security Requirements ............................................................................................... 18
2.5.4. Software Quality Attributes........................................................................................ 18
2.5.5. Business Rules............................................................................................................. 19
2.6. Other Requirements....................................................................................................... 19
Chapter 3....................................................................................................................................... 20
Use Case Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 20
3.1. Use Case Model .............................................................................................................. 21
3.2. Use Case Descriptions .................................................................................................... 23
Chapter 4....................................................................................................................................... 29
System Design ............................................................................................................................... 29
4.1. Architecture Diagram ..................................................................................................... 30
4.2. Domain Model ................................................................................................................ 31
4.3. Entity Relationship Diagram with data dictionary ......................................................... 32
4.4. Class Diagram ................................................................................................................. 33
4.5. Sequence / Collaboration Diagram ................................................................................ 34
4.6. Operation contracts ....................................................................................................... 36
4.7. Activity Diagram ............................................................................................................. 37
4.8. State Transition Diagram................................................................................................ 40
4.9. Component Diagram ...................................................................................................... 43
4.10. Deployment Diagram.................................................................................................. 44
4.11. Data Flow diagram [only if structured approach is used - Level 0 and 1] .................. 44
Chapter 5....................................................................................................................................... 48
Implementation ............................................................................................................................ 48
5.1. Important Flow Control/Pseudo codes .......................................................................... 50
5.2. Components, Libraries, Web Services and stubs ........................................................... 51
5.3. Deployment Environment .............................................................................................. 51
5.4. Tools and Techniques ..................................................................................................... 51
5.5. Best Practices / Coding Standards.................................................................................. 51
5.6. Version Control .............................................................................................................. 52
Chapter 6....................................................................................................................................... 53
Testing and Evaluation .................................................................................................................. 53
6.1. Use Case Testing............................................................................................................. 54

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6.2. Equivalence partitioning ................................................................................................56

6.3. Boundary value analysis .................................................................................................59
6.4. Data flow testing ............................................................................................................ 61
6.5. Unit testing ..................................................................................................................... 62
6.6. Integration testing.......................................................................................................... 62
6.7. Performance testing ....................................................................................................... 63
6.8. Stress Testing ................................................................................................................. 63
Chapter 7....................................................................................................................................... 64
Summary, Conclusion and Future Enhancements ........................................................................ 64
7.1. Project Summary ............................................................................................................ 65
7.2. Achievements and Improvements ................................................................................. 65
7.3. Critical Review ................................................................................................................ 66
7.4. Lessons Learnt ................................................................................................................ 66
7.5. Future Enhancements/Recommendations .................................................................... 66
Appendices.................................................................................................................................... 67
Appendix A: User Manual ............................................................................................................68
Appendix B: Administrator Manual .............................................................................................69
Appendix C: Information / Promotional Material ........................................................................70
Reference and Bibliography ...........................................................................................................71

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List of Figures

1.1 Caption of first figure of first chapter 6

1.2 Caption of second figure of first chapter 7
2.1 Caption of first figure of second chapter 14
2.2 Caption of second figure of second chapter 22
2.3 Caption of third figure of second chapter 26
5.1 Caption of first figure of fifth chapter 49
5.2 Caption of second figure of fifth chapter 49

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

List of Tables

1.1 label of first table of first chapter 6

1.2 label of second table of first chapter 7
2.1 label of first table of second chapter 14
2.2 label of second table of second chapter 22
2.3 label of third table of second chapter 26
5.1 label of first table of fifth chapter 49
5.2 label of second table of fifth chapter 49

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Chapter 1
Project Report: Online Counselling System

1: Introduction
The current system of our education institutes is that students do not get any proper
counselling and they cannot share their problems they are faces during admission according to
their grades. Mostly students confuse for subject choosing according to their interest and
grades. We create an application where student login with application and share their problems
to their counsellor and get replies instantly.
Mental and financial burden of students of getting admission increasing with the passage of
time. Many students get confused and they don’t decide in which university they can apply for
admission and during this admission time close and they waste their time.
Students share their problems even financially and get any advice from their counsellor. It will
also help students and parents who worried for their children during admissions and invest for
In separate unit, Students add their personal and professional data.
Students can view list of universities and their departmentsand view how many seats available
in different universities with different departments. Students can see if they are illegible
according to their criteria to take admission.This system will solve student problems and get
counselling at any time.

This is not only providing ease to the students but also help the institution to manage their
whole procedure of the counselling by minimizing the paper work which decreases their carbon
footprint on the environment and the time factor will also get minimized as all the process is
happening online.

1.1. Background

In STUDENT COUNSELLING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM to maintain regarding student information

and their counselling. In this project we are using its application with front end and backend in
Android studio 3.0.1 and Firebase Database. This application is specially designed for those
students who pass out their Intermediate. students can this application student contact with

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

counsellors and chat with them online and search any university in which they want to take
admission according to their grades.
Students can see list of universities and each university list will show their departments.
Students can each department and their vacancies available. Students can search from filter
how much fees in universities according to their departments.
Counsellor will guide properly to students that in which university they can take admission.
Students can discuss with counselor according to their mental and financially.
Admin will control all the system and approve new student requests for add them. Admin can
check the conversation with student and counsellor.

