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B0oRS AY Chnstpher Lasch “The American Liberals andthe Ruan Revlon (162) “The New fadlaiom in Amen (1065 “The Agony ofthe Amerkan Left (106) “The Word of atone 197) Haven na Hearts World: he ail Besieged (1077) “The Cutare o Narcisam 1970) “The Minimal Sa (1004 “The True and Only Heaven: Progre and Gri (1801 “The Revolt ofthe Ee and he Betrayal of Demwcracy (1900 THE CULTURE OF NARCISSISM American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations Christopher Lasch DT W-W-Norton & Company New York London ‘Capi ©1979 by Oana Lash A ig ed Pret nthe Uni St of Amara, Fie pled a « Naren ppc 191 hear of Cnet Caan in PBs Di Lata, Chanphe, lets oem adn “W.W.Nonen& Copan Ie 500 as enue, New Yr 1010 ‘Coats Home, 15/96 Was Ses, London WIT QT Te Kate For she is wise, if I cam judge of er, And fir she is, if that mine eyes be true, And true she is, ax she bath proo'd herself And therefore, like herself, ise, fair, and true, ‘Shall she be placed i my constant soul. Contents Preface Acinowleagments I ‘The Awareness Movement and the Social Ins of the Self The Waning of the Seo of Hier Tine The TherapeceSemibiy Fram Polit Se Examination nd Anstonesion The Vad Wik ‘The Prgresie Crit of Privaion ‘The Cre of Privo! Ribard Sentt (de Fall f Pubic Man I The Narcisstic Personality of Our Noreision as Metapbor of the Haman Coin Peto an [Navini in Reet lial Literate ‘Sei Infncs om Narco The World View of the Reignd 6 le 2 sil» Comener It Changing Moder of Making From’ Harti Alger to the Happy Hooker The Original Meaning of te Work bic From Sel Caltare to Self Promotion trong “Winning Image” Tie clip of Acbicement Th Art of Sal Serial ‘Th Apatborsof Indian TVs “The Hana of Peeudo-Se-Awarenes: “Thestis of Polis and Everyday Existence mame pan ae eee, a faa eae mead pane ae Eo v “The Degradation of Spor he Spc of ley eros the Rags for National Uplift Hisige on Homo Uedens 2 56 9 a n * a “ te so 4 100 101 The Cri of Sport The Traction of Arb Imprint Cah of the Seon Life ‘irae Lyalyand Compton’ Barauray and “Teaco Ser an he Erion Inary ie Efe a Schooling and the New Hiteracy The Spread of Seapeiton The Atrophy of Competence ioral Origin of the Mdern Seto! Sytem rom Indus Dicpline 1 Manproer Seton ‘Brom Amertaniztion “Lie Adjacent” ‘Bask Educason vera National Dene Eéscaon The Cri! Rights Movement and te Scone Cultural Paton and the Nos Peterman The ie of he Malena Catarat "Elite and Te Critics Esato os 4 Cmimadty VII ‘The Socialization of Reproduction and the Collapue of Authority The “Sailzaton of Werkingnen”™ The Juco Court Parent Eduction Permsisene Record The Cal of Autontty v4 185 56 19) 162 68 Comets Pt eprint oft Tr of Nason, Scope, end he Family ‘Nero ond te "Ab Father” The Arion of Autry and he Transformation oft Supers ‘Tie Family’ Relation t Otter Ages of Sait Contr Hg lations he Jb “Tie Factory at Foil VII “The Flight from Feeling Sociopeychology ofthe Sex War The Trieiaicvion of Perl Relations The Bart of he Se: fs Sil Hasory ie Sera! "Rectan ‘Taeterne ‘ominom andthe Intenifation of Sexual Warfare ‘Strange of Acommadaton The Caratng Woman of Male Fontry The Soul f Mow and Woman under Sxialion IX "The Shattered Frith in the Regeneration of Lie The Dread of Old Age [Neri and Old Ae The Sail Theory of Aging: “Groth” as Ploned Obese Probngevty: The Bip! Tory of Aging 16 176 18 24 xX Paternalism Without Father ae Fe amasting Progresstvism and the Rise of the New Paternal Earp ee een ett fae irene sein Ramet ieae ee a Index Mm 2 2 a be aa a as Pretace Hardly more than 2 quaner-centiry after Heary Lice pro- lety—a society that giver increasing prominence an encourage ‘ment narcissistic traits—the ultura devaluation of the pest fefcers nae only the povery of the previ iecogies, which have lst thei rip on reality and abandoned the attempt tomas tert, but the poverty ofthe maria’ inne if. A society that has made “nostalgia” + marketable commodity nthe cultural exchange quickly repudiates the suggestion that life the past ‘was in any important way better than fe teday. Having eit laed the past by equating i with outmadd styles of consump. ‘ion, discarded fashions and attudes, people today resent an ‘one who draws on the pain serious distustons of contemporary ‘onditions or attempts to use the pastas standard by which to judge the preset. Current eriscl dogina equates every such re rence tothe pst a5 ie an expression of natalia As Alber Burr has observed, this hind of reasoning "rules out eoiely any Insights gained, and any values arved at by personal expercnce, since such experiences af aways located nthe pat, and here> fore inthe precints of nostalgia, “To discuss the complesitesof our relation to the part under the heading of “nostalga substtater sloganeering forthe objec: tive social evtcism with which this atta tes to associate sell. The fashionable sneer that now automaticly greets every loving recollection of the past attempts to exploit the prejudices of| 1 pendoprogresive society on tal of the status quo, But we ‘ow Kowmthanks eo the work of Chrisepher Hil EP. ‘Thompson, and other historine—that many radial movements in the pst have drawn strength and sustenance from the myth ot ‘memory of agolden ae inthe sl quore distant past This histor teal discovery reinfores the psychoanalytic ivighe thet loving memories constitute a9 indispensable paychologeal resource In maturity. and that those who canna fil back cn the memory of loving relatos inthe pas suffer terrible torments az resul ‘The belie tha in some’ ways the past was & haps tine BY mo means rests ona sentimental illusion, nor dos lead to Back looking, reactionary paralysis ofthe pols wil My own view of the past i just the opposite of David Don- sli» Pre sls. Fae from rganing a+ uscless encumbrance, 1 sc the pas ara police and prychologial easy from which we deve thereserves (nt nectar inthe form of lesson) hat we ed to-cope withthe fure. ur cures indiference to the past ‘hich ely shader over nt tive boty sd recto ‘ther the mottling pret of tha clarc’e bekrptey. The [revalng aude, 0 cesful and forwarding oe he ur {ice deves from 1 natcinic moporenthoent Of the payee da fom an nblity to ground sur neds the expec tf aasection and contentment. lnsead of drwing on tr oem Sxperience, we allow experts 0 define ur tts ft ur ad hee ‘ander why those needs never seem tobe satisfied. “As people Become ape pup in learning how to need Ivan ich write "te ability to shape want frm experienced ttisfction becomes 4 rare competence of the very Fch or the seriously undersup- pled” For al these reson, the devalaation of the past has become ‘ne ofthe mom spartan symptom of the eter rss to Shichi book addres uct lic deswingon historical expe ‘Rene to esplain wht is tong wath present arangemente A seni ofthe past, superficially progressive bd optim, prover ‘on closer analysts tocmbody the despa sobety the Sonat ‘oe the fae Acknowledgments Some of te asin hen were sharpened in crepe and Satin vib Mele! ge sd ovr Shestin son eat EAE eter mera my nk re oa eae Seeldiiehtoandenene ny wlabche ne eee Pet Read oma ny, ihre ames methcnip nce sprig inch bk sds Nene of he se Seale pom r my snen, nee of uke ey td mpc ne “he manip beet rm cen ean yy wile and by Jenner Hin wins ns an SLnceontn iia ato Sm tan Be Ie erna swe sis ea ered ond spsh rember yee ee ke Keto Cte Neen Sy’ Sept aks Mans hee ‘ner 28 Oomer res "The Cop ef Spee apd ah ie Sige of te Fam 26 Novem Wy Pose ace eee Nise Panny of Our Fine tr we. When Cas sensing ine Care ut Fare” Aap ON ee inca The gh om Fel" sing 107 and Poe Cree Yeon fin ond Fane Mat np ee Tar THE CULTURE OF Nancissism I ‘The Awareness Movement and ‘the Social Invasion of the Self Th arson ing ard Pale, pate fare mer, br ses a ey ton, Testo pot eed tea a,b ba tpartan stat, he ‘ine, Ti Merci eg ain tm bry, Ngan Somat pn bre. He ety pri. Hecae “ProlisB recon ret Hes vere by ‘ems A cin of atm ad deine roa Iho iaing eink et ie smb tie 1 cose The Waning of the Seas of Historical Time As the swen- "eth century approacherts end, the conviction grows thst ay ‘other things ae ending roo. Storm warnings, porens, hints of ‘atsirophe hnunt our tines. The sense of a ending whieh has given shape to so much ef rwentcthcemtury terse, now pe ‘ades the popular imagisation as well The Net holcause the ‘reat of nuclear anniiltion, the depletion of natura esourene wellfounded predictions of ecologic! disaster have fulled pe ‘te prophccy. giving coneete historia substance tothe nigh. smare, of death wish, Oat avanegare artists were the Bro ‘xpress, The question ofwhether the world will nd in Br or fee, with + bang or a whimper, no longer interests arts shone 4: The Cate of Narciso Impending disaster has Become an everyday concer, 50 com imunplace and. familar that moby any longer ges much {ought fo how disaster might be averted. People busy then chee instead with survival seratepin, measures designed to frlong tr cu lives or prorat guaranteed to ensue peat Featind peace of mind = “Those who dig br shkers hope to survive by surrounding themselves with the lest products of modern technology. ‘Commupards inthe country Adhere to an opposite plan: to ree themselves from dependent on technology ad hus toautve ts ‘Sesruction or elapse. Avistr to commune in North Carolina Srrite:"Eseryone sets to share this sense of imminent dooms {op Stewart Brand, editor ofthe Wok Eat Catare,reports hn sale a the Srs tre boing one fe te tmoving ems." Both sratepes reflect the growing despair o ‘hanging soley, even of understanding it, which abo underies the ult of expanded comslournesa, health, and prsopal pow” reve to Aer de pital cro of the snes, Americans have re treated to purely personal preoccupations: Having no hope of proving the Ses any oft ways tht mater, people have Snvinced themselves thet what matters is psyehic self improvement gving in touch with dei feelings eating health ite, taking lessor tn ballet or belly-dancng,smersing them. ‘ches in the wind of the Bast, jgging,learing how 0 Fe inte overcoming the ear of pleasure" Hares in shemselves, these pursuits elevated oa program and wrapped inthe rhetoric ‘lted pion yb esse Sep” Stn So ing Trego nrev ee bacn ener ye comet pce at gh fn ee exec copes” The Assrenex Movement and he Sail Inoesion tbe Self + § fzuhenty and awareness sign a rere rom polit and tepulisionof the ecnt pst. Indesd American seam twa to forget not ely the sites theres the new ey te dstpdons ‘Sollege campuses, Vicon, Wetegate, andthe Nien pea “ey, bor ther em calactive psy even inthe epic fet In'which iw celebrated dung the Bcenennal Woy Al Ic's movi Spor, eed in 197% accurately caugit the mb oF the seve. Appropriately cat inthe form of pated of fr toric cence ction, the in Bde spent many whys toconey the mevage that “plies stone dot work ay Allen aly trounce sone point: When sed wat e Belcvesn, Ales, faving eu! oot politics, eligi, and science, declares “I be: lee to Sex end det -rwo experiences the come once He “To liv for the moment i he prevling psson—tolive for yourself ne for your predecetor or poserty, We are ast ing the sens of histor eotiniy the sense of belungang toa Stzcsson of generations originating ithe past and steehog io the ute Tis he waning of the sate of historia ines ‘Panic, the erin of any sng concen fo ponte aha ‘singuishes the sprites eri ofthe sevete fom eather out teen of milena clin, ro which bers x sperfere semblance Many commentators have seized om this eoblne rt means of undrstandig the contemporary “ela revels fon." ignorng te estore: that distingush rom the the pare A ew yeu oy Les Feder pci | "New ‘Age of Fain” Mote resttly, Tom Wole has interred the few narcisim ae 4 “hid great swskening an oetbeak of Organic erat religoty. jn ougen sn book that seems preset lel smoltneousiy ss crtaqe und» celebration of ontemporaty decadence, compares the Curent nod to the i Tenia ef the waning Madde Ages “The tac of the Middle Age are net much diferent rom thoe ofthe poe he writes Then 5 ox scl upheaval gave rie t"eeonron ‘Cerin weld cin ing wore eae ee 6: The Galareof Norio Both Hougon and Wolfe insvertenly provide evidence, owen, tht underioes x rdiiosinerpretation of the "con ‘Clouness movement" Hougsnttees tha survivals become the emchword ofthe seve” and “ollesive nari he {Sominant dapostin. Since "ie sie” har tre makes fence co lve only forthe moment. 0 Fix our eyes on our own “pave perirmane” to ben ones oo own deck tee the tudes Borsa ssocted with mlleacan ou rate; Satcenth-centary”Anabapens awaited the apoealypee ‘ovis ouncendenal lfatention bat wth conceded cence forthe gold age wus expected to inaugurate. Nor Ne they indent to te pre Ancient popula tations of The sleeping hinge leader wo wil retro his people and estore ost golden age—snformed the mllenarian movements of tha per. he Revltonsy of the Upper Rie, anonymous tor ofthe Bo of land Chapt, dared," The Germans nce eld the whole word in tht hands and hey wil do so Sain, and with more power than ever” He predicted thatthe ‘Surrecred Frederic I “Emperor of the Lat Days would e- inst the primitive German ion, move the eaptal of Chis {Codon fom ome to Tren bolic pate propeny, snd level fiinctons beween rich snd poor ‘Such tad, oen sowie with national resistance co foreign conquest, have fourahed at any times and in any Forms, inching the Chita sion ofthe Lar Jedgment. Tht ‘glean oo preudostoral content sggets that even the ‘Hos redcalyobcrverdly egins of the ps expressed s hope ‘Tool justice ads sense of continuity wit eather generations “Te snes ote ales carscterte the survivalist mental ty of the seven. The “world vw emerging meng ws.” Wits Sse Mann ceoors“slly onthe sind hat iva Ur hel arise gd." In an temp to iden the pec Fe ‘ores of contemporary rligiosty, Tom Wolle himself notes that The Acsrenes Movement and the Sais! Inston f the Self 7 “most people, historically, have not lived their ives as if thinking, “Ihave nly oe ite to lve" Tstead they have lived if they a living thee ancestors lives and ther offspring’ lives." These observations go very clos othe hear ofthe mater, bu they ell {hte question in characters the new nace ar thi few awakening ® The Therapeutic Sensibility The cootemporary climate is therapeutic, not religion. People today hunger not for personel 'svation et aloe forthe restoration ofan caler golden ge, but fr the feling, the momentary illusion, of person welling Fealth and poychic securty. Even the radian of the ses served for many’ of those who embraced for personal rather ‘oan politi easons, not asa subsite religion bus at «form of therapy. Radial poles filled empty lives, provided» scae of| ening and purge Inher memo of tc Weathermen, Ssan Stern described their stration in lnnguage that owes tore to [pychtey sd medicine tan rlgon. When seed weve “rat National Convention in Chieag, the wrote fstead shout the state ofher health "I fee gud. Tcl feel ny boy sapple tnd strong and slim, and ready co ran siles, snd my legs avo ‘Se_and swift under me""A few pages later, she says fe tea." Repeately she explains that ssocaton ‘with important rope made her fel important. "I fee T war pat of a vt ne ‘work of intense, exciting and brilline people "When the leaders she ilelized disappointed her, as they says did, she looked for few heroes to take thelr pce, hoping to warn herein thet “orianee™ and to overcome her fesling of isigifican In ‘cir presence, she ocasionaly fel "strong and solid”—anly to Asam exmpl of he ew Spit, nich pitt vew fe FE ie Stream are Bate sg Scie es nl go od ane ey wy it feta gar you cabo poplar sap open Ou Le tad = The Calere of Narision fod herself repelled, when divenshantnet sein agtn, by the STrogance” of those whe she nd previously admired, by "heir ‘omempt fr everyone around them." Ninny ofthe det in Sterns acco ofthe Weathermen would Be familiar to stunts ofthe revothnary mentality im ‘inlet epochs: the feror of her revolutionary mitment, the group endless dspues aboot fine points of polis! dogma, the cts sslf-critcm to which members ofthe act were con- ‘enly exhoged,theatempe to remodel every facet of one's hie i contormay with the revolutionary fth. But every revol- tionary movernent partake ofthe exlsre of it ime, and this one ‘omtinedclments that immediately Wentfed i aba product of ‘Rimrcan soley in an age of diminishing expectations The w- ‘mosphere in which the Weathermen Hved™an amospher of vir Tenet, danger, droge, sexoal promiscuity. moral and paychic ‘hnor_setel tv nh roms a older Fennonary tata Som the tml adware agua of contenoray ‘Rmorce er posceputon ith the tat ofr payee hel {peter sith Ber dependence on sere fra seme of slo, Aimingsish Susan Stern from the kind of religious seeker who {nsf plier to Bad scalar salvation, She needed 9c {aban ae sentiy, nto submerge her dnt in age nse. ‘The marl ilo aso inthe feo quay of biel, {hom an carer ype af American invuaie, the "American ‘Aduat salysad by R. WB. Lewis, Quentin Anderson, ME hae Rogin, and hy ninetcenh-cenury abwerers ike Tocque- Wile, The contemporary nari bears + supefia resem- lance, in bir sei-tbsorpton and dcksions of grandeur, to the peril sls offen elebrted in mieteentvcentry AMET caneerature, The American Adam, like his descendant today, Sought to free himset from the pas and wo extablsh what Emer- fon calcd "an origina! ato the univers” Nineteeth-eo fury writers and orators restated agai and again, ina gest var ‘ty of forme Jelfenon' doctrine tht the ext belongs 0 the {Slog ‘The break win Europe, the aobrion of primogennure, tnd the loweness of family tex gave submance to ther beh {even fit was fay a isin) tat Americas, lone among the peopl of he worl, could exape the entangling Infvence of he ‘The Ascarenas Movement andthe Saat Dron ofthe Saf 9 past. They imagine, according t0 Tocqueville, that “hee whole ‘esiny iin their own hands" Social sondtions tm the United States) Foequevle wrote, severed the te that formerly United broken and che wack of generations effaced, Thos who went tefore ate soon forte of thore who wll come ater, o one has any en the mere of at Je confined to thse ln ee roping to himself Some cis hive descr the aris ofthe 1970 in similar language. The new therapies spawned bythe human tential movement cording to Peter Marin, teach that thea ‘dual will all poverfal and totally determines one’ fate hus they intensify the isolation of the sel" This line of argument telongs to. 2 wel-exablahed "Ametican radtion of soci thought. Maria's plea for recogoton of “the immease made round of human communiey" reall Van Wye Broske, whe Etciaed the New England cransendentaists for ignoring “the {ena middle grou of haman raion,” Byoks betsll. wher Be formulated his ow indicrment of American culture, drew on Such caer erties ss Santayana, Henry James, Orestes Brown Son, and Tocquevl* The rca raion they eseblshed sl fas much tellus sbout the evil of untramneled inva, tot it needs to be restated to take account of the dilferences be See ineentceniry Adami andthe mri for ‘own time. The eritque of “privat,” though i helps to Sie the need for ommuniy, has become more und mute ti leading asthe possblty of genuine privacy recedes. The com: temporary Americas may have filed, likc hie predecessors, toe tab any sort of eammon if, but the integrating tendencies of ‘oder industrial ity hae atthe same te undermied bit isolation.” Having urrendered most of his tchnial lle tothe “Srp sink Conse wom cere werk 12: The Catare of Nerinion the development of harsh, punitive superego tha derives most ‘tits poyelc energy nthe absence of authoritative soil pro Bion, Frm the destructive, aggresive impulses within the 3 ‘Unconslos trata slenent nthe superego come to mie frets operation Ae suthriy figures im meer society Tose the “eres” the superego in individ increstng'y ern am the sis pie na abs Bi pet Tamasee charged with adie. rage—rather than from in Cermalied ago leas formed by later experience with loved and respected dels of soca conduct” = The sgh mini pach equiv na iy demands submission to the roles of soa iereouse DO refuses fo pound those rules ins cade of moral cndvet encourages + Sm of arin tt fs ea common wh the pe tnary nrcsim ofthe joperial self Archaic ements inereas In dont pony sare antes bc the words of Mores Dike, "toward a passive ad primeval RACTNSGhich the word semi unreal, storm" The pomanial expeicnce- devouring imperial regress ino t frase nasty is ada le ir oriter wer in Nog, "where everyting ds i wraysoon orc Ivcin en te enrance, nding god 5 Theyre shoved in Icog and noing. Uhave been slowly i= solving nots envi.” ‘Seca ny sep merce ayo se cy tabs pernge ts comiy aly ier egret oa The Asarencs Movement andthe Saat Ioason of the Sf 13 Plagued by anxiety, depression, vague discontent, «sense of laner emptiness, the "peychologe man" ofthe weit sone tiny seeks neither individual seltagqrandicement nor spiton] tsanscendence bur peace of mind, under conditions that rear, ‘ugly iltate agains ic. Therapists, now press or popullr preachers of selfhelp or models of ces ike the captsite tin, ‘astry, become his peincipal allies nthe struggle for componitey ‘ms turns to them in the hope of achieving the modern equal ‘of salvation, “mental heath.” Therspy has established icles the successor both to rugged individualism and t religion, ber this does not mean thet the "iumph of the therapestic® has ‘come «new religion in ies own right, ‘Therapy constants th tirligion, no aways tobe sure becase i adogeres to eto planation or scentibe method of healings as ks prcttoneee would have us belive, bor because modem society “has no fi ‘are and therefore gives no thought to anything Beyond its ie smite needs. Even when therapists speak ofthe need or "neaning” and “love,” they define love and ineening simpy ay the flfliment ofthe patient's emotional requicmen Kady ‘crs tothem—nor is there any reason wh it should, give the ‘ture ofthe therapeu enterprise to encourage the abject to subordinate his needs and interests to those of others, to someone ‘orsome case or tradition outside himself. "Love" as self sucrioe “or selfabascnent, “meaning” a sbmistion tow higher loyteye thes sublimation trike che therapeutic sensibly intolerably ‘pytessive offensive to common sence snd injurious tn persnal hath nd well-being. To liberate humanity from such outmoded ideas of love and duty bas become the mission of the, Pant Freudian therapies and particulary oftheir converts snd poplar. izes, for whom mental health means the overthrow of mbites and the immediate gratifeaton of every impulse, From Politics to Self Examination Having displaced religion ‘asthe organizing inmework of Americas culture the therapeutic ‘urlook threxens w displce police as well the lst rege of ology. Bureauercy tansforms collective grievances in pets aceite 1 5 The Calero Nasi sonal problems amenable to therapestic intervention; in elaije ing ths proces this trvaeatn of poll conf. the ne Ie ofthe sities made on fe most Enporant contrib politcal understanding. Inthe seventies, however, any former Fadia hive themselves embraced the therspeuse sensibly, Remic Davis leaves rates! politics to follow the teenage gure, “Mahar Je Abbie Hitman formes leader of the Yippee ides thats more imporeat to gt hs own ead optics {© move mules Hr onetime sca, Jerry Rubi, having Feached the dead age of thiny sc hav oud himself ace toface with his private fears and anactin,eaves rom New York t0 San Francie, where he shop srscoucly-on an apparent inexhaustibe income the spirits spermarkes ofthe Wes Cos. five yeas,” Rabin sy "on OTT to 198, Licey npeiened est, gestalt therapy, bloenrgei, oling; massage, Foasing, health foods, atch, Ealen, ypnetion, moder dares, Iediation, Siva Mind Control, Aria scupunstre, se ther Pr, Reichian therapy, and More Howse seorgasbord course te New Consciosnen™ In his copy tiled memo, Going (Up) at Thirty en, bin els the ary ie te erage ‘Alter year of neletng his body, he grve himself persion to te heathy” and uieLy let thity founds Hest fous fing, yous, sauna baths, chiropractor, snd acupuncturist hase in hie iy even he wine Spal ro ‘ess proved equalygraufying and paises. Te shed hs pee {he troy sein he “ade ve eee love myself enough 30 that I'do nor need trate to make me Seppy.” He eame to understand that his revolutionary pelle: concealed a “puritan conditening.