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Mastery Review  

Correct Wrong 
1 In the complex number 3 + 4i, the absolute value is:  
Answer: 5 Details 
2 Divide (4+3i)/(2-i).  
Answer: 1+2i Details 
3 Solve for x that satisfy the equation x^2+36 = 9-2x^2.  
Answer: ±3i Details 
4 Solve the initial value problem y ‘ = -y / x, where y(1) = 1.  
Answer: y = 1 / x Details 
5 Compute eat ∗ ebt if a ≠ b.  
Answer: 1/(a-b)(e^at-e^bt) Details 
6 Find the value of i^9.  
Answer: i Details 
7 For z=1+i, find the arg (z).  
Answer: 1/4 π Details 
8 The value of x + y in the complex equation 3 + xi = y + 2i is:  
Answer: 5 Details 
9 Write -4+3i in polar form.  
Answer: 5∟143.13° Details 
10 Find the real values of x and y satisfying the given equation: (2x + 3y) + i(3x – 5y) = 8 – i7.  
Answer: x = 1, y = 2 Details 

Mastery Review  

Correct Wrong 

1 What is the Laplace transform of g(t) = 4 cos(4t) - 9 sin(4t) + 2 cos(10t)?  

Answer: 4s/(s^2+16)-36/(s^2+16)+2s/(s^2+100) Details 

2 Simplify the expression i^1999 + i^1999 where I is an imaginary number.  


Answer: 0 Details 

3 What is the Laplace transform of: 

g(t) = e3t+cos(6t)-e3tcos(6t)? 

Answer: 1/(s-3)+s/(s^2+36)-(s-3)/((s-3)^2+36) Details 

4 Given a scalar function f (x, y , z), find the gradient of f.  

Answer: Figure Details 

5 Determine the laplace transform of L(S) = 200 / [(s^2) + 50s + 10625].  

Answer: L(S) = 2e^(-25t) sin100t Details 

6 Determine the inverse laplace transform of (s + a) / [(s + a) ^2 + w^2].  

Answer: e^(-at) sin wt Details 

7 Determine the inverse laplace transform of 100/ [(S + 10) (S + 20)].  

Answer: 10e^(-10t) – 20e^(-20t) Details 

8 Solve the initial value problem x ′′ + 2x ′ + x = δ(t) − δ(t − 2) x(0) = x ′ (0) = 2.  

Answer: x(t)=2e^(-t)+5te^(-t)-u(t-2)e^(-(t-2))Details 

9 What is the quotient when 4 + 8i is divided by i^3?  

Answer: 8 + 4i Details 

10 Convert the number 8 + j6 to exponential form.  

Answer: 10 e^j0.643 Details 


Mastery Review  

Correct Wrong 

1 Find the transform of the given function. 

f(t) = tcosh(3t) 

Answer: (s^2+9)/(s^2-9)^2 Details 

2 Evaluate the expression (1 +i^2)^10, where i is an imaginary number.  

Answer: 0 Details 

3 Find the value of j^j ?  

Answer: 0.207879576 Details 

4 Find the transform of the given function h (t) = t2 sin (2t).  

Answer: Figure Details 

5 The value of x in the equation 3 + xi = y + 2i is:  

Answer: 2 Details 

6 What is the product of square root of -10 and square root of -7?  

Answer: positive sq. root of 70 Details 

7 Evaluate (j^j).  

Answer: 0.21 Details 

8 Find the transform of the given function f (t) = (10t)3/2.  

Answer: 10^(3/2) (3√π)/4s^(5/2) Details 

9 Evaluate ln(3+j4).  

Answer: 1.609 + j0.92 Details 

10 Evaluate: j^24 – j^11 + j^5.  

Answer: 1 + j2 Details 


Mastery Review  

Correct Wrong 

1 Convert the number 8 + j6 to exponential form.  

Answer: 10 e^j0.643 Details 

2 Find the value of i^9.  

Answer: i Details 

3 What is ln (-1) ?  


Answer: jΠ Details 

4 What is the quotient when 4 + 8i is divided by i^3?  

Answer: 8 + 4i Details 

5 Find the inverse transform of of the given function. 

H(s) = 19/s+2 - 1/3s-5 + 7/s5 

Answer: Figure Details 

6 Evaluate the expression (1 +i^2)^10, where i is an imaginary number.  

Answer: 0 Details 

7 Find the inverse transform of the given function. 

f(s) = 6s/(s^2+25) + 3/(s^2 + 25) 

