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Laser A1+ Unit 1 Test

Name: ….…………………………………………………………………

Section 1


1 Look at the sentences about Joseph’s family. Read the text and decide if
each sentence is correct. If it is correct, write A. If it is incorrect, write B.

1 John and Vincent are brothers. _________

2 Eleanor and Clarence are cousins. _________
3 Zoe and Joseph are cousins. _________
4 Martin shares a room with Zoe. _________
5 Mandy is Joseph’s cat. _________

This is me
Hi. My name is Joseph and I live in Manchester with my family. I’m nine years old. I
have two brothers – Martin and Jeremy. Martin is twelve and Jeremy is fifteen. I
share a room with Martin and Jeremy has his own room. My dad works in a big office
and my mum works in a bicycle shop. We live in a big house on a nice street in a
small town. It’s not in the country, but that’s OK. We’ve got two pets – Clarence the
dog and Mandy the cat. My Uncle John and my Aunt Eleanor live on the same street
as us. I don’t have any other aunts or uncles because my mum is an only child. But
Uncle John and Aunt Eleanor have two children. They’re my cousins – Vincent and
Zoe. Vincent is ten and Zoe is fourteen. We go to the same school and we like
playing computer games together. My grandparents live on another street in the
same town. They’re quite old and they don’t work now. Sometimes we all eat
together on Sundays and afterwards we watch a movie. We’re never lonely with all
our relatives!

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Laser A1+ Unit 1 Test

Section 2


2 Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

The world on the internet

Do you use a (0) a? Do you use the internet? You can have great (1) _____ using
the internet. You can chat with your friends (2) _____ and do lots of other things, too.

For example, if you want to find information about your family (3) _____ , you can go
to a website like and look for your (4) _____ .

You can also find your friends online. A lot of people like (5) _____ to their friends
online. My (6) _____ friend and I do that all the time. We also listen (7) _____ music
at a fantastic website which has got hundreds of songs. There are lots of famous
songs and some more (8) _____ ones too. I’ve got one song from that website that
nobody knows – only me!

People all over the (9) _____ use the internet to buy things. Have you got an MP3
(10) _____? No? Why don’t you go to and buy one?

0 a computer b mobile c pet

1 a share b time c fun
2 a own b online c here
3 a tree b flower c plant
4 a pets b self c relatives
5 a playing b chatting c reading
6 a only b best c house
7 a on b in c to
8 a lonely b unusual c online
9 a world b house c room
10 a player b mobile c pet

3 Choose the correct word.

0 She hasn’t got any brothers and sisters – she’s a(n) lonely / only child.
1 My dad’s niece / nephew, Jason, is my cousin and my best friend!
2 We live in the country / world because my parents don’t like the noisy city.
3 My great-grandfather / nephew is 100 years old. He’s really old!
4 I want to travel around the town / world and visit lots of different countries.
5 Have you got any close / pet friends in your class?

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4 Circle the correct answer (A, B or C).

0 What’s your dad’s job? Is he a teacher?

A) country
B) drawing
C) job

1 My sister’s daughter is my _____ .

A) cousin
B) niece
C) nephew

2 We’ve got a small house and I _____ a room with my sister.

A) got
B) watch
C) share

3 I’m never _____ because I have lots of friends.

A) lonely
B) only
C) mobile

4 I have ten cousins on my dad’s _____ of the family.

A) family
B) side
C) country

5 We live in a small _____ near the sea.

A) tree
B) world
C) town

6 I’ve got a red _____ – I can go really fast on it!

A) MP3 player
B) bicycle
C) mobile phone

7 My _____ has got two children – they’re my cousins.

A) aunt
B) grandmother
C) nephew

8 It’s really _____ when all of my relatives are together!

A) noisy
B) short
C) close

9 I don’t have my _____ room – I share with my sister.

A) lonely
B) only
C) own

10 When I’m older, I want to _____ the world!

A) go
B) see

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Laser A1+ Unit 1 Test

C) chat

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Section 3


5 Change the phrase in italics to a phrase using have got.

0 I don’t have any brothers or sisters.

I haven’t got any brothers or sisters.
1 She doesn’t have time to chat on the phone.
2 Bonnie, do you have school today?
3 Carl has a new story for me to read.
4 Why does Gregory have his skateboard with him?
5 I know she has a computer.
6 Marsha doesn’t have a lot of relatives.
7 Does your mum have a job?
8 My dog doesn’t have any friends!
9 We have a big house.
10 Derek, do you have a pet?

6 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

Dear Bob,

I (0) am really happy I found you on Worldfriends! I don’t (1) _________ a lot of
friends online, but I’ve (2) _________ three close friends here in Manchester, where I
live. (3) _________ best friend lives in London. Where do (4) _________ best friends
live? Do you go to (5) _________ houses to play computer games sometimes?

Bye for now!


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7 Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

Hi from Belgium! My name (0) a Charlotte. I live in Bruges with (1) _____ family in a
big house. I share a room with my sister Mary. We’ve (2) _____ lots of things in (3)
_____ room – a computer, a table, two beds and all our books and toys.

I chat online with my friends from all over the world on (4) _____ computer. They tell
me all about (5) _____ families and pets. Their towns (6) _____ very different from
mine. My friend in England (7) _____ got a small house in the country.

(8) _____ sister Mary doesn’t have many friends online, but (9) _____ best friend
lives here in Bruges, so she’s never lonely. (10) _____ best friend is called Helen and
she’s twelve years old.

0 a is b has c are
1 a my b his c your
2 a get b got c have
3 a its b her c our
4 a hers b my c their
5 a their b your c its
6 a have b are c is
7 a has b is c got
8 a His b My c Her
9 a their b my c her
10 a Marys b Marys’ c Mary’s

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Section 4


8 Match the missing phrases with the gaps to complete the description.

A me and my family
B with my sister
C over my desk
D brothers and a sister
E fair hair and blue eyes

I’m Hayley and I’m twelve years old. I’ve got long (1) _____ . My friends say I’m
beautiful, but I don’t know!

I’ve got a big family. I’ve got two (2) _____ . I have three cousins and we all spend a
lot of time together. I share a room (3) _____ and we share our clothes and toys.

(4) _____ I’ve got photos of my favourite film stars. I’ve got a photo of (5) _____ and
that’s my favourite!

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Unit 1 Test

1B 2B 3A 4B 5A

1c 2b 3a 4c 5b 6b 7c 8b 9a 10a

1 nephew 2 country 3 great-grandfather 4 world 5 close

1B 2C 3A 4B 5C 6B 7A 8A 9C 10B

1 She hasn’t got time to chat on the phone.
2 Bonnie, have you got school today?
3 Carl has got a new story for me to read.
4 Why has Gregory got his skateboard with him?
5 I know she has got/she’s got a computer.
6 Marsha hasn’t got a lot of relatives.
7 Has your mum got a job?
8 My dog hasn’t got any friends!
9 We have got/We’ve got a big house.
10 Derek, have you got a pet?

1 have 2 got 3 My 4 your 5 their

1a 2b 3c 4b 5a 6b 7a 8b 9c 10c

1E 2D 3B 4C 5A

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Laser A1+ Unit 2 Test

Name: ….…………………………………………………………………

Section 1


1 Look at the sentences about life on a farm. Read the text and decide if each
sentence is correct. If it is correct, write A. If it is incorrect, write B.

1 Life on the farm isn’t very nice. _________

2 Only the parents wake up early in the morning. _________
3 The children don’t go to school. _________
4 Magda and Pierre help their parents pick fruit. _________
5 People visit the farm because they want to buy fruit and vegetables. _________


Life on a farm
Do you hate life in the city? Do you think life on a farm is great, easy and quiet? Well,
think again. Life on a farm is great, but it’s also very difficult!

Magda and Pierre live on a farm in France with their parents. Every day all the family
wake up very early in the morning and they feed the animals and collect the milk and
eggs. Then Magda and Pierre brush the horses. Their dad takes the sheep to the
field. After that they go to school. When they come back, they help their parents plant
vegetables and pick fruit.

After lunch, they do their homework for the next day and then Pierre moves the
sheep back to the farm and Magda feeds the ducks. A lot of people visit their farm
because they love the animals there and they want to buy fresh fruit and vegetables.
Everyone loves their old goat, Bud. Bud doesn’t play or run very much now, but he
loves people and people love him.

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Laser A1+ Unit 2 Test

Section 2


2 Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

Nick’s Day
Nick (0) a up every day at half (1) _____ six. He’s got a (2) _____ but he hasn’t got a
clock in his room, so his mum wakes him up every morning. He has breakfast and
cleans his teeth. Then he (3) _____ his dog and her (4) _____ and takes them for a
walk. After that, he goes to school for six (5) _____ . He comes back home at (6)
_____ past two and he has lunch. He does his homework and then he goes out and
plays football with his friends. Sometimes he plays with his sister’s (7) _____ . It’s
very funny and it likes running after a ball. At (8) _____ to eight he has dinner and
then he watches TV for an hour. He (9) _____ the dog and then he goes to bed.
Sometimes at weekends he goes to the mountain and he (10) _____ new trees!

0 a gets b goes c has

1 a past b to c quarter
2 a o'clock b watch c hour
3 a picks b moves c feeds
4 a calf b duckling c puppy
5 a minutes b seconds c hours
6 a half b to c past
7 a pony b kitten c lamb
8 a quarter b hour c second
9 a collects b strokes c picks
10 a touches b plants c feeds

3 Choose the correct word.

0 See you at the farm at three o’clock / clock.

1 The ducklings / chicks are swimming in the pond with their mother.
2 We move / pick the apples from the trees and sell them at the market.
3 An hour has got 360 seconds / quarters.
4 You can touch / move my rabbit if you want. It likes stroking.
5 My grandmother always welcomes / plants us when we visit her with a kiss!
6 Farmers move / plant vegetables.
7 Can you please move / feed the sheep from this field to the next?
8 How many kittens / puppies has your cat got?
9 My sister helps my mum feed / collect the chickens’ eggs.
10 He’s very fast! He can run 100 metres in 12 hours / seconds.

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4 Write a word from the box in each gap.

chicks city feeding

half hour lambs
move ponies time
watch welcome

0 He always gets up at half past eight in the morning.

1 When we go to the farm we ride on the _________ .
2 The farmer and his wife always _________ visitors with a smile.
3 Mary, please _________ your school bag from the living room to your room.
4 My _________ doesn’t work. What time is it, please?
5 When we visit our grandparents’ farm, we always look at the _________ following
the mother chicken.
6 Can you tell me the _________ , please?
7 I love _________ the ducklings. I throw bread in the duck pond!
8 How many minutes are there in an _________ ?
9 This mother sheep has got two _________ .
10 I live in the _________ , but I want to live on a farm.

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Laser A1+ Unit 2 Test

Section 3


5 Put the verbs into the present simple to complete the text.

Gwen (0) lives (live) on a farm with her parents. Every day she gets up at half past
six and (1) _________ (have) breakfast. She (2) _________ (not/go) to school then.
First, she helps her parents. They (3) _________ (feed) the animals and Gwen
collects the eggs. Her mother collects the milk from the cows and her dad
(4) _________ (move) the sheep to the field. Their sheepdog, Miles, makes sure the
sheep (5) _________ (not/get) lost! Gwen goes to school at half past eight and
comes back home at half past three. She has lunch and then she (6) _________ (do)
her homework. (7) _________ (she/watch) TV after that? No, she (8) _________
(not/do)! She plays with Miles or she rides her favourite horse, Tick. What (9)
_________ (Gwen and her friends/do) at weekends? They play with the farm
animals or they (10) _________ (go) to the cinema.

6 Rewrite each sentence so the word or phrase in bold is in the correct place.

0 She goes to the cinema. (every week)

She goes to the cinema every week.
1 He is late for school. (never)
2 They watch TV in the evening. (sometimes)
3 I go to bed very late at night. (usually)
4 We feed the horses early in the morning. (always)
5 Andy plays tennis in the afternoons. (often)
6 Summers here are very hot. (always)
7 These chicks make funny noises. (sometimes)
8 I have milk and toast for breakfast. (usually)
9 The puppies are happy. (always)
10 My friends and I go to the shopping centre. (often)

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Laser A1+ Unit 2 Test

Section 4


7 Put the parts of the email in the right order.

1 _____
2 _____
3 _____
4 _____
5 _____

A I’m on holiday now with my sister. We’re on a farm and it’s great! We get up very
early every morning and we help on the farm. There are lots of animals here! We
feed the ducklings and their mum and then we milk the cows. We usually have
breakfast after that and then we help with other jobs on the farm.

B In the evenings we’re very tired, but there isn’t a TV here on the farm, so we don’t
watch TV! We play games or talk to the farmer and his wife.

C I want to go to see the lambs now.

Bye for now!

D Hi Pam!
How are you? I hope you’re well. Are you at home or on holiday?

It’s hard work, but it’s great fun. We always have lunch at half past one and then we
relax for some time. In the afternoon, we usually play with the baby animals. The
puppies and the kittens are very cute and funny! Sometimes, I ride a horse. Her
name is Neda. My sister often goes for a walk with the farm dog, Bob!

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Unit 2 Test

1B 2B 3B 4A 5A

1a 2b 3c 4c 5c 6a 7b 8a 9b 10b

1 ducklings 2 pick 3 seconds 4 touch 5 welcomes 6 plant 7 move 8 kittens 9 collect
10 seconds

1 ponies 2 welcome 3 move 4 watch 5 chicks 6 time 7 feeding 8 hour 9 LAMBS 10

1 has 2 does not/doesn’t go 3 feed 4 moves 5 don’t get 6 does 7 Does she watch 8
doesn’t 9 do Gwen and her friends do 10 go

1 He is never late for school.
2 They sometimes watch TV in the evening.
3 I usually got to bed very late at night.
4 We always feed the horses early in the morning.
5 Andy often plays tennis in the afternoons.
6 Summers here are always very hot.
7 These chicks sometimes make funny noises.
8 I usually have milk and toast for breakfast.
9 The puppies are always happy.
10 My friends and I often go to the shopping centre.

1D 2A 3E 4B 5C

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Laser A1+ Unit 3 Test

Name: ….…………………………………………………………………

Section 1


1 Match the paragraphs with the objects.


Going shopping
1 Roddy _________
Roddy is thirteen years old and he loves going shopping with his friends. ‘Every
Saturday we meet and go to the town centre and spend all our money on things we
like. My hobby is skateboarding, so I go to the sports shop and see what they’ve got
there. Sometimes I buy t-shirts or jeans if I need some new ones, but today I need
some news shoes because mine are really old now.’
2 Barbara _________
Barbara is twelve and she likes going to the shopping centre with her mother to find
new clothes. ‘I go to lots of parties,’ she says, ‘so I need new clothes all the time.
Next week my friend is having a big birthday party, and everyone is wearing their
best clothes, so I must find a new skirt to go with my best shoes.’
3 Gillian _________
Gillian, thirteen years old, doesn’t really like shopping, but she has to go to the
supermarket because her mum is so busy today. ‘I must buy vegetables,’ she says.
‘It’s really boring. My mum told me what to buy. Carrots and tomatoes. I prefer my
computer games!’
4 Dave _________
Dave enjoys shopping. ‘I buy lots of things, because my dad gives me lots of money
to spend. I buy toys and games usually, and I always buy things for my friends, too.
Today I’m going to the bookshop to find a book by my favourite writer. I’ve got six of
his books and now I want another one!’
5 Nora _________
Nora wants to go shopping today, too. ‘I don’t really need anything new,’ she says,
‘but I really like shopping. I enjoy looking in the shops, but I’m not really looking for
anything special. Oh, look! There’s a nice jacket! I could wear that in the winter when
it’s snowing. I think I’ll get it!’

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Laser A1+ Unit 3 Test

Section 2


2 Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

The shopping centre

There are always lots of people (0) a their shopping at the shopping centre. It’s a
very big building. The doors open (1) _____ – you don’t need to push them. Inside
there are shops, cinemas and lots of places to (2) _____ .

There are bookshops and music shops with lots of (3) _____ looking at the books
and CDs. There are also flower shops, toy shops and many others. It’s gigantic! If
you get (4) _____ , there are (5) _____ to sit on and have a rest.

If you want to buy some clothes, go up the (6) _____ to the second floor and you will
find many shops. They sell shoes, skirts, (7) _____ – all the clothes you want! If you
go up again, on the third floor you will find lots of restaurants where you can sit and
have a drink or eat something if you’re (8) _____ .