.1. Motivations and Challenges

The motive of this project is to learn and experience the online counselling system explore and
explore the mobile application. This system may effect on many students lives for online
counselling and solve their problems. The Challenge is to make another similar application and
provide more features that students move to another application and we are doing our best to
overcome this challenge.

.2. Goals and Objectives

• Easy to choose educational institute
• Students mentally and financially Problem solution
• Time Consuming

.1. Literature Review/Existing Solutions

.2. Gap Analysis

Our current system of Educational institute has no concern to solve student issues and resolve
them. The mental and financial burden of admission for guardian and students. Students
personal and financial problems can resolve through our application and get replies instantly.
They add their personal data and search universities according to their grades and interest. It

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

reduces student problems and save their time.This is not only providing ease to the students
but also help the institution to manage their whole procedure of the counselling by minimizing
the paper work which decreases their carbon footprint on the environment and the time factor
will also get minimized as all the process is happening online.

.3. Proposed Solution

Student confusion will untangle with this system and they could not waste their time. Students
login with application and can view list of universities and their departments. They can view
how many seats are available in that department in which they want to take admission. They
can also filter fees and search which university can resolve their financial problems. They can
also discuss any problem regarding admission problem or financially or mentally issue.

This is not only providing ease to the students but also help the institution to manage their
whole procedure of the counselling by minimizing the paper work which decreases their carbon
footprint on the environment and the time factor will also get minimized as all the process is
happening online.

.4. Project Plan

• Planning
• Designing and development of application.
• Implementation of Coding
• Integration with Firebase.
• Testing and Debugging.

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

.4.1. Work Breakdown Structure

.4.2. Roles & Responsibility Matrix

The purpose of the roles & responsibility matrix is to identify who will do what.
Table 1.1-Roles & Responsibility.

Tasks and Due Date Due date type Percent Responsible Team
Milestone Complete Member(s) & Role(s)
Project Choice 23/5/2018 Assigned 100% Noorulain Tariq,
Zeeshan Shafi
Team Name and 23/5/2018 Assigned 100% All
Scope Definition Constant On-going 40% All
Presentations and 27/6/2018 Assigned 50% Zeeshan Shafi
Reports (Report)
Meroze Javed&
Noorulain Tariq

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Project Report: Online Counselling System


Documentation 21/7/18 Estimated 90% Noorulain Tariq

Application 31/8/2018 Milestone 100% Noorulain Tariq
Development (Front-end)

Application Back- 17/10/2018 Milestone 100% Zeeshan Shafi

end &MerozeJaved
Final Report 15/12/2018 Assigned 100% Noorulain Tariq
Project 2/1/2019 Estimated 100% All

.4.3. Gantt Chart

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

Fig 1-2 Gantt Chart

.5. Report Outline

• Summarized all system requirements in first part and mentioned all functional
• Briefly explain our system all functional and Non-functional requirements of our system
described in second.
• Use case diagram is drawn in third part of this document.
• UML diagrams are places in fourth part of this document
• At the end, there is implementations procedures described.

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Chapter 2
Software Requirement

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

Chapter 2: Software Requirement Specifications

.2.1. Introduction
The introduction of the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) provides an overview of the
entire SRS with purpose, scope,document conventions, references and overview of the SRS. The
aim of this document is to gather and analyze and give an in-depth insight into the complete
Online Counselling Management System Project by defining the problem statement in detail.
The detailed requirements of theOnline Counselling Management System are provided in this

.2.1.1. Purpose
The purpose of the document is to collect and analyze all assorted ideas that have come up
with to define the system, its requirements with respect to consumers. Also, we shall predict
and sort out how we hope this system will be used in order to gain a better understanding of
the project, outline concepts that may be developed later, and document ideas that are being
considered but may be discarded as the system develops.
In short, the purpose of this SRS document is to provide a detailed overview of our software
product, its parameters, and goals. This document describes the project's target audience and
its user interface, hardware and software requirements. It defines how our client, team, and
the audience see the product and its functionality.

.2.1.2. Document Conventions

This SRS Document follows MLA Format. Bold text has been used to highlight section and
subsection headings. Highlighting is to point out words in the glossary and italic text is used to
label and recognize diagrams. Technical details related to Application interfaces are not
included in this document in detail. Regarding information and sources will be provided in the
appendix sections at the end of this document.

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

.2.1.3. Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

This System Requirements document is intended for:
− Developers who can review project’s capabilities and more easily understand where their
efforts should be targeted to improve or add more features to it (design and code the project
– it sets the guidelines for future development).
− Project testers can use this document as a base for their testing strategy as some bugs are
easier to find using a requirements document. This way testing becomes more methodically
− End users of this product who wish to read about what this product can do.

