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Margaret Therese D. Sesaldo 11-STEM B

Summary: President Rodrigo Duterte Concept: The last step of mineral

warning on mining comes after exploration is very crucial. The repair
Environment Secretary Roy Climate of environmental damages is
suspended small-scale mining essential in the lessening of the
operation in the C.A.R.. Duterte overall impact of mineral excavation
talked about stopping mining to the earth and the laws pertaining
nationwide and the repeal of the to this should be strictly implemented
Philippine Mining Act. Duterte and followed by all legal mining
opposed open-pit mining and operations to ensure a safe and
agreed to a temporary open-pit proper mineral exploration that is not
mining ban. He also ordered mining of risk to the masses and to nature.
companies to repair environmental
damages as well.
Concepts: Mineral exploration is a
Summary: An organization entitled big industry and with this comes
Kalikasan People’s Network for the large numbers of people and
Environment urged the government destruction as well comes is very
under Duterte’s administration to not eminent as well. Thus, mining
renew the contract of OceanaGold operations must be responsible as
an Australian mining company well to the consequences brought
based in the Philippines because by mineral exploration and mining
their mining operations have operations.
violated both human and
environmental rights.
Concept: In all instances of mining
Summary: Its not only land that is operations no matter how small or
affected by mining but the lives and big-scale it is all factors that are
communities of people around it. In affected by it must be taken into
the Philippines, mining companies consideration and must be
are required to make binding compensated justly. The government
commitments that will benefit the must look past just the economic
affected communities. But the value but also the value of nature
current state is that mining laws are and the lives of people, so
used as a leverage to override the restoration must be just as strictly
legal protection of the people who followed as all other steps of mineral
are informally living in the area thus operations.
resulting to the people there living in
worse conditions due to lack of land
for farming, water scarcity and
illnesses brought by mining
Summary: After the Marawi crisis Concept: Miners should also be
President Rodrigo Duterte wants to aware of the full process of mining
focus on the problem of mining not just the company themselves.
impasse and wants miners to pay for Miners must know and be aware of
damage to farms and fishponds. the environmental impacts so they
themselves can also act upon
rehabilitation as well.

Summary: “Mining Philippines 2019 Concept: Open discourse is one way

International Conference and of solving problems about mining.
Exhibition” will be attended by Mining companies should also
mining companies all over the educate themselves on better ways
Philippines in order to tackle mineral to make efficient and less
resource development issues, destructive mining operations and
challenges and opportunities about attending summits, conferences and
mining. talks can be one of the ways they
can be better mining companies.

Summary: In order to improve the Concept: Mining is not as bad as we

people’s perception of mining, DENR think it is, yes it also has it’s cons but
Secretary Ray A. Climatu met with one of its pros is that it the building
the mining industry to come up with blocks of innovation and in order to
ideas on environmental provide a good image of the mining
rehabilitation work to make people industry good results should be seen
see the good in the industry. as well especially with the
rehabilitation processes that come

Summary: There was an Concept: Mineral resource is a great

encouragement from Franklin economic booster indeed, and we
Quijano who is a PHIVIDEC Industrial Filipinos must also learn to use our
authority administrator that the abundance to an advantage.
Philippines should start processing its Allowing our country to better its
own minerals for value-adding that Mining Industry through technology
directly exporting to other countries. and other means can benefit the
He also encouraged the business country greatly but not to the extent
community to try to look at the of exploitation and abuse.
potential of the country to develop
different industries using our own
extracted minerals.
Summary: The Mining Journal Concept: Remote monitoring and
reported that during the past control of equipment allows miners
decade, demand has increased for to automate industrial processes like
technologies such as industrial blasting, drilling, and transportation.
automation and control systems, The new, automated equipment
simulator-training, equipment used to perform these tasks is faster,
controls and guidance, advanced more accurate, and can cover
mine-surveying technologies, more area in less time. Efficiencies
underground mining and surface are gained through continuous,
drilling technologies, and machine consistent operations, improved
guidance and control systems. communications, and reduced
The article predicts that demand for infrastructure. Mine site safety can
cloud-based services, mining’s be improved by removing personnel
industrial “Internet of Things,” and from dangerous environments and
new visualization, simulation and placing them in remote control
optimization software will influence rooms where they can operate
the mining industry over the next 5-10 equipment from a safe distance.
years, and that the increasing use of
remotely-controlled automated
equipment will be the most
important development.

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