On the top floor there are two cinemas, which are (9) _____ empty in the daytime
and full at night. You can spend the whole day at the centre, and the whole evening,
too! When I go there, I always (10) _____ myself.

0 a doing b making c having

1 a usually b normally c automatically
2 a wear b wave c eat
3 a presents b customers c grocers
4 a tired b hungry c bored
5 a benches b boots c books
6 a floor b escalator c square
7 a games b flowers c jackets
8 a hungry b tired c dangerous
9 a now b normally c automatically
10 a like b fun c enjoy

3 Write a word from the box in each gap.

gigantic narrow rectangular

thick tiny wide

0 Her hair is difficult to brush because it’s so thick.

1 The street was so _________ that the car couldn’t drive down it.
2 The station is next to a(n) _________ new office building. It’s really big.
3 The river is so _________ that we can’t swim across it.
4 Her room is _________ – there’s room for her bed and nothing else!
5 The central square isn’t really square, it’s _________ .

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4 Choose the correct word.

0 I think / decide my sister is playing computer games in her room.

1 I’m waiting for you outside / past the butcher’s. Where are you?
2 I’m at the top of the escalator – by / next to the florist’s.
3 When you get to the games shop, turn / jump left and you’ll see me.
4 Joe went somewhere over / next there to look for some shoes.
5 We’re shopping around / in the shopping centre.
6 That girl is getting / waving at you. Look! Do you know her?
7 Helen is the girl turning / wearing the red dress and the green hat.
8 The children are going / getting bored – let’s go home now.
9 There was no bus, so we’re walking / standing into town.
10 Kate and John are getting / having ready for school now.

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Laser A1+ Unit 3 Test

Section 3


5 Put the verbs into the present simple or present continuous to complete the

At the moment Angela and I (0) are shopping (shop) in the new shopping centre. I
(1) _________ (need) some new shoes and she (2) _________ (look) for a book.
The shopping centre (3) _________ (be) full of people today, because lots of shops
(4) _________ (have) special offers on their things, so everyone (5) _________
(spend) a lot of money!

Right now we (6) _________ (stand) outside the book shop and we (7) _________
(look) at the books in the window. We (8) _________ (not want) to buy any today,
but it’s always nice to look! Now we (9) _________ (have) a drink at our favourite
restaurant on the third floor. Angela (10) _________ (eat) an ice cream. This
shopping centre has got everything!

6 Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

I (0) c with my friend at the shopping centre today. (1) _________ are going shopping
together because it (2) _________ his sister’s birthday soon and we need to buy (3)
_________ a present. I don’t know what she wants for (4) _________ birthday, but
she’s (5) _________ friend’s sister, so I’m sure he knows what she likes!

‘I think we should buy her a poster,’ I say, but my friend says she doesn’t like (6)
_________ .

‘Maybe she wants a CD?’ I say, but he says she doesn’t like them either.

‘We could buy her one of (7) _________ books she’s always reading – you know –
the Harold Pointer books,’ I say, but he says they don’t have any of (8) _________ in
the bookshop.

‘This is really difficult. What does she like?’ I ask my friend. He says she likes things
she makes (9) _________ .

‘But we can’t buy anything like that in (10) _________ shops!’ I say.

0 a am shop b shop c am shopping

1 a Us b We c Our
2 a being b is c it’s
3 a them b us c her
4 a she b her c your
5 a her b my c its
6 a them b it c their
7 a them b those c this
8 a them b this c they
9 a hers b her c herself
10 a these b them c this

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7 Choose the correct word.

0 This / These is the only florist’s in the shopping centre.

1 Do you like these / this skirt?
2 These are my pet cats. Do you like them / they?
3 It was really cold and our winter clothes didn’t keep us / we warm.
4 I want one of those / this CDs over there!
5 I cut me / myself with a knife when I was cooking.

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Section 4


8 Match the missing phrases with the gaps to complete the description.

A Near the door

B It’s a book about clothes and fashion
C Everyone is enjoying themselves.
D It’s raining outside
E The baby is holding

This is a picture of a big bookshop. (1) _________ and people are carrying umbrellas
and wearing warm jackets. The bookshop has got a lot of customers. There are only
two shop assistants and they’re very busy!

(2) _________ , some children are looking at books with lots of pictures and colours.
They’re having a lot of fun! Next to them, a woman is carrying her little baby. I think
she’s the mother of one of the other children. (3) _________ a huge pink doll.

In the middle of the bookshop, a writer is telling people about his new book. (4)
_________ and lots of girls and young women are listening to him. They all want to
buy his book!

(5) _________ They’re buying books and CDs, but they’re also just looking at books
and enjoying being in such a quiet and beautiful place.

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Unit 3 Test

1C 2A 3D 4E 5B

1c 2c 3b 4a 5a 6b 7c 8a 9b 10c

1 narrow 2 gigantic 3 wide 4 tiny 5 rectangular

1 outside 2 next 3 turn 4 over 5 in 6 waving 7 wearing 8 getting 9 walking 10 getting

1 need 2 is/’s looking 3 is 4 have 5 is/’s spending 6 are/’re standing 7 are/’re looking
8 don’t want 9 are/’re having 10 is/’s eating

1b 2b 3c 4b 5b 6a 7b 8a 9c 10a

1 this 2 them 3 us 4 those 5 myself

1D 2A 3E 4B 5C

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Laser A1+ Unit 4 Test

Name: ….…………………………………………………………………

Section 1


1 Look at the sentences about a school website. Read the text and decide if
each sentence is correct. If it is correct, write A. If it is incorrect, write B.

1 Pupils and teachers can work on this website. _________

2 Four pupils write most of the articles. _________
3 You can find information about sport on the website. _________
4 There are reviews about films and plays in the town. _________
5 You can visit other schools’ websites from Marathi School Website. _________


Marathi School: Pupil Website

Welcome to our new school website for pupils only! It's a website for all the pupils of
the school. Only pupils work on it, no teachers at all! I’m Ted Black and I’m the editor
of the site, but a lot of pupils write articles and reviews, too. There are four main
reporters for our site: Nicky Grass, Petra Swindon, Novak Bregovic and Sasha

Our website is about what happens at school, like seminars, concerts, school
matches and games, and many other things. If you want to know what’s happening at
the school, this is the place to look for news.

There are many sections on the website. If you want to know about the everyday
news, click on the ‘News’ section. If you’re interested in how the school teams are
doing, click on ‘School Sports’. There are also reviews of school plays and concerts
in the ‘Arts and Reviews’ section. You can find other things that are interesting, too.
For example, there are links to other schools’ websites and a special section where
you can write your own articles, poems and short stories.

Finally, if you have an opinion you want to share with the rest of the school, or a
question about something, please send us an email or a letter.

We hope you find the new website interesting and useful!


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Laser A1+ Unit 4 Test

Section 2


2 Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

Our School
In our school (0) a you can find lots of different (1) _____ on things that interest the
pupils of the school. The (2) _____ of the magazine is Maria Gonzalez and she
works with two (3) _____ , Vicky Chan and Tom Lugg. There are different (4) _____
in the magazine. There’s a special section on school sports and teams, and another
with (5) _____ of school plays and concerts. You can also read interesting (6) _____
with pupils and teachers – we ask them lots of questions about their life at school and
their (7) _____ . Many pupils send us (8) _____ with their (9) _____ or short stories,
and we also have a (10) _____ section where you can find information about all the
future events at our school.

0 a magazine b email c poem

1 a reporters b calendars c articles
2 a editor b newspaper c letter
3 a sections b reporters c reviews
4 a books b newspapers c sections
5 a reviews b views c programmes
6 a links b interviews c websites
7 a opinions b emails c calendars
8 a books b sections c emails
9 a editors b poems c newspapers
10 a letter b calendar c poem

3 Choose the correct word.

0 My father buys the newspaper / magazine every day.

1 He likes surfing sports websites / reviews.
2 The reporter is asking a lot of questions in the interview / link.
3 What’s your view / short story on the events in the city centre?
4 Why is your little brother screaming / whispering? Is something wrong with him?
5 Excuse me, can you say / tell me the time, please?
6 I don’t believe Jack. He never tells / speaks the truth.
7 Shhh! We must shout / whisper because everybody is sleeping.
8 Look at those girls. What are they laughing and telling / talking about?
9 Dominic speaks / says English very well!
10 I’m right next to you – why are you saying / shouting?

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Laser A1+ Unit 4 Test

4 Write a word from the box in each gap.

calendar editor lies

links programmes review
speak truth whispering

0 Mike isn’t a very good child. He tells lies all the time.

1 On this website, you can find _________ to other school sites.
2 If you want to know about next week’s matches, look at the _________ section of
our website.
3 She’s the _________ of the newspaper and she decides what articles, reviews and
interviews are in it every month.
4 She’s _________ because she doesn’t want the teacher to hear her.
5 Can you _________ Japanese? Wow!
6 I think you must tell your parents the _________ about your problem.
7 What TV _________ do you like?
8 Before I go to the cinema, I always read a(n) _________ of the film in the

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Laser A1+ Unit 4 Test

Section 3


5 Read the answers in an interview. Then write questions about the underlined

0 How old are you?

I’m fourteen.
1 ______________________________________________
I live in Southampton, in England.
2 ______________________________________________
I like watching sport on TV.
3 ______________________________________________
I usually get up at half past seven every morning.
4 ______________________________________________
I walk to school because it’s good exercise.
5 ______________________________________________
I prefer City. They are a better team than United!
6 ______________________________________________
My favourite actor is Will Smith. He’s very funny!

6 Complete the second sentence using too.

0 The maths problem is very difficult and I can’t answer it.

The maths problem is too difficult for me to answer.
1 Your letter is very rude and we can’t put it on our school website.
Your letter is _______________________ on our school website.
2 The new English teacher speaks very fast and we don’t understand him.
The new English teacher speaks _______________________ understand him.
3 This milk is very hot and the baby can’t drink it.
This milk is _______________________ drink.
4 His short story is very boring and I don’t want to read it!
His short story is _______________________ read!
5 This jacket is very small and I can’t wear it.
This jacket is _______________________ wear.
6 Chinese is very difficult and I can’t learn it.
Chinese is _______________________ learn.
7 Mobile phones are very expensive, so I haven’t got one.
Mobile phones are _______________________ have.
8 He’s very young and he can’t drive a car!
He’s _______________________ a car!
9 The weather is very cold and we can’t go swimming today.
The weather is _______________________ swimming today.
10 This question is very difficult and the pupils can’t understand it.
This question is _______________________ understand.

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Laser A1+ Unit 4 Test

Section 4


7 Match the interview questions with the answers.

1 Who is your favourite sports person? _________

2 How old are you? _________
3 How many children have you got? _________
4 Where do you live? _________
5 Why do you live there? _________
6 What’s your favourite food? _________
7 What time do you get up every morning? _________
8 How do you spend your free time? _________
9 Which programme do you prefer on TV, Top Gear or Survivor? _________
10 When is your next tennis match? _________

A I’m 26.
B It’s very beautiful and I’ve got lots of friends there.
C That’s an easy question! Rafael Nadal. He’s amazing!
D None. I’m not married.
E I like all Spanish food. It’s delicious!
F In Monaco. Lots of tennis players live there.
G I watch TV, I read books or I play computer games.
H Very early! I have breakfast and then I start training.
I It’s at Wimbledon, next June.
J Hmm … I think I like Top Gear most.


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Unit 4 Test

1B 2A 3A 4B 5A

1c 2a 3b 4c 5a 6b 7a 8c 9b 10b

1 websites 2 interview 3 view 4 screaming 5 tell 6 tells 7 whisper 8 talking 9 speaks
10 shouting

1 links 2 calendar 3 editor 4 whispering 5 speak 6 truth 7 programmes 8 review

1 Where do you live?
2 What do you like watching on TV?
3 What time do you usually get up?
4 Why do you walk to school?
5 Which team do you prefer?
6 Who’s your favourite actor?

1 too rude to put 2 too fast for us to 3 too hot for the baby to 4 too boring (for me) to 5
too small for me to 6 too difficult (for us) to 7 too expensive (for me) to 8 too young to
drive 9 too cold (for us) to go 10 too difficult (for the pupils) to

1C 2A 3D 4F 5B 6E 7H 8G 9J 10I

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Laser A1+ Unit 5 Test

Name: ….…………………………………………………………………

Section 1


1 Match the paragraphs with the sentences.

1 This person doesn’t like to do anything difficult or tiring on holiday. _________

2 This person likes to explore on his/her own on holiday. _________
3 This person likes going a long way on holiday. _________
4 This person likes holidays full of activities. _________
5 This person prefers the country to cities. _________

Travel and holidays

A Doris
I love travelling and I love travelling to faraway places. I go on holiday every summer
with my family and last year we went all the way to Zimbabwe to see all the animals.
We drove into the countryside in a big bus and took photographs of the things we
saw through the windows. The lions and elephants were fantastic!

B Julie
Studying other countries is my favourite lesson at school. I like studying continents
and countries, and I like hills and lakes and not big houses or churches. I don’t really
like sightseeing when I go on holiday because I don’t like history very much. Last
year we went to South America and we saw some beautiful countries, like Venezuela
and Brazil.

C Roger
I like walking around a city on my own and seeing all the little places where people
live and work and go shopping. I don’t want to see the big historical places very
much, because they’re full of tourists and you don’t see the real city with the real
people in those places – even if you have a tour guide. I like the cities in Mexico and

D James
What I like to do on holiday is … nothing! I like sitting in the sun looking at the view. It
doesn’t matter if I’m at the seaside or in a city or in the mountains. I like to sit and
think and read a book, but nothing too difficult because I don’t want to get tired! I like
Egypt and Spain because they’re very hot countries.

E Audrey
My holidays are full of action – swimming, walking, climbing. I love them all! I don’t
get tired, and I think it’s really exciting to do something you can’t do in your life at
home. Sometimes we go into the mountains and walk for days and we don’t see
anyone else the whole time! I like Oman and Kenya, and one year we went to
Norway and lived in the snow for a week. It was cold but it was the best holiday I ever

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Laser A1+ Unit 5 Test

Section 2


2 Circle the word that doesn’t belong.

0 write find explore look

1 Africa Asia Europe China
2 bus car ferry taxi
3 sights mountain beach sea
4 first welcome last then
5 Austria Poland North America India
6 trip tour travelling dolphin
7 camera ferry helicopter plane
8 postcard photo continent picture
9 burger meal bus picnic
10 hotel carriage square building

3 Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

Today we went to see all the famous (0) a in Paris – the (1) _____ of France. It’s a
(2) _____ city with lots of amazing places to see. Our hotel is in the centre, so as
soon as we arrived, we (3) _____ our bags in our room and went out to (4) _____ the
area. We took a (5) _____ to the Avenue des Champs-Élysées which is the main
shopping street. It’s really noisy and there are thousands of (6) _____ everywhere.

Next, we took a (7) _____ to the Eiffel Tower. It’s really high and we went to the top –
what a wonderful (8) _____ of Paris!

I didn’t take my (9) _____ with me, so I couldn’t take any photographs. I bought some
(10) _____ instead – to remember my first day in Paris. What a fantastic holiday!

0 a sights b blogs c tourists

1 a country b capital c city
2 a centre b close c huge
3 a arrived b found c dropped
4 a travel b explore c drive
5 a traffic b taxi c plane
6 a tourists b photographs c friends
7 a ferry b bus c bike
8 a view b sight c site
9 a postcard b camera c carriage
10 a postcards b blogs c sights

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Laser A1+ Unit 5 Test

Section 3


4 Put the verbs into the past simple to complete the sentences.

0 We got (get) here just three days ago.

1 Yesterday, we all got into the car and _________ (drive) to the shops.
2 When Kate was in Honolulu, she _________ (eat) Hawaiian food for the first time.
3 _________ (you / write) lots of postcards when you were on holiday?
4 We arrived at night, but we _________ (find) the hotel quite easily.
5 We _________ (not fly) to Spain – we took the car. It was a very long drive!
6 He _________ (take) summer clothes, a hat and his book, but he forgot his
7 _________ (they / make) you feel welcome when you arrived at your hotel?
8 It rained on the first day and we didn’t go out until it _________ (stop).
9 We got lost in the city, but somebody _________ (tell) us how to get home.
10 We _________ (not explore) the island because we didn’t have time.


