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CIT. Journal of Computing and Information Technology, Vol. 27, No.

2, June 2019, 1–16 1

doi: 10.20532/cit.2019.1004453

Practical Model Checking of a Home

Area Network System: Case Study
Soufiane Zahid1, Abdeslam En-Nouaary1 and Slimane Bah2
Institut National des Postes et Télécommunication, Rabat, Morocco
Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs, University Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco

The integrated communication infrastructure is the 1. Introduction

core of the Smart Grid architecture. Its two-way com-
munication and information flow provides this net- Smart Grid is an intelligent power network
work with all needed resources in order to control and based on information and communication
manage all connected components from the utility to technologies in order to monitor, optimize and
the customer side. This latter, named the Home Area control all functional units from electricity gen-
Network or HAN, is a dedicated network connecting eration to end-customers. Many internation-
smart devices inside the customer home, and using al organizations and government institutions
different solutions. In order to avoid problems and around the world have been encouraging the
anomalies along the process life cycle of developing
use of Smart Grids, and proposed their own
models and roadmaps for this. In particular, the
a new solution for HAN network, the modeling and
end-user side, or Home Area Network (HAN),
validation is one of the most powerful tools to achieve
represents a challenge for these organizations
this goal. This paper presents a practical case study
in order to help customers to reduce their ener-
of such validation. It intends to validate a HAN SDL gy consumption and cost, and to maximize the
model, described in a previous work, using model transparency and reliability of the energy sup-
checking techniques. It introduces a method to trans- ply chain.
late the SDL model to a Promela model using an inter-
mediate format IF. After the generation of the Promela
In a previous work [1], a communication in-
model, verification is performed to ensure that some
frastructure model for the Smart Grid was pre-
sented. This model is based on international
functional properties are satisfied. The desired proper-
guidelines proposed by IEEE, ITU and NIST. It
ties are defined in Linear Temporal Logic (LTL), and
focuses on the communication aspect of Smart
DTSPIN (an extension of SPIN with discrete time) Grid and its services as defined by the U.S. De-
model checker is used to verify the correctness of the partment of Energy (DOE) [2]. This previous
model. work aimed to analyze, study and understand
the communication relationship between the
ACM CCS (2012) Classification: Software and its system components. It explained the function-
engineering → Software organization and properties ing of essential units and the interaction between
→ Software functional properties → Formal methods them, and it proposed a set of possible technolo-
→ Model checking gies and standards for each link between the en-
Networks → Network types → Home networks tities. The analysis was divided into three parts
depending on the network studied: Home Area
Keywords: Smart Grid, Promela generation, Formal Network (HAN), Neighborhood Area Network
modeling, V&V, SPIN, LTL (NAN) or Wide Area Network (WAN).
2 S. Zahid, A. En-Nouaary and S. Bah Practical Model Checking of a Home Area Network System: Case Study 3

The HAN network is one of the most important cation is done to ensure that some functional
parts in Smart Grid. Many researches around the properties, represented as LTL properties, are
world are focusing on this network and they are satisfied. This approach can be applied to any
trying to investigate its potential benefits for both model developed in the SDL language.
customers and providers. So, the analysis of the The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
previous architecture was started by modeling lows. The next section presents the background
the HAN network [3] using SDL (Specification of the work. It gives a brief description of the
and Description Language). Then, the resulting HAN architecture and its SDL modeling, then,
model was verified and validated by the reach- it introduces some works related to Prome-
ability analysis technique, with the support of la generation from SDL. Section 3 details the
IBM Rational SDL suite, to detect dead blocks translation approach via two big steps. The first
and to ensure that all the branches are reachable. step highlights transformation of the SDL mod-
The bit-state exploration was used to find un- el into the intermediate format IF. It explains
explored branches in the model. If they were some translation features concerning the struc-
found, the model was corrected and the verifica- ture, the behavior and the data. The second one Figure 1. A structural vision of an SDL model [10].
tion was rerun until a model free of dead blocks introduces the if2pml tool used to generate the
was obtained. However, at this stage, the prop- Promela model. Section 4 presents the model Programs and Time-based Programs; each cate- ●● IHD: or In-Home Display which is an in-
erties of the system have not been verified yet. checking of the generated model. It describes gory contains several programs [7]. terface to control the appliances and show
In fact, the task of validating implementation of some LTL properties to be checked and the re- statistics,
the model is generally much harder. This paper sult of this verification. The last section con- This architecture was modeled using the SDL
focuses only on some properties in relation with cludes the paper and presents the future works. language [8]. The latter is a standard language ●● HEMS: or Home Energy Management
the Demand Response service (which will be for specification and description of reactive System, it stores data about all the con-
described in the next section). These properties and distributed systems. A model described in nected appliances and PEV, and manages
will be detailed later. Unfortunately, the SDL SDL is composed of one or several blocks. Each the DR signals from the utility,
2. Background block contains either other blocks or processes.
language does not allow such validation [4]. ●● SM: or Smart Meter, it displays the energy
This work aims to perform the model checking The Home Area Network or HAN is the cus- The behavior of the processes is detailed using consumption of the customer,
[5] step using an extension of one of the most tomer side in a Smart Grid network. It is con- Extended Finite State Machine (EFSM) [9]. Un-
powerful tools in this field, which is SPIN mod- like FSM that always performs a transition on a ●● ESI: or Energy Services Interface, which
tained within the user's home and connects all plays the role of the gateway between the
el checker. It will be used to verify the desirable appliances and electrical vehicles to a common given input from one state to another, an EFSM
temporal properties of the model, expressed as however only performs a transition when a giv- home and the utility network.
network. It contains other solutions, such as
LTL formulas, to evaluate the system require- software applications to manage and control en set of conditions have been satisfied. It means The SDL system interacts with system envi-
ments. The SDL model must be translated into these devices, as well as renewable energy re- that the transition can be expressed by a set of ronment via 5 channels. Channels C1, C4 and
Promela (the input language for SPIN), how- sources and energy storage equipment. trigger conditions (e.g. if statements). If trigger C9 represent the customer interaction with the
ever, this translation is not as trivial as it may conditions are all satisfied, the transition is fired, HAN; channel C11 is related to the energy gen-
seem. There are some fundamental differences A previous work [1] presented HAN architec- bringing the machine from the current state to erated by renewable sources; and the last one is
between these two languages. In fact, SDL sup- ture and its mandatory and essential compo- the next state and performing the specified data C14 which connects the HAN with the NAN.
ports hierarchical structure, whereas Promela nents. It introduced the possible and well-used operations. On the other hand, the procedure be- This model was verified using the reachability
is a flat language, with one level of hierarchy. communication technologies and standards for havior is described by FSM. It is similar to the analysis techniques and the verification against
Also, some SDL data types and constructs can- each section. This architecture brings a lot of one known from programming languages. It is a given MSC (Message Sequence Charts) in
not be represented trivially in Promela, because benefits to the customers. They can take advan-
created when a procedure call is interpreted, and order to detect dead blocks and verify specific
they usually include additional information in tage of the services provided by utilities. The
it dies when it terminates. Signals in the system scenarios, respectively [3]. However, no veri-
relation with the system hierarchy. most important one is the service DR (Demand
are exchanged between blocks via channels, and fication of the system behavior has been made
Response). It is responsible for reducing the
This case study introduces one approach to between processes via signal routes. Figure 1 re- yet. In fact, the SDL language does not allow
peak loads, when the network is under stress, by
generate the Promela model from the SDL one, sumes this architecture [10]. such verification [4]. Therefore, this paper in-
minimizing the energy consumption in response
using an intermediate format IF. The reason be- tends to perform model checking [11] to verify
to an increase in the price of electricity [6]. So, The SDL model of the HAN architecture, cited
hind this choice is that the transformation from the model behavior. For this purpose, one of the
each customer may participate in one or more in a previous contribution [3], consists of six
SDL to IF is intuitive and simple compared to existing model checkers must be chosen.
DR programs. The raisons behind encouraging blocks as shown in Figure 2. Each entity rep-
the translation from SDL to Promela directly. customers to participate in such programs are resents one of the HAN's components, namely: Model checkers are the tools that help in this
Also, it provides a common model between different. They help them reduce the bills price, type of formal verification. In literature, there
various languages adopting different descrip- ●● Appliance: refers to all devices inside the is a very large number of these tools. Authors in
avoid blackouts and increase their sense of re-
tion styles (e.g. SDL, UML). After the trans- sponsibility. DR programs are classified into home, [12] compared six model checkers, namely: Al-
lation of the SDL model into Promela, verifi- two major categories, namely Incentive-based ●● PEV: or Plug-in Electrical Vehicle, loy [13], CADP [14], FDR2 [15], NuSMV [16],
2 S. Zahid, A. En-Nouaary and S. Bah Practical Model Checking of a Home Area Network System: Case Study 3