* which ocoonaly me Hse ‘easy about his elebrity adits material toward, No stemuoes Boch exertion seem wo have been required to coneince Rain {nis O:K. to ejay the rewards of He that money brings. "He feared to pot set" hr proper place” and to ey with investing th “symbian Under he ff nee of + suecesnn of pryhic bessy he raged spit his Bent nd the righteous, punitive udp” within himsele ven, {sal etning o forgive hie parents snd his superego. He cat ‘iti shaved his betel, and ied what Tne Now “em mania! The Acorns Mov andthe Sue Inston ofthe Sep « 15 {erstrooms and noone knew who Fwas, because didn’ there inage of me Tae thiry ve but Thad aca Rubin secs his journey into myself as pantie nesiecious. test movement” ofthe seventies, Yet this “mane ele ae to he produced fw ination of el undencang a sera or caletve.Seitavarnes remains mined henge lcs: Rubin dicoses the femal in me," the ne one tact lew of homosemuliy td the eed te Seake ee wth his pues, 0 these commonplaces represented areas ss fn the hua cn A lel mip ot {he common coin sseltcortesed “media ent” sed eet it he sme hat less charaer at and ake oe for his heron write, “Ncw Son «pen Secase Iwas pepopandince sti i te 2 aly sc” Inte, be atemped wo reas te Prosraring of chidhod.” by convincing enc tee tn dsononing wil prove the hss br ad as stems che ed iy ing bret ae avis in the snes and hr errent peepee ae ov Uy and “fstings™ Like many eerie an ee Sosy a schangg coment teceune epi Sout wih egal diegeafh Sgye 3 relge fo the wr fhe nner nee ‘sal Bal Zig. hw te fii Ime fs beaone communion caged tian feymesedbenvaerofamecy prime ie Act et con frie haces rencontre. 26 « The Culaveo Norio Yer the new Jefe (unlike the ol let) did begin vo adres this ‘ene, in the brief period of ts Howering in the midst. In those years, there was growing recognition —by no meanscon- fino to thowe associated wit the new litthat personal rt on tthe scale it has now assumed represents 2 pies issue in sow right and hit a thoroughgoing analysis of modern society and politics has to explain among other things why personal growth Lind development have become so ard to accomplish, why the fear of growing up and aging haunts our society, why personal relations have become so brite and precarious; and why the “inner life no longer offers any refuge from the danger around us. The emergence inthe sates of «new Inerry form, combin- ing cultural eiism, poitial reportage, and reminiscence rep- "resented an atempt ro cxplore these iesvee—toilminate te ie fersection of personal Ie and. polities, history and. private Experience. Books lke Norman Mailer Armia of he Nigh 03 “posing ofthe convention of journalistic objectivity, often pee femed more deeply ino event than accounts writen yt. legedly impatial observere The tin of the period, ia vbich the write made no effort conceal hie presence or point of view, ‘demonstrated how the act of wing could become 2 subj for Seton in is own right. Cultural rtciem took ons personal and utobiograplial character, which ae worst degenerated it {ldiepiy txts best showed thet the atempt to undertand Cleare hott include analyse of the way i shapes the etic’ ‘own consionsness Political upheavals injected themscrer ito very disesion and made it impossible to sgnoe the connections ‘between cultare snd polities. BY undermining te sion of ul tre a separate snd autonomous development unin enced by the distribution of wealth and power, the plitcl upheaval af the sinties also tended to undermine the distinction between high cu {ure and poplar cutute and to make popular culture an objet of ‘rou decision Confesion umd Anticunfssion Toe popularhy ofthe con sonal mode testifies, ofcourse, tothe nw narcissism that uns all rr a he Aarne Mocomen and the Sail Imowion of the Self «19 throogh American cure; but the best workin tht ve temps, rece through slediuclowre to achieve acca ie tence from the self nd 0 gain sigh lato te hick force ‘epee in prychologia! form, font hive made te ery oa peat eattod ieregly problema: The mere sel siie ing already presupposes sceain detachment fom the self and the object etion of ones own experience, ay prychiti stag ‘fears have shown, makes pnb foe the dep sures of grainy and exhibtionism—acr beng appropitly sie initrd timed, and neutralized eo) nd accesso sess Ye the iereasingieepencrton of fon, oaraliom, sa tobiograply undeniably indicates that many’ wetrs Bad me {nd ore itu acieve the deuchmenendieenctle tooo insea oftonazng peronal mara or otherwise reordering ic they have taken to presctingicundigestedeavng te eee fare a his own imerpretons. Intend of working thre thet memeres, many weer ow tly on mere sareeor seep th rendered speaing nots Untandng bt toh salacouscurioaty abut the privat lives of oe re, In Mailers works nd hone of ic many imitators, what Beg 4 crt refection on the wesers own ambition, fsa ae Inowledged av bid Yor itera imma, often end ies {ruber nonclgue, with the writer trading oa his ow ee ‘and og page ae pge wth mater Iavng other hoo atention than ts association with» Famous name, Ones having browghe himself ro pubs atcaton the wre eggs readyeae market for tre sontestons. Thus Eves og oer ‘inning an audience by wring swt sex witha le eng ae 4 soan itmedintely prodr sethor nove abou © yoy ‘etm whe becomes ery celeb Ehietiasamesomsnmnenneraeeae inary sef-abeervation and empathy." ee The Calero Navision [Even the best of the confesional writers walk fine line be tween slfanalyss and sel-indulgence, Their tooke—Mailr's (Advertnoents for Mitel, Nornan Podhoce's Making 1e, Philip ‘Rots Porm Complaie, Pal Zeige The Journey, Frederick Exley's Far’ Noe—waver between hard-won personal revel thon, chastened by the anguish wth which ras gained, ad the ind of spurious confestin whose only claim tthe readers t= tention i hac describes events of immediate interest othe au thor. On the verge ofan insight, these writers een draw back, lino selepurody, seeking to disarm erties by aniipating ‘They try to charm the reader inrend of claiming significance for ‘their narrative. They uae humor not 3b much t detach them fcives from the material arto ingratitethemse ves, t© ge the feader's attention withovt asking him t0 take le writer of his fubjor seriously. Many of Densld Barthelme’ stories, so bil liane and so ofien moving in their "Critique de Is Vie Quo tidienme," suffer because of Barthelme's inability oFesist an easy Ibtgh, In “Perpetus,” for example, his stite ofthe newly toreed, with their time-kiling scability and peeudaiberte fests," collapses Inco pointless humor. er the concent she. put om er Bde jeans er shir made of luca estore scarves sewn peter her ore ad eck see, ad Perpena could sot remember what was tis year what was lest year Hed smb ast happened, o adit happene sag tire a0? Spe enet many new prope "You ae deren.” Porpeta si to Sumy Ming "Vay fu pi ow wear asa the dof Ma ‘Woody Allen, a masterfol parodit of therapeutic clichés and the selfabrorpion from which they arse, often subverts his 0 ideas withthe perfunctory, mandatory, self deprestory humor ‘that har sel Become 10 much » part of the American convers tional style, In his parodies of pseudo-introspetion in a work Withos Featerewithout hope~Alen undermines irony. with joker tht overfiow all 00 abundantly from sliniless ply The Acsarenes Movement and the Saat Invsion of te Sef «19° Ged Lod, why am Tso guy? Ie because T hated my father? Probe. sytem eer cn Wal wht ig wate. What asad ma! When my Hest play Cat for Gas wat Predost the Lyceum, he atended opening gots vy sea oe We above death 1 bothers me 20 much? Fray the hours akc he oop ity eal Half centr. Next ea, il) te'iy-oe. Them yt Cnn ths sume reg he ool ages is age 9 ach a ie ere te foe a ‘The confessional form allows an honest writer like Exley or 2Zyciw prove warowing cont of he pal deion fe tomny bo abo alles acy eter iige e inl of immodest scfreveaion whe ultimately Mees mor than cade.” The narcosis poco insigh ine hive oes son, usally expend in pyehn sc, eve him 9 Irene of dectingertcvm and dicaiming fesponlay or hivacons am svare tht tis bok states staan ase anit," wats Den Greenber in his Sag Ss Ms sir "Wel, what can Utell yous ©. mean thats what ve ‘ems hat ele new? Fim not condoning the aude, Fa ‘el coring” At Gn poi Greg debs how fe inade love cox woman who ha collapsed int sete And could not defend hers nly to inform he reer oe tex chapter, that “here wasnt singh re ig” in his case or yo est ht? Ay gM ha ec ng Trejo liad nd may o's eng i at ioc at oy ae, | Met Siioriee, 4 Sere Whie, Donsld Barthelme resons to similar device, “which agnin implicates the ender nthe wrtersiovention. lathe idle of the book, the reader finds « questionssite slicing his 20 : The Caltre of Narcion eee Steyn which the nutor ha departed fom the igi ary ERASE hese sete sete stue gnc smgnnhocic fe Cnet aoe ig Cie et SC'AR semen sn Sect ected tee rae Spl sos ty a Sy tieion between truth and sion, he asks the rede to eve Sareriearteeara easements Sr iatr neater eaat re eh er a The Acsrenes Movement ond the Saal Iason of the Sfp: 24 tare his nner srugls in the bei tha dey terested sono 0¢ te lager world. Today the ants Seber ‘tc notable only fr ‘heir uter banat. Woy Al ee prc of Van Gopi ery to hi one neh te ae ies» desist preccespid with “oral propia nal work, and “the proper wy to brush Tae vgage ee Ineo dicoves nothing but « Han, The writer no eee Ie reflected his own mind. Jus che opposer te ees ae ov ever int rpines, a3 mirror of Wiel. neg sinner experienes, he orks no to prove as obcee Siemon cee ay ba osc se ging him their atten, scan, or aympathy and thane Shore up hi faesing sen of set, me The Void Within tm pe ofthe defenses wth which conten Ia contin sound thst he ods oe Se Side gins inthe mnguih hat gs nic eng See pyeie peace. Paul Zep spel of his gouge owing toa fith, tha my he wa ong) cd othe cei ache which lod uti wu Sno shiny“ he persiting “apc of posal empens ie ny aking tod my aaiur sepa on ck decorate, bt den enero cnen tame cee a ie vein Feder Esky wren “Wee orn an have calnated he nmin oon, in scroa a ee without in my unhappy ese, the ability to harness and ance ‘The mat medi, with theca of celebrity snd thir atempe & surwund i with glamour and exeemen, ane mete Nee ‘ans «ation of fans, moviegoers. The med give aban and ths itesity nari dress of fame ad por ceca age the common man to Wenily himself withthe sees ess {he herd," make more and ture sifeuh for hig soeeene the buna of everyday exitece: Frank Gilford sod te Ne York Giants, Exley wees “sontsned ov me the illsgen te fear pldleertirsody (hoes Sree eee a iees are Tike Michaclngelo's God reaching out to Adam, Tat nothing ih, aT wanes, eehg The maa en Ett nd mae tannery the apg rs Coma! poems bat a enue is sina masse ane psec ansee comets ‘too af there intervie coves Eaey hime far ore ha ‘tthe rent men ofthe went century "fifty year of rlent haem cesta ere ‘isrious importance on his Iicrary admirers and posthumous eee a The Awareness Movement and te Sa Ioasion eh Sof: 28 consciousness, the same attempt to live vicariously. though sahets nore brillant than oneselE. Susan Stern give the mpaee son that she gravitated to the Weathermen beeane ssceeee swith mafia tars ike Mark Rud and Bienadine Dura made har feel tha she had finally found her “niche in hfe” Doles prewsed bea a“queen,”a high rests” hone Spender sh iy” set er apart fom the “secondary” and "aed anion leadership" of SDS. “Whatever quality she pores Toone ie wart to be cherished and respected os Bernadine os When th eri of the Seattle 7 made Stem + medin cele nr herown ight, she found hersel"someone” at ast “tocar thee rere so many people hanging around ie, ashing me este, looking t» me for answers or just ooking se me, osdng things forme, to get some ofthe glow fromthe Helgi Nay in her “prime,” she imagined erst ad tied to impos eae 1 “ashy and vulgar, hard and funny, aggressive and deseo, “Wherever I went people loved me.” Hef cmincncr isthe ne vislnt wing of the American fl enabled her to acy bela lange audience, the fantasy of destructive rage that saderiag het desir for fame, She imagined herself an avenging Fury a Aone, ona Walkie. On the wall of he hous, she patel “an cghe, foot tall nade woman with Sowing gren-blond har nas hee lng American Hag coming ot of het catIn het aed eney se says she “had pained what I wanted tobe somewhere dey im my mind; tll and blond, nde and armed, consuming. ee ischarging—s burning Ameria” [Nether drugs nor fanasie of destruction—cvee when the fantasies are objetifed in “revolutionary prano’appene the inner bungee from which they spring. Peronal cations oon ‘0 reflect glory, on the need to admire and he are, prose Aecting ard insvistasal. Stern's friendships and bee’ eae sually ended in dislsionmene, animosity. vetimitaton, ie somphins fa inability ofel anything“ geew more oven he side, morc animated cutie.” Although here revolted aca politics, the politics world has no reality i ber memuts it igues ‘only a8 pojecton of her own rage an unesse, «drm of ‘HY and velence. Many other books of our tine, even books ar the producto politcal uphewal, convey the Same tose ote [| 24: The Cultre of Navision SCHEER ate rent serine gt cae Bee? eee fay vey Pantego er sith ene helen ale Tengen pans i unger seriehs Sh ee hep wa aie naka Deeg tps ties Sree it fetes ce ne i beng nh tain ee Tin oie ea Tanne seat age i cA dann ae pe pace ec eet tea Sse a on eta ta See Re Bay oar ae city eset dak a ne wy ane ‘sito mek the angih nse nome po bl of Noe Dane Srarlbeegea atch certo Eisele a Siege trie Ses patnperve ty tay prcnidand ered wits Socitareeata. oer th el eters magne cance emvanaite comes Selig ea ee pnt ie epic feet capa te iy Cakes atone et ines ae ‘The Acres Movement andthe Saal Ison f the lp 95 $m oobody, that my identity has collapsed and deep dove, ag anes there Ie remains for Swan Mettanandae sp ee fovored by New Yorkers search of spire! beaker ee Zac ow to put bis “doubletosteep. Babee rane ee [he fly of mental process” Unie i eta, Bane ‘us experienced "ihe dliiom of relese>" Like Jory Beko {bus his "cur thi ferting of being “hen eo Res {ote destruction of hs poetic elect “No Uren eat ‘he libro selene hha anesthe thee Seco bch i “conructd of mental buspnens plat ee secssive hiking an propeid yan ed er by Te Progresive Critique of Privatom ‘The population of Beyehr: mde of hough, the send of thew ein ns movemer, the dream of fame and the sngenha faut, which all give added urgency tothe aor fe tenet have given way to the search forrelf-fuldllmene, Necnten hee become ne ofthe central theme of Americas cute Hougan, Tom Wolfe, Peer Mt Sand Sen Eaiwin Sehr, Riched Sen, "gorouly than ts used in popular socal erteen ae ae ‘sttrenest oft clinical imphessees tesa anterporay aris and ofthe new theapeaio sensibly misteny condemn the prychisnne cence ee SPINE ofthe wpper middle cus Seieatnorption mans Marin, insult afcen Americas gana he Ronen {hem gave ric ijusice ind ese ther older scence." Schur stacks the awareness crate one eee tothe welbiodo neglects those of {he poor, ahd converts “social discomcnt ty meee get ‘wag. "He thins eriminalforswhite wae cece 26 Th Caltare of Navision oe to become complacent sl preoccupied while dee les for Se ow Aris sapped are” Bu he se Stn ihe rss monn pane ae ram complacency tnt fats desertion; nor this desperation ented tthe mda ca, Shr soem to ink that tet Sem provisional character of persona elton ra problem only foraitucn exccusver always onthe move: Are we tobe things are iflerene song the por that workings matiges ite happy and re of conc? that the phat fe se, ining and noamanpaive endo Sut of leh Mave epenteiy shown tat povery undermines nog a fcndchip The collar of personal ie originates nti he ‘onl torments of fftence urn the war of ll against al whch iow spreading om the lower clas where ths long raged ‘hour erupio, to thereof sce ecru the new therapies newly pensive, Schur mates the ital of supposing tho they nes problems that cones the rh abe unl are nkeremly tial sad “anred." He nit ‘Stes ies ike George and Nena O'Neil he aporties of pe tuasnge for takingesn iereiyethnocenti iw of pera {is apparently Died on their own snddleclssvlaer dex ince = ever ours exper in awareness, he compli, Fin toni eee ght ip encom’ nro avoid eto bin with” Thee experts write aif soil clases {SE cnc id nt ena Forties, Sehr fe hard {Ciimagine thatthe swarenee monement, in pte of aempt C0 populate though inexpensive mana and fee cin, ll Exe hoe noch appeal othe pro Clay, is concvale het ven # por pers might fe somewbat ‘Sr bpeval af sme ofthe new srlereaiation techies, Bat st Tappinees would tend to te shorcined. Seced nin (ching he proc the por wou ely be dvened fom te ‘more gen ako real elective teres ove urges a of advancing toe el 2a tcting ep an oversimplied oppskin betwee sued and pea owt See gee te that tl a “Gasset pnt hemes abo penn ones There Said’ secede pro expec, i The Acsrenes Movement andthe ScialImation ofthe Seif: 27 color the way we perceive it Experiences of inner emptiness, loneliness and inauthentic are by no metne aves or ft that matter, deveid of socal content; nor do they aie fom exch, sively middle. and upper-class ving conditions." They. aise from the warlike conditions that pervade American society, rom the dangers and wncerainy tht surround us, and from 2 lst a ‘afidence inthe futue- The poor have always had to efor the present, but now a desperate concern for personal survival, some ‘mes disguised as hedonism, engulfs the mide canst wll, Schur himself nots that “what seems ulimaely to emerge ‘0 of this very mixed message i an ethic of self preservation’ Bu his condemnation ofthe survival ethic as retrec ino privat, ism” misses the point. When personal relations are conducted with no other objec than psychic survival, “privatism™ no longer provides a haven fom heaeless work. On the contrary, private life thes onthe very qualities of the anarchic social evden “which itis supposed we provide a refuge. Iris the devastation of Petsonal life, no the reeat into private, that neds oe ‘Sze ad condemned. The touble with the consciousness uve. ‘ment ioe that it addresses valor unreal sues bu the Po vides “selfdefeuting. solutions. Arising “ut of. pervinive Aisatisfieton with the quallty of personal relations, R adeses People not make tolarge an ivestment in lowe ad rent te aoid excessive dependence om others, and to live forthe Mb Iment—the very conditims that create the eis of personel fla: ‘ns in te Bee pce The Criige of Priatom: Richard Sennett on the Fal Pei in “ctked Stat ee EL ‘she and penetrating than Schr ins ene ta ae he ery opposite of strong se love peseehless impli evaluation ofthe pestal eal, The best ng the Wesern cultural trainin Seats view, derive fom the ‘anions that one pla inna rans yea ‘Tse comvenns now sondenad a coring, adil and deadening to emeinal spomtancty, formerly sabe 28 The Cuber f Navision civilized boundaries between peoples iit onthe public dis Ply cf feclng, sd promote cosopatanis aod ity. Tn Exheentivcntury London or Pars soeibity dot depend Stimimacys “Stanger: meting in the parks or on the Sees ‘Sigh withow emburacsont speak rosach other.” They shared 3Smon fund of public signs which enabled people of unequal tank conducts cvaedcomerstion andr coyperst inpuble jects without feling called pon to expo thee innermost. Solr nthe nleetnin century, however, reicnee broke down and eupl cet blew tht pub actions reveded he inner personaly ofthe ator. The romani culo seen ad Authemiciy fore sway the masks that people once ad worn 0 Fublicand eroded the boundary berween public and privat ie ‘Rsthe public world came robe seen ss. miror ofthe self, peopl aricapeciy for detachment and hence for playfl encote, sch presoppses a seam dance fom hese Tn aur ou time, according to Senet. rlaions in public canceved 3 1 form of wlfteaton, hive become deadly Serius Conversation cakes onthe quality of confer. Class Sceusney declines people peso thei socal poston a 4 ‘efecion of thet own abies ced Blame themselves forthe fences nfted on them, Polis degenerate ins ral not [Grswsal change but for slfesbeaton, When the bounds be thee the selfand the rst of the word lp, the prs of Enlightened self interen, whieh once normed eery phase of Po Iuestwcivigy bosons tops. The pate man ofan ee erage Lnew how totake nko than dear Senne’ enon of ppchoogil matty) and adgrd pies, a he judged el fey generals osc "whac in fr hin rather than Fh” ‘The melts om the ocher hand, "wspendseppinerets” in 2 im of desire Trore inate and suggestive than a bref samomary can indy Sener: angamet has minh teach abot he Portane of el distnce tn ploy and in dramatic cons vtons [Erreaiy. above the pjection of the serch fr sent politi, Sd about the permis eller ofthe elogy of ite Bt Sennett Hen that pois turn on enlightened seF0- tere the coef aislation of personal ad clay advange, ‘The Acsrenex Movement andthe Saal Iason f the Self: 29 handy docs juice to the irational elements that have always Charcteried the relations between dominant aed subordinate ‘esc. I pays to litle hed tothe ability ofthe ich and powers fal to ently their ascendancy with bofty moral principe, ‘which make resistance a crime not only aguinst the sate bus gsnee humanity itself Ruling classes have always sought to in ‘lin thei subordinates the eapaity to experience exploitation tnd mater deprivation as guilt while deceiving themeelves that theie own material teers coincide with those ef mankind as tthote Leaving aside the dubious validity of Senna equation of Soceeseflege functioning with the silty "o tale rather than a ‘esre,” which stems to enshrine rapacty asthe cly erative tornarisiom, the face ie that men have never peteved thee in terest with perfect clarity and have therefore tends, throughout history, to projet ietional aspects of themselves ito the pol ‘al realm. To Blame the irrational features of mocern pies on im, the ideology of intimacy, or the “cure of personal, ot only exaggerates the role of Wdeslogy in Hstrial devel ‘pment bo underestimates the sraionality of pelts er epoch ‘Sennet’ conception of prope politics as the pois of set. interes shares withthe Toequevillen, pluralistic tradition fom ‘hich i evidently dervesanideologieal elemento ts wn, The Tendency ofthis analysis i 0 exalt bourgeni literals ts the only civilized form of politcal life and bourgeois eiiiy" 5 the nly uncorupted for of public conversation. Ere the plo, point of view, the admitted imperfections of bourgeois society ‘Feouin ingcccsnble w pola! correction, since pole pared av inherently’ resin of radical imperecion. Thue ‘when men and woren deiand fundamental aertions ithe por Inia! system, they are realy projecting personal snc ito polit” In this way Ueralism dency Ru seth outer Knot poltial rationality and dimises all attempts te go beyond fi atom, including th entire revolutionary traditon ashe pall ties of nares. Sennet’s adoption ofa Tocqueilian perspec, tive lenses him unable to distinguish between the corvption of adic