5 Choose the correct word.

0 The children did have / had hot dogs for their dinner, with lots of mustard.
1 Where did you go / went on holiday last year?
2 Why did / does you go to South America?
3 They didn’t / wasn’t visit India last year.
4 How long did you stayed / stay in Kenya?
5 She making / made some new friends on holiday.
6 Did / Was you fly to the Greek islands last summer?
7 They weren’t / wasn’t happy to see him on the ferry.
8 Who did you travel / travelled with?
9 You visited / Did you visit the Empire State Building?
10 What were / did you do when you were there?


6 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

We (0) were ready to go on holiday. My dad (1) _________ the car to the airport, and
then we got onto the plane and (2) _________ to Detroit in the USA. We (3)
_________ at the hotel and they took us to our rooms on the top floor. From the
window we (4) _________ a fantastic view of the whole city. The next day a tour
guide (5) _________ us on a tour around the sights of Detroit. What a strange place!

The next day we (6) _________ breakfast very early and (7) _________ a ferry
across the lake to Canada. Canada is very different to the United States, but they’re
both part of the same continent, which is called North America. In Canada, I (8)
_________ very safe, but in Detroit, I (9) _________ scared all the time. (10)
_________ I enjoy my holiday? Yes, I did. I had a really good time.


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Laser A1+ Unit 5 Test

Section 4


7 Match the missing phrases with the gaps to complete the blog post.

A I made friends with one boy

B Click on the link to see them
C We got a car
D the water was an amazing colour
E just two hours

We got back from our tour of France last Saturday. It didn’t take us long to fly home –
(1) _____ . When we got home I went out to see my friends and tell them all about
my holiday, and now I’m telling you!

My parents and I went for a week. (2) _____ and we travelled all the south of the
country. We visited lots of towns and villages, and we stayed in some fantastic
hotels. We saw the Mediterranean Sea – (3) _____ . We spent lots of time on the
beach and I went windsurfing, too.
I met some great kids, and (4) _____ , called Jean-Paul. My French isn’t very good,
but he spoke great English, so we could talk easily. He told me about his school and
his friends.

I took lots of photographs. (5) _____ . I really enjoyed my holiday. We all had a great


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Unit 5 Test

1D 2C 3A 4E 5B

1 China 2 ferry 3 sights 4 welcome 5 North America 6 dolphin 7 camera 8 continent 9
bus 10 carriage

1b 2c 3c 4b 5b 6a 7b 8a 9b 10a

1 drove 2 ate 3 Did you write 4 found 5 didn’t fly 6 took 7 Did they make 8 stopped 9
told 10 didn’t explore

1 go 2 did 3 didn’t 4 stay 5 made 6 Did 7 weren’t 8 travel 9 Did you visit 10 did

1 drove 2 flew 3 arrived 4 had 5 took 6 had 7 took 8 felt 9 was 10 Did

1E 2C 3D 4A 5B  

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Laser A1+ Term Test 1: Units 1–5

Name: ….…………………………………………………………………

Section 1


1 Look at these sentences about Petra’s blog. Read the text and decide if each
sentence is correct. If it is correct, write A. If it is incorrect, write B.

1 Petra didn’t enjoy herself on the farm. _________

2 Petra’s sister collected eggs and milk. _________
3 Petra likes school tests. _________
4 Petra is a reporter for the school newspaper. _________
5 Petra’s great-grandmother has her birthday tomorrow. _________


Petra’s blog
Hi! I’m Petra. Welcome to my blog. Here I write about what I do, how I feel and
anything funny or strange that happens to me. I hope you have fun reading it!

Farm life!
Last weekend my family and I visited a farm. We had a great time! We saw lots of
baby animals – chicks, lambs, calves. It was fantastic! I rode on a pony – his name
was Tony and he was very sweet and cute. I loved him. I also helped the farmer feed
the chickens and my sister collected the eggs, and the milk from the cows – that was
very funny to see!

Difficult week!
We’re having exams at school and I’m studying and studying and studying! Life is
very hard! Why do we have tests? I hate them – really I do! I’m getting bored and
tired with it and I want to go shopping! There’s a new shopping centre near my house
and all my friends are there, but I’m at home studying! Do you have to study for
school tests? Write and tell me your views and opinions.

School newspaper
Our school newspaper wants some articles on pupils’ opinions about things and
problems you have at school or at home. I’m the editor of the newspaper, so please
send me your emails with your views. And don’t forget to check out our website for
reviews of the school play and the calendar section for school sport and matches!

Bye for now!

That’s all for now! I’m going to have a break and visit the shopping centre. I want to
find a florist’s to buy some flowers for my great-grandmother. It’s her birthday
tomorrow – she’s 97 years old!

See you next week!

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Laser A1+ Term Test 1: Units 1–5

Section 2


2 Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

My (0) a daughter – my (1) _____ that is – is six years old tomorrow and I want to
buy her a present. She wants a (2) _____ , but her parents don’t think that’s a good
idea. They say that a pet isn’t a good present for a young child because she can’t
look after it herself. I think that a doll is a better idea. So I’m now at the (3) _____
looking for a (4) _____ . My (5) _____ is with me. She wants a new t-shirt for a party
on Saturday, but she doesn't want to buy something (6) _____ because she hasn’t
got a lot of money. The shopping centre is very (7) _____ and there are lots of (8)
_____ in all the shops because it’s near the holidays and everybody wants to buy
presents. There are people on the (9) _____ and in the lifts and everywhere you look
people are buying things or eating. Our city isn’t the (10) _____ of the country, but
there are lots of shops and people here.

0 a aunt’s b grandmother’s c mother’s

1 a sister b cousin c nephew
2 a skateboard b puppy c plant
3 a butcher’s b grocer’s c shopping centre
4 a toy shop b lift c view
5 a only child b tour guide c best friend
6 a expensive b cheap c gigantic
7 a huge b busy c tiny
8 a tourists b reporters c customers
9 a escalators b ferries c carriages
10 a trip b capital c town


3 Choose the correct word or phrase.

0 Have you got a watch / time? What’s the time, please?

1 There’s a very interesting website / article in the newspaper about young
2 Why is that baby screaming / talking? What’s wrong with her?
3 Shhh, quiet! The teacher is listening. Let’s shout / whisper!
4 The interview / review with Emma Watson was very interesting. She talked all
about the Harry Potter films.
5 I don’t believe Phil because he tells / talks lies all the time!
6 My parents are on a tour / city of America! They’re enjoying themselves a lot!
7 I don’t understand what the teacher is telling / talking about.
8 My father is in Athens this week. He’s on a shopping centre / trip for his work.
9 Our hotel is a very high building and the opinion / view from our window is
10 It’s half past / to ten and Jenny isn’t here yet. She’s very late.

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Laser A1+ Term Test 1: Units 1–5

4 Write a word from the box in each gap.

butcher’s feed narrow

plant speak the sights
thick ticket waste

0 When we go to the farm, we feed the animals.

1 We’re now in London and we’re looking at _________ . My favourite places are
Buckingham Palace, the Science Museum and The Natural History Museum.
2 How many languages can you _________ ?
3 How much is the _________ for the cinema?
4 Our history book is very big and _________ . I can’t read all of it!
5 Can you help me _________ some vegetables? Then we can eat them next
summer when they’re ready.
6 When you go to the _________ , please buy a kilo of meat.
7 The street was very _________ and dark and I was afraid to walk down there.
8 Quick! Don’t _________ time. The film is starting and we’re already late!


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Laser A1+ Term Test 1: Units 1–5

Section 3


5 Put the verbs into the present simple or present continuous to complete the

Hi Tanya,
It was great to hear from you. You asked me about my life, so I (0) am/’m writing
(write) you this email to tell you all about myself.
My family and I (1) _________ (live) in the capital of Croatia, Zagreb. It’s a beautiful
city with lots of beautiful parks and trees and people (2) _________ (enjoy) going
there for picnics or walks. In the old town there are beautiful buildings and narrow
streets. It’s a great place to walk around!
We live in the new part of the city. My dad (3) _________ (often / take) the bus to
work and my brother and I walk to school. My mum (4) _________ (not / work). She
(5) _________ (stay) at home and (6) _________ (usually / cook) and cleans the
house. She says it’s a very tiring job and I believe her, because when I help her I get
very tired, too!
Today I (7) _________ (not / go) to school – I (8) _________ (stay) at home. I (9)
_________ (not / help) my mother because I’m studying for a big test.
How (10) _________ (you / usually / spend) your time at home? What’s your town
like? Write and tell me.
Bye for now!

6 Write a word or phrase from the box in each gap.

how often how many those

too very why
yours yourselves

0 How often do you visit your grandparents? I usually visit mine twice a month.
1 Hi Lena and Carrie. Are you enjoying _________ at the party?
2 _________ pages of a book can you read in a day?
3 It’s _________ cold to go swimming today.
4 My little brother is _________ clever. He can read and write and he isn’t at school
5 _________ did you lie to me? I will never believe anything you say to me again.
6 Look at _________ boys over there. They’re laughing at us!
7 This isn’t my laptop. It’s _________ .
…/ 7

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Laser A1+ Term Test 1: Units 1–5

7 Put the verbs into the past simple to complete the sentences.

0 Sandra wrote (write) me a letter last week.

1 When _________ (you/meet) Penelope Cruz?
2 He _________ (travel) to China last year.
3 Simon _________ (not/go) to school last week.
4 We _________ (be) at the shopping centre all day last Saturday.
5 Bob _________ (not/be) happy when his team lost the match.

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Laser A1+ Term Test 1: Units 1–5

Section 4


8 Put the parts of the email in the right order.

1 _____
2 _____
3 _____
4 _____
5 _____

Yesterday, for example, we went to Kew Gardens. They’re huge and you can see
lots of different trees and flowers there and there are ducks and ducklings in the
pond, too. We fed them and they were very happy!

We’re staying in a very small hotel in the city centre. London is very busy and there’s
a lot of traffic, but it’s OK because we walk a lot. The view from our window is
amazing! We can see the river. There are lots of things to do here.

Hi Angela,
I hope you’re having fun on the farm.

I must go now. We want to go to a very big shopping centre and look at the toy shops
there. Say ‘hi’ to your brother from me.
Bye for now!
Lots of love,

I’m not on a farm. I’m in the capital of England – London! It’s great here. Every day
we take the bus and we visit the sights. I love the London parks – they’re gigantic.


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Laser A1+ Term Test 1 Answer key

Term Test 1: Units 1–5

1B 2A 3B 4B 5A

1b 2b 3c 4a 5c 6a 7b 8c 9a 10b

1 article 2 screaming 3 whisper 4 interview 5 tells 6 tour 7 talking 8 trip 9 view 10 past

1 the sights 2 speak 3 ticket 4 thick 5 plant 6 butcher’s 7 narrow 8 waste

1 live 2 enjoy 3 often takes 4 doesn’t work 5 stays 6 usually cooks 7 am/’m not going
8 am/’m staying 9 am/’m not helping 10 do you usually spend

1 yourselves 2 How many 3 too 4 very 5 Why 6 those 7 yours

1 did you meet 2 travelled 3 did not/didn’t go 4 were 5 was not/wasn’t

1C 2E 3B 4A 5D

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Laser A1+ Unit 6 Test

Name: ….…………………………………………………………………

Section 1


1 Read text and match the animals with the sentences. Write the name of the

1 This animal doesn’t close its eyes when it sleeps. _________

2 This animal can’t see colours. _________
3 This animal can walk underwater. _________
4 This animal has lots of teeth. _________
5 This animal can’t jump. _________


More strange facts about animals

If you think people are funny or do funny and strange things, think again! Read about
what we found when we put the phrase ‘strange animals’ into Google TM.

Can you walk underwater? It’s difficult, isn’t it? Well, there’s an animal that can do
that. Armadillos can walk underwater, but they can’t swim! And while we’re talking
about armadillos – how many hours do they sleep a day? You’ll never guess! They
sleep about 18.5 hours a day!

Now, you know that sharks have got lots of teeth, but how many is that? It depends
on the kind of shark, of course, but they can have up to 3,000 teeth! Lots of teeth fall
out, but sharks grow new teeth all the time. Imagine a shark at the dentist! Big

Another strange thing! People sleep with their eyes closed, right? Well, here’s an
animal that doesn’t do that. Dolphins don’t close their eyes when they go to sleep!
Strange but true!

Here’s another strange fact. Do you know which animals never jump? Elephants!
They can’t jump, but they can run quite fast when they want.

And finally, which animal can’t see colours? Can you guess? No? Cows! They only
see things in black and white, but they don’t think that life is boring!

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Laser A1+ Unit 6 Test

Section 2


2 Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

Facts of life!
How old are you before you are (0) b? In some countries you must be eighteen years
old, but in others you must be twenty-one. Before that, a person is (1) _____ or a
teenager. How many (2) _____ do adults have in their mouths? Thirty-two, but
(3) _____ only have twenty-eight. Some people can touch their nose with their
(4) _____ , but others can’t. And it’s a well-known (5) _____ that nobody can
(6) _____ their elbows with their tongue! Try it! And what about (7) _____ ? Do all
people remember things easily? Well, it’s difficult for all of us to learn new things, but
strangely enough, old people can (8) _____ things that happened a long time ago
better than new things! And finally, all fish can swim, but some fish can (9) _____
outside water and others can (10) _____ in the air!

0 a a man b an adult c a child

1 a a woman b people c a child
2 a tongues b feet c teeth
3 a children b men c women
4 a mouth b tongue c teeth
5 a fact b memory c life
6 a pull b lick c drop
7 a memory b facts c tails
8 a grow b pull c remember
9 a pull b push c walk
10 a fly b lick c drop

3 Write a word from the box in each gap.

cute drop grow

jump pick up pull
put down sweet tongues

0 Oh! Look at that kitten! Isn’t it sweet?

1 Don’t _________ the dog’s tail. He doesn’t like it at all!
2 Please don’t _________ the geckos by their tails. Their tails can fall off.
3 Not all animals _________ new teeth when the old ones fall out.
4 Snakes can taste their food with their _________ .
5 My little brother loves puppies. He thinks they’re very _________ .
6 Be careful not to _________ the snake. You will hurt it.
7 How high can a monkey _________?
8 I’m tired of holding the python. Can I _________ it _________ now?

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Laser A1+ Unit 6 Test

4 Choose the correct word.

0 She runs / pushes for two kilometres every morning.

1 My memory / fact isn’t very good. I can’t remember telephone numbers easily.
2 Lambs like to play and jump / pull up and down.
3 Don’t put so much food into your tongue / mouth.
4 This pizza is so tasty – I want to grow / lick my fingers!
5 Shhh! Walk quietly away / Put quietly down from the snake!
6 Be careful! Don’t put down / drop the glass. It will break.
7 Adults / Children don’t grow new teeth.
8 Here – put these boots on your feet / teeth.

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Laser A1+ Unit 6 Test

Section 3


5 Complete the gaps with the correct form of the words in bold.

0 Three women are waiting for the bus to the zoo. WOMAN
1 Can you pick up those _________ and put them on the table? BOX
2 Look at those _________ playing with a ball! Aren’t they sweet? PUPPY
3 Do you like _________ ? BUTTERFLY
4 I’m not afraid of _________. I think they’re cute and clever! MOUSE
5 Can you see those _________ over there? What are they doing? MAN
6 What are you wearing on your _________? FOOT
7 _________ are my favourite fruit. CHERRY
8 He’s not a nice boy. He pushes other _________ ! CHILD

6 Complete the sentences with a, an or the. If no article is necessary, put a

dash (–).

0 Look at the elephants. They’re amazing!

1 I’ve got some pens and some pencils. _________ pencils are red and _________
pens are blue.
2 Be careful. There’s _________ python behind you! Walk away slowly!
3 Excuse me, is there _________ bank near here?
4 _________ giraffes are very tall animals.
5 When we went to India, we saw _________ Asian elephants and _________ other
6 We’re going to be late. Let’s go by _________ taxi.
7 How much did _________ tickets to the zoo cost?
8 Is there _________ elephant at this zoo?

7 Choose the correct word.

0 Can you see the two sheeps / sheep over there?

1 A / The big cat on the sofa is my kitten’s mother.
2 How many chicks / chick can a chicken have?
3 There are three flys / flies on the cheese.
4 He’s got a / the really beautiful lizard. Its name is Marcos.
5 A / – butterflies are very pretty.
6 The child / children are playing football in the garden.
7 Can you open the / a door? It’s hot in here.
8 Fish / The fish have got very short memories.

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Laser A1+ Unit 6 Test

Section 4


8 Put the parts of the email in the right order.

1 _____
2 _____
3 _____
4 _____
5 _____

A Bye for now!