The HAN network is one of the most important cation is done to ensure that some functional
parts in Smart Grid. Many researches around the properties, represented as LTL properties, are
world are focusing on this network and they are satisfied. This approach can be applied to any
trying to investigate its potential benefits for both model developed in the SDL language.
customers and providers. So, the analysis of the The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
previous architecture was started by modeling lows. The next section presents the background
the HAN network [3] using SDL (Specification of the work. It gives a brief description of the
and Description Language). Then, the resulting HAN architecture and its SDL modeling, then,
model was verified and validated by the reach- it introduces some works related to Prome-
ability analysis technique, with the support of la generation from SDL. Section 3 details the
IBM Rational SDL suite, to detect dead blocks translation approach via two big steps. The first
and to ensure that all the branches are reachable. step highlights transformation of the SDL mod-
The bit-state exploration was used to find un- el into the intermediate format IF. It explains
explored branches in the model. If they were some translation features concerning the struc-
found, the model was corrected and the verifica- ture, the behavior and the data. The second one Figure 1. A structural vision of an SDL model [10].
tion was rerun until a model free of dead blocks introduces the if2pml tool used to generate the
was obtained. However, at this stage, the prop- Promela model. Section 4 presents the model Programs and Time-based Programs; each cate- ●● IHD: or In-Home Display which is an in-
erties of the system have not been verified yet. checking of the generated model. It describes gory contains several programs [7]. terface to control the appliances and show
In fact, the task of validating implementation of some LTL properties to be checked and the re- statistics,
the model is generally much harder. This paper sult of this verification. The last section con- This architecture was modeled using the SDL
focuses only on some properties in relation with cludes the paper and presents the future works. language [8]. The latter is a standard language ●● HEMS: or Home Energy Management
the Demand Response service (which will be for specification and description of reactive System, it stores data about all the con-
described in the next section). These properties and distributed systems. A model described in nected appliances and PEV, and manages
will be detailed later. Unfortunately, the SDL SDL is composed of one or several blocks. Each the DR signals from the utility,
2. Background block contains either other blocks or processes.
language does not allow such validation [4]. ●● SM: or Smart Meter, it displays the energy
This work aims to perform the model checking The Home Area Network or HAN is the cus- The behavior of the processes is detailed using consumption of the customer,
[5] step using an extension of one of the most tomer side in a Smart Grid network. It is con- Extended Finite State Machine (EFSM) [9]. Un-
powerful tools in this field, which is SPIN mod- like FSM that always performs a transition on a ●● ESI: or Energy Services Interface, which
tained within the user's home and connects all plays the role of the gateway between the
el checker. It will be used to verify the desirable appliances and electrical vehicles to a common given input from one state to another, an EFSM
temporal properties of the model, expressed as however only performs a transition when a giv- home and the utility network.
network. It contains other solutions, such as
LTL formulas, to evaluate the system require- software applications to manage and control en set of conditions have been satisfied. It means The SDL system interacts with system envi-
ments. The SDL model must be translated into these devices, as well as renewable energy re- that the transition can be expressed by a set of ronment via 5 channels. Channels C1, C4 and
Promela (the input language for SPIN), how- sources and energy storage equipment. trigger conditions (e.g. if statements). If trigger C9 represent the customer interaction with the
ever, this translation is not as trivial as it may conditions are all satisfied, the transition is fired, HAN; channel C11 is related to the energy gen-
seem. There are some fundamental differences A previous work [1] presented HAN architec- bringing the machine from the current state to erated by renewable sources; and the last one is
between these two languages. In fact, SDL sup- ture and its mandatory and essential compo- the next state and performing the specified data C14 which connects the HAN with the NAN.
ports hierarchical structure, whereas Promela nents. It introduced the possible and well-used operations. On the other hand, the procedure be- This model was verified using the reachability
is a flat language, with one level of hierarchy. communication technologies and standards for havior is described by FSM. It is similar to the analysis techniques and the verification against
Also, some SDL data types and constructs can- each section. This architecture brings a lot of one known from programming languages. It is a given MSC (Message Sequence Charts) in
not be represented trivially in Promela, because benefits to the customers. They can take advan-
created when a procedure call is interpreted, and order to detect dead blocks and verify specific
they usually include additional information in tage of the services provided by utilities. The
it dies when it terminates. Signals in the system scenarios, respectively [3]. However, no veri-
relation with the system hierarchy. most important one is the service DR (Demand
are exchanged between blocks via channels, and fication of the system behavior has been made
Response). It is responsible for reducing the
This case study introduces one approach to between processes via signal routes. Figure 1 re- yet. In fact, the SDL language does not allow
peak loads, when the network is under stress, by
generate the Promela model from the SDL one, sumes this architecture [10]. such verification [4]. Therefore, this paper in-
minimizing the energy consumption in response
using an intermediate format IF. The reason be- tends to perform model checking [11] to verify
to an increase in the price of electricity [6]. So, The SDL model of the HAN architecture, cited
hind this choice is that the transformation from the model behavior. For this purpose, one of the
each customer may participate in one or more in a previous contribution [3], consists of six
SDL to IF is intuitive and simple compared to existing model checkers must be chosen.
DR programs. The raisons behind encouraging blocks as shown in Figure 2. Each entity rep-
the translation from SDL to Promela directly. customers to participate in such programs are resents one of the HAN's components, namely: Model checkers are the tools that help in this
Also, it provides a common model between different. They help them reduce the bills price, type of formal verification. In literature, there
various languages adopting different descrip- ●● Appliance: refers to all devices inside the is a very large number of these tools. Authors in
avoid blackouts and increase their sense of re-
tion styles (e.g. SDL, UML). After the trans- sponsibility. DR programs are classified into home, [12] compared six model checkers, namely: Al-
lation of the SDL model into Promela, verifi- two major categories, namely Incentive-based ●● PEV: or Plug-in Electrical Vehicle, loy [13], CADP [14], FDR2 [15], NuSMV [16],
4 S. Zahid, A. En-Nouaary and S. Bah Practical Model Checking of a Home Area Network System: Case Study 5

ProB [17], SPIN [18]. They specified a single is one of those pairs [26]. Since Promela is the but it generates C sources for the problem. This well-known methods is the model checking.
case study using each of those tools and eval- input verification language of SPIN [27], this technique allows improving performance and This paper aims to check exhaustively and au-
uated the characteristics of the system in order model checker is chosen in the verification step. saving memory [18]. SPIN also offers a large tomatically whether the HAN model meets giv-
to identify the most suitable model checker for The other model checkers could be used in this number of options to further speed up the mod- en specifications. However, modifications must
the information systems. However, the checked case study, but they are not the best choice. For el checking process. be made to this model to be compatible, after
properties represented only specific informa- example, the transformation from SDL to inter- transformation, with SPIN. In fact, SPIN re-
In order to use SPIN, the SDL model needs to
tion system properties. Another work [19] veri- mediate language SDLxta and then to "xta" lan- be translated into Promela. This transforma- quires a complete system, with no interactions
fied an algorithm for Automatic Train Supervi- guage used in UPPAAL [25] tool is a very com- tion is not as trivial as it seems. Many methods with the environment. This section describes
sion using ten model checkers, namely: UMC plex process [28]. Also, in the SMV language found in literature have addressed this problem- the required modifications in order to create a
[20], SPIN, NuSMV, mCRL2 [21], CPN Tools (used in NuSMV), all assignments, parameters atic. The most popular method is the use of an closed model from the model described above
[22], FDR4 [23], CADP, TLA+ [24], UPPAAL or array indexes should be constant. So, speci- intermediate format IF [29]. Firstly, the model and the transformation process.
[25] and ProB. It highlighted the commonalities fications may be longer than in Promela [12], is translated into IF using sdl2if tool, then the
and differences among the modeling languages because each case has to be explicitly written.
considered, and presented the impact of these Promela model is generated from the resulting
The range verification time in SPIN compared model using if2pml tool. This technique lacks 3.1. A Closed Model for HAN
languages on the model. to the ten other model checkers is reasonable support of some important SDL features like
Therefore, the choice between the different [19]. This parameter represents the time needed the "save" operator and the Timer. To solve the In order to achieve a closed architecture, the
types of model checkers is not an easy task. It to terminate the verification. It is expressed as "save" operator problem, the authors in [30] specification is supplemented with a model of
depends on the system architecture, the proper- a range because it actually depends on the spe- proposed an extension of if2pml to translate its environment as shown in Figure 3. This block
ties to be verified and other system character- cific design approach adopted, on the specific this operator from IF to Promela. The extension
formulas being evaluated, and on the specific contains three processes which represent the
istics. Generally, each modeling language can uses additional local queues to which the saved
be translated (manually and/or automatically) options used during the tool execution. On the interaction of customer, utility and renewable
signals are sent. Also, the sdl2if tool works only
into any verification language. However, only other hand, and unlike many model checkers, energy sources with the system. Figure 4 rep-
with ObjectGeode (obsolete product) API and
smaller pairs are in use [26]. The SDL/Promela SPIN does not perform the verification itself, requires license file. It is not available for IBM resents the finite state machine of one of these
Rational SDL Suite, which is the successor of processes.
ObjectGeode. The environment block defines a set of sig-
Another interesting contribution was intro- nals to execute all possible paths which can be
duced in [31]. The authors presented their proj- checked during the verification step. The stan-
ect to directly generate Promela model from the dard SDL key word "ANY" is used to create all
SDL specification. This work resulted in the the decisions in this process. In fact, in order to
implementation of automated generation tool run the model checking process in an automat-
named sdl2pml [32]. The latter is, to the best ed way, the user intervention must be eliminat-
of the authors' knowledge, the only tool that ed. The model must not contain any decision
supports the translation of all SDL constructs. statements that need external intervention. All
Unfortunately, this tool is not yet available as
decisions are nondeterministic in this block.
free/commercial product.
Also, the "environment" is not limited by the
In this paper, the adopted approach is based on order in which the signals will be sent.
the intermediate format IF. The motivation be-
hind this choice is to provide a common model On the other hand, all decisions described by
between various languages adopting different informal text were replaced by nondetermin-
description styles (e.g. SDL, UML). The mod- istic decision statements. The reserved word
el will be translated manually into IF language "ANY", again, is used to transform a simple de-
and then the if2pml tool will be used to gener- cision to a nondeterministic decision. The rest
ate Promela script. of the model remains unchanged.
This new model was also validated using the
three techniques described in [3]. All errors
3. Generation of the Promela Model
were detected and corrected. It should be not-
Generally, after creating an SDL model of a ed that this is only an example of one possible
system and validating it via reachability anal- model for the block "environment". And if the
ysis techniques, a designer is interested in the "environment" block becomes more complex,
Figure 2. The system view of the HAN SDL model. verification of specific proprieties. One of the the verification becomes complicated too.
4 S. Zahid, A. En-Nouaary and S. Bah Practical Model Checking of a Home Area Network System: Case Study 5

