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A. Research design
The research is quantitative research, correlational research.
According to Gay (2000:11), quantitative research used to describe current
condition, investigate relationship and study case effect phenomena. This
research sees the influence of one variable to another variable. The first
variable is students’ writing skill/ability is “X” as an independent variable and
critical thinking is “Y” as an dependent variable. According to Gay
(2000:322) correlation studies provide a numerical estimate of how related
two variables are. In addition, Suharsimi (2006:271) says that a correlation
research helps in order to see whether there is a correlation between research
variables. The more two variables are correlated, the higher the correlation of
those variables.
There are two variables in this research: students’ writing skill/ability
X as independent variable and students’ critical thinking variable Y as
dependent variable. To analyze the data, the research used correlation analysis
to see the correlation between variable X and variable Y.
X = Students’ writing skill
Y = Students’ critical thinking
= The influence of variable X toward variable Y
B. Population and Sample
1. Population
According to Gay (2000:122), population is the group of interest to the
researcher, or group to which she or he would like the result of the study
to generalize. The population of this research the fourth semester of
English student department at IAIN Batusangkar. It consists of three
classes, namely TBI A, TBI B and TBI C. Total of this study is 76
students. It is classified on the following table:
Table 3.1: Population of the Research

No Class Number of Students

1 TBI A 27 (example)
2 TBI B 24 (-)
3 TBI C 25 (-)
Total 76 (example)

2. Sample
According to Gay (200:12) sampling is the process of selecting a
number of individual for a study in such a way that they represent the
larger group from which they are selected. Its means that sample is
choosing a number of individual from population. The sample of this
research was takes by applying proportional stratified random sampling.
Gay (2000:126) states that proportional stratified random sampling is the
process of the selecting a sample in such a way that identified subgroups
in the population are represented in the sample in the same proportion that
they exist in the population. The researcher’s reason to choose this
technique is the students’ critical thinking various. While, Anas
(2010:176) classified the strata into three, the strata are high, medium and
The samples of this research the fourth semester of English student
department at IAIN Batusangkar in 2019/2020 Academic year. The
researcher classified the sample into three groups, namely; high, average,
and low. The researcher use formula is suggested by Sudjono (2005:176)
as follow:
M + 1SD High
M Average
M – 1SD Low
M: mean
SD: standard deviation
Table 3.2: Mean and Standard Deviation
N 27 24 25
valid 0 0 0
3.2653 3.3750 3.2958
Missing 3.4200 3.4600 3.3900
Mean 3.21a 3.73 3.52
Median .55063 .39850 .53341
Mode ,303 ,159 ,285
Std. -2,347 -1,995 -2.667
Deviation ,524 ,456 ,456
Variance 5,186 5,912 9,978
Skewness 1.014 ,887 ,887
Std. Error 1.62 1.93 1.16
of 3.72 3.87 3.86
Skewness 62.04 87.75 85.69
Std. Error
of Kurtosis
Multiple modes exist. The smallest is shown.
The standard deviation and mean that acquired for each class were:
Table 3.3: Mean, Standard Deviation, And Classification of Each
Class Mean SD
High Average Low
TBI A 3.265 0.55 3.80 3.30-3.70 2.70-3.20
TBI B 3.375 0.39 3.80 3.40-3.70 2.30-3.20
TBI C 3.329 0.53 3.80 3.30-3.70 2.80-3.20

Based on the formula above, the researcher got the mean score (M)
and Standard deviation (SD) of the second grade. It can be seen on the
table below:
Table 3.4: Sample of the research

Population Sample Technique of the
Class of
students H A L H A L
TBI A 27(ex) 3 17 7 0 12 4 Proportional
TBI B 24(ex) 1 16 7 0 14 7 Stratified
TBI C 25(ex) 1 11 13 0 10 10 Random
Total 76(ex) 76 57 sampling

Population =76
Total Sample =57
Try Out =population-Sample

=19 Students

C. Research Instrument
According to Hanafi in Febri (2014:34) research instrument is the tool
used by the researcher to get the data of their research problem. There are
instrument that used in this research.
1. Questionnaire
Questionnaire is using to make sure of students’ critical thinking.
According to Suharsimi in Paramita (2012:33) questionnaire is collecting
of question that should be answered by respondent. The questionnaire
will be constructed by the researcher in English. According to Arikunto
(2010:268), the questionnaire can be arranged by the following steps
1) Formulating the purpose to be reached from the
2) Identifying the variable to be targeted from the
3) Formulating each variable into more specific sub-variable
4) Determining type of the data to be collected and also
identifying technique analysis of the data.