B Please feed the cat and her kittens three times a day.
Take the dog out for a walk twice a day.
Feed the dog twice a day (mornings and evenings) after his walk.
Make sure the cat and the dog have a bowl of clean water.
Make sure the cat’s sandbox is clean.
Play with the chipmunk and feed it once a day. Make sure his box is clean and that
he has fresh water.

C Hi Maribel,

D Thanks for agreeing to look after my pets this weekend! Here are some
instructions to help you.

E If you have any problems, please call me on my mobile anytime! I’m coming back
on Sunday evening. See you then.


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Unit 6 Test

1 dolphin 2 cow 3 armadillo 4 shark 5 elephant

1c 2c 3a 4b 5a 6b 7a 8c 9c 10a

1 pull 2 pick up 3 grow 4 tongues 5 cute 6 drop 7 jump 8 put, down

1 memory 2 jump 3 mouth 4 lick 5 walk quietly away 6 drop 7 Adults 8 feet

1 boxes 2 puppies 3 butterflies 4 mice 5 men 6 feet 7 cherries 8 children

1 The, the 2 a 3 a 4 – 5 – – 6 – 7 the 8 an

1 The 2 chicks 3 flies 4 a 5 – 6 children 7 the 8 Fish

1C 2D 3B 4E 5A  

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Laser A1+ Unit 7 Test

Name: ….…………………………………………………………………

Section 1


1 Read the text and match the jobs with the paragraphs.

1 pilot _________
2 security guard _________
3 flight attendant _________
4 passenger _________
5 baggage truck driver _________

Working at the airport

A Frank works at the airport, but not in the air – on the ground. He collects the bags
and puts them on the planes when they’re ready to leave. When a plane lands, he
takes all the bags off and drives them to the place where the passengers can collect
them. ‘It’s a tiring job, but I like driving my truck,’ he says. ‘Sometimes the weather is
really bad, but I feel like a part of a big machine.’

B Roger has a very important job. He sits at the front of the plane and controls
everything. He always wanted to fly and now he’s doing his dream job. ‘I love flying,’
says Roger. ‘All the passengers rely on me, because sometimes it can be dangerous
– for example, there could be an emergency during take-off or landing.’

C Arthur is at the airport a lot. Sometimes you can see him waiting for his bags or
waiting to get on a plane or showing his passport as he goes through security. ‘It
feels like I’m always catching a plane, going through security checks or collecting my
baggage,’ he says. ‘I have to travel all over the world for my job and so I catch a lot of

D Suzie is Roger’s wife and she sometimes works on the plane that he flies. She
wears nice clothes and looks after the passengers on the flight. She serves them
drinks and food and smiles all the time. She says it’s a tiring job, but she likes helping
people and she likes working with Roger. They are both away from home a lot, but
they are together when they work on the same flight.

E Bruce’s job is very important, because he keeps everyone safe. He works at the
airport, but he doesn’t fly and he doesn’t work at the information desk. He checks all
the passengers, and he helps them through the scanner at security. He is there in
any emergency to help everyone.

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Laser A1+ Unit 7 Test

Section 2


2 Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

Why I hate flying!

I don’t like flying and I don’t like (0) a. I’m always late. I always lose my (1) _____
pass. I don’t understand the information in the airport, and the plane is never
(2) _____ .
It starts when I leave my house and get a taxi. They’re so expensive! The taxi costs
nearly the same as my plane (3) _____ ! When I get to the airport, I have to carry my
bags to the (4) _____ desk. My (5) _____ is always really heavy because I travel for
my job and I have to take lots of things with me. And the worst thing? I’m (6) _____ of
Then I have to go through the security check. They want to see my (7) _____ and I
have to put my bags through the (8) _____ and take my shoes off – it all takes hours
and hours!
Then I go to the gate and wait for hours to get on the plane. I fly (9) _____ class, so
the seats are really small and they give you coffee in a (10) _____ cup which tastes
horrible and the food tastes worse!
Maybe I should get a different job!

0 a airports b engines c wings

1 a passport b boarding c aboard
2 a cotton b comfortable c dangerous
3 a travel b attendant c ticket
4 a check b check-out c check-in
5 a flight b baggage c passport
6 a safe b afraid c enjoyable
7 a boarding b pass c passport
8 a scanner b port c engine
9 a economical b economics c economy
10 a cotton b leather c paper


3 Circle the word that doesn’t belong.

0 safety airline plane

1 engine wing gate
2 cotton glass truck
3 runway serve smile
4 passenger pilot flight attendant
5 land ground take off
6 wing metal rubber
7 security guard scanner mechanic
8 cotton glass desk
9 background ground foreground
10 accident cardboard emergency

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4 Choose the correct word or phrase.

0 This old table is made of wood / cardboard – I hate plastic tables.

1 The seats on this plane are great – they’re made of leather / wood.
2 At the end of the flight, the plane takes off / lands on the runway.
3 Suzie – the gentleman / flight attendant in Seat 61 wants a drink.
4 The wing of a plane is made of metal / plastic.
5 I was wearing a new glass / cotton shirt for my holiday.
6 The mechanic / security guard checked the engine before the flight.
7 When you arrive at the airport, please check in / serve at the desk.
8 Roger flies planes for a very safe airline / gate.
9 The security guard is on the right / foreground of the gate.
10 How often do you run / catch a plane?

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Laser A1+ Unit 7 Test

Section 3


5 Choose the correct word.

0 There weren’t no / any people in the airport – it was empty.

1 How many / much people are on the plane today?
2 Do you have any / no seats on the flight to Gibraltar?
3 I would like an / some information, please.
4 If you have no / much baggage, you can check in more quickly.
5 Do you have many / much experience of flying?

6 Tick () the correct sentences. Underline the mistake in the incorrect
sentences and write the correct word(s).

0 Wait a minute – I’m brushing my hairs. hair

1 French persons usually wear good clothes. _________
2 The furniture in the waiting room was very old. _________
3 Let me give you an advice, my friend. _________
4 It’s about fifty kilometre to the airport. _________
5 All the glass in the windows was broken. _________

7 Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

Hi, my name’s Mandy, and I’m (0) b flight attendant. In my job I have to do a lot (1)
_____ different things.

Firstly, I have to be at the airport very early to get ready for (2) _____ . While the
passengers are checking in their (3) _____ and passing through (4) _____ , the flight
attendants are checking that everything is ready on the plane.

I welcome the (5) _____ onto the plane, and check their boarding (6) _____ . I make
sure they find their (7) _____ and get everything ready for take off.

During the flight, I serve (8) _____ and drinks to the passengers. Some people are
difficult to look after, but (9) _____ people are no trouble at all. Generally, it’s a nice
job, because people rely on you, and I also really enjoy (10) _____ .

0 a the ba c one
1 a for b of c with
2 a worked b works c work
3 a baggages b baggage c bag
4 a security b securities c secures
5 a person b passenger c people
6 a passes b pass c passing
7 a seats b chair c way
8 a feed b food c foods
9 a many b any c much
10 a travel b travels c travelled

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Section 4


8 Match the missing phrases with the gaps to complete the description.

Α Some people are getting into their cars to go home

Β the whole airport below me
C taking the bags away from the plane
D The passengers are getting out
E of planes are waiting to take off

At the airport
I’m looking out of the window of an aeroplane which is landing at a busy airport. I can
see (1) _____ .

On the right is the runway, where a lot (2) _____ . There are some other planes on
the left which landed before. (3) _____ and they’re going into the airport building. The
baggage truck is (4) _____ .

On the other side of the building, there is a huge car park. (5) _____ after their

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Unit 7 Test

1B 2E 3D 4C 5A

1b 2b 3c 4c 5b 6b 7c 8a 9c 10c

1 gate 2 truck 3 runway 4 passenger 5 ground 6 wing 7 scanner 8 desk 9 ground 10

1 leather 2 lands 3 gentleman 4 metal 5 cotton 6 mechanic 7 check in 8 airline 9 right
10 catch

1 many 2 any 3 some 4 no 5 much

1 persons = people 2  3 an advice = some advice 4 kilometre = kilometres 5 

1b 2c 3b 4a 5c 6a 7a 8b 9a 10a

1B 2E 3D 4C 5A

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Laser A1+ Unit 8 Test

Name: ….…………………………………………………………………

Section 1


1 Read the newspaper article and write 1–5 for the order in which the events

A Jennifer and Courtney signed autographs. _________

B Jennifer and Courtney ate at a Chinese restaurant. _________
C Jennifer and Courtney wanted to buy things for the house. _________
D Jennifer and Courtney had an accident. _________
E A new car came to the restaurant to pick them up. _________


Jennifer and Courtney Are Lucky!

Film stars Jennifer Bannister and Courtney Box had an accident yesterday. They
were driving in a car to the city centre when the accident happened.
The two friends were going to a famous shop in Hollywood to buy some things for
Courtney’s house in the country. But Jennifer decided she wanted to have something
to eat. So, the two stars turned left into Sunset Boulevard to visit their favourite
Chinese restaurant.
Car Crash!
At the same time, a bus was coming along the road. While Jennifer was opening the
door of the car to get out, the bus hit her door. Jennifer was very lucky because the
bus nearly hit her, too. She had a very lucky escape!
Everything is OK!
The two stars were very upset at first because of the accident, but they decided to go
into the Chinese restaurant and have their favourite dishes. The other customers
were extremely happy to see them in the restaurant!
Happy Ending!
While they were eating, a new car came to pick them up and take them to their
favourite shop! Before leaving the restaurant, Jennifer and Courtney signed a lot of
autographs for their fans.

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Laser A1+ Unit 8 Test

Section 2


2 Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

(0) a Patrick!
Patrick nearly had a bad (1) _____ last week. He was riding his horse in the country
and enjoying himself when a(n) (2) _____ came down the road and nearly (3) _____ 
into his horse. The horse was very scared and jumped in the air, and Patrick fell
down. He was (4) _____ lucky because he didn’t get hurt. The taxi driver (5) _____ of
his car and said he was very, very sorry. He helped Patrick stand up and together
they ran to catch the horse, which was running away! Patrick was (6) _____ at first
because of the accident, but then he understood that it was a lucky (7) _____ , so he
(8) _____ hands with the taxi driver and got on his horse again.

0 a Lucky b Upset c Successful

1 a autograph b escape c accident
2 a department store b crash c taxi
3 a knocked b pushed c waved
4 a many b too c extremely
5 a nodded b got out c pointed
6 a upset b successful c lucky
7 a accident b escape c autograph
8 a shook b kissed c knocked

3 Choose the correct word or phrase.

0 She got out of the taxi / accident very quickly.

1 My sister enjoys shopping in department stores / restaurants because she can
find the clothes she likes.
2 The actor signed escapes / autographs for his fans.
3 Be careful! You’ll knock / shake the glasses down!
4 Don’t point / shake at people. It’s not polite.
5 Why are you so successful / upset? What’s wrong?
6 Christina Aguilera is a very lucky / successful singer.
7 My friend saw me from across the street and waved / kissed at me.
8 Ben nodded / waved his head to show us that he agreed with our idea.
9 The little boy didn’t speak. He just shook / pointed his head because he didn’t
want to eat his food.
10 She got out / had an escape of the car and went into the restaurant.

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Laser A1+ Unit 8 Test

4 Write a word from the box in each gap.

autographs crash department

escape extremely kissed
lucky nod successful
upset waving

0 50 Cent signed autographs outside the concert hall last Saturday.

1 When I saw my best friend after two months, I _________ her.
2 She’s a very _________ person. She found a lot of money in the street last week!
3 Do you like small shops or _________ stores?
4 If you want to be a(n) _________ footballer, you have to work very hard.
5 We heard the noise of the car _________ and went into the street to see what was
6 That’s a(n) _________ good film. Go and see it!
7 Who’s that boy? He’s _________ at you – look!
8 If you think it’s a good idea then _________ your head.
9 He’s _________ because he lost the tennis match.
10 That was a lucky _________ ! You nearly had an accident!

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Laser A1+ Unit 8 Test

Section 3


5 Put the verbs into the past continuous to complete the article.

A Lucky Escape
The accident happened yesterday evening. It was a busy evening and lots of people
(0) were walking (walk) along the high street. They (1) _________ (look) in shop
windows and they (2) _________ (talk) and laughing. Some children (3) _________
(play) in the street and they (4) _________ (not/look) carefully at the cars. There
was a lot of traffic, but the cars (5) _________ (not/travel) very fast. Suddenly, one
of the children crossed the street, but he didn’t look right or left. He was very lucky
because the taxi that (6) _________ (pass) by at that moment (7) _________
(not/go) fast and the driver stopped quickly. (8) _________ (the boy/cry) when he
got up? Well, no, he wasn’t. He (9) _________ (laugh)! He thought it was very funny!
But his friends and the taxi driver (10) _________ (not/laugh) at all. They were
extremely upset! The boy had a very lucky escape!

6 Read the questions and write short answers.

0 Is Daniel upset about his exams? No, he isn’t.

1 Are you and Jasmine watching TV? Yes, _______________ .
2 Have the children got laptop computers? No, _______________ .
3 Did Mary swim across the river? Yes, _______________ .
4 Was Maggie lucky last week? Yes, _______________ .
5 Did Bill watch the match on TV last night? No, _______________ .
6 Were the children playing computer games when their parents came back home?
Yes, _______________ .
7 Do you enjoy watching sport? Yes, _______________ .
8 Does your sister drive a yellow car? No, _______________ .
9 Has Belinda got any brothers or sisters? No, _______________ .
10 Was it raining when you left the house? Yes, _______________ .
11 Can Samantha play the piano? Yes, _______________ .
12 Did your father say anything about the accident? No, _______________ .


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Laser A1+ Unit 8 Test

Section 4


7 Put the parts of the story in the right order.

1 _________
2 _________
3 _________
4 _________
5 _________
6 _________
7 _________
8 _________
9 _________
10 _________

A Becky went quietly down the stairs to find out what was making that noise.

B The sounds weren’t coming from the street; they were coming from inside her

C It was late at night and it was dark and quiet.

D She thought about waking up her parents, but then she decided not to.

E Very quietly, she went into the kitchen, turned on the light and there she saw a
kitten, sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor.

F Becky felt very sorry for it and decided to take it upstairs to her room.

G But little Becky wasn’t sleeping; she could hear a strange noise.

H Her parents were very tired because they worked hard every day.

I It was crying and wanted its mother.

J Everybody in the house was sleeping.


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Unit 8 Test

1C 2D 3B 4E 5A

1c 2c 3a 4c 5b 6a 7b 8a

1 department stores 2 autographs 3 knock 4 point 5 upset 6 successful 7 waved 8
nodded 9 shook 10 got out

1 kissed 2 lucky 3 department 4 successful 5 crash 6 extremely 7 waving 8 nod 9
upset 10 escape

1 were looking 2 were talking 3 were playing 4 weren’t looking 5 weren’t travelling 6
was passing 7 wasn’t going 8 Was the boy crying 9 was laughing 10 weren’t laughing

1 we are 2 they haven’t 3 she did 4 she was 5 he didn’t 6 they were 7 I do 8 she
doesn’t 9 she hasn’t 10 it was 11 she can 12 he didn’t

1C 2J 3G 4B 5D 6H 7A 8E 9I 10F

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Laser A1+ Unit 9 Test

Name: ….…………………………………………………………………

Section 1


1 Look at the sentences about Chrissy. Read the text and decide if each
sentence is correct. If it is correct, write A. If it is incorrect, write B.

1 Chrissy’s parents never give her permission to go out. _________

2 Chrissy can go out on a school night. _________
3 Chrissy couldn’t look after herself when she was younger. _________
4 Chrissy must follow her parents’ rules. _________
5 Chrissy doesn’t have to do her homework. _________


Family problems
Sometimes I argue with my parents because they don’t let me do what I want. We
disagree a lot, and it’s not very nice in my house when they refuse to give me
permission. They think I’m just a child, but I’m growing up really fast. They don’t allow
me to go out on a school night, for example. But I’m fifteen and I want to grow up!
Why don’t they let me? When I was younger I couldn’t look after myself, but now I’m
old enough.
They shout and sometimes I cry, but they still don’t let me do what I want. It’s not
easy to get on with them when they don’t trust me. They say they worry about me all
the time, but I don’t think that’s reasonable. It’s not fair. And then they have all these
rules, and I have to do what the rules say or I get into more trouble. I must feed the
dog and do the washing up, and I should always do my homework before I watch TV.
But my relationship with my parents isn’t bad, I suppose. They let me go out at the
weekends. At the weekend I can do whatever I want!
Chrissy, Liverpool

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Laser A1+ Unit 9 Test

Section 2


2 Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

It’s not easy living in the same house with people, especially your own (0) a!
Relationships can be very difficult. People often (1) _____ about little things, don’t

For example, in my house my parents have lots of (2) _____ that I have to follow or
they get (3) _____ . They have rules about everything. I have to put all my things in
my (4) _____ , I have to (5) _____ the cat and do the (6) _____ , as well. My parents
(7) _____ me to do so much in the house, sometimes it’s really hard.