ProB [17], SPIN [18]. They specified a single is one of those pairs [26]. Since Promela is the but it generates C sources for the problem. This well-known methods is the model checking.
case study using each of those tools and eval- input verification language of SPIN [27], this technique allows improving performance and This paper aims to check exhaustively and au-
uated the characteristics of the system in order model checker is chosen in the verification step. saving memory [18]. SPIN also offers a large tomatically whether the HAN model meets giv-
to identify the most suitable model checker for The other model checkers could be used in this number of options to further speed up the mod- en specifications. However, modifications must
the information systems. However, the checked case study, but they are not the best choice. For el checking process. be made to this model to be compatible, after
properties represented only specific informa- example, the transformation from SDL to inter- transformation, with SPIN. In fact, SPIN re-
In order to use SPIN, the SDL model needs to
tion system properties. Another work [19] veri- mediate language SDLxta and then to "xta" lan- be translated into Promela. This transforma- quires a complete system, with no interactions
fied an algorithm for Automatic Train Supervi- guage used in UPPAAL [25] tool is a very com- tion is not as trivial as it seems. Many methods with the environment. This section describes
sion using ten model checkers, namely: UMC plex process [28]. Also, in the SMV language found in literature have addressed this problem- the required modifications in order to create a
[20], SPIN, NuSMV, mCRL2 [21], CPN Tools (used in NuSMV), all assignments, parameters atic. The most popular method is the use of an closed model from the model described above
[22], FDR4 [23], CADP, TLA+ [24], UPPAAL or array indexes should be constant. So, speci- intermediate format IF [29]. Firstly, the model and the transformation process.
[25] and ProB. It highlighted the commonalities fications may be longer than in Promela [12], is translated into IF using sdl2if tool, then the
and differences among the modeling languages because each case has to be explicitly written.
considered, and presented the impact of these Promela model is generated from the resulting
The range verification time in SPIN compared model using if2pml tool. This technique lacks 3.1. A Closed Model for HAN
languages on the model. to the ten other model checkers is reasonable support of some important SDL features like
Therefore, the choice between the different [19]. This parameter represents the time needed the "save" operator and the Timer. To solve the In order to achieve a closed architecture, the
types of model checkers is not an easy task. It to terminate the verification. It is expressed as "save" operator problem, the authors in [30] specification is supplemented with a model of
depends on the system architecture, the proper- a range because it actually depends on the spe- proposed an extension of if2pml to translate its environment as shown in Figure 3. This block
ties to be verified and other system character- cific design approach adopted, on the specific this operator from IF to Promela. The extension
formulas being evaluated, and on the specific contains three processes which represent the
istics. Generally, each modeling language can uses additional local queues to which the saved
be translated (manually and/or automatically) options used during the tool execution. On the interaction of customer, utility and renewable
signals are sent. Also, the sdl2if tool works only
into any verification language. However, only other hand, and unlike many model checkers, energy sources with the system. Figure 4 rep-
with ObjectGeode (obsolete product) API and
smaller pairs are in use [26]. The SDL/Promela SPIN does not perform the verification itself, requires license file. It is not available for IBM resents the finite state machine of one of these
Rational SDL Suite, which is the successor of processes.
ObjectGeode. The environment block defines a set of sig-
Another interesting contribution was intro- nals to execute all possible paths which can be
duced in [31]. The authors presented their proj- checked during the verification step. The stan-
ect to directly generate Promela model from the dard SDL key word "ANY" is used to create all
SDL specification. This work resulted in the the decisions in this process. In fact, in order to
implementation of automated generation tool run the model checking process in an automat-
named sdl2pml [32]. The latter is, to the best ed way, the user intervention must be eliminat-
of the authors' knowledge, the only tool that ed. The model must not contain any decision
supports the translation of all SDL constructs. statements that need external intervention. All
Unfortunately, this tool is not yet available as
decisions are nondeterministic in this block.
free/commercial product.
Also, the "environment" is not limited by the
In this paper, the adopted approach is based on order in which the signals will be sent.
the intermediate format IF. The motivation be-
hind this choice is to provide a common model On the other hand, all decisions described by
between various languages adopting different informal text were replaced by nondetermin-
description styles (e.g. SDL, UML). The mod- istic decision statements. The reserved word
el will be translated manually into IF language "ANY", again, is used to transform a simple de-
and then the if2pml tool will be used to gener- cision to a nondeterministic decision. The rest
ate Promela script. of the model remains unchanged.
This new model was also validated using the
three techniques described in [3]. All errors
3. Generation of the Promela Model
were detected and corrected. It should be not-
Generally, after creating an SDL model of a ed that this is only an example of one possible
system and validating it via reachability anal- model for the block "environment". And if the
ysis techniques, a designer is interested in the "environment" block becomes more complex,
Figure 2. The system view of the HAN SDL model. verification of specific proprieties. One of the the verification becomes complicated too.
6 S. Zahid, A. En-Nouaary and S. Bah Practical Model Checking of a Home Area Network System: Case Study 7

3.2. Promela Model signal). Generally, "nostable" states are added

before every condition test.
As mentioned before, the model is firstly trans-
An IF transition represents the minimal path be-
lated into an intermediate format IF. This sub-
tween two IF states (either stable or nostable),
section explains the translation of some SDL
and contains all triggers and actions defined on
features concerning the structure, the behavior
that path in the same order. It has higher prior-
and the data type.
ity than time progress; so, by default, its type
IF was developed to sit between high-lev- is "eager". The simple input signals are direct-
el specification languages, such as SDL and ly represented with an asynchronous IF input.
UML, and tool specific internal representa- For other types (e.g. spontaneous, continuous,
tions [29]. Thus, IF representations can be priority), other auxiliary parameters are need-
passed between the tools, and translated into ed, such as PID, to translate them. For instance,
other languages, for example, SDL specifica- the NONE signal is translated by an assigning
tions can be analyzed using SPIN as described the PID of the current process to the sender. No
in this paper. Another example is the UML, input part is generated in this case i.e. the input
where the mapping is done in a way that all part of the corresponding IF transition is empty.
runtime entities (objects, call stacks, pending
messages, etc.) are identifiable as a part of the
IF model's state [33]. Moreover, translating
high-level languages into IF may also allow
extending the model with other features missed
in the original language.
The structures of SDL and IF are different. In
fact, an SDL model may contain blocks, pro-
Figure 3. SDL model of HAN and its environment.
cesses and services. Elseways, the IF models
are flat and they are composed only of process-
es at one level. However, at the execution time,
even an SDL model is composed of processes
that react with each other. Thus, each SDL pro-
cess is translated into an equivalent IF process.
The remote exported/imported variables de-
fined inside processes are declared only once at
the IF system level. Thus, all other processes of
the system can use them. Since the IF does not
support the dynamic creation of process, only
one instance of these processes is created. The
dynamic creation will be added later, using the
"run" operator in Promela.
In IF, there are two types of states: "stable" and
"nostable". By default, all the SDL states are
translated into "stable" states. The "nostable"
type is used to model supplementary states
added in order to divide a long transition into Figure 5. Nostable state example.
small transitions. In these states, the process
blocks the others and continues to execute
its code until it reaches a stable state. Figure The SDL channels are translated using IF buf-
5 shows an example of this decomposition. fers. Each process has a unique input buffer
The transition from the state waitOK to the through which messages are received. A buffer
state ready is long. So, two "nostable" states, is defined by name, the serving discipline (i.e.
namely, q1_3 and q1_4, were added. Now, in queue, stack, set, and bag) and the set of signals
each sub-transition there is only a simple set that can be transported. The buffers are global
Figure 4. Process UTILITYproc. of actions (receive signal, condition test, send and are used to transport signals between the
6 S. Zahid, A. En-Nouaary and S. Bah Practical Model Checking of a Home Area Network System: Case Study 7

3.2. Promela Model signal). Generally, "nostable" states are added

before every condition test.
As mentioned before, the model is firstly trans-
An IF transition represents the minimal path be-
lated into an intermediate format IF. This sub-
tween two IF states (either stable or nostable),
section explains the translation of some SDL
and contains all triggers and actions defined on
features concerning the structure, the behavior
that path in the same order. It has higher prior-
and the data type.
ity than time progress; so, by default, its type
IF was developed to sit between high-lev- is "eager". The simple input signals are direct-
el specification languages, such as SDL and ly represented with an asynchronous IF input.
UML, and tool specific internal representa- For other types (e.g. spontaneous, continuous,
tions [29]. Thus, IF representations can be priority), other auxiliary parameters are need-
passed between the tools, and translated into ed, such as PID, to translate them. For instance,
other languages, for example, SDL specifica- the NONE signal is translated by an assigning
tions can be analyzed using SPIN as described the PID of the current process to the sender. No
in this paper. Another example is the UML, input part is generated in this case i.e. the input
where the mapping is done in a way that all part of the corresponding IF transition is empty.
runtime entities (objects, call stacks, pending
messages, etc.) are identifiable as a part of the
IF model's state [33]. Moreover, translating
high-level languages into IF may also allow
extending the model with other features missed
in the original language.
The structures of SDL and IF are different. In
fact, an SDL model may contain blocks, pro-
Figure 3. SDL model of HAN and its environment.
cesses and services. Elseways, the IF models
are flat and they are composed only of process-
es at one level. However, at the execution time,
even an SDL model is composed of processes
that react with each other. Thus, each SDL pro-
cess is translated into an equivalent IF process.
The remote exported/imported variables de-
fined inside processes are declared only once at
the IF system level. Thus, all other processes of
the system can use them. Since the IF does not
support the dynamic creation of process, only
one instance of these processes is created. The
dynamic creation will be added later, using the
"run" operator in Promela.
In IF, there are two types of states: "stable" and
"nostable". By default, all the SDL states are
translated into "stable" states. The "nostable"
type is used to model supplementary states
added in order to divide a long transition into Figure 5. Nostable state example.
small transitions. In these states, the process
blocks the others and continues to execute
its code until it reaches a stable state. Figure The SDL channels are translated using IF buf-
5 shows an example of this decomposition. fers. Each process has a unique input buffer
The transition from the state waitOK to the through which messages are received. A buffer
state ready is long. So, two "nostable" states, is defined by name, the serving discipline (i.e.
namely, q1_3 and q1_4, were added. Now, in queue, stack, set, and bag) and the set of signals
each sub-transition there is only a simple set that can be transported. The buffers are global
Figure 4. Process UTILITYproc. of actions (receive signal, condition test, send and are used to transport signals between the
8 S. Zahid, A. En-Nouaary and S. Bah Practical Model Checking of a Home Area Network System: Case Study 9