pitice in the lace 1940s by the irra ements in 'Americin culture and the validity of many radcal gots, Hi 30 The Clare of Nereis ode faa ate elle, all forms of pcs hat Sek cee» somty tot bel on explain, aomaily Sipe tn pte of ts esatn of he poe ie othe pa Scant opps the caren Fea gun ol tiethe revo hts agus te hope hing ps an inaraent of scl change Somat caer rere « dsinaon between pil and prefer moreover, ores the wags whch they are leas imegwined, Toe tliaton of he young rears poli dination atthe ve open cxpertocl Toot ‘en time th ivan pate He by the ces ogee ‘Smut hs become 0 frvaive te premiere Saved ein: Revert cause td fea Senet ener the ‘remporry ml otc avs fh pb sb the ‘egy of intimacy: Fe him aor Maca and Schr the ca ‘ent peoepation wth einen. rye owt ad Cite penal enum pretense aterpn, remand rn rampant tet of wy ese notin the scram opr bs alae ates tows tay far fos gpg te sl choice ds {egratn“Thraies that mirth satire ego ony the sume mesage Our wcay ar oaig pee the “apes ihr ia dep and ang cnt, sta, and marogscrensn'y deo hve. A a ie bxomes more td mare tie ani baba, pero al nthe cancer of bat Some of he new therapies gy ‘ts combats “server ghting fa ve td a Taps Othe crate tmptmuent atc est fms “open marge and “openended commits" “Th they itn the da they pend to cre They do ‘hs ver nt by erage rom sol pole te fern ones, foal uo ake her, ot by abiog ti mil iis ofthe acing=nx he confused wy one pleco elapse expered 2 pup pesos and pte II The Narciss Personality of Our Time [Narciso as Meaplr ofthe Human Condition Reset Seer then mrss fr ny ents efi ‘Eine pen Seems ee he Chimp of le ie tey he te erm mart 0 sy tha eins ie of fy paypal comet Ech From nat en te ee ne eae Ing expend te cve ln of ny” led Sst” ed “elegant {ln eet prt, ee lpr ed icean ete Inte’ words Fem ar he em SSreyn fhe ea sug wih nh veo ope sn “mat” dng, undermines coy EEeey ve anti sec fr wey bysce Nac Shurappae Sly he amber ey koe tess ideeteed “we for te snag) wSvoaed fy Fram vce te ue of sion Fromm’ oestn of ial ad socal nce,” p- prornly pasted see hss doen 0 egos epee camp techno cartes ae re ap mora plates np SSicgns efein sera pr charerid by oarp Sinstpncy tween he ile deseo fn snd ncaa lpm ck st li Nfavcotinal parton ci patolngl moe) ‘Wicca Seaet ents tt ores ht merits SESeicanel thn" sella Fy igh encftne walks cn! tn teagan sete Sow ist tel ve ‘sivas nt From wert wouble orgie in hie 32: The Caltre of Nacison misguided and unnecessary attempt 0 rescue Freud's thought ftom its mechanistic” ninetenth-century basis and to press it into the service of humanistic realm." In practice, this means that theoretical igor gives wy te etiallyupliing sane and Sentiments. Fromm notes in pasting that Freud's orginal concept ‘of naresssm assumed that hihi begins inthe eps, ae 2 reat Feseroir” of undiferentated seilove, wheres i 1022 he de ‘ied, on the contrary, that "we mus recognize the Haste gest Feseroir of the Hbade.” Fromm slides over this sue, never, by remarking, “The theorsiel question whether the libido starts ceriginally inthe ego or inthe di of no subaniliporance for the meshing of the concept (of narcissism) fel” In fact the ‘sructural theory ofthe mind, set forth by Fred in Grp Peel (4 and in The Ege and eI, required todifestons of hx carr iMeas that havea great deal of bearing the theory of narisism, Structural theory made Pred aban he simp dich) be {secon intinet and consciousness and revopnce the unconcils tlements of the egy and superego, the smportance nf mmsenal Iimpolses (aggression or the “death instinct) and the alliance be teen superego and id, superegy and aggression, These discover ies in turn made ponvble'sn understanding wf thereof ject Felations inthe development of nacisss, thercy revealing nar isssm as esentally x defense agnne aggressive ypules Father than sll ove “Theoretical precson about narcissism is important not only lucause the idee Is so ready suncepeie wo moralistic ination hho because she practice of equating narcissism with everything selish and disarecable mites sprint hires! speek Men have always been sesh, qroupr have always been th nocentric: thing i guned ly giving these qualities» payee label! The emergence of character disorders asthe most pro ren frm af penne pathsigy, hewrvers wget hh the hange in persoaleynructre ths dovlapmnnt refers, derives from quite specie changes in ir sclety and elvre—frnm bo rezucreey, the proliferation of mages therapeutic Wdeolgics, the fationalzaion i the snner lif, the cule nf consumption, an fo the lst analysis from changes in family life and frown changing Ditters of socialization. All thie disappears from sight if nares The Nerisinie Perna of Our Tne : 33 sis becores simply “the metaphor ofthe human condio in another existential, humanistic interpretation, Shirly Soyer ‘an Sin and Madmen? Seadar in Nari. he fetal of recent erties of marccsism to discuss the et logy of narcssisn orto pay mach attention t the growing bay ‘of elinialveting on the subject probably represents a deliberate Secision, Semming from the fear that emphasis on the chica “speets ofthe naresstie syndrome would detract from he on expt wseftlnss in social analysis, This decison, however, hes proved to bea mistake. In ignoring the psychological dimension, these wuthars also miss the social They fall 0 explore any ofthe character tats associated with pathological narcissism, which in less extreme form appear in such profusion in the everyaiy feof ‘ur age: dependence onthe vicarious warmth provided by ethers combined with «fear of dependence, » sense of inner empties, Tyoundlessyepressed sage, and uneatied oral ravings, No do they discus: what might be ealed the secondary characteris of rnvessism: preudo selsigh, calulating seductivenes, ner ‘ous, selfdepreatory humor. ‘Thor they deprive theives of {ny basis on which to make connections between te nanan etsonality type and certain characteristic patterns of coatempo Fry culture, sch 2 the intense fear of old age and death alered Sense of tne, fascination with cekbrity, far of competion, decne ofthe play spine, deteriorating relations between men and ‘women. Fo" these erties, arcesem remains ie love ye Cony for ‘lfishness and a ie most precise metaploty and ‘nothing more, that deserbes the sate of mind in which he world ppears st + mitror ofthe sl Paycbolngy and Sociology Psychoanalysis deals with individ tals, nt wih goups. Eres to generale clinical findings t cok lective behavior always encounter the difelty that groups have 1 lie oftheir owa. The eolective ming, if tere is sucha thing, Feflects the needs ofthe group ars whale, new the peice ff the individual, which in face have to be subordinated so the demands of eolecsive living. Indeed is precisely the subjection 34 The Cabare of Narcision ‘of individual othe group that prychoanalytic theory, through 2 “uy of is psychic repercorions, promises to clarify. By com ‘Gusting an inensive analyse of individual cases that resto ‘Sia evden rather than common-sense impressions, pyelie hala tells something about the inner workings of soe Sel the very act of turning is back on soley and inmersing Telia the mvkdua unconeciou ‘Enery soety reproduces is culare—itsnoems its underlying assumptions i modes of orgeizingexperience—~in the individ {alin the firm of personality. Ar Durkheim said, personality the individ socialized. The proces of socialization, earied out bythe family and secondary by the school and oer agencies of character formation, modies human nature to conform to the prevaling soil norms. Each society tees to solve the universal Bie of thidhondthe auras of separtion from the mother, the fear of shandonment, the pain of competing with others the mother love-in it own way, and the manner i which it [Seaewith these payehie events produces» characteristic orm of personality, 4 sharteteriste form of prychologicl deformation, Ey means clwhich the individual reconciles himself instinctual Adprivation and submis tothe requirements of social existence rend’ insixence onthe continuity between psychic heath and psychic sickness maker tporsible toate neuroses and psychoses {ein some ens the charsterisc expression of given culture “agchonsg Totes Henry has written the inal outeome ofa ‘hats wrong witha ultare™ ‘Dyychoualysis best clarifies the connection between society and the incividasl, culture and personality, preciely when i ‘onfines itl careful examination of indivsduas. 1 els us Sow about society when it least determined to 50. Freud's ‘htraplation of peychonnalytic pinepies into anthropology his ory and bopraphy ean be safely ignored By the student of soi- ‘ry, but hinclnal investigations const + storehouse of i ppenable iss, ance it is ndertod thatthe unconscious mind Fepresents the modifation of natore by ealture, the imprsition ‘of lization instinct Freud shuld not be reproached [wrote T. W. Adorno or haing (Gece he nesses dimen ut for eingal esata The Narcisiie Posmay of Our Tine = 35 tie scl oigin of. « ne iity ofthe uneomcous, which he ei sian eyo arse a ‘The hime covred=that ell tniy undergoes dif Pt ering the woconstins—sd i th mile te pong soc fecal ‘emus he murdr of he fate hy the pil here = ‘Those who wish to understand contemporary aacissm a8 social and cultural phenomenon must turn fest to the growing body of elinicl writing onthe subject, which males no elaim to social oe cultural significance and dliberstely repudiates the erin tt "tangs in come moray tree Ovo ribrg writes, ave elfets on patterns of objec lations "F Inthe clini literature, nareissism serves as tore than + mets phori term for seltabsoepion. AS psyehic formation in which rove rejected ene hack to the sel a hated” nares come to be recognized as an important element ithe so-called Sion once given to hysteria and obsessional neuroses Anew hcgereeteeoee ‘heseadsemy i e ol cerayaerti Wc Pee eee ee eer Sen rants fog holed Casa ag ma eennorelyremli al page Fenty ern ae rae gue tun Bes dor oa eran enrmndng i penn sate Ig hi oven pra ona eyo ‘may ant atin pn ana ee er peed oi ‘Salar cuca thc cre lpn Sd eld oc 36 5 The Cabtre of Narciso theory of narcissism has developed, grounded in Freud's wel Inown essay on the subject (which teats narcissist —Hbiina i ‘estment of the sol—an 3 necessary precondition of object hve) tut devored otto primary marissa butt sccondary or patho logical narcsism: the incorporation of grandiose objet ages os 2 defense agit ansiery and gui, Both types of arcs Bir the boundaries beeen the Self andthe word of objets, bat there san important ference between them. The new bora ine fan—the peary narisine—does not yet perceive his mother having an exitenee separate Fim his own, ade therefore i= {thes dependence on the mother, who saisies his needs a ston {they tits, with is own omnipotence. "Te takes several works ‘of postal development before the infant perceives tht the tourer of his need is within and the source of gratieaton is ute he sl Secondary narcsism, on the other hand, “attempts to annal ‘the pain of disappointed [object hve" and to nly the shi ‘age nuit host who do nt respond immediately to hi esd, Aptian thove who are now secn to respond to ocr beside the hid and who therefore appear to Rave abandoned him. Patho logis nrc, "which eannot be considered simply ration atthe level of normal primtve nario” artes only when the oo as developed tothe point of distinguishing sel from sor rounding objets If che child for some rearom experiences this Separation trauma with special intensity, he may stem to ree {abish cartier rlaionstips by cresting in his fataies an om potent mother or father who ergs wid images of his own ef "Through iteration the paint seks to vereste a wished for love relationship which may once have existed snd simul neously to annul the anacty and guilt aroused by aggresive Aries directed agains the frustrating an dsappiting ect.” Narcisom in Recent Clinical Literature The shitting em- phasis in elma studies from primary wo secondary narcissism Feflcts both the shift in psychotnalytic theory for study ofthe i to study ofthe ego ands change inthe type of patents seeking r The Neri Pectmality f Ou Time «37 pyehitric rement Indeed the sit from a psychology of in Fines to go pyeholgy tel! gw partly out of 1 recognition that he patent ho hegun to fsont themselves went in the 140s and 1956 “very aldo resembled the clan eases Fred described so thoroughly" Tn the ls ten ‘ars the brdne pent wn onivonts he phan foe Sith welldeied symprms but with dose issih become increasingly common. He does sot safle om debit. ing ations or phobia or rom the conversion of repressed sex ‘nergy inoervous alent instead he complains vague die {tse issues with Ii and fel hs “tmorpous ence 1 fle and purges." He deserts “tly experienced ‘et pervsine fing of emptiness ssl Apwcesion’” chat ‘tions of selfesteem "aa "general inability get slong” He gains “a serse of heightened seltsteem only OF neachiog himself to strong, adie. igures show accepence e ere And by whom be neds to fl supported” Altwuth he cares ut is dail responaibities adver achcves dination, app ‘es chads him and ife frequently series him as et worth ing Psychoanalysis, therapy that grew out of experience with severely represied and morsly ng ndwiduls who ested to Cornet terms with s igorous incr “Censor aay fads elt Sonironted mote and more fen wah achat and impulses, den charter” mune del with paints who "ac fat thee ‘nfs instead of repressing or sublimating ther ‘These prt "ens, though often sngratiating, tend to clivate a precede Shallowness in motona reltns They ack the cacy (0 ‘mourn because einen ofthe age gansta love cbc in particular aganst ther parents, presets thei reliving happy ‘perience oF resuting them a teeony. Sealy pone ‘ath thn rposd hey nee od dit “io ‘te the sexta plier to approach sex inte pi of ply ‘They avo ene vlvemens whch might lene oo ingsofrage. Ther personae como gly of defense agains she rage and agsns feeling of ora deprivation that orgie > ‘he preOedipal mage of pychic developmen, ten these pattems ser from hypochondria an complain 238 5 The Care of Narciso ss cine cies. Nhe ain ty nein ‘shes of omnipotence sds strong tlie tei Figh fo eno “thers and be psiicd Arcus, punitive, and radanie demets Dredominxe inthe supergor of thre pant ned they confor {soe rls mor out off of pontomors hen rooms of sult. They experience tat own needs and appetites, safe “Sith ages deeply dangerour, snd they throw up tenes hat areas prinkive tthe dees they sek ose Gnrthe principle tha patblogy represents heightened ver son of morality the “pathologie aren’ ound in chars ‘er Gonder of ts tye shoud ell w something sou nate “iim ts oa phenomenon, Satis of pevonlsy dors that ccigy the border ine betwenn newrons and pcos though ween for clinician apd ming no clan to abe ight on wal on cuearal evan depict ype et pero tht ong to be immediatly recogezatle ins trove subloed ore, 100 servers of the comerporny cultural scone: face at managing he impressions he give to othr ravenous fr sdmaration ba om temprunur ofthe he manpltes ito providing wnappena iy hung for cmrtoa experiences wh whic to Al soe ‘eld erste of aging snd sth “The mest contncing explanations ofthe psychic origin of ‘his bodeine syndrome daw om the theoretic tradon {bis by Melanie Klein. In er payehnansyi investigations ‘hile, Kin ducoveed tht car feling of overpowering ge. dicted cpecialy psa the mother and secondary Sguine the otros Sage ofthe mothers ravenous mn ‘Sex, make i imposible for the child to syntheses "pra ad “bapa tage In his far of sgevsson fro the bed ‘arente—pojestions of his wa rge-she eas the ood ‘parents who wll om to the eave Thnematand images of ober, buried in the uconscios ind satan early age, bosome sltimages ss well If ater expertence fsa to qty oro introduce elements of reality int the childs technic fain aboot his paren he nds iil oti {Bish between imager of the sel and of the objets ose the Su. These mages fre to form defense again he ba repre “Seaton of the self and footy sary sed inthe fora The Narisinic Perwmlity of Our Time : 39 harsh punishing supego. Melanie Klein analyzed a ten-yeare ‘ldboy who unconscnsly thought of his mother asa “wanpire ‘x "hore bird” and iteralized this fear as hypechondaia He Stas afraid that the bad presences inside him would devour the fgond ones. The righ separation of good and bad images of thes {df objects, onthe one hand, andthe fusion of sled object images om the oer, are fom the boy ina fo alert tm, binaece o ansity. css his anger was so intense, e could ‘ot admit that he harbored aggresive feclings toward those he lived, “Fear and guil relating to hie destructive, phanesis ‘monled his whole ereton A child wo els sogravely threatened by his own aggresive feelings (projected onto others and then nteralced Sin tt ier “ownsters) atenpts to compensate hime for his Cxper cncesof rope and envy ith fntasies of wealth, beauty and om Sipence: hese anaes, together wits he iterated tages ‘ofthe good parents wih which he attempts to defend himself become the core of “pandioge conception ofthe sell" A ind of “ind optimism,” accoing to Octo Keabergyprtecs the a ise child trom the dangers arvond and! within hilar -por- Sialry from dependerce on others, who are peeved ts wa ‘out enception undependale. “Constant projection ofall Ba lh tnd object images perpetuates» word of dangerous, chremening ‘objets against which the ‘ll god? self images ae wed deen sively and. megelman Heal slf images ste built up The Spliting of images deternind by aggresive felings from images that devve from libiiral impulses makes i imposrbte for te stil o acknowledge his own aggression, t experience gull ‘concern for objects invetedsimultancoly vith aggression and libido, orto mourn for bs abjeas. Depression in tarcctiste ‘seats tkes the form net of mourning with ts admiture of gure described by Freud in “Mourning and Melancholia, but of ap ten rage amd “elings of defen by external forces” ‘Because the inapsjehi world ofthese pti so thinly ‘populated consisting ony ofthe "yrandioe self" n Kerner “words “the devalued, stadowy images of elf and others, and fo ental persecutor”—they experience intense Telingy of ep. ‘Sess and inauthentic, Although the naeisit can functions 440: The Catare of Narcsiom the everyday world and often charms other people (not est with his “pseodoinsight into his personaly), he devaluation of och es, together with his lck of euriosity abou them, impoverises bis personal fe and reinforces the subjective experience of emp tines” Lacking any real intellectual exgegerent withthe wworld—noewithsanding «frequently inflated ceiate oft own, intellecual ables he has lle capacity for sublimation, He therefore depends on others for constant ifustons of approval and admiration. He "must atach himsell someone, living an Simos porastc™ existence. At the same tine, his Tear of ermo- Son dependence, together with hir manipulative, explotive pproschto personal relation, maker ther relations Blan, = perbcinl, and deeply unsatisfying. "The ia relationship #0 me Stould be 2 two month relationship,” said + borderline pater “That way there'd be no commitment. At the end of the 60 ‘months Ta just breaks off." ‘Chronically bored, rertesly in search of instantaneous i= Limaey"of emotional tllation without inwlvemene and depen ‘Sence—the nareisss is promiscuous and often pansesual a well, Since the fusion of pregeital and Ondipal impulses in the service of aggression ‘encourages polymorphous, perversity. ‘The bed Imager be hat ioernalied also make hit chronially uneasy tout his ealth, and hypochondtia neuen gives him a specal af finy for therapy and for therapeutic grougs and movements ‘Asa paychistric patient, the aeeishst i prime candidat for interminable analyse: He seks in analysis religion oc way of lite and hopes to fin in the therapeutic Felaionship external ap port for hie fantasies of omniporence and eternal youth. ‘The Strength of his defenses, however, makes him resistant to soces= fal analysis. The shallowness of hixemeiorl Ie often preven him trom developing s clowe connection to the analy, even ‘hough he “often uses his intellectual insight to agree verbally ‘wth the analyst and recapitulates in his ewn words what ha been analyse in previous sesion.” He ust intellect in the sr vee of evsion rather than self-discovery, ering to some ofthe fame sritepis of obfuscatan that sppen in the confessional ‘writing of recent decades, *The patient uses the analytic interpre- {ations but deprives them quickly of life md meaning. 