And then, when I ask for (8) _____ to go out, my parents don’t let me! Then I get
really (9) _____ and shout and cry, but that doesn’t (10) _____ the problem.

Relationships are really hard, sometimes.

0 a family b pets c relationships

1 a listen b argue c trust
2 a secrets b rules c permission
3 a scared b confused c angry
4 a room b bathroom c bin
5 a feed b do c empty
6 a worry b wash up c washing up
7 a lack b solve c expect
8 a permission b rules c arrangement
9 a smile b surprised c upset
10 a last b solve c disagree

3 Circle the word that doesn’t belong.

0 shout argue get on

1 frown cry smile
2 upset fair angry
3 let allow should
4 confuse permission surprise
5 argue get on with trust
6 confused worried happy
7 tidy clean ask
8 fair angry reasonable
9 cook tidy clean
10 midnight dinner picnic

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Laser A1+ Unit 9 Test

4 Choose the correct word.

0 Did your mum give / take you permission to come out?

1 When I’m upset, I frown / smile.
2 I have a really good permission / relationship with my parents.
3 When I can’t find my little dog, I get worried / surprised.
4 When he arrived at their house, he knocked / emptied on the door.
5 Don’t borrow / get on my things without asking!
6 That film was really sad. I wanted to shout / cry at the end.
7 Are you going to cook / feed fish for dinner tonight?
8 Melissa has to let / clean the bathroom every day.
9 Do you get / grow on with your sister?
10 Will you empty / borrow the bin, please?

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Laser A1+ Unit 9 Test

Section 3


5 Choose the correct word or phrase.

0 I couldn’t / can’t come to the picnic tomorrow.

1 I could / can swim when I was very young.
2 You must / have remember to put the milk back in the fridge.
3 If you are going out in the rain, you should / can take an umbrella.
4 Do you have to / must tidy your room every week?
5 I don’t know if I should / have to tell you the secret.
6 She must / has stay in tonight.
7 Should / Can I watch TV now, please?
8 I didn’t know you could / should speak French when you were little.
9 Maybe your dad must / could drive us to the party.
10 Do you think I have / should tell him?

6 Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

Film review
I saw a really great movie yesterday. It was called Seinfeld against Seinfeld and it
was about a family who (0) a to solve their problems.
There’s a mum and a dad and two children, and they argue all the time. The mum
has (1) _____ leave the family to go and live on her own in another city because she
doesn’t get on with her husband. So the children (2) _____ grow up without her,
which is really sad. But she (3) _____ stay away and she comes back to live in the
same town as her family. She (4) _____ to try really hard to show them she loves
them. They don’t know if they (5) _____ trust her. The father says they (6) _____
listen to her. But he says that because he’s very upset and confused.
But the children decide they (7) _____ trust their mother and they invite her to come
and stay with them. She asks her husband if she (8) _____ come, and he knows he
(9) _____ refuse. She comes home and they all realise how much they love each
other and they solve all their problems. It’s a great film. You (10) _____ go and see it!

0 a have b should c must

1 a of b on c to
2 a must b can c should
3 a could b can’t c should
4 a can b have c has
5 a should b must c to
6 a can’t b shouldn’t c have
7 a can b can’t c could
8 a must b have c can
9 a must to b has c can’t
10 a should b can c have

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Section 4


7 Match the two parts of the sentences to complete the rules.

1 You should tidy your room _____

2 You must feed the dog _____
3 You can go out to play when _____
4 I can’t come to your party _____
5 If you want permission, _____

A you finish the washing up.

B because my parents won’t let me.
C you have to ask your father.
D because your toys and books are on the floor.
E two times a day because he gets hungry.

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Unit 9 Test

1B 2B 3A 4A 5B

1b 2b 3c 4a 5a 6c 7c 8a 9c 10b

1 smile 2 fair 3 should 4 permission 5 argue 6 happy 7 ask 8 angry 9 cook 10

1 frown 2 relationship 3 worried 4 knocked 5 borrow 6 cry 7 cook 8 clean 9 get 10

1 could 2 must 3 should 4 have to 5 should 6 must 7 Can 8 could 9 could 10 should

1c 2a 3b 4c 5a 6b 7a 8c 9c 10a

1D 2E 3A 4B 5C

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Laser A1+ Unit 10 Test

Name: ….…………………………………………………………………

Section 1


1 Read the fables and match the people and animals with the sentences. Write
villagers, boy or fox.

1 He is/They are hungry. _________

2 He is/They are bored. _________
3 He/They can’t eat. _________
4 He is/They are telling lies. _________
5 He is/They are very angry. _________

The Fox and the Grapes

One day, a fox is walking through some fields. It’s hot because it’s summer and the
fox is hungry and thirsty. He wants to find something to eat and drink, but there’s
nothing there. Suddenly, he sees some grapes (a kind of fruit) and they look tasty
and juicy. So he thinks, ‘Mmm … those grapes are just what I need because I want to
eat and drink.’ So he jumps and jumps, but he can’t get them because they are too
high. He tries again and again, but he can’t touch the grapes. Eventually, the fox
gives up and leaves. As he leaves, he says, ‘It’s OK. I don’t want those grapes. I’m
certain they weren’t nice after all!’

The Boy and the Wolf

One day, a boy who is looking after some sheep in a field near the village is bored.
So he decides to do something to pass the time. He starts calling ‘Help! Help! A wolf
is here. He wants to eat my sheep!’ The people of the village run to help the boy and
they discover that there is no wolf. The boy told them a lie! They go back to the
village very angry with the boy.
The next day the same thing happens. The boy is bored and he starts shouting for
help again. Again the villagers come to help him and again they discover that the boy
is telling them lies. The same thing happens a third and a fourth time, and now the
villagers are very angry and upset with the boy!
Then, one day a wolf really comes to eat the boy’s sheep! The boy cries and shouts
for help again, but this time nobody comes to help him because they think he’s not
telling the truth!

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Laser A1+ Unit 10 Test

Section 2


2 Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

Aesop’s (0) a are very important because they teach us many things about real life.
For example, in the fable of The Hare and the Tortoise, we learn that it doesn’t matter
how (1) _____ you are – you can still win a (2) _____  if you don’t (3) _____ . In this
story, the tortoise is (4) _____ and the hare is very fast, but the hare falls asleep and
(5) _____ the tortoise wins the race.
In the fable of The North Wind and the Sun, we learn that it doesn’t matter if you are
(6) _____ . You must try to be clever to win. The North Wind blows and blows, but he
can’t make the man take his coat off. The Sun just shines brightly, and then the man
takes off his coat.
And in the fable of The Lion and the Mouse, we (7) _____ that it doesn’t matter how
big and strong, or how (8) _____ you are. When the mouse wakes up the lion (9)
_____ , the lion is very angry but he doesn’t eat the mouse. Later in the fable, the
small mouse can help the big, strong lion with his little teeth. You’ll (10) _____ with
Aesop, I think, that sometimes, if you do a good thing for someone, they can later
help you.

0 a fables b articles c morals

1 a short b tall c fast
2 a competition b fable c mistake
3 a give up b fall asleep c are right
4 a slim b long c slow
5 a carefully b firstly c eventually
6 a heavy b strong c light
7 a agree b discover c think
8 a light b large c weak
9 a by mistake b be right c be certain
10 a discover b give up c agree

3 Choose the correct word or phrase.

0 My sister has short / fat black hair.

1 Mike and his friend had a competition / gave up to see who was the fastest.
2 The little kittens were very tall / weak and couldn’t walk.
3 Yes, I think you’re right / you’re certain. I agree with you.
4 Who is the tallest / longest? You or your brother?
5 Lots of bad things happen in the story, but at first / eventually, it has a happy
6 I’m sorry, but I don’t give up / agree. You’re wrong.
7 Come on! You mustn’t be right / give up now! We’re almost at the end of the race!
8 Which is the correct answer? I’m not certain / right.

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Laser A1+ Unit 10 Test

4 Write a word from the box in each gap.

dark fair fat

heavy light long
slim thin

0 Look at that fat puppy. He can’t run at all!

1 No, thanks. I don’t need help with this box. It’s _________ and I can carry it myself.
2 She’s _________ – she’s not fat and she’s not too thin.
3 No, my brother is the boy on the left with the _________ hair. The tall boy next to
him with the dark hair is our cousin.
4 She doesn’t want to have a haircut. She likes _________ hair.
5 That girl over there is too _________ . She should eat more!
6 Can you help me carry this bag, please? It’s too _________ for me.
7 Daniel Radcliff is a very good-looking actor with _________ hair and brown eyes.


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Laser A1+ Unit 10 Test

Section 3


5 Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative.

We have competitions to see who is (0) faster (fast) or (1) _________ (strong) or (2)
_________ (clever). But is it always so important to be (3) _________ (good) than all
the others? I don’t think so. Sometimes, it’s (4) _________ (important) to be good to
other people – kind and polite. I also think that it doesn’t matter in your life if you are
(5) _________ (weak) or _________ (6) (short) than others. If you read Aesop’s
fables, you’ll learn that it doesn’t matter if you are (7) _________ (beautiful) than
other people – it’s what’s inside you that matters the most. And that’s what makes
you a (8) _________ (nice) person!

6 Complete the gaps with the correct superlative form of the adjectives in bold.

0 This film was the most interesting of all the Harry Potter films. interesting
1 I can’t carry this bag. It’s the _________ of all! heavy
2 This is the _________ pony on our farm. big
3 Yesterday was the _________ day of my life. Our team lost! bad
4 That was the _________ exercise in the test! easy
5 Martina’s party was the _________ of all the parties this year! enjoyable
6 Now, that’s the _________ frog in the pond! fat
7 What’s the _________ sport in the world? I don’t know. dangerous
8 The last question was also the _________ . difficult
9 The children in that classroom are the _________ kids ever! noisy
10 Oh, look at that poor donkey! It’s the _________ donkey in the field. thin


7 Complete the text with in, of, the or than.

Many people often ask about (0) the cutest animal (1) _________ the world. Well,
that’s one of (2) _________ most difficult questions to answer. Puppies and kittens
are cute, of course, but what about wild animals? Are baby tigers prettier (3)
_________ the babies of a lion? Is a baby seal the most beautiful and cutest animal
(4) _________ all?
There are other questions that are also very difficult. What’s the most interesting
sport of all? Everybody likes football, but what about tennis and volleyball? Is
basketball more exciting (5) _________ beach volleyball?
Then, what’s your view on languages? Which is (6) _________ easiest language to
learn? Everybody learns English, but is it easier than French? And finally, what’s the
most difficult language (7) _________ the world? What do you think?

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Laser A1+ Unit 10 Test

Section 4


8 Read the description and match each part of the description with a

1 This is a photo of the Brown family.


2 Mr Brown is in the middle of the picture. Mrs Brown is standing next to him.

3 Mr Brown is quite tall with short, fair hair, and he’s wearing a white shirt and jeans.
Mrs Brown is slim with long, dark hair. She’s wearing a red top and a blue skirt.

4 The children, Amy and Andy, are standing in front of them. Amy is quite tall for her
age, but Andy is taller than her.

5 Amy’s got long, fair hair and she’s wearing a beautiful dress. Andy’s got short dark
hair and he’s wearing his favourite jeans and a blue t-shirt.

A This says who the adults are and where they are standing.
B This says what the children look like and what they are wearing.
C This says who the children are and where they are standing.
D This says who the family is.
E This says what the adults look like and what they are wearing.


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Laser A1+ Unit 10 Test Answer key

Unit 10 Test

1 fox 2 boy 3 fox 4 boy 5 villagers

1c 2a 3a 4c 5c 6b 7b 8c 9a 10c

1 had a competition 2 weak 3 you’re right 4 tallest 5 eventually 6 agree 7 give up 8

1 light 2 slim 3 fair 4 long 5 thin 6 heavy 7 dark

1 stronger 2 cleverer 3 better 4 more important 5 weaker 6 shorter 7 more beautiful 8

1 heaviest 2 biggest 3 worst 4 easiest 5 most enjoyable 6 fattest 7 most dangerous 8
most difficult 9 noisiest 10 thinnest

1 in 2 the 3 than 4 of 5 than 6 the 7 in

1D 2A 3E 4C 5B

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Laser A1+ Term Test 2: Units 6–10

Name: ….…………………………………………………………………

Section 1


1 Match the paragraphs with the sentences.

1 This person doesn’t really like animals. _________

2 This person was not given permission for something. _________
3 This person thinks small animals are frightening. _________
4 This person has lots of pets. _________
5 This person has the largest pet. _________

A Chuck
I like big animals, I don’t like cats or goldfish or birds. When we go to the zoo, I like
looking at the elephants. They’re the biggest and slowest animals in the zoo. I’m not
scared of big animals, but I’m scared of really little ones – like mice! Just like Walt

B Vince
I have a big garden at home and in the summer there’s lots of sunshine and flowers and
the butterflies come out. We’ve got six new puppies as well, and we all play in the
garden together. When they get older, they’ll be bigger and stronger, but now they’re
weaker than me and I can run faster than them!

C Polly
My favourite animal is the donkey. They’re the slowest and friendliest animal, and the
food they like best is … chocolate. Last year, I asked my dad if he could buy a donkey,
but he said I can’t have one because we haven’t got anywhere to keep him.

D Angela
Some people think I have a strange pet, but I don’t think he’s strange. My pet is a
python. He’s called Muscles, and he’s the biggest snake you’ve ever seen. He eats mice
and lives in a special box my dad bought. We knock on the glass to wake him up when
it’s time to feed him. He’s the most interesting pet you can imagine.

E Nick
The zoo is such a boring place ! It was more tiring than I thought it was going to be. My
dad was upset because it was more expensive than he thought, and my sister said it
wasn’t as enjoyable as she expected. Playing computer games is better than looking at

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Laser A1+ Term Test 2: Units 6–10

Section 2


2 Read the dialogue and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

Jeff: Do you have a good (0) a for things?

Colin: Not really, but I often use the internet to (1) _____ out things I can’t remember!
Jeff: Yes, the internet is great if you want (2) _____ . I also download lots of (3) _____
to listen to.
Colin: I was downloading something yesterday when I nearly had an (4) _____ !
Jeff: Why – what happened?
Colin: Well, I was looking for some information on (5) _____ .
Jeff: That doesn’t sound (6) _____ !
Colin: No! But then my dog jumped up and started (7) _____ my face.
Jeff: Oh no!
Colin: I very (8) _____ knocked my cup of coffee over the computer!
Jeff: You should be more careful in (9) _____ .
Colin: I know. It was a really lucky (10) _____ .

0 a memory b remember c fact

1 a find b learn c show
2 a inform b information c informations
3 a musics b musical c music
4 a traffic b accident c escape
5 a goldfish b goldfishes c goldfishing
6 a dangerous b danger c more dangerous
7 a jumping b licking c running
8 a almost b extremely c nearly
9 a time b distant c future
10 a escape b accident c drama

3 Circle the word that doesn’t belong.

0 actor play camera theatre

1 taxi truck plane car
2 distant close near local
3 pilot hunter mechanic security guard
4 bestseller leather metal wood
5 ox crocodile scanner goat

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Laser A1+ Term Test 2: Units 6–10

Section 3


4 Choose the correct word.

0 I’m sorry, but I haven’t got some / any plastic cups.

1 My cousin has the most beautiful long brown hair / hairs.
2 Charlie has got an / the interesting pet – it’s a lizard.
3 How many childs / children are coming to the party?
4 Do you clean your teeth / tooth every morning?
5 Your baggage are / is really heavy!

5 Choose the correct word.

0 Jenny can’t / couldn’t read – she’s going to learn next year at school.
1 I hope this film is more interesting / interestinger than the last one.
2 When she was younger, she can / could swim faster than her brother.
3 The schools rules say you must / have not be late for class.
4 If you want my advice, I think you could / should go to the doctor.
5 ‘Have you got any money?’ ‘No, sorry, I haven’t / have.’
6 I must remember to buy a / some fruit when I go to the market.
7 Who is the taller / tallest person in your family?
8 In the summer, there are lots of butterflys / butterflies in the garden.
9 My friend is scared of mice / mouses.
10 ‘Do you have to go so soon?’ ‘Yes, I have / do.’

