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Your name: JR Hmura

BOCES student’s name: Replaced name with “Your Son” for privacy
Lab day and time: Friday 12:40-1:40pm
Semester and year: Spring 2019
Date: 5/10/19
Dear Parent/Guardian of ​__Your Son___​, thank you for providing me with such an
incredible student to teach. Your Son and I had a wonderful semester learning some new skills in
the pool. Your Son was incredible, always the first student in the pool and the last to leave, “one
more dive!” was always the hardest part of every lesson, trying to get him out of the pool. Your
Son made quick progress learning several new swimming strokes and a few kicks. Your Son met
his fitness goals of being able to swim longer distances in the pool, he was able to back crawl
100 meters during our post-assessment. Your Son listens and retains so much knowledge, he was
able to learn 3 new survival strokes: breaststroke, sidestroke and elementary backstroke.
Your Son was always thoughtful and responsible during activities, he never forgot the
safety rules and was very creative when we played games such as F.I.S.H. or Simon Says Swim.
Simon Says Swim is a game where we took turns throwing a volleyball across the pool and
challenging each other to swim different strokes to get to the ball. Every challenge I gave him he
answered, he was very successful and always gave me a challenge back when we played F.I.S.H.
(similar to horse in basketball) and he was very good at jumping off the high dive(3 meter diving
It was an unforgettable experience getting to work with Your Son and seeing him
progress so quickly. Most students dread friday classes and can’t wait for the weekend but
working with Your Son made me thrilled for friday classes and dread when they would end so
quickly. Not only did Your Son make my experience great, he motivated other students and
encouraged them to surpass their own challenges when learning diving skills. Once he mastered
a front dive he took every chance to try and teach other students. Your Son will be missed this
summer and I just wanted to say one last time, for all the positive energy he brought to the pool
every day, thank you.

Best wishes,

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