Answer: 6 cos⁡(5t)+3/5 sin⁡(5t) Details 

8 Find the inverse transform of the given function. 

g(s) = 8/ (3s^2 +12) = 3/(s^2 -49) 

Answer: 4/3 sin⁡(2t)+3/7 sinh(7t) Details 

9 Determine the value of x in the given equation that involves two determinants.  

Answer: 4 Details 

10 Evaluate the following determinant:  

Answer: -46 Details 


Mastery Review  

Correct Wrong 

1 Given the matrix below find A+2B.  

Answer: Figure 4 Details 

2 Solve for x and y from the given relationship:  

Answer: x = -2; y = 6 Details 

3 Given the matrix below find B/A.  

Answer: Figure 1 Details 

4 Solve for x and y from the given relationship:  

Answer: x = -2; y = 6 Details 

5 Find Matrix AB. If:  

Answer: Figure 2 Details 

6 Compute the Maclaurin series of: 


Answer: Figure Details 

7 Find the size of Matrix A:  

Answer: 4 x 3 Details 

8 Find a matrix A such that:  

Answer: Figure 4 Details 

9 Given the matrix below find join of A and B.  

Answer: Figure 2 Details 

10 Find the transpose of Matrix A.  

Answer: Figure 2 Details 


Mastery Review  

Correct Wrong 

1 Find the Taylor Series for f(x)= ln(x) about x=2 .  

Answer: Figure Details 

2 Evaluate the determinant.  

Answer: -101 Details 

3 Which of the following has no product?  

Answer: 4 x 3 matrix multiplied by 4 x 3 matrix Details 

4 Evaluate the determinant:  

Answer: -101 Details 

5 1 + x + x2/2! + x3/3! + x4/4! Is the Maclaurin series for:  

Answer: e 


6 Compute the value of x by determinant.  

Answer: -28 Details 

7 Given the following series: 

Sin x = x – (x3/3!) + (x5/5!) + ….. 

Cos x = 1 – (x2/2!) + (x4/4!) + ….. 


ex = 1 + x + (x2/2!) + (x3/3!) + …. 

What relation can you draw from these series? 

Answer: e 


= cos x + i sin x Details 

8 What is the co-factor of the second row, third column element?  

Answer: Figure 1 Details 

9 What is the co-factor with the first row, second column element?  

Answer: Figure 4 Details 

10 If matrix A is multiplied by matrix B is equal to zero, then matrix B is __.  

Answer: 0 Details 


Mastery Review  

Correct Wrong 

1 Determine the inverse laplace transform of L(s)= 200 / (s2 – 50s + 10625).  


Answer: L 


= 2e 


sin 100t Details 

2 Given the matrix below find AXB.  

Answer: Figure 4 Details 

3 The inverse laplace transform of ( 2s – 18 ) / ( s2+ 9 ).  

Answer: 2 cos 3x – 6 sin 3x Details 

4 Compute the Maclaurin series of:  

Answer: Figure 2 Details 

5 Find the Taylor Series for f (x) = x3 - 10x2 +6 about x=3.  


-57 - 33(x - 3) - (x - 6 )2 + (x -3)3 


6 Evaluate the given matrix equation below.  

Answer: Figure 4 Details 

7 Find the elements of the product of the two matrices, matrix BC.  


Answer: Figure 1 Details 

8 Transpose the matrix.  

Answer: Figure 2 Details 

9 In mathematics, and more specifically in numerical analysis, the ________ is a technique 

for approximating the definite integral 

Answer: Trapezoidal Method Details 

10 It is a method for finding successively better approximations to the roots (or zeroes) of a 
real-valued function. The process is repeated as xn+1= xn- (f(xn))/(f^' (xn)) 

