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Outreach Program

(Reflection Paper)

During our lesson in Good Governance, Maam Rachel Robrigado told us that we will conduct an
outreach program for our semi-finals. Not only for our class but the class in her other schedules. We had a
meeting with the other class to discuss for the upcoming outreach activity and decided that it will be held
in November 15, 2019. But due to the unexpected typhoon, we postponed it to November 21. From the
day of our activity, we as part of the officers will go to the place earlier than the other students to prepare
and arrange the activity area.
This outreach program of extending a hand to other people especially to those less fortunate children was
quite a heartwarming sight. Based on the pictures that were taken and posted in Facebook, I could
conclude that it was indeed an inspiring and heartwarming activity that encourage each and every one of
us to exercise making other people happy. Even though a lot of things was late on schedule or not being
properly conducted in the plan; bonding with those children in the Malbong Gainza, was an honor for
those who have attended. The outreach activity experience based on the us students had allowed us to
share what we have and bring smiles to children. Having the opportunity to interact with them gave us an
additional learning in life. I have learned through them that happiness and contentment are choices. We
have our freedom to choose, whether to be happy and be contented in life or not. However, I realized that
the activity was just a fleeting relief to them. There is a much deeper and broader thing that needs to be
With this, I also learned to appreciate things around me, especially God’s countless blessing that I did not
pay much attention to before. It also taught me that life is not all about receiving, but also about giving
and sharing what one can offer. I know that being with children was such a great feeling especially when
we made them laugh. The outreach program made me realize that somehow in some simple ways, we
could bring happiness to others. We could make a meaningful day by doing good deeds for other people.

Yvonn Jay S. Atencia

BSBA – Financial Management
Good Governance (MW 7:00-8:30 pm)

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