In this research, the researcher used Likert scale for measuring the
questionnaire. Gay (2000:156) states that Likert is a scale that asks the
respondents to respond statements with indicate the answer for Selalu
(Always), Sering (Almost Always), Kadang-Kadang (About Half Time),
Jarang (Rarely) and Tidak Pernah (Never).

To validate the instrument, the test has two characteristics, they are as
2. Validity
According to Gay (2000:191), validity refers to which the instrument
measure what is intend to measure. Meanwhile, Suswati and Nina
(2013:11) state that validity refers to an instrument’s truthfulness because
it measures what the person using the instrument wishes or attempt to
measure. It means in making questionnaire should be based on the theory.
The content validity of questionnaire could be measured by seeing the
indicators of item. It is also supported by Huge in Syahidah (2016:36)
state that are some criteria of validity are face, content, construct and
criterion validity.
To find out the validity of the questionnaire, the researcher used
content validity. To validate in this case, the questionnaire was
constructed based on relevant theories about the influence of students’
critical thinking on their writing skill. Then researcher consulted to
advisor about indicator and items analyzed the items based on formula
that is proposed by Singarimbun in Jeni (2012:39):

√(N∑X2 –(∑X)2) ║ N∑Y2 - ∑Y) 2)
r = Coefficient correlation

N = number of respondent

X = score item

X2 = square of items

Y = sum score item

Y2 = square of sum of score item

After finding coefficient correlation, coefficient correlation will be

compare with r table (r), formula to know r table is:


Where: N = number of respondents

If coefficient correlation is higher than r table on the level of

significance 5%, it means that the items are valid, and in contrast if
coefficient correlation is lower that r table on the level of significance
5%, it means that the items are not valid and reliable.

Based on formula, the researcher got the validity from tryout of the
test where 60 items in tried out. From the data, the researcher found 15
items significant, 39 items revised, and 6 items discarded.

3. Reliability
Reliability beside that the validity is good, questionnaire should have
reliability. According to Gay (2012:395), reliability is a degree to which a
test consistently measures whatever it is measuring. To know the
reliability of the test, it must be based on r (coefficient correlation).
Suharsimi in Irna (2012) states the interpretation for coefficient
correlation are as follows:

Table 3.5
Interpretation Table

“r” product Interpretation

0,00 – 0,20 Variable X and y have very low
0,20 – 0,40 Variable X and Y have low correlation
0,40 – 0,70 Variable X and Y have sufficient
0,70 – 0,90 Variable X and Y have strong or high
0,90 – 1,00 Variable X and Y have very strong or
high correlation

Reliability of the questionnaire was analyzed by split half methods as

proposed by Gay (2012:167):

From the calculation of reliability, the reliability that researcher got is 0,

97. It can be seen that coefficient of reliability was very high. It can be
concluded that the instrument in this research was reliable.