.2.1.4. Product Scope

Our current system of Educational institute has no concern to solve student issues and resolve
them. The mental and financial burden of admission for guardian and students. This is not only
providing ease to the students but also help the institution to manage their whole procedure of
the counselling by minimizing the paper work which decreases their carbon footprint on the
environment and the time factor will also get minimized as all the process is happening online.

Project scope simply refers to the size of the project in terms of what will be included and what
will not.
The scope of project includes following features:
• Time Consuming
• Easy to choose educational institute
• Students mentally and financially Problems solution
• Data will be stored in database using Firebase

Student confusion will untangle with this system and they could not waste their time. Students
login with application and can view list of universities and their departments. They can view
how many seats are available in that department in which they want to take admission. They

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

can also filter fees and search which university can resolve their financial problems. They can
also discuss any problem regarding admission problem or financially or mentally issue

.1. Overall Description

.2.2.1. Product Perspective
This system is very useful for those students who want to get admission in universities after
completing their intermediate and don’t know that in which university they can apply.
Sometime students have some financial problems and they don’t get decide that which
university will be better according to their finances and they will get counsel at any time and
get best advices for their career.
.2.2.2. Product Functions
Online Counselling System provide following features:
• Online Chat with Counsellor: Student can chat at any time with counsellor to
discuss their problems regarding admission and it is the main purpose of this system.
• Fees Filter: Student can apply fee filter and search how many universities
can give admission regarding their finance.
• List of seats: Student can search how many seats available in any
department in universities.
• Admission Notification: When admission open or close in any university
application will give notification to student in mobile and update them.

.2.2.3. User Classes and Characteristics

<Identify the various user classes that you anticipate will use this product. User classes may be
differentiated based on frequency of use, subset of product functions used, technical expertise,
security or privilege levels, educational level, or experience. Describe the pertinent
characteristics of each user class. Certain requirements may pertain only to certain user classes.
Distinguish the most important user classes for this product from those who are less important
to satisfy.

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

.2.2.4. Operating Environment

ONLINE Student COUNSELLING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Application can be used by every
student who pass out their intermediate exams. We are using Android Studio 3.0.1 software in
which front end and backend designed with the help of XML and JAVA language. In the backend
of this application Data stored in database using firebase.
Our product will operate in the following environment.
1. Android mobile phones

2. Android version min 4.2 KitKat and maximum 8.1 Oreo

.2.2.5. Design and Implementation Constraints

Design section addresses the issues that need to be resolved before attempting to develop a
complete design solution.
There are stages of development of application are as follows:

• Universities Registered with HEC

▪ Only registered universities or universities campus will allow in

• Authorized students
▪ For security reasons there is only authorized and illegible students
can login this application

• Conflict between counsellor and student

▪ If there is conflict between counsellor and student then counsellor
can cancel the counselling from application.

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

.2.2.6. User Documentation

As the system is under the R & D stage and requires a complete implemented application to
explain the user documentation. Once the application is designed and implemented online
manuals, user manuals can be provided to the concern persons upon request.

.2.2.7. Assumptions and Dependencies

As we already mentioned above in this document that this system is under the Research &
Development phase and we’re working on that project where we need more time and
resources to enhance the efficiency of our system. Moreover, our application results are
efficient if the students use in the way we recommended.

.2. External Interface Requirements

.2.1. User Interfaces
Every Application have its own interfaces which can be user-friendly enough and users can
manipulate with it. The Menu is also an important thing while making come into existence
the SRS document part.

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

.2.2. Software Interfaces

Development Tools:
1. Android Studio:
Android Studio is the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Android
application development, based on the IntelliJ IDEA. On top of IntelliJ's, there is a powerful
code editor and developer tool; Android Studio offers even more advantageous features that
enhance your productivity when building Android applications.

• Xml as itself is well readable both by human and machine. Also, it is scalable and
simple to develop. In Android we use xml for designing our layouts because xml is
lightweight language so it doesn’t make our layout heavy.

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

• Firebase is a mobile platform that helps you quickly develop high-quality apps, grow
your user base, and earn more money. Firebase is made up of complementary features
that you can mix-and-match to fit your needs, with Google Analytics for Firebase at the
core. You can explore and integrate Firebase services in your app directly from Android
Studio using the Assistant window

.2.3. Communications Interfaces

.3. System Features

ONLINE COUNSELLING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM features are divided into two main categories:
functional features and non-functional features. Functional features form the body of the
application and include any features that are essential to the functionality of the order to have
a fully-functioning application. Additional features, however, are not required for the app to



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Project Report: Online Counselling System

.3.1. Counsellor and Student Chat:

Here in this feature which based on online chatting is discussed which will be accessed online
with the help of the mobile application.
.3.1.1. Description and Priority
▪ Counsellor can guide and give response on the time when student needs for
▪ If any conflict happens between Counsellor and student then counsellor can kick
off student from counselling.
▪ Student can discuss any problem regarding admission problem or Financial issue.

