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Let Me Introduce Myself

Basic Competence
3.1. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur
teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks
pemaparan jati diri, sesuai dengan konteks
4.1. Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis
sederhana, untuk memaparkan,
menanyakan, dan merespon pemaparan jati
diri, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara
benar dan sesuai dengan konteks.

Ahmad Dani Al Fanani

Students’ worksheet tenth grade of office administration semester I 1

Key Grammar 1
There are some pronouns which are usually used for giving and asking for information about
self-identity and family relationship

Subjective Objective Reflexive
Adjective Pronoun
I Me My Mine Myself
You You Your Yours Yourself
We Us Our Ours Ourselves
They Them Their Theirs Themselves
He Him His His Himself
She Her Her Hers Herself
It It Its Its Itself
Look at the underlined pronouns in example bellow!
He is the Manager Subjective
I will phone him Objective
She is typing her task Possessive adjective
This computer is yours Possessive pronoun
I would introduce myself Reflexive

Activity 1
Choose the correct personal pronoun!
1. (He, They, I) ….......…….……am sitting on the Mr. Bachul’s chair.
2. (I, They, He) …………………….are meeting.
3. Are …………………… (I, you, he) new employee?
4. (I, they, she) …………………………………. Is typing the work plan.
5. I will discuss with ……………………….(we, his, him)
6. She phone (his, their, her) ……………………coworker.
7. Where is (our, ours. us) ……………………..meeting be held?
8. It is …………..…(mine, its, his), I lost it yesterday.
9. I am pretty sure that it is ………….…………. (his, yours, mine), I found it on your desk.
10. Please introduce ( himself, itself, yourself) …………………….…….. , so I will know you better.

Students’ worksheet tenth grade of office administration semester I 2

Activity 2
Choose the correct answer!
1. Yuni goes to office, …………… goes to office with Hielda.
a. her b. she c. hers d. I
2. Riza is next to Bachul, Riza next to …………………….
a. he b. himself c. his d. him
3. we are going to Boss’ room, do you want to join …………..
a. we b. our c. us d. ourself
4. This is my proposal, you can read …………….
a. Its b. me c. it d. I
5. Ayu is at hospital, she can’t go work with …………….
a. I b. my c. mine d. me
6. The printer is on the desk, can you see ……………
a. her b. him c. it d. me
7. I will go to company for the interview, I am afraid they will not accept ………...
a. me b. I c. them d. their
8. Dani is promoted, this is my present for …………….
a. he b. his c. him d. me
9. Dita and Nurul can’t do their project, can you help …………….
a. They b. them c. yours d. their
10. I do not know Yanti well, can you introduce ………..……... to me?
a. Her b. hers c. herself d. you

Activity 3
Please write down a simple introduction text for job interview, use your identity!

Students’ worksheet tenth grade of office administration semester I 3

Important Vocabulary

Identity : identitas
Typing : mengetik
Phone : menelfon
Employee : karyawan
Meeting : rapat
Office : Kantor
Task : Tugas
Deadline : batas akhir

Students’ worksheet tenth grade of office administration semester I 4

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