processes. Thus, each process can specify to el, for example, distributed systems. Data are sion of if2pml that uses additional local queues IF representation:
which buffer a signal should be written or from exchanged between processes through message to which the saved signals are sent. In this work, Process AMIint : buffer q_AMIint;
which buffer a signal should be read. channels. They can be defined to be synchro- this algorithm is not implemented, however, the var
On the other hand, each predefined data type nous (i.e., rendezvous), or asynchronous (i.e., XSpin (graphical interface for SPIN) options SumCons : Consumption;
used in SDL model has its equivalent in IF. The buffered). Promela models can be analyzed are used to simulate the save operator during HANCons(0) : Consumption;
abstract data types are also translated into an with the SPIN model checker, to verify that the the verification step. The "Queue" options al- Sender : pid;
IF ADT with the same signature. However, if modeled system produces the desired behavior, low either saving the new, not used messages state
the latter contains only predefined or implicit as shown in the rest of this paper. start : init;
or discarding them. So, in this case study, the
operators, it is translated into an enumerated Generation of the Promela model from IF choice of saving them is adopted to simulate the transition
type. Table 1 gives an example of the transla- model is achieved with the if2pml tool. Thus, SDL save operator. from start : eager
tion features. For the translation of channel C3, the Promela model is generated automatically to ready;
only the definition of one buffer is given. Nor- from the IF script created earlier. However, as While Promela has no notion of time, the new
from ready : eager
mally, the equivalent representation contains mentioned before, one change is made to this version DTPromela [27] is used in this case input MeteringSum(sender, SumCons) from
five buffers, because there are two processes in model. The dynamic creation of processes, us- study to describe real-time proprieties of the q_AMIint
the block Appliance, and three processes in the ing the "run" operator, is added because IF does HAN model. In DTPromela, a new data type do HANCons := SumCons
block HEMS. However, for the sake of space not support it. However, the if2pml has made called timer is introduced. It is used to declare to ready;
and simplicity, only one buffer is represented. another change. In fact, Promela lacks the pre- the variables that represent discrete-time count- from ready : eager
defined type "real". So, the tool changes all the down timers, and then to model quantitative as- input getMetering(sender) from q_AMIint
The second step is the generation of Promela do output SendMetering(AMIint, HANCons) to
model. Promela is a verification modeling lan- real variables into natural variables. This modi- pects of SDL timers. By default, the if2pml tool
fication does not influence the model behavior. q_UTILITYproc
guage introduced by Gerard J. Holzmann [34]. translates SDL models into this language. The to ready;
The behavior of a system described in Promela Indeed, the variables used (e.g. price, charge) new definition of a timer is added to the system
is presented inside the processes. There is no could be either real or natural. as a Promela macro, contained within a header Promela representation:
notion of block, thus there is only one level, i.e. Another aspect missed in Promela is the save file. The DTPromela model is then verified us- proctypeAMIint()
the process level. This language allows the dy- operator. This problem has been investigated by ing the SPIN extension: DTSPIN. {
namic creation of concurrent processes to mod- researchers in [4]. They implemented an exten- Consumption SumCons;
To illustrate the transformation from SDL to Consumption HANCons = 0;
Promela (or DTPromela), Table 2 gives an ex- Byte Sender;
Table 1. SDL to IF translation features example
ample using the process "AMIint". An IF pro-
cess with the same name as the original process start:
SDL representation IF representation atomic{
was defined. It was associated with a default if
NEWTYPE AppType AppType = enum CTRL, CRITICAL, NULL; input queue "q_AMIint". Because the "Sender" :: goto ready;
LITERALS CTRL, CRITICAL, NULL variable is missed in IF, additional variable of fi;
ENDNEWTYPE; type PID was defined to represent it explicitly. }
SYNTYPE DevPriority = range 0..2 ready:
DevPriority = Integer CONSTANTS 0:2 atomic{
ENDSYNTYPE; Table 2. SDL to Promela translation example.
NEWTYPE AppArray = array[0..100] of pid; :: q_AMIint?MeteringSum(sender,Sum-
AppArray ARRAY(AppID, PID) SDL representation: Cons)->
ENDNEWTYPE; PROCESS AMIint (1, 1); HANCons = SumCons->
PowerOFF(AppID); PowerOFF(pid); SumCons Consumption, :: q_AMIint?getMetering(sender,_)->
channel C3 buffer HANCons Consumption := 0; q_UTILITYproc!SendMetering(_
from Appliance q_SmartPlug: queue of START; pid, HANCons)->
to HEMS PowerON, NEXTSTATE ready; goto ready;
with RegisterOK, STATE ready; fi;
Unregister, DeleteDev, MeteringData; DevStopped, INPUT MeteringSum(SumCons); }
from HEMS PowerOFF, TASK HANCons := SumCons; };
to Appliance Shutdown; NEXTSTATE -;
with INPUT getMetering;
RegisterOK, Shutdown; OUTPUT SendMetering(HANCons); 4. Verification by Model Checking
Endchannel C3; NEXTSTATE -;
state DecisionState; From DecisionState : eager ENDSTATE; The model checking is the most powerful and
input NONE; do sender := DemandResponse ENDPROCESS AMIint; successful approach to verify requirements and
8 S. Zahid, A. En-Nouaary and S. Bah Practical Model Checking of a Home Area Network System: Case Study 9

processes. Thus, each process can specify to el, for example, distributed systems. Data are sion of if2pml that uses additional local queues IF representation:
which buffer a signal should be written or from exchanged between processes through message to which the saved signals are sent. In this work, Process AMIint : buffer q_AMIint;
which buffer a signal should be read. channels. They can be defined to be synchro- this algorithm is not implemented, however, the var
On the other hand, each predefined data type nous (i.e., rendezvous), or asynchronous (i.e., XSpin (graphical interface for SPIN) options SumCons : Consumption;
used in SDL model has its equivalent in IF. The buffered). Promela models can be analyzed are used to simulate the save operator during HANCons(0) : Consumption;
abstract data types are also translated into an with the SPIN model checker, to verify that the the verification step. The "Queue" options al- Sender : pid;
IF ADT with the same signature. However, if modeled system produces the desired behavior, low either saving the new, not used messages state
the latter contains only predefined or implicit as shown in the rest of this paper. start : init;
or discarding them. So, in this case study, the
operators, it is translated into an enumerated Generation of the Promela model from IF choice of saving them is adopted to simulate the transition
type. Table 1 gives an example of the transla- model is achieved with the if2pml tool. Thus, SDL save operator. from start : eager
tion features. For the translation of channel C3, the Promela model is generated automatically to ready;
only the definition of one buffer is given. Nor- from the IF script created earlier. However, as While Promela has no notion of time, the new
from ready : eager
mally, the equivalent representation contains mentioned before, one change is made to this version DTPromela [27] is used in this case input MeteringSum(sender, SumCons) from
five buffers, because there are two processes in model. The dynamic creation of processes, us- study to describe real-time proprieties of the q_AMIint
the block Appliance, and three processes in the ing the "run" operator, is added because IF does HAN model. In DTPromela, a new data type do HANCons := SumCons
block HEMS. However, for the sake of space not support it. However, the if2pml has made called timer is introduced. It is used to declare to ready;
and simplicity, only one buffer is represented. another change. In fact, Promela lacks the pre- the variables that represent discrete-time count- from ready : eager
defined type "real". So, the tool changes all the down timers, and then to model quantitative as- input getMetering(sender) from q_AMIint
The second step is the generation of Promela do output SendMetering(AMIint, HANCons) to
model. Promela is a verification modeling lan- real variables into natural variables. This modi- pects of SDL timers. By default, the if2pml tool
fication does not influence the model behavior. q_UTILITYproc
guage introduced by Gerard J. Holzmann [34]. translates SDL models into this language. The to ready;
The behavior of a system described in Promela Indeed, the variables used (e.g. price, charge) new definition of a timer is added to the system
is presented inside the processes. There is no could be either real or natural. as a Promela macro, contained within a header Promela representation:
notion of block, thus there is only one level, i.e. Another aspect missed in Promela is the save file. The DTPromela model is then verified us- proctypeAMIint()
the process level. This language allows the dy- operator. This problem has been investigated by ing the SPIN extension: DTSPIN. {
namic creation of concurrent processes to mod- researchers in [4]. They implemented an exten- Consumption SumCons;
To illustrate the transformation from SDL to Consumption HANCons = 0;
Promela (or DTPromela), Table 2 gives an ex- Byte Sender;
Table 1. SDL to IF translation features example
ample using the process "AMIint". An IF pro-
cess with the same name as the original process start:
SDL representation IF representation atomic{
was defined. It was associated with a default if
NEWTYPE AppType AppType = enum CTRL, CRITICAL, NULL; input queue "q_AMIint". Because the "Sender" :: goto ready;
LITERALS CTRL, CRITICAL, NULL variable is missed in IF, additional variable of fi;
ENDNEWTYPE; type PID was defined to represent it explicitly. }
SYNTYPE DevPriority = range 0..2 ready:
DevPriority = Integer CONSTANTS 0:2 atomic{
ENDSYNTYPE; Table 2. SDL to Promela translation example.
NEWTYPE AppArray = array[0..100] of pid; :: q_AMIint?MeteringSum(sender,Sum-
AppArray ARRAY(AppID, PID) SDL representation: Cons)->
ENDNEWTYPE; PROCESS AMIint (1, 1); HANCons = SumCons->
PowerOFF(AppID); PowerOFF(pid); SumCons Consumption, :: q_AMIint?getMetering(sender,_)->
channel C3 buffer HANCons Consumption := 0; q_UTILITYproc!SendMetering(_
from Appliance q_SmartPlug: queue of START; pid, HANCons)->
to HEMS PowerON, NEXTSTATE ready; goto ready;
with RegisterOK, STATE ready; fi;
Unregister, DeleteDev, MeteringData; DevStopped, INPUT MeteringSum(SumCons); }
from HEMS PowerOFF, TASK HANCons := SumCons; };
to Appliance Shutdown; NEXTSTATE -;
with INPUT getMetering;
RegisterOK, Shutdown; OUTPUT SendMetering(HANCons); 4. Verification by Model Checking
Endchannel C3; NEXTSTATE -;
state DecisionState; From DecisionState : eager ENDSTATE; The model checking is the most powerful and
input NONE; do sender := DemandResponse ENDPROCESS AMIint; successful approach to verify requirements and
10 S. Zahid, A. En-Nouaary and S. Bah Practical Model Checking of a Home Area Network System: Case Study 11

