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MICROBIOLOGY - Food poisoning: 1-6 hours

Post-Midterm Topics 6. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS:

​Food poisoning:
VI. Bacteria and their Disease Process: - Nausea
A. Cocci - Vomiting
1. GRAM POSITIVE - Diarrhea
a. S. Aureus - loss of appetite
- severe abdominal cramps
1. DESCRIPTION: - mild fever
- Non-moving ​Toxic shock syndrome
- Round and grape like clusters - high fever
- one of the five most common causes of - Nausea and vomiting
infections after injury or surgery - Rash on your palms and soles that
resembles sunburn
- discovered by the surgeon Sir Alexander
- Confusion
Ogston in Aberdeen, Scotland in 1880 - Muscle aches
- Classic opportunist - Diarrhea
- Has surface proteins that promote
colonization of host tissues Skin infections
- Inhibits phagocytosis - ​Inflammation​ with redness, warmth,
- Has toxins ​(hemolysin/leucocidin​)​ ​that swelling, and pain
damage host tissues and cause disease - skin sore or ulcer
symptoms - If the staph infection spreads: fever,
PATHOGENICITY: sometimes with chills and sweats
- produces rash on hands / feet methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus
- Skin Infection infections
- Toxic Shock Syndrome
- Warm to the touch
- Food poisoning
- Nosocomial infections - Full of pus or other drainage
2. PORTAL OF ENTRY - Accompanied by a fever
- Breakage in skin - can quickly turn into deep, painful
- Usually found on the skin, nose, and abscesses that require surgical draining
respiratory tract - can also burrow deep into the body, causing
- Can enter and spread through the potentially life-threatening infections
​Food poisoning:
- Direct from skin contact with infected areas
- Encourage fluid intake of 1.5 to 2.5 liters/24
- nasal secretions / buccal secretions
hour plus 200 ml for each loose stool in
adults unless contraindicated
- direct contact with an infected person
- Encourage the client to restrict the intake of
- using a contaminated object
caffeine, milk and dairy products
- inhaling infected droplets
- Teach client about the importance of hand
washing after each bowel movement and
- The incubation period is variable and
before preparing food for others
indefinite. It is most commonly 4–10 days.
- Antibiotics
*perform hand hygiene - Red and swollen tonsils, sometimes with
white patches or streaks of pus
- Tiny red spots on the area at the back of the
b. S. Pyogenes (GRP A.)
roof of the mouth (soft or hard palate)
1. DESCRIPTION: - Swollen, tender lymph nodes in your neck
- contains the Lancefield group A antigen on - Fever
their cell surface
- Headache
- grows in chains and causes numerous
infections in humans - Rash
- Usually pathogenic (opportunistic bacteria) - Nausea or vomiting, especially in younger
- Part of normal flora children
- Nonmotile
- Body aches
- aerobic
- it can cause streptococcal sore throat - pink-red rash
- Scarlet fever - Fever
- Impetigo - a red, sore throat, sometimes with white or
- Pneumonia
yellowish patches
- necrotizing fasciitis
- a fever of 101 Fahrenheit (38.3 Celsius) or
- Breakage in skin higher, frequently with chills.
- Usually found on skin and mucous - A rash appears 12 to 48 hours after these
membranes first symptoms
3. PORTAL OF EXIT - Red blotches appear on the skin. These
- Direct from skin contact with infected areas turn into a fine pink-red rash that looks like
