GED 1.docx Prelim

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INSTRUCTIONS: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one
answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the
answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 2 only.

1. Who are the ones who seriously questioned myths and moved away from them in
attempting to understand the reality and respond to perennial questions of curiosity,
including the question of the self?

a) Romans
b) Greeks
c) Athens
d) Prussian

2. Who was the first philosopher who ever engaged in a systematic questioning about the

a) Socrates
b) Plato
c) St. Augustine
d) St. Thomas Aquinas

3. Socrates was a philosopher who is concerned with the problem of the self. What was
his life-long mission as a philosopher?

a) The behaviour of the human person is essential to his day to day living.
b) The body is bound to die on earth and the soul is to anticipate eternal realm.
c) The true task of the philosopher is to know oneself and examined one’s life.
d) The body and mind are connected to each other that they cannot be separated.

4. Who believes that one can only know what comes from the senses and experiences?

a) Immanuel Kant
b) Gilbert Ryle
c) Rene Descartes
d) David Hume

5. Which of the following is the best definition of the famous Cogito Ergo Sum?
a) The Meditations of First Philosophy
b) Essence of a substance or thing
c) I think therefore, I am.
d) A thinking thing that propagates.

6. Gilbert Ryle: Mind-Body Dichotomy- Marleau Ponty:

a) Mind-Body Bifurcation
b) Bifurcated Nature
c) Body and Soul Theory
d) Dualistic Theory

7. Which of the following is NOT a definition of impressions?

a) The core of our thoughts

b) The product of direct experiences
c) The basic objects of our sensations
d) The opinion and belief of other
8. Who claims that there is so much that we should doubt and what we think and believed
is not infallible, they may turn out to be false?

a) David Hume
b) Marleau-Ponty
c) Gilbert Ryle
d) Rene Descartes

9. Plato supports the idea of his master Socrates that every human person is dualistic in
nature. What is meant by dualistic in nature?

a) Man is composed of body and soul

b) Man is anticipating eternal realm and salvation
c) Man dwells in the physical world and heaven
d) Man is composed of body and mind

10. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?

a) Rational Soul
b) Appetitive Soul
c) Sexual Soul
d) Spirited Soul

11. Which of the following is/are the philosophers who have tackled about systematic
questioning of the self?

I. Socrates
II. Plato
III. Aristotle

a) I, II, III
b) I and III
c) I only
d) I and II

12. Thomas Aquinas is one of the most eminent thirteenth century scholars who believed
that man is composed of two parts: matter and form. What was the common stuff that
makes everything in the universe?

a) Hyle
b) Morphe
c) Form
d) Substance

13. Rene Descartes: knowledge through test of doubt- David Hume: knowledge through

a) Ideas that form in the mind

b) senses without experiences
c) direct purposeful experiences
d) body and mind theory
14. Which of the following definition of the self, according to Stevens 1996 defines self as
the centre of all experiences and thoughts that run through a certain person?

a) Self-contained
b) Separate
c) Unitary
d) Independent
15. Which of these claims is NOT true about Social Constructivist?

a) Self should not be seen as static that stays constant

b) Self has to be seen as unceasing flux that improves
c) Self is malleable in its dealing with the external reality
d) Self is not in a constant struggle with external reality

16. Which of these is true about Personne?

a) Self-sense of who he is
b) biological identity of self
c) self-basic identity
d) social concept of self

17. Which of this is NOT true about Moi?

a) Social concept
b) Biological identity
c) Self-basic identity
d) Self-concept

18. Which of this is true about gender? Gender has to be _______________.

a) socially discovered
b) personally asserted
c) dictated by society
d) affirmed by culture

19. Who claims that human person develop through the use of language acquisition and
interaction with others?
a) Mead and Vygotsky
b) Ponty and Ryle
c) Hume and Descartes
d) Agustine and Aquinas

20. The following are defined characteristics of self, EXCEPT?

a) Consistency
b) Unitary
c) Dependent
d) Separate

21. The following are the traits of narcissism EXCEPT?

a) Overly high self-esteem

b) Self-admiration
c) Self-centeredness
d) Pity to others

22. Symbolic interactionism theory: human interaction- Social Comparison theory:

a) Learn within oneself

b) Social relationship
c) Self-awareness
d) Socially solitary
23. Which of the following is/are components of Psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud?