.3.1.2. Functional Requirements

REQ-SF1-1:Wi-Fi needs to be connected for using application
REQ-SF1-2: Authorization are necessary for security reasons

.3.2. HEC recognized Universities

Here in this feature which based on HEC recognized Universities is discussed which will be done
with the help of the mobile application.
.3.2.1. Description and Priority
▪ Student career is very important for counselling. That’s why student can only
view those universities which is HEC recognized.
▪ Many universities have their own university campuses but if these campuses
also registered with HEC then application will show them.
.3.2.2. Functional Requirements
REQ-SF2-1: HEC Recognized Universities
REQ-SF2-2: University Campuses required to registered with HEC
REQ-SF2-3: Wi-Fi needs to be connected

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

.3.3. Firebase
Here in this data stored in database using Firebase has been done with the help of Android
.3.3.1. Description and Priority
▪ Data stored in database which collected from Counsellor and Student data.
▪ Admin control each and everything if something wrong in application then he
can manage.

.3.3.2. Functional Requirements

REQ-SF2-1:Add Student
REQ-SF2-2:Delete student
REQ-SF2-3:Store Student personal data

.4. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

.4.1. Performance Requirements
Performance of our system is depended upon the accuracy of our application if our application
is accurate then it’ll perform well otherwise maintenance is required.

.4.2. Safety Requirements

For safety purpose initially, we’re providing services when with the passage of time for illegible
and authorized students.

.4.3. Security Requirements

For security, we’ll manage all backend functionalities of our system whether it is counselling.

.4.4. Software Quality Attributes

This System is flexible, maintainable and usable in this sense that it is simple to use and low
cost is required for its development.

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

.4.5. Business Rules

We are a team of three members currently working on this idea to start as a fyp project and in
future to run a new business which will help to awareness of counselling into students and
resolve student issues regarding finance. We will be able to generate revenue as soon our
system will be introduced in the concerned market.
Student Counselling is a small company developed by a team. We believe in this quotation “all
for one, one for all”. Our all team work together dividing our tasks. Our company’s formworks
will offer major advances, complete adaptability, and high strength-to-weight ratio, and all at
costeffective prices. During form use, maintenance will be minimal.

.5. Other Requirements

Noorulain Tariq Responsible for all day-to-day management decisions and for
implementing the Company's long and short-term plans. Also,
responsible for team management.
Zeeshan Shafi
Responsible for Technical Management

MerozeJaved Responsible for the daily operation of the company.

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Chapter 3
Use Case Analysis

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Chapter 3: System Analysis

System analysis can look at the end-user implementation of a system package. it looks in depth
to explain the techniques used in application.

3.1. Use Case Model

Use case analysis is a method used to classify the requirements of a system and the
information used to both define processes used and classes, which are set of actors and
processes which will be used both in the diagramed the overall use in the development or
redesign of the system. The use case analysis is the base upon which the system will work.
User Case Model


Chat with user

Advise & Reply

Counselor Change Credential


Admin Case Model

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

Add User

Delete User

View Chat B/w User &


View user list


Update data of users

Counsellor Case Model


Chat with user

Advise & Reply

Change Credential


Full Dressed Use Case Model

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

Display Account type


View Universities

View Different results


Serach with
Add and delete

Update Data

View Chat

View user lists

View database

Change Credentials


3.2. Use Case Descriptions

User Use Case Model
1.2.1. System Feature 1
Login Function

Title Allow user to login

Requirement User must be registered throw admin
Rational Login to the system
Restriction or Risk Wrong or correct login sent to database
Dependency Mobile , connection to the server
Priority Safety , timing

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Use case 1


• Regular User


• Must be register throw Admin

Basic flow

• User wants to login

Alternate flows

• User don’t want to view Universities & Chat

Post Condition
• User must Logout

1.2.2. System Feature 2

View Universities

Title Allow user to view universities

Requirement User must be registered throw admin
Rational Login to the system and view Universities
Restriction or Risk Wrong or correct login sent to database
Dependency Mobile , connection to the server
Priority Safety , timing

Use case 3

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View Universities


• User


• User must log in

Basic flow

• User wants to see Universities

Alternate flows

• None

Post Condition
• User must log out

1.2.3. System Feature 3

Chat with Counselor
Title Allow user to chat with counselor
Requirement User must be registered throw admin
Rational Login to the system and chat with counselor
Restriction or Risk Wrong or correct login sent to database
Dependency Mobile , connection to the server
Priority Safety , timing