correctness of a system hard to build. It brings a This verification was performed with the help As mentioned earlier, after gaining basic con- 4.2. DR Service Properties and LTL
lot of benefits to users over other methods such of a graphical interface named XSpin (version fidence that the model has the intended propri- Formulas
as testing and simulation. In fact, testing and 4.1.1) [34]. The XSpin was used, even if it is no eties, verification was performed by generating
simulation cannot cover all the possible cas- longer supported, because it is the only graph- an optimized verifier. The latter was used to exe- After general verification of the model, the next
es, scenarios and behaviors; and generally it is ical interface compatible with the DTSPIN. cute three main search modes: exhaustive verifi- step is verification of desirable properties writ-
impossible to build the system under consider- The interface was developed in tcl/tk. It is in- cation, bitstate approximation, or hash-compact ten in LTL [38]. In LTL, the properties of a run
ation to make these tests (e.g. a complex sys- dependent from DTSPIN itself, but it executes [18]-[34]. Exhaustive verification can deliver are formalized, unambiguously and concisely,
tem like Smart Grid). So, these techniques are DTSPIN command in background and provides the strongest possible verification result; howev- with the help of a small number of special tem-
not exhaustive, and the problem or the failure graphical displays of the message flows, data er, the available memory in the machine did not poral operators [39]-[40]-[41]. Thus, an LTL
cases may be among those not tested or simu- values, and other options. Figure 6 illustrates allow completing the run because of the large property is a temporal logic formula that de-
lated scenarios. Contrariwise, the model check- the basic structure of SPIN (and DTSPIN as state space size. Thus, the bitstate was chosen scribes a set of infinite sequences for which it
ing technique allows verifying the whole sys- well) [34]. to identify correctness violations if they existed. is true (e.g., a condition will eventually be true,
tem automatically. The verification terminates This technique was used with the default Par- a condition will be true until another fact be-
normally or produces a counterexample in case Given a specification written in Promela, SPIN tial Order Reduction (POR) [36] to reduce the comes true, etc).
of failure. This counterexample details reasons is used, firstly to find and fix syntax errors. state space sufficiently. In fact, the idea behind
After that, interactive or random simulation is This subsection presents some of these prop-
why the model does not satisfy the specifica- the POR is to reduce the size of the state space
performed to gain the basic confidence that the erties in relation to the DR Service. They rep-
tion. The source of errors is detected by study- that needs to be searched. It exploits the com-
model meets the intended proprieties. Then, an resent requirements captured from the model
ing it. The idea behind the model checking is to mutativity of concurrently executed transitions,
optimized verifier called pan [35] is generated. specification. Nine temporal formulae were
ensure that a given model satisfies enough sys- which results in the same state when executed defined to help building the desired properties:
tem properties; so that a designer can increase This verifier is compiled, with possible com- in different orders. This method constructs a re-
the confidence in the correctness of the model. pile-time choices for the types of reduction duced state graph. The full state graph, which ●● p1 (Store >= 0)
algorithms to be used, and executed to detect may be too big to fit in memory, is never con-
Once the DTPromela model was generated, the counterexamples. In case the counterexamples ●● p2 (Battery >= 0)
structed. The implementation of this reduction
verification and validation step using DTSPIN are detected, a trail file is generated. The guid- method is out of the scope of this paper. Howev- ●● p3 (EVexist == false)
(version 4.1.1) was used to check the correct- ed simulation is then used to detect the source er, justification of the reduction method shows ●● p4 (PlugEV@ready)
ness of the model. DTSPIN was installed un- of violation. The verification can be also per- that the behaviors that are not present do not add
der Solaris machine, with 5 GB of memory. formed with the linear temporal logic (LTL). any information [36]. The hash-compact could ●● p5 (SmartPlug@ready)
Correctness claims are generated from a logic be used if the verifier still runs out of memory ●● p6 (q_DemandResponse?[RTP])
formula in order to verify specific properties of before it can complete the search with bitstate
the system. ●● p7 (DemandResponse@DecisionStat)
exploration. This is not the case for the model.
●● p8 (q_DRint?[Bid])
By default, XSpin searches for safety properties
4.1. General Verification ●● p9 (q_DemandResponse?[Bid] || q_UTIL-
only (i.e. under certain conditions, something
never occurs), however, when changing the tool
This subsection describes "general" verifica- options, liveness properties can be checked as Property 1: [] p1
tion, which means launching simulations and well (i.e. under certain conditions, something
verifications without fixing specified proper- will ultimately occur). The safety properties as- The variable Store refers to the amount of ener-
ties to be checked. As a first step to verify the sert that the system always stays within some gy generated by the renewable energy sources
model, random simulation was launched. The allowed region [37]. Thus, the observed behav- and stored in the customer house. Several con-
latter was used to debug a model. Some assert ior always stays within some allowed set of fi- current processes influence this variable either
statements (e.g. to check that a variable is nev- nite behaviors in which nothing ''bad'' happens. by increasing or decreasing its value. This val-
er taking a negative value) were defined to be ue must always be positive.
On the other hand, liveness properties are de-
checked. It allows also tracking the channels fined as the set of properties the system must Property 2: [] p2
buffer, the value of global and local variables. satisfy. So, it defines the good things that cap-
Other than assert statements, no correctness The customer can also save energy stored in an
ture the required functionality of a system [37]. electrical vehicle. So, same as the first property,
requirements were checked during simulation For example, to prove the absence of assertion
runs. All nondeterministic decisions were re- the Battery variable, which represents the elec-
violations and deadlock states is a safety prop- trical vehicle charge, must not be negative.
solved randomly. The simulation was repeated erty; and to prove the absence of non-progress
with different and random values of "Seed" to cycles is a liveness property. The first and the second properties are safety
obtain different types of runs. The interactive properties. They represent unwanted situations
simulation was not launched because the sys- This general verification was terminated without (i.e. negative value for variable) that should
tem is complex and it consists of a huge number detecting any violations. Next subsection de- never occur. Furthermore, the above safety
Figure 6. The structure of SPIN [34]. of states. scribes the verification using the LTL properties. properties are of a particular kind; they are in-
10 S. Zahid, A. En-Nouaary and S. Bah Practical Model Checking of a Home Area Network System: Case Study 11

correctness of a system hard to build. It brings a This verification was performed with the help As mentioned earlier, after gaining basic con- 4.2. DR Service Properties and LTL
lot of benefits to users over other methods such of a graphical interface named XSpin (version fidence that the model has the intended propri- Formulas
as testing and simulation. In fact, testing and 4.1.1) [34]. The XSpin was used, even if it is no eties, verification was performed by generating
simulation cannot cover all the possible cas- longer supported, because it is the only graph- an optimized verifier. The latter was used to exe- After general verification of the model, the next
es, scenarios and behaviors; and generally it is ical interface compatible with the DTSPIN. cute three main search modes: exhaustive verifi- step is verification of desirable properties writ-
impossible to build the system under consider- The interface was developed in tcl/tk. It is in- cation, bitstate approximation, or hash-compact ten in LTL [38]. In LTL, the properties of a run
ation to make these tests (e.g. a complex sys- dependent from DTSPIN itself, but it executes [18]-[34]. Exhaustive verification can deliver are formalized, unambiguously and concisely,
tem like Smart Grid). So, these techniques are DTSPIN command in background and provides the strongest possible verification result; howev- with the help of a small number of special tem-
not exhaustive, and the problem or the failure graphical displays of the message flows, data er, the available memory in the machine did not poral operators [39]-[40]-[41]. Thus, an LTL
cases may be among those not tested or simu- values, and other options. Figure 6 illustrates allow completing the run because of the large property is a temporal logic formula that de-
lated scenarios. Contrariwise, the model check- the basic structure of SPIN (and DTSPIN as state space size. Thus, the bitstate was chosen scribes a set of infinite sequences for which it
ing technique allows verifying the whole sys- well) [34]. to identify correctness violations if they existed. is true (e.g., a condition will eventually be true,
tem automatically. The verification terminates This technique was used with the default Par- a condition will be true until another fact be-
normally or produces a counterexample in case Given a specification written in Promela, SPIN tial Order Reduction (POR) [36] to reduce the comes true, etc).
of failure. This counterexample details reasons is used, firstly to find and fix syntax errors. state space sufficiently. In fact, the idea behind
After that, interactive or random simulation is This subsection presents some of these prop-
why the model does not satisfy the specifica- the POR is to reduce the size of the state space
performed to gain the basic confidence that the erties in relation to the DR Service. They rep-
tion. The source of errors is detected by study- that needs to be searched. It exploits the com-
model meets the intended proprieties. Then, an resent requirements captured from the model
ing it. The idea behind the model checking is to mutativity of concurrently executed transitions,
optimized verifier called pan [35] is generated. specification. Nine temporal formulae were
ensure that a given model satisfies enough sys- which results in the same state when executed defined to help building the desired properties:
tem properties; so that a designer can increase This verifier is compiled, with possible com- in different orders. This method constructs a re-
the confidence in the correctness of the model. pile-time choices for the types of reduction duced state graph. The full state graph, which ●● p1 (Store >= 0)
algorithms to be used, and executed to detect may be too big to fit in memory, is never con-
Once the DTPromela model was generated, the counterexamples. In case the counterexamples ●● p2 (Battery >= 0)
structed. The implementation of this reduction
verification and validation step using DTSPIN are detected, a trail file is generated. The guid- method is out of the scope of this paper. Howev- ●● p3 (EVexist == false)
(version 4.1.1) was used to check the correct- ed simulation is then used to detect the source er, justification of the reduction method shows ●● p4 (PlugEV@ready)
ness of the model. DTSPIN was installed un- of violation. The verification can be also per- that the behaviors that are not present do not add
der Solaris machine, with 5 GB of memory. formed with the linear temporal logic (LTL). any information [36]. The hash-compact could ●● p5 (SmartPlug@ready)
Correctness claims are generated from a logic be used if the verifier still runs out of memory ●● p6 (q_DemandResponse?[RTP])
formula in order to verify specific properties of before it can complete the search with bitstate
the system. ●● p7 (DemandResponse@DecisionStat)
exploration. This is not the case for the model.
●● p8 (q_DRint?[Bid])
By default, XSpin searches for safety properties
4.1. General Verification ●● p9 (q_DemandResponse?[Bid] || q_UTIL-
only (i.e. under certain conditions, something
never occurs), however, when changing the tool
This subsection describes "general" verifica- options, liveness properties can be checked as Property 1: [] p1
tion, which means launching simulations and well (i.e. under certain conditions, something
verifications without fixing specified proper- will ultimately occur). The safety properties as- The variable Store refers to the amount of ener-
ties to be checked. As a first step to verify the sert that the system always stays within some gy generated by the renewable energy sources
model, random simulation was launched. The allowed region [37]. Thus, the observed behav- and stored in the customer house. Several con-
latter was used to debug a model. Some assert ior always stays within some allowed set of fi- current processes influence this variable either
statements (e.g. to check that a variable is nev- nite behaviors in which nothing ''bad'' happens. by increasing or decreasing its value. This val-
er taking a negative value) were defined to be ue must always be positive.
On the other hand, liveness properties are de-
checked. It allows also tracking the channels fined as the set of properties the system must Property 2: [] p2
buffer, the value of global and local variables. satisfy. So, it defines the good things that cap-
Other than assert statements, no correctness The customer can also save energy stored in an
ture the required functionality of a system [37]. electrical vehicle. So, same as the first property,
requirements were checked during simulation For example, to prove the absence of assertion
runs. All nondeterministic decisions were re- the Battery variable, which represents the elec-
violations and deadlock states is a safety prop- trical vehicle charge, must not be negative.
solved randomly. The simulation was repeated erty; and to prove the absence of non-progress
with different and random values of "Seed" to cycles is a liveness property. The first and the second properties are safety
obtain different types of runs. The interactive properties. They represent unwanted situations
simulation was not launched because the sys- This general verification was terminated without (i.e. negative value for variable) that should
tem is complex and it consists of a huge number detecting any violations. Next subsection de- never occur. Furthermore, the above safety
Figure 6. The structure of SPIN [34]. of states. scribes the verification using the LTL properties. properties are of a particular kind; they are in-
12 S. Zahid, A. En-Nouaary and S. Bah Practical Model Checking of a Home Area Network System: Case Study 13