I. Ego
II. Superego

a) I only
b) II and III
c) I and III
d) I, II, III

24. Why is that self, identity, and self-concept are NOT fixed in one time frame?

a) Because self, identity, and self-concept changes from time to time

b) Because self is composed of characteristics that cannot be changed
c) Because self is stagnant and static and therefore not improving at all
d) Because self is not malleable to adapt changes in environment.

25. Who was the earliest psychologist to study the self and conceptualized the self as
having two aspects- the “I” and “me”?

a) Carl Rogers
b) Max Wertheimer
c) William James
d) Thomas Scot

26. Who are the psychologists who define self as the sense of personal identity and of who
we are as individuals?

a) Reisberg and James

b) Gleitman and Terry
c) Jhangiani and Tarry
d) Gross and Scot

27. These are the definitions of “I” according to William James EXCEPT?

a) Thinking self
b) Acting self
c) Feeling self
d) Improving self

28. Is identity composed of personal characteristics, social roles, and responsibilities, as well
as affiliations that define who one is?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe
d) Not stated in the book

29. Why we need others to affirm and reinforce who we think we are?

a) We need them as a reference point about our identity

b) We are influenced by the society and culture
c) They are vital characters in shaping oneself and another
d) To compare our self-worth and self-identity to them
30. Social Comparison theory entails self-evaluation maintenance theory, which states that
we can feel threatened when someone out performs us especially when that person is
close to us. Why Social Comparison may turn out to be a self-evaluation?

a) It is because by comparing ourselves to others we can boost our self-esteem and

b) It is because we can feel inspired and motivated if we compare ourselves to
c) It is because by comparing ourselves to others we can check what’s with us and
what is lacking.
d) It is because we can initiate things to work within our self for our self-

31. Where does the religion of Buddhism originated?

a) China
b) Japan
c) Thailand
d) India

32. Who was the founder and considered leader of Taoism?

a) Confucius
b) Lao Tzu
c) Chun-Tzu
d) Siddhartha Gautama

33. What culture focuses on the individuals and therefore may seem to have loose
associations or even loyalty to their groups?

a) Eastern Culture
b) Western Culture
c) Southern Culture
d) Northern Culture

34. Western Culture: Individualistic Culture – Eastern Culture:

a) Collectivistic Culture
b) Separate Culture
c) Systematic Culture
d) Operatic Culture

35. What religion rejects the hierarchy and strictness and would prefer a simple lifestyle and
its teachings thus aim to describe how to attain that life?

a) Buddhism
b) Christianity
c) Taoism
d) Confucianism

36. The cultivated self in Confucianism is what some scholars call a “subdued self” wherein
personal needs are repressed for the good of many making Confucian society
hierarchal. What is the purpose of hierarchal society in Confucianism?

a) Its main reason is to assert power from its followers

b) Its purpose is to maintain order and balance in society
c) To establish authority from its members and to society
d) To remind its followers about their responsibilities
37. According to Taoism, the ideal self is selflessness. Among the scenario below choose
the best option that highlights selflessness.

a) Helping a friend and expecting some return.

b) Showing optimistic attitude to depresses persons
c) Giving gifts only in Christmas seasons
d) Letting your sibling go to college first before you

38. Why do Taoism rejects hierarchy and strictness brought by Confucianism?

a) They prefer a simple lifestyle to attain life

b) They don’t want leaders to command them
c) They believe in fair and just treatment to everyone
d) They accept individual personalities and identity

39. Eastern or oriental persons look after the welfare of their groups and values cooperation.
Why Easterners value cooperation rather than competition?

a) Easterners focuses on social roles for self-worth

b) They want to keep harmony and order to everyone
c) To highlight personal attributes in general talk
d) Deeming certain traits positive for their self.

40. Among the following are the characteristics of the Western Culture EXCEPT?

a) Comparing self in order to be better

b) Creating bask for the glory of self-esteem
c) Putting primacy in developing yourself
d) Social relations is given more importance


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