- nasal secretions / buccal secretions sunburn. The skin feels rough when
4. MODE OF TRANSMISSION: touched, like sandpaper.
- direct contact with an infected person - Patient cheeks is flushed
- using a contaminated object
- inhaling infected droplets Type II necrotizing fasciitis
5. INCUBATION PERIOD: - pain in the affected area
- usually 1-4 days - Swelling
Period of communicability: 24–48 hours
- group A strep pharyngitis is approximately 2 to - Erythema
5 days. - Tenderness
- scarlet fever is approximately 2 through 5
days. - Heat

- Spread within subcutaneous tissue with

​Strep throat: relative sparing of the overlying skin
- Throat pain that usually comes on quickly
- Absence of lymphadenitis and lymphangitis
- Painful swallowing
- Swelling progresses to brawny edema and
then to dark-red induration
- Within 24 to 48 hours, the overlying skin - can occur within 1-3 days after exposure
may turn dusky, indicating small vessels in 6. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS:
the dermal papilla have thrombosed ​Pneumonia
- Cutaneous ischemia also develops - Chest pain when you breathe or cough
- Bullae form and are filled with straw colored - Confusion or changes in mental awareness
fluid that progressively turns to hemorrhagic (in adults age 65 and older)
fluid - Cough, which may produce phlegm
- affected tissues progressively darken from - Fatigue
red to purple to blue to black - Fever, sweating and shaking chills
- As gangrene sets in, skin becomes - Lower than normal body temp. (in adults
anesthetized due to destruction of other than 65 and people with weak immune
superficial nerves system)
7. TREATMENT/NURSING MANAGEMENT - Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
- Proper hand hygiene - Shortness of breath
- Instruct people to wash their hands regularly 7. TREATMENT/NURSING MANAGEMENT
and to get new toothbrushes for the infected - Antibiotics
- washing your hands regularly and
person and anyone else who keeps her disinfecting frequently touched surfaces.
toothbrush near his. - Making healthy choices, like quitting
- Antibiotics smoking and managing ongoing medical
conditions, can also help prevent

c. S. Pneumonia 2. GRAM NEGATIVE

a. Neisseria Meningitides
Members of the genus Neisseria are:
- catalase-negative organism commonly
- aerobic
referred to as pneumococcus
-gram-negative cocci
- non motile organisms
-typically arranged in pairs (diplococci)
- the leading cause of acute lower respiratory
-adjacent sides flattened together (resembling
tract infections
coffee beans).
INVASIVE: bacteraemia (mild blood infection),
septicaemia (blood poisoning), osteomyelitis, septic 1. DESCRIPTION:
arthritis, pneumonia, meningitis · Gram-negative oval or spherical cocci
(0.6-0.8 μm in size)
NON-INVASIVE: bronchitis, otitis media, sinusitis
· typically arranged in pairs
· the adjacent sides are flattened or concave
- if inhaled can cause pneumonia
opposing edges and the long axes are parallel
- if enters the G.I. Tract, no disease
· non-sporing and nonmotile
· Has a capsule that protects them from
- nasal secretions / buccal secretions
phagocytosis as they replicate in the bloodstream
then enter the CSF
- ​person-to-person by direct contact with
respiratory secretions, like saliva or mucus
● Meningococci are strict human parasites ● The organisms appear in nasopharynx
inhabiting the nasopharynx. Infection is leading to nasopharyngeal infection- may
usually asymptomatic. result in a minor inflammation.
● Symptoms are mostly caused by endotoxins ● induces the formation of protective
● Initial symptoms: fever, headache, stiff antibodies within a week, even though the
neck, convulsions, coma infection remains asymptomatic.
● Dissemination occurs only in a small
3. MODE OF TRANSMISSION: proportion.
● Direct Contact and airborne droplets
● Close contact with infectious person II. Meningococcal Septicemia
● Family members ● the meningococci enter the bloodstream
● Daycare centers from the posterior nasopharynx through the
● Military barracks cervical lymph nodes where they rapidly
● Prisons multiply (meningococcemia).
● Other institutional settings ● patient develops fever, malaise and
petechial skin lesions due to foci of infection
4. INCUBATION PERIOD: in the capillaries.
● 2-10 days ● The organisms may also cause lesions in
the joints and lungs
5. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: ● characterized by shock, disseminated
Infants intravascular coagulation (DIC) and
- Fever, possibly with cold hands and feet multisystem failure.
- Refusing feeds or vomiting ● The hemorrhagic lesions occurring in both
- High pitched moaning cry or whimpering the skin and the internal organs, particularly
- Dislike of being handled or fretful the adrenals, are from the release of
- Neck Retraction with Arching of back endotoxin.