30 that ‘he Nocninc Posonality of Our Tine «41 ‘only meaningless words are lef. The words are then felt be the paten'sown possession, which heiealizs and which give him a {ese of superiority.” Although paychistriss no longer consider ‘ates disorders inberentty tmanalyzable, few of them ake ‘sr optimistic view of the prospects for sucess ‘According wo Kernberg, the great argument for making thea. vempe at al, inthe face ofthe many dffculis presented by nar sist patients, ithe devastating fet of narcissism on the see ‘od half of thee lives—ehe certainty of the terrible suiTering thet Ties im store, In a society that dreads od age and death, aging holds 2 special teror for those wh fear dependence and whose selfestem requires the admiration usally reserved for Youth, [eau celebrity, or charm. The usual defenses agrinst the ra ‘ges of age—identiieton with ethical or artistic wales Beyond ‘one's immediate interest, intellectual curiosity, the consoling ‘motional warmth derived from happy eelatonhipsin the pat = fan do nothing forthe narcissist. Unable to derive whatever come {ort somes fm Mesifnatnn with heres continue Bs itimpossible, onthe contrary, “to accept the Tat that # Younger iemeraton now possesses many ofthe previously cherished gra Feations af beaty, wealth, power and, particulary, creativity ‘ able to enjay Ie in'a process invlving 2 growing ide tifeation with ether people's happiness and achterements rag tally beyond the eapacty of narisatic personalities" Social Influencs om Narcissism Every age develops ts own peculiar forms ct pathology, which expres fn exaggerated frm is underlying cuaractee structure. In Freud’ times hysteria essonal nero atried to extremes the personaly tus sociated with the captalst order at an earlier sage ins dete ‘ment—aequisttenes, fanatical devon to werk, ands Bree Fepression of sezalty. In our time, the preschivophreni, bor serine, or personality disorders have atacted incresing ten "on, along with schizophrenia ef This “change in the fom of ‘neuroses hn bean observed and describe snes Ward War by an ererincressing amber of psychiatrist” According to Peter q 42: The Calare f Norco 1. Giowscchini, "Clinicians are consol faced with the seem {ogy increasing number of piers who do ox Screed te aegorie” and who slr nat rm "ftv symprome fr rom Seagu, iden compaims® “Whos Ureter fo thi ‘ype of pation "he, wrts,"pratcally everyone Anows to ‘thom Iam reering” The growing prominens of “character {roe sem ro ngify an underpin change nthe ogni thm of personaly, frm wha has ben alle aner-drestion ‘allen Whats argu in 1958 thatthe change in “the pers oft” fellwithin the personal experience folder prycho- ‘alt while younger ones “become sare ot from the di Srepaney between the older eseripons of meron and the potlems presented bythe patents who come dy #0 their Eas The change rom symptom nes har so Soh that ie refccid s change ie perwealty, Bowctee, ‘evehalest wrote in 1963 that he “change neurotic prter {iy seats lw ian th veh ‘sport have bese incrgsingy common. “I no aciden, Fever Hendin noten otha st the preter tne the dowinat vem in paycosnalyti ae the rediasvery faci fad the ‘ew emphasis on the paychologclsgucance of death” peated to have an independent valve oftheir ow. Even when they became purely instrumental, in the second half ofthe nine teenth century, succersfself retained moral and socal overtone, by vine of ite contribution tothe sim of human comfor and progress. Now rucces appeared ar an end in itr own righ, the honing Mads of Maing Ie + 59 insilla sense of seltapproval. The latest success manuals differ fem erie onercre urpasing te eynicam of Ble Caegie tn Pesle~in their fri acepesero the ned te cxplo andi timid tern thet ack fret nthe substance af se {rs tnd inthe andor with which they init tat apenas ‘Sanin imagen fr ethan performance epon feemore ha chev. One stor feet imply th the sf conse of tic rete "omape reece here “Rthough im na bern on hon Psy he are tre tht the way you se youre leet the mage Jou portray to oer Nehing sce ie the apperansof The Eclipse of Achievement in society in which thedream of sucess has been drained of ay meaning Weyond ise nen have ‘ething auit wtich to mesure se achievemets cep the Achievements of thers. Sespprovsl depends on pubic reoge ‘ion and acim, and the quality ofthis approval as dere important changes in it own right ‘The good opinion ef fends And neighbors, hich formerly informed tan tat heb ved {wef ie, rested on appreciation of is accomplament ‘Today men seek the kindof approval tht applauds tot there tions but their personal atibtes. They witht be wot se mach esteemed as admied, They erave not fame But the flanour aod ecitement of elebiy. They want to be envied rater than Fe pected. Pride and aequisivenesr, the sins of an ascendant capi taism, have given way to vanity. Most Americans would sil Aefne sucess riches, fame, a0 power, but thei actin show that they have lle meres in the sbstance of these rtanments Wha atoan does matters len than the fact that he has "made Whereas fame depends onthe performance of notable ded c- hime bograpy and wor of hiory, elite reer Strsed” tenon co themsdsee—h acnined Ta ees ‘median gosip columns, on tak shows, tn magenes devoted (60: The Caltre of Narciso | “peronalies.” Accordingly iti evanescent, ike sews inl stich loses its terest wen taser novelty. Worldly sucess | has always eared with fea ceri poignancy, an avazenes that "you cal tke wth you Br moe ime, when succes largely «funtion of youth, glamour, and novelty, gory is more fleeting than ever, and those who win the tention of he uD ‘ory incest aboot bing ‘Stccess in ote society hat to be rated fy publicity. The ‘tycoon wh ives in personal obscurity, the empire builder who onto the destinies of mations from tchind the scenes se vam Shing type Even nonclecve ois etensbly preaccupcd ‘with questions of high oiy, have to hep themselves const ‘on view al poles becomers form of spectacle Ie wll nwa {ha Madison Avene pcange paca a makes them a Ihey were cereals or deodorant; but the ae publ slats penetrates even mare deeply ito pita ie, taosersing pol ey making fet "The modern pines docs oe much cae that “here's «pb tobe done”-—the gan of American cepts st fan ear and more enterprising nage of fe developmen what interests him is that “elevantsadiences” inthe langage of he Pentagon Paper, have to be exjled, wor over, seed. Te cone fares succes completion ofthe tk st hand with he npr sion he mates or hopes to make om thers: Thar American of Beil lundered ithe war in Viena cae they cool at distinguish the countrys miliary and static ites fre “our reputation ava guarantor,” one of them put ie. More com. ceed with the tapings than with the relay of power, they Convinced hemscves that ‘sre to ttervene would damage ‘Amerian “redibity-" "They borrowed the shore of panes {hoor dignity ther onesie with apperanes, gui tat ‘American py in'Vitrm had to arse al coe ee “fadiences of U.S. actone™—the communi the Sou Vict ‘ames, “nal (ho must rust ws as-underwriver). and the ‘Amercan pie. ‘When poley making. the search for power, andthe pursuit of wah or ter hn eee mae, | ‘nen loge the sense of objectivity, always precarious under Me test of creumtancesImpresons ove achievement | Caring Mf Ming 6 bl me ft st aly ie ropes on Imupetaesvcnen pes nvining prtanee fe tRetpter Ther ci rem the te sana shen Sess gna sh ler of he foun tinsraen thy fed one tea gop Pl roy ‘ine apd opine te med ages ee ‘se etc acon” Dan rts wr Tings tet of ges sehr gli dean oe a ch ti eertomanc, fice sl peda roves av eeuredeerpn fe ger fant {ol Sti work” scoring to Faget Ee fn oe cn ecery att en ee oped Fincher how nell or ve bad yerred Ra fea n leping thornton png tex theirs Shing "Eom te near othe rant, he, ger Pose he eos ne ‘eth ofthe crore cer shit "om rent Pitt eee eee Suawesicey, aceon mere 62 + The Caltre of Nereis fn the wards of Thomas Sse, sucess depends on “information bout the personality of the our players” The beter the cat porate esseuive oF hureacrstndermands the persoal chars rites of his subordinates, the better be can expo their mie {ales inorder to contol them and to easier his own supremacy. fe knows that hie subordinates He to him, the ie communicates the important information that they fear and wih to please him “By acteping the bribe, a were, of Hatery eajlery or she subservience implicit in being Hed t, the recipient of the Be States, in effet that he f wling to barter these items for the truth,” Gn the sther hand, aeceptance ofthe le reassures the lit thar he wil ot be punished while reminding him of his dee ‘ence and subordination. "in eis way, both parties gain a me Sire. of security." ln Joep Heller's novel Somerbing Hae pened, te protagonists boss makes it cler that he wants for is Shotdintes not good work” but "spastic clés snd nervous ‘ahauston God damit, wane he people work for we to be worse off har fm aw eter Thats the rene Tay ou so well 1 wtf so Tighe on the verge. I want fit our te open T wane tobe abies inesuering. used tongue-tied voce Don ease one tru ary loyal and soit. dont ust deference, ‘pet coperaton. Tus far _Acconing to Jennings, the “loyalty ethic” has declined in Ames ‘an business among other retons Beaute lyaly ean "be wooo ity simulated or feigned by those most desirous of winning” nergy tthe maintenance of herarchial ations tha (0 inde {al eicency grins strength from the consieration thet modern ‘Capital production srove inthe firs place not because fe wae inecesary more effcen than other methods of organizing work tht ecaste it provided capitate wth greater profits and power. ‘The eae for the factory system, according to Stephen Marlin, fested mt on ts technologial superiority over handers® prod ‘on but on the more effective contol of the labor Tore i alowed the empbyer. In the words of Andrew Ure, the philosopher of ‘manufactures, itroduetio ofthe tary systemenabled the ap — Chong Mader of Mabing It 63 tals wo subelue che refractory tempers of work people.” Ac the berarchialorgeneation of work meade the mangetilfuetion itll, the office takes on the characteristics ofthe factory. ad the {aforcement of clearly demarcated lines of dominance snd suber ‘intbon within management takes on at much importance ts he Subordination of labor to management is whole. Inthe “es of Corporate mobility," however, thelines fsuperiorgy and suborie ration constandy Muctuste and the secessful bureaucrat sir ‘ies not by appealing tothe authorgs of his office but by ex Eling a pte of upward monemen,clvating upwardly ‘mobile superiors ad administering “tosneopathic doses of Bie ‘alain those he Teves behind in is ascent tothe top The Art of Social Survival ‘The tasormation of the myth of successof the definition of suecesr and of the quaiie be eve to promote tis long-term development arising not fom particular historical events but fom genera changes inthe src {Ure of society: the shifting emphasis rom capital production to fcnsumption, the growth of large organizations and bureat- traces the increasingly dangerous and Searlke condition Of s0- il ie. More than twenty-five years have passed since David Riesman argued thatthe transition from the invite hand to the ind hand” mathe a fundamental chaage in the organization ‘of personality, fom the innerdirected type domi nthe nine teenth centuty tothe otherdirected typeof tay. Other scholars itihat ime, when interert im eature and personaly studies as Sronger then itis now, proposed similar descrjions of the Changing character structure of advanced capitalist society. Wi lim HH. Whyte’ “organization man,” Erich Fromms “marke. rented) personality." Karen Horney's “neurotie personality of ‘ur time," and the studies of American national charter by “Margaret Mend and Geoffrey Gorer ll eapeured estat aspects ofthe new man. hie eagernes to get slong well wth other, his reed to onganize even his private Hie in acordarce with the quirements of large organizations; hi attempe to sell himself ithisown personality weres commodity withan ssiprle mart (4 The Calter f Nein ‘ale: hs newrote nel fr affection, renssurance, andor! gai caton the onropbity of hs values. In one respect, however there stds of Ameran cular and personality crested lending impression ofthe changes that were aking Pace Benet sche iesman eal he “blan surface of Ameren sib “The erties of the fortes and fies mistook this surface for the deeper reali "Recording to Exch Fromm, Americans had lot the expat foe spontageous feeig, even for anger. One ofthe essential fina ofthe educational proce” wast cimintestsgoniat Suites Scommorenllacd Tennesse donot sil You are julged lacking «pleasing peronaliy’—end you need Pcs petsnalny you wanttosl yoursericen whether at Avatresna salesman, or physician.” Like nany socal sient, Fromm exaggerated he degre ro which aggressive pulse at tevaianed hess oan atcntrely » prodarto sociation, aoe ‘scree of instna whowe party epresed or sbliated Srv always theater to bres ow inal ocr oiginal ferocity ‘The American cl of iendinse cones bat dct erste 4 munleros competion for gods snd poston indeed thi com Peston has grow mere savage mage of nnahing expect Th the fits, afance,Ieiure, and the “gua of Wie loomed as major ies "The welfare sate ad allegedly era fated povery. gro economic inequaiie, and the cones to shih they formerly gave re. The seeming tumphs of Amer an apitalio left soil ert Tale to worry abo except the {ledine of indvestim andthe menace of conformity. Arhue Miers Willy Loman, the salesman who wants no more out of Ie than tobe “wel Ted symbetaed the ses tat ube the poser prt. lathe eevee a berser soe, spss tha the prostite nc he cae, bese ekmpiies the Gal Sie inigpnsabe to sucess American sory. She to sll her for living, bu her seductenere hdl goes wish tobe well kd. She cranes admication tsar those wo Pr. ‘ide andthe derives ite pateaon rom her rial esse. She stemper to move eters while remaining enmared hel. The fer tat se ves ins me of interpersonal fle Changing ade of Making 1 + 65 ons es not make her a conformist or an “ethediected” ype, Sheremains alone, dependent on ctners ony ar hawk depeche an chickens. She explo he etic of pleasure tat hat ceed {he eof achievement bus her career more than any kes ‘in us that contemporary Redon, of which she the gap, ‘ee symbol originates natin the pursuit of plemate ba ina aro’ all agin alm which even the most intimate encootey Become form of mutual explostion 1. not merely that plessure, once is defined a nen in it- self kes om the qualities of wor, mt Masta Wels serve in her essay on "fun moraliy"™—that ply i aoe rae sored by standards of achievement previously applicable ovis to Sok De metrement often peromanc the secs hat seul asf dependn on Proper "echigue and the widespread eet hat cn be “ached only a eoodoued fos practice, and sty al ey to he ison ohy eke ‘etore of achivement. But those who deplore the faseieone tin fpay int performance conte thee semtion wo he one play, in this ease tothe surface of sexual encounters, Barth {he conc for performance ls» decpr stern a pli he fectgs of other to your oun advantage These for conpetkive vantage through cmatonsl Mepulaiee csesingy shapes na only personal ylation bt Felton at wank 48 well fo this reason that scsblty cam now fancion nk ‘exesion uf wor by ether means Personal feo longs are ge fon deprivation sured a work, his bone se serch 2 wate, nd as full of mest se the markpet ey cocks pent reduces sciably to socal combat, Exposes were {usa anal nthe a of soil survival, advsag sie ones sething party goer to take up commanding postion ts he neon surround himself witha loyal band of retsiners, and red tore ings bck on the Bld of bate, ‘The recent vogue of “areniveness therapy.” 4 counter brogrem designed to equip the patem with ceases apien Ianipolcion, appeals to the growing recognition th apley to inerperonal relations determines what locks on the sunken hs chcvement. Assertiveness taining seek tod the Patent of elngsof anaes, ignorance, and git that = are used oe 16: The Caltre of Narciso ‘cenly by other people to get us to do what they want.” Other forms of game therapy alert paints wo the "games people play” and thus tempt to promote "gume-fre intimacy.” The impor {ance of rich programs, however, les nt so much inthe objec {vers inthe amsety to which they appeal andthe vision ofreal- §iy that informe them-—the perception that success depend 00 ‘peycholgial manipulation and tha al of life, even the astensi- By achirement-orented realm of work, centers onthe struggle for interpersonal advantage, the deadly game Of intimidating ‘ends ad sedocing people, ‘The Apotbeois of Individualom The fear that haunted the Social etcs and’ theorists of the fifi that rugged individ- Salim had succumbed to conformity and "low-pressure soci bity" appears in retrospect to have been prematate Tn 1960, David isan complsined that young people ne longer had much social “presence,” thei education having provided them ‘ot with "s poised personality but with] an afuble, caro, Adaptable one, suitable the lone joined articulation and hen? job curmover in the expanding arginications ofan affluent sort fy.” I is tve that "a presem-onented hedonism,” as Riesan ‘went on to argue, has replaced the work ethic "ang the very leses which in the strier stages of industriairation were ‘oriented toward the Ture, toward distant goals and. delayed ratification.” But this hedonism isa fraud; dhe pursuit of plea sure disguises a struggle for power. Americans have not really become more sociable and cooperative, s the theusts of ather- direction and conformity would like us to believe they have personal relation for their own benefits Activities etemsibly ae ffertaken purely for enjoyment often have the real object of doing ‘thers in Tt is symptomatic of the underlying tenor of American lite tat wolger terme for sexusl intercourse sso coavey the sense ‘of petting the beter of someone, working his ove, taking him in, imposing your will through guile, deception or superior force. Verbs ataciated with sexual pleasure have s:quired more Chem’ Ml ee al nef sot sears id vades American society as a wh. rap and soo meena, ee af ual pron and abe vem So ‘aplitaton isthe gener rule and sree et Sonar, . Sie cate enn ate Teal eae wannabes cca nce eLiigeanemamee en ah HB Sm se ia as Pa eet crear einige fiesta neg see ee Teale ean meer tcp patsn- Ore Sees coer SSecee het mte arm te Sei teenies mr, mh Senco, isanmnaness Sategtap (6 + The Caltre of Narciso ficiently by other people to get us todo what chey want." Other forms of game therapy alee patent to the "games people play” and thus atempe to promote "gamete intimacy.” The impor {ance of such programe, however, lies not so mich in thelr objec: tives asin the ane t0 which they appeal and the vision of el: lity that informs them-—the perception tht sucess depend on ppl mannii nd a of ie cen he en for interpersonal advantage, the deadly game of intimidating friends and seducing people ‘The Apotbeosis of Individualiom The fear tht haunted the sexial Ertes and theorists of the fiies—thar rugged iodivid- ‘aliem had saccumtie to conformity and “low-pressure soc blity"—appears in retrospect to have been premature. Ip 1960, David Rissman complained that young people no longer had much socal "presence," their education having provided them ‘ot with “t poished personanty but (with) at table, cas Adaptable ne, suitable the loose vinted articulation a hea job tumor in the expanding organizations of tn affluent s00- fy." I is re that “a present-onented hedonism,” a8 Resman Went on te argue, has replaced the work etic “among the very lasses wich im the ‘arler sages of sindusraliation. were frinted reward rhe forure, toward disant goals and delayed {raifcation." But this hedonism in fraud the pursuit of ple Ste disguses » srugee for power, Americans have not relly ‘become more sociable and cooperative, athe theorist of other direction ind conformity would Tike us to believe; they have ‘merely become more adept a exploiting the conventions of iter personal relations for thelr own benefit. Activites ostensibly te {eraken purely for enjoyment often have the real objet of doing ‘thers ints sympromatic of the underiying tenor of Ameria Iie that vulgar cerms for semua invereourse also convey the sense ‘of getting the beter of someone, working him over, taking him Tn, imposng your wil through guile, deception, or superior force, Vero asociated with venta plesure have acquired more f hanging Medes f Making I 67 than the usual evenones of violence and psychic expat. In {he violent weld ofthe gheto the language of whch ow pee ‘es American society shee he lence snotined th ‘ental intereause directed wth special ntensty. by. men ain Women, speialy spn thre mothers. The guage xine se wah women aguas mal oppresion and with Oe ‘Young spin the suorky heir elders. The loi of demas reo ues sat nen sk nd nk pie mene Stout tell a saver ther ight to happiness instead a vg for athers The adverusing industry thus encourages the pseudo: Emancipation of women, fatering therm with Re csinating fe ‘Sinden "You've come 1 long way, baby," and diguising te Teedom taconsume as genuine zonomy. Simiaey i Aer in gor youth inthe hope of elevating young people toe SEntus of fledged consumer in their own right each wih 3 {Clephoneateevsion set, anda Be inhi own rom. The “ce tion’ of the maser has aered the bance of fores within te fini, weakening the suthorty of the hurband i elation toe ‘fe and parents in relation to thet children. Tt emancipccs Srmen an children fom patiarchal authority, however, onto Toject thom othe new poration of the advertising inst, {he indosal corporation, andthe mate." ‘Truth and Credibility ‘The roe ofthe mass media inthe me ipulation of public opian has received » great deal of anguished ‘ut misguided attention. Much ofthis commentary assumes that ‘the problem isto preven the eiculation of obvious uatruths ‘wheres it x evident asthe more penetrating crits of mass eu Tore Reve pointed out, tha these of mass media makes the cx tegories of truth and Fsehood irrelevant to an evalation af their Influence. Truth hs given wa’ to credibly, facts to statements that sound authoritative whhout conveying any authoritative i formation into sPe bn te sflciay dy con ‘nt encores spd changes rest and leaf ensampion. In genera Sw sl ian ol ei pr {Geen inormacn, the “peop of rape The Banal of Po Sof Ausarmes 75 Statements announcing that» given product is prefered by desing sorts without saying what i's prefered to aa, sees liming product's supeionty to unpecifed compen, tos, statements implying ttt given Chrfecrsie beloge ‘iguly to the predac in question when eae belong to fal aswel all serve to blur the dine beeween rath tnd fakchood ina fog plasibiay. Such cs ares er eae cally misleading» President Nivo's pres sereary, Ron Deion nce demonstrated the poli tse of these techniques wes Acted that his previous statements on Watt had becomes “noperativ:" Many commentator assumed that Ziegler was {oping or a cupheniie way of saying thar had hed Wha ne ean, however. was tha his eather statements wee bo loupe believable, No thei falty bus thei inaby to command soe rendered them “inoperative.” The question ef whether they were itor aot war bee the point i‘ ‘Advertsing and Propaganda As Dae Beorsin has pointed ‘at, we lve tna word a pseudo-events and qusinformation it Shih he ai i atrated wih satetets tht we nether ue Sor fae bat merely credible, Bot exes Boortn minimises the degree to which appearence “images"—dominse Ameria so ity Backing sway from the more satrbing inplcatons his ‘ead, he draws fils disineion between versing tnd pre, stand which lows him opie spre a cig Scralty—one that includes he operon of the ae an ch ‘tthe oun of modcen industry ito which the esos at inage making cannot penetrate. Propagandn, which he denies ciclsiely with naltarian regimes consis of inrmation Tenionaly biased,” sccoding to Boorsun; infomation, oy es, that “depends primi on ie motional appeal” eroos £ pscudo-vent represent a Seobiguous trate that appeal to our hones dese to he normed" This diction el x standup. I Yess on 2 crude conception of mod propaganda, aman which long ago incorporated the mst advanced tetenqes of modem advert a a 16 : The Caltre of Narciso “The master propagsndis, like the advertising expert, svoids ‘obvious emotional aps and strive for ane tha content withthe prosaic qual of moder Hea dy, bland mater Facness, Nor does the propagandist crclate “intentionally it: Sei information, He knows that arial truths serve as mare ef fextive instruments of deception than Tie ‘Thus he tes 0 press the public wih statics of economic growth that rele torive the bese year from which growth iscneuated, with see {ate But nganinglss fats about the andard of ving wi ew tnd enintrpreted ite, mother words, fom which the suience loeke rate ineceapal concn ht dng ge tig beter and the present regime therefore deserves the peoples ondnc, oom ke es hand things re peing wares rapidly that the presen pie should be given emergency pow sto dal with the developing tins. By uring accurate des Imply aisleading picture ofthe whole, the areful propaga ithas been sid, makes truth the peincpal frm of facto ‘In propaganda asin advertising the important consieration isnot whether information securely describes an objective sit sion but whether sounds tre. Tesometimes becomes neces) {0 soppress information even when frets ered on ths gov ‘rnmen, foro other reason than that the facts sound Yoplau- Sle Jacques El explains in hissy of propaganda why. in {o0 Me'Germane dl nt reel the ieee Cenc Romine! had been absent fom North Africa at the moment of Montgomery’ victory: "Everybody would have considered 4 He tocapnin the deca and prove that Romie! ad ot relly teen besten” The Office of War Inortation in the United States, eager to use atrocities 10 iaame puble opinion sguns Germanys deliberately avoided the most horrifying atrocty of ail he extermination of the Jews, onthe ground tha the sry ‘would te “confusing and miseading tt appers tobe smal a= Texting the Jewish people.” Truth has to be suppresed i sounds ike propaganda. "The only teaon to suppress a pee of ‘ews. saysan Allied handbook used in Workd War It, "nit Abele” Tis te that propaganda susly appeals co the emations. F The Banaliy of Pradeep Assarenes «77 lu notes that propaganda ues facts no o suppor an argument tutto exert emotional pressure The same thing i tre of aver tising, however. In both eases, the emotional appeal remains ‘muted and indirect inheres in the fats themeelven nor i Contistent with te “hones desire to be informed.” Keowing tht mediated pubic crave facts and cherishes nothing so chat the illsion Of tring well informed, the meen. propagandist "ois using high-sounding