Use case 4

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

Chat with counselor


• Student


• student must log in

Basic flow

• student want to chat with Counselor

Alternate flows

• None

Post Condition
• Student must log out

1.2.4. System Feature 4

Change Credential Function

Title Allow user to change credentials

Requirement User must be registered throw admin
Rational Logout to the system
Restriction or Risk Wrong or correct login sent to database
Dependency Mobile , connection to the server
Priority Safety , timing

Use case 2
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Project Report: Online Counselling System

Change credential


• Student


• Student must be registered throw Admin

• Student must be successfully Logout

Basic flow

• Student wants to change credentials

Alternate flows

• Student don’t want to change credentials

Post Condition
• Student must Logout

1.2.5. System Feature 5

Logout Function

Title Allow user to logout

Requirement User must be registered throw admin
Rational Logout to the system
Restriction or Risk Wrong or correct login sent to database
Dependency Mobile , connection to the server
Priority Safety , timing

Use case 2

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Project Report: Online Counselling System


• Student


• Student must be registered throw Admin

• Student must be successfully Logout

Basic flow

• Student wants to Logout

Alternate flows

• Student don’t want to view universities

Post Condition
• Student must Logout

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Chapter 4
System Design

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Chapter 4: System Design

In this diagram we will show you how our system will work and interact with the counsellor and

4.1. Architecture Diagram

Login Action



Response Counselor
User Database Server
Action Action

Admin Database
Counselor Database

Response Mob app Response

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4.2. Domain Model

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4.3. Entity Relationship Diagram with data dictionary

U_name U_Fname U_Phon# A_name A_Fname



User Has Admin

M 1

Has A_phone#

C_CNIC# C_Phone#



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4.4. Class Diagram

-Aid int
-uid int
-Aname varchar
-uname varchar
-Apass varchar
-upass varchar
-Aphone varchar
-uphone varchar
-Adob date
-udob date
-Aaddress varchar
-uaddress varchar
+viw chat user & counselor()
+view list Students()
+Update Data()
+view database()

-cid int
-uname varchar
-upass varchar
-uphone varchar
-uaddress varchar
-udob date

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4.5. Sequence / Collaboration Diagram

Chat with
User Login View Universities Change Credentials




Sucessfully Login

View universities

View universities

Successfully seen Universities

Change Credentials

Change Credentials

Successfully Change Credentials

Chat with Counselor

Chat with counselor

Logout Successfully

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

For Admin

View user list

Admin Login View Chats Change Credentials
& update data




Sucessfully Login

View Chats

View Chats

Successfully seen Chats

Change Credentials

Change Credentials

Successfully Change Credentials

View user lists & update data

View user lists & update data

Logout Successfully

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For counselor

Counselor Login Chat with user Change Credentials Logout




Sucessfully Login

Chat with user

Chat with user

Successfully Chat

Change Credentials

Change Credentials

Successfully Change Credentials



Logout Successfully

4.6. Operation contracts

A UML operation construct identifies system state changes when an operation happens,
effectively it will define what each system operation does. An operation is taken from a system
sequence is a single event from that diagram’s domain model can be use to help
generate and operation contract. The domain can be mark as follows to help with the operation

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4.7. Activity Diagram

• Admin Activity Diagram

Login Error


Login successfull

Delet View View Update View

Add user
user Chats user lists data database



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Student Activity Diagram

Login Error


Login successfull

View Chat with Change View View accourding

View Fee
Universities Counselor Credentials departments to grades



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Counsellor Activity Diagram

Login Error


Login successfull

Chat with users Adivse & Replies Change Credentials



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4.8. State Transition Diagram

• For Admin

Admin Login Account Open

Add User Delete User Change View Student &

Credentials Update data

Invalid Login


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Project Report: Online Counselling System

• For User

User Login Account Open

View Chat with Change View

Universities Counserlor Credentials deaprtment
accourding to
Invalid Login fee&grades


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• For counsellor

Couselor Login Account Open

Chat with users Advise and Change

Replies Credentials

Invalid Login


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4.9. Component Diagram

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4.10. Deployment Diagram

4.11. Data Flow diagram

For Login/Logout

User/Admin/ don’t exist

counsellor Response

Account Detail

Login Login Detail

Logout Login/Logout

Logout Logout

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

• For user
User Response Database Check Detail
Check Detail

Check Detail Response

Database Response
View Dept View Fee

Add User

Uni details Response Add Dept


Change Credentials Change
User Response User Portal Response

View Details

Response Check Detail

User database

grades Chat detail

View Grades
Chat with
Response Check Detail

Check Detail Database

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• For Admin
Admin Response Database Check Detail
Check Detail

Check Detail Response

Database Response
Add User Delete User
Std list

Delete User

Std list Detail Response Add User


Change Credentials Change
Admin Response Admin Portal Response

View Details

Response Check Detail


Update data Chat detail

View chat
Response Check Detail

Check Detail Database

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• For Counsellor

Check Detail

Check Detail
Counsellor Response
Database Response
Chat with user Advise & Reply
Check Detail

Chat detail Response Advise &reply


Change Credentials Change
Counsellor Response Counsellor Portal Response

View Details

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Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Implementation
This chapter will discuss about implementation and testing of mobile application for

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5.1. Important Flow Control/Pseudo codes

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

5.2. Components, Libraries, Web Services and stubs

5.3. Deployment Environment
Deployment environment will be play store where the app will be uploaded users can
downloadit from there and can use the application

5.4. Tools and Techniques

Android studio is used for the development of the app.Firebase will be used for database.