- Blank and sterling expression
- Child is difficult to wake, lethargic III. Meningitis
- Pale, blotchy complexion ● the organisms can ​cross the blood-brain
In other children and adults: barrier ​and infect the meninges, causing
- High temperature, fever possibly with cold the major symptoms of severe headache,
hands and feet stiff neck, and vomiting accompanied by
- Vomiting, sometimes diarrhea delirium and confusion.
- Severe headache ● The route of spread from the nasopharynx
- Joint or muscle pains, sometimes stomach to the meninges may be directly along the
cramps perineural sheath of the olfactory nerve​,
- Neck stiffness (unable to touch the chin to through the ​cribriform plate to the
the chest) subarachnoid space​, or more probably,
- Dislike of bright lights through the ​bloodstream​. In certain cases,
- Drowsiness the site of entry of the meningococcus may
- The patient may be confused or be the conjunctiva.
disorientate. Seizures may also be seen ● On reaching the central nervous system, a
- A rash may develop suppurative lesion of the meninges is set
- Fitting up, involving the surface of the spinal cord
6. STAGES OF INFECTION: and the base and cortex of the brain.
I. Nasopharyngeal Infection
● The cocci are invariably found in the spinal o Anal itching, discomfort, bleeding, or
fluid, both free and within the leukocytes. discharge
o Abnormal vaginal discharge
7. TREATMENT/NURSING MANAGEMENT o Abnormal vaginal bleeding during or after
● Health Education sex or between period
● Laboratory Diagnoses o Genital itching
● Penicillins and cephalosporins are usually o Irregular menstrual bleeding
the first choice of antibiotics o Lower abdominal (belly) pain
● They limit the spread of an outbreak if they o Fever and general tiredness
do not affect the outcome o Swollen and painful glands at the opening of
● A patient returning home as a carrier may the vagina (Bartholin glands)
still infect others. o Painful sexual intercourse
o Sore throat (rare), Pinkeye (conjunctivitis)
b. Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
In men:
o Abnormal discharge from the penis (clear or
1. DESCRIPTION: milky at first, and then yellow, creamy, and
❖ appears as a diplococcus with the adjacent excessive, sometimes blood-tinged)6
sides concave o Painful or frequent urination or urethritis
❖ typically kidney shaped. o Anal itching, discomfort, bleeding, or
❖ Gonococci possess pili on their surface discharge
❖ facilitate adhesion of the cocci to mucosal o Sore throat (rare)
surfaces o Pinkeye (conjunctivitis) (rare)
❖ promote virulence by inhibiting
phagocytosis. Other Symptoms:
o Rash
2. SITE OF INFECTION: o Arthritis
● Male – urethra o Inflamed Tendons
● Female – cervix
Because of the columnar epithelial cells 6. TREATMENT/NURSING MANAGEMENT:
❏ Control of gonorrhea consists of ​early
3. INCUBATION PERIOD: detection of cases, ​contact tracing,​
● The incubation period is 2-14 days. health education
❏ Increased dosage of penicillin, use of
4. MODE OF TRANSMISSION: fluorquinolone antibiotics such as
● Direct contact ciprofloxacin or ofloxacin
I. Close contact with an infected penis, ❏ Barrier methods of contraception, condoms
vagina, mouth, or penis in particular, greatly reduce the rate of
Ii. Can also spread from another to baby transmission.
during delivery ❏ Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention ​(CDC)- Doxycycline or
5. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: azithromycin should be added for infections
Prodromal Period complicated by dual infections with
In women: chlamydia.