slogans he rarely appeal tos higher operative” conception of ahleice—in other words, to, make Sports an instrument of perontl and socal therapy. Novas analy however minime the extent ofthe pols and mie onstrucs ease In sity dominated bythe production and onsumpion of mages, pre of Hie can tong tain ane from te Invasion of spectacle, Nor ex he neasin he aed tn the spirit of debunking arses ina pradoxea fashion, p= tay afi meme ap act pa fn iyi very nature St Wal ot fom workday eye ria sm organi connection withthe i ofthe communiy, by te The Dgraaton of Sprt «128 i cpscty dramatize ry and woofers convincing repre ‘nation ofthe eammunsys vise: The ancient connect hes ‘ween gums, rial, and public festivity suggest the tough faethe place within arbitrary tondaren thy ae mee Fes toned in sare tahun vo which they gree oipenne oe Bresion. Games and athktie comets oer s desman Somnce {ary on realty rather than an escape from fe heightened reenactment of communal raion, hot epudation of heer [eisanly when games and sports cnt be valued prey aes form oecape tat they lone the capacity to provide tha eeaper The appearance in histry of an excep coneption of ei sure coineties with he organisation oor sa exeasin of ‘ermmedity pr etion. The sme frees ther have nega icy andthe oie have organi areas wel cing io snappendage ofindusty. Accordingly sport hascume to Belo, ‘nat oot wv much by an unde compact winning re by the desperate urge avo dts. Conch, noe Quan cl the plays and the managerial apparatn makes every cert ws sliminate the riskand uncertainty that cntrote so cenrly to the ritual and dramatic uses of any contest, When sptcan ne tng pied wth appr shan, te be he acy to aie che spirits of player and speceston raport them int a higher ream wf existence, Pradence exatuon, od sslelatin, so print in everyday fe bat so ine tthe spi of games, come to shape sport a they shape everything ‘While he deplores the subordination of sport to entertsn: ‘ment, Novak aks for granted the separation of work an lure {hat gives rien the fit pee to this invasion of ply hy the Ma ards ofthe worladay world. He docs mot sce that the degrada, tiom of play originate in the degradation of works which eats both the ect and the opportanity for commelaized “ecren tion." As Huizinga has shown, i peciely when the play cle ment disappears fom law, satecraft, and other cut! ems that men fr to play not to witnew a dramatic eenaeement oF their common lif but to find diversion and sensation, AY that im, gimes and spore, far ron taking themselves too seroualy, 8s Hurzings mistakenly concluded, become, am the contrary. f 124 5 The Cader of Nerison ing of no consequence.” As Edgar Wind show in his analysis af mater athe alzin of ar was ead ple ‘modernist exaation of at which ssumed tat “ihe experience ‘fat wll be more intense if ple the spectator away fom his clu ate an pecapton The maa eae anesthe social) marginal sats ofa a the sane tie hat opens an to the iveson of commeriiaed esteem proces that culminates, by x cua but inexorable lg a the Festmeerst demand forthe aboliton ofan its ation fora “The deetpmen of spor fll the same patern. The tempt tocreatessepante sim of pure ply, tol slated from seek ges rie ofr opposte—tenasence,m Cts word {hat “Spor ae not separate snd spar for ey «special Wen! deriand? where eeryhing ie pire sod snered and above ea ism." bur a busines sc the same sandr and open to {he tame serutny as any her. The postions represented by Novak and Gavel are symbiclly elied are ot ofthe same historical develepment: the emergence ofthe spectacle ts ‘the dominane form ofeulturl expression. What begen san a “empeto invest sport vith religious sigianee, nace vo mae into a surrogate relighbn in its own righ ends with the deme. "teation of spor the ssnuaion a sporty show businesn VI Schooling and the New literacy The Spread of Stupefaction The exenson of forma schooling ‘o groups formelyexcluled from i isone ofthe man sting Yelopments in modem history. "The experience af wettans Europe andthe United States the lat 100 yer soggons ten mass education proves one of the principal foundatinne of con nomic development, and modernize thraghowt the rt of te world have tried to duplicate the achievement of the: West bringing education tothe masses. Faith inthe wonderwerking powers of education has proved io be ome of the mon dort components of liberal ideology, ealy ssnmilated fy ecloees hostile tothe rex of liberalism Yer the democrationtion eee on has accomplished line to justify this fh, it has seat ‘improved popular understanding of modern society, ical he ality of popular culture, nor reduced the gap betceen sear, tnd poverty, which remains ax wide ay ever On the other ant ‘has contributed tothe decline of erieal though andthe eres of inllecrual standards, forcing us to consider the Posslog ‘hat mass eeation, as conservatives have angued all abngs a teindcally incompatible with the tmainenance af edeeod ‘ual. Conservative and radial critics of the edcatonal system gts on a cena contention—-that ntllcsl wandands ea erent list. Radicals attack the school system om the srowrds that it Perpetustes an obsolescentIerary culture, the Eline cular of the writen word, and imposes on the tases: Eltone ‘0 uphold standards of literary expression and logealcoherenea, according to this view, serve only to keep the asses there lace. Educational radicalism wuwitingy echoes the conse ee "am which assumes that common people cannot hope to mosey 126 The Calta Narcan the ae of easoning or achieve clarity of expreion ad tha for ciblyexpoing them thigh cute ends, nevtaby, abandon. ‘ent ofaeademic rigor. Cultural radials take te tame posts, inte, bot use to fos lower standards aca ep toad he ‘Sturt emancipation ot the oppressed Forced to choose between these positions, those who believe ‘in eral hought as an indispensite precnaivn of etal or pola progress ign well renounce the very pus of Drogres inside with the conservatives, who a ase Fecoping Sntelicrll deterioration when thy see and do ee acre to guise a iberation. But the conservative ierpetatsn of the collapse of tandards is much tow simple. Stands are deter Fating evenat Harvard, Vale, and Princeton, whichean hardly be described institutions of mass education, A faciky comme at Harvard repons, “The Harvard faculty Goes exe st teaching.” According tos dy of general educatom at Colom: bia, teaches: ive ls "ther common see of wha: hid igs Fane i umcceprable.” Avs res, "Students rating Rabies ‘ere sn nerve in onan f the lst three Years." among faethe the nies, “about the funcional trac) fuer dvsonsalets” Nori this funtion! ilteracy com foe w shines and sphomeres, Sores on the Graduate Rez Examination haves declined. In we ofa his evidence, i sould not surprise us thet ea bem nein gor aout hei on rights ascites. Fonyseven percent ofa sample of seventecn- earls onthe verge turing eligible voter, did not know ‘hemp fa, stig wert survey, that each ate elects wo Und Sate ena More han half of the seventeen year- ‘olds and mre thn thesarhe ofthe thineen-year ol the survey cold maphintbe significance ofthe Fifth Amendment _pretbn spin selcnernintion. One of every eight seven cen-yeaols tied tn the president does not have to obey ‘hela, ad one uf ery two mudents at bth ages believed that she role spss of Congress. Ha the thirteen year thogh hats ow forbids anyone to sar ew pit val pany. Hardy nyo the sadenes in either group could ek lin what sep te Coataton eniles Congress to take i ‘onde 1 SEP 2 pride fom fighting 4 war without congres- sical empoval In cductd electorate the best defense against iy gerne, the survival OF polial freedom 130 The Culture of Narciso appears uncertain at best. Large numbers of Americans now be lieve thatthe Constitution sanctions arbitrary executive power, sand recent polcal story. with ke seady growth of presenta power, can only have reinforced such an assumption, What has Eecome ofthe early republican dram? Univesal publi educe tion, instead of creating community of set govering ctzens, thar contributed to the spread of inelcctual por and pelitesh passivity, The reasons fr ehis anomaly len tke peculiar histor? al conditions in which the modem educational system devel Hisorcal Origins of be Moder Sel Sytem “The de toca f cai ek pero op Pestana wei Ldn hd ce nova ecm hol em go of he demrne auaty ire he nes fined pcm fovernmet Seat woe men Appts nay ket hin ington ‘ign the ar frgey he, mee nog Sel Wide tow mee uniding fe poe Suing andthe New Ilitacy + 131 mast of the people.” Karen what the cighteonh century ‘tou have calle uofl owiedge, expecially seit aod ad fm history, which Jefferson hoped ‘might teach the young to Fine “the actions ac deg: of men, to knew tmbio wader Every dinguine Te may atime; and Lnwwring it de “The contrast between early Amram wiety and politcal more backward sates clrfice the costons replica ses ‘on was designed to overcome In Franc, for empl even the revolution didnot por an eh tthe vegetsine sapor of the ‘ast, which social eformere saw ata majrabaclete ferther progres In their eyes therral population remained ot ony Terate but rationally attached traditional ways, tecped ‘superstition. Michal Chevalir end his sty of American ue 9, writen Ih he 1 hh ae of ener at ‘vidi exystalies the nue. The progr ofthe homas re ee Carding wo Chevalier, could be conceted ox « progresses niga ton” ef the masses ito the intlcecual discoveries, he "cos ‘quest of the human mind," hat bogen ath the Reformation ty America “the great Jicoveries of sence and an” hal aleady been “expand t de vulgar gre and placed within the reach o all” Franes, on the other hand, especialy the French cour {rye presented the depressing picture af ageald grove, amin he population of rural aris, sued th sno oar pest, al you wild tthe sping al tet nets rsd medley tbl porses wiht gents rss oprcin {iy thcrame operatsin man American fart and oe wild othe trea serptrl aden ae Mimo ned hs ad {NC pens of mer selec gh Bacon and Dace wh th tn of moral and elite: prcamed iy Fann ands th rc os pli es He Thiel Satanic adc separa 12 The Calta of Nesom ‘much higher degree and ie more fit to tke 4 part in pic af Ihirs." The diference exended to economic life 1s well asco ing to Chevalier the American mechani was 4 beter Worman, largely because he was self reliant and “fll of slsespect™ From Industrial Discipline to Manpower Selection Ios cally, these saervnioae appeared athe very moment Ear ean conditions were about to rope themler ithe {nite Sates, inthe form of sass migration of Ewapers \orkars and peasants Beginning with he leah i the 8a, the iniration ot poiealy tached elements, they were com tony egerdedy sharpened he fear sea an undercurrent ‘Amerean sca dough, thatthe United States would egress 1 hte old-world pattern of clas confit, hereditary oven td politcal despotism Inthe climate of such ane, cde. ‘tonal reformers ike Force Mann tnd Henry Barnard on 9 Inarng for propos ose up smatnl syscm of compulsory sdaton a brsden the cual boyond tn prey el ict traning emisoned by carer referers From the ine ‘on, the problem of seculuriting the imirent population never andere far from the enter of the Aneta educate eo {erprie. “Amercenination™ came the spesclly Arerican ioe for education concise a ination ao modern cle Hecnse the tak of siacom presented Half in this fry he Amercan schon, in conte tothe European, paced es em ‘phasis on the nonaeademic side ofthe corncuum, The demo rac tim of bringing the frie of modem culture tothe aac five vay in prace to's conccen wath edueaton ss frm of ‘Secial como Even inthe 1830, the common schoo! aready ‘somminded tal in pat + means of soy discouraging the ‘mata from espiring to “calture> Tnsolcting pis supp snctceth-century reformers ap- pealedto the ble tht schol unde proper profesional Fade Ship would ciate cil mobility snd he gral ersieton of pvr or, alternately. tthe quite aifferent hope thatthe stn ‘Wouldprmote order by dicourging aioe income arte Scboolng andthe New literacy +133 withthe student? stations and prospets The liter argument Probably appealed more stongly to wealthy benefacors and Public ofc tan the fst. Both Id othe same conclusions that the Best interests of society layin asystem of universal com: pully education which would slate the student rom oth in Fiuences and subject hima toa regular regimen, and that dhe 5 {sana e persed by scene Pfesona buesucry "The diferences between American and European systems of bie education should not be exaggerated, European systems {oo gave much atention to moral iurution. Both served the ‘ame general purposes—to train sellin ctens, to difise the elementary principles of modern cube, to overcome provi il backwardnens, and abo—ubat was not sways easy to tin {psh fom there objectver—to unify modern nations by eli. {ating linguistic and regional variations, ineulcatingpatitsn, fn! iain loysty to the principles of "676, the Glorious Revolution, or rome other event symootizing the Binh of the state. Both systems from the beginning ths combined demo- Critic and undemocratic features; asthe polite! objectives oF Public education gave way co 4 growing preoccupation within ‘user objectives, the undemocratic feures became more and ‘nore pronounced "At fist, ninetcenth-centry studers of society saw close connection terween polities and economic inition” They Conceived of industriel training as an extension of the traning equ fr republican citvenship. The same habits of nd that ima good cituens—selLrclance,sebrespct, veratty—ap- eared toe extent 4 god workmanship. By bringing soder future othe masses, he schoo system would aso incest in ‘Susiatdsiptine inthe broaden sense ofthe term. To spesk of industial discipline today has unforunate conneatons of reg mentation, the subordination of men to machines, the sibs tion ofthe laws ofthe marketplace forthe laws of nature. Wh industial discipline meant to an earlier and now alow extinct fonts or the importance of stalarUnekgrounds and tastes—ve Ferhat expen dpinom eveved through four ages. each eit {igo represen noable advance over the ls. tn the twentes 1 acy, Uchavtariom bed nay, Such authorities John 3 Wasen andsAmold Gest sscicd the need for set fein edule and carefully regulate ldsparent contact. Inthe? pr revaion spin home remedies, rolecofthumb methoc, ind “inter istinc baby decors ad psyehatrsts m Rann "nteral overpreeetin” and oged pent 0 respect head's -emotional independence” Many mothers, according to tmest and Gladys Groves, thought the mos astonishing {Ring that mater ove ha ben found by sence iaheret dine es, an se af thr prow panicky at they Tet the sign {tice ofthe new teaching sk io ther though” Tn he ng fun, however the new teaching would enable parents to comer ithe inestimable Besingoffeedam rom en ‘nal Bondage to their parents.” * cove Giese on ln in ning, ve teil te ceri Chay ilvey eaurecern ee che reared ap» a Sais etm wih ay se pe im 362: The Caltare of Narciso Permisinenss Reconsidered In dhe ate shinies and fortis the popularization of progressive education and of debasedversion of Freudian theory brought rbout «reaction dn favor of “permis- sivenes.” Feeding schedules gave way’ to feeding on demand: et erything now had to be geared wo the child's needs.” Love came torbe regarded not ar» danger butt a posiive duty. Improved ‘methods of bith control, according tote progresivecreed, had freed parentgfom the burden of rising unwanted cideen; but this feedom in practice seemed o boil down tthe eligation to take chilten feel wanted a every moment of thir ives. "The common error of psychological advice,” wrote Hild Bruch in 1952, “is teaching patents techaiquer of conveying tothe child» sens of being loved sastead of relying on tir innate ve feelings of ove.” confetti shut th devon, ens in ve he ‘Shes Seoryed ty meine reed ne en pe pres deo ‘oxewoy wn itches cong en te rete pao sae ‘Sexes hed to estoy «great complacency whch va mete ung Sonali sf auarbed res ia nanan eee di ote Sotho bony mabtet gerne ti FES As eh rn ae, ore ree ‘Ean yout eh ey Wie ae pes ‘lscopment, Nevermind shot our ew decpment = sora then cy Rats Cog ane! th ped ena er perpen app edo elie Periergec wieneme igi ‘ern sgl duty bt a» calerging ere egg cre ay te eee The Suilzation of Reraluction and the Collage of Autborty +163, Permisiveness soon prodiced its own reaction, an instence shat parents should consult their own needs a well asthe child's Matera! instinct, much derced by carer experts, made s come. ack ia De. Spools Bay and Chill Care, fret published in 1946 “Trust yourself” Spock announced atthe outst. “What gon smothers sod fathers instinctively fe ie doing for their bbe is Usually bert” Often blamed or the eateses of permissive chi Tearing, Spock should be seen instead as one of ie cities, ck. ingo restore the rights ofthe parent i the lace ofa exepgeated ‘concer for the rights ofthe child, He and other expert ef the forties and fies had becom: somewhat belatedly aware ofthe ‘tay thee own advice tndermined parental confidence They Tegan to soggest tentatively at fist, that patents should ot be Iheld responsible forall thir childrens faults. “The deepest roots," wrote one pediaticin, "Ke not ip the mistakes of the “parents but in coltral stindes of which the parents are merely ‘he purveyors” Another exper found that faulty approaches to ‘parent education aroused ietonal "hostility toward family es: Pers and counsellor.” Exposed to" counselors who. stressed problems instead of thers” many” parents "el somehow that they bad filed to do for thir children what thei parents Bad ‘done fr them, and yet, they didnot know why, or wherein they had fled, or what they cout! do about i” Such considerations did noe le experts to withdraw, however, from the busines of pitent education. On the cortrary, they now widened the scope Bf thee claims, setting themselves up ay doctors all of society Even the more penetrating etic of permissive dogma coun. tered them not with more modest statement of what medicine tnd psyehiatry could hope v accomplish but simply with new ‘dogmar of their own. The limits of paychitrie elf-riteism emerged roost clearly in Hide Bruch’s Dow Be Afraid of Your (Ch the work of «humane end sensible payehiatit who Dever ‘heles lef matters no bertr than she fund them. At times, Dr Bruch departed ffom her atack on permissiveness and attacked psyehiatricimperiatism tslf, whieh had inhibited “spontaneity” nd brought about ia many puents a“state of superimposed an ty." Aled of repeating che mistakes of thee awa parent, mod: fem parents repudiated the serviceable practices of the past and Wid = The Caltare of Nassim crabraed th: *routnied haleruths ofthe experts es the laws of living.” eter than almost any other sommertator om Aimenecg paychiatry, Dr. Bruch undertood ite massive sssale agent th stand the devastation left by tis demolition of olde? rn of Sotho "ets become fashionable the whole wo of payehitry andprycho ogy only tome rein tc ers pees soo Ithveeping, drama terme of he rushing ee of ry tal ae ‘on. Their recognise the sealy val spd susan et tnd overiave meerare as fred i demoralized cones of trader pares nd thar ad's isnt fet om chile, De. Bruch weot even further, She grasped the socal and eutura ‘runsformation that has made scien the handmsiden af i \stey-in tis case, psvchinery the handmaiden of slvevning, Which enlists peyehiatry inthe atemp to expt “paren de Sires todo right by thet children "By keeping parents state ‘of chronic apse. paychistry thas frustrates desires that adver tisng can then cis to satsy. Te lays the emotional ourdation forthe insistence ofthe advertising industy thatthe heath and safety of the young, the saisfction of ther daily notional Fequiremens, their emotional apd sllectul develope, and their abil t compete with their peers for ppatarty and noe ‘es all depend on consumption of wiemins, bandas, city Preventing tchpaste, cereals, mouthwashe, and lentes, “Having cosfronted or atleast lisped al hie, Dr. Bruch be tayed her ows perceptions by stritaning the tables she te ‘ed not tothe inerently expansionist antbions of meds poy shiaty but tther othe. misuse of payehiary byt New irresponsibie practitioners Tap often, she wrote. patents com sulted "sel-appointed, unlicensed experts” when they should have gone co medical psychiatric exper” working in com core junction with «physician. For al the barbs she lnuched spine her own profession, she subscribed to mas of st lchex“fareat cation i here to stay"; “thee tno going beck"; "whe as ‘common sens” in a past century is ape fo be useless and hopes ‘sal ou of sep our tine.” Her atackon permissive cilleer 1g boiled down to 4 erticism of puychiarc malpractice, Al, ‘The Silicon of Reproduction and the Calan of Aabority «148 though she urged parents co recognize their own inner resources nd epacity for judgmene,” her book, like. Dr Spock, hounded in ire warnings ofthe damage ignorant parents could infer on their offspring Spock undermined his own ples for confidence by reminding parents that failure to give childen lone tod security could lead to “erepaable har,” Similarly Bruch condemned permissiveness onthe grounds that it could produce “cep emotional disturbance’ inthe child, Such pronouncements had the eect of weakening parental contidence tm the very ac of eying to restore ie [pa tie hs Erie era Sims ieee rea pppoe lt ee rien inert mane Serica togaraeeag cee Speier mn mmenretecreteneerins Sgn tener atsras sabe ee pe peace Sree oe Sores easter Shame mace Pier ort Sa ree patron 166: The Culture of Norciion The Cult of Authenticity Since the critique of permisivenen seldom chaleged peychiavicobedony, soon dened eae sew dogma ofits uwn-te dogma of athconign eter ems Il advised the parent to flow one or totic eo po ‘reins; ow the exper told hn to an his owe fee Whatever he did was right long m he didi sponeanrh {Ltr ate ot easy Hooked about toe fecings warmed Bruch "Parent efiectivenes tng. te tn ve eto ‘cng, hat poplar the cu of atenihy ht ages REC in the ities Like ther forms pychc elptai Fess ‘ffstivenes traning teacher be ead te actin hake Fling a bas every intercourse the eran of he clings wo others Ht pues eas deen ee ‘cds and wises ad convey them to th cilren,encnrsoy ‘estherby binging sb ance reunion withthe moter. “The incase ofthe chik's dependence onthe meaher pe vent him from aknow edging ber nations, which in any ese Ate omeealed beneath ae appestance of continal sliced. Phe her's emotional acne orm the fay takes the mother he Sominan paren; jee her dominance mas tel fle ciety io ‘heels anaes (whore the father to play a active pa ot Severyy hfe thi sense, the Ameren ther san seen ‘prea tho, Outside experts have taken over many of her pace esifunctions, sad she often discharge thse sha remain» ‘mechanical manner ha conforma nor athe childs nec but von reconeived ideal of motherhood. In view ofthe suffocating yet motonally stan car they recive Rom nariniie mothers, Sina surprng that so many young poople—for example, the slhnted dens interviewed by Kenneth Keniston sad Plsbet 196 : The Calter of Narciso Hendin—desribe their mothers as both seductive and sof de. ‘ouing and indiferent- Nor st surprising that so many. arc Sis pants experience maternal seducivencs ae «form ofser- tal attale Their unconscious impressions ofthe mother se ‘overblown and so heavily influenced by aggressive impulses, and ‘he quality of ber eae so lite ated tothe chi’ needs that She appears in the chil’ fantasies ae devouring bird 4 vag fall of eth Tee Abdication of Aushority and the Transformation of Superego The prychologialprterosaseciaed with pathol ical oacnsism, which in less exaggerated form manifest them ‘elves in 50 many puters of American culkore—in the facia tion with fame and eclebrity, the a of competion, he nail to suspend disbelief, the shallowness and franciory quality of personal relations, the hortor of dsth-~orginat in the ped Structure of the American family. which in turn orgiates in hanging medes of production. Industral production takes he ther outof the home and diminishes the cle he plays inthe car Selous life ofthe child. The mother stems to make up tothe hil forthe loss of its father, but she often lacks practical expe ‘nce of clearing, fecs hese ats os to undersend what the ‘hil needs and relies so heavily on outside experts that hee a tentions fal © provide the child with sense of security Bath parents scek to mate the family int 4 refuge fom outside pes Sures, yet the very standards by which they messute thee oe ss, sid the techniques through which they attempt to bring it Shour, derive im lange part fom industrial sociology, perso! ‘agement chil psychology-—in short, from the organised sp pera of social control. The fails struggle to conform to. xterally imposed ideal of family slidanty sod. parca {feats an appearance of soldaiy atthe expense of spontanens iling, 1 tvaeed“reltednese” empey of eal substance, Because these family pattern ae 20 deeply roeed tn the o- cial conditions created by modern industry, they cannot be ‘hanged by prophylactic or “educational” reforms designed to The Suilzation f Reproduction amd the Coles of Authority + 177 improve the quality of communication, diminish tensions, and promote interpersonal sis. Such reforms, by extending the ray ofthe hesith and welfare professions, wsually'do more hares tha good. The injunction to fel spontaneous emotion does not male i cairo fel. In any cases the poychologcal patterns ‘romoted by the family ae reinforced by conditions oatade the Family. Because thove patterns seem to find thei clearest expres: Sion in the pathology of marcisiam, and ultimately in Sehizo- plenia, we should ot jump tothe conclusion that Ge fay Produces mists, people who cannot funeton eBid ia mod fm industrial soclety.