5.5. Best Practices / Coding Standards

Java coding standards
•It is highly recommended to follow coding standards.
•Whenever we are writing any component the name of the component should reflect the
purpose or functionality.

Coding standards for classes:

•Usually class names are nouns.
•Should starts with upper case letter and if it contains multiple words every inner word
should starts with upper case letter.

Coding standards for interfaces:

•Usually interface names are adjectives.
•Should starts with upper case letter and if it contains multiple words every inner word
should starts with upper case letter.

Coding standards for methods:

•Usually method names are either verbs or verb noun combination.
•Should starts with lowercase character and if it contains multiple words every inner word
should starts with upper case letter.

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5.6. Version Control

Android studio version min version4.2 kitkat max 8.1 oreoMobile device min and maximum version 2.1.3

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Chapter 6
Testing and Evaluation

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Chapter 6: Testing and Evaluation

[Paragraph Text 12 pt, Calibri, 1.5 Line Spacing,Justified]
[Between 4 to 8 lines describe what is this chapter all about]

6.1. Use Case Testing

6.1.Use Case Testing
6.1.1. Admin login
Table no. 6.1.1
Positive Test Case

ID TC_01

Priority High

Description Admin should be logged in after entering the correct email and password if the
user is registered.

Reference Functional Requirement reference.

User Admin

Pre-Conditions (i) System is online

(ii) Login form should be working

(iii) The user should have internet access

Steps (i) Open the web link to the system

(ii) Enter username

(iii) Enter the password

(iv) Press login

Input Criteria Username:xyzPassword: ******

Expected Admin panel will be open.


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Status Pass

Table no. 6.1.2

Negative Test Case

ID TC_01

Priority High

Description Admin should not be logged in after entering the incorrect email and password if
the user is registered.

Reference Functional Requirement reference.

User Admin

Pre-Conditions (i) System is online

(ii) Login form should be working

(iii) The user should have internet access

Steps (i) Open the web link to the system

(ii) Enter username

(iii) Enter the password

(iv) Press login

Input Criteria Username:abcPassword: ****

Expected Admin panel will not be opened.


Status Pass

6.1.2. Add User

Table no. 6.2.1
Positive Test Case

ID TC_02

Priority High

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Description Admin will add new Users

Reference Functional Requirement reference

User Admin

Pre-Conditions (i) The system should be working

(ii) Admin should be logged in

Steps (i) Admin will be logged in to the system (ii)

Admin will check new authenticated Users (iii)
Click on Add User button.

Input Criteria Click the “Add User” button

Expected User added in the system


Status Pass

Table no. 6.2.2

Negative Test Case

ID TC_02

Priority High

Description Admin will add new Users

Reference Functional Requirement reference

User Admin

Pre-Conditions (i) The system should be working

(ii) Admin should be logged in

Steps (i) Admin will be logged in to the system

(ii) Admin will check new authenticated Users
(iii) Click on Add User button.

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Input Criteria Not Click on the “Add User” button

Expected User not added in the system


Status Pass

6.1.3. Delete User account

Table no. 6.3.1

Positive Test Case

ID TC_03

Priority High

Description Admin delete a User account

Reference Functional Requirement reference

User Admin

Pre-Conditions (i) Admin should be logged in

(ii) There should be an existing account which admin wants to delete

Steps (i) Admin will be logged in to the system

(ii) Admin will check whether there is an existing account or not
(iii) Click on the “Delete User” button
Input Criteria Click the “Delete User” button

Expected User deleted from the system


Status Pass

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Negative Test Case

ID TC_03

Priority High

Description Admin delete a User account

Reference Functional Requirement reference

User Admin

Pre-Conditions (i) Admin should be logged in

(ii) There should be an existing account which admin wants to delete

Steps (i) Admin will be logged in to the system

(ii) Admin will check whether there is an existing account or not
(iii) Click on the “Delete User” button
Input Criteria Not Click the “Delete User” button

Expected User not deleted from the system


Status Pass

6.1.7. Wireless Communication

Table no. 6.7.1

Positive Test Case

ID TC_07

Priority High

Description The User wants to check to communicate wirelessly.

Reference Functional Requirement reference

User User

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

Pre-Conditions (xiii) WI-FI must be connected

Steps (xvi) Detection process should be completed.