o Painful or frequent urination
B. Bacilli - Headache
1. GRAM POSITIVE - Loss of Appetite
a. Bacillus Anthracis - Fever
- Severe bloody diarrhea (in late stages of
the disease)
● Gram positive
- Sore throat
● Rod-Shaped
● Responsible for ​ANTHRAX - Dysphagia
- Is a disease that takes only 10 days to kill - Swollen Neck
a person if not properly treated. c. Inhalation Anthrax
- Has 4 types: - Flu-like symptoms, such as sore throat, mild
a. Cutaneous (Skin Anthrax) fever, fatigue and muscle aches, which may
b. Inhalation (Infects the Respiratory last a few hours or days
- Mild chest discomfort
c. Gastrointestinal
d. Injection Anthrax - Shortness of breath
2. Portal of Entry: - Nausea
a. Nasal Mucosa - Coughing up blood
- Associated with lymphoid tissue
- Painful swallowing
b. Lumen of Lungs
c. Cuts on the skin - High fever
3. Portal of Exit: - Trouble breathing
a. Direct from skin contact with infected areas - Shock
b. Drainage from open sores
- Meningitis — a potentially life-threatening
4. Mode of Transmission:
a. Air inflammation of the brain and spinal cord
b. Contaminated Food d. Injection Anthrax
c. Direct unprotected contact with infected - Redness at area of Injection
area of a person - Significant Swelling
5. Incubation Period: - Shock
● 1 to 7 days - Multiple Organ Failure
6. Signs and Symptoms: - Meningitis
● Anthrax Symptoms depend greatly on what 7. Nursing Management:
type of anthrax a person has. - Alleviation of Pain and Suffering
a. Cutaneous Anthrax: - Fever is involved, so work to lower the body
- A raised, itchy bump resembling an insect temperature (e.g. Tepid Sponge baths)
bite that quickly develops into a painless - Health Teaching
8. Medical Management:
sore with a black center
- Prescription of Antibiotics
- Swelling in the sore and nearby lymph
glands b. Bacillus Cereus
b. Gastrointestinal Anthrax:
- Nausea 1. DESCRIPTION:
● Gram Positive
- Vomiting
● Rod-Shaped
- Abdominal Pain
● Associated in ​FOOD POISONING a. Contaminated Wounds
- Bacillus Cereus Produces Toxin that b. Contact from Soil
causes food poisoning in humans 4. Mode of Transmission
- They are commonly found in rice & - Tetanus is generally not a communicable
leftovers (& contaminated food) ​ f humans
disease from ​direct contact o
- Two signs are discernable when although unprotected contact from wounds
differentiating the type of toxin involved: with prominent said bacteria might.
a. Diarrhea Therefore:
b. Nausea & Vomiting - Due to a. Contaminated Wounds
“emetic Toxin” b. Tissue Injury
2. Portal of Entry: 5. Signs and Symptoms:
a. Ingestion ● Jaw cramping.
3. Portal of Exit: ● Sudden, involuntary muscle tightening
a. From Soil (muscle spasms) – often in the stomach.
b. From Contaminated Food ● Painful muscle stiffness all over the body.
4. Mode of transmission: ● Trouble swallowing.
a. If ingested from contaminated food ● Jerking or staring (seizures)
b. When food is exposed to contaminated soil ● Headache.
5. Incubation Period: ● Fever and sweating.
a. 6-15 Hours for diarrhea ● Changes in blood pressure and fast heart
b. 30min - 6 Hours for nausea & vomiting rate
6. Signs & Symptoms 6. Nursing Management:
● Can either be diarrhea or Nausea & a. Alleviation of Pain & Suffering
Vomiting b. Make sure that the patient does not injure
7. Nursing Management: himself when having convulsions
a. Alleviation of Pain & Suffering c. Wound Care and aseptic procedures
b. Making sure patient is hydrated d. Health Teaching
c. Health Teaching 7. Medical Management:
8. Medical Management: a. Medications to control muscle spasms such
a. Administration of medication & antibiotics as ​chlorpromazine or diazepam
b. Administering Injection shots for antitoxins
c. Clostridium Tetani
d. C. Perfringhens
1. DESCRIPTION: e. C. Botulinum
● Gram Positive f. C. Diphtheria
● Anaerobic bacteria
● Found in the Soil
- Also known as ​“Lockjaw” TRACT
- Convulsive - Spasms of skeletal muscles
- Manifested out of two exotoxins: 3. GRAM NEGATIVE ASSOC. W/ RESPIRATORY
a. Tetanolysin DISEASE
b. Tetanospamin (neurotoxin)
a. Openings of wounds INFECTION
3. Portal of Exit:
spreads to the entire body, including
the palms of the hands and soles of
C. Acid-Fast Bacteria the feet. It may be rough, red, or
reddish-brown in color; oral, anal,
D. Spirochetes and genital wart-like sores; muscle
1. Treponema Pallidum aches; fever; sore throat; swollen
A. Treponema pallidum pallidum lymph nodes; patchy hair loss​;
1. Description headaches; ​weight loss; fatigue.
● Causes syphilis These symptoms can resolve a few
● Pandemic, involving young people weeks after they appear, or they can
between 20-35 years old return several times over a longer
2. Portal of Entry period. Untreated, secondary
● The portal of entry must provide syphilis can progress to the latent
access to tissues in which the and late stages.
