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Web Transfer Process

Today, due to various factor, many website owners transfer their website to another
provider. It was a time when the website is a difficult yet a costly task. Fortunately,
there free services which can help your web transfer process. These following 5 steps
may help you to transfer your own website without being a webmaster.

1. Selecting a Website Provider

Well, it actually starts from here, as you need to find a suitable hosting provider before
transferring your website. There are actually tons of choice, but you need to be
selectively choose one that suits your website well. GreenGeeks is a recommended
service where they offer best deals, full featured hosting, scaling, and a non-stop
customer service. GreenGeeks can easily transfer your website to another provider.

Web hosting selection should consider several factors including correct operating
system good technical support, the capacity, data transfer services, databases,
supporting your scripting, scalability, reliability, free site migration and so forth.

2. Ensuring the Ownership

You should be the one who take a full control of yoru domain name. Determine
whether you prefer to transfer domain registrars or switch DNS. However, if you have
no issuer on your recent domain registrar, leaving yoru domain name unchanged is
advisable as well as you can switch the DNS to the new web hosting providers.
Ensure that you web registrant details are under your name and valid e-mail.

3. Signing up for a Hosting Account

You can choose any hosting providers you want but if you want an easy way to
transfer the website in an affordable price, GreenGeeks is highly suggested. They
allow you to enjoy unlimited bandwidth, databases, disk space, along with other
features for only $4.95 a month. GreenGeeks also offers free services of DNS transfer,
site migration, account renewal, and other services. GreenGeeks also has best deals
and discounts, check their page now.
You can simply sign up GreenGeeks wiht your valid e-mail and yoru account will be
activated and follow the instruction to request a website transfer.

4. Porcessing
As your request is accepted, all you need to do follow the GreenGeeks’ technician
who will guide you step by step through the process. This guiding service is
completely free of charge. They will ensure the transfer is smooth and well done. You
need to fill the Migration Request form where you need to select the type of hosting
service, provide information about your recent provider, and put some additional
isntruction. The request process of site migration will take 24-28 hours to complete.

5. Testing and Confirming

Once the migration is completed, the provider will contact you. At this point, your
website has been tranferred from your old provider to the new one. At this point, you
are in 75 percent complete. You need to switch the DNS to their name servers. As it’s
online, you need to ensure that your website features are fully functioned. Confirm
your new account and ensure that you have a full ownership. Once there is no
problem, you can cancel your old hosting account.

Your website is completely transferred now. As you’ve seen, the process isn’t that
complicated. Follow these five simple steps to transfer your website.

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