(xvii) All values should be sent to Cloud

Input Criteria Connect the WI-FI for communication with the cloud

Expected Data will be sent


Status Pass

Table no. 6.7.2

Negative Test Case

ID TC_07

Priority High

Description The User wants to check to communicate wirelessly.

Reference Functional Requirement reference

User User

Pre-Conditions (xiv) WI-FI must be connected

Steps (xviii) Detection process should be completed.

(xix) All values should be sent to Cloud

Input Criteria Connect the WI-FI for communication with the cloud

Expected Data may not be sent


Status Pass

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6.2.Equivalence partitioning
Add User
Table no. 6.9.1
Field Name Data type Invalid Valid Invalid

First Name String Less than 1, no Character 1-15 More than 15

numeric, special
not accept

Last Name String Less than 1, no Character 1-15 More than 15

numeric, special
not accept

Email Email Missing ‘.’ Must be valid Missing ‘@’

email type

Password Varchar Less than 8 not Alphanumeric Less than 8 not

accepted characters >=8 accepted

Phone Digits Less than and 13 number First, 2 digits

greater than 13 should be ‘03’
not accepted

CNIC Digits Less than 15 CNIC Number Greater than 15

not accepted
not accepted pattern in

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Field Name Data type Invalid Valid Invalid

Email Email Missing ‘.’ Must be valid Missing ‘@’

email type

Password Varchar Less than 8 not Alphanumeric Less than 8 not

accepted characters >=8 accepted

6.3. Boundary Value Analysis


6.4 Data flow testing

Most of the systems uses the variables to make the data flow within the program. The
program may use multiple variables to calculate values for different variables. Now, these
variables get some values from the user interface or sometimes from different sources. This
complexity makes a program full of risk. So, testing these variable data flow makes sense and
Dataflow testing concept can be used to test all the variables from the program.

Levels of Dataflow Testing:

• Static data flow testing

• Identifying Potential Defects within

the program.

o Analyzing code for defects

o The code will not be executed

• Dynamic data flow testing

o We will execute the program

o Looks like a control flow testing

o List out the path need test

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

About Variables:
There are two types of variable in a program called use and definition occurrence.

Definition Occurrence: Values are assigned to variables.

Use Occurrence: Values are used in the program from other variables.
Predicate Use Occurrence: Value of this type of the variable will be used to an execution
path. Computational Use Occurrence: Value of variable will be used to calculate the value
of another variable.
Def-Use Pair Variable: It is a pair of Definition Occurrence and Uses Occurrence.

6.5. Unit testing

Unit testing are the fundamental tests in application testing strategy. By creating and running
unit testing against the code, we can easily verify that the logic of individual units is correct.
Running unit testing after every build helps us to quickly catch and fix software regressions
introduced by code changes to our application.

A unit testing generally exercises the functionality of the smallest possible unit of code (which
could be a method, class, or component) in a repeatable way. We can build unit testing when
we need to verify the logic of specific code in our application. For example, if we are unit testing
a class, we test might check that the class is in the right state. Typically, the unit of code is
tested in isolation; your test affects and monitors changes to that unit only. You can use
dependency providers like Robolectric or a mocking framework to isolate your unit from its

6.6. Integration testing

This project has three parts:
o Chat between Counsellor and student
o HEC Recognized universities
o Data stored through firebase

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Students can chat wit counsellor at any time when he needs a guide for admission purpose or
finance issue. He can view the lists of HEC recognized universities and their campuses. Students
and Counsellor data stored through Firebase in Application.

6.7. Performance testing

Performance testing should be carried out after the implementation of the application. We
shall test the speed, accuracy, and effectiveness of functions as well as quantitative test e.g.
response time of any function. We have tested the performance of our system by checking
the working of every complex operation, again and again, multiple times. We have followed
the following steps.

• List of all complex functions especially database related function.

• Assess response time and accuracy of core functions.
• Risk assessment of error or exception code (if any).

6.8. Stress Testing

Stress testing should also be carried out after the implementation of the product. We shall
test the product’s robustness, availability, and reliability under extreme conditions. The goal
of stress testing is to identify application issues that arise or become apparent only under
extreme conditions. We have tested our system by simultaneously using our system as a
different user and performing their associated tasks in a continuous manner. Following steps
have been followed:

• We have analyzed system behavior under high traffic.

• We have gathered statistics reviews about crashing app, time taking operations and
shall resolve those issues in later revisions.

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Chapter 7
Summary, Conclusion and
Future Enhancements

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Chapter 7: Summary, Conclusion & Future Enhancements

7.1. Project Summary

In ONLINE MANAGAMENT SYSTEM we want to counsel those students who want to get
admission in any university and don’t know how much fees they can pay according their
grades and department requirements.
We provide an application in which HEC recognized universities are add and then students can
view how many departments are in universities and theirs fess they can pay. Student can filter
their fees and easily search universities.