D. Technique of Data Collection

The technique of the data collection, researcher do a test both critical
thinking test and writing test. It means that, to get the data of the students in
learning process. Researcher’ will give each of tests to the students. The test
included critical thinking test and writing test, they are:
1. Critical thinking test
1) Analyzing inference
2) Analyzing assumption
3) Analyzing information
4) Interpreting information
5) Analyzing and evaluating arguments
2. Writing Test
1) Developing the content of writing well
2) Organizing the writing ideas well, logically, and cohesively
3) Using the effective and appropriate word choice and vocabulary
4) Using language usage (grammar and sentence structure) well and
5) Using mechanics (spelling, punctuation, and other writing convention)
E. Research procedure
The procedures which will be used by researcher in conducting this
research are:
a. Preparation
1) Finding the problem
2) Collecting the theories and references
3) Writing the research proposal
4) Consulting the proposal to the advisors
5) Revising the proposal
6) Constructing the question of the questionnaire
7) Having seminar proposal
8) Consulting and revising the proposal after seminar
b. Operation
1) Getting license to do research
2) Giving the questionnaire to the sample of the research
3) Submitting and check questionnaire answer from the sample of
the research
c. Post-operation
1) Analyzing the data
2) Discussing the research finding
3) Making the conclusion
F. Technique of data analysis
After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed the data to answer the
hypothesis it has influence or not. The researcher used some steps:
1. Descriptive statistic
This statistic is applied to both students’ critical thinking and
writing skill/ability in order to see the tendency of data. Analysis the
data arranges based on Mean score (M) and Standard Deviation (SD)
score. After getting the description data, the researcher converse of the
data score of students’ critical thinking and students’ writing
2. Inferential statistic
Inferential statistic of correlation analysis conducted in order to see
the influence of students’ critical thinking on their writing skill/ability.
Inferential statistic is use to make inference about parameters, based
on the statistic from sample.
a. Testing normality
This testing used to test the assumption that the distribution
from the sample was taken in normal. Testing normality calculated
with an aid of computer program SPSS.
b. Testing homogeneity
This test was used to see whether the sample that researcher
taken from population had the same characteristic or not. The
testing of homogeneity used one way ANOVA is SPSS version 22.
If the significance score is bigger than standard significance score
0.05, the distribution of the data is homogeny.
3. Calculating coefficient correlation
This research used a statistic analysis by using product moment
to see correlation between students’ critical thinking and their writing
skill/ability. The data consist of two variables: writing skill (X)
students’ critical thinking (Y). It follows pears on product moment. It’s
suggested by Sudjono (2005:206).

rxy =
√{n∑X2 – (∑X) 2}{n∑Y2 – (∑Y) 2}

rxy = coefficient between variable scorer 1 and scorer 2
N = number of sample
X = X score the first score
Y = Y score the second score
X2 = square x score
Y2 = square y score
XY= multiple of the X and Y

Table 3.6
The Interpretation of Correlation Index Number “R” Product
Moment (rxy)

“r” product Interpretation

0,00 – 0,20 Between X and Y have very low correlation can
be regarded no correlation
0,20 – 0,40 Between X and Y have low correlation
0,40 – 0,70 Between X and Y have enough correlation
0,70 – 0,90 Between X and Y have high correlation
0,90 – 1,00 Between X and Y have very high correlation

4. Regression analysis
To measure the strength of the influence students IQ and their
English learning achievement, the data consist of two types: students’
writing skill (X), and students’ critical thinking (Y). The researcher
was used the program computer SPSS version 22. It was following
regression. This technique that was used to analyze data and the
researcher found manual formula.

The formulation of regression as follow:

Y = the predicted criterion score for an individual
X = an individual’s score on the predictor variable
a = a constant calculated from the score of all participant
b = a coefficient that indicates influence of the predictor variable to the
criterion variable.
In addition, according to Agus in Silvia in Refni as quoted by
Zurni (2011:44), the calculation by using regression analysis have
some steps, they are as follow:
1) Calculating the value of a and b to decide the value of regression
equation Y = a + b (X)
Where: a = coefficient regression a
b = coefficient regression b
2) Testing coefficient regression was used to test whether equation Y
– a + b (X) is linear or not. It can be done by F test can be seen in
the ANOVA. The hypothesis of this testing were: Ha is accepted if
significant value of the research < 0.05, it means coefficient
regression was linear.
Ho is accepted is significant value of the research > 0.05, it means
coefficient regression was not linear, Sarwono in Refni (2006:124).
3) To know whether student’s critical thinking on their writing skill
or not, it was done by comparing the value of F calculated with F
table distribution in Zurni (2011:45). The hypothesis that were
used to know whether variable X influence on variable Y as
The criteria of testing hypothesis were using:
Ho would accepted if F calculated > F table
Ha would accepted if F calculated < F table
4) Then the researcher gave interpretation toward the meaning of
coefficient determination. The researcher assumption, that there
are two assumption of the result from the research:
(1) If “r” observation is ≥ or > than “r” table (rt) it means
hypothesis alternative (Ha) is accepted and hypothesis null
hypothesis is rejected
(2) If “r” observation is < than “r” table (rt) it means null
hypothesis is accepted and hypothesis alternative is rejected,
Sudijono (2005:195)

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