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1. As a result of some process, the internal energy of a system is increased.

According to the first law of

thermodynamics, ∆Eint = Q + W. How can one tell that the increase was due to orderly macroscopic
work W or due to the flow of energy through disorderly microscopic means Q? (3 points)

(a) By measuring the temperature of the system before and after the process.

(b) By measuring the temperature of the surroundings before and after the process.

(c) It is not possible to distinguish between W and Q.

(d) Both (a) and (b) are correct

2. Meteorologists use the first law of thermodynamics in its adiabatic form (i.e. Q = 0). Using statement
of the first law, argue why the temperature in a rising cloud falls as it goes to higher altitudes? (3 points)

(a) the temperature falls because we are away from the warm surface of the earth.

(b) the temperature falls because the air pressure decreases with altitude, and the cloud expands.

(c) the temperature falls because the internal energy of the cloud decreases due to reduced pull of

(d) the temperature falls because the air pressure decreases with the altitude, and the cloud contracts.


(3 points)

4. Energy has different forms which include (2 points)

a) heat
b) work
c) all of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned

5. Which of the following represents the energy in storage? (2 points)

a) heat
b) work
c) internal energy
d) none of the mentioned

6. The first law of thermodynamics gives only the change on energy ΔE for the process. (2point)
a) true
b) false

Problem solving

1. Calculate the change in internal energy and determine if the process is exothermic or
a. A balloon is heated by adding 240 Calories of heat, it expands and, doing 135 J of work on
the atmosphere.
2. What is the change in internal energy of a system which does 4.50 × 105 J of work while 3.00 ×
106 J of heat transfer occurs into the system, and 8.00 × 106 J of heat transfer occurs to the
3. A system does of work while of heat transfer occurs to the
environment. What is the change in internal energy of the system assuming no other changes
(such as in temperature or by the addition of fuel)?

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