6 Put the verbs into the past continuous to complete the sentences.

0 What were you doing (you/do) last night at ten o’clock?

1 _________ (you/wait) for the train at eight o’clock?
2 I _________ (do) the washing up yesterday when my friend telephoned me.
3 She _________ (not/laugh) at any of my funny stories.
4 They _________ (get) out of the car when the driver stopped them.
5 She _________ (ride) fast when she fell off.
6 Why _________ (he/cut) the bread in the middle of the night?
7 _________ (your friend/wear) a coat when it started raining?
8 James _________ (watch) TV when his dog jumped up.
9 _________ (they/travel) by bus when the accident happened?
10 Why _________ (you/shake) your head when I saw you?

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Laser A1+ Term Test 2: Units 6–10

7 Complete the dialogue with one word in each gap.

Ben: Dad – (0) Can I ask you something?

Dad: What is it? I (1) _________ reading my book when you came in.
Ben: (2) _________ I go to the airport to watch the planes?
Dad: No, you (3) _________ . It’s not safe.
Ben: Yes, it (4) _________ ! Mum thinks it’s safe.
Dad: Did she give you (5) _________ to go?
Ben: She says I (6) _________ to ask you.
Dad: What do you want to do at the airport?
Ben: I just want to watch the planes take off and land.
Dad: Are you (7) _________ alone or with someone else?
Ben: I (8) _________ meeting Douglas and we’re going together.
Dad: Who’s Douglas?
Ben: He’s (9) _________ boy in my class at school. His dad’s a pilot.
Dad: Well, you (10) _________ go if you’re careful.
Ben: Great! Thanks!

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Laser A1+ Term Test 2: Units 6–10

Section 4


8 Match the missing phrases with the gaps to complete the description.

A He mustn’t feed them too

B He has to put his books
C late on Saturday afternoons
D When Jenny doesn’t have to empty the bin,
E Dad has to do it

Family rules
We all have to empty the bin on some days. You mustn’t forget on your day! (1) _____
she must do the washing up.

Mark must tidy his room once a week. (2) _____ and toys away and put his clothes in
the cupboard.

Mark also has to feed his goldfish every day. (3) _____ much or they’ll get ill.

Mum has to take the dog for a walk in the morning before work. (4) _____ in the

Mum and Dad must knock before going into Mark’s room. Mark mustn’t come home (4)
_____ .

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Laser A1+ Term Test 2 Answer key

Term Test 2: Units 6–10

1E 2C 3A 4B 5D

1a 2b 3c 4b 5a 6a 7b 8c 9c 10a

1 plane 2 distant 3 hunter 4 bestseller 5 scanner

1 hair 2 an 3 children 4 teeth 5 is

1 more interesting 2 could 3 must 4 should 5 haven’t 6 some 7 tallest 8 butterflies 9
mice 10 do

1 Were you waiting 2 was doing 3 wasn’t laughing 4 were getting 5 was riding 6 was
he cutting 7 Was your friend wearing 8 was watching 9 Were they travelling 10 were
you shaking

1 was 2 Can 3 can’t 4 is 5 permission 6 have 7 going 8 am 9 a 10 can

1D 2B 3A 4E 5C

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Laser A1+ Unit 11 Test

Name: ….…………………………………………………………………

Section 1


1 Look at the sentences about a band. Read the text and decide if each sentence
is correct. If it is correct, write A. If it is incorrect, write B.

1 There are four people in the band. _________

2 They are going to go to university. _________
3 They play other peoples’ songs. _________
4 They don’t have a bus. _________
5 They won’t forget the little places. _________

My band
I’m in a band with my friends Ron, Paul and Bingo. We think we’re the next big thing.
That’s why we called our band The Next Big Thing! We’re going to be famous – and in
the near future, too! We practise all the time, and when we finish school, we aren’t going
to go to university. We want to spend a lot of time playing music together. We have big
plans, and there won’t be time for university!

We have a CD and we wrote all the songs ourselves. We’re going to sell the CD at our
concerts. We’re playing tomorrow in our town, and after that there’s going to be a tour.
We’re travelling in our bus, but we’ll visit a lot of places. We’re going to show everyone
what we can do. We’re getting ready tonight. It’s going to be great!

When we’re famous, we’ll play big concerts. On this tour, we’re playing in small places,
but you can be sure we won’t forget the little places. So come to our concert tomorrow,
and one day, you’ll say ‘I knew them before they were famous!’

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Laser A1+ Unit 11 Test

Section 2


2 Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

What will the future bring for all of us? Who will be (0) c in the future? For example, look
at the people in my class at school. Who do you think will be rich and (1) _____ one
Maybe it will be Pete. Pete wants to go to (2) _____ school and study to become an (3)
_____ in the theatre. Later, he wants to go on (4) _____ to show everyone what he can
do. That’s in the (5) _____ future though, when he finishes his training. Tonight he’s (6)
_____ in a play at the (7) _____ theatre. Almost (8) _____ of our class will go and see
him – we all want to encourage him and to wish him good (9) _____ . Maybe he won’t
become a famous star and maybe he will – nobody can know for (10) _____ .

0 a succeed b success c successful

1 a star b famous c local
2 a actor b drama c tour
3 a act b acting c actor
4 a play b local c tour
5 a distant b recent c most
6 a playing b going c appearing
7 a near b distant c local
8 a all b quarter c none
9 a show b luck c time
10 a sure b half c real

3 Circle the word that doesn’t belong.

0 quarter third all

1 recent near distant
2 famous almost successful
3 guess half predict
4 worried nervous famous
5 business band company
6 third half first
7 none most almost
8 practise future get ready
9 whizz play actor
10 success grow develop

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Laser A1+ Unit 11 Test

4 Choose the correct word or phrase.

0 What do you want to study at future / university?

1 He wants to write a bestseller / tour. He loves writing stories, so maybe he’ll succeed.
2 After they make their new CD, they’re going to tour / use Europe.
3 When Josh passes his exams, he’s going to drama / fortune teller school.
4 I hope something good happens to me in the near / close future.
5 When I was young, I was a real whizz kid / actor with computers.
6 Don’t worry / guess – everything will be alright.
7 She works for a successful computer program / company.
8 Nobody knows for sure / right if they will pass the exams.
9 I like reading stories about the distant / far past.
10 Have you seen that new circle / app for mobile phones?

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Laser A1+ Unit 11 Test

Section 3


5 Tick () the correct sentences. Underline the mistake in the incorrect
sentences and write the correct word(s).

0 I’m going be in a play at school next month. to be

1 We going to eat pizza tonight. __________
2 Do you think that the band will be successful? __________
3 Charlie says he are going to buy a new app for his phone. __________
4 Those computer whizz kids are going make a lot of money. __________
5 Why aren’t you going to come to the play? __________
6 Will you going to university? __________
7 The bands are going to play a concert together tomorrow. __________
8 One day, I am a famous actor! __________
9 Rod and his friends is going to appear in the film. __________
10 This year will be the best year ever! __________

6 Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

Does anyone really know for (0) a what (1) _____ going to happen in the future? Today,
I’m (2) _____ to see a fortune-teller to find out. I hope she (3) _____ give me any bad
I’m a bit nervous because I’m not sure that I want to know what the future (4) _____
bring! The fortune-teller says half of her customers feel the same, but I told myself her
predictions aren’t definitely (5) _____ to happen. Well, I’ll soon (6) _____ for sure!
It (7) _____ take about a quarter of an hour because the fortune-teller asks lots of
questions. She will want to know about my distant past as well as my recent past. How
much (8) _____ I going to tell her? I don’t know!
I hope she tells me that I (9) _____ be very successful. I’m appearing in a new play next
week and if it’s good, I’m going (10) _____ go to drama school. Maybe she’ll tell me that
I will be a famous star one day!

0 a sure b near c has

1 a are b is c be
2 a being b will c going
3 a will b won’t c isn’t
4 a will b is c going
5 a are b will c going
6 a know b knowing c knew
7 a will b won’t c is
8 a will b am c should
9 a am b am going c will
10 a too b up c to

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Laser A1+ Unit 11 Test

Section 4


7 Put the parts of the email in the right order.

1 _________
2 _________
3 _________
4 _________
5 _________

Dear Skye,

A But your family will be with you, so you won’t need me there.
B I want to come too, but I have school exams so I won’t be able to.
C Good luck. Send me another email when you get back!
D I didn’t know you were in it. And now you’re going to sing in London!
E How are you? Thanks for your email. You’re going on Pop Factor! That’s great news!


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Unit 11 Test

1A 2B 3B 4B 5A

1b 2b 3c 4c 5a 6c 7c 8a 9b 10a

1 distant 2 almost 3 half 4 famous 5 band 6 first 7 none 8 future 9 whizz 10 success

1 bestseller 2 tour 3 drama 4 near 5 whiz kid 6 worry 7 company 8 sure 9 distant 10

1 going = are going 2  3 are = is 4 make = to make 5  6 going = go 7  8 am =
will be/am going to be 9 is = are 10 

1b 2c 3b 4a 5c 6a 7a 8b 9c 10c

1E 2D 3B 4A 5C

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Laser A1+ Unit 12 Test

Name: ….…………………………………………………………………

Section 1


1 Read the text and match the paragraphs with the questions.

A So, what exactly do you do every day?

B Is your job well paid?
C Emma, you’re an actress. Do you enjoy your job?
D And what are you doing tomorrow?
E What’s your part in this movie, then?

I want that job: Actress

This week’s ‘I want that job’ looks at the life of a young actress. We met 19-year-old
Emma Graph, who told us what it’s like to work on a movie as a young actress.

1 _________
Yes. It’s great! I’m not a big star, like Catherine Zeta-Jones or Kirsten Dunst, but this
is my dream and maybe I’ll be a big star too one day! My role in this film isn’t very
big, but I like it and I think it’s great fun! It’s a small role – only six or seven scenes in
the film, but I think it’s quite important.

2 _________
I play a waitress in a restaurant. People go there to eat and I serve them food and
talk to them. One day I hear some people talking and I tell the police what I heard.

3 _________
Well, all the actors have to come here early to put on our costumes and make-up.
That’s great! I love make-up because when we finish, we don’t look like ourselves
anymore! I look at myself in the mirror and I see a totally different person! It’s

4 _________
Oh, tomorrow we are shooting a difficult scene. I’m coming here at half past five in
the morning to put on my make-up and costume. It takes a long time, you know!
Then, we’re practising the scene two or three times to prepare for the shoot. I’m not
speaking in this scene, but I’m serving customers and listening to what they say. The
director is meeting us at half past twelve. He’ll explain to us where to go and where
the cameras will be.

5 _________
No, not really! It’s the beginning of my career, so I don’t get a lot of money, but I’m
learning a lot of things and I’m enjoying myself a lot!

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Laser A1+ Unit 12 Test

Section 2


2 Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

Many young people dream of becoming film (0) b, but I want to be (1) _____ . I think
the director is the most important person in a (2) _____ . The director decides where
they will (3) _____ the film, where each (4) _____ will be and what it will look like,
where the (5) _____ will be, who will be in each shot and so many other things. Also,
if you become a famous director, your job is always (6) _____ ! At the moment I’m
working as an (7) _____ , and I have a small part – I don’t speak at all! I hope to learn
a lot about how films are made and meet some Hollywood (8) _____ , too! The film
I’ve got a (9) _____ in is a (10) _____ film. We have to wear a lot of (11) _____ and
strange (12) _____ because we aren’t from Earth. We’re aliens!

0 a extras b stars c directors

1 a a director b an extra c an actress
2 a scene b part c film
3 a speak b shoot c turn
4 a role b scene c part
5 a cameras b make-up c costumes
6 a empty b a hobby c well paid
7 a extra b editor c actor
8 a extras b stars c roles
9 a role b costume c star
10 a romance b cartoon c science fiction
11 a make-up b clothes c shoes
12 a scenes b parts c costumes

3 Choose the correct word or phrase.

0 We want to climb to the top of the mountain / lake.

1 There aren’t any trees or plants here. We’re in a field / desert.
2 Come on – we have to prepare / shoot for our scene.
3 Let’s go and watch that film. It sounds great fun / well paid.
4 Be careful! You’re too near the beach / cliff! You’re going to fall!
5 Which movie star / extra do you like better? Cameron Diaz or Penelope Cruz?
6 They got lost in the background / forest and couldn’t get back home.
7 I like cartoons / action movies because the characters never get hurt!
8 Shhh! Be quiet! They’re preparing / shooting a scene from the film.

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Laser A1+ Unit 12 Test

4 Write a word from the box in each gap.

adventure beach comedies

empty field background

0 I enjoy comedies because they make me laugh.

1 There’s nothing in this bag. It’s _________ .
2 I don’t like swimming in _________ – I prefer the sea.
3 Star Wars 3 is a science fiction film, but it’s also a(n) _________ film. There’s a lot
of action in it.
4 Every morning, the farmer takes the sheep to the _________ . They stay there all
day and eat the grass.
5 Let’s have a picnic at the _________ . It’s a beautiful day and we can swim in the
sea, too.
6 The restaurant in that scene wasn’t empty. There were lots of extras in the
_________ .

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Laser A1+ Unit 12 Test

Section 3


5 Put the verbs into the present continuous to complete the text.

Hi Trish!
Tomorrow is a very busy day for me. I (0) am/’m meeting (meet) my cousin at the
airport at half past six in the morning. She (1) _________ (come) back home from
New York, where she spent a year studying to be an actress. We (2) _________
(drive) back together, but we (3) _________ (not/stay) at home for the rest of the
day. At half past eight, I (4) _________ (take) the bus to the city centre. I (5)
_________ (visit) my dentist at nine o'clock. My cousin and her mum (6) _________
(have) breakfast together and then they (7) _________ (go) shopping for things for
my cousin’s new house. She (8) _________ (move) into her own flat now and she
needs to buy a bed and some other things. What (9) _________ (we/do) in the
afternoon? Well, my cousin, her mum and I (10) _________ (not/sit) at home. We
(11) _________ (go) to the beach for a swim and later in the evening, we (12)
_________ (watch) the new Harry Potter film! It’s going to be a great day! How (13)
_________ (you/spend) your day tomorrow? (14) _________ (you/do) anything
Love, Phoebe

6 Choose the correct word.

0 Yesterday I went in / on / to a fantastic party.

1 You must be back in / at / on three o'clock.
2 My cousins are on holiday in / to / at Greece at the moment.
3 The swimming pool is next on / to / at the cinema.
4 Her birthday is on / in / at May.
5 Hurry up! The film is starting to / at / in five minutes!

7 Read the sentences and complete each gap with one preposition.

0 What time does the film start? At half past seven.

1 Is Nina staying _________ home today?
2 She didn’t come _________ school because she wasn’t feeling well.
3 Wait for me _________ the museum, but don’t go in without me.
4 My great-grandmother was born _________ 1906.
5 She’s standing in _________ of the screen and I can’t see the TV.

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Laser A1+ Unit 12 Test

Section 4


8 Match the questions with the answers to complete the interview.

1 When did you become an actor?

2 Was your life easy at the start of your career?
3 Who’s your favourite director?
4 When are you starting your next movie?
5 Have you got any advice for young people who want to become film stars?

A I like many directors, but my favourite is Peter Jackson. I’m going to act in his next
movie! I’m really excited about it!

B Well, don’t give up! It’s never easy at the beginning and it’s very hard work. You
must stay away from your friends and family for a long time sometimes, but it’s a
great job. Oh, and always listen to what the director tells you!

C In 1995. My first roles were very small, but I learned a lot about films. Then, I was
lucky and I got a big part in a very successful action movie.

D Next month. We’re moving to New Zealand for that. I don’t know the country, but
I’m certain that it’s fantastic! I can’t wait!

E No, it was very difficult. I had to do different jobs, too. I was a waiter in a café for a
long time and I also worked in a supermarket. They weren’t very well paid jobs.