variants. In fact, invariants are the properties grams, in order to motivate him/her to reduce Table 3. Number of states explored by DTSPIN. Table 4. Unreached states.
given by a condition and require that this latter their energy consumption. In exchange for this
holds for all reachable states. diminution, customers will benefit from an in- Property States stored States matched Property 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Property 3: [] <>p5 centive payment, bill creditor contractual ar-
rangements between them and the electricity 1 4.84004e+07 4.39905e+08 __Timers (5) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
The SmartPlug process waits for the devices suppliers. Generally, DR signals are sent in 2 4.84004e+07 4.39905e+08 SmartPlug (94) 3 3 4 24 4 4 3
to be turned on. After that, it registers them the peak hours. They may either be voluntary
in the data base. The process must not hang at demand reduction requests or mandatory com- 3 4.82335e+07 3.60119e+08 Device (37) 4 4 9 13 9 5 4
the registration state for a long time because mands. When a customer receives one of these
other devices may be connected to the system signals, the ESI interface must either refuse the 4 4.81368e+07 3.53796e+08 DeviceDB (30) 2 2 5 7 5 4 2
at this time. This property states that if p5 (i.e. request, if the offer does not meet the user's 5 4.82335e+07 3.60119e+08
SmartPlug is at the state ready) happens to be DemandResponse (178) 19 19 29 32 29 27 34
need, or accept it and send the bid to HEMS to
false at any given point in a run, it is always check the possibility of selling energy to util- 6 4.83146e+07 4.4187e+08 EnergyUse (59) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
guaranteed to become true again if the run is ity. 7 4.84947e+07 4.06158e+08
continued. AMIint (14) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
The last three properties are also liveness prop-
Property 4: [] <> p4 erties. However, they are of special type called DRint (79) 4 4 3 3 3 4 4
This property is same as the previous one, but response. When verifying a liveness property many times the search returns to a previously
with DTSPIN, it is important to switch to weak visited state in the search tree). Metering (12) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
for an electrical vehicle. It ensures that PlugEV
eventually always returns to the state ready. fairness [42]. This means that every process During the verification, DTSPIN detected un- SetAndDisplay (52) 3 3 5 4 5 3 3
that is almost always enabled should be execut- reached states in the processes, as shown in
The third and fourth properties are liveness ed infinitely often. In other words, it expresses PlugEV (112) 4 4 29 13 29 10 7
type. They define the positive behaviors indi- Table 4. For each process, the number of un-
that under certain conditions, something will reached states is indicated between brackets.
cating the required functionality of the system. EV (101) 17 17 33 27 33 27 21
(or will not) occur infinitely often. DTSPIN ac-
Generally, in a full state space search, the un-
Property 5: [] (p3 -><> p4) cepts only weak fairness (which is sufficient in CUSTOMERproc (197) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
reached states indicate a dead code (i.e. tran-
this work).
The electrical vehicle EV connected to the net- sitions are unreachable). However, this is not ENVproc (24) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
work may be unplugged by the customer at any It should be noted that XSpin generates a never the case here. In fact, the search depth was set
time. The connection of EV with the network is claim from each property before to be verified. to 10000, which was imposed by the available UTILITYproc (74) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
represented by a global Boolean EVexist. The All the seven properties are desired, so, they are memory in the operating system (i.e. 5 GB). If
latter can be modified by several processes. It negated before generating the never claim. For a higher value was used, pan verifier got out of
must be guaranteed that once the variable value instance, the last property [] (p8 -><>p9) is ne- the memory. Despite not detecting any viola- reach the end bracket (i.e. goto LABEL). The
become false, the process PlugEV stops all ac- gated and then converted to the never claim as tion, this is a limitation of this verification. process may be not terminating, but it no lon-
tivities and returns to the ready state. follows: ger has any interaction with others.
Verification with DTSPIN took several hours
Property 6: [] (p6 -><> p7) to complete, when all available memory was After the modification, verification was run
never { /* !([] (p8 -><> p9)) */
used. This problem is due to dynamic creation again, with a search depth of 1000000. This
In Time-based Programs (RTP) the electricity T0_init:
if of processes. In fact, each time a device is off, time it finished in six hours (in average) with-
price changes for different periods. It depends out detecting any violations, but the pan was
on customers' choice to decrease or change :: (! ((p9)) && (p8)) ->goto accept_S4 it can be turned on by the user. Thus, a new
:: (1) ->goto T0_init process with new PID is created. In order to again out of the memory. Thus, to be sure that
their consumption in response to price chang- the model is free of errors, the stack cycling
es during a period. When a customer receives fi; fix this, the number of "PowerOFF" signal
accept_S4: sent in the system was limited. The same thing method [34] is enabled. This method is useful
an RTP signal, the process DemandResponse
if was done with the EV, so only one vehicle was for verifications that require a very large depth
chooses the devices to be turned off, if any, and
:: (! ((p9))) ->goto accept_S4 plugged at a time. This ensures that the pro- limit, which is the case in this work. When the
reaches the decision state. The algorithm used
in this process, and described in a previous fi; cesses will be created and ended only once. stack cycling is enabled, only a small fraction
work [3], is composed of many loops. It must } It is important to note here that, unlike SDL, of the stack is kept in the memory, while the
be guaranteed that the process can reach the de- Promela distinguishes between the termina- unused portions of the search stack are stored
cision state at certain times. The result of the verification has showed that tion of process and the end of its execution. on the disk. With this method, the pan did not
the model is too complex. In fact, this is clear A process terminates (i.e. releases the resourc- run out of memory. When this option was used
Property 7: [] (p8 -><> p9) from Table 3, which shows the number of es allocated to it) when all younger processes with the first LTL property, the verification took
In the Incentive-based Programs (Bid) the states searched while verifying the properties. have terminated first. It is impossible to force more than 48 hours, without detecting any vi-
actions are initiated by the utility or the DR It presents the states stored (i.e. total num- a process to terminate because it depends on olation. The problem of the verification time
Service Provider. DR signals are sent to every ber of unique global system states stored in other processes. However, in this verification, is due to the process termination as mentioned
customer participating in one of these pro- the state space), and states matched (i.e. how the process was forced to end by making it before.
12 S. Zahid, A. En-Nouaary and S. Bah Practical Model Checking of a Home Area Network System: Case Study 13