* In many ways i does 4 good jb of pre- pring the child forthe conditions be will encmunter whea he Ferves home. Other instittions—for example the schoal andthe adolescent peer group—merely strengthen caller paerns by Sacsfying expectations created by the family. As Jules Henry writer "There ira constant interplay between each family and ‘he culture at large, one reinforcing the other each unig fy Upbringing gives ree to news inthe child that are etiiedBy one for another aspect ofthe adolescent and-echool culture.” ‘Accordig to Henry and other observers of America culture, the collapse of patental authority reflects the collapse of ancient impulse controls” and the shift from + sciry in whch Super Ege vales (he values ofselerestraint) were ascendant, t9 one ‘which more and more resogiton was being given tthe values of the id he values of self-indulgence” The reversal ofthe normal ree gerd hth “is a Root mr rom sch coped to fe damian hes nn corre ase, Tita nar argent cee fey ch eee re ‘ryan acetone ed ciple fe eos ‘iatabndal pptcay a B. Lamy sot Wii Rech and pent Bi is ctert vole, i oe ic fey op ‘Wilt sual wears eden rl terme ad ater il logs, nd wad yt eget ther spyroprason of sa ote: Seni nips ie ey heer it 18: The Cale of Narciso cations between the generations, the decline of parental di ‘pling, the “scialisation” of many penta functonn, and the “slécentred,impulse troche cr wman say yonge one, You se ‘me are sj tin tetra wp eo Shand ested wince se sic tes teal meligener ei vlsdm andro beg Ison whe tng you wa dn ANSoman wh tet na omy, + progam sha tint he relton ewe nen wo ee legs loge scp sachs dean of sae eats hice oping a's fated ee yang Sen fly reper ano oe sh sa fre ‘ann ft compusn andl ees eee eee re momen are SETS emt ie scraps tee stiches Gunde ateaare ste ere ae Suiits cape ers Tie Plight from Feng: Saiprycolgy of the Sex Wer «197 ‘The stem to implement these demands, however, exposes her {0 repeated disappointments, especialy since men appear to fad nlemes a5 eneatenng to thet cmotinal soto, rity a8 the demand for sexual sitistaction, Thwarted poston ‘um gives rise in women tothe powerful rage against then soe ‘orgetably expressed for example, inthe pos of Sylvis Path No day i safe fom news of you, Watking stout in Aric maybe, but thinking of me Women's rage apuiest men originates not ony inert disap intent or the censiouness of oppression but ins prcepagy ‘of marrage asthe ukimae tap, the ukimate routine intr eed soit, she ulmate expression ofthe banality tht poo Vades and suentes ever ie: Forte heroine of Th Bellon mariage represents the apoheosn of the everyday °K wold tea get up af seven und cooking hm egy ard bacon sad {ois ad cof and davaling sla n'y ightgows and cores After he'd let for work to wath up the dry pissed sate te ted and then when he came hte ater «ety, fining deg he'd exper big dinner, and I spd the evening washing op ven more diny pate til I fll io bed, unrlyexheoned 1 the min pots ha he exude tat his sia ing dy" const of drudgery snd humilaion. his wie opens {hat he wishes merely to give her domestic pan the sopentne of trosecoered cont 1 theory, it shou! be posible for feminists to advance teyond the present sage of Feualsecrimiation hy rearing sen simply as cas enemy, ivolotarlly erage up te defense of masculine pvicge and therefore crete pe sonal bane. The symbiotic interdependence of men nd wore, however, mats hard to atin sh stletul detaches I veyday fe The “ls enemy preseats binselfnodny tenes lover, husband or fther, on whom women proceed {orale demands tht men stualy flo mece, Accong ae feminine’ own analysis ofthe way in whieh the wbjenion of women damages women nd impoverishes the emote hie of sen, men ene possibly met tel eas deste wee ‘under the existing sexual rangement yet Fannin serge 198 5 The Caltre of Nareision hose demands the strongest ideologial support It therefore i cmues the problem to which ie smleanedualy offers the sh ‘Son On thane hand, ominiessapirer to change the relations| berveen men snd women so that women will no longer be forced imo the role of vit and shrew," in the words oF Simone de [Betuvoir,On the wther hand, R often makes women more shrew= ishithan ever-m their daily encounters with men- This omer ‘dct remains unavoidable so long as feminism ints thar men ‘oppress waanen and that this oppression is inolemble, at the che time angng women to approsch men not simply a8 oppre= Sore but as fiend and lovers Siraeis of Accommodation Baca te cottons pose ad ase y emi rm pal the es Toren at ivy od emgage so ‘esto peg a oer ome hind of creer ial ir ones ogra whch enced mv aye oni sq bat Ztecepig rr age and ea "Ses ne parte compe or wom og ely tan ener nce an tena of pl els, ‘Stem Und yal oponn, cre iey wan rae iro aa! Suc as ey see pompot te Sc Son af ror ninety. Je ems tote a the nineteen ew ta rm ozone Svand sng when shy tt hpi lt. 0 Sr Eres in he Nail Organ or omen ton ro cone nema ss a eam oo Esato nd be St nin ob a ne pcs ote aidan he ee Mo sue ovo of common pe ral Cha lng o mane faa the to gn Some mil {She ered dds ene of maa oso Te Fgh rom Paling Sie th Sx Wor: 19 sat ofthe maa peyote, te coin Remotes forthe uk of power They ape tthe ars scary of ston i tert sto tet he Foe pl oe oni aver: By ened Caen sien theres the mule dexter Shey seid chalsgng ta cae snd pte vn he cd cmp wil me fr poll per nd pac ‘Seno: What pen atv uc raaaion ar cen oes “inthe re oat wang ren ora es hr de freed toh fay word whut. Avene ett, me mavenens “appre rig wes at oe Senyon with si-perpernng akan macht ng thet ram pee mae wry expe wah eg, Seok coment grant deer wih any ra op yang sey Wel om gp opin male Scion wie desing neni exo hap eh ‘login women vi oe fo anov ge hes Noa prt, Procng th independnc om es ist Tabane nein pate ence br her is ‘lend yet orm rere des Stam ned cae aio lero vema ate Sen wo eet a suo fey oe become nd more ao alert cond ‘Site mow pre ne fr Wlarsn Ailes repo txomdatun dre tk oi cova ats mae hme preva any Sgn om cing For many example ae Seger cry sty inns of pment” Men tad women mate xrsignt demande on th her sn epee nor Talragesn ed when he demote nec Unie se Sendo ro rig ht aes oe pap og Sov! acme ry sa ein "on ‘nts sre ty ca Sete odin the te fe 200: The Cale of Nene ‘ani. A ein conte “The nly men Te ee en ‘Sienpy wither men peso hos Tes ovo, ease ida lc Sct my ef cr lingo cap en soy Kelig Many gen oy tes wth dive ngrinsi'slow of oad ng Ec a pet cite mtn Gtr ply under Ine aoe, ping nes wa cares err nce hap see es Bale ideal reer new tose fo perenne dene, eprom spn fe oto ‘sens of my Lin. The ng wie sa aang Fool to be but, po he ome igh il coe {eagles Sen Heats weds eres inate namic ‘Theres pelt om of pe fom emotion compe. iyi amity: he tempo sires se spo be Serene i Se io tgrsion 2 propre The popenske loys etn commensal eee soa dtpgenet we purring to ea top ‘ulation wf se Ealghsntd beta fhe Ac Costs Nove Groge ONet Rober sn Anon Fanaa ‘hod ohne te by mig kina Noaapeee ‘nacional erfrmane yin the sare Wen iy Genie th aman cnn a jean nd peso oh Sy "han ion aa engi wad ge ican wont exes hao whe ane ‘Sec al pei tnd wis Ive el pio “aie ol exp sg ats te Ts pk {fe sw hy eotnal nantes by ae ‘Een omen maton hose fg ren ad omer Sener sb tones te, The proms {Se imal nent ta sada clos to ‘inde of ear conghne wih parent shennan ‘lt recat se lan has hese ‘Tie Flight from Feng: Scigecblegy of the Ser War 204 salighened insistence thet exis not “diy” express 4 wish ve ae ernie yf unc sont wumanisic critique of sexual “depersonalieatea” thus ‘tics tothe surface ofthe problem. Even whie preshog i, Heed to combine sex with elng, i gives hclopcalieptiny ns are hermetically fee of fect “st dn touch with ther clings” ht encurages he ne cee Into “sb feedom and "non panties Begs writes, which “teat the very Beart out of intimacy fed {is 0 tof an aversion to fantasy ich wiih se racy oe forms to social denitions of what is healthy minded, Phe soe, tumasized sex like the cites of spor, hope te shales, ‘orsip andro tum everyone nto a parspen, hoping thet {toes exercise wil drive away unwholsome thoughts ey task pomography, not because they wiih to tere yee ‘omplcnted and siilying fantasies stout sex, bet teneae the contrary, they wish t0 win aceptince for stealing vg ot omanhood and of the reduced demands that mee aed Core have a right fo make of each ether. The Castraring Woman of Male Fantasy ‘The Sigh from fling, whether o not ities to jusity tact unde, see Higogbndng commtinens, ake the orn those ah of age, {rom fantasy. This shows that represents mre than eee rercton to exeroal disappointments Today eg ned se seck scape from enoten mot only because hey Rave ee ne ‘many wounds in the wars of ve but bectux they ee {tek own inner impuls ay iolersbly ungent mol eee, Tie fi rom fling rigs no ent inthe eine a 2 wat ut in the prychlogy that accompiacese ih ee 86 a5 Ingrid Benge observer of women fade ts Ea get 202 The Culture of Narciso ‘ered of men at wel shave had to anesthtie ourselves tou] neds,” it isthe very character of thore neds and of the dear ree agen ther) which gives rset het that they ‘Racbe stad in ternal ratione—peaps shoul so be ‘Sided in ny formand which trakee promper pep to ‘wihdraw Hons incase cntooal encounters Tnstinctul desires aeaye treten psychic equlibriom and fren Gan eer gen ie erin no 2, howeper, they preset themreler ar intleraiy mening imam tec th dup of auery has moned yo snny Sf thee pn pin th expen of dango ier. The Supeego con longer aly tl ins bale sn Erp, with oust sutortes hes to ely sls entity on ie wn resources, and thon to have died tec tives, Not only have the sol agents of repression lost mach of thei force But thir itera epresesains inthe supe tv suflered a sindar dain. The olde which coopers Into work of rpreston by making stcallysccptale besevor itacf an objet of idl eaten bn beso icresingy Tstandineferive inthe sbeene of compeling oral mds St. $c the self This means, we have seen ht the superego hs tomy more and more on harsh, punitive Station, driv o0 the agressive impulses in the fd and rcing them apnet the he carci fre consumed by his own spp. The tenity of his oral honge lens hi to mae norma demands ‘on rend and ex partner yo inthe same breath Re rep diss thowe demands and sks ony caval sonnestion wit promise of permanence on ether ide. He longs to fee RimelE from hic own hunger and rge, fo aciewe «calm detachment ‘bend emotion, and eo uigrow his dependence on athes. He logs for the indifereneto human eatonshipe to hie the would enable him to acknowledge ie peting in Kart Vor ‘eg lacni pase “Sok gous" which so paly express the ‘hate piston of the pyehatre sche. Bt top the prog sun of oes iene ‘pra him moles than his own. One renzo he deonds he n= Te Rig from Feting: Sota othe Sex War: 203 etl imposes on others make him uneasy i hit they may Jy others n making demands on himself Men expecta te {he demands of women, no only benane women longs a {sew pres them bur because met dso dificult aps ‘0 emtionl need that does not with to consume whatere t Woren today ask fortwo things in tei elatons with men: soo attction and tenderness, Whether sepaely or onc theacon, bath demands sce to convey to many mas the See imsge—that women are voracious, able, Why has ‘opaniohsachion wo demands ha eon lta hee ‘hts leptimacy? Rational arguments noorouny aero te fc of unconscious snuctin, women's sexe demands tri shen incase they reverberate at such deep ler ofthe marae line mind cling p eaiy fantasies of possone,suticston, dcwtring, ad eueratng mathe, Te erence of ek ae {ass in ltr lie intensifies and brings Into the ops the set {eno that ha always been ar impertant put of be ale smage ot omantond: The suength of thes pre-Dedipal fantesee the ‘arsine spe of personaly, sks iil that mes il Se Frosch women wih hopeesty divided feeigr depen 28 Sanding in thee fton on the tress bat teriieh oF he ‘agin witch tvetens to et them alive of te legr weh hi pla imagination endows the Ameran here, lege which xnpreimbly strange or iswr vim dato ange pale breast tse casted in unyeing anor ck ca acme terror mote esl resembles an imple of stncton than a sure of nursnent. The seal vorseions fe, lng stack fre of maclnepornogeapy i he twenieth century has ‘emered nto the dylght of era specably. Simarly the ervey desroce,,domincig oma sl dan sans mba moved from he periphery of entre andthe ober ast postion coe otheccner or, mer 4 sure of dbeiostiliton, of sadomasctise gra “it tinged with hori fascination, she now anones tes igus lothing nd deed. Heals, domincering burning os Ute Fees hs suid) with" Tat of the meres Father thas oF ‘he Hes she uneans every mat who falls under er spl te 204 : The Caltar of Narciso American Seton, she assumes a variety of guises al of them vari ‘tons on the sme theme: the bitchy heroine of Hemingway. ‘Fuulne, ana Feagerald; Nathanae] Wes’ Faye Greener whose ‘invtation wate’ to pleasure but to struggle, hard and sharp, loser to murder than tolove Tennessee Wiliams Maggie Tal- iver edgy ar aeat om 4 hot tin roo the domineering Wife whose Imasery of her husband, as inthe jylets humor of James THU ter reals themastery of thecastrating mother over her soa: the man-eating Mom denounced inthe sil fletto of Philip Wylie’ Generation of Viger, Wright Morris Men and Boy, Edward AL tues Tle Amerca Dream; the sulfocating Jewish mother, Mes. Portnoy: the Hollywood vampire (Theda Bara), scheming Se- detres (Marne Dietrich, or bad blonde (Marilyn. Monroe, Jayne Mansel); the precocious female rapist of Nebokow's alia ‘or the pecocicus female kiler of William March's The Bad Sed (Child or woman, wife or mothe, this female cuts men to rb bons or swallows them whole. She travels accompanied by et necks, by damage men suffering from nameless wounds, of by & few strong mes brought low by thir misguided attempt to torn ther intoa real woman. Whether or ot the staal incidence fi patence har inereased in American maler and there tno reason fo doubs repors that it har-the specter of impotence haunts the Contemporary imagination, ot leart because focuses the fear that played-cat Angle Sosom culture abot ofall before the vance ot hardier racer. The natreof impotence, moreover has ‘ndergone an iportant historia! shift fn the nincteeath cer tury, respectable men sometimes experienced embarrassing SOX ‘al falures with women oftheir ow clas, o ele suffered from ‘what Freud called “peychi impanence”—the characteristic Vic- torian split be:ween sensuality and accion, Although most of these’ olen duitully ad inercoure wan thei. wives, they ‘Served sexual satisfaction only from intercourse with prottes ‘or with women otherwite degraded, Ax Freud explsne3) this Paychiesyndrame—"the most prevalent form of degradation” in the erotic life of his time--originsted inthe Oedipus comples ‘Aer the painful renunciation of the mother, sensuality seks nly those otjecte that evoke no feminder of her, while the ‘other hersel together with other “pure” soially respectable) ‘women, is ieiized beyond reach of the sensual. The Plight fom Pting Scipio te Sx Wer 105 ‘Today, impotence rpiily seems to originate notin roan, ition ofthe mother bein eater enperiences often renee By the apparently aggressive overtures of soualyTersed ‘women. Fear of the devouring muse of pre Oedipal Tay fies te to» generac far of women that hs lee nes Bae the semental adorn nen snc ane to woes ‘sto made them sevaly uncomfortable. The fer of women hat sated ith ar ofthe conuming esis ity ‘eval nor nly impotence bu sr abounds age tae the female scx. The blind end impren rage, which es prevalent atthe present tie, only supertally reprenets te Kenive tale reaction agains feminine isely tects the ‘cot revival of feminism sti up such deplyroted saat thar ie gives tise to such priaive camo. Me fee of women, moreover, exceed the stl trent to thet scx pi lees. Whereas the fesentmenc of women gaat men fe te ‘0 pat has oid root inthe Scrat and seal donee Seyi women ar consony ep theres 0 en ‘gane women, when men stl cone) ost ofthe power sod ‘weit nso ye fel themsclestrestened on cet head intinidatd, emasculated appears deply rutin, ad for that tevon nor likely to be append by changes in fem tacos desgned wo reassure men that tert wrmcn testo neo ‘Wien even Mom ss menace, there tot much tat fem nity medicine have er listed inthe struggle alleviate o abolish the ravage of ime struggle dear tothe heart ofa dying cule “Two approtches tthe problem of age have emerged, The frst seks not to protong life bu to smprowe ts quality, especially ‘the quality of what vsed to be known ae the declining year, Resisting the equation of old age with lot of powers, proponents ‘of this approach demand 4 more active soil rele for those who, "hough pst mle have by mean outvd hr wah ies. Humaniariane se that age isa social entegory, not biological one. The mera problem of od age, from this point of ew originates les ir physical decline shan in roiety's toler ance of old people, its efsal to make we oftheir accumblated| ‘Wisdom, and itr attemoe to relegte them to the margins of soa “The second approach proposes to del with ld age asa med ical problem,” in Allere Rovenfel’s words—sorsething your 208 The Catre of Norio loctor may some day hope to de something about.” Faltely a ‘hutng fo molten tsedCine sn icra fe expectancy cht sctaly derives fom t higher standard of ving, aro hat teicinc his the power to lengthen itl freer and to bois {he bowors of ol age* By te year 2025, Rosen beheves, Sort ofthe major eyeres of the aging proces wil have Been sie Te rpt ofthe ferences the media and soil ations to ol ene more in common tha apa, a mare ‘on hepeand on a powerfl aversion tothe prospect of bay ‘caye-than on etal examination of evidence: Bah rege ld ‘ge and destha"an imposition on the human rac," in the words ifthe noel Alan Haringron—etomethingne longer cept mes ‘What lis behind his loathing ofthe aging process, which p> fee ra terse ct pert gteg gteleteghngcicrge reat Siero os Soom oie eae Sa ad rte pian re {01 demogrape eon th had tem in prope sine Be tpt ae eg ae edt none as nr Ty op Shing caps ote ol Stain fe he Shattered Faith n the Regeneration Life 200 #545 1 be rowing more and more common in advncd nda Fralwciey? Narco and Old Age Obviously men have always farcd death and longed to lve forever. Yer the fear of death takes om ‘ew intensity i a society tht as deprived ise of tego and Sous lie imeret in posterity. Old age inppres aprencnson, Imoreoever,nct merely because Ie represen the begining of death but becaise the condition of old people has objectively dee trlorated in modern times. Our society moriously fs th use for the ede. defines them a wees forces them to rere Lefore they hive exhausted their capaciy for works and rein. Serco shui cee of mperty x ery Spporcnity By mee ing, ostensibly a spc of respect and fienehp, that they have ‘0 lost the right to enjoy ie saciery reminds old peop: that they have nothng beter to do with thet time By devaleing ox Berience and seting great store by physialsrength, deep, ‘Adaptability, ad the ability to come up wth new Hess soca defines producivty in ways that automatically exclade “sence citizens The welt knows cu of youth fret weakens thes ial potion ofthose no longer young ‘Thos “our sites toward aging a recent critic observes, “are nec acidestal” They derive ftom longterm socal ehanges ttn hve redefined work created a warty jobs, deveted Se wisdom ofthe ges, and Brough all forms of ath Gelding the autorityofexperenc) ito depute Because he detning power and sats ofthe aged hat Geely soced socal canes ‘metely propagindisng onthe behalf or formulating more ho ‘ane polices will nt be enough alleviate ther ot. Choe who agua old ge ia socal ther than medial sue have Yet {0 grasp how dieply social is and how resitan, threo Palliative olution. Nothing shore of» complete reordering of work, “edocaton, the failyof every” important ies ‘lon—wil mae el gr move tarale een hn Ulgy os limit the depeetowhich old age can be nade genuinely peas, ‘01, 8 opposed les palul-another abort ae whe the 200 Te Care of Navision socal theorists of aging ad death (opi nthe reformist Itulloiomasarethe"ypeclongesny sheers nthe fith in med ial mitaces) seadfanly rele to contort “The pablo of od age vernine ttacabe for another res son, tas poychologl ss well ar 4 soca and blogic ‘Slsension, Sota change manifest inwardly a wells out Srrdly, changing perceptions, habits of mind, tnconscions = Srianon Hutt hess ope endo od age td Seat, hit {ead muscarise ot of snr innerpedaprison. eas ret tut only objec changes i the socal pon ofthe elderly bat “Sgt expences the make the prowpec of ol age itlers tie! The far ood age may sem fom 2 atonal, resi ses toca of what happens od poop msdvened sds soc iy: butt has ig voos inital pie The ont obvious gn Pints pane ith appear fa pople's es ao prematorey Men and women begin far growing ed before they een feat middle pe Tn svslod miter presets el x4 Fealiedon tha 1 ag looms us around the corer, Americans ‘Siperinc the ect thay the begining ofthe end Even {prime of he thus comer to be overshadowed By the far af har ahead “Tis irtina terror af ld age and eat i closely assciated with he eergece of he acai persomalty athe dominant {ype of personaly strarure hr contemporary rocky. Becnare {Bharani hs s fe innrrevoures, he ok others wa {dnc his seme of self He needs to be sdmited for Ri beat ‘Son cel, or powerboats tat otal fade with ‘ime Unable 0 achive suisyingslimatons i the form af love and work, be finds tat he he ile to muti his when Syonth pass him by