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Page 2 of 4 : Detailed Curriculum

FOUNDATION Basics + Core Programming Concepts + Blockly + Simple Apps


Command Kids create animations
T Logic-Based commands By giving computer complex directional commands

Debugging Cognition Solve APP: Score card Manipulate variables

1 Sequence Non-linear outcomes 17 Complex Program debugging Debug and fix code 33 Score card in a game For making a game score-card
Commands, sequence & code structure Commands and sequence to write a code

Conditionals Criteria definition Pattern recognition

Flexible Sequencing
Decision Making Skills
Puzzle solving 18 Decision making skills For conditional evaluation 34 Extended nested loops
Efficient solutions by recognizing repetition
Ways to solve a problem

Game Single player game Extended binary Binary graphics

Code Debugging
Fixing logic flaws in code
Create program outcomes
Correct mistakes in the algorithm
19 User events and interactions Flappy bird 35 Magic of 0 and 1 Understand binary to decimal conversion
to create graphics

Conditionals and loops for

Binary Strings Create Advanced Mobile Computing practice and
Introductory Loops Creator confidence 20 How computers store and process data Game with UI Design 36 programming apps problem solving apps
ROCKET Launcher timed loop app
Program having fewer lines of code Loops to replace long lines of code with short

Variables Star wars game An eventful dance factory Dance Party Animation
Loop Sequences
Solve complex puzzles
Loop sequences to program
Write programs with loops
21 Change game dynamics using variables Using variables 37 Dance party animation Computational logic to create a fun
dance party animation

Extended variables Clicker game Intro to turtle programming Fun design

Logic Form shapes, alphabets 22 Computer games using variables 38 Program the turtle pointer to
6 Logic & Abstract Thinking Create 2-dimensional art forms
Ice age scrat clicker game Fun easy programming style
draw shape designs

Revision Practice Turtle Programming Artist code

Loops Puzzles 23 Use concepts learned to solve tricky challenges
Solving challenging puzzles 39 Turtle programming to generate
7 Complex puzzles are created on foundation Loop can make instruction more efficient
Little artist code gym
creative free flowing drawings

Mobile app UI Design and update event

Professional Art Sequence, algorithms & loops
Program Code to develop ALIEN and
24 Learn app coding Interactive mobile app 40 Button events - Turtle Driver
handlers in turtle programming
Logic for significant creative endeavours
SPACESHIP in artist lab

While loop My scenery

Complex Loops
Commands to write program
Constructs, development
Star wars adventure activity
25 Loop constructs to control program flow Puzzle activities 41 Turtle coding Turtle commands to build scenic diorama

Mobile app Revision Exercises Adventure - Challenge

Deep Programming Implement programming 26 Basic GUI to design simple app Mobile APP - GUI 42 Frozen and minecraft adventure Revise concepts learned to solve
9 Programming practice with activities Deepening programming practice tricky challenges

Until Loop & IF Conditions Recreate Frozen Patterns Frozen Pattern

Interactive Animation with events
User interaction
Create story with a program
27 Decisions
Condition Evaluation 43 in turtle code
Turtle coding to recreate predefined
puzzle patterns

Mobile App Mobile App Art Code gym Sticker Design

Pair Programming Concept of pair 28 Using Conditionals Using if - Else- Elseif constructs 44 Mandala sticker designs Create gorgeous designs with
blocks, loops and digital stickers
Pair programming and build their story Design and Code

Binary Math Math puzzles Open book test Puzzle Test

Events that correspond to user action
Pair programming
Create an animation story
29 Number system Translate binary to decimal 45 Emphasis on doing than memorizing Solve actual puzzle to then refer for
Turtle coding

Mobile App Mobile app Game Design - The Chase is on Best practices and effective
Nested Loops
Solutions by recognizing repetition
Create efficient solutions
Learn to recognize systems
30 WHILE Loops using loops to generate repeat patterns 46 Game Rules
debugging of logic errors
Multi screen chase catch game

Mobile App Multi screen navigation Game Implementation

Text Command
Iterative Conditional Loop
IPO processing cycle
Translate direction commands to text input
31 Multi screens With navigation to switch screens 47 Apple Grab and Catch That Bee
Game design concepts

App clicker game Game - app clicker game

Bounce Game Construction & wireframe 32 Game app with UI design Events and UI to create a game app
48 Game Entrepreneur
Final Game Executable
Create Professional Level
independent Game
Build first interactive game Learnt concepts & build interactive game
Page 3 of 4 : Detailed Curriculum

EXPLORATION RICH GUI + Heavy core logic + Blockly + Animation + Professional Apps


Space Tech
49 Space Tech UI Controls Slider Control-Control size of planets
components for improvedSKILLS
user interaction 65 Hybrid App Design thinking Skill -UI UX 81 Sprites Actions and Behaviours
Sprite Lab - Black Hole Simulation
Creative thinking skill

Image Control Creative thinking skill Space Tech Sprite Lab - Solar System
50 Extended UI Controls
components for improved user interaction 66 Hybrid App
Coding implementation 82 Sprites Virtual interactions Rotation, Revolution Concepts

Canvas Control Sprites in action

51 Extended UI Controls components for improved user interaction 67 User inputs and Strings Strings In Apps 83 Sprite Lab animations

DropDown Menu control

52 Extended
UI / UX Design UI Controls
components for improved user interaction 68 Boolean Expressions AND and OR 84 Sprite Lab animations Complex sprite movement
App Font Scheme