variants. In fact, invariants are the properties grams, in order to motivate him/her to reduce Table 3. Number of states explored by DTSPIN. Table 4. Unreached states.
given by a condition and require that this latter their energy consumption. In exchange for this
holds for all reachable states. diminution, customers will benefit from an in- Property States stored States matched Property 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Property 3: [] <>p5 centive payment, bill creditor contractual ar-
rangements between them and the electricity 1 4.84004e+07 4.39905e+08 __Timers (5) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
The SmartPlug process waits for the devices suppliers. Generally, DR signals are sent in 2 4.84004e+07 4.39905e+08 SmartPlug (94) 3 3 4 24 4 4 3
to be turned on. After that, it registers them the peak hours. They may either be voluntary
in the data base. The process must not hang at demand reduction requests or mandatory com- 3 4.82335e+07 3.60119e+08 Device (37) 4 4 9 13 9 5 4
the registration state for a long time because mands. When a customer receives one of these
other devices may be connected to the system signals, the ESI interface must either refuse the 4 4.81368e+07 3.53796e+08 DeviceDB (30) 2 2 5 7 5 4 2
at this time. This property states that if p5 (i.e. request, if the offer does not meet the user's 5 4.82335e+07 3.60119e+08
SmartPlug is at the state ready) happens to be DemandResponse (178) 19 19 29 32 29 27 34
need, or accept it and send the bid to HEMS to
false at any given point in a run, it is always check the possibility of selling energy to util- 6 4.83146e+07 4.4187e+08 EnergyUse (59) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
guaranteed to become true again if the run is ity. 7 4.84947e+07 4.06158e+08
continued. AMIint (14) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
The last three properties are also liveness prop-
Property 4: [] <> p4 erties. However, they are of special type called DRint (79) 4 4 3 3 3 4 4
This property is same as the previous one, but response. When verifying a liveness property many times the search returns to a previously
with DTSPIN, it is important to switch to weak visited state in the search tree). Metering (12) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
for an electrical vehicle. It ensures that PlugEV
eventually always returns to the state ready. fairness [42]. This means that every process During the verification, DTSPIN detected un- SetAndDisplay (52) 3 3 5 4 5 3 3
that is almost always enabled should be execut- reached states in the processes, as shown in
The third and fourth properties are liveness ed infinitely often. In other words, it expresses PlugEV (112) 4 4 29 13 29 10 7
type. They define the positive behaviors indi- Table 4. For each process, the number of un-
that under certain conditions, something will reached states is indicated between brackets.
cating the required functionality of the system. EV (101) 17 17 33 27 33 27 21
(or will not) occur infinitely often. DTSPIN ac-
Generally, in a full state space search, the un-
Property 5: [] (p3 -><> p4) cepts only weak fairness (which is sufficient in CUSTOMERproc (197) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
reached states indicate a dead code (i.e. tran-
this work).
The electrical vehicle EV connected to the net- sitions are unreachable). However, this is not ENVproc (24) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
work may be unplugged by the customer at any It should be noted that XSpin generates a never the case here. In fact, the search depth was set
time. The connection of EV with the network is claim from each property before to be verified. to 10000, which was imposed by the available UTILITYproc (74) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
represented by a global Boolean EVexist. The All the seven properties are desired, so, they are memory in the operating system (i.e. 5 GB). If
latter can be modified by several processes. It negated before generating the never claim. For a higher value was used, pan verifier got out of
must be guaranteed that once the variable value instance, the last property [] (p8 -><>p9) is ne- the memory. Despite not detecting any viola- reach the end bracket (i.e. goto LABEL). The
become false, the process PlugEV stops all ac- gated and then converted to the never claim as tion, this is a limitation of this verification. process may be not terminating, but it no lon-
tivities and returns to the ready state. follows: ger has any interaction with others.
Verification with DTSPIN took several hours
Property 6: [] (p6 -><> p7) to complete, when all available memory was After the modification, verification was run
never { /* !([] (p8 -><> p9)) */
used. This problem is due to dynamic creation again, with a search depth of 1000000. This
In Time-based Programs (RTP) the electricity T0_init:
if of processes. In fact, each time a device is off, time it finished in six hours (in average) with-
price changes for different periods. It depends out detecting any violations, but the pan was
on customers' choice to decrease or change :: (! ((p9)) && (p8)) ->goto accept_S4 it can be turned on by the user. Thus, a new
:: (1) ->goto T0_init process with new PID is created. In order to again out of the memory. Thus, to be sure that
their consumption in response to price chang- the model is free of errors, the stack cycling
es during a period. When a customer receives fi; fix this, the number of "PowerOFF" signal
accept_S4: sent in the system was limited. The same thing method [34] is enabled. This method is useful
an RTP signal, the process DemandResponse
if was done with the EV, so only one vehicle was for verifications that require a very large depth
chooses the devices to be turned off, if any, and
:: (! ((p9))) ->goto accept_S4 plugged at a time. This ensures that the pro- limit, which is the case in this work. When the
reaches the decision state. The algorithm used
in this process, and described in a previous fi; cesses will be created and ended only once. stack cycling is enabled, only a small fraction
work [3], is composed of many loops. It must } It is important to note here that, unlike SDL, of the stack is kept in the memory, while the
be guaranteed that the process can reach the de- Promela distinguishes between the termina- unused portions of the search stack are stored
cision state at certain times. The result of the verification has showed that tion of process and the end of its execution. on the disk. With this method, the pan did not
the model is too complex. In fact, this is clear A process terminates (i.e. releases the resourc- run out of memory. When this option was used
Property 7: [] (p8 -><> p9) from Table 3, which shows the number of es allocated to it) when all younger processes with the first LTL property, the verification took
In the Incentive-based Programs (Bid) the states searched while verifying the properties. have terminated first. It is impossible to force more than 48 hours, without detecting any vi-
actions are initiated by the utility or the DR It presents the states stored (i.e. total num- a process to terminate because it depends on olation. The problem of the verification time
Service Provider. DR signals are sent to every ber of unique global system states stored in other processes. However, in this verification, is due to the process termination as mentioned
customer participating in one of these pro- the state space), and states matched (i.e. how the process was forced to end by making it before.
14 S. Zahid, A. En-Nouaary and S. Bah Practical Model Checking of a Home Area Network System: Case Study 15

5. Conclusion [2] US Dept of Energy, "Communications Require- cesses", Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transfer, vol. [27] D. Bošnački et al., "Model Checking SDL with
ments of Smart Grid Technologies", Tech. Rep, 15, no. 2, pp. 89‒107, 2013. Spin", Proc. of the TACAS'2000, 2000, vol. 1785,
pp. 1‒69, 2010. pp. 363‒377.
This paper presented a detailed description of
[15] A.W. Roscoe, "The Theory and Practice of Con-
a case study in order to validate an SDL HAN tions-requirements-smart-grid-technologies
model. It proposed a semi-automatic way to currency", Prentice Hall, 1998. [28] A. Hessel, "Timing Analysis of sdl Subset in Up-
[3] S. Zahid et al., "SDL Modeling and Validation paal," Master Thesis, Uppsala University, 2002.
generate the Promela model from the HAN of Home Area Network in Smart Grid Systems", [16] A. Cimatti et al., "NuSMV 2: An OpenSource
SDL model detailed in Section 2. An interme- The Mediterranean Symp on Smart City Applicat. Tool for Symbolic Model Checking", in Proc. of [29] M. Bozga et al., "IF: An Intermediate Represen-
Springer, pp. 28‒43, 2017. the Int Conf on Comput-Aided Verification (CAV tation for SDL and its Applications", in SDL Fo-
diate format IF was used in order to facilitate 2002), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2002. rum, pp. 423‒40, 1999.
this translation. This latter was described in two
steps. The first one is manual mapping between [4] B. Vlaovič et al., "Automated Generation of Pro-
mela Model from SDL Specification", Comput [17] M. Leuschel et al., "ProB: A Model Checker [30] A. Prigent et al., "Extending the Translation from
SDL and IF. Translation features concerning the Standards & Interfaces, vol. 29, pp. 449‒461, for B" in Int Symp of Formal Methods Europe. SDL to Promela", in Proc. of the 9th Int SPIN
structure and behavior and the data type were 2007. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2003, pp. 855‒874. Workshop on Model Checking of Software, 2002,
defined. The "nostable" states were used to de- pp. 79‒94.
compose each transition into simple actions, [18] G. J. Holzmann, "The Model Checker SPIN",
[5] E. Clarke et al., "Model Checking", MIT Press,
in order to reduce combinatorial explosion. 2018. IEEE Transactions on Software Eng, vol. 23, no. [31] B. Vlaovič et al.,"Applying Automated Mod-
However, even with this solution, the manual 5, pp. 279‒294, 1997. el Extraction for Simulation and Verification
[6] N. Good et al., "Review and Classification of
translation from the SDL model into IF is still a Barriers and Enablers of Demand Response in the of Real-Life SDL Specification with Spin",
Smart Grid", Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. [19] F. Mazzanti and A. Ferrari, ''Ten Diverse Formal IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 5046‒5058, 2017.
source of potential errors. It is difficult to guar-
72, pp. 57‒72, 2017. Models for a CBTC Automatic Train Supervision
antee that the IF model is free of such errors. System,'' Electron Proc in Theoretical Comput [32] A. Vreže et al., "Sdl2pml – Tool for Automated
The generated IF model was then transformed Sci, vol. 268, pp. 104‒149, 2018.
[7] N. Paterakis et al., "An Overview of Demand Generation of Promela Model From SDL Specifi-
into DTPromela, using the if2pml tool. The lat- cation", Comput Standards & Interfaces, vol. 31,
Response: Key-Elements and International Expe-
ter supplements the model with a definition of rience", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Re- [20] M. H. T. Beek et al., ''From EU Projects to a Fam- no. 4, pp. 779‒786, 2009.
Timer as a Promela macro. Once the DTProme- views, vol. 69, pp. 871‒891, 2017. ily of Model Checkers,'' Software, Services, and
la model was prepared, the verification and val- Syst Lecture Notes in Comput Sci, pp. 312‒328, [33] S. Graf et al., "Model Checking of UML Mod-
idation were performed. Desired properties to 2015. els via a Mapping to Communicating Extended
[8] F. Belina and D. Hogrefe, "The CCITT-Specifi-
be checked were defined in LTL, and DTSPIN cation and Description Language SDL", Comput. Timed Automata" in S. Graf and L. Mounier
was used to check the correctness of the model. Networks ISDN Syst., vol. 16, pp. 311‒341, 1989. [21] J. F. Groote and M. R. Mousavi, "Modeling and (Eds.), Proc. of the SPIN'04 Workshop, Barcelo- Analysis of Communicating Systems", The MIT na, Spain, vol. 2989 of LNCS, Springer, 2004.
In the first place, pan got out of memory, even Press, 2014.
when limiting the number of processes created. [9] M. Fantinato and M. Jino, "Applying Extend- [34] G. J. Holzmann, "The SPIN Model Checker:
ed Finite State Machines in Software Testing of
However, to solve this problem, an algorithm Primer and Reference Manual"., Addison-Wes-
Interactive Systems", Int Workshop on Design, [22] K. Jensen and L. Kristensen, "Coloured Petri ley, 2003.
built in SPIN was used to keep only a small Specification, and Verification of Interactive Syst. Nets: Modelling and Validation of Concurrent
fraction of the search stack in the memory, but Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2003, pp. 34‒45. Systems", Springer Science & Business Media, [35] G. J. Holzmann, "PAN: A Protocol Specification 2009. Analyzer", Technical Rep TM81-11271-5, AT&T
the verification took several hours to finish. Bell Laboratories, 1981.
[10] P. F. I. Casas et al., ''Formalizing Geographical
Our future work aims to generate the C code Models Using Specification and Description Lan- [36] D. Baeld et al., "Partial Order Reduction for Se-
[23] FDR4 – The CSP Refinement Checker.
from the HAN SDL specification. To do this, guage: The Wildfire Example,'' Proc. of the 2013 curity Protocols", in Proc. of the 26th Int Conf on
one of the SDL to C compiler from the IBM Ra- Winter Simulation Conf: Simulation: Making De- Concurrency Theory (CONCUR'15) ser. LIPIcs,
cisions in a Complex World. IEEE Press, 2013, [24] L. Lamport, "Specifying Systems: The TLA+ 2015, vol. 42, pp. 497‒510.
tional SDL Suite will be used. The environment Language and Tools for Hardware and Software
pp. 1961‒1972.
functions will be designed in order to connect Engineers", MA, Reading: Addison-Wesley,
the SDL system with its environment. The goal 2002. [37] I. Konnov et al., ''A Short Counterexample
[11] C. Baier and J.-P. Katoen, "Principles of Model Property for Safety and Liveness Verification of
of this step is to build either a simulator/emula- Checking.", MIT press, 2007. [25] K. Larsen et al., "UPPAAL in a Nutshell", Int Fault-Tolerant Distributed Algorithms'' in Proc.
tor core or a plug-in for the HAN network. Journal on Software Tools for Technology Trans- of the 44th ACM SIGPLAN Symp on Principles
[12] M. Frappier et al., "Comparison of Model Check- fer (STTT), vol. 1, no 1, pp. 134‒152, 1997.
ing Tools for Information Systems", in Int Conf of Programming Languages – POPL 2017, 2017.
on Formal Eng Methods. Springer, Berlin, Hei-
References delberg, 2010, pp. 581‒596. [26] Blaskovic et al., ''Model Checking of Concurrent [38] E. M. Clarke and E. A. Emerson, "Design and System with SDL/sup --/ Specification,'' IEEE Synthesis of Synchronization Skeletons for
10th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conf. In- Branching Time Temporal Logic", in Proc. of the
[1] S. Zahid et al., "A Synthesis of Communication [13] D. Jackson, "Software Abstractions: Logic Lan- form Technology and Electrotechnology for the
guage and Analysis", Cambridge, MA, USA: Logic of Programs: Workshop, 1981.
Architectures and Services of Smart Grid Sys- Mediterranean Countries. Proc. of the MeleCon
MIT Press, 2006.
tems", 3rd Int Conf on Syst of Collaboration (Sy- 2000 (Cat. No.00CH37099), 2000, vol. 1, pp.
sCo). IEEE, 2016, pp. 1‒6. [14] H. Garavel et al., "CADP 2011: A Toolbox for 77‒80. [39] M. Dwyer et al., "Property Specification Patterns the Construction and Analysis of Distributed Pro- for Finite-State Verification", Proc. of the 2nd
14 S. Zahid, A. En-Nouaary and S. Bah Practical Model Checking of a Home Area Network System: Case Study 15

