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sinsro1g “TOPIP Protocol Suite, fe Chapter 15 Answers | Science Flasheards | Quilet Quizlet TCP/IP Protocol Suite, 4/e Chapter 15 Answers stupy Flashcards C bean &, Write Spell @ test PLAY ©& Match Terms in this set (49) TCP isa protocol. stream-oriented TCP groups a number of segment bytes together into a packet called a hitpssiquilt.com2828 1838 cplp-protocol-sute-se-chapte-1S-answorsfash-cards! OB aris ewakenwa PLUS 19 sinsro19 “TOPIP Protocol Suite, fe Chapter 15 Answers | Science Flasheards | Quilet TCP is a(n) connection-oriented protocol. TCP is a(n) reliable transport protocol. TCP uses to check the safe and sound arrival of data. an acknowledgment mechanism The bytes of data being transferred in each connection are numbered by TCP. The numbering starts with a randomly generated number TCP assigns a sequence number to each segment that is being sent. The sequence number for each segment is the number of the ___ byte carried in that segment. first Communication in TCP is full-duplex The value of the acknowledgment field in a segment defines the next itpssiquilt.com2828 1838 cplp-protocol-sute-se-chapter-1S-answorsfash-cards! sinsro19 “TOPIP Protocol Suite, 4/e Chapter 15 Answers | Science Flasheards | Quilet sequence number related to the __byte a party expects to receive, The inclusion of the checksum in the TCP segment is mandatory ATCP segment is encapsulated in an IP datagram ASYN segment cannot carry data; it consumes ____ sequence number(s). one ASYN + ACK segment cannot carry data; it consumes __ sequence numbers. None of the choices are correct AN ACK segment, if carrying no data, consumes __ sequence number(s), no The connection establishment procedure in TCP is susceptible to a serious security problem called the ___ attack SYN flooding hitpssiquilt.com2828 1838 cplp-protocol-sute-se-chapte-1S-answorsfash-cards! snnsro19 “TOPIP Protocol Suite, fe Chapter 15 Answers | Science Flasheards | Quilet The SYN flooding attack belongs to a group of security attacks known as a__ attack denial of service The FIN segment consumes __ sequence numbers if it does not carry data. None of the choices are correct The FIN + ACK segment consumes ___ sequence number(s) if it does not carry data. ‘one In TCP, one end can stop sending data while still receiving data, This is calleda__ half-close A(n)_____ machine is a machine that goes through a limited number of states, finite state Acommon value for MSL. is between__ seconds and __ minute(s) 30;1 To accomplish flow control, TCP uses a sliding itpssiquilt.com2828 1838 cplp-protocol-sute-se-chapter-1S-answorsfash-cards! 49 sinsro19 “TOPIP Protocol Suite, 4/e Chapter 15 Answers | Science Flasheards | Quilet window protocol. TCP sliding windows are byte oriented, In TCP, the size of the minimum send window is the ‘of rwnd and ewnd. In TCP, the window shrunk should not be In TCP, the receiver can ‘one temporarily shut down the window; the sender, however, can always send a segment of __ byte(s) after the window is shut down. Aserious problem can arise in the sliding window operation when either the sending application program creates data slowly or the receiving application program consumes data slowly, or both. This problem is called the silly window syndrome hitpssiquilt.com2828 1838 cpip-protocol-sute-se-chapter-1S-answors flashcards! sinsro19 “TOPIP Protocol Suite, fe Chapter 15 Answers | Science Flasheards | Quilet Nagle's algorithm can solve the silly window syndrome created by the sender Clark's solution can solve the silly window syndrome created by the receiver Delayed acknowledgment can solve the silly window syndrome created by the receiver ACK segments consume __ sequence number(s) and ___ acknowledged no; are not In modern implementations of TCP, a retransmission occurs if the retransmission timer expires or duplicate ACK segments have arrived. three In TC} retransmission timer is set for an ACK segment. no itpssiquilt.com2828 1838 1cplp-protocol-sute-se-chapter-1S-answors flashcards! sinsro19 “TOPIP Protocol Suite, fe Chapter 15 Answers | Science Flasheards | Quilet Lost acknowledgments deadlock may create a__if they are not handled properly. Inthe algorithm slow start the size of the congestion window increases exponentially until it reaches a threshold. Inthe_____ algorithm the size of the congestion window increases additively until congestion is detected. congestion avoidance In the congestion detection algorithm, if detection is by a time- out,anew___ phase starts slow start In the congestion detection algorithm, if detection is by three ACKs, anew ___ phase starts. congestion avoidance hitpssiquilt.com28281838 1cplp-protocol-sute-se-chapter-1S-answorsfash-cards! 79 sinsro19 “TOPIP Protocol Suite, 4/e Chapter 15 Answers | Science Flasheards | Quilet In TCP, there can be RTT measurement(s) in progress at any time only one The value of the window scale factor can be determined during connection establishment Multiply the header length field by _to find the total number of bytes in the TCP header. Urgent data requires the urgent pointer field as well as the URG bit in the ___ field. control The options field of the TCP header ranges from Oto___ bytes 40 Which option defines the maximum number of bytes in a TCP segment? maximum segment size If the ACK value is 200, then byte___has been received successfully. 199 hitpssiquilt.com28281838 1cplp-protocol-sute-se-chapter-1S-answorsfash-cards! ‘25019 ‘ToPIP Protocl Suite, Ale Chapter 15 Answers | Science Flashcards | Quilt The timer prevents None of the choices are correct * along idle connection between two TCPs. The ___ timer is needed persistence * to handle the zero window-size advertisement. Karn's algorithm is used retransmission * in calculations by the timer, A special segment called persistence * a probe is sent by a sending TCP when the __ timer goes off. Want to learn this set quickly? Use Quizlet’s activities and games to make studying easy, effective and fun! hitpssiquilt.com2828 1838 cplp-protocol-sute-se-chapte-1S-answorsfash-cards!

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