Checkbox and Radiobutton controls Data structures Space Tech Collisions in sprites
53 Extended UI Controls for improved user interaction 69 Programming with Data
Key value pairs 85 Sprite animations in Game Lab Meteorites crashing simulation

App Lab Data structures Space Tech

54 Mouse Events in App
Event handlers for mouse events 70 Programming with Data
Key value pairs 86 Sprite animations in Game Lab
Build a game in sprite lab-I
Gravity Concept Game

App Lab Basic repeating Space Tech Build a game in sprite lab-II
55 Mouse Events in App
Event handlers for mouse events 71 Functions
code structure 87 Sprite animations in Game Lab Conditionals in Gravity Game

App Lab Puzzles in Artist Space Tech Build a game in sprite lab-III
56 Key Events in App Event handlers for mouse events 72 Functions
Lab using functions 88 Sprite animations in Game Lab Bounce, float, collisions in Gravity Game

App Lab
57 Key Events in App Event handlers for mouse events 73 Functions and Return Values Functions in App 89 Custom Sprites Game Lab

Timer concepts in App Lab

Custom Sprites
58 Space Tech -Timed Loops Stop Watch and Counter
for Rocket Launch
74 Functions and Return Values Use of functions in App 90 Game Lab

Timer control concepts Responsible Use of Internet Exercise caution when Space Tech Sprites in Game Lab
59 Set Timeout, Clear Timeouts
in App Lab 75 and Digital Footprint on internet 91 Build a story Story - Astronaut lost in space

Controlling memory Concepts of objects and Space Tech Sprites in Game Lab
60 Variables
with variables 76 Abstraction
abstraction 92 Build a story Story - Astronaut lost in space

Concepts of objects and Code interactive experiences Sprites and Game Lab
61 Variables Assign values with variables 77 Abstraction abstraction 93 Fashionista App

Concepts of objects and Code interactive experiences Sprites and Game Lab
62 Variables Local Vs Global Variables 78 Abstraction
abstraction 94 Fashionista App

Sprites Sprite Lab interactions Space Tech Animating Sprites in game lab
63 UI elements at run time Dynamic UI 79 Creation and properties Creative Thinking Skill 95 Code interactive experiences Journey in Space Animations

Sprites Sprite Lab interactions Animating Sprites in game lab

64 Integration App Virtual thinking skill - Algorithm 80 Constume property Creative Thinking Skill 96 Space Tech
Code interactive experiences Journey in Space Animations
Page 4 of 4 : Detailed Curriculum

SPECIALIZATION Go CRAZY with Commercial quality games and utility app BLOCKLY + THUNKABLE


Simple challenges game for an object to

97 Game Design Process Thinking & Process activities 113 Game and Graphics navigate a maze of obstacles. 129 Tic Tac Toe Game Test and Debug

Simple challenges game for an object to

98 Game Design Process Thinking & Process activities 114 Game and Graphics navigate a maze of obstacles. 130 Word App Generator Analysis and design

99 Game Design Thinking & Process activities 115 Play Snake Game Analyse 131 Word App Generator Analysis - Algorithm

Game Design Thinking, Process

100 Top Down Design
Thinking & Process activities 116 Play Snake Game Plan and design 132 Word App Generator Algorithm and Pseudocode

Sorting Logic Understanding

101 Algorithms and Pseudocode
and Analysis 117 Play Snake Game Algorithm 133 Word App Generator Code Implementation

102 Algorithms and Pseudocode Sorting Logic and Algorithm 118 Play Snake Game Algorithm and Pseudocode 134 Word App Generator Code Implementation

Code Implementation Word App Generator

103 Algorithms and Pseudocode Sorting Logic and Algorithm 119 Play Snake Game
Game Lab 135 Code Implementation

Code Implementation
104 Algorithms and Pseudocode Sorting Logic and Algorithm 120 Play Snake Game
Game Lab 136 Word App Generator Test and Debug

Multiplication Tables Code Implementation

105 Game Implementation
MATH Utility 121 Play Snake Game
Game Lab 137 Word App Generator Test and Debug

Multiplication Tables Test, Debug, Improvise

106 Game Implementation Multiplication Table, Calc App 122 Play Snake Game
Game Lab 138 Image App Thunkable Platform

Math Utility
107 Game Implementation Calculator App 123 Play Snake Game Test, Debug, Improvise 139 Image App Thunkable Platform

Simple challenges game for an object to Image App

108 Game and Graphics navigate a maze of obstacles. 124 Tic Tac Toe Game Analyse 140 Thunkable Platform

Simple challenges game for an object to

109 Game and Graphics navigate a maze of obstacles. 125 Tic Tac Toe Game Plan and design 141 Chatbot Trainer App Thunkable Platform

Simple challenges game for an object to

110 Game and Graphics navigate a maze of obstacles. 126 Tic Tac Toe Game Algorithm 142 Chatbot Trainer App Thunkable Platform

Simple challenges game for an object to

111 Game and Graphics navigate a maze of obstacles. 127 Tic Tac Toe Game Code Implementation 143 Chatbot Trainer App Thunkable Platform

112 Game and Graphics Simple challenges game for an object to

navigate a maze of obstacles. 128 Tic Tac Toe Game Code Implementation 144 Chatbot Trainer App Thunkable Platform

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