5. Conclusion [2] US Dept of Energy, "Communications Require- cesses", Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transfer, vol. [27] D. Bošnački et al., "Model Checking SDL with
ments of Smart Grid Technologies", Tech. Rep, 15, no. 2, pp. 89‒107, 2013. Spin", Proc. of the TACAS'2000, 2000, vol. 1785,
pp. 1‒69, 2010. pp. 363‒377.
This paper presented a detailed description of
[15] A.W. Roscoe, "The Theory and Practice of Con-
a case study in order to validate an SDL HAN tions-requirements-smart-grid-technologies
model. It proposed a semi-automatic way to currency", Prentice Hall, 1998. [28] A. Hessel, "Timing Analysis of sdl Subset in Up-
[3] S. Zahid et al., "SDL Modeling and Validation paal," Master Thesis, Uppsala University, 2002.
generate the Promela model from the HAN of Home Area Network in Smart Grid Systems", [16] A. Cimatti et al., "NuSMV 2: An OpenSource
SDL model detailed in Section 2. An interme- The Mediterranean Symp on Smart City Applicat. Tool for Symbolic Model Checking", in Proc. of [29] M. Bozga et al., "IF: An Intermediate Represen-
Springer, pp. 28‒43, 2017. the Int Conf on Comput-Aided Verification (CAV tation for SDL and its Applications", in SDL Fo-
diate format IF was used in order to facilitate 2002), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2002. rum, pp. 423‒40, 1999.
this translation. This latter was described in two
steps. The first one is manual mapping between [4] B. Vlaovič et al., "Automated Generation of Pro-
mela Model from SDL Specification", Comput [17] M. Leuschel et al., "ProB: A Model Checker [30] A. Prigent et al., "Extending the Translation from
SDL and IF. Translation features concerning the Standards & Interfaces, vol. 29, pp. 449‒461, for B" in Int Symp of Formal Methods Europe. SDL to Promela", in Proc. of the 9th Int SPIN
structure and behavior and the data type were 2007. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2003, pp. 855‒874. Workshop on Model Checking of Software, 2002,
defined. The "nostable" states were used to de- pp. 79‒94.
compose each transition into simple actions, [18] G. J. Holzmann, "The Model Checker SPIN",
[5] E. Clarke et al., "Model Checking", MIT Press,
in order to reduce combinatorial explosion. 2018. IEEE Transactions on Software Eng, vol. 23, no. [31] B. Vlaovič et al.,"Applying Automated Mod-
However, even with this solution, the manual 5, pp. 279‒294, 1997. el Extraction for Simulation and Verification
[6] N. Good et al., "Review and Classification of
translation from the SDL model into IF is still a Barriers and Enablers of Demand Response in the of Real-Life SDL Specification with Spin",
Smart Grid", Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. [19] F. Mazzanti and A. Ferrari, ''Ten Diverse Formal IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 5046‒5058, 2017.
source of potential errors. It is difficult to guar-
72, pp. 57‒72, 2017. Models for a CBTC Automatic Train Supervision
antee that the IF model is free of such errors. System,'' Electron Proc in Theoretical Comput [32] A. Vreže et al., "Sdl2pml – Tool for Automated
The generated IF model was then transformed Sci, vol. 268, pp. 104‒149, 2018.
[7] N. Paterakis et al., "An Overview of Demand Generation of Promela Model From SDL Specifi-
into DTPromela, using the if2pml tool. The lat- cation", Comput Standards & Interfaces, vol. 31,
Response: Key-Elements and International Expe-
ter supplements the model with a definition of rience", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Re- [20] M. H. T. Beek et al., ''From EU Projects to a Fam- no. 4, pp. 779‒786, 2009.
Timer as a Promela macro. Once the DTProme- views, vol. 69, pp. 871‒891, 2017. ily of Model Checkers,'' Software, Services, and
la model was prepared, the verification and val- Syst Lecture Notes in Comput Sci, pp. 312‒328, [33] S. Graf et al., "Model Checking of UML Mod-
idation were performed. Desired properties to 2015. els via a Mapping to Communicating Extended
[8] F. Belina and D. Hogrefe, "The CCITT-Specifi-
be checked were defined in LTL, and DTSPIN cation and Description Language SDL", Comput. Timed Automata" in S. Graf and L. Mounier
was used to check the correctness of the model. Networks ISDN Syst., vol. 16, pp. 311‒341, 1989. [21] J. F. Groote and M. R. Mousavi, "Modeling and (Eds.), Proc. of the SPIN'04 Workshop, Barcelo- Analysis of Communicating Systems", The MIT na, Spain, vol. 2989 of LNCS, Springer, 2004.
In the first place, pan got out of memory, even Press, 2014.
when limiting the number of processes created. [9] M. Fantinato and M. Jino, "Applying Extend- [34] G. J. Holzmann, "The SPIN Model Checker:
ed Finite State Machines in Software Testing of
However, to solve this problem, an algorithm Primer and Reference Manual"., Addison-Wes-
Interactive Systems", Int Workshop on Design, [22] K. Jensen and L. Kristensen, "Coloured Petri ley, 2003.
built in SPIN was used to keep only a small Specification, and Verification of Interactive Syst. Nets: Modelling and Validation of Concurrent
fraction of the search stack in the memory, but Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2003, pp. 34‒45. Systems", Springer Science & Business Media, [35] G. J. Holzmann, "PAN: A Protocol Specification 2009. Analyzer", Technical Rep TM81-11271-5, AT&T
the verification took several hours to finish. Bell Laboratories, 1981.
[10] P. F. I. Casas et al., ''Formalizing Geographical
Our future work aims to generate the C code Models Using Specification and Description Lan- [36] D. Baeld et al., "Partial Order Reduction for Se-
[23] FDR4 – The CSP Refinement Checker.
from the HAN SDL specification. To do this, guage: The Wildfire Example,'' Proc. of the 2013 curity Protocols", in Proc. of the 26th Int Conf on
one of the SDL to C compiler from the IBM Ra- Winter Simulation Conf: Simulation: Making De- Concurrency Theory (CONCUR'15) ser. LIPIcs,
cisions in a Complex World. IEEE Press, 2013, [24] L. Lamport, "Specifying Systems: The TLA+ 2015, vol. 42, pp. 497‒510.
tional SDL Suite will be used. The environment Language and Tools for Hardware and Software
pp. 1961‒1972.
functions will be designed in order to connect Engineers", MA, Reading: Addison-Wesley,
the SDL system with its environment. The goal 2002. [37] I. Konnov et al., ''A Short Counterexample
[11] C. Baier and J.-P. Katoen, "Principles of Model Property for Safety and Liveness Verification of
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16 S. Zahid, A. En-Nouaary and S. Bah

Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Prac- Contact addresses:

tice, 1998, pp. 7‒15. Soufiane Zahid Institut National des Postes et Télécommunication
[40] A. Pnueli, "The Temporal Logic of Programs", Morocco
Proc. of the 18th IEEE Symp. Foundations of e-mail:
Comput Sci, 1977, pp. 46‒57.
[41] E. M. Clarke et al., "Another Look at LTL Mod- Abdeslam En-Nouaary
el Checking" in Int Conf on Comput Aided Ver- Institut National des Postes et Télécommunication
ification, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1994, Rabat
pp. 415‒427. Morocco e-mail:
[42] V. Germanos et al., "Diagnosability under Weak
Fairness", 14th Int. Conf. on Application of Con-
currency to Sys Design, 2014, pp. 132‒141. Slimane Bah Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs
University Mohammed V

Received: October 2018 Soufiane Zahid received his Diploma (engineer degree) in Telecommu-
Revised: October 2019 nication Option Networks and Computer Systems from INPT ''Institut
Accepted: November 2019 National des Postes et Télécommunication'' Rabat, Morocco, in 2012.
He is currently a PhD student in the doctoral center of INPT. His current
research topics are Smart Grid network, formal method and conceptual

Abdeslam En-Nouaary received his engineer degree in computer en-

gineering, option data communication and computer networks from
ENSIAS (École Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique et d'Analyse des
Systèmes), Rabat, Morocco, in 1996, the MSc and PhD degrees in com-
puter science from the University of Montreal in 1998 and 2001 re-
spectively. Dr. En-Nouaary is currently an Associate Professor at INPT
(Institut National des Postes et Télécommunications), Rabat, Morocco.
Before joining INPT in 2008, Dr. En-Nouaary had been an Associate
Professor at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of
Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, from 2001 to 2008. His main
research interests are modeling and validation of distributed, real-time,
and embedded systems.

Slimane Bah holds a PhD in computer networks from Concordia Uni-

versity – Montreal. During his PhD research he was an intern at Er-
icsson Canada. He also holds an MSc in computer networks from the
University of Montreal and an engineering degree in computer science
from l'Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Informatique et d'Analyse des Sys-
tems (ENSIAS – Morocco). Currently, Dr. Slimane Bah is an Asso-
ciate Professor at the Computer Science Department of Mohammadia
Engineering School (Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingenieurs) – University
Mohammed V in Rabat. Furthermore, he has experience as Adjunct
Professor at the University of Moncton. His research interests include
end-user services, self-organizing and challenging networks, service
and protocol engineering.

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