7.2. Achievements and Improvements

During this process of system development, we learned a lot of skills:
• System Development
• Best Coding practices.
• Integration of different objects on a single platform.
• Creative Thinking
With respect to the product, the biggest obstacle we have faced is the awareness of such
systems in the native market. we have overcome this hinder to some extent by showcasing
our idea and system at various events where we have found the very encouraging response
by the audience.
Moreover, we’re going to continue our research on this idea and further working on animal
senses under the umbrella of the world’s best research centers. Soon we’ll launch our product
with the best benefits.

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

7.3. Critical Review

We are awesome as we are persistent that we will aware the globe about the potential of this
hybrid of living beings and machines we don’t need to replace living beings with machines but
we need to incorporate living senses with better computing systems to fully explore the
horizons of nature.
It is the demand of the native market and in the whole world, no such system is officially
working to awareness of counselling activities so we are hoping that it'll have the best impact
in the market.

7.4. Lessons Learnt

We absorb very much from this project. This project sharpens our skills in system
development, designing tools, and many management concepts as well as how to deal with a
problem and how to stick for finding the solution to any problem until you found. As well as
technical skills this project also enhances our personal development skills such as team
working, dedication. Our passion for making a unique product that contains innovation and
nationwide best achievement and we succeeded it. We continue our work after this to make
it through worldwide. This project is a stepping stone for us, in the beginning, we don’t even
know that if we accomplished it or not but due to our hardworking and research, we do it and
it’s an achievement for us that motivates us to do better and more.

7.5. Future Enhancements/Recommendations

So generally, there are many enhancements we want to put in our product i.e.
• Proper linking of the database with a firebase so that student and counsellor data
storing will take place immediately with the best Wifi system.

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

Appendix A: User Manual

In the appendix section, we describe the different phases of the user interface and also
describe how a user can use our project. Secondly, we describe our promotional plan and
promotional materials like broacher, banner, standee, and other marketing materials. We
also describe other interfaces of our project.

Appendix A: User Manual

There is no user manual for our project at this time.
A.1.First Level Heading

A.1.1. Second level heading

A.1.1.1. Third level heading

Appendix B: Administrator Manual

There is no administration manual for our project.

B.1.First Level Heading


B.1.1. Second level heading

B.1.1.1. Third level heading

Appendix C: Information / Promotional Material

This chapter describes the promotional material that we used for the promotion of our Project

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• Broacher


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Project Report: Online Counselling System

• Flayer:

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• Banner

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Project Report: Online Counselling System

Reference and Bibliography

[4] Dingman, R. L. & Weaver, J. D. (Eds.) (2009). Days in the lives of counselors (Reprint Ed.).
British Columbia, Canada: IA Books. [ISBN: 8189617796]
Hill, M. (2004). Diary of a country therapist. New York: The Haworth Press. [ISBN: 0-7890-2116-
Kottler, J. A. (Ed.) (2001). Counselors finding their way. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling
Association. [ISBN: 1556201923]
Kottler, J. A. (Ed.) (1996). Finding your way as a counselor. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling
Association. [ISBN: 1556201613]
Kottler, J. A. (2010). On being a therapist (4th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass. [ISBN:
Kottler, J. A. & Carlson, J. (2008). Their finest hour: Master therapists share their greatest
success stories. Bethel, CT: Crown House. [ISBN: 184590088X]
Littrell, J. M. & Peterson. J. S. (2005). Portrait and model of a school counselor. Boston, MA:
Lahaska Press. [ISBN: 0-618-33331-2]
Skovholt, T. M. (2010). The resilient practitioner: Burnout prevention and self-care strategies for
counselors, therapists, teachers, and health professionals (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Taylor &
Francis. [ISBN: 0415989396]
Vacc, N. A. & Loesch, L. C. (2000). Professional orientation to counseling. (3rd Ed.). Philadelphia,
PA: Brunner-Routledge. [ISBN: 1560328517]
West, J. D.; Osborn, C. J.; &Bubenzer, D. L. (Eds.) (2003). Leaders and legacies: Contributions to
the profession of counseling. New York: Brunner-Routledge. [ISBN: 0415944589]
Clawson, T. W.; Henderson, D. A.; Schweiger, W. K.; Collins, D. R. (Eds.) (2004). Counselor
preparation: Programs, faculty, trends. (11th Ed.). New York: Brunner-Routledge. [ISBN:
Echterling, L.G.; Cowan, E.; Evans, W.; Staton, A. R.; Viere, G.; McKee, J. E.; Presbury, J.; Stewart,
A. L. (Eds.) (2007). Thriving: A manual for students in the helping profession (2nd ed.).
Independence, KY: Cengage Learning. [ISBN: 0618882146]
Hazler, R. J. & Kottler, J. A. (1994). The emerging professional counselor: Student dreams to
professional realities. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association. [ISBN: 1556201346]
Studer, J. R. (2004). The professional school counselor: An advocate for students. Independence,
KY: Cengage Learning. [ISBN: 0534607772]

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