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Unit 12 Test

1C 2E 3A 4D 5B

1a 2c 3b 4b 5a 6c 7a 8b 9a 10c 11a 12c

1 desert 2 prepare 3 great fun 4 cliff 5 star 6 forest 7 cartoons 8 shooting

1 empty 2 lakes 3 adventure 4 field 5 beach 6 background

1 is / ’s coming 2 are / ’re driving 3 are not / aren’t staying 4 am / ‘m taking 5 am / ‘m
visiting 6 are having 7 are / ‘re going 8 is / ‘s moving 9 are we doing 10 are not /
aren’t sitting 11 are / ‘re going 12 are / ‘re watching 13 are you spending 14 are you

1 at 2 in 3 to 4 in 5 in

1 at 2 to 3 outside 4 in 5 front

1C 2E 3A 4D 5B

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Laser A1+ Unit 13 Test

Name: ….…………………………………………………………………

Section 1

1 Look at the sentences about Paul’s charity work. Read the text and decide if
each sentence is correct. If it is correct, write A. If it is incorrect, write B.

1 Paul has done a parachute jump. _________

2 He has never been on television. _________
3 Paul is riding a bike to Paris next week. _________
4 Paul has built a school in Africa. _________
5 Paul encourages other people to help. _________

My charity work
Hi, I’m Paul and I do a lot for charity. I like helping people, so I try to do many things.
Listen to some of the things I’ve done. I’ve parachuted out of an aeroplane. I’ve run a
marathon. I’ve sold things at a stall in a market. I’ve sold tickets to a bouncy castle at a
fair and I’ve been on a telethon loads of times. I was tired after the marathon and I was
really scared in the aeroplane, but I’m happy I did those things!

Next week, I’m cycling from London to Paris to raise money for a new charity which
helps people who can’t see very well. The money I raise will help someone to get better,
I hope. I haven’t cycled very much in my life, so it’s going to be very interesting. It’s a
long journey and I’ll be really tired, but I think it will be fun too.

There are lots of other things you can do to help people through charity. I’ve raised
money for schools. I’ve given money to poor people in Africa. I’ve helped to build a
school in South America. I enjoyed all of the things I’ve done. I love charity events, and I
love meeting people. Don’t waste your time watching TV or playing on your computer,
come and help!

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Laser A1+ Unit 13 Test

Section 2


2 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. The first letter of each word
is given.

0 These cakes are really tasty – did you make them?

1 She raises a lot of money for c_________ .
2 We sell her cakes at events and f_________ .
3 She has a s_________ at the market.
4 Frankie wants to change the way he l_________ .
5 Boris entered the m_________ dressed as a cake, but he couldn’t run very well!


3 Write the definitions.

0 If you have lots of money, you are this. rich

1 This is a big building where a king lives. _________
2 You need this if you jump out of an aeroplane. _________
3 You can buy your fruit and vegetables here. _________
4 You use this to wash yourself. _________
5 If you travel a lot, you go on lots of these. _________
6 You do this with time if you don’t use it properly. _________
7 You do this with money when you buy something. _________
8 You do this with money when you keep it and don’t spend it. _________
9 You do this when you get money from something like a job. _________
10 Your room looks like this when you don’t tidy it for a long time. _________

4 Complete each sentence with a pair of words.

eggs, beans
rich, poor
tasty, crazy
between, over
behind, beside
save, waste

0 Vanessa is eating the beans, because she has broken all the eggs.
1 You should _________ your money for something important and not _________ it on
silly things.
2 I didn’t see you _________ me! Come and sit _________ me at the table.
3 The plane flew _________ our heads and went _____ two tall buildings.
4 People think I’m _________ because I think flour is _________ !
5 If I become _________ , I’ll give a lot of money to charity to help _________ people all
over the world.

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Laser A1+ Unit 13 Test

Section 3


5 Write sentences. Use the present perfect simple.

0 Bob / ever / stay / at your house?

Has Bob ever stayed at your house?
1 you / ever / spend all your money on an expensive holiday?
2 he / never / ride a motorbike / in his life
3 I / often / get lost in a strange place
4 I / not / make dinner yet – sorry
5 my parents / always / encourage me / in my activities

6 Choose the correct word.

0 I didn’t run carefully / quickly and I missed the bus.

1 Jodie finished the race successfully / hard.
2 Emily passed the exam easily / loudly.
3 He walked slowly / safely because he was tired.
4 She shouted excitedly / quickly when she saw her grandmother.
5 I opened the door carefully / happily – I didn’t know what was behind it.
6 I’m not feeling very safely / well.
7 He smiled nervously / fast because his father was angry with him.
8 He arrived home carefully / safely after a long trip.
9 He studied hard / hardly for his school exams.
10 I ran home quickly / patiently when it started to rain.

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Laser A1+ Unit 13 Test

7 Read the dialogue and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

Manny: Have you (0) a been on a walking holiday?

Fred: No, I (1) _________ . Have you?
Manny: Yes, I have. It’s a great way to get some exercise.
Fred: Where (2) _________ you been?
Manny: I’ve visited lots of countries. I walk all over the world. Last year, I (3)
_________ around a huge lake in Croatia.
Fred: I’ve run a marathon to raise money for charity, but I’ve (4) _________
walked that far!
Manny: I prefer walking. I like going (5) _________ .
Fred: Oh, you don’t have to run (6) _________ in a marathon. You can’t really,
because it’s not (7) _________ .
Manny: When I go walking in the mountains, I plan my trip very (8) _________ .
Fred: Have you ever got lost?
Manny: Yes, twice! But I looked at the map (9) _________ and I (10) _________
found the right road again.
Fred: That was lucky! I think I prefer marathons!

0 a ever b never c always

1 a am b have c haven’t
2 a are b did c have
3 a walk b walked c have walked
4 a never b hardly c ever
5 a slow b slowly c more slow
6 a fast b fastly c faster
7 a safely b safe c safer
8 a care b careful c carefully
9 a patience b patient c patiently
10 a easily b easier c easy

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Laser A1+ Unit 13 Test

Section 4


8 Put the parts of the blog post in the right order.

1 _____
2 _____
3 _____
4 _____
5 _____

A This week, my classmates and I are raising money for a local charity called Animal
Friends. We’ve raised money for charity before. Last year, we made and sold cakes at
the school picnic. This time, we’ve decided to do something we’ve never done before – a
parachute jump!

B I’m quite scared but I think it will be fun too! Wish us luck!

C January 25th
Help our Charity!

D Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog.

E We’ve arranged everything with the local airport and we’re going to do the jump on
Saturday afternoon. We’ve asked our friends and family to come and watch us. We think
that hundreds of people will come!


Final score … / 70

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Laser A1+ Unit 13 Test Answer key

Unit 13 Test

1A 2B 3A 4B 5A

1 charity 2 fairs 3 stall 4 looks 5 marathon

1 castle 2 parachute 3 market 4 sponge 5 journeys 6 waste 7 spend 8 save 9 make
10 messy

1 save, waste 2 behind, beside 3 over, between 4 crazy, tasty 5 rich, poor

1 Have you ever spent all your money on an expensive holiday?
2 He has/’s never ridden a motorbike in his life.
3 I have/’ve often got lost in a strange place.
4 I have not/haven’t made dinner yet – sorry.
5 My parents have always encouraged me in my activities.

1 successfully 2 easily 3 slowly 4 excitedly 5 carefully 6 well 7 nervously 8 safely 9
hard 10 quickly

1c 2c 3b 4a 5b 6a 7b 8c 9c 10a

1C 2D 3A 4E 5B

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Laser A1+ Unit 14 Test

Name: ….…………………………………………………………………

Section 1


1 Read the blog posts and match the paragraphs with the headings.

A Now, can you imagine what your life will be like in five years from now?
B And what do you think about your life in a year from now?
C Now, what about the world in general? What do you think the world will be like in a
hundred years from now?
D Angelina, how do you think your life will change in a month?
E And how do you think your life will be different in ten years?

Look to the Future!

This week Webchat asked its readers for their predictions about the future. This is
what fourteen-year-old Angelina told us.

1 _________
Oh, I don’t think it’ll be very different. In a month school will be over for the summer
and I’ll go to my grandparents’ village to spend the summer there. I’m sure it will be

2 _________
Well, I think it’ll be almost the same. I’ll be a year older and school will be a bit more
difficult, but I don’t think anything else will change in a year. I play tennis and if I’m
good enough, I’ll play some tennis competitions. I hope I’ll win!

3 _________
Hmm … Well, a lot of things will be different. If I’m a good student, I’ll be at university.
I want to study to be a doctor. I know that’s a difficult thing to study so I’ll have to
work extremely hard to be successful!

4 _________
Really, I don’t know, but I know it will be very different. I’ll be twenty-four years old in
a decade. I hope I’ll have a job then and maybe I’ll be married. Perhaps I’ll still live at
home with my parents. I really have no idea!

5 _________
I think life will be very different in a century. Technology moves very fast – look how
different life is now from a hundred years ago! They didn’t have computers and
mobile phones and now we can’t even think about living without those things. If
technology continues to improve, perhaps we’ll have robots to help us. Maybe we’ll
have different ways of travelling, too!

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Laser A1+ Unit 14 Test

Section 2


2 Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

The future
(0) b make many (1) _____ about the future. What will life be like in ten, a hundred or
a thousand (2) _____ ? Nobody really knows. If (3) _____ continues to (4) _____ so
fast, life will be extremely different in a thousand years. This will happen of course if
we are careful and don’t destroy our planet! Will there be robots in a (5) _____ – only
a hundred years from now? Will people still go to work in a (6) _____ – just ten years
in the future? Who knows? And in a (7) _____ – will life be the same in a thousand
years? Will people (8) _____ other planets in the (9) _____ ? Predictions about the
future aren’t easy to make. Who can tell? Perhaps in a million years people will live in
other (10) _____ and be happy! Only time will tell!

0 a Technologies b Scientists c Galaxies

1 a predictions b scientists c universities
2 a days b months c years
3 a licence b technology c decade
4 a discover b explore c improve
5 a decade b millennium c century
6 a decade b millennium c century
7 a decade b millennium c century
8 a explore b apply c move
9 a university b planet c universe
10 a planet b star c galaxies

3 Choose the correct word or phrase.

0 ‘How many days / months are there in a year?’ ‘Twelve, of course!’

1 How old must you be to get a licence / prediction to drive a car in your country?
2 ‘Can you answer this question?’ ‘Sorry, I haven’t got a clue / go straight past.’
3 Ian wants to apply / move for a new job. He’s not happy where he is.
4 Can scientists predict / improve what will happen in a thousand years?
5 If you continue / move not to study, you won’t pass your exams at the end of the
6 If he goes to university, he’ll move / go past to a new city!
7 How will my life be different in ten years? Perhaps / I haven’t got a clue I’ll be a
successful film star!
8 Be careful! Don’t cross / go past the road without looking out for cars first!
9 How many planets are there in the university / universe?
10 He left his school bag at home and so he turned back / left to get it.

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Laser A1+ Unit 14 Test

4 Write a word from the box under each picture.

cross the road go past

go straight ahead turn around
turn left turn right

_____cross the road_____







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Laser A1+ Unit 14 Test

Section 3


5 Choose the correct word or phrase.

0 If you will see / see Tom, will you tell him I want to talk to him?
1 She won’t come / doesn’t come if you don’t invite her to your party.
2 What will you do / do you do if your friend asks you to do something bad?
3 If it rains / will rain, we won’t go to the beach.
4 Nick and Craig don’t come / won’t come to the cinema with us if the film you want
to see is a romance.
5 If your parents don’t let you go to the party, will you go / do you go?

6 Put the verbs into the correct form to complete the text.

What’s in the future?

Many people ask what (0) will happen (happen) if technology (1) _________
(continue) to improve. (2) _________ (we/have) robots to do all the boring jobs for
us? If we (3) _________ (use) robots, what jobs (4) _________ (people/do) then?
My brother reads a lot of science fiction books and he thinks that if he (5) _________
(get) a robot, he will ask it to do his homework for him! I think that’s silly. We do
homework to learn things and if a robot (6) _________ (do) our homework for us,
then we (7) _________ (not/learn) anything! I’m worried about something else. If
technology (8) _________ (improve), (9) _________ (there/be) cars like those that
we have today? In a few years’ time, I’ll be eighteen and I want to get a driving
licence. If cars (10) _________ (be) different, perhaps it (11) _________ (be) more
difficult to get a licence then. And if I (12) _________ (not/get) my driving licence
when I’m eighteen, then I’ll be extremely upset!

7 Choose the correct word or phrase.

My future
My sister asked me a (0) very / lot interesting question. What will I do when I grow
up? I don’t (1) really / almost know yet, but I’m thinking about different jobs. I (2)
quite / nearly like sport, so perhaps I’ll be a tennis teacher or a skiing teacher. Of
course, I need to practise (3) very / a lot if I want to do one of those jobs, and in my
country it’s (4) quite / a lot difficult to find snow all year round. It’s (5) almost / very
impossible, actually! Another idea I have is to be a computer programmer. I like
computers (6) quite / extremely a lot and I’m good at using them and programming
them, but I don’t like sitting down at a desk (7) very many / very much! I’ll have to
think about what I want to do in the future (8) very / almost seriously soon!


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Laser A1+ Unit 14 Test

Section 4


8 Read the article and match each part of the article with a statement.

1 This paragraph says how the writer’s life will change.

2 This paragraph says exactly what the writer will do to help others.
3 This paragraph asks readers what they’ll do if they become rich and famous.
4 This paragraph starts with a question to the readers.
5 This paragraph says what the writer thinks he must do with his money.

If I Become Rich
A Do you dream of being rich and famous? I think everybody does at some point in
their lives! Well, I definitely do! I keep dreaming of what I’ll do if I ever become rich
and famous.

B If I become famous, my life will change a lot. People will know me and say hello to
me when I go out and ask for my autograph, and they’ll want to have a photograph
with me! And if I become rich, I’ll have lots of nice clothes and a big house and a fast
car, too!

C But I think that if I become rich and famous, it’s also important to help people who
aren’t so lucky. So I’ll use some of my money to help others.

D I’ll build a school for poor children in Africa, like my favourite athlete, Roger
Federer. There, poor children will learn to read and write and maybe become good
athletes too. If they become famous athletes, then they can also help others!

E I don’t know how I’ll become rich and famous, but I’m going to try anyway. I’m good
at sports and I work hard to become better and better. And if I eventually become rich
and famous, then I’ll really try to help others. What about you? What will you do if you
become rich and famous?

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Unit 14 Test

1D 2B 3A 4E 5C

1a 2c 3b 4c 5c 6a 7b 8a 9c 10c

1 licence 2 haven’t got a clue 3 apply 4 predict 5 continue 6 move 7 Perhaps 8 cross
9 universe 10 back

1 go straight ahead 2 turn left 3 turn right 4 turn around 5 go past

1 won’t come 2 will you do 3 rains 4 won’t come 5 will you go

1 continues 2 Will we have 3 use 4 will people do 5 gets 6 does 7 won’t learn 8
improves 9 will there be 10 are 11 will be 12 don’t get

1 really 2 quite 3 a lot 4 quite 5 almost 6 quite 7 very much 8 very

1B 2D 3E 4A 5C

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Laser A1+ Term Test 3: Units 11–14

Name: ….…………………………………………………………………

Section 1


1 Match the paragraphs with the sentences.

1 This person wants the future to come. _________

2 This person believes people won’t get ill in the future. _________
3 This person thinks there won’t be animals on the planet in the future. _________
4 This person thinks people will stay at home all the time. _________
5 This person thinks computers will become much smaller in the future. _________


What will the future be like?

In Teens of the World, we ask your views about different things every month. This
time we asked a few readers their opinions and predictions about the future. Here’s
what they told us.

A Martina, 13 Switzerland
Many things have changed in the recent past. Only thirty years ago people didn’t
have mobile phones and laptops weren’t very usual. Today, things have changed a
lot and technology is improving very fast. I think that in the future, people will have
flying cars and robots and we won’t have to go to work or the supermarket. We’ll
work from home and do our shopping on the internet. I’m certain that in a century, life
will be very different. Perhaps there won’t be so many illnesses and people will live a
very long time!

B Kylie, 14, USA

I think that life will be extremely different in a millennium. Perhaps people won’t look
like us. They’ll be taller and thinner and they won’t go out of their houses at all!
They’ll stay in all the time and will chat online and never meet other people. This has
already started happening in countries like Japan. Some children never leave their
rooms, not even to go to school! I think that’s very sad. Also, I’m afraid there won’t be
any animals left, because the planet is getting dirtier and dirtier. I’m worried that the
future won’t be a nice place to live in.