He aes no interest in she fru and doce ching wo provid hiuelf with the traditonal consolation of old Sethe mone important of whichis the el that are gener ‘Sine wil some sense ary on hi ifes work. Lave and work tite ina concern for poten, end spesicly int temp to Stub the younger generation o argon the tase ofthe olde. ‘Thevthoogt tt ee lve on vstouly in our cilten (ore Srondly, tr fore generson) recone so our own supers ‘onthe ental vow of eld age, moe harrowing even than The Shree Fit in the Regeneration of Life +201 fealty and loneliness. When the generational lnk begs of sch consolation no longer obtats, uate The emergence ofthe narissste personality sees among cer things a ras shit nour senso hisoreal te: Nene ‘Sam emerges asthe typical form of carter sructore in sat ‘ty that as lw ftarene ia the fore. Poychintist we tl patents not to ive through their offspring, arid couples ws Postpone or reject parenthoud, oft for good practi tetson, scl loa wt are so pli owt a yo 4° pervasive uneasiness about reproduction 0, widerprend outs, indeed, about whether our society ould repredine te self at all. Under these conditions, the thought of our events] ‘upercsion and dent becomes iery insuperable snd pvet ‘eto tempest abolish old age sad to exten Ie indcbaely ‘When men find themselves incapable of taking #0 interes arty ie after their own death they wi freer! yout ar {he same reason they no longer eat to repre themselver ‘When the prospect of being superseded becomes intlertles ps shod isl, which guarances that wil happen appt a ‘ost as form of self-destruction. In List Albers eds « eang an exp hte owt want to hive een Siways sw the world aba tage» And any child ef mine ‘would be a bllsy young actor wanting to rum ioe off wage st together, watching and Waiting to bury me, so that fe could a some center sage The Social Theory of Aging: “Growtb” as Planned Obsoe fence ‘The socal interpretation of ed age, under» veneer of lism, easily degenerates into skin of postive ticking that ssa merely wo upgrade the “image” ofthe elderly and to encourage od People wo acknowledge ther infirmities without losing the set Ife Alex Cortor, wellknown 4s + proponent oft tore related _syle of sexuality, has advocated salar approsch tothe peel tems of aging. “Tragic intensities” in Comforts view, "wend roduce bad tring. "fuse ae seek" rancor se nal tema es fom the hee category presribed by am radiated culture 212 + The Culture of Narciso the eo eegery bse cn norannety, soncompulsion ed re vison of perwonhood,” so Cantor pleads for change a oor ‘Sn of age” Maer cee he gue, dice ta + igh Proportion af the mental and tudinal changes sen nd peor Fete ox topes! eee at “he sesul of fle playing ™ Tn the sume sin, Gail Sheehy tris to convince people that age nor necesry a dsrer_—sbou, however chaleng- ing esc conditions cat enue so many prope caperene® 1S sock Rensorecr ofthis Kind ely detente hs owt ob ‘A reviews have ped ott, Sheshy docs for aod what De Spock or Cod. Bash ave te sour render thet condos bends peeling or diurng, whether shi children, {iawn or hie, cha be men ae ery morte po of trmalonl delenit Bo though my be eto fo ow tat stworenrold child iter coat hs pret nd esol hn esis oes ee fer othe proper schedule, the paren wil be larmed and el Ineieal or faytintc advice, which may sr op ferher are ‘The aplestion of the paychokgy af he ite eye” oad ie Ar tare the ere eee’ Meeting experince sais norme tne mil at up by dors. peop wil nd thee tie ty deparer om the eh as tey ar aren robe ty the-prediable cose of dat ie" thenecve ages which ‘tesa norms are intended fo provide ens. The sot Sheth’ bok, ie tht of Comfr’'s fgeneros end uae, Si email ions of aly at ena iy spc nt ent bese they make Ws dieu ge tg iig'vthout the constant stentn of sector, payin, ah {sn bears. Shechy rings vote gest of png, which hed {oe aponched Km worl tnd pllsaptnal perpen, ‘herpetic snub asp of tamcending heen ‘pert ae Spon rh cee see thon ce ee Ae etn mt ee ms The Share Fit inthe Regeneration of Lie «219 Mate atecea dnd tags cg aerate according to this kind of reasoning, excepto equip toate aE pce ence the fortes and te ed shat fey tae nh enseelin aS Spann to sc eta sk nt this of telat ving on inthe next, ofschleving a vcroce young: People cling othe sion of youth und it can no lone Barre earns for she has altos nothing to say about ie Nor does he eos i te nan ce grees wth with epg onthe mane. She urges het realex tea 214 + The Care of Narcison ctcanepeg revit. Thepit dt orchard prc cin hp alco feces eee ets eceiurer eae foes Gece eetese ee Se er eee ER alag nent Reenter ats pri lene eters Re ore ere Be eee Phase themseves out of active Me, pailesly and. without Prolongesity: The Biologial Phory of Aging Alex Conn for and hr advocates f the cura speach to aging have ctutined ‘hei lowers aguine hoping for + medical extension the life pan, eventhough Comore hime, tn am nuded ‘moment, ence predicted that ifthe seni and medical re sources ofthe Unted State alone were inbred, aging cou be Conquered within decade.” Alter his discovery of hema, Comore teeame more catios. Medical resettch could hope merely “Ween Wake Sty, Seventy jear to teach today's The Sturt Faith in the Regeneration of Life 215 six. Those ho subcribe to 4 bislogal theory of aging, om ‘he other hand, put their fath in ret medial Yeah ‘August Kinae former president othe Sal Intute dere 1967 that weil ek the problem of aping comvlec a fn ecient wl be essentily the ony eatte Sede Fen ye mer Rober Sinaeimer ofthe Cifras Insane of Teena ‘ai tly “We know of no intrinsic limits to the lie sea Pe foog woaid you lie vs lve?" Such statements shvays contain the qualifeation, implicit or spl, that prose depends onthe eommntnent of eres sesouets tthe battle against old age Their purpose describe what science sctually knows butt raise meney or ee ‘search, of inthe case of Sinseimers swecpig predate {are scienttsitoselFrestaine “Carmsty. ae Simakeees “is tot necesary the highest vitue-and sence ane ‘nerit tal commtment.”"We can agree wholeheanedly Weg sentiment while remaining unconvinced that medic ees stands an the verge of eradicating old ages ax Altar Rose Pts it Biologist ail do not agree about the care of ag tat have postulated a great variety of eonfiting theories eae ‘The supersbundance of theories sugges thar peroelpies orkin Gd silin the ery stages of developmen Yer Reve, {eld and other publics ofthe medical profession, confers tet allehese ideas will somehow prove to contain pst ofthe ar at ifthe sheer proliferation of hypotheses added up to see Brogres-—tate the medical conus of od age Sy pranial devote mos oftheir tention tothe stempr aly douee sat nspvings” that we shortsighted fey Resales spe sin ‘umpering with he uman ie spas By associating this “disquiet” with sentimental humanity inns and superstitions recutanee e geeatng peg Publicis poe a harheaded resis Ailing to uhol the ce, {hinkable," sr another facuralg oe Kn, once pot & when he tried to reconcile mankind to dhe prospec of neces: wat, The prophets of prolongeity take pride fa thei slog 2 onftont forbidding questions. Would saciety sagnate i deat bot its sting? Would people avoid risk, devering altel energie ‘merely to saying alle? Would old people st young in need 216 + The Calare of Nari and body, refuse to mae room for new arrivals? Would society income indferen to the future? Neadless to say, Rosafed ear ‘sure himself in each case that things would ao turnout s0 badly. ‘Thus people would pay more, ae les attention tothe ture, be contends if they became their “own posterity” td bad to Bee ‘with the consequences of ther heedess folly But che remark thing alot thie retsoning is not that Rosenfeld has loaded the dice by arguing that medical progress i inevitable in spite of the “qualms” it arouses in the tender: ‘minded, bu that his Bxation om the hypothetical consequences of prolongevity frevents him from secing that posibliis he pro- Fees imto an imaginary, sienceReton future have already rooted themselves in the prose, everyday realty of the prevent. Fururology, i i infatuation with technological wtopiain the ‘offing (0 different from 3 genuine concern for posterity), cannot fee what is under its nose. Devosd of hiurcal perspective it has no way of recognizing the fature when the future hts bec the here and now. Those who pride themssives on facing “future shoet”withoo fear retreat from the sariest thought ofa: that Social stagnation snot juss hypatheial posit tut realy, which already has usin is geip. ded the prolongevity move: iment (logether with futurology in general isl reflects the stag nant characte of late capitalist eultare. Ie ariees nota 4 natural Fespoase to matical improvement that have prolonged life expec: taney but from changing sual relations and social attitudes, which cause people to lose interest in the young and in posterity, tocling desperntely to thee own youth, to sek by every posible means to prolong their own lives, and to make way onl with the “greatest relactince for new generations, "In the end, the discovery that one is old i inescapable, writes David Hacker Fischer “But most Americans av aot pre pated to make ic” He describes with sympatheti irony the dev eration with which adults now ape the styles of youth, “This hstranebverved Boston matron on the fa ie of iy ‘leather ioe He au ttn ie ey he might he ‘re ny of crn page ae edd me The Shateral Faith in he Regneraton of Life +217 SEEM hr het ch sing, wondering whee wear {ei ies erie de, ‘purple mistor glasses, ands Prince Va ‘ter Has ewes aod adopcd every using adolescent hd wise ‘cosas out ofall proportion wo thee yar, One season wat the Net jacket; another dari he vet Pond overall Tn the ey 1970s was love beads od lente che. ery tween tarm of cee, fishin reolgionzed thereon Bu steny, od ayo ad ‘The denial of age in America culminates inthe prolongevity ‘movement, which hopes t abolish ol age altogether. Bat the read of age originates notin “eu of youth ut ne cul ofthe sell Noc ony ints marcas indiference to future generations ‘but ints grandiose vision of techrologicl stopia without oid age, the prlongevty movement exempliies the Fata of -rbso- lite, site power” which, according o Kohut, dsp colors the narcisiste cutlook. Pathologie nits poychologeal cies nd inepratin, superniios ine faith in medical delverses, the prlongevity movement expresses in characteristic fort the intes ofa culture hat beige has no future x Paternalism Without Father The New Ritb and the Old _ Mos ofthe eve discs inthis ‘ook originate ns new hind of pateoaism, wich ha sn from the runs of the ol prteralsm of King, priests authoritarian f {hers slvemasters and landed verona: Captalism ha severed the es of personal dependence only to revive dependence under ‘nerf ectocric ani Hlving netirown feudlrs nd slavery and then curgrowa i-own personal and fan form, captain Hw evoed x new pale! ideology, welare Iieratim, which abealves individuals of moral esponsoty and tre them st vit of ual crcumatance: I hae evolved now ‘es of social conto, which desl wah the deviant ays pot ‘nd sobmivte medial rehabilitation for ponishonet I har given ‘eto anew culture, the nrc culture of our tne, hich hatred the predatory indo ofthe Armeriay Adam into therapeutic gon that scebates not so much fd Siam as slam, jsijng seaborpion fs autem tnd “awarenes” ‘Oncnaiby egliaian and sotnstortran, American cap tain as reece piety sod monarchs! Hegemony ony To ‘eplice i with the hegemony of the busine corporton, the Imunegeisl and professunal Coser who operate he compare ‘ysem, and the corporate nate, Anew ruling dave diss: torr, bureavrts, technicians, snd experts far speedy which ‘etn few ofthe atrbuts formerly sented seth ing clesrpride of pice, the “abt of command,” iden forthe lower orders—that its exstence a clans often gves uno ‘The diference berween the new anager ete snd the old properted lite defines the diference beeen 4 ourgess cal {ore tht now survives only onthe margins of indore sckty td the new herpetic culture of suc Paveralion Without Father 219 “The difference emerges most clay in contrasting syles of stldearing- Whereas the new rch sharthe prevalingcovfion ‘shout the values parents should teansait tothe young, the ott ‘ich have fem ideas about chldraring and de not hese to pt ‘em int practice. They ty to impress the cil with the respon: sibs tha go along with the prtleges he wil nhert They do ‘hat they can to inlet a ceri toughness, which include ‘tocol readines to overcome obstacles but an unsentmeatal scceptance of social ferences In order for the children of pv lege to become the administrators and custodlans 0 rex ‘eakhchairmen ofthe bord, mineowners, collectors, conto, ‘curs, mothers and fathers of new dynastes—they have to aceept the ineviabilty of inequality, the mescapablty of soca cae ‘These children have to sop wondering whether fe i a to victims. They hive w sop "daydresming” as the paren see And get on with the seri busines of Me studies, preparations fora carer, music lessons, ding lessons, tllet keno, tenis lessns, pares dancing, scialsing—che Basy rou of acti tex et mingly pals toa casual obmerver fr even to close ‘bsirer lke Veblen) trough which the proper nich sore ‘liscipline, courage, perstence, and sell possesion the fami ofthe od propened ete, parents sem ‘make more demands on thet children thay tore “moder” Darents make, and wealth gives them the power to back wp these Semands. They contol the schools and churches the eles sited, When they have to seek professional advice, ty dea ‘with expert from a poston of strength. They have the scot Adeoce thar comes With suceeuhth a pacers of recess oe eaed, in many ease, over several genrations, In dealing wth thei children, they ins not only om thettown authority baton the authorityof the past Rich fe vent historia legends shout shemseves which the young iterative, In many ways the ‘moet important thing they give their children ithe ese ef gems «tational continuity 50 rarely cneountered elsewhere in Awetian focicty. James, the son of » New Orleans cotton broke’, as Same,” according o Robert Coles, that he hwslf wil ave a Son’ and tht “the family wll persis” ast “hat for eeneies— Chrough wars, revolution, natal and man-made dissters=| “The sense of continuity notably weakens asthe manera 220 : The Calter of Naciiom lite displaces the old propertied upper clas. The old ourgei Sie, which deriver its income from the ownership of property Father than from salaries, wll epresents the summit of wealthy, bucalthough it owns deparement stores and urn real estate and big plamatns inthe South and Wes, tno lnger controls ha tional and multinational corporations or plays a dominant roe in rational polities. Ie 2 dying elas, abseeted, indeed, with Re ‘own decline. Even in decline, owever, implant nthe young 4 Powerful sgise of lal pre, often tinged with the apprehension that outside influences" (Yankees, imamgrante to the Son Bele, {government are tearing the place spare The clas loyalty proper- {ed familie inl intr children forged in the mide ot ing scenes of class struggle, in sections of the country—the Mix sissipp dca, the Florida orange groves, Appalachiswhere the Struggle remsins vivid and intense. ‘The generalization that chi Gren today acidom see their fathers at work hardly applies to hildren who experience all on vividly what their parent ofr a living boss the poor. Fathers inthe old entreprencuril classe neither absent nor impotent. Indeed their capacity to command ot just respec but fear makes their children uneasy. Yet tot of ‘thes children eventually learnt suppres thir sense of ae play, {accept the responsibilis of wealth, and oientiy themselves ‘ith the faily fortunes in every sense, When we inove from the properied rich to the much more numerous corporate Hie (whieh i 0 move from families where the average annual income anges at high a $400,000 tothe more modest but still select level exceeding” §50,000, the pattem hinges, Here we find exceutives always on the move, whose children learn no sense of place” Work becomes abstract class ‘conflict instituionalized, the fact of evaded or denied. Inthe bigeties ofthe North, the poor tend to become invisible, and the problem of injustice mo longer presente tel ar sary sie does hewhere. In old entrepreneurial families, children worry thet their families’ hooses will be broken iato and their posesions stolen. Children of managerial faies do not have the senre of permanence that gives ris to such a fear Life for them amounts to series of mover, and ther parents reproach theanelves for not Providing + real ome-—nor being “better parents” Paveralion Without Fatbr 221 In one ofthe families studied by Coles, which exemplifes to perfection tis emerging managerial patter of rorlessees ad "omic, the father, se executive in 4 New England elecronics, ‘company, drinks to much and wonders at ines “if itsall worth licthe struggle e's had vo get tothe top.” The mother dias secret and apologizes wo her children for “not being eter mother.” Their daughter, essed by 1 succession of made i {rowing up with ill-dened snxietes and resentment, with {ull but moch anxiety. She has become 4 problem child. Tie She has rum away from home. Nowthe sets pychiatst and ho longer tel “peculiar” about it since most of er finde go to psychiatrists to. The family is about to move again, ‘The Managerial and Profesional Elite at @ Ruling Class ‘As even the rich lee che sense of place and histor cont ‘sity, the subjective feeling af “eatlement,” which take in herted advantages for granted, gives way to what clinicians call “harcssistc entement™geandiose isons, inner emptiness, ‘The advantages the rich confer on thei children dwindle ows to money alone As the new elite discards the outlook of the old ‘outgoise i identies elf noe withthe work ethic and the re sponsibiliies of wealth but with an ethic of leisure, hens, snd slffllment. Although it contines to administer Amer ‘an institutions inthe interests of private property (corporate property 3s opposed to entrepreneurial propersy thas replaced ‘harscter building with permisstvenese, the cure of souls with the ‘cure ofthe payee, bling justice with therapeutic justice; pilose phy with socal scence, personal authority with an equally ira ‘ona authority of professional experts It has tempered compet ‘on with antagonistic cooperation, while abolishing many ofthe ‘ial in which aggressive impulses formerly found chilled ex pression, I as surrounded people with symbolically mediated ‘nformation” and has substituted images of realty for realty self. Without intending to. it has created ew forme af literacy ven in the at of seting Up a system of univers! edcation, Ie ‘us undermined the family while atempeing to exc the fay 222 : The Calta of Narciso Icha tom away the velo chivalry that once tempers the ex phitattn of worn and hes reugit men and women ace to face Wetman. Thos exproprted the wrke’s Laowdge of his Wik tad the ahere “atin” for cidresring, tnd hat “ganic this omwedge ss body of exter lone accesible ‘Sly to the fice The new voli cat hw elaorted new puter of dopendence a cfceively ns forebears radiated ‘he Gcpendance of the potent on ie rd, the appease nh Smuteh mp the women oo he ate Td aot wih fo mp ever conepracy asia or ier “These thingy hve been Jone in broad daylight snd have een done, onthe wile wth ood intentions. Nor have they aren Tuned palcy of vel contra. Socal pole inthe United Sut has unfold in espons to seis of medi emergen- ies and shove vo make policy cldom ae beyond tke problems ‘hind, Thecus pragma, moreover, uses thr wel Ingots or losbiny to make fareeahing plans for the frre ‘Whe test ne ado ramet nnd he ‘yen of corre captain rom wich they—te managers tnd professonas ube operate the system drive mom of the inebte, The meds ofthe system shape policy and tthe per "ane nist pubic debate Most fu can se thesyatem but tot the clas tht imines and monopies the weal Sree Wer alana tt oem ney con Soy theory.” Ths re preven oureles fom undersnding ow ‘ur corone difcuties sore, why they pers, or how they ight be ved Prnroivnn and th Rise of be News Patron Te rc pc anrgd i een blo he eth East peel pret ne feta ovement Sods the Nee al tal psn the aye ‘Sey crmer of Amarin ely The demecaewhnon of hegre since ere {Se mete 4 way wh nach tuned SSO Teg, ine an aay "ven te Paveralion Wihous Father «23 slaveholdng oligarchy in the South. The revolution gave rs to a society based individualism, competion, and the pursuit of the main chance. Tali generated demands for furtnr change, ‘which came toa head inthe period iaumediately flowing the Civil War- Having destroyed slvery in the name of fe bor, the leaders of the democratic movement inadvertently enenats ged northern workers o st frthefertom tn contol the one ‘oftheir worky not merely to sell thei labor at ruinous prices, The logic of democracy demanded the confseation of Confers ox tates and their distibution among the feedinen; it demanded ‘woman sufrage; i demanded, in short, + more sweeping tre finiation of society than its leaders had contemplated, Seeking ‘merely to free property fom is feudal and mercenile reste, ‘ions, Bourgeois radicals in the 1860 and curly 1870 oud themielves confronted with an incipient atk on property ioe, from which mas of them rece in horror, ‘After the eallapse of reconstruction and the radical agitation ‘sociated with ity Amerian Liberalism no longer spoke for the {rtsan, che smal farmer, and the independent entrepreneur the “producing classes" that had been the backbone of the democratic ‘movement. Faced with unrest t home and withthe spectacle of the Pars commune abroad, liberalism now Rented ef in the ‘words of EL: Godkin, with the more well-to-do and observing classes." Ie undertook to reform society from the top downto Drofessionalze the civil service, break the power othe urban ‘machine, nd put the bes men into office. When such eases failed fo stem the rising tide of labor militancy and agrarian ‘calls, reformers brought forward their own version of the “Cooperative commonwealth” in the same of progressions Un veral education, welfare capitalism, scientific management of ‘dustry and goveroment. The New Deal completed wha progres: ‘ivi had begun, solidifying the foundations ofthe wellre ste ‘nd adding much of the superstructure aswel. In industry, ‘cient management gave way tothe shoal f human teaions Which tried to substite cooperition for authertaran contol Bur this cooperation rested on managements monopoly of tech nology and the reduction of work to routines imperfectly under stood by the worker and controlled by the capitalist Simarly 204 : The Caleare of Nari the expansion of welfare services presupposed the reduction of the dtaen ts consumer of expertise. Ameccan progres, which has socesflly countered agewian radicalism, the labor movement, sad the fia forement by enacting selective part ofthis program, has now les amos all ace ats origin in nineteeth-cenury liberalism. Tas rejected the iberal conception of man, which sumed the _inacy of rational selinteres, and har insaled Ins place 4 ‘therpeutic Conception which acknowledges fratonal divs and seek to divert them into socially consrutive channels, It has ‘ejeted the stereotype of economic man and has attempted to bring the "whole man” unde seca control Instead of regulating sient of work one, no epic pe Mew ‘rgmnizing leisuretime on scenic principles of sical and per” ene. leh exposed the innermost secrete ofthe psyche seine srw an has thas Meaghan slfseratiny, superficially reminiscent of rlgiusinespection ‘tote in airy rather than agi constence=in sari sisic rather than » compulsive or hysterical typeof personaly. Lileral Critciom of the Welfare State The new moses of socal como ssciated withthe ie of progressivism have stabi lad eapitalim without solving any of ite underlying problems the gap between wealth and poverty, the file of purchasing fc pacrlr as tel scl eda oe na ine fora bat x har no eeoved thet sures Ar tho en -cresngly find expression fn crime and random violence, cries have begun to ask whether she welare system deere al prom ‘ted, The system, moreover, has bese more and moe expen- sive to operate. Even those who remain loyal tothe underlying Promises of American capitalism have Begun to express sar {cut the mounting eom of maintaining ie Proposal to replace ‘the welfare system with & guaranteed sncome Or nega i ‘cone tax have gained a sympatetehesring. In his book on old ‘age David Hacker Fischer ages thats natonal inheritence e+ ee Parton Without Father « 225 tem, whereby a gf of capital a birth would acumulate interes and provide forthe cient his od age, would prone cea ‘than present arrangements." The modifcation Of sbendareaoee ofthe wellare system now presents tslf not ate tops ae nd business practice. ‘The heath and welfare industries, which have done so much {© Promote the new paternalism by profsscnuiny scien formerly cartied on in the workshop, the meighborheds ay a home, have themselves begun to harbor second thoughts ele {he results oftheir own labors. Members ofthe helpig pera, sons” have begun to question the efficiency ofthe publ enn ‘ons and wellare agencies that monopolize the Keowledee imetly admininered by ondinary_cteenr—the hewn, imental asylum, the juvenile cour The medial prof afte oholding the hospital a an indepensable alerneene seahe hen, Sy, now begins to think that paints might be beter off ey Ste tllowes ro die at home, Psyche have been specular (titkie te courts for removing “neglected” childs inet we homes without evidence that such childven suffer serie Rene and without proof that institutonalzaton or tansfer ce haart parcats provides any solution. Even the shoot? clei on ae «tll has begua to give way to parental elim, In Wins Yoder (1972, the Supreme Cour ruled that Amish paneer hone Fight to keep their children out of the public schoo, “tg cha isnot the mere creature ofthe State" he court say “thee eae ‘nurute hin and direct his destiny have te ZEEE ge ene ar, fe iy Wi panensriocmec ce 226 + The Calere of Narcision Even with the best intention, however, those who ertiee the weliae sate within the seumptons undeiying sepaeg ‘conamy cannot bing themscler fo conont te Revlon ‘ca ns tm aun of hence sya wa ire Literal ericsm ofthe new petenali rb the ‘manigaton® of the wekpnc, which es ogee ie hese {ili of partipaton whe lesving manspement an, Aininihed contol. The stem to mite te aneroy ofthe ‘vembly le by allowing the worker to perform moe’ Sans Single operation does no akerthecondasonthat degrade wort {he monopoly aftecnial knowledge by mean of which manage tment designs all phases of productton, whe the worker mately ‘tes oot the baiding of the planning department. Recent re Boss to modify the welfare sytem sates om the sane ing of Kimtaeas Thus «stad ofthe family commirioned by the Can negie Corporation take ese with the conventional ssupon { pretalncanpcence wil ening cheng he eee ‘on of parents at eonsmers of profesional sertces. Kent Kenison andthe her author of te Carnegie ep osc of belonging to “an emerging convenus held that arcs se sll he world’s greatest experts sbuut the necds of this xn Chikren.” They Feognis that many ofthe agence ote Iinistering tothe family have undermined dhe tly ised ‘The parental "malas," according to Kenston, is The acre ‘of having no guidlines or supports fr easing children, the fa ‘ng oft ting in contol prensa the widespread Senseo eon ui for what seems tobe yung my irr cnet prong adele sia ee ‘ner gacrone ttn, Dog wos enh say te pl anes ‘hel pe ang he rp cans ey mee Paeration Wihows Farber «237 ‘le rehabiltaton of parenthood ic appears imple a arta professionalism and the welfare state Vt Kenn sept aad shor of uch an aick. He take for grated the mp ape eree on experts and seks merlytoseguarie and pele a ‘eationship "Few people would Gaps tha ac Ine ae vere parents mat ineresingly rly om eter fr help fart io raing their chien” The family economy hase eared: children presenta Boancal liability rather thar na ok the seool ha taken over the family's estonia th medial profession has assumed mow ofthe espns heath care. These changes, according t Kenison’ lee woe, {in the postion of “executives ins large frmeseopomsto er ns smoth coordination ofthe many pele tnd proses arene ‘or together wo pce the Hal poet “Ti ln of atayss ead othe conclusion not tat parents should collectively asere thee control over ehdremng Ee he feral plcy should sch wo eqaase the relnioship esc ers and parents, Yet Kenton own reasouine shoe thee Barets eccpy potion clover to prolarnns thane tna, {irs As things ow stand, aecording to Kens, “parca Reo Jie authority over shore with who they she cheek eae ing thee children they "deal with hese oer rom ssi a inferorty ot helplessness.” The obvious reason forthase ere ste ot the pares, pays the bl for profesional seven nee leat signs the paychecks (The etizent, as enpapten ray re ce) puen organized and hied thew ov Cxpehe tig, nig be creat fc witout saying that such slutios do nt commend ‘themselves to members ofthe policy-making exblshmneat Mee sures ofthis kind are wo lose stot with popu, at ium, and residual resitane to centralized props Ty ieee become doubly objectionable, and for reasoee the ore oP ahacs cyencneiiesof the establishment mos acknwuledge ste eae sf the Ocean" HillSrownaile bade ofthe la ane he community control” degenerated into revere cio sal ed sion ino racial propaganda. Yer th aheroatve te come onttol is more bureaucracy. Iscad of contotiog she ee ber eormers ry to have things bth ways: Wide sovereg 228-5 The Calere of Neri ‘an expansion of government services tothe family federal guar inter of fall employment, improved protection of childrens legal Fighsy and vastly expanded program of health care, they propose to srengthen “patent parsipaten’ inal ther programs, They treat the ascendancy of exper a an unavoidable condition of i seal soy, ee when thy ek ually th anenancy bby improving the postion of consumers: They assume tht requirements of «complex society dicate the triumph of factory pruduction ver handicraft production andthe sreendancy ofthe "helping professions” over the fay. Burzaucratie Dependence and Narcisiom Recent scsies of professionalicatio show that professionalism did not emerge, 0 the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, in responte 0 ‘clearly defined sori needs. Instead, the new professions then» Selves invented miny ofthe needs they claimed to satisfy. They played public ears of disorder and dsense, adopted dlibe Acly mystlying argon, ridiculed popular traditions of slF-hep 2s backward and unscientific, and inthis way erated oF inte” ‘ie (noe withour opposition) 4 demand for their own series ‘The exdence of rofersona self-promotion can no longer be de- missed by reassering the sociological trai that "modern ri fy involves the individual i relations -- that are varly more ‘complex than (these) his ancestors. had to contend with." ‘ni pore pnd sand of cary, bey ee, eevee mabe ann ar Be terms,” ced by Hine nd he 2 st ar heh el enn ee and Sa ym npc pc EAE opt Asn pence etn cavoped by em oo ee eae teertdeal iis lice cnlormornenemee hk cro: rane maemo pao oho i “np orem Eerste cco td tesa a BPs eager ceremonies hee mr oA oF im cee! wie cs cee ft Bo ad ne Peele gerne ectiees Sa olen oreo ctor pi loves te arpa ee al Spree fe main oe epee Soe ier pale len peace in poetos™ Te eee fae 2 el Se fan fl ie ts ae ian olen segm repr gt el enn sat foie ed ieee ope oe i Udon ar ery os pba ere fiend wed eager pone ae ee in inp pratt Se ‘mentale fr eiey stan Speier mac mr oop erp es Hdl wis ‘Menberip ns sy profes conmaiy ene be sear en nd a ‘warpedand ditty the sol od paieslconten a which chs oes 280 5 The Cader of Neri the sick role, he cooperates withthe doctors in his own “eure.” The peyelare critique ofthe aw, like the therapeutic sack ‘on authority in general, makes a vite of substitating personal ‘Thus «specie inthe sociology of law acknowledging his 1 tention 10 “subsitute scientific therapies for legal sanctions—for Sjustice"once deplored the irationality of legal procedures: “There isin the Concept of justice an element of fate which i absent in he concept of scent treatment. The offender simply {get what he himself inated. Sociery as whole fr Dime [s. The criminal himscf wa the one who chose" Whereas"the lawyer’ way of handling human problem istypialy nonien- tie,” therapy treats the eriminal or patient as vin athe pts matters in their prope light. "The shite from “sin” to"sike ‘esh" accorcing to this weiter, represents the Fist step toward the introduction of seience and persona rescions nt) barman oats” ant to the recognition of social problems az medial Problems, ia which “cooperstion with the therapis” becomes probably the most erical problem forthe devia” ‘Medial jase shares with eolghtened cildrearing and ped agogy a tendency to promote dependence as way of if There peutic modes af thought and practice exempe ther abject, te ps ene, from critical judgment and relieve him of moral esponsibility. Sieknesr by definition represents an invasion of the patient Ly forces outrde hi conscious conta and he pe tients realise recognition of the limite of his owe respons bility "his acceptance of his diseased and helpless conditon— constvter the fire step toward recovery (or permanent snes Tiism, ste ease may be) Therapy label as sickness what might ‘otherse be judged a8 weak of wilfl actions i ehus equips the patient fig or resign himself tothe disease, stead of iratio- Bally finding fault wih. bimsef. Inappropriatly extended ‘beyond the consulting room, however, therapeutic morality en courages 4 permancot suspension of the mora sate, Ther i 8 ‘lose eonneein, in tur, between the erosion of moral responsi- bilty'and te waning of the capacity for selhelp-—in the eat gore used by Jon R. Seeley, between the elimination of cul Pubilcy and the elimination of competence. "What sys you are —— Paternaion Wiha Faber: 234 aE ry bo cnt help yous” Therapy epi tes deviance as sickness, butt simulaneausly pret oe patent unit to manage his own life and deny bit mae oe hands of» specialist. As therapeuti points of view any v “The prychological expression of this dependence ‘sm. In ts pathologies form, nrcoshm oneionee nS genes against feelings of helpless dependency i ea {© counter with “bi opine’ and grande Han oe e+ ther modiaion ty the pleasure of ee even in liked domain, which under tarouol eat companies maturity. While encour +4 rage gienioe desea of onipeence, moreover, the new putraaion undemine npc odes fata, erods the caput to sapend Sabaed ths mikes less and ey cle the hrmlas rb sifations, notably art and pay. that help to mig ‘of powerlessness and the feat of dependence that eich ress thames in msn tae ss Mt OE ex ‘Our society is narcsistie then, in x double sense ing slf-ciant, with nacsistie perionalties, although not neces ree fetous than bere, ply + conspicous par in comes Ue fe rag to postions of emtnene. hvving om the de, Jo ofthe mass, th celebrities the ton of pul Hoe Privat fas well since the machinery of celeiy rece ‘0 boundaries between the public and the private reek et 232: The Caltare Nerision ‘eautifl peaple—to se thie revealing expression to include not merely wealthy globettters but all those who bask, however try im he al le ofthe eameraine a the aay {han a wish tobe vay admired, not for one's accomplishments bit simply for ones, unritaly and without reservation, Modem capitis soit) not only ckevates nares (0 prominene, elicits aed reinforces narcissists traits in every ee Hed thn many way Spying ari Prominentiy ain such artracive forms by andermining paren [Glauthorgy and thar making bard for cilren to grow up bot Shove all by cresting sc many varices af buresveratie depen: dence. This dependenc. increasingly widerpresd in a soety {hat sa merely pater but marl well make increasingly aif for people ay to rea the trons of nfncy a wo ejay the consolation of adulthood. ‘Tbe Conservative Critique of Bureaucracy Citi ofthe ‘ew paternalism, insofar ae cremains imprisoned inthe esp Sion of political Iiersm, objeto the com of maintaining + ware age “hom cn av wa the cn the npayere—witho rtcizing the acendancy ofthe managerial ‘nd profession clas. Another line of stack heh singer oat ‘hrenveracy asthe overding cil aies out of comerstive Scinatn o oand nam, Len equi a ‘ppostion wo bureayerae centaiatton™cxcepe when comes ffom right-wingers who denounce goverment regltian of in {lst and spa fer gigetie mitary esblshmen—the “omerentveertique of bureneray spray resembles the ‘adil erigue sine in the prtsent study. Ie deplore the Erosion of autor, the corupten of standards inthe shoal, Snd the spread of pemsivenese: Bat refuses to acknowledge the connection benacen these developments and the ite of 0. ‘opoly capitis between barenerucy in government and Be resuersy in industry. The great historia confit becween indivialism and eo Paternatin Witt Faber 295 lecivism is dividing mankind into two hostile camp,” wroe aduig von Mises in his study of bureaueney. Capa eco ‘erie he argued, reason the rational culation of ge se beet, whereas bureaserstic nape eannot be eee fe sconomic calculation.” Extended beyond ts legitimate doer of Inw enforcement and national defisey bureacracy underetne invdualinitve and substates“govemment contol ee fee ctrpris."Ie substitutes the ditsorhipof the state forthe ole ‘flay, Froemarkt capital, by trning aber tosceana ty mas the wage crner fee fan ay personal depen: and detaches “appaistlof each individual efi hom nay personal considerations." Bureaucratic elects, on the oy, hand, undermines the “ool ratonality and objectivity ofc {st eltions" and renders the “plain citar” depenacot of the “pofesinal propagandist of bureavcratiation” who confers the citizen with his empty catchwords"aml ester abfseuing ‘Under capitalism everybody isthe architect of hisown orn Bot under scilsn—and "there compromise pore be tween then two systems,” according to Missy as thd pe, tem"—the “way toward promotion Ie notachicvement but the {evo of the rperiors" ‘This argument suffers from the conservatives ieaiation of the person autonomy made posible by tre fice market an hi willngnes to concede enormous warmakig powers tothe ate, 50 log they do not interfere with paiva emtrpiae cae ot explain the spread of bureaucracy into ndusty tale The {tend toward bureaucratic rig it inherent the colton snes," according vo Mic, Ie can otcome of goverment ‘meddling with inte” Such i his reph cote Hed nae tent thit the inworable tend toward ccmomie concearitees {es rise to growing gap betwcen ownerinp nd eon of the omporation, creates new managerial ce, and allot being entralized tate asthe only agency capablea eontoling Te ier analysis self, however, needs md Seaton, Ie mot the "aivorce between ownership dnd control” that hus crested the ‘managerial oligarchy but the divorce between production and Penning. Having achieved a complete sepation of hendwork 4d rain work, management monopolize tchnesl Knowledge 238 5 The Caltre of Navision and reduces the worker to a human machine; but the adminis ‘ion and continual elaboration ofthis knowledge require an eve. rowing managerial apparatus elf organized on he principles Of the factory with its intricate subdivvon of take, Studies oF Drogressvism and the New Deal have shown tha government Fegulation of business often aose in response tothe demands businessmen themselves, Regulatory agencies draw most of thet perseonel from business. Neither the regulatory nce the ware polcesof the state re on “an iplicable hated of private buss ‘est ad free enterprise," as Mises Game: On the cetary regu lation controls competion and stabilaes the markt. while the welfare system socaies the “human costs of captain proc: ‘Go —sising unemployment, madequate wage sie nabcyts insurance against sickness and old age—and helps to fore more radial solutions, Ics tre that 4 professional ete of doctors aychiariss, social scientins, technicians, wellie workers, and il servanes ‘now plays a leading part in the admiration of the states of the “knowledge industry.” But the sate and the kroeeage i dos over at 50 many points with the busines corporation (eich has increasingly concerned elf with every phase of ul, ‘re, and the mew professionals share 4o many Character with te managers of industry, thatthe professonaelite must be regarded not a8 an independent class but at» branch of modern management. The therapeutic etic, which has eplced the nine. feenthncentury utilitarian eh, doesnot serve the “clas itereat™ of professionals alone, as Danict , Moynihan and ethers have scgued it serves the interests of monopoly captain as + whole ‘Moynihan points out that by emphasing impute rather then calculation 38 the determinant of human conduct, and by holding fosiety responsible forthe probleme confoating individuals: 'ovemamentoriented” profeshnal class his stented to create 4 demand for is own services. Profernonals, he wbeerves, have ‘ested imerest in discontent, because dacomiemted people tho _professonal services for relief. But the same principe underlies 4ll of modern eapitalizm, which continually est creste new ‘demands and new discontents that can be assuage only by the ‘consumption of commodities. Moynihan, aware ofthis connec: } | | Pasralon Without Father «288 Mon, te topes he professional tthe succenor tothe {slit The ology of companion” he spe inte ee ‘er ofthe “pontindutral soplos of anette manne of industrials who eater turned wo sheeri ee es demand for tr own proieces ‘ Professional seleagerandinement, however, grew up Sie withthe adver indy tnd ee ey bse ofthe sane proses the aneion fom compu {alism wo monopoly caps saga epson capratim cll Ondnary cite ace ei eteaal dominance without” ao auering cane luction and over the technica nowlege ot whe et pastimes A ean of “common iene” se ss, wll “prevent man fom fling prey” tothe “nee {ase of profesional bureaucrat Bur commen se te the siete oowledge that nw serves come eee ‘ee of many ne in a dying culture, arcs appears to embody-in sue of personal "growth and “swat the Ree ae iment of spirit enligiennet. The conedinee ae ‘baton, merely to survives collapse. The wiles tae Ichsaity, however survives, song wah adie eee slp and communi actin tat ony need he re Tow sity, a decent wcety a give them ace sige, These 286 « The Culture of Navision icpine formerly seca win the work eh vl eats 4 ‘alte independent of the role f once played in the defense of DPropery rights. That dscpline-indapenesbe tothe tsk of Belin rena ms of ince whine he id order ly s+ broken prose, yet wit the pro ‘more seriously than those who merely took i for granted | | | Afterword: The Culture of Narcissism Revisited* the tees. Journalists have tug Us to thi of dace Sanda of historical ine tnd capt vc ed a tes ten yer inca theses Wee the Agee ha the age if etl commitment and cultural relate ee soon in «rept for ltabeeepion sal pcr een Reviewers ected Th Clr of Nenana oa ge asin sitindlgence «sommingop ofthe sevens Thee Sound te bok oo gloomy prc that waldo in any coe, sine the ew decade that wassup ea 485 bof ends, ne slogan and caus ere Irom ne redress. ‘As ium out the egies dd ot se el of sen seclchispit, ae many commento predizat Yop {he call tone ofthe deca, were ot known for er en, fac es a sy ee ieee aie pment oS eee eros irene ea sein ieaiayugieau ems ei uel one tent Soir paar ict arian np Te dee mer he pres ‘8 arma “Poeetg Tena erin Fay Resp Ma nd Fama 18 “iy roar ay expe ha ey iad do bot ie” sme B Flat 7A New Appa o Pray Le vest,” Ma agent Fay Lag 1989 To rsh Do Bef Yar Ci, 7-49.12 Cine ure sod Spry thie’). Care ot Ten (no ung bl hope eo, pS ert sre ates ri on tetrad rime nem apes Spork, ly at Chat Cap. 75,57 ‘cud Lich Emu Posi aay Pai py ‘ene 159, pp oo 9-29 Gala 186 ath Br Ba eee, sme Musa nays nt Way of Ue rad Rene f Poiana 1978 0 Eich Da be a Pr Gt, p59 ey fe Hin (Ge, awn Pe Sal Chl Ne tine rns Yok Tesi. Comet eee el), pBO CL acer have Nowe: 269 ‘godhc,p 8Caleeg tga 99°C ee inpratfr Sip. 3 Cbhage sees Serting anya Sohne Te ‘Geo P 7 tun New Yrs Wyn 7) 1a Ng inp ese Tn gt 2 "lute hs Honey ier Yok Ran He 16a Sy, “Puen The Ln Part” G90 Ti en ist Unc er Yr Sh "ek Mak Ger. Child Bory Cd Tr Pla f Prd (New Yon Onerpe sod bars 97 p20 («1-109 Eig tin Apo ary Sil Staton Ps nt Tamm ew Yori Ts § aes Fed Minow Va Harper dew, ht a, tose Ti Sonny Mas Cre eevee Mla ity Raar For, “yor “Srl Cos ge Pete a ve Sib a. ng i h om eee one nae Stes erent ey Orebptianry, 19 (1949) 13-82 ir eae ve Se eae v1 poop i ae ‘Wares Madey "Om he Byam of Nec” Peni PEalitam memset of Chrete Dares Ne er, 1 shape Se Ra a toed Tey Sap Adi Poe 2 (0): 203 Wty Meander hPa Geo pn Fy 3 a mo Ot sap dane Seer Rage Ob dunn Reig” arm ¢ Oneoay SI ah 9; phe "Narco ‘he Sef SA Pana ea 94 S08 ase ste epee ere : Dyas of Narcan. 18; but, Anab f e Sah,w mum © Wine “Poa Malty inthe Fumi Relates of Eeeeraan, mamma tee es sone eee FR Ate oj Chen Ween Anan arf Pe Soe Sa Base ah {New Yor Hace, Bace, 1h Heron Hee, To Ae f Seaton eS eee eam he SS2e eur acini oy Se ae a em BERET erur tonto ne ten iS Se aie emp metre Eta eam erste Reet ae 1 Stn read Fe pant ed New Ya: Noon, 1621192 ‘he Sopp Pye Dey 30) 0 8 eh i St pa 8 ah Rg 0 a 12 sce contrl a “echelon Fajr Frabcrg, Cony ye Amr: Gahan Arie (Meu Yok Ransom Hn, 0p 8. ‘or Aeon?” Marriage and Pam Lining 14 (194) 127 nel 18) Daag MeGrape, i aman ef sri (Nee Yar McGee, 1 Cine me) mney 9 ganiapaton, p34 Cesatneie” eich yp DIES eae, ‘ao ly encianing rp 0 gy Yee ini pr er as he Cpr Fam (Ne Vek Ca, er tae Se ag he na What Na "WS Miu! Macy: Te Gomomar (New Vn: Simon and Ste, 976, prov ise 1 VILL. The Flight from Feding ae ee re vw mont A ae ‘Skin Teer, Pus be (Sew Vrs Rando Ha, 70) 1), eter a hid arcane “em iggn ig owe mr ine See pert Ree sort tae Soames ea es Se bad oa ng Cnvray of Cage fren eh Ph iGo cet acon eh be an Nove eto jy Wikre Wer Te Od Lead he ew: Dead Emden Ne ene ip 88 Te Rogan Cgc SPREE NOR. Reg be ea ar tere seepage wire dale ate aus Fevle Senay i Reno to Popeye They fr he erotica Sep ne ee pe te = hey, Bede Cit ad Petit Naini, ‘gon in Venaiea Craps Reion he ome Moreen" Ha Fo Niner 6 pi (Gg ote Spe “The Reo of Rae Conteh te Fry ‘Tuy 20 (oye ee Ralewner, Recard PCa 2 Gerd ne. Mtns Wie Mew ons Mace, "et {ism os Gms gms one {SQN he Ra ew ek: ae Row 6, Sa Pith The Ber ew Yorks Harper si Rew 971968) 8 98 rat igo. Mey carn oe” ince fem eA Sr, ior omar Sepa tome re York Cues Unie Pra 0) sadn Beil Fr Poms tenn Cure es Vos Range 0 sen tn Hh fy a ap.” egg Sn, Tey en ft ene” see al ses, oe: 274 Saget CERES cree ncnn = fae SESE tr nt i 16 Jie Mach, Pb ond ni New Yer Pate, 1974 Eh iSite anita eee oa Ne sce ti Gary he ein IN. The Sat Paith nthe Retin of fe - Rustam yremretrceaas er oy vr Ta a re Ye a ‘en nare ban ample od gph wo eel ene ‘ated Pip Grd, ore 201 Se Than Mee and RG. Brown, Maa vice et En ‘cr Nt te, ge 7 ps, tet Ee 208 en Haring, Thelma, gut a Ran, Prngey, ns ih Goee see Conor on gig, Ne Yok Tae ‘Ln Aller, Kinfss New York Koop 1776 pA 22 On Cont, Mass, and Jon, ee Bein Deb, “Sena the Sct: Nec Tuo Care Assn Apel 173. aE Gl Shay, Page Pr of a fe Ye: tn, sare: Noe 215 ged Gia Me er Ds 2 1, 19 lg, i of Mt iy Prom, pp ae ee X. 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