Answer: Newton-Raphson Method Details 


Mastery Review  

Correct Wrong 

1 Solve the equations by Cramer’s Rule: 2x – y + 3z = -3, 3x + 3y – z = 10, -x – y + z = -4.  

Answer: (1, 2, -1) Details 

2 A symmetric matrix is a one in which: 

Answer: A = A 


3 Use Newton’s Method to find the only real root of the equation x3−x−1 = 0 correct to 9 
decimal places.  

Answer: 1.324717957 Details 

4 A square matrix A = [aij ]nxn, if aij = 0 for i > j then that matrix is known as:  

Answer: Upper triangular matrix Details 

5 The approximate value of the integral given below using Simpson’s rule is found to be 

Answer: 1.146580 Details 

6 For matrix A if AAT = I, I is identity matrix then A is:  

Answer: Orthagonal matrix Details 

7 Determine the radius of convergence and interval of convergence for the following 
power series.  

Answer: 1/8 Details 

8 Which of the following is an “even” function of t ?  

Answer: t 


9 A “periodic function” is given by a function which:  

Answer: satisfies f (t + T) = f (t) Details 

10 All the diagonal elements of a skew-symmetric matrix is:  

Answer: 0 Details 


Mastery Review  

Correct Wrong 

1 What is the Laplace transform of t?  

Answer: 1 / s 


2 Show that the z-transform of the delayed unit-step sequence is:  

Answer: x(z)=z^(1-m)/(z-1) Details 

3 Given vectors A = i + j + k and B = 2i – 3j + 5k, find A∙B.  

Answer: 4 Details 

4 Given vectors A = i + 2j and B = 3i – 2j + k, find the angle between them.  

Answer: 96.865° Details 

5 Given f (3) = 6 , f ′(3) = 8, f ′′(3) =11, and all other higher order derivatives of f (x) are zero 
at x = 3, and assuming the function and all its derivatives exist and are continuous between x = 
3and x = 7 , the value of f (7) is:  

Answer: 126.00 Details 

6 What is the Laplace transform of teat?  

Answer: 1 / (s – a) 


7 True error is defined as:  

Answer: True Value – Approximate Value Details 

8 The bisection method of finding roots of nonlinear equations falls under the category of a 
(an) _________ method.  

Answer: bracketing Details 

9 The two-segment trapezoidal rule of integration is exact for integrating at most ________ 
order polynomials.  

Answer: first Details 

10 What is the Laplace transform of sin (wt)?  

Answer: 1 / (s 

+ w 

) Details 


Mastery Review  

Correct Wrong 

1 The value of the integral given below, by using one-segment trapezoidal rule is most 
nearly ;  

Answer: 20.099 Details 

2 Find and simplify over a common denominator the following z-transforms. 

x(z)=z[2^n+4^n ].  

Answer: (2z^2-6z)/(z-2)(z-4) Details 

3 The Newton-Raphson method of finding roots of nonlinear equations falls under the 
category of _____________ methods.  

Answer: open Details 

4 Evaluate:  

Answer: 2e 


– 3e 


+ e 



5 Solve the initial value problem: 

y^'' (t)+y(t)=0; y(0)=0,y^' (0)=1 

Answer: y(t)=sin⁡t Details 

6 Given vectors A = 4i + k and B = -2i + j + 3k, find AxB.  

Answer: i – 10j + 4k Details 

7 The secant method of finding roots of nonlinear equations falls under the category of 
_____________ methods.  

Answer: open Details 

8 Find the coefficient of x2 in the taylor series about x=0 for f(x) = e^-x2.  

Answer: -1 Details 

9 Given the equation: L^(-1) {f(s)}=xL^(-1) {f(s-a)} where L-1 is the inverse Laplace 
transform of a function f(s). Find x  

Answer: e 



10 The given taylor series is for which function? 

Answer: 1/(1+x) Details 



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