C Dennis, 12, Australia

I’m very excited about the future! Technology is improving very fast and things that
were impossible only a decade ago are now easy to do! Think about computers and
laptops and mobile phones and the internet. In my opinion, we’ll see great things in
the near future. Already, films have changed with 3D and special effects and our life
has become much easier with mobile phones and small laptops which we can take
with us everywhere! Perhaps in the near future, they’ll become so small that we can
have them on us or wear them like clothes! I can’t wait for the future to arrive!

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Laser A1+ Term Test 3: Units 11–14

Section 2


2 Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

My dream has always been to play a (0) b in a film. So when I heard that they were
looking for (1) _____ to film some (2) _____ in a new (3) _____ , I applied (4) _____
the job. I thought this was a great chance for me to see what (5) _____ a film is like
and to learn some things about the job I want to do in the future.
I was very happy when they took me. They told me where to go and at 6.30 one cold
morning I went to get my (6) _____ and (7) _____ . Then the (8) _____ explained to
us where the (9) _____ were and where we should stand. It was a restaurant scene
and we were the people in the (10) _____ , eating and talking, so the restaurant
didn’t seem (11) _____ . Although it wasn’t a (12) _____ job, I enjoyed it a lot.

0 a scene b part c star

1 a stars b extras c costumes
2 a parts b roles c scenes
3 a action movie b drama school c competition
4 a for b in c to
5 a turning b writing c shooting
6 a drama b app c costume
7 a make-up b role c company
8 a star b director c scientist
9 a cameras b extras c movie
10 a underneath b beside c background
11 a full b messy c empty
12 a great fun b well paid c whizz kid

3 Choose the correct word.

0 Almost half / most of the people who read this magazine are teenagers.
1 Be careful! Don’t go near the desert / cliff. It’s dangerous.
2 I can’t talk to you now. I’m preparing / entering for my part in the film.
3 She had a small role in the school play / competition.
4 Have you ever run a marathon / charity?
5 What are we going to do to raise / pick money for charity? Any ideas?
6 We met a year / decade ago – ten years is a long time to be friends with someone.
7 My mobile phone has lots of apps / licences.

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Laser A1+ Term Test 3: Units 11–14

4 Write a word or phrase from the box in each gap.

guessing companies university

go straight ahead waste
a quarter of underneath

0 I’m studying very hard because I want to go to university and become a doctor.
1 Many _________ give a lot of money to charity now. They believe that when you
make a lot of money, you must also help the world!
2 Don’t _________ your money on silly apps. Save it for something useful!
3 ‘Where’s the museum?’ ‘_________ and you’ll see it on your left.’
4 What’s that _________ the bed? Is it a mouse?
5 Do you know that for sure, or are you _________ ?
6 _________ all drinking water disappears into the sea. Did you know that?


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Laser A1+ Term Test 3: Units 11–14

Section 3


5 Choose the correct word or phrase.

Tanya’s page!
Hi all!
Next month my family and I (0) will / are going to move to a new town. My dad (1)
has found / finds a job there and we’re all (2) going to live / living to a new house.
I (3) live / have lived all my life in a big city and I think this change (4) is going / will
be very important. I’ve already started packing my things and next weekend I (5) am
having / have a party to say goodbye to my friends here in Athens. I’ve sent the
party invitations and I’ve bought food and drinks. I’m excited about moving, because I
think it (6) won’t / will be an interesting place and I’ll make new friends and learn
new things. My sister (7) will also / is also preparing for the move. This week she’s
choosing what she’s going to take with her to our new home. I (8) ’ll write / ’m
writing soon to tell you what the new town looks like and my opinions of the place.


6 Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

0 The mobile phone is in front of the TV.

1 Please don’t stand next _________ the camera. It’s dangerous.
2 What time are you going _________ the cinema?
3 Hurry up! The film is starting _________ half an hour.
4 My birthday is _________ the 24th of July.
5 Why did you stay _________ home last night?

7 Complete the gaps with the correct adverb form of the adjectives in bold.

0 She sings beautifully. beautiful

1 Patrick studies _________ because he wants to go to university. hard
2 Dave can speak French very _________. good
3 Listen to those children! They’re shouting very _________ ! noisy
4 How _________ can you run? fast
5 The children played _________ in the garden. quiet

8 Put the verbs into the correct tense to complete the text.

What (0) will you do (you/do) if a famous film star (1) _________ (come) to your
town? (2) _________ (you/go) to see her? Well, I know what I (3) _________ (do) if
Jennifer Lopez (4) _________ (come) to my town! I’ll save money to go to her show.
If I meet her, I’ll ask her to give me an autograph! If she (5) _________ (give) me an
autograph, I’ll be really happy, but I (6) _________ (not/be) very upset if she (7)
_________ (not/give) me one. That’s life!
…/ 7

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Laser A1+ Term Test 3: Units 11–14

Section 4


9 Match the missing phrases with the gaps to complete the email.

A Next week I’m going away to a beautiful island in Greece.

B I’m sure we’ll have a great time!
C Bye for now!
D How are you?
E I’m going with my dad and my little brother.

Hi Dina,

(1) _____ I hope everything is OK. Are you still busy at school or have you started
your holiday?

My school exams have finished and now I’m preparing for my holiday. (2) _____ It’s
called Santorini. Have you ever heard of it? They say it’s great and I can’t wait to go

My mum and sister aren’t coming because they have work here in London. (3) _____
I’ve seen some photographs on the website and the view from our hotel looks
amazing! When we arrive there, I’m going to swim every day and have fun and relax
after a very tiring school year.

This Saturday, before we go, we’re having a party with our friends to celebrate the
end of the school year. (4) _____

Hope to hear from you soon.

(5) _____
Lots of love,

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Laser A1+ Term Test 3 Answer key

Term Test 3: Units 11–14

1C 2A 3B 4B 5C

1b 2c 3a 4a 5c 6c 7a 8b 9a 10c 11c 12b

1 cliff 2 preparing 3 play 4 marathon 5 raise 6 decade 7 apps

1 companies 2 waste 3 Go straight ahead 4 underneath 5 guessing 6 A quarter of

1 has found 2 going to live 3 have lived 4 will 5 am having 6 will 7 is also preparing
8 ’ll write

1 hard 2 well 3 noisily 4 fast 5 quietly

1 to 2 to 3 in 4 on 5 at

1 comes 2 Will you go 3 will/’ll do 4 comes 5 gives 6 will not/won’t be 7 does
not/doesn’t give

1D 2A 3E 4B 5C

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Laser A1+ Final Test

Name: ….…………………………………………………………………

Section 1


1 Match the paragraphs with the titles.

1 Shopping
2 Working on a farm
3 Travelling by plane
4 Making a movie
5 Raising money for charity

A _________
Hi, my name’s Tony and I love travelling. When we go on holiday, we travel a really
long way, so we usually take the plane. You have to be at the airport quite early to
check in with your luggage, and then wait for the plane to take off. It’s great when you
get into the air and you can see everything below you. It all looks different from the

B _________
Hi, I’m Debbie and I’ve been saving my money for a long time, because I want to go
to New York and buy lots of things in the shops. I think they have the best shops in
the world in New York! My hobby is fashion, so I want to visit the clothes shops, and
the shoe shops, too. I like looking good, and some people say I look like a movie star
in my best clothes!

C _________
My name’s Kim and I think it’s important to help people who aren’t as lucky as you.
There are poor people, people who are ill, or just people who need some help, and I
try to do whatever I can to raise money for them. I sell things at fairs. I go to lots of
events and today I’m running in a charity marathon. I’ll be really tired tonight, but I’ll
feel good because we’ll raise a lot of money.

D _________
Hello, I’m called Vicky and I’m on holiday. Well, it’s not like a normal holiday,
because I’m working. I have to feed the animals and pick vegetables and fruit and
keep everything clean and tidy. It’s really hard work, but I’m learning new things all
the time.

E _________
I’m Murray and I love my job. I love cameras and technology, and I love the theatre,
too, so this job is great because it’s all of those things together. It’s quite hard work
and you have to get up really early, and actors are difficult people sometimes, but
when you see the movie in the cinema, it’s worth it!

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Laser A1+ Final Test

Section 2


2 Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

My trip to Shanghai
Recently, I had to go to Shanghai in China. I’m a (0) a for a magazine and I often
travel for work. It’s usually very interesting, and this job was one of the (1) _____
interesting jobs I’ve ever had.

I got to Shanghai and went to my hotel. There was a (2) _____ guard outside the
front door because Shanghai is a very (3) _____ city. I was there to write a story
about a famous man who was in trouble with the police. I wanted to (4) _____ him,
but he was very difficult to find.

I had a bath and went out for dinner. I found a restaurant and ate a great (5) _____ .
The restaurant is famous because it uses (6) _____ ingredients in all the food and
everything is very fresh and tasty. I read some papers about my job while I was

As I was leaving, a man was coming in. He was (7) _____ a lot of papers, but he
wasn’t looking where he was going. His arm hit the door and he (8) _____ all the
papers he was carrying – all over my table! I helped him to pick them up, but when I
got back to my hotel I (9) _____ out that I had some of his papers. They were papers
about my job in Shanghai – he was the man I wanted to interview!

Well, I didn’t read the papers, of course. I sent them to his office. He was so happy
he (10) _____ to give me an interview. And now my magazine is really happy
because we’re the only magazine in the world with the story!

0 a writer b cardboard c truck

1 a best b mostly c most
2 a secure b security c securely
3 a safe b dangerous c distant
4 a interview b blog c write
5 a food b meal c sponge
6 a best b local c ox
7 a guessing b escaping c carrying
8 a dripped b dropt c dropped
9 a hoped b frowned c found
10 a explored b offered c said

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Laser A1+ Final Test

3 Write a word from the box in each gap.

bestseller dream capital

online kitten leather
comfortable parachute village
mystery pupils

0 I like your new leather jacket, Chris.

1 My 5-star hotel room was really _________ .
2 Mum – can we get a _________ ?
3 If you jump out of an aeroplane, make sure you’re wearing a _________ !
4 What is the _________ of Australia? Do you know?
5 All the _________ have to take the end of year exams.
6 You’re always chatting _________ . Why don’t you go outside and play?
7 One day, I hope I’ll write an international _________ .
8 She was born in a little _________ , but she moved to the city when she was
9 We’ll never know what happened to Dick. It’s a _________ .
10 Last night, I had a terrible _________ about school.

4 Choose the correct word.

0 This is my sister’s son, John. He’s my niece / nephew.

1 We have to plant / collect the eggs before we can have an omelette.
2 I’m going to the florist’s / butcher’s to buy some flowers for my mum.
3 We were talking / telling about Pop Factor when you came in.
4 On the first day of our holiday, I want to see all the sights / tickets of New York.
5 Drop / Put down my MP3 player – you’ll break it!
6 Were there many passengers / airports on your plane?
7 He pointed / nodded his head to show that he agreed with me.
8 Why can my brother go out, but I can’t? It’s not fair / lucky!
9 I’m really sorry, but I broke your glasses by wrong / mistake.
10 Of course I don’t know for real / sure, but I think Haley will win the competition.


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Section 3


5 Choose the correct word or phrase.

0 Caroline sent / sends a lot of emails yesterday.

1 What are you being / going to do when you leave school?
2 Jim has just told me he has / is got a new bike.
3 Have you ever eaten / ate Chinese food?
4 I think I will buy me / myself something nice because I’ve worked so hard.
5 If you have a problem with your teeth, you should / have go to the dentist.
6 I’m nearly / quite good at maths, but I’m not very good at science.
7 I’ve never / ever done a parachute jump – I’m too scared!
8 He easy / easily won the race – he’s the fastest runner in our school.
9 I will meet / am meeting James at two o’clock. Do you want to come?
10 We’ll wait for you on / outside the cinema. Don’t be late.

6 Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

Travelling can (0) a great fun. (1) _____ is your favourite way to travel? I like the
train, because it’s (2) _____ comfortable than the aeroplane. Trains are (3) _____
than they were in the past, and they aren’t as expensive (4) _____ aeroplanes.

Some people like travelling by car, but sometimes there’s a lot of (5) _____ , so it’s
slower (6) _____ the train. When you sit in a car and it doesn’t move, it’s very (7)
_____ , isn’t it?

But guess what? Yesterday, I was (8) _____ along the road near my house, in the
sunshine and the fresh air, and I thought, ‘This is (9) _____ nice. (10) _____ don’t I
walk more often?’

0 a be b was c been
1 a Who b What c When
2 a more b most c much
3 a fast b faster c fastest
4 a than b as c with
5 a traffic b passengers c noise
6 a as b more c than
7 a confused b boring c lazy
8 a walk b walking c walked
9 a too b most c very
10 a Why b Who c When

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Laser A1+ Final Test

7 Circle the correct answer (A, B or C).

0 I believe that one day he will be a famous actor.

A) will be
B) is being
C) going to be

1 I _____ any brothers or sisters – I’m an only child.

A) don’t have got
B) haven’t got
C) not got

2 Your MP3 player is in the _____ room.

A) boys
B) boys’
C) boy

3 He _____ to school every day – he takes the bus.

A) isn’t walking
B) not walks
C) doesn’t walk

4 We _____ late on a school night.

A) never stay out
B) stay out never
C) stay never out

5 Let’s show _____ our holiday photos.

A) their
B) they
C) them

6 Excuse me. Are _____ your glasses? You left them on the table.
A) these
B) this
C) the

7 The children _____ a bit bored. Shall we go home?

A) gets
B) get
C) are getting

8 _____ do you visit your grandparents?

A) Ever
B) How often
C) How many

9 _____ in a village or a city?

A) Do you live
B) You live
C) Do you living

10 That isn’t your ice cream – it’s _____ .

A) my

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B) me
C) mine

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8 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

0 What do you like doing in your free time?

1 He’s talking _________ fast for me to understand him.
2 _________ you take any nice photos while you were on holiday?
3 We _________ walking in the countryside when we saw the fox.
4 There’s _________ interesting article in this magazine about farming.
5 I _________ a blog about my trip to China.
6 _________ your work very difficult?
7 ‘Are they enjoying themselves?’ ‘No, they _________ .’
8 _________ you get me a glass of water, please?
9 What _________ do you get to school in the morning?
10 ‘_________ the other children coming, too?’ ‘Yes, they are.’

9 Rewrite the sentences using the word given.

0 Do you know how to play basketball?

Can you play basketball?

1 It might rain and then we won’t have lunch outside.

If __________________ , we won’t have lunch outside.

2 He isn’t a very careful driver.

He __________________ .

3 This is my first time in an aeroplane.

I __________________ in an aeroplane before.

4 Dave is taller than his brother Carl.

Carl __________________ his brother Dave.

5 You can stay at home if you want.

You __________________ out if you don’t want to.

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Section 4


10 Do ONE of the following tasks:

1 Your teacher has asked you to write an article for the school magazine. The title is
‘My life, my town and me.’ You should write about your family, the place where you
live, your hobbies and your plans for the future.

Write between 50 and 100 words.

2 You went on holiday to the place in the advertisement below. Write a letter to your
pen-friend describing the hotel where you stayed and the things you did on the

Mutlins Holiday Camp

The perfect holiday – whatever you want!
At Mutlins we want you to relax or get some exercise. We want you to learn new
things or just enjoy your old favourites. You can do everything or nothing at Mutlins!

You can swim in the sea or just lie on the beach. You can play tennis or golf, or just
walk beside the sea. You can try lots of new food or eat the same thing every day.
We have a swimming pool, a gym, a restaurant and every room has a view of the
beach, a TV and even a computer and internet.

So come along for a week or a month and do whatever you want! It’s Mutlins, where
you get the best of everything!

Write between 50 and 100 words.


Final score … / 100

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Laser A1+ Final Test Answer key

Final Test

1B 2D 3A 4E 5C

1c 2b 3b 4a 5b 6b 7c 8c 9c 10b

1 comfortable 2 kitten 3 parachute 4 capital 5 pupils 6 online 7 bestseller 8 village 9
mystery 10 dream

1 collect 2 florist’s 3 talking 4 sights 5 Put down 6 passengers 7 nodded 8 fair 9
mistake 10 sure

1 going 2 has 3 eaten 4 myself 5 should 6 quite 7 never 8 easily 9 am meeting 10

1b 2a 3b 4b 5a 6c 7b 8b 9c 10a

1B 2B 3C 4A 5C 6A 7C 8B 9A 10C

1 too 2 Did 3 were 4 an 5 wrote 6 Is/Was 7 aren’t 8 Could/Can/Will 9 time 10 Are

1 it rains 2 doesn’t drive very carefully 3 have never been 4 is not as tall as 5 don’t
have to go

Students’ own answers

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