pathogen can multiply or a toxin can ● Latent syphilis- ​The latent phase
act. Often, infectious agents use the can last several years. During this
same portal to enter a new host that
time the body will harbor the disease
they use to exit the source host.
without symptoms​. After this, tertiary
3. Portal of Exit
syphilis may develop, or the
● Syphilis portal of exit is via open
areas caused by disease. These symptoms may never come back.
areas commonly appear on external However, the ​T. pallidum​ bacteria
genitals, in the vagina and in the remain dormant in the body, and
rectum. there is always a risk of recurrence.
4. Mode of Transmission Treatment is still recommended,
● By direct contact with skin lesions, even if symptoms are not present.
mucous membranes, body fluids and ● Late or tertiary syphilis- ​Tertiary
secretions (semen, vaginal syphilis can occur 10 to 30 years
discharge, saliva, blood) of infected
after onset of the infection, normally
persons during sexual contact
after a period of latency, where there
● rarely by kissing, blood transfusion;
congenital transmission is possible are no symptoms. Symptoms
5. Incubation Period include: damage to the heart, blood
● From 10 days to 3 months; usually 3 vessels, liver, bones, and joints;
weeks gummas, or soft tissue swellings that
6. Signs and Symptoms occur anywhere on the body. Organ
damage means that tertiary syphilis
● P​rimary symptoms- ​The symptoms can often be fatal.
of primary syphilis are one or many ● Neurosyphilis- ​Neurosyphilis is a
painless, firm, and round syphilitic condition where the bacteria has
sores called chancres. These spread to the nervous system. It is
appear ​about 3 weeks​ after often associated with latent and
exposure. ​Chancres disappear tertiary syphilis, but it can appear at
within 3 to 6 weeks, but, without any time after the primary stage. It
treatment, the disease may progress may be asymptomatic for a long
to the next phase. time, or it can appear gradually.
● Secondary symptoms- ​a non-itchy Symptoms include: dementia or
rash that starts on the trunk and altered mental status; abnormal gait;
numbness in the extremities; ● Refrain the infected person from
problems with concentration; sexual activity until infection is gone
confusion; headache or seizures; 8. Treatment / Medical Management
vision problems or vision loss; ● Penicillin remains the drug of choice
weakness. for treating syphilis. In
● Congenital syphilis- ​Congenital non-penicillin-allergic patients
syphilis is severe and frequently without central nervous system
life-threatening. Infection can involvement, infection is usually
transfer from a mother to her fetus treated with benzathine penicillin G,
through the placenta, and also a long-acting penicillin preparation
during the birth process. Data which produces treponemicidal
suggests that without screening and levels in serum for up to ten days.
treatment, 70 percent of women with Penicillin-allergic, nonpregnant
syphilis will have an adverse patients with early syphilis can be
outcome in pregnancy. Adverse treated with tetracycline.
outcomes include early fetal death, Penicillin-allergic, pregnant patients
preterm or low birth weight, neonatal and patients with neurosyphilis must
deaths, and infection in infants. be desensitized to penicillin because
Symptoms in newborns include: of the lack of effective alternative
saddle nose, in which the bridge of therapies.
the nose is missing; fever; difficulty B. Treponema pallidum pertenue
gaining weight; a rash of the 1. Description
genitals, anus, and mouth; small ● Causes yaws
blisters on the hands and feet that ● Endemic and occurs in humid
change to a copper-colored rash and equatorial countries
spread to the face, which can be 2. Portal of Entry
bumpy or flat; watery nasal fluid. ● Skin
Older infants and young children 3. Portal of Exit
may experience: Hutchinson teeth, ● Skin of infected person
or abnormal, peg-shaped teeth; 4. Mode of Transmission
bone pain; vision loss; hearing loss; ● Yaws is transmitted mainly
joint swelling; saber shins, a bone through direct skin contact with
problem in the lower legs; scarring of an infected person.
the skin around the genitals, anus, 5. Incubation Period
and mouth; gray patches around the ● 9-90 days, average of 21 days
outer vagina and anus. In 2015, the 6. Signs and Symptoms
WHO confirmed Cuba as the first ● In early yaws, an initial papule
country in the world to have fully develops at the site of entry of the
eradicated congenital syphilis. causative organism. This papule
7. Nursing Management is full of the organisms and may
● Educate people about safe sex, persist for 3-6 months followed by
especially the use of condoms natural healing. Without
● Inform people about syphilis and treatment, this is followed by
how to prevent it disseminated skin lesions over
the body. Bone pain and bone stages, soft, gummy lumps
lesions may also occur. (gummas) appear on the roof of the
● Late yaws appears after five mouth and in the nasal passages.
years of the initial infection and is ● Other symptoms may include
characterized by disabling swollen glands or lymph nodes
consequences of the nose, bones (lymph-adenopathy), and/or skin
and palmar/plantar ulcerations under the arms or
hyperkeratosis. around the rectum and groin.
7. Nursing Management 7. Nursing Management
● Educate people about the ● Health education
importance of personal hygiene and ● Advice people to improve living and
cleanliness sanitation
8. Treatment / Medical Management 8. Treatment / Medical Management
● Either of 2 antibiotics – azithromycin ● Either of 2 antibiotics – azithromycin
or benzathine penicillin or benzathine penicillin
C. Treponema pallidum endemicum
1. Description 2. Leptospira Interrogans
● Causes bejel 1. Description
● Endemic syphilis ● Causes leptospirosis
● Endemic and occurs in arid ● Pandemic
countries 2. Portal of Entry
2. Portal of Entry ● break in skin, mucosa, or
● Broken skin and mouth conjunctiva
3. Portal of Exit 3. Portal of Exit
● Direct contact with broken skin or ● Animal urine
contaminated hands 4. Mode of Transmission
● Contaminated drinking vessels and ● Contact of the skin or mucous
eating utensils membranes with contaminated
4. Mode of Transmission water, soil or vegetation;
● In bejel, transmission is by direct ● direct contact with urine or tissues of
contact, with broken skin or infected animals;
● occasionally through ingestion of
contaminated hands, or indirectly by
contaminated food or by inhalation
sharing drinking vessels and eating of droplet aerosols of contaminated
utensils. fluids
5. Incubation Period 5. Incubation Period
● 21 days ● Usually 2 days to 4 weeks
6. Signs and Symptoms 6. Signs and Symptoms
● At the outset, children with bejel ● High fever
have patchy, slimy, ulcerations ● Headache
(lesions) on the mucous ● Chills
membranes, particularly in or near ● Muscle aches
the mouth. Later, blisters appear on ● Vomiting
the back, arms, and legs. Further ● Jaundice (yellow skin and eyes)
disease progression is indicated by ● Red eyes
infections of the bones, especially ● Abdominal pain
those of the legs. In these later ● Diarrhea
● Rash
Leptospirosis may occur in two phases:
● After the first phase (with fever,
chills, headache, muscle aches,
vomiting, or diarrhea) the patient
may recover for a time but become
ill again.
● If a second phase occurs, it is more
severe; the person may have kidney
or liver failure or meningitis.
7. Nursing Management
● Inform people to avoid swimming or
wading in water that may be
contaminated with animal urine.
● Hand hygiene teaching
8. Treatment / Medical Management
● Various antibiotics usually clear ​L.
interrogans depending on the gravity
of the infection (e.g penicillin (or
penicillin G), doxycycline, ampicillin
and amoxicillin). A few new
antibiotics are being tested (e.g
cefepime, ertapenem, norfloxacin).

E. Other minor bacteria-like pathogens

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